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Last active May 22, 2024 17:55
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Muskingum hydrologic routing in Microsoft Excel (UDF)
Function Muskingum(timeSeries As Range, _
K As Double, X As Double, _
Optional Reaches As Integer = 1) As Variant
'Muskingum routing in Excel
'Returns a column array the same length as timeSeries (use array formula or spill)
'K (travel time) is in same units as the time step of the input timeSeries
'X must be between 0 and 0.5
'Reaches will be automatically adjusted to avoid negative coefficients if K is < 1 / (2*(1-X)) or K > 1/2X
Dim Coeffs(1 To 5) As Double
If X > 0.5 Or X < 0 Then
MsgBox "Muskingum K must be between 0 and 0.5"
Exit Function
End If
Kmin = 1 / (2 * (1 - X))
Kmax = 1 / (2 * X)
Ksub = K / Reaches
If Ksub < Kmin Then
If Reaches > 1 Then
Do While Reaches > 1 And Ksub < Kmin
Reaches = Reaches - 1
Ksub = K / Reaches
MsgBox "Muskingum routing requires K > 1/(2(1-x)) = " & Kmin
Exit Function
End If
End If
Do While Ksub > Kmax
Reaches = Reaches + 1
Ksub = K / Reaches
Denom = 2 * Ksub * (1 - X) + 1
CC = (Denom - 2) / Denom
Coeffs(1) = (1 - Ksub * X) / Denom
Coeffs(2) = Coeffs(1) * CC + (1 + Ksub * X) / Denom
Coeffs(3) = Coeffs(2) * CC
Coeffs(4) = Coeffs(3) * CC
Coeffs(5) = 1 - WorksheetFunction.Sum(Coeffs) 'Ensure Coeffs Sum to 1
TS = timeSeries.Value
TSOut = TS
Do While Reaches > 0
For i = 1 To UBound(TS)
v = 0#
For c = 1 To 5
TSindex = WorksheetFunction.Max(1, i - c + 1)
v = v + TS(TSindex, 1) * Coeffs(c)
Next c
TSOut(i, 1) = v
Next i
Reaches = Reaches - 1
TS = TSOut
Muskingum = TSOut
End Function
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