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Created February 20, 2019 17:37
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Typed array
/** Collection handler for webpage content blocks
* @version SVN: $Id: PageUnitsCollection.php 1231 2018-08-11 19:40:50Z anrdaemon $
namespace AnrDaemon\CcWeb\Helpers;
class PageUnitsCollection
extends \ArrayObject
public function _sort(PageUnit $a, PageUnit $b)
if($a['showorder'] > $b['showorder'])
return 1;
if($a['showorder'] < $b['showorder'])
return -1;
if($a['id'] > $b['id'])
return 1;
if($a['id'] < $b['id'])
return -1;
return 0;
protected function _validate($state, $index = null)
return null;
if($state instanceof PageUnit)
return $state;
$value = PageUnit::createFromState($value);
return $value;
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Value " . ($index ? "at index {$index} " : "") . "must be of type AnrDaemon\\CcWeb\\Objects\\PageUnit or compatible.");
// Magic!
public function __construct($array = array(), $flags = 0)
parent::{__FUNCTION__}([], $flags);
// ArrayAccess
public function offsetSet($offset, $state)
$value = $this->_validate($state);
return $this->offsetUnset($offset);
return parent::{__FUNCTION__}($offset, $value);
// ArrayObject
public function append($value)
return $this->offsetSet(null, $value);
public function asort()
$this->uasort([$this, "_sort"]);
public function exchangeArray($array)
$data = [];
foreach($array as $offset => $state)
$value = $this->_validate($state, $offset);
$data[$offset] = $value;
return parent::{__FUNCTION__}($data);
// Serializable
public function serialize()
return serialize($this->getArrayCopy());
public function unserialize($value)
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