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Last active October 10, 2020 07:30
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class IMAP {
protected $constring;
protected $connection;
protected $extensions = array( "txt", "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "xls", "doc", "docx", "xlsx", "zip", "rar", "pdf" );
protected $mimeType = array( "text", "multipart", "message", "application", "audio", "image", "video", "other" );
protected $encodingType = array( "7bit", "8bit", "binary", "base64", "quoted-printable", "other" );
public function __construct($hostname,$port,$service = 'imap',$ssl_valid = false){
throw new Exception('IMAP is not enabled!');
$params = ($ssl_valid == true ? "{$service}/ssl/validate-cert" : "{$service}/ssl/novalidate-cert");
$this->constring = sprintf("{%s:%d/%s}",$hostname,$port,$params);
public function authenticate($username,$password){
$this->connection = imap_open($this->constring,$username,$password);
public function getMailboxes(){
$boxes = imap_list($this->connection,$this->constring,"*");
$count = count($boxes);
$boxes[$i] = str_replace($this->constring, "", $boxes[$i]);
return $boxes;
public function getMails($mailbox = 'INBOX'){
imap_reopen($this->connection, $this->constring.$mailbox);
return imap_search($this->connection, 'ALL');
public function getOverview($mail){
return imap_fetch_overview($this->connection, $mail);
public function getHeaderInfo($mail){
return imap_headerinfo($this->connection, $mail);
public function getFromAddress($mail){
$headers = $this->getHeaderInfo($mail);
return $headers->from[0]->mailbox.'@'.$headers->from[0]->host;
public function getToAddress($mail){
$headers = $this->getHeaderInfo($mail);
return $headers->to[0]->mailbox.'@'.$headers->to[0]->host;
public function getSubject($mail){
$overview = $this->getOverview($mail);
return $overview[0]->subject;
public function hasTicketId($mail){
preg_match('!\d+!', $this->getSubject($mail), $results);
return isset($results[0]);
public function getTicketId($mail){
preg_match('!\d+!', $this->getSubject($mail), $results);
return isset($results[0]) && $results != 0 ? $results[0] : 0;
public function getStructure($mail){
return imap_fetchstructure($this->connection, $mail);
public function parseMailStructure($mail,$type = "TEXT/HTML"){
$parsed = array();
$structure = $this->getStructure($mail);
$parts = $structure->parts;
$psize = count($parts);
for($i=0; $i<$psize; $i++){
$parsed[$i] = array();
$parsed[$i]['pid'] = $i + 1;
$part = $parts[$i];
$part->type = ($part->type == "") ? 0 : $part->type;
$part->encoding = ($part->encoding == "") ? 0 : $part->encoding;
$parsed[$i]['type'] = $this->mimeType[$part->type]."/".strtolower($part->subtype);
$parsed[$i]['encoding'] = $this->encodingType[$part->encoding];
$parsed[$i]['size'] = isset($part->bytes) ? strtolower($part->bytes) : 0;
$parsed[$i]['disposition'] = isset($part->disposition) ? strtolower($part->disposition) : 0;
$paramCount = isset($part->parameters) && !empty($part->parameters) ? count($part->parameters) : 0;
$dparamCount = isset($part->dparameters) && !empty($part->dparameters) ? count($part->dparameters) : 0;
for($x=0; $x < $paramCount; $x++){
$parsed[$i][strtolower($part->parameters[$x]->attribute)] = $part->parameters[$x]->value;
for($x=1; $x < $dparamCount; $x++){
$parsed[$i][strtolower($part->dparameters[$x]->attribute)] = $part->dparameters[$x]->value;
return $parsed;
public function hasAllowedExtension($name){
$exploded_name = explode(".", strtolower($name));
$extension = end($exploded_name);
if(!in_array($extension, $this->extensions)){
return false;
return true;
public function getAttachmentList($mail){
$files = [];
$sections = $this->parseMailStructure($mail);
$sCount = count($sections);
if(isset($sections[$i]['filename']) || isset($sections[$i]['name'])){
$files[] = $sections[$i];
return $files;
public function getAttachments($mail,$location=false,$size=false){
throw new Exception("Error Processing Request", 1);
} elseif (!is_dir($location)) {
chmod($location, 775);
if($size != false){
$size = $size*1024*1024;
$list = $this->getAttachmentList($mail);
$array = [];
$count = count($list);
$filename = isset($list[$a]['filename']) ? $list[$a]['filename'] : $list[$a]['name'];
if((int)$list[$a]['size'] <= (int)$size){
$exploded_name = explode(".", $filename);
$extension = end($exploded_name);
$dbname = md5($filename.time().microtime().rand(99999,10000)).".".$extension;
$data = $this->getBody($mail,$list[$a]['pid']);
if($list[$a]['encoding'] == "base64"){
$data = imap_base64($data);
$fp = fopen($location.$dbname, "w");
fwrite($fp, $data);
$array[$a] = [
"filename" => $dbname,
"name" => $filename,
"size" => $list[$a]['size'],
"ext" => $extension,
"location" => $location."/".$dbname
return isset($array) ? $array : [];
public function getMimeType($structure){
return $structure->subtype ? $this->mimeType[(int)$structure->type]."/".$structure->subtype : "TEXT/PLAIN";
public function getBody($mail,$partno){
return imap_fetchbody($this->connection, $mail, $partno);
public function getPartByType($mail,$type = 'TEXT/PLAIN', $structure = false, $partno = false){
$structure = !empty($structure) ? $structure : $this->getStructure($mail);
if($structure->type == 1){
while(list($index, $sub_structure) = each($structure->parts)){
$prefix = isset($partno) && $partno != 0 ? $partno : "";
$message = $this->getPartByType($mail,$type,$sub_structure,$prefix.$index+1);
return $message ? $message : false;
} else {
if($structure->parameters[$i]->attribute == "CHARSET"){
$charset = $structure->parameters[$i]->value == "UTF-8" ? "" : $structure->parameters[$i]->value;
if(strtoupper($type) == strtoupper($this->getMimeType($structure))){
$partno = isset($partno) && $partno != 0 ? $partno : 1;
$message = $this->getBody($mail,$partno);
$message = $structure->encoding == 3 ? imap_base64($message) : $structure->encoding == 4 ? imap_qprint($message) : $message;
return isset($message) && !empty($message) ? $message : "No results!\n";
public function getHtmlMessage($mail){
return $this->getPartByType($mail,'TEXT/HTML');
public function getTextMessage($mail){
return $this->getPartByType($mail,'TEXT/PLAIN');
public function deleteMail($mail){
return imap_delete($this->connection, $mail);
public function __destruct(){
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