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Created February 7, 2023 19:31
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Nest.js Setup for decoupled Firestore Transactions
export class FirebaseTransactionAdapter implements TransactionProviderPort {
private readonly logger = new Logger(;
private readonly runTransaction: TransactionRunner,
) {
async executeTransaction(
callback: () => Promise<void>
): Promise<Result<void, DeleteErrorTypes>> {
try {
// transcations triggered down the stream will now all run via the same transaction workload
const result = await this.runTransaction(callback);
return ok(result);
} catch (e) {
const msg = "Error executing transaction";
this.logger.error(msg, e);
return err(new WriteError(msg));
const adminApp = admin.initializeApp();
let transaction: Transaction | undefined;
export type TransactionLambda = (transaction: Transaction) => Promise<void>;
export type TransactionRunner = (callback: TransactionLambda) => Promise<void>;
providers: [
provide: Firestore,
useValue: (() => {
// must be value and not factory so that settings is only being called once
const firestore = adminApp.firestore();
firestore.settings({ignoreUndefinedProperties: true,});
return firestore;
provide: Firestore.prototype.runTransaction,
inject: [Firestore],
useFactory: (firestore: Firestore) => {
return async (updateFunction: TransactionLambda) => {
if(transaction) {
// if a transaction has already been triggered, just execute the lambda with existing transaction
await updateFunction(transaction);
} else {
// if this is the start of a transaction, start a new one...
await firestore.runTransaction(async (t) => {
// ... reference the transaction object
transaction = t;
// execute the lambda
await updateFunction(transaction);
// unset the transaction reference
transaction = undefined;
exports: [
export class UtilModule {
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