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Created November 11, 2020 21:31
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The performance of an Event Study (Python | AAR, CAR, t-test, betas, abnormal, stats)
import pandas_datareader as pdr
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn import linear_model
import scipy.stats as st
# Collect Data
data = pdr.DataReader(["TSLA","^GSPC"], 'yahoo','29-06-2010','01-01-2018')
data = data.drop(['High','Low','Open','Volume','Adj Close'], axis=1)
returns = data.pct_change(1) * 100
# Only Close
close = pdr.DataReader(["TSLA","^GSPC"], 'yahoo','29-06-2010','01-01-2018')
close = close.drop(['High','Low','Open','Volume','Adj Close'], axis=1)
# Shape Data
df = pd.read_excel('Data.xlsx', names=['Date','Tesla','SP500']).set_index('Date')[3:]
y_df = df['SP500'].values.reshape(-1, 1)
# Make a list out of column names
stock_list = df.columns.tolist()
# Create an empty list to store betas
betas = []
# Loop over the list of stock tickers
# Do a simple CAPM regression for that stock
# Store the beta in the empty betas list
for x in stock_list:
x_df = df[x].values.reshape(-1, 1)
reg = linear_model.LinearRegression()
betas.append(, y_df).coef_)
# Convert the list to a Numpy Array
beta_np = np.array(betas)
# Expected Returns via Beta
# Need Numpy Array to do Calculations!
sp500array = df['SP500'].values
expected_returns = np.outer(sp500array, beta_np)
expected_returns = pd.DataFrame(expected_returns, index=df.index)
expected_returns.columns = stock_list
# Abnormal Returns
abnormal_returns = (df - expected_returns).drop('SP500', axis=1)
###### If only ONE company is picked with events, run this part..
# Retrieve list with Event Dates
events = pd.read_excel('Events.xlsx')
# Copy Rows (based on events)
for x in events.index:
abnormal_returns[x + 1] = abnormal_returns['Tesla']
# Drop the row used to duplicate the data
abnormal_returns = abnormal_returns.drop('Tesla', axis=1)
###### ..until here
# Retrieve list with Event Dates
events = pd.read_excel('Events.xlsx')
# Set format correctly
eventlist = events['Events']
# Create a Dictionary involving the Events
dictionary = dict(zip(events.index + 1, eventlist))
# Calculate Abnormal Returns around an Event Window
abnormal_returns2 = abnormal_returns.reset_index()
# Set Date as Datetime so both dates are exactly comparable
abnormal_returns2['Date'] = abnormal_returns2['Date']
# Empty Dictionary (check that it isn't brackets!)
new_set = {}
# Create for loop for Abnormal Returns around Event Windows [-5,+5]
for number, eventdate in dictionary.items():
# find specific event row, look where Date is equal to event_date
row = abnormal_returns2.loc[abnormal_returns2['Date'] == eventdate]
# get index of row
index = row.index[0]
# select 5 plus and 5 minus around that row
my_set = abnormal_returns2.loc[(index - 5):(index + 5), number].reset_index(drop=True)
# add to new set
new_set[number] = my_set
ev = pd.DataFrame(new_set)
ev.index = ev.index - 5
# Calculate the Mean and Standard Deviation of the AAR
mean_AAR = ev.mean(axis = 1)
std_AAR = ev.std(axis = 1)
# Put everything in Dataframes
stats = pd.DataFrame(mean_AAR, columns=['Mean AAR'])
stats['STD AAR'] = std_AAR
stats['T-Test'] = mean_AAR / std_AAR
stats['P-Value'] = st.norm.cdf(stats['T-Test'])
# Display is a great method to show multiple outputs at once
# Calculate the Mean and Standard Deviation of the CAR [-5, 0]
Mean_CAR = np.mean(ev[0:6].sum(axis = 1))
Std_CAR = np.std(ev[0:6].sum(axis = 1))
car50test = Mean_CAR / Std_CAR
print("T-Stat of CAR [-5, 0] is",round(car50test,3))
# Calculate the Mean and Standard Deviation of the CAR [-1, +1]
Mean_CAR11 = np.mean(ev[4:7].sum(axis = 1))
Std_CAR11 = np.std(ev[4:7].sum(axis = 1))
car11test = Mean_CAR11 / Std_CAR11
print("T-Stat of CAR [-1, +1] is",round(car11test,3))
# Calculate the Mean and Standard Deviation of the CAR [0, +5]
Mean_CAR = np.mean(ev[5:11].sum(axis = 1))
Std_CAR = np.std(ev[5:11].sum(axis = 1))
car05test = Mean_CAR / Std_CAR
print("T-Stat of CAR [0, +5] is",round(car05test,3))
# Tests
close = pd.read_excel('Close.xlsx', names=["Date", "Tesla", "SP500"])[2:].set_index('Date')
print('Normality Test:', st.normaltest(close['Tesla']))
print('Jarque Bera Test:', st.jarque_bera(close['Tesla']))
print('Skewness is:', st.skew(close['Tesla']))
print('Kurtosis is:', st.kurtosis(close['Tesla']))
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