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Created October 31, 2023 01:47
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Linked Lists in Rust
fn main() {
// 1. Singly Linked List (using Box)
println!("1. Singly Linked List (using Box)");
struct Node<T> {
value: T,
next: Option<Box<Node<T>>>,
let mut head = Box::new(Node { value: 1, next: None });
let tail = Box::new(Node { value: 2, next: None });
println!("head: {:?}", head.value);
println!("tail: {:?}", tail.value); = Some(tail);
println!(" {:?}",;
// 2. Singly Linked List (using Rc + RefCell)
println!("2. Singly Linked List (using Rc + RefCell)");
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::RefCell;
struct Node<T> {
value: T,
next: Option<Rc<RefCell<Node<T>>>>,
// Rc::new() creates a new reference-counted pointer
// Rc only works with immutable values, that's why we need RefCell
// RefCell is for interior mutability, mutating data that is immutable from the outside
let head = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Node { value: 1, next: None }));
let tail = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Node { value: 2, next: None }));
// borrow() borrows a reference to the value inside the RefCell
println!("head: {:?}", head.borrow().value);
println!("tail: {:?}", tail.borrow().value);
// borrow_mut() borrows a mutable reference to the value inside the RefCell
head.borrow_mut().next = Some(tail.clone());
// clone() creates a new reference to the same value, because the unwrap() method
// consumes the Option, taking ownership of its content
let next_node = head.borrow().next.clone();
println!(" {:?}", next_node.unwrap().borrow().value);
// 3. Doubly Linked List (using Rc + RefCell)
println!("3. Doubly Linked List (using Rc + RefCell)");
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::RefCell;
struct Node<T> {
value: T,
next: Option<Rc<RefCell<Node<T>>>>,
prev: Option<Rc<RefCell<Node<T>>>>,
// Rc::new() creates a new reference-counted pointer
// Rc only works with immutable values, that's why we need RefCell
// RefCell is for interior mutability, mutating data that is immutable from the outside
let head = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Node { value: 1, next: None, prev: None }));
let tail = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Node { value: 2, next: None, prev: None }));
// borrow() borrows a reference to the value inside the RefCell
println!("head: {:?}", head.borrow().value);
println!("tail: {:?}", tail.borrow().value);
// borrow_mut() borrows a mutable reference to the value inside the RefCell
head.borrow_mut().next = Some(tail.clone());
tail.borrow_mut().prev = Some(head.clone());
// clone() creates a new reference to the same value, because the unwrap() method
// consumes the Option, taking ownership of its content
println!(" {:?}", head.borrow().next.clone().unwrap().borrow().value);
println!("tail.prev: {:?}", tail.borrow().prev.clone().unwrap().borrow().value);
// 4. Circular Doubly Linked List (using Rc/Weak + RefCell)
println!("4. Circular Doubly Linked List (using Rc/Weak + RefCell)");
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Weak;
struct Node<T> {
value: T,
next: Option<Rc<RefCell<Node<T>>>>,
prev: Option<Weak<RefCell<Node<T>>>>,
// Rc::new() creates a new reference-counted pointer
// Rc only works with immutable values, that's why we need RefCell
// RefCell is for interior mutability, mutating data that is immutable from the outside
let head = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Node { value: 1, next: None, prev: None }));
let tail = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Node { value: 2, next: None, prev: None }));
// borrow() borrows a reference to the value inside the RefCell
println!("head: {:?}", head.borrow().value);
println!("tail: {:?}", tail.borrow().value);
// borrow_mut() borrows a mutable reference to the value inside the RefCell
head.borrow_mut().next = Some(tail.clone());
tail.borrow_mut().prev = Some(Rc::downgrade(&head));
// Cycle reference
tail.borrow_mut().next = Some(head.clone());
// clone() creates a new reference to the same value, because the unwrap() method
// consumes the Option, taking ownership of its content
println!(" {:?}", head.borrow().next.clone().unwrap().borrow().value);
println!("tail.prev: {:?}", tail.borrow().prev.clone().unwrap().upgrade().unwrap().borrow().value);
println!(" {:?}", tail.borrow().next.clone().unwrap().borrow().value);
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