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Forked from mhdhejazi/CopyAsanaTasks.php
Last active May 5, 2020 01:04
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Save AWeg/5814427 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
main changes: - Asana has own SSL cert -> had to add to lines of code - copies subtasks and up to 11 subtasks of subtasks - copies tags -> only tagnames not followers/descriptions
function asanaRequest($methodPath, $httpMethod = 'GET', $body = null)
$apiKey = 'ASANA_API_KEY_HERE'; /// Get it from
$url = "$methodPath";
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $apiKey);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $httpMethod);
// SSL cert of Asana is selfmade
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
if ($body)
if (!is_string($body))
$body = json_encode($body);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json'));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $body);
$data = curl_exec($ch);
$error = curl_error($ch);
$result = json_decode($data, true);
return $result;
function createTask($workspaceId, $projectId, $task)
$data = array('data' => $task);
$result = asanaRequest("workspaces/$workspaceId/tasks", 'POST', $data);
if ($result['data'])
$newTask = $result['data'];
$newTaskId = $newTask['id'];
$data = array('data' => array('project' => $projectId));
$result = asanaRequest("tasks/$newTaskId/addProject", 'POST', $data);
return $newTask;
return $result;
function copySubtasks($taskId, $newTaskId, $failsafe) {
if ($failsafe > 10) {
return FALSE;
// GET subtasks of task
$result = asanaRequest("tasks/$taskId/subtasks");
$subtasks = $result["data"];
if ($subtasks){ // does subtask exist?
for ($i= count($subtasks) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
$subtask = $subtasks[$i];
$subtaskId = $subtask['id'];
// get data for subtask
$result = asanaRequest("tasks/$subtaskId?opt_fields=name,due_on,assignee_status,notes,assignee");
$newSubtask = $result['data'];
$newSubtask["assignee"] = $newSubtask["assignee"]["id"];
// create Subtask
$data = array('data' => $newSubtask );
$result = asanaRequest("tasks/$newTaskId/subtasks", 'POST', $data);
// add History
$newSubId = $result["data"]["id"];
copyHistory($subtaskId, $newSubId);
// subtask of subtask?
copySubtasks($subtaskId, $result["data"]["id"], $failsafe);
function copyHistory($taskId, $newTaskId) {
$result = asanaRequest("tasks/$taskId/stories");
$comments = array();
foreach ($result['data'] as $story){
$date = date('l M d, Y h:i A', strtotime($story['created_at']));
$comment = " ­\n" . $story['created_by']['name'] . ' on ' . $date . ":\n" . $story['text'];
$comments[] = $comment;
$comment = implode("\n----------------------", $comments);
$data = array('data' => array('text' => $comment));
$result = asanaRequest("tasks/$newTaskId/stories", 'POST', $data);
function copyTags ($taskId, $newTaskId, $newworkspaceId) {
// GET Tags
$result = asanaRequest("tasks/$taskId/tags");
if($result["data"]){ // are there any tags?
$tags = $result["data"];
for ($i = count ($tags) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
$tag = $tags[$i];
$tagName = $tag["name"];
// does tag exist?
$result = asanaRequest("workspaces/$newworkspaceId/tags");
$tagisset = false;
$existingtags = $result["data"];
for($j = count($existingtags) - 1; $j >= 0; $j--) {
$existingtag = $existingtags[$j];
if ($tagName == $existingtag["name"]) {
$tagisset = true;
$tagId = $existingtag["id"];
if (!$tagisset) {
print "tag does not exist in workspace";
$data = array('data' => array('name' => $tagName));
$result = asanaRequest("workspaces/$newworkspaceId/tags", "POST", $data);
$tagId = $result["data"]["id"];
$data = array("data" => array("tag" => $tagId));
$result = asanaRequest("tasks/$newTaskId/addTag", "POST", $data);
function createTag($tagName, $workspaceId, $newTaskId) {
$data = array('data' => array('name' => $tagName));
$result = asanaRequest("workspaces/$workspaceId/tags", "POST", $data);
$data = array("data" => array("tag" => $result["data"]["id"]));
$result = asanaRequest("tasks/$newTaskId/addTag", "POST", $data);
function copyTasks($fromProjectId, $toProjectId)
// GET Project
$result = asanaRequest("projects/$toProjectId");
if (!$result['data'])
Print "Error Loading Project!";
$workspaceId = $result['data']['workspace']['id'];
// GET Project tasks
$result = asanaRequest("projects/$fromProjectId/tasks?opt_fields=name,due_on,assignee_status,notes,assignee");
$tasks = $result['data'];
// copy Tasks
for ($i = count($tasks) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--)
$task = $tasks[$i];
$newTask = $task;
$newTask['assignee'] = $newTask['assignee']['id'];
foreach ($newTask as $key => $value)
if (empty($value))
$newTask = createTask($workspaceId, $toProjectId, $newTask);
if ($newTask['id'])
//copy history
$taskId = $task['id'];
$newTaskId = $newTask['id'];
copyHistory($taskId, $newTaskId);
//copy tags
copyTags($taskId, $newTaskId, $workspaceId);
//implement copying of subtasks
$failsafe = 0;
copySubtasks($taskId, $newTaskId, $failsafe);
/// Sample usage
copyTasks(12345678910, 98765432110); /// Get those numbers from the URL of the project
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djoos commented Apr 23, 2015

Very handy little script - saved me lots of time when rearranging my workspaces and projects...

FYI: changing line 171 to $result = asanaRequest("projects/$fromProjectId/tasks?opt_fields=name,due_on,assignee_status,notes,assignee,completed"); makes sure that when completed tasks are copied over, they are copied over as completed as well rather than uncompleted.


Kind regards,

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