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Last active July 6, 2022 15:55
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Quick and dirty JWAdCompanion implementation
// In a JWPlayerViewController, with player configured, etc.
// For example, our BPA:
// Override the implementation of this JWAdDelegate method,
// which reports when any ad event is emitted by the player.
override func jwplayer(_ player: AnyObject, adEvent event: JWAdEvent) {
super.jwplayer(player, adEvent: event) // When overriding (only), must call the `super` method.
if let companions = event[.companions] as? [JWAdCompanion] {
func handleCompanion(_ ad: JWAdCompanion?) {
switch ad!.type {
case .`static`:
case .html:
case .iframe:
func handleStaticImage(_ ad: JWAdCompanion?) {
let ad = ad,
ad.type == .`static`,
// get the concrete object from the protocol
let playerView = playerView as? JWPlayerView
else { return }
// Layout the companion ad view under the player with JWAdCompanion.size
let adOrigin = CGPoint(x: playerView.left, y: playerView.bottom)
let adImageView = UIImageView(frame: CGRect(origin: adOrigin, size: ad.size))
// Get the image with JWAdCompanion.resource
let adImageData = try! Data(contentsOf: ad.resource)
adImageView.image = UIImage(data: adImageData)
// Assign the UI action with JWAdCompanion.clickUrl
// for simplicity, using 3rd party pod
let tapGesture = UITapGestureRecognizer { present(SFSafariViewController(url: ad.clickUrl), animated: true) }
// Handle event reporting — JWAdCompanion.creativeView is an `Array` of `String`s
// that contain the info, e.g. the IAB's VAST §3.14 example: and .../complete.jpg
// The developer, knowing what to expect, can handle this accordingly.
if let pixels = ad.creativeView {
pixels.forEach { handleCompanionEventPixel($0) }
// Your analytics server's requirements determines what goes here. The following is hypothetical:
func handleCompanionEventPixel(_ pixel: String) {
guard let pixelTarget = URL(string: pixel)
else { return }
var eventRequest = URLRequest(url: pixelTarget)
eventRequest.httpMethod = "PUT"
eventRequest.allHTTPHeaderFields = [
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"SomeCustomHeaderMaybeAnID": UUID().uuidString
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: eventRequest)
func handleHTML(_ ad: JWAdCompanion?) {
// perhaps a WKWebView?
func handleiFrame(_ ad: JWAdCompanion?) {
// ditto?
// Helpful when using frames
extension UIView {
var width: CGFloat { frame.size.width }
var height: CGFloat { frame.size.height }
var left: CGFloat { frame.origin.x }
var right: CGFloat { left + width }
var top: CGFloat { frame.origin.y }
var bottom: CGFloat { top + height }
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AmitaiB commented Jul 5, 2022

⚠️ Please keep in mind that this does not take any precautions for thread safety, or concurrency in general. ⚠️

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