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Created October 9, 2019 19:07
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"Language label logic when installing with language, adding and editing languages is confusing #2927338": "",
"Make language switcher block cacheable #2232375": "",
"2978048: Unpublished translations should fallback to the original language": "",
"2971390: Disallow users to change content translation uid metadata field": "",
"2546212: Entity view/form mode formatter/widget settings have no translation UI": "",
"2155787: Introduce more flexible access control for content translation operations": "patches/2155787-34-rebased-on-top-of-2972308-17.patch",
"3002571: Multiple warning messages when having untranslatable fields": "",
"After enabling Workflows and Content Moderation there is a fatal error when trying to edit content translation #3000573": "",
"3007288: LanguageNegotiationUserAdmin requires 'access administration pages' which is too strict": "",
"2877994: Entity Links fields does not have translation support": "",
"3020448: Match the moderation state language with entity language": "",
"3079242: \\Drupal\\locale\\LocaleConfigManager::updateConfigTranslations() should not try to update EN": "",
"3020448: Match the moderation state language with entity language": "",
"2910353: Disallow saving config entities with applied configuration overrides": "",
"Use TrustedRedirectResponse Error on Multilingual Setup": "",
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