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Created October 28, 2015 12:50
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Semi-supervised Naive Bayes
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2010 Mathieu Blondel
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Implementation details are described at
import numpy as np
Implementation of Naive Bayes trained by EM for semi-supervised text
classification, as described in
"Semi-Supervised Text Classification Using EM", by Nigam et al.
w: word
d: document
c: class
V: vocabulary size
X: number of documents
M: number of classes
def softmax(loga, k=-np.inf, out=None):
Compute the sotfmax function (normalized exponentials) without underflow.
exp^a_i / \sum_j exp^a_j
if out is None: out = np.empty_like(loga).astype(np.double)
m = np.max(loga)
logam = loga - m
sup = logam > k
inf = np.logical_not(sup)
out[sup] = np.exp(logam[sup])
out[inf] = 0.0
out /= np.sum(out)
return out
def logsum(loga, k=-np.inf):
Compute a sum of logs without underflow.
\log \sum_c e^{b_c} = log [(\sum_c e^{b_c}) e^{-B}e^B]
= log [(\sum_c e^{b_c-B}) e^B]
= [log(\sum_c e^{b_c-B}) + B
where B = max_c b_c
B = np.max(loga)
logaB = aB = loga - B
sup = logaB > k
inf = np.logical_not(sup)
aB[sup] = np.exp(logaB[sup])
aB[inf] = 0.0
return (np.log(np.sum(aB)) + B)
def loglikelihood(td, delta, tdu, p_w_c_log, p_c_log):
V, Xl = td.shape
V_, Xu = tdu.shape
Xl_, M = delta.shape
lik = 0.0
## labeled
# log P(x|c)
p_x_c_log = np.zeros((Xl,M), np.double)
for w,d in zip(*td.nonzero()):
p_x_c_log[d,:] += p_w_c_log[w,:] * td[w,d]
# add log P(c) + lop P(x|c) if x has label c
for d,c in zip(*delta.nonzero()):
lik += p_c_log[c] + p_x_c_log[d,c]
## unlabelled
# log P(x|c)
p_x_c_log = np.zeros((Xu,M), np.double)
for w,d in zip(*tdu.nonzero()):
p_x_c_log[d,:] += p_w_c_log[w,:] * tdu[w,d]
# add log P(c)
p_x_c_log += p_c_log[np.newaxis,:]
for d in range(Xu):
lik += logsum(p_x_c_log[d,:], k=-10)
return lik
def normalize_p_c(p_c):
M = len(p_c)
denom = M + np.sum(p_c)
p_c += 1.0
p_c /= denom
def normalize_p_w_c(p_w_c):
V, X = p_w_c.shape
denoms = V + np.sum(p_w_c, axis=0)
p_w_c += 1.0
p_w_c /= denoms[np.newaxis,:]
class SemiNB(object):
def __init__(self, model=None):
model: a model, as returned by get_model() or train().
self.p_w_c = None
self.p_c = None
if model is not None: self.set_model(model)
self.debug = False
def train(self, td, delta, normalize=True, sparse=True):
td: term-document matrix V x X
delta: X x M matrix
where delta(d,c) = 1 if document d belongs to class c
X_, M = delta.shape
V, X = td.shape
assert(X_ == X)
# P(c)
self.p_c = np.sum(delta, axis=0)
# P(w|c)
self.p_w_c = np.zeros((V,M), dtype=np.double)
if sparse:
# faster when delta is sparse
# select indices of documents that have class c
for d,c in zip(*delta.nonzero()):
# select indices of terms that are non-zero
for w in np.flatnonzero(td[:,d]):
self.p_w_c[w,c] += td[w,d] * delta[d,c]
# faster when delta is non-sparse
for w,d in zip(*td.nonzero()):
self.p_w_c[w,:] += td[w,d] * delta[d,:]
if normalize:
return self.get_model()
def train_semi(self, td, delta, tdu, maxiter=50, eps=0.01):
td: V x X term document matrix
delta: X x M label matrix
tdu: V x Xu term document matrix (unlabeled)
maxiter: maximum number of iterations
eps: stop if no more progress than esp
X_, M = delta.shape
V, X = td.shape
assert(X_ == X)
# compute counts for labeled data once for all
self.train(td, delta, normalize=False)
p_c_l = np.array(self.p_c, copy=True)
p_w_c_l = np.array(self.p_w_c, copy=True)
# normalize to get initial classifier
lik = loglikelihood(td, delta, tdu, np.log(self.p_w_c), np.log(self.p_c))
for iteration in range(1, maxiter+1):
# E-step: find the probabilistic labels for unlabeled data
delta_u = self.predict_proba_all(tdu)
# M-step: train classifier with the union of
# labeled and unlabeled data
self.train(tdu, delta_u, normalize=False, sparse=False)
self.p_c += p_c_l
self.p_w_c += p_w_c_l
lik_new = loglikelihood(td, delta, tdu,
np.log(self.p_w_c), np.log(self.p_c))
lik_diff = lik_new - lik
assert(lik_diff >= -1e-10)
lik = lik_new
if lik_diff < eps:
print "No more progress, stopping EM at iteration", iteration
if self.debug:
print "Iteration", iteration
print "L += %f" % lik_diff
return self.get_model()
def p_x_c_log_all(self, td):
M = len(self.p_c)
V, X = td.shape
p_x_c_log = np.zeros((X,M), np.double)
p_w_c_log = np.log(self.p_w_c)
# log P(x|c)
for w,d in zip(*td.nonzero()):
p_x_c_log[d,:] += p_w_c_log[w,:] * td[w,d]
return p_x_c_log
def predict_proba(self, x):
x: a V array representing a document
Compute a M array containing P(c|x).
return self.predict_proba_all(x[:,np.newaxis])[0,:]
def predict_proba_all(self, td):
td: V x X term document matrix
Compute an X x M matrix of P(c|x) for all x in td.
V, X = td.shape
# log P(x|c)
p_x_c_log = self.p_x_c_log_all(td)
# add log P(c)
p_x_c_log += np.log(self.p_c)[np.newaxis,:]
# sotfmax(log P(x|c) + log P(c)) = P(c|x)
for d in range(X):
softmax(p_x_c_log[d,:], k=-10, out=p_x_c_log[d,:])
return p_x_c_log
def predict(self, x):
x: a V array representing a document
Compute the predicted class index.
return self.predict_all(x[:,np.newaxis])[0]
def predict_all(self, td):
td: V x X term document matrix
Compute a X array containing predicted class indices.
Note: the main difference with predict_proba_all is that the
normalization is not necessary, as we are only interested in the most
likely class.
# log P(x|c)
p_x_c_log = self.p_x_c_log_all(td)
# add log P(c)
p_x_c_log += np.log(self.p_c)[np.newaxis,:]
return p_x_c_log.argmax(axis=1)
def get_model(self):
return (self.p_w_c, self.p_c)
def set_model(self, model):
self.p_w_c, self.p_c = model
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jinyyy666 commented Apr 4, 2017

Nice code!
In Line:113, should it be "V,M = p_w_c.shape" instead of "V, X = p_w_c.shape" for the sake of clarity although the "X" is not used here? : )

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The implementation details page specified is not available.Please help with it.

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