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Last active November 8, 2015 06:00
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Animaxe Example 1 in Elm
import Color exposing (..)
import Graphics.Collage exposing (..)
import Graphics.Element exposing (..)
import List exposing (..)
import Signal exposing (..)
import Time exposing (..)
import Array
-- a square of the given width and color:
square : Float -> Color -> Form
square w c = rect w w |> filled c
fromJust : Maybe a -> a
fromJust (Just x) = x
-- cycle through a list of values in response to input signal:
-- We just maintain the internal state as index into a static array,
-- and increment modulo list length on each tick
-- Note: We completely ignore point values of input signal; we just advance
-- on each tick of the input signal
cycle : List a -> Signal b -> Signal a
cycle xs aS =
xsA = Array.fromList xs
st0 = 0
updState _ idx = (idx + 1) % length xs
idxSig = foldp updState st0 aS
in (\idx -> fromJust (Array.get idx xsA)) idxSig
spark : Signal a -> Signal Form
spark = cycle [square 5 red, square 3 green]
sparkAnim : Signal Form
sparkAnim = spark (every (200 * millisecond))
sparkMove : Signal Time -> Signal Form
sparkMove tS =
moveIt : Time -> Form -> Form
moveIt t form = move (bigSin t,bigCos t) form
Signal.map2 moveIt tS sparkAnim
-- period: increasing this will slow the animation
period : Float
period = 250
bigSin : Float -> Float
bigSin t = (\x -> x * 40 + 50) (sin (t/period))
bigCos : Float -> Float
bigCos t = (\x -> x * 40 + 50) (cos (t/period))
animateForm : Signal Form -> Signal Element
animateForm formS = (\f -> collage 300 300 [square 300 black, f ]) formS
sparkMoveAnim : Signal Form
sparkMoveAnim = sparkMove ( inMilliseconds (every 30))
timeAnim : Signal Element
timeAnim = show (every 30)
main : Signal Element
main = animateForm sparkMoveAnim
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