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Created November 8, 2020 09:54
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An R script showing how to create a 3D night-time scene of the 'City of London' borough with {EAlidaR } and {Rayshader}
# An R script showing how to create a 3D night-time scene of the 'City of London' borough with {EAlidaR } and {Rayshader}
# If you don't already have the {EAlidaR package} Run:
# devtools::install_github('h-a-graham/EAlidaR')
# ------- Create Zipped Shapefile to upload and download Imagery ------------------
# Load city_of_london_sf from {EAlidaR} package (this is just an sf object of the London Borough)
# Then let's save it as a .shp file and zip it so we can upload it to the DEFRA portal
data_folder <- '/data' # declare folder to save data...
sf::st_write(city_of_london_sf, file.path(here(), data_folder,'COL.shp')) # write the sf object as an ESRI shapefile
filelist <- Sys.glob(file.path(here(), data_folder, 'COL.*')) # Gather all files related to the .shp
zipped_shape <- zip::zipr(file.path(here(), data_folder,''), files = filelist) # zip the files
purrr::map(filelist, file.remove) # remove the old shapefile
# Now upload this file here:
# Click 'Get Tiles' and select the RGB or Nighttime imagery (FYI the coverage of these aerial images is generally
# limited but good in London...) and Download!
# ================== Full disclosure: for this next bit I cheated here and used QGIS ==========================
# I couldn't find an easy way to load .ecw data into R - my configuration of rgdal doesn't seem to like it.
# So I loaded all the downloaded tiles into QGIS and merged all the required tiles. If you know how to load
# .ecw data in R please let me know! So from here on we'll be dealing with a single file named 'CoL_NighTime.tif'
# ----------------------- Load the Night Time Orthomosaic -----------------------------------
CoL_Night <- raster::brick('data/CoL_orthos/Night_Merge/CoL_NighTime.tif')
# plotRGB(CoL_Night) # take a look if you like
# get bounds for RGB raster which we use to extract the LiDAR
CoL_bounds <- st_as_sf(st_as_sfc(st_bbox(CoL_Night))) %>%
st_set_crs(., 27700 )
# get 0.5m DSM data using the EAlidaR package.
CoL_dsm <- EAlidaR::get_area(poly_area = CoL_bounds , resolution=0.5, model_type = 'DSM', merge_tiles = TRUE, crop=TRUE)
# --------------- Set up Matrices for Rayshader --------------
# Function to convert RGB raster brick to a matrix readable with rayshader:
# code adapted from:
brick_to_matrix <- function(raster_brick){
names(raster_brick)[1] = "r"
names(raster_brick)[2] = "g"
names(raster_brick)[3] = "b"
r_matrix = rayshader::raster_to_matrix(raster_brick$r)
g_matrix = rayshader::raster_to_matrix(raster_brick$g)
b_matrix = rayshader::raster_to_matrix(raster_brick$b)
rgb_array = array(0,dim=c(nrow(r_matrix),ncol(r_matrix),3))
rgb_array[,,1] = r_matrix/255 #Red layer
rgb_array[,,2] = g_matrix/255 #Blue layer
rgb_array[,,3] = b_matrix/255 #Green layer
return(aperm(rgb_array, c(2,1,3)))
# generate matrix of RGB imagery
Col_rgb_array = brick_to_matrix(CoL_Night)
# generate matrix of Elevation data
CoL_el_matrix = raster_to_matrix(CoL_dsm)
# -------------- Use {rayshader} to render the 3D scene ----------------
# plot the 3D scene with rayshader...
plot_3d(Col_rgb_array, CoL_el_matrix, windowsize = c(1200,900), shadow=FALSE, solid = FALSE,
zscale = 0.6, zoom=0.4, phi=40,theta=-135,fov=70, background = "#000000")
# create a cool depth of field image (Add filename = '...png' to save to disk)
render_depth(focus = 0.7, focallength = 70, clear = FALSE)
# create the spinning scene using default orbit settings...
render_movie(filename='CoL_NightFlight.mp4', fps = 24)
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