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Created March 25, 2019 00:29
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Extract atom coordinates from Gaussian .log file and compute covergence
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Feb 28 19:56:58 2019
@author: Attila Lengyel
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def log2xyz(inputpath,comment):
print('Working on it...')
filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inputpath))[0]
# Read logfile
with open(inputpath, 'r') as logfile:
log = logfile.readlines()
# Get linenumbers where xyz tables start
indices = [i for i, s in enumerate(log) if 'Standard orientation' in s]
indices = np.asarray(indices) + 5 # offset header
distances = []
# Process all tables
for i, linenumber in enumerate(indices):
lines = []
# Store lines in list until end of table is found
for line in log[linenumber:]:
if '---------------------------------------------------------------------' in line:
line = line.split()
# Convert to numpy array
data = np.asarray(lines).astype(float)
data = data[:,[1,3,4,5]]
# Output xyz file
np.savetxt('{}_{:03d}.xyz'.format(filename, i),data,delimiter='\t', fmt=['%d','%f','%f','%f'], comments='', header='{}\n# {}'.format(data.shape[0],comment))
# Calculate Euclidean distance between atoms with number atomnum
atomnum = 26
ccoords = data[np.where(data[:,0]==atomnum),1:]
# Output file with distances
with open('{}_distances.txt'.format(filename), 'w') as distfile:
for i, dist in enumerate(distances):
# Output plot with distances
plt.plot(distances,linestyle='None', marker='.', markersize=5, color='g')
plt.xlabel('Geometric optimization steps')
plt.ylabel('Fe-Fe separation')
if __name__ == '__main__':
_, inputpath, comment = sys.argv
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