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Last active February 3, 2022 04:31
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  • Save Almenon/f07ec9f581796c3a604b75a1ebc30749 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Almenon/f07ec9f581796c3a604b75a1ebc30749 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
vscode mac keybindings
// Place your key bindings in this file to overwrite the defaults
"key": "ctrl+shift+f",
"command": "workbench.action.tasks.runTask",
"args": "npmRunStart"
{ "key": "ctrl+shift+down", "command": "cursorColumnSelectDown",
"when": "editorTextFocus" },
{ "key": "ctrl+shift+up", "command": "cursorColumnSelectUp",
"when": "editorTextFocus" },
{ "key": "ctrl+down", "command": "cursorColumnSelectDown",
"when": "editorTextFocus" },
{ "key": "ctrl+up", "command": "cursorColumnSelectUp",
"when": "editorTextFocus" },
{ "key": "cmd+down", "command": "cursorColumnSelectDown",
"when": "editorTextFocus" },
{ "key": "cmd+up", "command": "cursorColumnSelectUp",
"when": "editorTextFocus" },
{ "key": "ctrl+d", "command": "editor.action.addSelectionToNextFindMatch",
"when": "editorFocus" },
{ "key": "shift+ctrl+down", "command": "editor.action.copyLinesDownAction",
"when": "editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly" },
{ "key": "shift+ctrl+up", "command": "editor.action.copyLinesUpAction",
"when": "editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly" },
{ "key": "ctrl+right", "command": "cursorWordEndRight",
"when": "editorTextFocus" },
{ "key": "shift+ctrl+right", "command": "cursorWordEndRightSelect",
"when": "editorTextFocus" },
{ "key": "ctrl+left", "command": "cursorWordStartLeft",
"when": "editorTextFocus" },
{ "key": "shift+ctrl+left", "command": "cursorWordStartLeftSelect",
"when": "editorTextFocus" }
you can use ‘karabiner’ to do more keybindings
note that this config doesn’t cover everything -
for example i can’t get control-up to work
or control-shift-up when i am highlighting something
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