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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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  • Save Cairnarvon/8be20f6256f9fd474c05 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Cairnarvon/8be20f6256f9fd474c05 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import re
import signal
import sys
import time
from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError
from kol.Session import Session
from kol.Error import Error
from kol.manager.ChatManager import ChatManager
from kol.request.GenericRequest import GenericRequest
from kol.request.GetMessagesRequest import GetMessagesRequest
from kol.request.DeleteMessagesRequest import DeleteMessagesRequest
from kol.request.CursePlayerRequest import CursePlayerRequest
# Config
_username = 'SignBot/q'
_password = "This isn't really the password."
# Bullshit
class SignBot(object):
def __init__(self,
username, password, out=sys.stdout, fmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
caps={'sign': True, 'spider': True, 'arrow': True}):
username, password
The KoL login credentials of your bot account.
Unless otherwise specified, the bot logs to sys.stdout. Provide
an object with a write() method (like an open file) to change.
(We won't close it.)
Format for the log timestamps.
By default, the bot responds to blue messages by reporting
"KICK ME" sign status, and to green messages by using rubber
spiders and time's arrows contained therein.
Set caps['sign'], caps['spider'], and/or caps['arrow'] to False
(or omit them) to disable specific behaviours.
Once the bot object is constructed, run it with go().
self.username, self.password = username, password
self.out, self.fmt, self.caps = out, fmt, caps
self.start, self.actions = time.time(), 0
def go(self):
Actually run the bot.
self.log('Logging in.')
self.__session = Session()
self.__session.login(self.username, self.password)
self.__chat = ChatManager(self.__session)
while True:
for msg in self.__fetch_chat_messages():
if msg['type'] == 'private' and self.caps.get('sign', False):
# Got a blue message! Report "KICK ME" sign status
self.log('{userName} (#{userId}) sent me '
'a blue message: "{text}"'.format(**msg))
elif msg['type'] == 'notification:kmail':
# Got a green message!
self.log('{userName} (#{userId}) sent me '
'a green message.'.format(**msg))
# Fetch it and examine it
kmail = self.__get_kmail(msg['userName'])
if kmail['text']:
self.log('They said: "{}"'.format(kmail['text']))
if kmail['meat'] > 0:
self.log('They sent {} meat.'.format(kmail['meat']))
# Look at the items they sent
for item in kmail['items']:
self.log('They sent {} {}.'.format(
item['name'] if item['quantity'] == 1
else item['plural']))
if item['id'] == 7698 and self.caps.get('spider', False):
# Rubber spider
elif item['id'] == 4939 and self.caps.get('arrow', False):
# Time's arrow
# Don't keep it
def __del__(self):
# Convert running time to a human-readable format
hours, t = divmod(time.time() - self.start, 3600)
minutes, seconds = divmod(t, 60)
duration = []
if hours:
duration.append('{} hours'.format(int(hours)))
if minutes:
duration.append('{} minutes'.format(int(minutes)))
if seconds:
duration.append('{} seconds'.format(int(seconds)))
if not duration:
duration = 'a moment'
duration = ' and '.join(duration)
# Last words
self.log("I existed for {}, helped {} {}, and now I am dead.".format(
duration, self.actions, 'people' if self.actions != 1 else 'person'))
def __fetch_chat_messages(self):
return self.__chat.getNewChatMessages()
except AttributeError:
# Work around a pykol bug
return []
def __chat_say(self, pid, text):
self.__chat.sendChatMessage('/msg {} {}'.format(pid, text))
self.log('I told #{} "{}"'.format(pid, text))
def __get_kmail(self, username):
# Fetch all of our green messages
r = GetMessagesRequest(self.__session, oldestFirst=True)
# Return the most recent one sent by username
for kmail in r.responseData['kmails']:
if kmail['userName'] == username:
return kmail
# This is unexpected enough to crash the bot
raise Exception("Couldn't find a kmail by {}!".format(username))
def __del_kmail(self, mid):
d = DeleteMessagesRequest(self.__session, [mid])
def __sign(self, pid):
# Fetch user's profile page
r = GenericRequest(self.__session)
r.url = '{}'.format(pid)
# Check for the sign
r ='<img alt="Placed by [^"]+" title="Placed by ([^"]+)" '
r'style="position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px" src="'
r'e.png" height="100" width="60" />', r.responseText)
if r is None:
resp = "You're clean."
resp = "{} tagged you!".format(
self.__chat_say(pid, resp)
self.actions += 1
def __use_arrow(self, pid):
# Try to use a time's arrow on them
c = CursePlayerRequest(self.__session, pid, 4939)
except Exception as e:
# Something went wrong! Maybe they're in HC or ronin
self.log("I couldn't use an arrow on them: {}".format(str(e)))
self.__chat_say(pid, "I couldn't use that arrow on you.")
# Success! No need to tell them, they'll be notified
self.log("I used an arrow on them.")
self.actions += 1
def __use_spider(self, pid):
# Try to use a rubber spider on them
c = CursePlayerRequest(self.__session, pid, 7698)
except Exception as e:
# Something went wrong! Maybe they're in HC or ronin
self.log("I couldn't use a spider on them: {}".format(str(e)))
self.__chat_say(pid, "I couldn't use that spider on you.")
# Success! Tell them they can expect their spider
self.log("I used a spider on them.")
self.__chat_say(pid, "I used that spider on you.")
self.actions += 1
def log(self, text):
Output time-stamped text to self.out.
self.out.write('{} -- {}\n'.format(time.strftime(self.fmt), text))
if __name__ == '__main__':
while True:
SignBot(_username, _password).go()
except ConnectionError as e:
# Sometimes things time out because the web sucks
print 'Oops, I died: {}\n'.format(str(e))
except Error as e:
# Sometimes rollover happens
print 'Rollover, probably: {}\n'.format(str(e))
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