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Last active April 24, 2021 16:43
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  • Save BeanBagKing/b4e6ee2858ed92604a91 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save BeanBagKing/b4e6ee2858ed92604a91 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
echo "-------------------------------"
echo " Current Version Info Follows: "
echo "-------------------------------"
lsb_release -i
lsb_release -r
lsb_release -d
lsb_release -c
printf "Kernal Version: ";uname -r
printf "Processor Type: ";uname -m
echo "------------------------------"
echo " Performing updates: "
echo "------------------------------"
echo "----- CLEAN -----"
apt clean
echo "----- UPDATE -----"
apt update
echo "----- UPGRADE -----"
apt upgrade -y
echo "----- DIST-UPGRADE -----"
apt full-upgrade -y
# I've had this break text rendering. This was fixed with 'apt-get install --reinstall fonts-cantarell'
echo "----- AUTOREMOVE -----"
apt autoremove -y
echo "------------------------------"
echo " Device Version Info Follows: "
echo "------------------------------"
lsb_release -i
lsb_release -r
lsb_release -d
lsb_release -c
printf "Kernal Version: ";uname -r
printf "Processor Type: ";uname -m
echo "------------------------------"
echo " Other Applications: "
echo "------------------------------"
echo "----- SNAP UPDATE -----"
snap refresh
# Not currently installed, but if it gets installed...
echo "----- PIP -----"
pip install --upgrade pip
echo "----- WPSCAN -----"
wpscan --update
echo "----- NIKTO -----"
cd /usr/share/golismero/tools/nikto
perl -update
cd --
echo "----- FRESHCLAM -----"
# ClamAV now included with Kali, as long as it's here, lets update it.
#echo "----- NESSUS -----"
## Uncomment if you use Nessus
## Don't be running scans... Stop the service, wait a few to make sure, upgrade, and start the service.
#service nessusd stop
#sleep 3
#/opt/nessus/sbin/nessuscli update --all
#sleep 3
#service nessusd start
echo "----- GITHUB -----"
# The following -should- grab updates from any github projects added by If you add more or remove these, fix them.
# Also, watch testssl since it doesn't use master and will likely change.
cd /root/Scripts/Abeebus
git pull origin master
cd --
cd /root/Scripts/EyeWitness
git pull origin master
cd --
cd /root/Scripts/testssl
git pull origin 2.9dev
cd --
cd /root/Scripts/Empire
git pull origin master
cd --
cd /root/Scripts/Windows-Exploit-Suggester
git pull origin master
cd --
cd /root/Scripts/mimipenguin
git pull origin master
cd --
cd /root/Scripts/kali-tools
git pull origin master
cd --
cd /root/Scripts/WPSeku
git pull origin master
cd --
cd /root/Scripts/unix-privesc-check2
git pull origin master
cd --
cd /root/Scripts/Linux_Exploit_Suggester
git pull origin master
cd --
cd /root/Scripts/LinEnum
git pull origin master
cd --
cd /root/Scripts/PRET
git pull origin master
cd --
echo "----- FIN -----"
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