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Created January 29, 2022 11:12
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An AsyncSequence that allows to be consumed several times. Returning the current state as specified in a reduce function
struct ReducedReplayAsyncStream<Element> {
typealias Reduce = (_ partialResult: inout Element, _ nextResult: Element) -> Void
private let storage: _Storage
private var originalStream: AsyncStream<Element>
bufferingPolicy limit: AsyncStream<Element>.Continuation.BufferingPolicy = .unbounded,
initialResult: Element,
reduce: @escaping Reduce,
build: (AsyncStream<Element>.Continuation) -> Void
) {
originalStream = AsyncStream(Element.self, bufferingPolicy: limit, build)
storage = _Storage(stored: initialResult, reduce: reduce)
private func makeStream() -> AsyncStream<Element> {
AsyncStream<Element> { continuation in
Task {
var isFirst = false
if await !storage.didStart {
await storage.setDidStart(true)
isFirst = true
if !isFirst {
await continuation.yield(storage.stored)
await storage.appendContinuation(continuation)
private func startConsumingOriginalStream () {
Task {
for await value in originalStream {
await storage.updateWith(value: value)
await storage.continuations.forEach { $0.finish() }
extension ReducedReplayAsyncStream {
private actor _Storage {
private let reduce: ReducedReplayAsyncStream.Reduce
var didStart = false
var stored: Element
var continuations: [AsyncStream<Element>.Continuation] = []
init(stored: Element, reduce: @escaping Reduce) {
self.stored = stored
self.reduce = reduce
func updateWith(value: Element) {
reduce(&stored, value)
continuations.forEach { $0.yield(value) }
func setDidStart(_ value: Bool) {
didStart = value
func appendContinuation(_ continuation: AsyncStream<Element>.Continuation) {
extension ReducedReplayAsyncStream: AsyncSequence {
typealias AsyncIterator = AsyncStream<Element>.AsyncIterator
func makeAsyncIterator() -> AsyncIterator {
let stream = makeStream()
return stream.makeAsyncIterator()
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ABridoux commented Jan 29, 2022

An example

var subscriptions: Set<AnyCancellable> = []
var continuation: Stream.Continuation!

let replayStream = ReducedReplayAsyncStream<Int>(
    initialResult: 0,
    reduce: { partialResult, nextResult in partialResult = partialResult + nextResult },
    build: { continuation = $0 }

var counter = 0
Timer.publish(every: 0.4, on: .main, in: .default)
    .sink { _ in
        if counter == 10 {
        counter += 1
    .store(in: &subscriptions)

Task {
    for await value in replayStream {
        print("[A]", value)

Task {
    try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 3_000_000_000)
    for await value in replayStream {
        print("[B]", value)



Using an actor as the private storage might not be as efficient as a dispatch queue or a thread lock but I think it feels more natural with the structured concurrency. This could be improved if high performance is needed.

Copy on write

The structure does not implement copy on write. I wonder if it would make sense with an AsyncSequence since some sequence I used do not seem to implement it. And for instance an AsyncStream will assert against two tasks awaiting its next element.

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