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Created June 23, 2020 22:23
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pragma solidity >=0.5.0 <0.7.0;
import "./Account.sol";
import "./ERC725.sol";
import "../cryptography/ECDSA.sol";
import "../common/Controlled.sol";
* @author Ricardo Guilherme Schmidt (Status Research & Development GmbH)
* @notice Defines an account which can be setup by a owner address (multisig contract), recovered by a recover address (a sort of secret multisig contract), and execute actions from a list of addresses (authorized contracts, extensions, etc)
contract Identity is ERC725, Account, Controlled {
string internal constant ERR_BAD_PARAMETER = "Bad parameter";
string internal constant ERR_UNAUTHORIZED = "Unauthorized";
mapping(bytes32 => bytes) store;
constructor(address _controller) public Controlled(_controller) {
* @notice Add public data to account. Can only be called by management. ERC725 interface.
* @param _key identifier
* @param _value data
function setData(bytes32 _key, bytes calldata _value)
store[_key] = _value;
emit DataChanged(_key, _value);
* @notice ERC725 universal execute interface
* @param _execData data to be executed in this contract
* @return success status and return data
function execute(
bytes calldata _execData
returns (bool success, bytes memory returndata)
(success, returndata) = address(this).delegatecall(_execData);
* @notice calls another contract
* @param _to destination of call
* @param _value call ether value (in wei)
* @param _data call data
* @return internal transaction status and returned data
function call(
address _to,
uint256 _value,
bytes calldata _data
returns(bool success, bytes memory returndata)
(success, returndata) = _call(_to, _value, _data);
* @notice Approves `_to` spending ERC20 `_baseToken` a total of `_value` and calls `_to` with `_data`. Useful for a better UX on ERC20 token use, and avoid race conditions.
* @param _baseToken ERC20 token being approved to spend
* @param _to Destination of contract accepting this ERC20 token payments through approve
* @param _value amount of ERC20 being approved
* @param _data abi encoded calldata to be executed in `_to` after approval.
* @return internal transaction status and returned data
function approveAndCall(
address _baseToken,
address _to,
uint256 _value,
bytes calldata _data
returns(bool success, bytes memory returndata)
(success, returndata) = _approveAndCall(_baseToken, _to, _value, _data);
* @notice creates new contract based on input `_code` and transfer `_value` ETH to this instance
* @param _value amount ether in wei to sent to deployed address at its initialization
* @param _code contract code
* @return created contract address
function create(
uint256 _value,
bytes calldata _code
returns(address createdContract)
(createdContract) = _create(_value, _code);
require(isContract(createdContract), ERR_CREATE_FAILED);
* @notice creates deterministic address contract using on input `_code` and transfer `_value` ETH to this instance
* @param _value amount ether in wei to sent to deployed address at its initialization
* @param _code contract code
* @param _salt changes the resulting address
* @return created contract address
function create2(
uint256 _value,
bytes calldata _code,
bytes32 _salt
returns(address createdContract)
(createdContract) = _create2(_value, _code, _salt);
* @notice Reads data set in this account. ERC725 interface.
* @param _key identifier
* @return data
function getData(bytes32 _key)
returns (bytes memory _value)
return store[_key];
* @notice checks if owner signed `_data`. ERC1271 interface.
* @param _data Data signed
* @param _signature owner's signature(s) of data
function isValidSignature(
bytes memory _data,
bytes memory _signature
returns (bytes4 magicValue)
return Signer(controller).isValidSignature(_data, _signature);
} else {
return controller == ECDSA.recover(ECDSA.toERC191SignedMessage(address(this), _data), _signature) ? MAGICVALUE : bytes4(0xffffffff);
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