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Created May 18, 2023 17:08
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Set folder's icon on Windows from any DLL resource.
Set folder's icon on Windows from any DLL resource."""
import ctypes
from os.path import *
from ctypes.wintypes import BYTE, WORD, DWORD, LPWSTR
from ctypes import POINTER, Structure, c_wchar, c_int, sizeof, byref
__author__ = ["Christoph Gohlke", "kubinka0505"]
__credits__ = __author__
__date__ = "18.05.2023"
def SetFolderIcon(folder: abspath, resource: abspath = r"C:\Windows\System32\ImageRes.dll", index: int = 1) -> tuple:
"""Set folder icon."""
class FolderCustomSettings(Structure):
class GUID(Structure):
_fields_ = [
("Data1", DWORD),
("Data2", WORD),
("Data3", WORD),
("Data4", BYTE * 8)
_fields_ = [
("dwSize", DWORD),
("dwMask", DWORD),
("pvid", POINTER(GUID)),
("pszWebViewTemplate", LPWSTR),
("cchWebViewTemplate", DWORD),
("pszWebViewTemplateVersion", LPWSTR),
("pszInfoTip", LPWSTR),
("cchInfoTip", DWORD),
("pclsid", POINTER(GUID)),
("dwFlags", DWORD),
("pszIconFile", LPWSTR),
("cchIconFile", DWORD),
("iIconIndex", c_int),
#("pszLogo", LPWSTR),
#("cchLogo", DWORD)
class FileInfo(Structure):
_fields_ = [
("hIcon", c_int),
("iIcon", c_int),
#("dwAttributes", DWORD),
("szDisplayName", c_wchar * 260),
#("szTypeName", c_wchar * 80),
Folder = abspath(expanduser(expandvars(folder.replace("/", sep))))
Resource = abspath(expanduser(expandvars(resource.replace("/", sep))))
Index = min(max(-8**8, abs(index)), 8**8)
if splitext(Resource)[-1].upper()[1:] != "DLL":
raise NotImplementedError(f'"{Extension}" icon format')
if not exists(Folder):
raise FileNotFoundError(Folder)
elif isfile(Folder):
raise TypeError(f'Is file ("{basename(Folder)}")')
if not exists(Resource):
Resource = r"C:\Windows\System32\Shell32.dll"
elif isdir(Resource):
raise TypeError(f'Is folder ("{basename(Resource)}")')
SFI = FileInfo()
Shell32 = ctypes.windll.shell32
FCS = FolderCustomSettings()
FCS.dwSize = sizeof(FCS)
FCS.dwMask = 16
FCS.pszIconFile = resource
FCS.cchIconFile = 0
FCS.iIconIndex = index
Shell32.SHGetSetFolderCustomSettings(byref(FCS), Folder, 2)
Index_ = Shell32.Shell_GetCachedImageIndexW(SFI.szDisplayName, SFI.iIcon, 0)
Shell32.SHUpdateImageW(SFI.szDisplayName, SFI.iIcon, 0, Index)
return Folder, Resource, Index
import random
print(SetFolderIcon("teset", "C:\Windows\System32\ImageRes.dll", index = 77))
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