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Created October 31, 2023 00:24
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Smart Pointers in Rust (demonstration)
fn main() {
println!("This is a demonstration of ownership, borrowing and smart pointers in Rust.");
// 1. Data on the stack (fixed size)
println!("Data on the stack (fixed size):");
let age: i32 = 42;
println!("Age: {}", age);
// Transfer ownership: Copy
let score: i32 = age;
println!("[transfer ownership]: copy - `age` is still valid here! => {}", age);
println!("Score: {}", score);
assert_eq!(42, age); // age is still valid here
assert_eq!(42, score); // score is still valid here
// 2. Data on the heap (dynamic size)
println!("Data on the heap (dynamic size):");
let name: String = String::from("John");
println!("Name: {}", name);
assert_eq!("John", name);
// Transfer ownership: Move
let mut other_name: String = name;
println!("[transfer ownership]: move - `name` is no longer valid here!");
other_name.push_str(" Doe");
println!("Other Name: {}", other_name);
assert_eq!("John Doe", other_name);
// Transfer ownership: Clone
let cloned_name: String = other_name.clone();
println!("[transfer ownership]: clone - `other_name` is still valid here! => {}", other_name);
println!("Cloned Name: {}", cloned_name);
assert_eq!("John Doe", cloned_name);
assert_eq!("John Doe", other_name);
// 3. References & Borrowing
println!("References & Borrowing:");
let name: String = String::from("John");
// Borrowing
let borrowed_name: &String = &name;
println!("[borrowing]: `name` is still valid here! => {}", name);
println!("Borrowed Name (reference): {}", borrowed_name);
assert_eq!("John", borrowed_name);
assert_eq!("John", name);
// Mutable borrowing
println!("Mutable borrowing:");
let mut mutable_name: String = String::from("John");
println!("Opening a new scope because we cannot have two mutable references to the same data in the same scope.");
let borrowed_name_mut: &mut String = &mut mutable_name;
borrowed_name_mut.push_str(" Doe");
println!("Borrowed Name (mutable reference): {}", borrowed_name_mut);
assert_eq!("John Doe", borrowed_name_mut);
assert_eq!("John Doe", *borrowed_name_mut); // Dereference
println!("[borrowing]: `mutable_name` is still valid here and has been mutated! => {}", mutable_name);
assert_eq!("John Doe", mutable_name);
// 4. References & Lifetimes
println!("References & Lifetimes:");
fn longest<'a>(x: &'a str, y: &'a str) -> &'a str {
if x.len() > y.len() {
} else {
let phrase1: &str = "Hello";
let phrase2: &str = "World!";
let longest_phrase: &str = longest(phrase1, phrase2);
println!("The longest phrase is: {}", longest_phrase);
// 5. Smart Pointers (Box)
println!("Smart Pointers (Box):");
let age = Box::new(42);
println!("Age: {}", age);
assert_eq!(42, *age); // Dereference
println!("Box transfers ownership (Move):");
// Transfer ownership: Move
let other_age = age;
println!("[transfer ownership]: move - `age` is no longer valid here!");
println!("Other Age: {}", other_age);
println!("Box transfers ownership (Clone):");
// Transfer ownership: Clone
let age = Box::new(42);
let cloned_age = Box::clone(&age);
println!("[transfer ownership]: clone - `age` is still valid here! => {}", age);
println!("Cloned Age: {}", cloned_age);
// 6. Smart Pointers (Rc + Weak)
println!("Smart Pointers (Rc + Weak):");
use std::rc::Rc;
let age = Rc::new(42);
println!("Age: {}", age);
println!("Strong Count: {}", Rc::strong_count(&age));
println!("Rc shares ownership (Clone):");
// Shared ownership: Rc::clone
let age = Rc::new(42);
let shared_age = Rc::clone(&age);
println!("[shared ownership]: Rc::clone - `age` is still valid here! => {}", age);
println!("Shared Age: {}", shared_age);
println!("Strong Count: {}", Rc::strong_count(&age));
// Downgrade (Weak)
println!("Rc downgrades ownership (Weak):");
let age = Rc::new(42);
println!("Strong Count before downgrade: {}", Rc::strong_count(&age));
println!("Weak Count before downgrade: {}", Rc::weak_count(&age));
let weak_age = Rc::downgrade(&age);
println!("Strong Count after downgrade: {}", Rc::strong_count(&age));
println!("Weak Count after downgrade: {}", Rc::weak_count(&age));
// Upgrade (Strong)
println!("Rc upgrades ownership (Strong):");
println!("Strong Count before upgrade: {}", Rc::strong_count(&age));
println!("Weak Count before upgrade: {}", Rc::weak_count(&age));
// Upgrade weak reference to strong reference (returns Option)
// Unwrap is safe because we know the reference is still valid
let strong_age = weak_age.upgrade().unwrap();
println!("Strong Age: {}", strong_age);
println!("Strong Count after upgrade: {}", Rc::strong_count(&age));
println!("Weak Count after upgrade: {}", Rc::weak_count(&age));
// 7. Smart Pointers (RefCell)
println!("Smart Pointers (RefCell):");
use std::cell::RefCell;
let name = String::from("John");
println!("Immutable Name: {}", name);
let name_ref_cell = RefCell::new(name);
name_ref_cell.borrow_mut().push_str(" Doe");
println!("Immutable Name w/ RefCell after mutation: {}", name_ref_cell.borrow());
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