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Last active August 5, 2019 20:13
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import React from 'react';
import { Auth } from 'aws-amplify';
// Create a context that will hold the values that we are going to expose to our components.
// Don't worry about the `null` value. It's gonna be *instantly* overriden by the component below
export const UserContext = React.createContext(null);
// Create a "controller" component that will calculate all the data that we need to give to our
// components bellow via the `UserContext.Provider` component. This is where the Amplify will be
// mapped to a different interface, the one that we are going to expose to the rest of the app.
export const UserProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [user, setUser] = React.useState(null);
React.useEffect(() => {
// Configure the keys needed for the Auth module. Essentially this is
// like calling `Amplify.configure` but only for `Auth`.
// ...
// attempt to fetch the info of the user that was already logged in
.then(user => setUser(user))
.catch(() => setUser(null));
}, []);
// We make sure to handle the user update here, but return the resolve value in order for our components to be
// able to chain additional `.then()` logic. Additionally, we `.catch` the error and "enhance it" by providing
// a message that our React components can use.
const login = (usernameOrEmail, password) =>
Auth.signIn(usernameOrEmail, password)
.then(cognitoUser => {
return cognitoUser;
.catch((err) => {
if (err.code === 'UserNotFoundException') {
err.message = 'Invalid username or password';
// ... (other checks)
throw err;
// same thing here
const logout = () =>
Auth.signOut().then(data => {
return data;
// Make sure to not force a re-render on the components that are reading these values,
// unless the `user` value has changed. This is an optimisation that is mostly needed in cases
// where the parent of the current component re-renders and thus the current component is forced
// to re-render as well. If it does, we want to make sure to give the `UserContext.Provider` the
// same value as long as the user data is the same. If you have multiple other "controller"
// components or Providers above this component, then this will be a performance booster.
const values = React.useMemo(() => ({ user, login, logout }), [user]);
// Finally, return the interface that we want to expose to our other components
return <UserContext.Provider value={values}>{children}</UserContext.Provider>;
// We also create a simple custom hook to read these values from. We want our React components
// to know as little as possible on how everything is handled, so we are not only abtracting them from
// the fact that we are using React's context, but we also skip some imports.
export const useUser = () => {
const context = React.useContext(UserContext);
if(context === undefined) {
throw new Error('`useUser` hook must be used within a `UserProvider` component');
return context;
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