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Last active October 14, 2019 17:57
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  • Save CertainPerformance/d16147600ffa63691e88116b5b040f1d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save CertainPerformance/d16147600ffa63691e88116b5b040f1d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Stack Experiment Off
// @author CertainPerformance
// @description Turns off the voting experiment - shows true vote totals on pageload and after voting
// @description
// @version 1.1.1
// @include /^https://stackoverflow\.com/questions/(?:\d+|tagged|search)/
// @run-at document-start
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// IMPORTANT: This script must run before any script on the page does.
// If using Tampermonkey, enable instant script injection via:
// Settings -> Experimental -> Inject Mode -> Instant
const fixQuestionPage = () => {
const nonNullObj = param => typeof param === 'object' && param !== null;
new MutationObserver((mutations, observer) => {
// Wait for window.StackExchange.init to be defined, which is done in stub.en.js near the top of the <head>
if (!window.StackExchange || !window.StackExchange.init) {
const origInit = window.StackExchange.init;
window.StackExchange.init = function(...args) {
if (nonNullObj(args[0]) && nonNullObj(args[0].site)) {
args[0].site.negativeVoteScoreFloor = -10000;
return origInit.apply(this, args);
// origInit is not just a plain function, it also has properties assigned to it
Object.assign(window.StackExchange.init, origInit);
.observe(document.documentElement, { childList: true, subtree: true });
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
// Display true vote counts:
.forEach((voteCountDiv) => {
if (voteCountDiv.dataset.value) {
voteCountDiv.textContent = voteCountDiv.dataset.value;
// The "Thanks for the vote" message will come from the server - monkeypatch the modal that displays it to keep it from coming up:
const { helpers } = window.StackExchange;
const origShowToast = helpers.showToast;
helpers.showToast = function(...args) {
if (typeof args[0] === 'string' && args[0].includes('Since this post’s score')) {
return origShowToast.apply(this, args);
const fixQuestionListPage = () => {
const initScript = [...document.querySelectorAll('script')]
.find(script => script.textContent.trim().startsWith('StackExchange.init({'));
if (!initScript) {
throw new Error('No script with StackExchange.init found');
const negativeVoteScoreFloorMatch = initScript.textContent.trim().match(/"negativeVoteScoreFloor":([^,])/);
if (!negativeVoteScoreFloorMatch) {
// Maybe the experiment has ended:
console.warn('No negativeVoteScoreFloor found');
const negativeVoteScoreFloorStr = negativeVoteScoreFloorMatch[1];
// negativeVoteScoreFloorStr will be either "0", "-1", or "null"
if (negativeVoteScoreFloorStr === 'null') {
// User is part of the control group - scores are not hidden
const negativeVoteScoreFloor = Number(negativeVoteScoreFloorStr);
const voteCountStrongsByQuestionId = {};
for (const questionSummary of document.querySelectorAll('.question-summary')) {
const questionId =\d+/)[0];
const voteCountStrong = questionSummary.querySelector('.vote-count-post > strong');
const voteCount = Number(voteCountStrong.textContent.trim());
if (voteCount > negativeVoteScoreFloor) {
// Vote count is higher than the floor, no need to fetch info:
voteCountStrongsByQuestionId[questionId] = voteCountStrong;
voteCountStrong.textContent = '?';
const questionIdsStr = Object.keys(voteCountStrongsByQuestionId).join(';');
if (questionIdsStr.length === 0) {
// No questions exist on this page
const paramsArr = [
['pagesize', '50'],
['key', 'sFEllbEySR32ZrZ1HOacHQ(('],
['site', 'stackoverflow'],
['filter', '!)8aD2yy2.nPGnjx'], // From .wrapper -> items, .question -> { question_id, score }
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(paramsArr);
const paramsString = `?${searchParams.toString()}`;
const url = `${questionIdsStr}${paramsString}`;
.then(res => res.json())
.then(({ items }) => {
items.forEach(({ question_id, score }) => {
voteCountStrongsByQuestionId[question_id].textContent = score;
if (/\/questions\/\d+/.test(window.location.href)) {
} else {
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', fixQuestionListPage);
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Were you able to figure out how to have it apply to question lists, not just the questions themselves? I refuse to look at another 0 score question again.

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@JeffreyMercado Done. Fixing the question lists requires fetching vote counts from the API (unlike questions themselves, which have all information already available on the page)

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grantwinney commented Oct 14, 2019

Thanks for this script. For anyone who can't find the setting, make sure you change "Config mode" to "Advanced" at the top of the settings page, to display the "Experimental" box at the bottom of the page, although it seems to work for me without it (Windows / Brave).

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