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Last active August 27, 2023 02:36
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  • Save Benabik/e28be4a9a416e51c7d7779ecfad9d61c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Benabik/e28be4a9a416e51c7d7779ecfad9d61c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Ruby class for turning command line options into keyword arguments and subcommands into method calls.
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'forwardable'
require 'ostruct'
require 'optparse'
# This class extends OptionParser to handle git style subcommands. Users of
# this class create a OptionParser::Subcommand object, set up the options using
# OptionParser methods, and then pass a class to OptionParser::Subcommand#run.
# Command line options before the first argument are passed as keyword
# arguments to the intializer. The first non-option argument is used as a
# method name, with further options as keyword arguments and others as
# positional. Subcommands can be nested. The nested subcommand calls methods
# on the return value of the outer one.
# For example, we will re-implement a git command:
# do |git|
# git.on '-C path'
# git.subcommand 'remote' do |remote|
# remote.on '--verbose'
# remote.subcommand 'show' do |show|
# show.on '-n'
# end
# end
# Git
# Running <code>git -C repo remote -v show -n origin</code> is the same
# as the following code:
# git = C: 'repo'
# remote = git.remote verbose: true
# 'origin', n: true
# A +--help+ option will be automatically created that uses the OptionParser
# summary and adds a list of defined subcommands with their +description+
# attributes.
# If you want more than simple strings from an option, see the documentation
# for OptionParser#on. OptionParser::Subcommand#on redirects to this method via
# OptionParser::Subcommand#parser. When using a block to parse options, note
# that whatever is returned from the block will be stored under the option name
# in OptionParser::Subcommand#options, which is the behavior of the +into+
# option on OptionParser's parsing routines.
class OptionParser::Subcommand
extend Forwardable
# Since errors can occur when parsing options for nested
# OptionParser::Subcommands, save which one had a problem. This allows
# access to options and parser for error output.
class Error < RuntimeError
# OptionParser::Subcommand object that caused the error
attr_accessor :cli
def initialize(cli, message = nil)
@cli = cli
super message || $!
# Thrown when a subcommand can't be found
class InvalidSubcommand < Error
# Argument that was attempted to be parsed as a subcommand. May be +nil+.
attr_accessor :subcommand
def initialize(cli, subcommand)
@subcommand = subcommand
super cli, subcommand ? "invalid subcommand: #{subcommand}" : 'missing subcommand'
# Initializes the OptionParser::Subcommand object. Options are added via
# method calls. If given a block, yields itself for easy configuration.
def initialize
@options =
@parser =
@subcommands = {}
@parser.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Prints this help') { help }
yield self if block_given?
# The OptionParser used for option parsing.
# The following methods are delegated to it: +banner+, +banner=+ +on+, +on_tail+,
# +program_name+, +program_name=+, +separator, +separator=, +version+, +version=+
attr_reader :parser
def_delegators :@parser, :banner, :banner=, :on, :on_tail,
:program_name, :program_name=, :separator, :separator=, :version, :version=
# A quick description of a command.
# It is used in help to describe the current command and its immediate
# subcommands.
attr_reader :description
# Sets the command description.
# It is added to the `--help` with a blank line afterwards. Setting this
# multiple times will result in all descriptions being added to the help
# with blank lines between. Only the last value can be accessed.
def description=(desc)
@description = desc
separator desc
separator ''
# Defines a subcommand. Subcommands are nested OptionParser::Subcommand
# objects so that each one can have their own OptionsParser, description,
# etc. The subcommand name is used as a method call on the object created by
# OptionParser::Subcommand#run.
# If a block is given, the subcommand OptionParser::Subcommand object is
# yielded for configuration.
# If the default keyword argument is true, then this command will be run if
# no recognized subcommand is found when parsing.
# Subcommands will have their +program_name+ attribute set to that of their
# parent with their name appended.
# cli = do |cli|
# cli.program_name = 'example'
# cli.subcommand 'sub'
# end
# puts cli['sub'].program_name # => 'example sub'
def subcommand(name, default: false, &block)
@default_subcommand = name if default
subcommand =
@subcommands[name] = subcommand
subcommand.program_name = "#{program_name} #{name}" subcommand if block
# A hash of subcommand names to OptionParser::Subcommand objects. Can also be
# indexed directly via OptionParser::Subcommand#[]
attr_reader :subcommands
def_delegators :@subcommands, :[]
# The name of the subcommand run if no positional arguments are given or the
# first argument doesn't match a subcommand. If +nil+ (the default),
# InvalidSubcommand will be raised instead.
attr_reader :default_subcommand
# Note: Attempting to set default_subcommand to a subcommand that hasn't
# been defined will immediately raise InvalidSubcommand.
def default_subcommand=(name)
raise self, name if name and !@subcommands.include? name
@default_subcommand = name
# An OpenStruct object that command line options will be stored in. It will
# be passed as keyword arguments to methods.
# If no block is passed to OptionParser::Subcommand#on, then the value for the
# option will be stored here. The attribute can also be used in blocks for
# more complex parsing, or during configuration to set default values.
attr_reader :options
# Used for the +--help+ option, prints OptionParser#to_s and a list of
# subcommands to +$stdout+ and exist with the given +status+.
# Note that +--help+ will only display options for the current command, but
# it can be called after specifying a subcommand:
# |cli|
# cli.description = 'Example'
# cli.on '--foo', 'Option 1'
# cli.subcommand 'bar' do |bar|
# bar.description = 'Subcommand'
# bar.on '--baz', 'Option 2'
# end
# nil
# Running <code>cli --help</code> gives:
# Usage: cli [options]
# Example
# --foo Option 1
# -h, --help Prints this help
# Subcommands:
# bar - Subcommand
# Running <code>cli bar --help</code> gives:
# Usage: cli bar [options]
# Subcommand
# --baz Option 2
# -h, --help Prints this help
# The usage string can be changed via +banner=+
def help(status = 0)
puts @parser
unless @subcommands.empty?
puts "Subcommands:"
@subcommands.each do |name, obj|
print ' ', name
if obj.description
print ' - ', obj.description
exit status
# Parses +args+ via OptionParser and uses them to call methods on +target+.
# Arguments are parsed initially with OptionParser#order! so that options
# before the subcommand can be used to initialize a target and options after
# passed to the subcommand method. The subcommand will use
# OptionParser#permute! so that options can be mixed with arguments.
# (If subcommands are nested, then only the deepest one uses +permute!+)
# +target+ is a class object to be initialized with initial options and
# methods to be called on for subcommands. If target is +nil+, no methods
# will be called (mostly for testing).
# +args+ is the arguments to be parsed. Defaults to +ARGV+ for convenience.
# Note that this options will be removed from +args+ as they are parsed.
# +method+ is the method to be called with the initial options. Defaults to
# +:new+ so a class can be used. Whatever that method returns will have a
# method called on it for the parsed subcommand.
# +exceptions+ specifies if exceptions should escape this method. This
# includes exceptions thrown by calling methods on +target+. Other
# exceptions include +OptionParser::Subcommand::InvalidSubcommand+ thrown when
# +args+ does not contain an expected subcommand, and
# +OptionParser::Subcommand::Error+ wrapping +OptionParser::ParseError+ (the
# wrapping is so you can discover which
# parser had a problem).
# When +exceptions+ is false (the default), exception messages will be
# printed to <tt>$stderr</tt> prefixed by the +program_name+. Errors parsing
# arguments will have the +banner+ printed afterwards (which is usually a
# usage string).
def run(target, args = ARGV, method: :new, exceptions: false)
@parser.order! args, into: @options
rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption => e
raise unless @default_subcommand
# If there is a default subcommand, keep the unknown option
args[0,0] = e.args
options = @options.to_h
if target
if options.empty?
target = target.public_send method
target = target.public_send method, **@options.to_h
subcommand = args.first
if @subcommands.include? subcommand
elsif @default_subcommand
subcommand = @default_subcommand
cli = @subcommands[subcommand]
raise self, subcommand unless cli
if cli.subcommands.empty?
# Use permute for deepest subcommand
cli.parser.permute! args, into: cli.options
options = cli.options.to_h
target.public_send subcommand, *args, **options if target
else target, args, method: subcommand, exceptions: exceptions
rescue OptionParser::ParseError => e
cli ||= self
raise cli if exceptions
$stderr.puts e
abort cli.banner
rescue => e
raise if exceptions
cli ||= self
abort "#{cli.program_name}: #{e}"
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Benabik commented Jul 19, 2019

Noticed this when I was trying to parse a complex option (parsing --foo bar=baz --foo qux=quux into a hash): Anything returned from a block passed to OptionParse#on gets assigned to the CLI#options hash. I had to make sure I returned the hash I was setting, not just a single item from it. (This is due to the into: option for OptionParser#order!, which makes other things far less tedious, so I'm willing to deal with it.)

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