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Created April 9, 2020 22:00
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Country Region Codes
Name Code
Alberta AB
British Columbia BC
Manitoba MB
New Brunswick NB
Newfoundland and Labrador NL
Northwest Territories NT
Nova Scotia NS
Nunavut NU
Ontario ON
Prince Edward Island PE
Quebec QC
Saskatchewan SK
Yukon YT
Name Code
Aguascalientes AGS
Baja California BC
Baja California Sur BCS
Campeche CAMP
Chiapas CHIS
Chihuahua CHIH
Ciudad de México CDMX
Coahuila COAH
Colima COL
Distrito Federal DF
Durango DGO
Estado de México MEX
Guanajuato GTO
Guerrero GRO
Hidalgo HGO
Jalisco JAL
Michoacán MICH
Morelos MOR
Nayarit NAY
Nuevo León NL
Oaxaca OAX
Puebla PUE
Querétaro QRO
Quintana Roo Q ROO
San Luis Potosí SLP
Sinaloa SIN
Sonora SON
Tabasco TAB
Tamaulipas TAMPS
Tlaxcala TLAX
Veracruz VER
Yucatán YUC
Zacatecas ZAC
Name Code
Alabama AL
Alaska AK
Arizona AZ
Arkansas AR
California CA
Colorado CO
Connecticut CT
Delaware DE
District of Columbia DC
Florida FL
Georgia GA
Hawaii HI
Idaho ID
Illinois IL
Indiana IN
Iowa IA
Kansas KS
Kentucky KY
Louisiana LA
Maine ME
Maryland MD
Massachusetts MA
Michigan MI
Minnesota MN
Mississippi MS
Missouri MO
Montana MT
Nebraska NE
Nevada NV
New Hampshire NH
New Jersey NJ
New Mexico NM
New York NY
North Carolina NC
North Dakota ND
Ohio OH
Oklahoma OK
Oregon OR
Pennsylvania PA
Puerto Rico PR
Rhode Island RI
South Carolina SC
South Dakota SD
Tennessee TN
Texas TX
Utah UT
Vermont VT
Virginia VA
Washington WA
West Virginia WV
Wisconsin WI
Wyoming WY
Armed Forces Americas AA
Armed Forces Europe AE
Armed Forces Pacific AP
American Samoa AS
Federated States of Micronesia FM
Guam GU
Marshall Islands MH
Northern Mariana Islands MP
Palau PW
Virgin Islands VI
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