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Created April 27, 2020 13:45
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  • Save A-312/71f50ac4c981dee2baa1a6d44399290e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Remove duplicate ideas
const fs = require('fs')
const themes = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/list.json')).ideas
const keys = Object.keys(themes)
console.log('count', keys.length, '(before)')
const uniqs = {}
const categories = {}
function wScore(line, category) {
return write(line, score(category).stream)
function score(cat) {
if (!categories[cat]) {
const category = {}
category.count = 1
const filepath = `${__dirname}/cat/${cat}.txt`
fs.writeFileSync(filepath, '', {flags:'a+'}) = fs.createWriteStream(filepath, {flags:'a'});
categories[cat] = category
return category
} else {
const category = categories[cat]
return category
function write(line, stream) {
stream = stream || __double
stream.write(line + '\n')
return true
keys.forEach(function (key) {
const idea = themes[key]
let slug = idea
Filter double:
- `Theme`, `theme`, `theme.`, `theme!`
- `word1 and word2`, `word2 and word1`, `word1 & word2`
- `You are not/You're not/You aren't`
- `<word>/the <word>`
- `<word>/<word>s`
- ``Don`t`` / `Don't`
- `one` / `1`
- `<word>ry/<word>ries`
;(() => {
// Theme / theme
slug = slug.toLowerCase()
// & / and
slug = slug.replace(/&/g, ' and ')
// French word: Cliché / Déjà / Café
;(() => {
const dico = [
// You are not/You're not/You aren't + its / it's / it is + dont/cant/doesnt
[/(é|è)/g, 'e'],
[/(à)/g, 'a']
dico.forEach((rule) => {
slug = slug.replace(rule[0], rule[1])
// Don`t / Don't + theme / theme. / theme!
slug = slug.replace(/[^a-z0-9 ]/g , '').replace(/ +/g, '-').replace(/-$/g, '')
;(() => {
const dico = [
// You are not/You're not/You aren't + its / it's / it is + dont/cant/doesnt
[/(^|-)(we|you|they)(?:re-not|-arent)(-|$)/g, '$1$2-are-not$3'],
[/(^|-)(can|do|does)(?:|no|n)t(-|$)/g, '$1$2-not$3'],
[/(^|-)(i|you|she|he|it|we|they|would)(?:ve)(-|$)/g, '$1-have$3'],
[/(^|-)(he|it)s(-|$)/g, '$1$2-is$3'],
// <word>ry/<word>ries
[/([a-z0-9])ies(-|$)/g, '$1y$2'],
// <word>/the <word>
[/(^|-)the(-|$)/g, '$1']
dico.forEach((rule) => {
slug = slug.replace(rule[0], rule[1])
// one / 1
;(() => {
const dico = [
'zero', //
dico.forEach((wnum, num) => {
slug = slug.replace(new RegExp(`(^|-)${wnum}(-|$)`, 'g'), `$1${num}$2`)
// <word>/<word>s
slug = slug.replace(/([a-z])s(-|$)/g, '$1$2')
// {w1}-and-{w2}: sort worlds
slug = slug.replace(/^(.+)(-(?:and|or)-)(.+)$/, function (_, w1, sep, w2) {
const word = [w1, w2].sort()
return word[0] + sep + word[1]
// {w1}-{w2}: sort worlds
slug = slug.replace(/^([a-z0-9]+)(-)([a-z0-9]+)$/, function (_, w1, sep, w2) {
const word = [w1, w2].sort()
return word[0] + sep + word[1]
// ---<word>---
slug = slug.replace(/^-*(.+?)-*$/g, '$1')
// number only
if (slug.match(/^\d+$/g))
slug = false
const C = (() => {
let C = false
// Themes categories
if (typeof slug !== 'string' || slug == '') // false => next
return !wScore(idea, '_invalid')
if (slug.match(/((^|-)light|dark)/)) {
C = wScore(idea, 'light_or_dark')
if (slug.match(/slow|fast/)) {
C = wScore(idea, 'slow_or_fast')
if (slug.match(/big|small/)) {
C = wScore(idea, 'big_or_small')
if (slug.match(/bad|good/)) {
C = wScore(idea, 'bad_or_good')
if (slug.match(/(^|-)(day|night|midnight)(-|$)/)) {
C = wScore(idea, 'day_or_night')
if (slug.match(/(^|-)(no|not)(-|$)/)) {
C = wScore(idea, 'not')
if (slug.match(/^(.+)(-and-)(.+)$/)) {
C = wScore(idea, 'a1_and_a2')
if (slug.match(/^(.+)(-or-)(.+)$/)) {
C = wScore(idea, 'a1_or_a2')
if (slug.match(/(^|-)end/)) {
C = wScore(idea, 'end')
if (slug.match(/win|winning/)) {
C = wScore(idea, 'win')
if (slug.match(/lose|losing|loose/)) {
C = wScore(idea, 'lose')
if (slug.match(/live|living/)) {
C = wScore(idea, 'live')
if (slug.match(/move|moving|movement/)) {
C = wScore(idea, 'move')
if (slug.match(/color|colour/)) {
C = wScore(idea, 'color')
if (slug.match(/(^|-)hero(-|$)/)) {
C = wScore(idea, 'hero')
if (slug.match(/(^|-)friend(-|$)/)) {
C = wScore(idea, 'friend')
if (slug.match(/(^|-)die(-|$)/)) { // + death below
C = wScore(idea, 'death')
if (slug.match(/(^|-)(dog|cat|animal|duck)(-|$)/)) {
C = wScore(idea, 'animal')
if (slug.match(/(^|-)word(-|$)/)) {
C = wScore(idea, 'word')
if (slug.match(/(in|out)side/)) {
C = wScore(idea, 'inside_or_outside')
const dico = [
'ludum', 'death', 'control', 'time', 'world',
'toilet', 'enemy', 'power', 'love', 'player',
'future', 'alone', 'you-are', 'only', 'game',
'fall', 'against', 'life', 'leave', 'random',
'button', 'infinite', 'everything', 'nothing',
'fire', 'make', 'from'
dico.forEach((cat) => {
if (slug.match(cat)) {
C = wScore(idea, cat.replace(/-/g, '_'))
if (!C) {
wScore(idea, '_uncat')
wScore(slug, '_uncat.slug')
return true
if (!C)
if (!uniqs[slug]) {
wScore(idea, '_uniqs')
wScore(slug, '_uniqs.slug')
uniqs[slug] = 0
} else {
wScore(idea, '_double')
Object.prototype.pattern = function(predicate) {
let result = {}, key
for (key in this) {
if (this.hasOwnProperty(key) && predicate(key)) {
result[key] = this[key]
return result
console.log('count', Object.keys(uniqs).length, '(after)')
Object.keys(categories).sort().forEach((slugCategory) => {
const category = categories[slugCategory]
console.log(' -', slugCategory, category.count)
* Count words
const count_words = {}
Object.keys(uniqs).forEach((uniq) => {
uniq.split('-').forEach((word) => {
if (!count_words[word])
count_words[word] = 0
const scoring = (word) => word + ' (' + count_words[word] + ')'
const keysSorted = Object.keys(count_words).sort((w1, w2) => count_words[w2] - count_words[w1])
const wordsScore =
fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/cat/__words_score.txt', wordsScore.join('\n'))
const realWordsScore = keysSorted.filter((word) =>
['i', 'a', 'and', 'for', 'you', 'not', 'it',
'your', 'are', 'is', 'in', 'to', 'no', 'of',
'1', '2', 'on', 'be', 'or', 'but', 'thi', 'that'].indexOf(word) === -1).map(scoring)
fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/cat/__realwords_score.txt', realWordsScore.join('\n'))
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