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Last active January 13, 2023 22:14
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Learn terraform in y minutes

Adapted from adambard/learnxinyminutes-docs#3949


HCL (Hashicorp Configuration Language) is a high-level configuration language used in tools from Hashicorp (such as Terraform). HCL/Terraform is widely used in provisioning cloud infastructure and configuring platforms/services through APIs. This document focuses on a most recent HCL syntax (0.13).

HCL is a declarative language and terraform will consume all *.tf in the current folder, so code placement order and sequence has no significance. Sub-folders can be consumed through modules.

Terraform exists for managing cloud "resources". A resource could be anything as long as it can be created and destroyed through an API call. (compute instance, distribution, dns record, S3 bucket, SSL certificate or permission grant). Terraform relies on "providers" for implementing specific vendor APIs. For example "aws" provider enables use of resources for managing AWS cloud resources.

When "terraform" is invoked (terraform apply) it will validate code, create all resources in memory, load their existing state from file (state file), refresh against the current cloud APIs and then calculate the differences. Based on the differences, terraform proposes a "plan" - series of create, modify or delete action to bring your infrastructrue in alignment with a HCL definition.

Terraform will also automatically calculate dependencies between resources and will maintain correct create / destroy order. Failure during execution allows you to retry entire process, which will usually pick off where things finished.

// Top-level HCL file will interactively ask user values for the variables
// which do not have default value
variable "ready" {
  description = "Ready to learn?"
  type = bool
  // default = true

// Module block consults a specified folder for *.tf files, would
// effectively prefix all resources ids with "module.learn-basics."
module "learn-basics" {
  source = "./learn-basics"
  ready_to_learn = var.ready

output "knowledge" {
  value = module.learn-basics.knowledge

Variables and Types

// Variables are not automatically passed into modules
// and can be typeless.
variable "ready" {

// It is a good practice to define type though. There are 3 primitive types
// 3 collection types and 2 structural types. Structural types define
// types recursively
variable "structural-types" {
  type = object({
    object: object({
      can-be-nested: bool
    tuple: tuple([int, string])
  default = {
    object = { can-be-nested: true }
    tuple = [3, "cm"]

// Collection types may specify type, but can also be "any".
variable "list" {
  type: list(string)
  default = ["red", "green", "blue"]

variable "map" {
  type: map(any)
  default = {
    red = "#FF0000"
    "green" = "#00FF00"

variable "favourites" {
  type: set
  default = ["red", "blue"]

// When type is not specified or is mixed of scalars they will be
// converted to strings.

// Use modern IDEs for type completion features. It does not matter
// in which file and in which order you define variable, it becomes
// accessible from anywhere.

// Default value for variables may not use expressions, but you can
// use locals for that. You don't specify types for locals. With locals
// you can create intermediate products from other variables, modules,
// and functions.

locals {
  ready = var.ready ? "yes": "no"

  yaml = yamldecode(file("${path.module}/file-in-current-folder.yaml"))

// 'locals' block can be defined multiple times, but all variables, resources
// and local names should be unique 

locals {
  set = toset(

module "more-resources" {
  source = "../more-learning"
  yaml-data = local.yaml

// Modules can declare outputs, that can be optionally referenced
// (see above), typically outputs appear at the bottom of the file or
// in "".
output "knowledge" {
  value = "types so far, more to come"


Time to introduce resources.

variable "yaml-data" {

  // config is sourced from .yaml file, so technically it is a
  // map(any), but we can narrow down type like this:
  type = map(string)

// You do not need to explicitly define providers, they all have reasonable
// defaults with environment variables. Using a resource that relies on
// provider will also transparently initialize it (when you invoke terraform init)
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "bucket" {
  bucket = "abc"

// You can also create provider aliases
provider "aws" {
  alias = "as-role"
  assume_role {
    role_arn = ".."

// then use them to create resources
resource "aws_s3_bucket_object" "test-file" {

  // all resources have attributes that can be referenced. Some of those
  // would be available right away (like bucket) and others may only
  // become after plan begins executing. test-file resource 
  // will be created only after aws_s3_bucket.bucket finished creating

  // depends_on = aws_s3_bucket.bucket
  bucket = aws_s3_bucket.bucket.bucket
  key = "index.html"
  content = file("${path.module}/index.html")

  // you can also manually specify provider alias
  provider =

// Each resource will receive an ID in state, like "aws_s3_bucket.bucket". 
// When resources are created inside a module, their state ID is prepended
// with module.<module-name>

module "learn-each" {
  source = "../learn-each"

// Nesting modules like this may not be the best practice, and it's only
// used here for illustration purposes


Terraform offers some great features for creating series of objects:

locals {
  list = ["red", "green", "blue"]
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "badly-coloured-bucket" {
  count = count(local.list)
  bucket_prefix = "${local.list[count.index]}-"
// will create 3 buckets, prefixing with "red-", etc and followed by
// a unique identifier. Some resources will automatically generate
// random name if not specified. The actual name of the resource
// (or bucket in my example) can be referenced as attribute

output "red-bucket-name" {
  value = aws_s3_bucket.badly-coloured-bucket[0].bucket

// note that bucket resource id will be "aws_s3_bucket.badly-coloured-bucket[0]"
// through to 2, because they are list indexes elements. If you remove "red" from
// the list, however, it will re-create all the buckets as they would now
// have new ids. A better way is to use for_each

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "coloured-bucket" {
  // for_each only supports maps and sets
  for_each = toset(local.list)
  bucket_prefix = "${each.value}-"

// the name for this resource would be aws_s3_bucket.coloured-bucket[red]

output "red-bucket-name2" {
  value = aws_s3_bucket.badly-coloured-bucket["red"].bucket

output "all-bucket-names" {

  // returns a list containing bucket names - using "splat expression"
  value = aws_s3_bucket.coloured-bucket[*].bucket

// there are other splat expressions:
output "all-bucket-names2" {
  value = [for b in aws_s3_bucket.coloured-bucket: b.bucket]
// can also include filter
output "filtered-bucket-names" {
  value = [for b in aws_s3_bucket.coloured-bucket: 
    b.bucket if length(b.bucket) < 10 ]

// here are some ways to generate maps {red: "red-123123.."}
output "bucket-map" {
  value = {
    for b in aws_s3_bucket.coloured-bucket: 
       trimsuffix(b.bucket_prefix, '-')
         => b.bucket

// as of terraform 0.13 it is now also possible to use count/each for modules

variable "learn-functions" {
  type = bool
  default = true

module "learn-functions" {
  count = var.learn-functions ? 1: 0
  source = "../learn-functions"

This is now popular syntax that works in terraform 0.13 that allow to include modules conditionally.


Terraform do not allow you to define your own functions, but there extensive list of built-in functions

locals {
  list = ["one", "two", "three"]

  upper_list = [for x in local.list : upper(x) ] // "ONE", "TWO", "THREE"

  map = {for x in local.list : x => upper(x) } // "one":"ONE", "two":"TWO", "three":"THREE" 

  filtered_list = [for k, v in : substr(v, 0, 2) if k != "two" } // "ON", "TH"

  prefixed_list = [for v in local.filtered_list : "pre-${k}" } // "pre-ON", "pre-TH"

  joined_list = join(local.upper_list,local. filtered_list) // "ONE", "TWO", "THREE", "pre-ON", "pre-TH"

  // Set is very similar to List, but element order is irrelevant
  joined_set = toset(local.joined_list) // "ONE", "TWO", "THREE", "pre-ON", "pre-TH"

  map_again = map(slice(local.joined_list, 0, 4)) // "ONE":"TWO", "THREE":"pre-ON"

// Usually all the list manipulation can be useful either for a resource with for_each or
// to specify a dynamic block for a resource. This creates a bucket with some tags:

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "bucket" {
  name = "test-bucket"
  tags = local.map_again

// this is identical to:
// resource "aws_s3_bucket" "bucket" {
//   name = "test-bucket"
//   tags = {
//     ONE = "TWO"
//     THREE = "pre-ON"
//   }
// }

// Some resources are also contain dynamic blocks. Next example will use "data" block
// to look up 3 buckets (red, green and blue), will then create a policy that contains
// read-only access to red and green bucket, and full access to blue bucket.

locals {
  buckets = {
    red = "read-only"
    green = "read-only"
    blue = "full"
  // we can load buckets from file if we wanted:
  // bucket = file('bucket.json')

  actions = {
    "read-only" = ["s3:GetObject", "s3:GetObjectVersion"],
    "full" = ["s3:GetObject", "s3:GetObjectVersion", "s3:PutObject", "s3:PutObjectVersion"]
  // we will look up actions, so that we don't have to repeat actions

// using function to convert map keys into set
data "aws_s3_bucket" "bucket" {
  for_each = toset(keys(local.buckets))
  bucket = each.value

// creates json for our policy
data "aws_iam_policy_document" "role_policy" {
  statement {
    effect = "Allow"
    actions = [
    resources = ["*"]

  dynamic "statement" {
    for_each = local.buckets
    content {
      effect = "Allow"
      actions = lookup(local.actions, statement.value, null)
      resources = [data.aws_s3_bucket.bucket[statement.key]]

// and this actually creates AWS policy with permissions to all buckets
resource "aws_iam_policy" "policy" {
  policy = data.aws_iam_policy_document.role_policy.json

## Additional Resources
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