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Created September 16, 2013 20:57
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class Canvas
constructor: (@width, @height) ->
@el = $ "<canvas>"
@context = @el[0].getContext "2d"
@el.width width
@el.height height
@context.canvas.width = width
@context.canvas.height = height
$("body").append @el
drawRect: ({x: x, y: y, width: width, height: height, color: color}) ->
@context.fillStyle = color
@context.fillRect x, y, width, height
clear: ->
@drawRect {
x: 0
y: 0
width: @width
height: @height
color: "white"
class Box
constructor: (@canvas, x, y, @width, @height) ->
@setPos {x: x, y: y}
containsPoint: ({x: x, y: y}) ->
(x >= @x - @width/2) and (x <= @x + @width/2) and
(y >= @y - @height/2) and (y <= @y + @height/2)
setPos: ({x: x, y: y}) ->
@x = x
@y = y
redraw: ->
@canvas.drawRect {
x: @x - @width/2
y: @y - @height/2
width: @width
height: @height
color: "red"
relativePos = (e, el) ->
relX = e.pageX - el.parent().offset().left
relY = e.pageY - el.parent().offset().top
return {x: relX, y: relY}
watchForDragging = (box, el) ->
isBeingDragged = false
el.bind "mousedown", (e) ->
pos = relativePos e, el
if box.containsPoint pos
isBeingDragged = true
box.setPos pos
el.bind "mousemove", (e) ->
if isBeingDragged
box.setPos relativePos e, el
el.bind "mouseup", (e) ->
isBeingDragged = false
$ ->
canvas = new Canvas 640, 480
box = new Box canvas, 0, 0, 50, 50
watchForDragging box, canvas.el
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