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Last active November 28, 2023 06:03
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VScode Sync
"key": "f5",
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"java": "cd $dir && javac $fileName && CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$workspaceRoot; java $fileNameWithoutExt",
"c": "cd $dir && gcc $fileName -o $fileNameWithoutExt && $dir$fileNameWithoutExt",
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// Place your global snippets here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a scope, prefix, body and
// description. Add comma separated ids of the languages where the snippet is applicable in the scope field. If scope
// is left empty or omitted, the snippet gets applied to all languages. The prefix is what is
// used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:
// $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders.
// Placeholders with the same ids are connected.
// Example:
// "Print to console": {
// "scope": "javascript,typescript",
// "prefix": "log",
// "body": [
// "console.log('$1');",
// "$2"
// ],
// "description": "Log output to console"
// }
//{snippetName}: It is displayed via IntelliSense if no description is provided.
//{prefix}: defines one or more trigger words that display the snippet in IntelliSense.
// Substring matching is performed on prefixes, so in this case,
// "fc" could match "for-const".
// if is left empty or omitted, the snippet gets applied to all languages
//{scope}: languages
//{body}: is one or more lines of content, which will be joined as multiple lines upon insertion.
// Newlines and embedded tabs will be formatted according to the context
// in which the snippet is inserted.
//{description}: is an optional description of the snippet displayed by IntelliSense.
// link for code snippet variables
"html-snippets": {
"scope": "html",
"prefix": ["xx-html",],
"body": ["<!DOCTYPE html>","<html>","","<head>",
"\t<meta charset=\"utf-8\">","\t<link></link>",
"description": "html-snippets",
"BOM": {
"scope": "shellscript, python",
"prefix": ["xx-BOM",],
"body": ["# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-","",],
"description": "Byte Order Mark (useless)",
"scope": "python",
"prefix": ["xx-features-version",],
"body": [
"","FEATURES = ["," 'version 0.1.0 : Start',","]","",
"VERSION = FEATURES[-1].split()[1]","__version__ = VERSION","",
"argparse": {
"scope": "python",
"prefix": ["xx-argparse",],
"body": [
"","import sys","import argparse","",
"def parsecmd():"," parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(",
" formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,",
" usage=f\"\"\"","PROGRAM {VERSION}. General Usage:","",
" 1. explanation"," >>> script","\"\"\","," allow_abbrev=False,",
" ),"," parser.add_argument("," '-v','--version',",
" action='version',"," version=VERSION"," )",
" parser.add_argument("," '-f','--file',"," dest='file',",
" help='input file'"," )",
" g = parser.add_argument_group('options for development or miscellaneous')",
" g.add_argument("," '--show_supported_ftypes',",
" action='store_true',"," help='show supported file output types',",
" )"," parser.add_argument("," '--features',",
" action='store_true',"," help='show development features'",
" )",""," if len(sys.argv) == 1:"," parser.print_help()",
" return"," w = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])"," if w.features:",
" for i in FEATURES: print(i)"," return","","",
"description": "Full",
"fortran77-demo": {
"scope": "fortran_fixed-form, fortran",
"prefix": ["xx-fortran77",],
"body": [" program HelloWorld"," implicit none","c",
"c implicit rule: first char of the name is I,J,K,L,M,N",
"c then the data type is integer, otherwise it is real",
"c","c all type-declarations have in at the very beginning",
"c besides, the return function type also should be defined",
" integer i, n, sum, calc_sum"," real r",
"c format"," r = 1.0"," write(*,*) ''",
" write(*,999) 'Use format =', r","c call subroutine",
" write(*,*) ''"," call hello","c read input",
" write(*,*) ''"," write (*,*) 'Input integer?'",
" read (*,*) n","c call function"," write(*,*) ''",
" sum = calc_sum(n)"," write (*,*) '<Use Func> sum = ', sum",
"c do-loop"," write(*,*) ''"," sum = 0"," do i = 1, n",
" sum = sum + i"," enddo",
" write (*,*) '<Use Do-1> sum = ', sum",
"c another do-loop"," write(*,*) ''"," sum = 0",
" do 10 i = 1, n, 1"," sum = sum + i"," 10 continue",
" write (*,*) '<Use Do-2> sum = ', sum",
"c", "c format","c A - text string",
"c D - double precision numbers, exponent notation",
"c E - real numbers, exponent notation",
"c F - real numbers, fixed point format",
"c I - integer", "c X - horizontal skip (space)",
"c / - vertical skip (newline)",
"999 format (A,F6.3)"," end","","",
"c calculate i + (i+1) +(i+2) + ... n",
"c return value is the function name",
" integer function calc_sum(n)",
" implicit none"," integer i, n"," i = 1",
" calc_sum = 0","c one line logical"," if (n.eq.0) return",
"c goto"," 1 if ( then"," calc_sum = calc_sum + i",
" i = i + 1"," goto 1"," end if"," return",
" end","",""," subroutine hello"," implicit none",
" character*32 text"," text = 'subroutine: Hello World'",
" write (*,*) text"," end",
"java": {
"scope": "java,",
"prefix": ["xx-java",],
"body": ["class FreshJuiceEnum {", " enum FreshJuiceSize { SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE }",
" FreshJuiceSize size;", "}", "",
"public class $TM_FILENAME_BASE {", " int varAge;",
"", " public $TM_FILENAME_BASE (String name) {",
" /* This constructor has one parameter, name */",
" System.out.println(\"Name chosen is : \" + name );", " }", "",
" public void setAge(int age) {", " varAge = age;", " }", "",
" public int getAge() {",
" System.out.println(\"age is : \" + varAge );",
" return varAge;", " }", "",
" public static void main(String []args) {",
" FreshJuiceEnum juice = new FreshJuiceEnum();",
" juice.size = FreshJuiceEnum.FreshJuiceSize.MEDIUM;",
" System.out.println(\"Size: \" + juice.size);", "",
" /* Object creation */",
" $TM_FILENAME_BASE myObj = new $TM_FILENAME_BASE(\"Tom\");", "",
" /* Call class method */", " myObj.setAge(2);", "",
" if (myObj.varAge == 10) {",
" System.out.println(\"if-statement : good\");",
" /* if it has else, no need new line */", " } else {",
" System.out.println(\"if-statement : bad\");", " }", "",
" /* Call another class method */", " myObj.getAge();", "",
" /* You can access instance variable as follows as well */",
" System.out.println(\"Variable Value : \" + myObj.varAge );", " }",
"}", "/*",
"Note: samePackage diffPackage diffPackage",
"# thisClass (childClass & otherClass) (childClass) (otherClass)",
"public visible visible visible visible",
"protected visible visible visible invisible",
"default visible visible invisible invisible",
"private visible invisible invisible invisible",
"*/", "", "", "",
"document": {
"scope": "markdown,",
"prefix": ["xx-document",],
"body": ["A very good document [`${1:alt}`](${2:link})","","```note",
"in case of any errors, here is a backup file: [`${3:alt}`](${4:link})",
"","All rights belong to the author that link shows.","",
"Also, in here I express my great gratitude to OP for such a helpful and useful document!",
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