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Created October 24, 2012 01:54
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Stegosaurus — let's steganograpy together.
import argparse
import hashlib
import itertools
import struct
import sys
import zlib
from PIL import Image
from Crypto.Cipher import AES # pip install pycrypto
from Crypto import Random
def conceal(im, plaintext, password):
Compresses and encrypts data, and hides it in an image.
# Compress data and pad it out
payload = zlib.compress(plaintext, 9)
paylen = len(payload)
if paylen % AES.block_size:
payload += '\x00' * (AES.block_size - paylen % AES.block_size)
# See if it will fit.
blocks = im.size[0] // 4 * im.size[1] // 4 - 3 # Two meta blocks, one IV
datablocks = len(payload) // AES.block_size
if blocks < datablocks:
raise Exception("Too much data for this image! " +
"Can store %d blocks, got %d." % (blocks, datablocks))
# Encrypt our data
key = hashlib.sha256(password).digest()
iv =
ciphertext =, AES.MODE_CFB, iv).encrypt(payload)
# Meta blocks
md5hash = hashlib.md5(password).digest()
lengths = struct.pack("!QQ", datablocks, paylen)
return insert(im, md5hash + lengths + iv + ciphertext)
def reveal(im, password):
Extracts concealed message from an image.
data = extract(im)
# Meta blocks
md5hash =
datablocks, datalen = struct.unpack("!QQ",
# Validate password
if md5hash != hashlib.md5(password).digest():
raise ValueError("Not the right password!")
key = hashlib.sha256(password).digest()
# Decrypt and unpad
iv =
ciphertext = ''.join(itertools.islice(data, datablocks))
plaintext =, AES.MODE_CFB, iv).decrypt(ciphertext)[:datalen]
return zlib.decompress(plaintext)
def insert(im, data):
"""Actually places data in an image."""
pix = im.load()
data = list(data)
for i in range(im.size[1] // 4):
for j in range(im.size[0] // 4):
if not data:
for x in range(4):
for y in range(4):
byte = ord(data.pop())
x_c = j * 4 + x
y_c = i * 4 + y
r, g, b, a = pix[x_c, y_c]
pix[x_c, y_c] = (r & 0xfc | ((byte & 0b11000000) >> 6),
g & 0xfc | ((byte & 0b00110000) >> 4),
b & 0xfc | ((byte & 0b00001100) >> 2),
a & 0xfc | (byte & 0b00000011))
return im
def extract(im):
"""Extracts raw data from image, one block at a time."""
pix = im.load()
for i in range(im.size[1] // 4):
for j in range(im.size[0] // 4):
block = []
for x in range(4):
for y in range(4):
r, g, b, a = pix[j * 4 + x, i * 4 + y]
byte = 0
byte |= (r & 0x3) << 6
byte |= (g & 0x3) << 4
byte |= (b & 0x3) << 2
byte |= (a & 0x3)
yield ''.join(block)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Stegosaurus -- let's steganograpy together."
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
group.add_argument('--conceal', '-c', action='store_true', dest='conceal',
help='conceal data in an image')
group.add_argument('--reveal', '-r', action='store_false', dest='conceal',
help='reveal data stored in an image')
parser.add_argument('--password', '-p', metavar='PASS', default='',
help='password to encrypt your message')
parser.add_argument('--output', '-o', metavar='FILE',
help='output filename (omit for in-place (conceal ' +
'mode) or stdout (reveal mode))')
parser.add_argument('--message', '-m', metavar='FILE',
type=open, default=sys.stdin,
help='[conceal mode only] file containing your ' +
'message (omit for stdin)')
parser.add_argument('image', metavar='IMG', help='the vessel image')
args = parser.parse_args()
im ='RGBA')
except IOError:
print "Can't open %s. Please review." % args.image
if args.conceal:
im = conceal(im,, args.password) if args.output is None else args.output, 'PNG')
print 'Done.'
message = reveal(im, args.password)
if args.output is None:
print message
with open(args.output, 'w') as o:
print 'Done.'
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