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Created July 6, 2020 17:22
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# nDisplay config file
# This file demonstrates how to configure a simple powerwall based
# on 3 PCs. Each PC manages 2 output displays aligned vertically.
# Note:
# Before use, make sure all settings correspond to your system.
# Config info
# Config file header.
# Properties:
# version - Specifies the version of the configuration file (UE4.xx)
[info] version="23"
# Cluster nodes
# Cluster node is an application instance. It's allowed to use
# multiple instances on the same PC. Sometimes its necessary. Usually
# application instances run on separate machines.
# Properties:
# id - Unique node name
# addr - Network address (IPv4 only)
# window - Window ID
# Optional properties:
# master - Specifies if current node is master; default is 'false'
# port_cs - Cluster Synchronization port (used by master node only); default is 41001.
# port_ss - Swap Synchronization port (used by master node only); default is 41002.
# port_ce - Cluster Events port (used by master node only); default is 41003.
# sound - turns on/off sound for this application instance; default is 'false'
[cluster_node] id="node_1_up" addr="" window="wnd_1_up" master="true" sound="true"
[cluster_node] id="node_1_dn" addr="" window="wnd_1_dn"
[cluster_node] id="node_2_up" addr="" window="wnd_2_up"
[cluster_node] id="node_2_dn" addr="" window="wnd_2_dn"
[cluster_node] id="node_3_up" addr="" window="wnd_3_up"
[cluster_node] id="node_3_dn" addr="" window="wnd_3_dn"
# Application windows
# The window entity defines properties of the application's game window.
# Properties:
# id - Unique window name
# viewports - Array of viewports
# Optional properties:
# fullscreen - Fullscreen or windowed mode; default is false - windowed
# winx - X location
# winy - Y location
# resx - Width
# resy - Height
[window] id="wnd_1_up" viewports="vp_1_up" fullscreen="false" WinX="0" WinY="0" ResX="1920" ResY="1080"
[window] id="wnd_1_dn" viewports="vp_1_dn" fullscreen="false" WinX="0" WinY="1080" ResX="1920" ResY="1080"
[window] id="wnd_2_up" viewports="vp_2_up" fullscreen="false" WinX="0" WinY="0" ResX="1920" ResY="1080"
[window] id="wnd_2_dn" viewports="vp_2_dn" fullscreen="false" WinX="0" WinY="1080" ResX="1920" ResY="1080"
[window] id="wnd_3_up" viewports="vp_3_up" fullscreen="false" WinX="0" WinY="0" ResX="1920" ResY="1080"
[window] id="wnd_3_dn" viewports="vp_3_dn" fullscreen="false" WinX="0" WinY="1080" ResX="1920" ResY="1080"
# Viewports
# Viewport is a rectangle area of game window where a frame is mapped.
# Usually viewports start at 0:0 and have the same size as its parent
# window (single viewport rendering). However, in some cases multiple
# viewports required.
# Properties:
# id - Unique viewport name
# x - X coordinate of viewport's top left corner on a window
# y - Y coordinate of viewport's top left corner on a window
# width - Width of viewport in pixels
# height - Height of viewport in pixels
# Optional properties:
# camera - Cammera assigned to this viewport
[viewport] id="vp_1_up" x="0" y="0" width="1920" height="1080" projection="proj_simple_1_up"
[viewport] id="vp_1_dn" x="0" y="0" width="1920" height="1080" projection="proj_simple_1_dn"
[viewport] id="vp_2_up" x="0" y="0" width="1920" height="1080" projection="proj_simple_2_up"
[viewport] id="vp_2_dn" x="0" y="0" width="1920" height="1080" projection="proj_simple_2_dn"
[viewport] id="vp_3_up" x="0" y="0" width="1920" height="1080" projection="proj_simple_3_up"
[viewport] id="vp_3_dn" x="0" y="0" width="1920" height="1080" projection="proj_simple_3_dn"
# Projection policies
# Projection policy is an abstraction which knows where to take an
# projection input data and how to compute the output. This means
# that each policy might have it's own properties that it knows how
# to interpret and utilize. There are several projection policies
# available natively: simple, MPCDI and EasyBlend:
# * Simple - This one is the native projection policy that can be fully
# configured from the config file. All you need is to specify
# a projection screen. Those who has been used the nDisplay
# before are familiar with this policy already.
# * MPCDI - This policy allows to use an industry standard for multi-
# projector setups. It requires a special .mpcdi file that
# contains all the data required for computations.
# * EasyBlend - This policy is an implementation of the EasyBLend SDK
# provided by Scalable Display Technologies. It requires
# a bunch of special files that describe a multi-projector
# system.
# Properties:
# id - Unique projection policy name
# type - Projection policy type (custom types can be used)
# Here is an example of simple projection policy. It requires to
# specify projection screens only. Refer to specific demo configs
# or documentation page to get more info about other projection policies.
[projection] id="proj_simple_1_up" type="simple" screen="scr_1_up"
[projection] id="proj_simple_1_dn" type="simple" screen="scr_1_dn"
[projection] id="proj_simple_2_up" type="simple" screen="scr_2_up"
[projection] id="proj_simple_2_dn" type="simple" screen="scr_2_dn"
[projection] id="proj_simple_3_up" type="simple" screen="scr_3_up"
[projection] id="proj_simple_3_dn" type="simple" screen="scr_3_dn"
# Projection screens
# Projection screen is a rectangle which determines the camera frustum.
# Usually the projection screen has the same dimensions as an output
# display but in some cases it may differ. Used by simple projection
# policy.
# Properties:
# id - unique projection screen name
# loc - relative location to the parent component. Location is relative
# to the VR root if no parent specified. The pivot is a screen's
# center and the values are in meters.
# rot - relative rotation to the parent component. Rotation is relative
# to the VR root if no parent specified. The pivot is a screen's
# center and the values are in degrees.
# size - width (X) and height (Y) of the screen. Values are in meters.
# Optional properties:
# parent - ID of parent component in VR hierarchy; default is VR root.
# tracker_id - ID of tracking device; no tracking by default.
# tracker_ch - ID of tracking device's channel; no tracking by default.
[screen] id="scr_1_up" loc="X=0,Y=0,Z=0" rot="P=0,Y=0,R=0" size="X=0.5,Y=0.3" parent="display_1_up"
[screen] id="scr_1_dn" loc="X=0,Y=0,Z=0" rot="P=0,Y=0,R=0" size="X=0.5,Y=0.3" parent="display_1_dn"
[screen] id="scr_2_up" loc="X=0,Y=0,Z=0" rot="P=0,Y=0,R=0" size="X=0.5,Y=0.3" parent="display_2_up"
[screen] id="scr_2_dn" loc="X=0,Y=0,Z=0" rot="P=0,Y=0,R=0" size="X=0.5,Y=0.3" parent="display_2_dn"
[screen] id="scr_3_up" loc="X=0,Y=0,Z=0" rot="P=0,Y=0,R=0" size="X=0.5,Y=0.3" parent="display_3_up"
[screen] id="scr_3_dn" loc="X=0,Y=0,Z=0" rot="P=0,Y=0,R=0" size="X=0.5,Y=0.3" parent="display_3_dn"
# Cameras
# Camera is a predefined point frome where the stereoscopic view built.
# It's possible to define multiple cameras and swith the active one
# during runtime. You're free to attach any camera to a tracking device
# for head tracking. Consider a camera as a viewer's head.
# Properties:
# id - unique camera name
# loc - relative location to the parent component. Location is relative
# to the VR root if no parent specified.
# rot - relative rotation to the parent component. Rotation is relative
# to the VR root if no parent specified.
# Optional properties:
# parent - ID of parent component in VR hierarchy; default is VR root.
# tracker_id - ID of tracking device; no tracking by default.
# tracker_ch - ID of tracking device's channel; no tracking by default.
# eye_swap - Swap eyes for this camera in stereo mode; default is 'false'
# eye_dist - interoccular distance in meters for stereo/force_offset modes.
# Default is 0.064.
# force_offset - Force monoscopic camera to behave like a left/right eye
# of a stereoscopic camera. Eye_offset is applicable in this case.
[camera] id="camera_static" loc="X=0,Y=0,Z=0" parent="socket_cam" eye_swap="false" eye_dist="0.064" force_offset="0"
# Scene nodes (hierarchy transforms)
# Scene node is an actor component which is basically a transformation
# matrix. Scene nodes can be helpful to build a component hierarchy, to
# define some special places (like a socket) within VR space.
# It might be difficult to understand what VR space origin is. Consider
# it as a point in space where VR space starts. Any componenent listed
# in this config file is relative to its parent or this origin.
# Properties:
# id - unique scene node name
# loc - relative location to the parent component. Location is relative
# to the VR root if no parent specified.
# rot - relative rotation to the parent component. Rotation is relative
# to the VR root if no parent specified.
# Optional properties:
# parent - ID of parent component in VR hierarchy; default is VR root.
# tracker_id - ID of tracking device; no tracking by default.
# tracker_ch - ID of tracking device's channel; no tracking by default.
[scene_node] id="cave_origin" loc="X=0,Y=0,Z=0" rot="P=0,Y=0,R=0"
[scene_node] id="eye_level" loc="X=0,Y=0,Z=0" rot="P=0,Y=0,R=0" parent="cave_origin"
[scene_node] id="column_2" loc="X=1,Y=0,Z=0" rot="P=0,Y=0,R=0" parent="eye_level"
[scene_node] id="display_2_up" loc="X=0,Y=0,Z=0.155" rot="P=0,Y=0,R=0" parent="column_2"
[scene_node] id="display_2_dn" loc="X=0,Y=0,Z=-0.155" rot="P=0,Y=0,R=0" parent="column_2"
[scene_node] id="angle_1" loc="X=1,Y=-0.255,Z=0" rot="P=0,Y=0,R=0" parent="eye_level"
[scene_node] id="column_1" loc="X=0,Y=-0.255,Z=0" rot="P=0,Y=0,R=0" parent="angle_1"
[scene_node] id="display_1_up" loc="X=0,Y=0,Z=0.155" rot="P=0,Y=0,R=0" parent="column_1"
[scene_node] id="display_1_dn" loc="X=0,Y=0,Z=-0.155" rot="P=0,Y=0,R=0" parent="column_1"
[scene_node] id="angle_3" loc="X=1,Y=0.255,Z=0" rot="P=0,Y=0,R=0" parent="eye_level"
[scene_node] id="column_3" loc="X=0,Y=0.255,Z=0" rot="P=0,Y=0,R=0" parent="angle_3"
[scene_node] id="display_3_up" loc="X=0,Y=0,Z=0.155" rot="P=0,Y=0,R=0" parent="column_3"
[scene_node] id="display_3_dn" loc="X=0,Y=0,Z=-0.155" rot="P=0,Y=0,R=0" parent="column_3"
[scene_node] id="socket_cam" loc="X=0,Y=0,Z=0" rot="P=0,Y=0,R=0" parent="eye_level"
[scene_node] id="wand" loc="X=0,Y=0,Z=1"
# List of input devices
# Input devices are VRPN devices. The nDisplay supports the following
# types: analog, button and tracker. Many of physical input devices
# can be connected via VRPN.
# Properties:
# id - nique device name
# type - VRPN type (analog, button or tracker).
# addr - address of a VRPN server which handles this particular device.
# The value must match the following format: DEVICENAME@SERVER_ADDRESS
# where DEVICENAME is a VRPN name of this device and SERVER_ADDRESS
# is IPv4 address of VRPN server.
# loc - relative location to the parent component. Location is relative
# to the VR root if no parent specified.
# rot - relative rotation to the parent component. Rotation is relative
# to the VR root if no parent specified.
# front (tracker only) - mapping of a tracking system axis to X axis of VR origin
# right (tracker only) - mapping of a tracking system axis to Y axis of VR origin
# up (tracker only) - mapping of a tracking system axis to Z axis of VR origin
# * The following values are allowed for axes mapping: X, -X, Y, -Y, Z, -Z
# Optional properties:
# remap - VRPN device channel remapping. Value format is: "from0:to0,from1:to1,...,fromN:toN".
# For example: remap="0:3,1:4,5:2"
[input] id="MAxis" type="analog" addr="Mouse0@"
[input] id="MButtons" type="buttons" addr="Mouse0@"
[input] id="KButtons" type="buttons" addr="Keyboard0@"
# General settings
# Properties:
# swap_sync_policy - swap synchronization policy
# - 0 - no synchronization
# - 1 - software swap synchronization
# - 2 - NV swap lock (Nvidia cards only, OpenGL only)
[general] swap_sync_policy="1"
# Network settings
# Optional properties:
# cln_conn_tries_amount - how many times a client tries to connect to a server; default is 10
# cln_conn_retry_delay - delay before next client connection try (milliseconds); default is 1000
# game_start_timeout - timeout before all data is loaded and game started (milliseconds); default is 30000
# barrier_wait_timeout - barrier timeout for both game and render threads (milliseconds); default is 5000
[network] cln_conn_tries_amount="10" cln_conn_retry_delay="1000" game_start_timeout="30000" barrier_wait_timeout="5000"
# Custom arguments
# Any custom arguments available in runtime can be specified here.
# Format: ARG_NAME="ARG_VAL"
[custom] SampleArg1="SampleVal1" SampleArg2="SampleVal2"
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