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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'mongo'
client =[""], :database => "webtask-examples", :user => "webtask", :password => "supersecret")
episodes = Dir["*.htm"].map do |filename|
{ :episode => filename, :data => }
//var data = require("./tng.json")
var cheerio = require('cheerio')
var url = ""
var request = require('request');
function findMatches(data, query) {
matches = []
for (var i in data) {
html = cheerio.load(data[i].data)
episode_name = html("body p font b")[0].children[0].data
matches += (episode_name.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm," ") + "\n")
return matches
//module.exports = function(ctx, cb) {
// var query = new RegExp(, 'i');
var query = /captain picard day/i
request(url, function (error, response, html) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
var data = JSON.parse(html)
matches = findMatches(data, query)
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[{"episode":"101.htm","data":"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n<html lang=\"en-gb\"><head>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-1252\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en-gb\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Enterprise, NCC1701D, Episodes, Transcripts, Encounter At Farpoint, Jean-Luc Picard, William Thomas Riker, Geordi LaForge, Tasha Yar, Worf, Beverly Crusher, Deanna Troi, Data, Wesley Crusher, Q, Groppler Zorn, Farpoint Station, Deneb IV, Bandi, O'Brien\">\r\n<meta name=\"Keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Transcripts, Encounter At Farpoint\">\r\n<meta name=\"Description\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation episode transcripts\"><title>The Next Generation Transcripts - Encounter at Farpoint</title>\r\n\r\n</head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"#d5d5d5\" dir=\"ltr\">\r\n<p><font color=\"#2867d0\" face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"5\"><b>Encounter\r\nat Farpoint</b></font><br>\r\n<font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Stardate:\r\n41153.7<br>\r\nOriginal Airdate: 28 Sep, 1987<br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n<center>\r\n<table border=\"0\" width=\"85%\">\r\n<tbody>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td align=\"left\" width=\"85%\"> <font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">\r\nCaptain's log, stardate 41153.7. Our destination is planet Deneb Four,\r\nbeyond which lies the great unexplored mass of the galaxy. My orders\r\nare to examine Farpoint, a starbase built there by the inhabitants of\r\nthat world. Meanwhile, I am becoming better acquainted with my new\r\ncommand, this Galaxy Class USS Enterprise. I am still somewhat in awe\r\nof its size and complexity. As for my crew, we are short in several key\r\npositions, most notably a first officer, but I am informed that a\r\nhighly experienced man, one Commander William Riker, will be waiting to\r\njoin our ship at our Deneb Four destination.\r\n</font>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: You will agree, Data, that Starfleet's\r\norders are difficult? <br>\r\nDATA: Difficult? Simply solve the mystery of Farpoint Station. <br>\r\nPICARD: As simple as that. <br>\r\nTROI: Farpoint Station. Even the name sounds mysterious. <br>\r\nPICARD: It's hardly simple, Data, to negotiate a friendly agreement for\r\nStarfleet to use the base while at the same time snoop around finding\r\nhow and why the life form there built it. <br>\r\nDATA: Inquiry. The word snoop? <br>\r\nPICARD: Data, how can you be programmed as a virtual encyclopedia of\r\nhuman information without knowing a simple word like snoop? <br>\r\nDATA: Possibility, a kind of human behaviour I was not designed to\r\nemulate. <br>\r\nPICARD: It means to spy, to sneak. <br>\r\nDATA: Ah! To seek covertly, to go stealthily, to slink, slither <br>\r\nPICARD: Exactly, yes. <br>\r\nDATA: Glide, creep, skulk, pussyfoot, gumshoe. <br>\r\nTROI: Captain, I'm sensing a powerful mind. <br>\r\n(Collision alert sounds)&nbsp;<br>\r\nTORRES: Something strange on the detector circuits. <br>\r\n(A massive barrier appears in front of them in space) <br>\r\nDATA: It registers as solid, Captain. <br>\r\nTROI: Or an incredibly powerful forcefield. But if we collide with\r\neither it could be very <br>\r\nPICARD: Shut off that damned noise. Go to Yellow Alert. <br>\r\nWORF: Shields and deflectors up, sir. <br>\r\n(The barrier ripples like chain mail) <br>\r\nPICARD: Reverse power, full stop. <br>\r\nTORRES: Controls to full stop, sir. Now reading full stop, sir. <br>\r\n(There's a flash of light, and an Elizabethan era soldier appears,\r\ncomplete with breast plate and plumed hat) <br>\r\nQ: Thou are notified that thy kind hath infiltrated the galaxy too far\r\nalready. Thou art directed to return to thine own solar system\r\nimmediately. <br>\r\nPICARD: That's quite a directive. Would you mind identifying what you\r\nare? <br>\r\nQ: We call ourselves the Q. Or thou mayst call me that. It's all much\r\nthe same thing. <br>\r\n(The same force barrier stops two people exiting the turbolift) <br>\r\nQ: I present myself to thee as a fellow ship captain, that thou mayst\r\nbetter understand me. Go back whence thou camest. (to Helmsman) Stay\r\nwhere thou art! <br>\r\n(And the helmsman is frozen solid, phaser in hand) <br>\r\nPICARD: Data, call medics. <br>\r\nTROI: He's frozen. <br>\r\nPICARD: He would not have injured you. Do you recognise this, the stun\r\nsetting? <br>\r\nQ: Knowing humans as thou dost, Captain, wouldst thou be captured\r\nhelpless by them? Now, go back or thou shalt most certainly die. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, supplementary. The frozen form of\r\nLieutenant Torres has been rushed to sickbay. The question now is the\r\nincredible power of the Q being. Do we dare oppose it? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Q: Captain, thy little centuries go by so rapidly.\r\nPerhaps thou will better understand this. <br>\r\n(A flash of light and he is wearing a 20th century US military uniform,\r\nwith a cigarette in his hand) <br>\r\nQ: Actually, the issue at stake is patriotism. You must return to your\r\nworld and put an end to the commies. All it takes is a few good men. <br>\r\nPICARD: What? That nonsense is centuries behind us. <br>\r\nQ: But you can't deny that you're still a dangerous, savage child race.\r\n<br>\r\nPICARD: Most certainly I deny it. I agree we still were when humans\r\nwore costumes like that, four hundred years ago. <br>\r\nQ: At which time you slaughtered millions in silly arguments about how\r\nto divide the resources of\r\nyour little world. And four hundred years before that you were\r\nmurdering each other in quarrels over tribal god-images. Since there\r\nare no indications that humans will ever change. <br>\r\nPICARD: But even when we wore costumes like that we'd already started\r\nto make rapid progress. <br>\r\nQ: Oh yeah? You want to review your rapid progress? <br>\r\n(Flash, and a change into a padded suit) <br>\r\nQ: Rapid progress, to where humans learned to control their military\r\nwith drugs. <br>\r\nWORF: Sir, sickbay reports Lieutenant Torres's condition is better. <br>\r\nQ: Oh, concern for one's fellow comrade. How touching. <br>\r\nWORF: And now a personal request, sir. Permission to clean up the\r\nbridge. <br>\r\nTASHA: Lieutenant Worf is right, sir. As Security Chief I can't just\r\nstand here and let<br>\r\nPICARD: Yes you can, Lieutenant Yar. <br>\r\nQ: (taking a snort of something) Oh, better. And later, on finally\r\nreaching deep space, humans of course found enemies to fight out there\r\ntoo. And to broaden those struggles you again found allies for still\r\nmore murdering. The same old story, all over again. <br>\r\nPICARD: No. The same old story is the one we're meeting now.\r\nSelf-righteous life forms who are eager not to learn but to prosecute,\r\nto judge anything they don't understand or can't tolerate. <br>\r\nQ: What an interesting idea. Prosecute and judge. Suppose it turns out\r\nwe understand you humans only too well. <br>\r\nPICARD: We've no fear of what the true facts about us will reveal. <br>\r\nQ: Facts about you? Splendid, splendid, Captain! You're a veritable\r\nfountain of good ideas. There are preparations to make, but when we\r\nnext meet, Captain, we'll proceed exactly as you suggest. <br>\r\n(A flash and he is gone) <br>\r\nWORF: Sir, respectfully submit our only choice is to fight. <br>\r\nTASHA: Fight, or try to escape. <br>\r\nPICARD: Sense anything, Commander? <br>\r\nTROI: Its mind is much too powerful. Recommend we avoid contact. <br>\r\nPICARD: From this point, no station aboard, repeat no station, for any\r\nreason will make use of transmitted signals or intercom. We'll try and\r\ntake them by surprise. Let's see what this galaxy class starship can\r\ndo. (to Worf) Lieutenant, inform engine room to prepare for maximum\r\nacceleration. <br>\r\nWORF: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Records search, Data. Results of detaching saucer section at\r\nhigh warp velocity. <br>\r\nDATA: Inadvisable at any warp speed, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Search theoretical. <br>\r\nDATA: It is possible, sir. But absolutely no margin for error. <br>\r\nPICARD: Using print-out only, notify all decks to prepare for maximum\r\nacceleration. Now hear this, Maximum, you're entitled to know, means\r\nthat we'll be pushing our engines well beyond safety limits. Our hope\r\nis to surprise whatever that is out there, try and outrun it. Our only\r\nother option is to tuck tail between our legs and return to Earth as\r\nthey demand. <br>\r\n(Worf makes his trip to Engineering and back) <br>\r\nWORF: Engine room ready, sir. <br>\r\nTROI: The board shows green, Captain. All go. <br>\r\nPICARD: Stand by. Engage. <br>\r\n(They swoop along and past the barrier, which then turns into a ball\r\nand chases them) <br>\r\nWORF: Velocity warp nine point two. <br>\r\nDATA: Heading three five one mark eleven, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Steady on that. <br>\r\nTASHA: The hostile is now giving chase, sir. Accelerating fast. <br>\r\nWORF: We're now at warp nine point three, sir, which takes us past the\r\nred line, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Continue accelerating. Counsellor, at this point I'm open to\r\nguesses about what we've just met. <br>\r\nTROI: It it felt like something beyond what we'd consider a life form. <br>\r\nPICARD: Beyond? <br>\r\nTROI: Very, very advanced, sir, or certainly very, very different. <br>\r\nWORF: We're at nine point four, sir. <br>\r\nTASHA: Hostile is now beginning to overtake us, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Are you sure? <br>\r\nDATA: Hostile's velocity is already warp nine point six, sir. Shall I\r\nput them on the main viewer? <br>\r\nPICARD: Reverse angle. <br>\r\nDATA: Magnifying viewer image. <br>\r\nTASHA: Hostile's velocity is nine point seven, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Worf, inform the engine room we need more. <br>\r\nDATA: Engine room attempting to comply, sir, but they caution us <br>\r\nPICARD: Go to yellow alert. Arm aft photon torpedoes. Place them on\r\nready status. <br>\r\nTASHA: Torpedoes to ready, sir. <br>\r\nTASHA: Hostile now at warp nine point eight, sir. <br>\r\nWORF: Our velocity is only nine point five, sir. <br>\r\nDATA: Projection, sir. We may be able to match hostile's nine point\r\neight, sir. But at extreme risk. <br>\r\nTASHA: Now reading the hostile at warp nine point nine, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Now hear this. Print-out message, urgent, all stations on all\r\ndecks. Prepare for emergency saucer sever. You will command the saucer\r\nsection, Lieutenant. <br>\r\nWORF: I am a Klingon, sir. For me to seek escape when my Captain goes\r\ninto battle. <br>\r\nPICARD: You are a Starfleet officer, Lieutenant. <br>\r\nWORF: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Make the mark, Data. Note in ship's log that at this startime,\r\nI'm transferring command to the battle bridge. <bt>\r\n(Picard, Data, Yar and Troi leave the Bridge to unnamed crew)\r\n</bt></font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, stardate 41153.7. Preparing to\r\ndetach saucer section. so that families and the majority of the ship's\r\ncompany can seek relative safety while the vessel's stardrive,\r\ncontaining the battle bridge and main armaments, will turn\r\nback and confront the mystery that is threatening us.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Battle Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Families of various races make their way along\r\ncorridors as the bridge crew settle into a more compact Bridge) <br>\r\nPICARD: Lieutenant, your torpedoes must detonate close enough to the\r\nhostile to blind it at the moment we separate. <br>\r\nTASHA: Understood, sir. <br>\r\nTROI: All decks acknowledging, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Worf, this is the Captain. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD [OC]: At the moment of separation, we will\r\nreverse power just enough to get your saucer section out ahead and\r\nclear of us. <br>\r\nWORF: Understood, Captain. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Battle Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: Torpedoes away, sir. <br>\r\n(Eight red dots shoot out from the stern) <br>\r\nPICARD: Begin countdown. Mark. <br>\r\nDATA: Starship separation in six, five, four, three, two, one. <br>\r\n(Gracefully, the huge saucer lifts away from the body of the ship) <br>\r\nDATA: Separation is successful, sir. <br>\r\n(The main body does a hand-brake turn and heads back to their pursuer.\r\nThe torpedoes detonate.) <br>\r\nTASHA: Torpedoes have detonated, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Let's come to a stop. Reverse power. <br>\r\nDATA: Reverse power. Decelerating. <br>\r\nPICARD: Dead stop. We'll hold this position and wait for them. <br>\r\nTROI: That will bring them here in just minutes, sir. <br>\r\nTASHA: Will we make a fight of it, Captain? If we can at least damage\r\ntheir ship we'll have a chance <br>\r\nPICARD: Lieutenant, are you recommending we fight a life form that can\r\ndo all those things? I'd like to hear your advice. <br>\r\nTASHA: I spoke before I thought, sir. We should look for some way to\r\ndistract them from going after the saucer. <br>\r\nO'BRIEN: All forward motion stopped, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Thank you, conn. Commander, signal the following in all\r\nlanguages and on all frequencies. We surrender. State that we are not\r\nasking for any terms or conditions. <br>\r\nTROI: Aye, sir. All language forms and frequencies. <br>\r\n(The ball reaches them and surrounds them with it's barrier. The ship\r\nshakes) </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Courtroom]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(The crew find themselves in a room with a noisy\r\naudience. One of the future soldiers that Q pretended to be, fires his\r\nmachine gun for silence. An Oriental man takes charge) <br>\r\nBAILIFF: The prisoners will all stand. <br>\r\n(Picard sits down) <br>\r\nDATA: Historically intriguing, Captain. Very, very accurate. <br>\r\nPICARD: Mid twenty first century. The post-atomic horror. <br>\r\nBAILIFF: All present, stand and make respectful attention to honoured\r\nJudge. <br>\r\nTROI: Careful, sir. This is not an illusion or a dream. <br>\r\nPICARD: But these courts happened in the past. <br>\r\nTROI: I don't understand either, but this is real. <br>\r\nSOLDIER: Get to your feet, criminals! <br>\r\n(From the distance, a spotlight reveals a figure approaching, dressed\r\nin red, and sitting on a throne carried on hydraulics for effect) <br>\r\nDATA: At least we are acquainted with the judge, Captain. <br>\r\n(Q gestures the crowd to sit) <br>\r\nSOLDIER: Attention! On your feet. Attention! <br>\r\n(Tasha disarms him) <br>\r\nQ: (to soldier) You are out of order. (another soldier kills him) The\r\nprisoners will not be harmed until they are found guilty. Dispose of\r\nthat. <br>\r\nPICARD: Can we assume you mean this will be a fair trial? <br>\r\nQ: Yes, absolutely equitable. Proceed. <br>\r\nBAILIFF: Before this gracious court now appear these prisoners to\r\nanswer for the multiple and grievous savageries of their species. How\r\nplead you, criminal? <br>\r\nDATA: If I may, Captain? Objection, your honour. In the year 2036, the\r\nnew United Nations declared that no Earth citizen\r\ncould be made to answer for the crimes of his race or forbears. <br>\r\nQ (JUDGE): Objection denied. This is a court of the year 2079, by which\r\ntime more rapid progress had caused all United\r\nEarth nonsense to be abolished. <br>\r\nPICARD: Tasha, no. <br>\r\nTASHA: I must! Because I grew up on a world that allowed things like\r\nthis court. And it was people like these that saved me from it. This\r\nso-called court should get down on its knees to what Starfleet is, what\r\nit represents. <br>\r\n(Q freezes Tasha) <br>\r\nTROI: You barbarian! This woman <br>\r\nBAILIFF: Criminals keep silence! <br>\r\nPICARD: You've got a lot to learn about humans if you think you can\r\ntorture us or frighten us into silence. Will she live? <br>\r\nDATA: Uncertain. When he froze Lieutenant Torres on the Bridge, we had\r\nour Sickbay to help thaw him out. <br>\r\nBAILIFF: You will answer the charges, criminals. <br>\r\nPICARD: Or what? Or this? Her death? Or worse? You promised the\r\nprisoners will not be harmed. We plead nothing so long as you break\r\nyour own rules. <br>\r\nQ: I suggest you centre your attention on this trial, Captain. It may\r\nbe your only hope. <br>\r\nPICARD: I suggest you are now having second thoughts it. You are\r\nconsidering that if you conduct a fair trial, which was your promise,\r\nyou may lose. <br>\r\nQ: Lose? <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes, even though you're judge and prosecutor. <br>\r\nQ: And jury. <br>\r\nPICARD: Accepted, so long as you keep to your agreement. And assaulting\r\nprisoners is hardly a fair trial. <br>\r\nQ: This is a merciful court. (Tasha is thawed) Silence! Continuing\r\nthese proceedings, I must caution you that legal trickery is not\r\npermitted. This is a court of <br>\r\nPICARD: court of fact! We humans know our past, even when we're ashamed\r\nof it. I recognise this court system as the one that agreed with that\r\nline from Shakespeare. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"> Kill all the\r\nlawyers</a>. <br>\r\nQ: Which was done. <br>\r\nPICARD: Which led to the rule guilty until proven innocent. <br>\r\nQ: Of course. Bringing the innocent to trial would be unfair. You will\r\nnow answer to the charge of being a grievously savage race. <br>\r\nPICARD: Grievously savage could mean anything. I will answer only\r\nspecific charges. <br>\r\nQ: Are you certain you want a full disclosure of human ugliness? So be\r\nit, fool! Present the charges. <br>\r\nBAILIFF: Criminal, you will read the charges to the court. <br>\r\n(Picard takes his time to read the pad that is handed to him, then\r\ngives it back) <br>\r\nPICARD: I see no charges against us, Your Honour. <br>\r\nQ: You are out of order! <br>\r\n(Guns are placed at Data and Troi's heads) <br>\r\nQ: Soldiers, you will press those triggers if this criminal answers\r\nwith any word other than guilty. Criminal, how plead you? <br>\r\nPICARD: Guilty. Provisionally. <br>\r\nQ: The Court will hear the provision. <br>\r\nPICARD: We question whether this court is abiding by its own trial\r\ninstructions. Have I have permission to have Commander Data repeat the\r\nrecord? <br>\r\nQ: There will be no legal trickery <br>\r\nPICARD: These will be your own words, your Honour. What exactly what\r\nfollowed his Honour's statement that the prisoner will not be harmed? <br>\r\nDATA: Yes, sir. The Captain had asked the question. Can we assume you\r\nmean this will be a fair trial? And in reply the judge stated, yes,\r\nabsolutely equitable. <br>\r\nQ: Irrelevant testimony, entirely irrelevant. <br>\r\nPICARD: Alright! We agree there is evidence to support the court's\r\ncontention that humans have been savage. Therefore I say test us. Test\r\nwhether this is presently true of humans. <br>\r\nQ: I see, I see. And so you petition the Court to accept you and your\r\ncomrades as proof of what humanity has become. <br>\r\nPICARD: There must be many ways we can be tested. We have a long\r\nmission ahead of us. <br>\r\nQ: Another brilliant suggestion, Captain. But your test hardly requires\r\na long mission. Your immediate destination offers far more challenge\r\nthan you can possibly imagine. Yes, this Farpoint station will be an\r\nexcellent test. <br>\r\nBAILIFF: All present, respectfully stand. <br>\r\nQ: This trial is adjourned, to allow the criminals to be tested. <br>\r\nBAILIFF: This honourable court is adjourned. Stand respectfully. <br>\r\nQ: Captain, you may find you are not nearly clever enough to deal with\r\nwhat lies ahead for you. It may have been better to accept sentence\r\nhere.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Battle Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(O'Brien is unaware the four were ever away) <br>\r\nDATA: What is present course, conn? <br>\r\nO'BRIEN: It's what it's been all along, sir. Direct heading to Farpoint\r\nStation. <br>\r\nDATA: Confirm. We are on that heading, sir. <br>\r\nO'BRIEN: Know anything about Farpoint Station, sir? Sounds like a\r\nfairly dull place. <br>\r\nPICARD: We've heard that we may find it rather interesting. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Personal log, Commander William Riker. Stardate\r\n41153.7. The USS Hood has dropped me off at Farpoint Station, where I\r\nawait the arrival of the new USS Enterprise to which I have been\r\nassigned as First Officer. Meanwhile I have been asked to visit the\r\nFarpoint Administrator's Office, in the old city.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Zorn's office]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(It is a standard wooden room, a desk with a bowl\r\nof fruit on it. Zorn is humanoid in loose clothing with long straight\r\nhair) <br>\r\nZORN: Ah, Commander Riker, I thought you'd want to know we've still no\r\nword from your vessel. I trust we made your waiting comfortable? <br>\r\nRIKER: Luxurious is more like it. <br>\r\nZORN: Good. (gets muddled over a handshake) Good. <br>\r\nRIKER: Would I seem ungrateful if I ask for some information? <br>\r\nZORN: Anything. <br>\r\nRIKER: Fascinating, the advanced materials used in constructing this\r\nspace station. Your energy supply must be as abundant as I've heard. <br>\r\nZORN: Geothermal energy is the one great blessing of this planet. I'll\r\nhave all the details of that sent to your quarters. <br>\r\nRIKER: Thank you. But it still seems incredible to me that you could\r\nhave constructed this station so rapidly and so, so perfectly suited to\r\nour needs. <br>\r\nZORN: Would your care for an Earth delicacy, Commander? <br>\r\nRIKER: (looking at the bowl of fruit) If there's an apple? <br>\r\nZORN: I'm sorry, Commander. <br>\r\nRIKER: It doesn't matter. What I was saying was (suddenly there is a\r\nsecond bowl of apples) I'll be damned. <br>\r\nZORN: Ah yes, there was another selection here <br>\r\nRIKER: Groppler, I could have sworn it wasn't here a minute ago. <br>\r\nZORN: And did your failure to notice it make it unwelcome? <br>\r\nRIKER: Not at all, Groppler. <br>\r\nZORN: I trust it will be the same with Farpoint Station, Commander. A\r\nfew easily answered questions about it won't make Starfleet appreciate\r\nit less. <br>\r\nRIKER: And it's delicious. Thank you. Good morning, Groppler Zorn. <br>\r\nZORN: Good morning. <br>\r\n(Riker leaves with his apple) <br>\r\nZORN: (to the air) You have been told not to do that. Why can't you\r\nunderstand? It will arouse their suspicion. And if that happens, we\r\nwill have to punish you. We will, I promise you.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Market place]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Doctor Crusher! <br>\r\nWESLEY: Mother, it's Commander Riker. <br>\r\nRIKER: Hello, Wes. Enjoying Farpoint Station? <br>\r\nWESLEY: Yes, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: I saw you. I thought I might join you for a stroll. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Actually, we were about to do some shopping. <br>\r\nRIKER: I've been meaning to visit the mall myself. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Of course. <br>\r\nWESLEY: If you're wondering about Mom, Commander Riker, she's not\r\nunfriendly. She's just shy around men she doesn't know. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Wesley! I believe that means he would like us to be friends. <br>\r\nRIKER: I'm willing, Doctor. Although we're not officially part of the\r\nEnterprise, I thought there might be something useful we can do while\r\nwe wait. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Useful? How, Commander? <br>\r\nRIKER: Investigating some things that I've noticed since I've been\r\nhere. The last was a piece of fruit. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: (examining a bolt of cloth) Gold would be lovely with this. I\r\nam sure, Commander, there are reasons for a first officer to want to\r\ndemonstrate his energy and alertness to a new captain. But since my\r\nduty and interests are outside the command\r\nstructure <br>\r\n(Suddenly the bolt of cloth has a gold pattern on it) <br>\r\nRIKER: Isn't it remarkable they happen to have exactly what you asked\r\nfor? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Thank you. I'll take the entire bolt. Send it to our starship\r\nwhen it arrives. Charge to Doctor Crusher. <br>\r\n(they walk away from the stall) <br>\r\nRIKER: Let's see, where were we? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I was accusing you of inventing work in order to curry favour\r\nwith our new captain. I apologise. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Mom, that gold pattern wasn't there. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Maybe this is something Jean-Luc would like looked into. <br>\r\nRIKER: Jean-Luc Picard? You know the Captain? <br>\r\nWESLEY: When I was little, he brought my father's body home to us. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Yes, Wes, long, long ago. A pleasure to meet you, Commander.\r\nYou will excuse us. <br>\r\nRIKER: My pleasure, Doctor. Wes. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Sir? <br>\r\nRIKER: See you on board. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Yes, sir. <br>\r\n(Crusher and Wesley leave Riker, and another uniformed man arrives,\r\nwearing a device across his eyes) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Sir, the Enterprise is arriving <br>\r\nRIKER: Is this an official report, Lieutenant? <r>\r\n&nbsp;<br>\r\nLAFORGE: Sorry, Commander. Sir, Lieutenant La Forge reporting. The\r\nEnterprise arriving, but without the saucer section, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: Stardrive section only? What happened? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I don't know, sir. Captain Picard has signalled for you to\r\nbeam up immediately. <br>\r\nRIKER: Our new captain doesn't waste time. It's a good idea. Thank you,\r\nLieutenant. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: (moves into a clear space) Enterprise, this is Commander Riker\r\nat Farpoint Station. Standing by\r\nto beam up. </r></font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Transporter room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Riker materialises) <br>\r\nTASHA: Lieutenant Yar of Security, sir. Captain Picard will see you on\r\nthe Battle Bridge. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: With the saucer gone, I assume something\r\ninteresting happened on your way here? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Turbolift]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: Battle bridge. That's for the Captain to\r\nexplain, sir.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Battle bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Do we have clearance? <br>\r\nDATA: Aye, sir, into the standard parking orbit. <br>\r\nPICARD: Make it so. <br>\r\nTASHA: Commander Riker, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: Riker, WT, reporting as ordered, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Is the viewer ready? <br>\r\nTASHA: All set up, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: We'll first bring you up to date on a little adventure we had\r\non our way here, Commander. Then we'll talk. Welcome aboard. <br>\r\nTASHA: (to Riker) This way, sir. <br>\r\n(She sits him down in front of a screen and runs a tape of the Q\r\nencounter on the Bridge) <br>\r\nQ [on monitor]: Thou art directed to return to thine own solar system\r\nimmediately. Go back or thou shalt most certainly die. You can't deny\r\nyou're still a dangerous, savage, child race. <br>\r\nDATA: Message from the saucer module, sir. It will arrive here in fifty\r\none minutes. <br>\r\nPICARD: Inform them we'll connect as soon as they arrive. And sent the\r\nCommander to me when he's finished. <br>\r\nTASHA: Yes, sir. <br>\r\n(Picard leaves) <br>\r\nQ [on monitor]: And four hundred years before that, you were murdering\r\neach other in quarrels over tribal god images. Since then there are no\r\nindications that humans will ever change. There are preparations to\r\nmake, and when we next meet, Captain, we'll proceed exactly as you\r\nsuggest. <br>\r\nRIKER: He calls that a little adventure? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Battle ready room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Come. <br>\r\nRIKER: Not exactly a run of the mill happening, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: It seems we're alive only because we have been placed on\r\nprobation. A very serious kind of probation. (answers\r\ncomm.) Go. <br>\r\nDATA [OC]: The saucer module is now entering orbit with us, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Acknowledged. Commander Riker will conduct a manual docking.\r\nPicard out. <br>\r\nRIKER: Sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: You've reported in, haven't you? You are qualified? <br>\r\nRIKER: Yes, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Then I mean now, Commander. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Battle bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: They say you will be doing this manually,\r\nsir. No automation. <br>\r\nRIKER: As ordered. <br>\r\n(They approach the saucer from astern, of course) <br>\r\nRIKER: Velocity to one half metre per second. Adjust pitch angle,\r\nnegative three degrees. Watch your roll angle, conn. All stations,\r\nprepare for reconnection. Thrusters to station keeping. All velocity\r\nzero. Her inertia should do the job now. Lock up now. <br>\r\n(The clamps rise and the two parts of the ship meet again) </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Ready room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: A fairly routine manoeuvre but you handled\r\nit quite well. <br>\r\nRIKER: Thank you, sir. I hope I showed some promise. <br>\r\nPICARD: I do have some questions for you though.&nbsp;<br>\r\nRIKER: Yes, sir, I thought you might. <br>\r\nPICARD: I see in your file that Captain DeSoto thinks very highly of\r\nyou. One curious thing, however, you refused to let him beam down to\r\nAltair Three. <br>\r\nRIKER: In my opinion, sir, Altair Three was too dangerous to risk\r\nexposing the Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: I see. A Captain's rank means nothing to you. <br>\r\nRIKER: Rather the reverse, sir. But a Captain's life means a great deal\r\nto me. <br>\r\nPICARD: Isn't it just possible that you don't get to be a Starfleet\r\nCaptain without knowing whether it's safe to beam down or not? Isn't it\r\na little presumptuous of a first officer to second guess his captain's\r\njudgment? <br>\r\nRIKER: Permission to speak candidly, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: Always. <br>\r\nRIKER: Having been a first officer yourself, you know that assuming\r\nthat responsibility must by definition include the safety of the\r\ncaptain. I have no problem with following any rules you lay down, short\r\nof compromising your safety. <br>\r\nPICARD: And you don't intend to back off that position? <br>\r\nRIKER: No, sir, <br>\r\nPICARD: One further thing. A special favour. <br>\r\nRIKER: Anything, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Using the same kind of strength you showed with Captain DeSoto,\r\nI would appreciate it if you can keep me from making an ass of myself\r\nwith children. <br>\r\nRIKER: Sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: I'm not a family man, Riker, and yet, Starfleet has given me a\r\nship with children aboard. <br>\r\nRIKER: Yes, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: And I don't feel comfortable with children. But, since a\r\ncaptain needs an image of geniality, you're to see that's what I\r\nproject. <br>\r\nRIKER: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Welcome to the Enterprise, Commander Riker. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sickbay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: Naturally I've heard of your case. The\r\nvisor implants you wear <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Is a remarkable piece of bio-electronic engineering by which I\r\nquote see much of the EM spectrum ranging from simple heat and infrared\r\nthrough radio waves et cetera, et cetera, and forgive me if I've said\r\nand listened to this a thousand times before. <br>\r\n(Without the Visor, Geordi La Forge's eyes are white sightless orbs,\r\nand he has flashing red lights at his temples) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: You've been blind all your life? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I was born this way. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: And you've felt pain all the years that you've used this? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: They say it's because I use my natural sensors in different\r\nways. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Well, I see two choices. The first is painkillers. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Which would affect how this works. No. Choice number two? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Exploratory surgery. Desensitise the brain areas troubling\r\nyou. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Same difference. No, thank you, Doctor. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I understand. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: See you. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Riker enters) <br>\r\nWORF: Yes sir? <br>\r\nRIKER: Where will I find Commander Data? <br>\r\nWORF: Commander Data is on special assignment, sir. He's using our\r\nshuttlecraft to transfer an admiral over to the Hood. <br>\r\nRIKER: An admiral? <br>\r\nWORF: He's been aboard all day, sir, checking over medical layout. <br>\r\nRIKER: Why a shuttlecraft? Why wouldn't he just beam over? <br>\r\nWORF: I suppose he could, sir, but the Admiral's a rather remarkable\r\nman.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(A very old man in a cardigan is shuffling along.\r\nHe is played by DeForrest Kelley, so of course we name this character\r\n-)&nbsp;<br>\r\nMCCOY: Have you got some reason you want my atoms scattered all over\r\nspace, boy?&nbsp;<br>\r\nDATA: No sir. But at your age, sir, I thought you shouldn't have to put\r\nup with the time and trouble of a shuttlecraft. <br>\r\nMCCOY: Hold it right there, boy. <br>\r\nDATA: Sir? <br>\r\nMCCOY: What about my age? <br>\r\nDATA: Sorry, sir. If that subject troubles you <br>\r\nMCCOY: Troubles me? What's so damned troubling about not having died?\r\nHow old do you think I am? <br>\r\nDATA: One hundred thirty seven years, Admiral, according to Starfleet\r\nrecords. <br>\r\nMCCOY: Explain how you remember that so exactly. <br>\r\nDATA: I remember every fact I am exposed to, sir. <br>\r\nMCCOY: I don't see any points on your ears, boy, but you sound like a\r\nVulcan. <br>\r\nDATA: No, sir. I'm an android. <br>\r\nMCCOY: Almost as bad. <br>\r\nDATA: I thought it was generally accepted, sir, that Vulcans are an\r\nadvanced and most honourable race. <br>\r\nMCCOY: They are, they are. And damned annoying at times. <br>\r\nDATA: Yes, sir. <br>\r\nMCCOY: Well, this is a new ship, but she's got the right name. Now you\r\nremember that, you hear. <br>\r\nDATA: I will, sir. <br>\r\nMCCOY: You treat her like a lady, and she'll always bring you home.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Did you signal the Hood, Commander Riker? <br>\r\nRIKER: Your exact message. Bon voyage mon ami. <br>\r\nPICARD: What was my answer, computer? <br>\r\nQ [OC]: You're wasting time, Captain. (appears on viewscreen) Or did\r\nyou think I was gone? <br>\r\nPICARD: Lieutenant! Do you intend to blast a hole through the viewer?\r\nIf the purpose of this is to test humans, your honour, we must proceed\r\nin our own way. <br>\r\nQ [on viewscreen]: You are dilatory. You have twenty four hours. Any\r\nfurther delay and you risk summary judgement against you, Captain. <br>\r\nWORF: Sorry, sir <br>\r\nRIKER: You reacted fast, Mister Worf. <br>\r\nPICARD: But futilely. <br>\r\nWORF: I will learn to do better, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Of course you will. We've a long voyage ahead of us. <br>\r\nRIKER: What do we do now, Captain? With them monitoring our every move\r\nand every word. <br>\r\nPICARD: We do exactly what we would do if this Q never existed. If\r\nwe're going to be damned, let's be damned for what we really are.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD [OC]: Personal log, stardate 41153.8. Of the twenty four\r\nhours Q allotted us to prove ourselves, eleven have now passed without\r\nincident. And yet I cannot forget Q's prediction that we will face some\r\ncritical test.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Ready room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: This planet's interior heat provides an\r\nabundance of geothermal energy, sir. But it's about all this world does\r\noffer. <br>\r\nPICARD: And it's your belief that this is what made it possible for\r\nthem to construct this base to Starfleet standards? <br>\r\nRIKER: Yes sir. We have to assume that they've been trading their\r\nsurplus energy for the construction materials used here. According to\r\nour ship's scans, many of the materials used are not found on this\r\nworld. <br>\r\nPICARD: Perhaps it's like those incidents you describe in your report\r\nas almost magical attempts to please us. <br>\r\nRIKER: Those events did happen, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: None of it suggests anything threatening. If only every life\r\nform had as much desire to please. Ready to beam down? I'm looking\r\nforward to meeting this Groppler Zorn. <br>\r\nRIKER: I have a feeling there's more to it than just pleasing us, sir. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: As if it's something Q is doing to trick\r\nus? Over here. I've asked the Counsellor to join us in this meeting.\r\nMay I introduce our new First Officer, Commander William Riker.\r\nCommander Riker, this is our ship's Counsellor, Deanna Troi. <br>\r\nTROI [OC]: Do you remember what I taught you, Imzadi? Can you still\r\nsense my thoughts? <br>\r\nTROI: A pleasure, Commander. <br>\r\nRIKER: Likewise, Counsellor. <br>\r\nPICARD: Have the two of you met before? <br>\r\nRIKER: We have, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Excellent. I consider it important for my key officers know\r\neach other's abilities. <br>\r\n(They step into the turbolift) <br>\r\nTROI: We do, sir. We do. <br>\r\nTROI [OC]: I, too, would never say goodbye, Imzadi. <br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Zorn's office]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: My crew and I need a bit more information\r\nbefore we make our recommendations to Starfleet. <br>\r\nZORN: No objections to that, but but I'm puzzled over you bringing a\r\nBetazoid to this. If her purpose, sir, is to probe my thoughts <br>\r\nTROI: I can sense only strong emotions, Groppler. I am only half\r\nBetazoid. My father was a Starfleet officer. <br>\r\nZORN: Well, I have nothing to hide, of course. <br>\r\nPICARD: Good, since we admire what we've seen of your construction\r\ntechniques. Starfleet may be interested in your constructing starbases\r\nelsewhere also. <br>\r\nZORN: We are not interested in building other facilities. <br>\r\nRIKER: If I may, Captain. Then a trade, Groppler? Some things you need\r\nin return for lending us architects and engineers\r\nwho can demonstrate your techniques. <br>\r\nZORN: Bandi do not enjoy leaving their home world. If Starfleet cannot\r\naccept that small weakness, then we will be forced, unhappily, to seek\r\nan alliance with someone like the Ferengi, or <br>\r\n(Troi gasps) <br>\r\nPICARD: Counsellor? What is it? <br>\r\nTROI: Do you want it described here, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes. No secrets here if we're to be all to be friends. Agreed,\r\nGroppler? <br>\r\nZORN: We ourselves have nothing to hide, of course. <br>\r\nTROI: Pain. Pain. Loneliness. Terrible loneliness. Despair. I'm not\r\nsensing the Groppler, sir, or any of his people, but it's\r\nsomething very close to us here. <br>\r\nPICARD: The source of this, Groppler. Do you have any idea? <br>\r\nZORN: No. No, absolutely not. And I find nothing helpful or productive\r\nin any of this! <br>\r\nPICARD: And that's it? No other comment? <br>\r\nZORN: Well what do you expect of us? We offer you a base designed to\r\nyour needs, luxurious even by human standards <br>\r\nPICARD: While evading even our simplest questions about it. We'll\r\nadjourn for now while we all reconsider our positions. <br>\r\nZORN: Captain, the Ferengi would be very interested in a base like\r\nthis. <br>\r\nPICARD: Fine. I hope they find you as tasty as they did their past\r\nassociates.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Ensign, can you help me find Commander Data?\r\nI understand he's somewhere on this deck. <br>\r\nENSIGN: This way, sir. You must be new to these Galaxy class starships,\r\nsir. (to wall) Tell me the location of Commander Data. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Lieutenant Commander Data now located in Holodeck area 4J. <br>\r\nENSIGN: And as you see, sir, it's pointing you that way. <br>\r\nRIKER: Thank you <br>\r\nENSIGN: You're welcome, sir. <br>\r\n(She appreciates the sight as he walks away) <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: The next hatchway on your right. <br>\r\nRIKER: Thank you. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: You're welcome, Commander Riker. And if you care to enter,\r\nCommander? <br>\r\nRIKER: I do. <br>\r\n(The holodeck doors open to show trees and vegetation. There is\r\nbirdsong)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Forest]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Hello? <br>\r\n(He crosses a stream by stepping stones. One wobbles. Someone is trying\r\nto whistle 'Pop goes the Weasel'. Riker finishes the tune) <br>\r\nDATA: Marvellous. How easily humans do that. I still need much\r\npractice. <br>\r\nRIKER: There are some puzzles down on the planet that the Captain wants\r\nanswered. He suggests that I take you with me on the away team that\r\nI'll be leading. <br>\r\nDATA: I shall endeavour to function adequately, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: Yes. When the captain suggested you, I looked up your record. <br>\r\nDATA: Yes, sir. A wise procedure, sir, always. <br>\r\nRIKER: Then your rank of Lieutenant Commander is honorary? <br>\r\nDATA: No, sir. Starfleet class of '78. Honours in probability mechanics\r\nand exobiology. <br>\r\nRIKER: Your file says that you're an <br>\r\nDATA: Machine, Correct, sir. Does that trouble you? <br>\r\nRIKER: To be honest, yes, a little. <br>\r\nDATA: Understood, sir. Prejudice is very human. <br>\r\nRIKER: Now that does trouble me. Do you consider yourself superior to\r\nus? <br>\r\nDATA: I am superior, sir, in many ways, but I would gladly give it up\r\nto be human. <br>\r\nRIKER: Nice to meet you, Pinocchio. A joke. <br>\r\nDATA: Ah. Intriguing. <br>\r\nRIKER: You're going to be an interesting companion, Mister Data. <br>\r\nDATA: This woodland pattern is quite popular, sir. Perhaps because it\r\nduplicates Earth so well. Coming here almost makes me feel human\r\nmyself. <br>\r\nRIKER: I didn't believe these simulations could be this real. <br>\r\nDATA: Much of it is real, sir. If the transporters can convert our\r\nbodies to an energy beam, then back to the original pattern again <br>\r\nRIKER: Yes, of course. And these rocks and vegetation have much simpler\r\npatterns. <br>\r\nDATA: Correct, sir. The rear wall. <br>\r\nRIKER: I can't see it. <br>\r\nDATA: We're right next to it. <br>\r\n(He throws a rock at it, and the image pixilates on impact) <br>\r\nRIKER: Incredible! <br>\r\nWESLEY [OC]: Commander Riker! <br>\r\nWESLEY: (at the stream) Commander Riker, isn't this great? This is one\r\nof the simpler patterns. They've got thousands more. Some you just\r\ncan't believe. <br>\r\nRIKER: Careful, the next rock is loose! <br>\r\n(Wesley falls in the water) <br>\r\nRIKER: Wesley! <br>\r\n(Data rushes down and hauls the boy out with one hand) <br>\r\nWESLEY: Wow! </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Mister Data has agreed to join me on the\r\naway team, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: Very good, Commander. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Sir, maybe I should get something to wipe this water up. <br>\r\nPICARD: Good idea.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sickbay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WESLEY: There's a low gravity gymnasium, too. It'd\r\nbe hard to get bored on this ship. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Good. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Mom, could you get me a look at the Bridge? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: That's against the Captain's standing orders. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Are you afraid of the Captain too? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I certainly am not. <br>\r\nWESLEY: But Captain Picard is a pain, isn't he? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Your father liked him very much. Great explorers are often\r\nlonely. No chance to have a family. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Just a look, at the Bridge. I'll stay in the turbolift when the\r\ndoors open. I won't get off. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: You are asking for trouble, Wes. We'll see what we can do.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Market place]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: Recommend that someone could begin by\r\nexamining the underside of the station, sir. <br>\r\nTROI: Our sensors do show some passages, sir. Perhaps you and I? <br>\r\nRIKER: Tasha, you and the Counsellor. And, Geordi, I want your eyes\r\ndown there. (to Data) You and I will start with topside. <br>\r\n(As the three explore underground) <br>\r\nRIKER: Have you noticed anything unusual? <br>\r\nDATA: I can't see as well as Geordi, sir, but so far the material seems\r\nrather very ordinary. <br>\r\nRIKER: Construction records? <br>\r\nDATA: Construction records show this to be almost identical to that\r\nwhich Starfleet uses. <br>\r\nTASHA [OC]: Team Leader. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Passageway]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: We've found something interesting. We're in\r\na passageway directly under the station, sir. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: But these tunnel walls are something I've never seen before,\r\nsir. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Marketplace]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: How are you examining them? <br>\r\nLAFORGE [OC]: In every way. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Passageway]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: Microscopically, thermally,\r\nelectromagnetically. None of it is familiar.&nbsp;<br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: What about you, Troi? <br>\r\nTROI: Sir, I've avoided opening my mind. Whatever I felt in the\r\nGroppler's office became very uncomfortable. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Marketplace]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: I'm sorry, Counsellor, but you must. We need\r\nmore information. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Passageway]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TROI: Pain. Such pain! Pain! </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Marketplace]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Hang on, I'm coming. Enterprise, lock us\r\nonto her signal. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Passageway]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Data and Riker beam into the passageway) <br>\r\nRIKER: I'm sorry. Close your mind to the pain. <br>\r\nTROI: Unhappiness. Terrible despair. <br>\r\nRIKER: Who? <br>\r\nTROI: I don't know. No life form anything like us. <br>\r\nRIKER: What in the hell kind of place is this? Geordi, what do you see?\r\n<br>\r\nLAFORGE: Well, it's of no material I recognise, sir, or have even heard\r\nof. <br>\r\n(They carry on exploring) </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(The turbolift doors open, and Wesley is standing\r\nthere) <br>\r\nPICARD: Children are not allowed on the Bridge. <br>\r\n(Crusher appears from where she was hiding) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Permission to report to the captain <br>\r\nPICARD: Doctor Crusher. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Captain. Sir, my son is not on the Bridge. He merely\r\naccompanied me on the turbolift. <br>\r\nPICARD: Your son? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: His name's Wesley. You last saw him years ago when <br>\r\nPICARD: Well, as long as he's here. I knew your father, Wesley. Want a\r\nlook around? <br>\r\n(Wesley steps onto the Bridge) <br>\r\nPICARD: But don't touch anything! Try it out. (the captain's chair) The\r\npanel on your right is for log entries, library computer access and\r\nretrieval, viewscreen control, intercoms, and so on. Here we have <br>\r\nWESLEY: And here, the backup conn and ops panels, plus shield and\r\narmoury controls. <br>\r\nPICARD: The forward viewscreen is controlled from the ops position\r\nthere <br>\r\nWESLEY: Which uses high resolution, multi-spectral imaging sensor\r\nsystems <br>\r\nPICARD: How the hell do you know that, boy? <br>\r\nWESLEY: Perimeter alert, Captain! <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Wesley! <br>\r\nWESLEY: I'm sorry. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: You shouldn't have touched anything <br>\r\nPICARD: Off the bridge! Both of you. <br>\r\nWORF: You have a perimeter alert, sir. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: As my son tried to tell you! <br>\r\n(Crusher and Wesley step back into the turbolift) <br>\r\nPICARD: Picard. Go ahead. <br>\r\nSECURITY [OC]: Ship's sensors have detected the presence of a vessel\r\napproaching this planet. No ship is scheduled to arrive at this time,\r\nsir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Have Commander Riker and his team beam back up. Security, could\r\nthat be the Hood returning here? <br>\r\nSECURITY [OC]: The vessel does not match the Hood's configuration or ID\r\nsignal. <br>\r\nPICARD: Put it on main viewer. Identification? <br>\r\nWORF: Vessel unknown, configuration unknown, sir. <br>\r\n(It looks like a classic flying saucer) <br>\r\nPICARD: Hail it. <br>\r\nWORF: We've been trying, sir. No response. <br>\r\nPICARD: Raise all shields, phasers at ready. <br>\r\nWORF: Shields up, sir. Phasers ready. <br>\r\nPICARD: Get me Groppler Zorn. And continue universal greetings on all\r\nfrequencies. <br>\r\nZORN [OC]: This is Zorn, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: Zorn, an unidentified vessel has entered into orbit with us. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Zorn's office]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD [OC]: Do you know who it is? <br>\r\nZORN: There are no ships scheduled to arrive until </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: I asked if you knew who it is. You\r\nmentioned the Ferengi Alliance to me. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Zorn's office]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">ZORN: But we have had no dealings with them. It was\r\nonly a, a thought. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Are you certain? <br>\r\nZORN [OC]: I promise you, Captain. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Zorn's office]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">ZORN: We were making an empty threat. I wanted your\r\ncooperation. Forgive me. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WORF: Definitely entering orbital trajectory, sir. <br>\r\nSECURITY: (at Tasha's station) It measures twelve times our volume,\r\nCaptain. <br>\r\n(A purple light envelopes the Enterprise) <br>\r\nWORF: Sensors say we were just scanned, sir.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Passageway]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: Pain again? <br>\r\nRIKER: Troi, you've been at it enough. <br>\r\nTROI: No, I feel close to an answer of some kind. <br>\r\nDATA: Commander, something down here is shielding our communicators. <br>\r\nTROI: Yes, that's exactly the feeling I've been reading. As if someone\r\ndoesn't want us to be in touch with our ship. <br>\r\nRIKER: Come on, let's get to the surface.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WORF: There is no computer record of any such\r\nvessel, sir. Nothing even close. <br>\r\nSECURITY: Still no response, sir. We've done everything but threaten\r\nthem. <br>\r\nPICARD: Sensor scans, Mister Worf. <br>\r\nWORF: Our sensor signals seem to just bounce off. Something's\r\nhappening, sir. They're firing on Farpoint, sir! <br>\r\nPICARD: Bring photon torpedoes to ready! <br>\r\nWORF: Wait, sir. They're hitting the old Bandi city, not Farpoint\r\nStation. <br>\r\n(The ruined and empty city is being smashed by purple blasts) </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Passageway]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(The away team can hear the blasts) <br>\r\nTROI: Those stairs are where we entered down here, sir. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: At this point, it becomes ordinary stone, sir. Matching what's\r\nabove. <br>\r\nTASHA: My God! Was that a phaser blast? <br>\r\nDATA: Negative. But something similar. <br>\r\nRIKER: You, Tasha, and Geordi will beam up to the ship. Now, come on, I\r\nwant to see exactly what's happening. <br>\r\nTROI: Don't. If you should be hurt <br>\r\nRIKER: You have your orders, Lieutenant. Carry them out. <br>\r\nTROI: Yes sir, I'm sorry, sir. Enterprise, three to beam up. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Zorn's office]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">ZORN: Enterprise, Enterprise, come in! Help us,\r\nplease! What shall we do? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">ZORN [OC]: Enterprise, help us, please! <br>\r\nPICARD: Tune that down! Commander Riker, come in. Can you hear me? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bandi city]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Data and Riker phaser open a door and rush\r\nthrough) <br>\r\nRIKER: Riker to Enterprise, come in. <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: Commander Riker, come in. Where are you? <br>\r\nRIKER: With Data, on the edge of the old city, sir. It's being hit\r\nhard, sir. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: And Farpoint Station? Any damage there? <br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: Negative on damage to Farpoint, sir. Whoever they are, it\r\nseems they're carefully avoiding hitting the station. <br>\r\nPICARD: It's from an unidentified vessel that's entered into orbit with\r\nus here. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bandi city]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD [OC]: No ID, no answer to our signals. <br>\r\nRIKER: The old Bandi city's being hit hard, sir. Many casualties very\r\nprobable. <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: Understand, Commander. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Would you object to your Captain ordering a\r\nclearly illegal kidnapping? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bandi city]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: No objection, sir. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Groppler Zorn may have the answers we need.\r\nGet him. Bring him here. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bandi city]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Aye, sir. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: They're forcing a difficult decision on me,\r\nCounsellor. <br>\r\nTROI: But I doubt protecting the Bandi would violate the Prime\r\nDirective. True, they are not actual allies, but <br>\r\nPICARD: We are in the midst of diplomatic discussions with them.\r\nLieutenant, lock phasers on that vessel. <br>\r\nTASHA: Phasers locked on, Captain. <br>\r\n(There's a flash, and the Judge Q stands there) <br>\r\nQ: Typical. So typical. Savage lifeforms never follow even their own\r\nrules. <br>\r\nPICARD: Get off my bridge! <br>\r\nQ: Interesting, that order about phasers. <br>\r\nTASHA: Standing by on phasers, Captain. <br>\r\nQ: Please, don't let me interfere. Use your weapons. <br>\r\nPICARD: We've no idea who is on that vessel. My order was a routine\r\nsafety precaution. <br>\r\nQ: Really? No idea of what it represents? The meaning of that vessel is\r\nas plain, as plain as the noses on your ugly little primate faces. And\r\nif you were truly civilised, Captain, wouldn't you be doing something\r\nabout the casualties happening down there? <br>\r\nPICARD: Captain to CMO. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sickbay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD [OC]: Are you reading any of this? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Medical teams already preparing to beam down, Captain. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Compliments on that, Doctor. Any questions?\r\nStarfleet people are trained to render aid and assistance whenever <br>\r\nQ: But not trained in clear thinking. <br>\r\nPICARD: Let's consider your thoughts. You call us savages and yet you\r\nknew those people down there would be killed. It is your conduct that\r\nis uncivilised. <br>\r\nWORF: Sir, they're firing on the planet again. <br>\r\nPICARD: Go to manoeuvring jets. Position us between that vessel and the\r\nplanet. Force fields full on. <br>\r\nWORF: Aye, sir. Impulse power to (beep) We have no ship control, sir.\r\nIt's gone!\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bandi city]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Riker painfully hauls himself up from the ground.\r\nHe is covered in dust) <br>\r\nDATA: Are you undamaged? <br>\r\nRIKER: Yes. You? <br>\r\nDATA: All systems operating. <br>\r\n(They hear sobbing, and enter - )\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Zorn's office]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Zorn is hiding underneath his desk) <br>\r\nZORN: Please! Make it stop! You can drive it away! <br>\r\nRIKER: Drive who away, Groppler? <br>\r\nZORN: I don't know. <br>\r\nDATA: Unlikely, sir. Our records show that you supervised all Bandi\r\ncontact with other worlds. <br>\r\nZORN: We done nothing anything wrong! <br>\r\nRIKER: Then if we can learn nothing from you, we'll leave. <br>\r\nZORN: No! Oh no, please, don't leave. I'll try to explain. <br>\r\n(Then he gets beamed away, screaming)\r\nRIKER: First officer to Enterprise. We've lost Zorn. Something like a\r\ntransporter beam seems to have snatched him away. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER [OC]: Question, sir, could it be this Q? <br>\r\nQ: None of you knows who transported him. You're running out of time,\r\nCaptain. <br>\r\nTROI: Captain, suddenly I'm sensing something else. Satisfaction.\r\nEnormous satisfaction. <br>\r\nPICARD: From the same source as before? <br>\r\nTROI: No, that was on the planet. This is much closer. <br>\r\nQ: Excellent, Counsellor. He's such a dullard, isn't he? <br>\r\nCREW [OC]: Captain from Transporter Room. First Officer and Mister Data\r\nhave beamed aboard. <br>\r\nQ: Excellent also. Perhaps with more of these little minds helping <br>\r\nPICARD: That is enough, damn it! <br>\r\nQ: Have you forgotten that we have an agreement, <br>\r\nPICARD: An agreement which you are at this moment breaking by taking\r\nover our vessel, interfering with my decisions. Either leave or finish\r\nus. <br>\r\nQ: Temper, temper, mon Capitaine. I'm merely trying to assist a pitiful\r\nspecies. But perhaps I will leave if Commander Riker provides me with\r\nsome amusement. <br>\r\nPICARD: Do nothing that he asks. <br>\r\nQ (JUDGE): But I ask so little, and it's so necessary if you're to\r\nsolve all this. Beam over there with your what do you call it? Your\r\naway team. <br>\r\nPICARD: I'll risk none of my crew on that unknown. <br>\r\nQ: You should already know what you'll find there. Or perhaps it's too\r\nadult a puzzle for you. <br>\r\nRIKER: With all respect, Captain, I want to beam over there. <br>\r\nQ: You show promise, my good fellow. <br>\r\nRIKER: Have you understood any part of what he's tried to tell you?\r\nHumanity is no longer a savage race. <br>\r\nQ: But you must still prove that. <br>\r\n(And he vanishes) <br>\r\nPICARD: At least you impressed him, Number One. That's hopeful. <br>\r\nRIKER: Thank you, Captain. Captain, if he's not open to evidence in our\r\nfavour, where will you go from there? <br>\r\nPICARD: I'll attend to my duty. <br>\r\nRIKER: To the bitter end? <br>\r\nPICARD: I see nothing so bitter about that. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Crusher's office]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: Can I help you, Captain? <br>\r\nPICARD: I didn't want you thinking me harsh. Cold blooded. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Why oh why would I ever think that. <br>\r\nPICARD: I didn't welcome you aboard personally, professionally. I made\r\nyou come to me on the Bridge. I yelled at your son. Who, as you pointed\r\nout, was quite correct. He does seem to have a very good grasp of\r\nstarship operations. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: You've just won this mother's heart, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: Ah, but, now, your assignment here. I would consider and\r\napprove you a transfer for you. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Oh. You consider me unqualified? <br>\r\nPICARD: Hardly. Your service record shows you're just the Chief Medical\r\nOfficer I want. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Then you must object to me personally. <br>\r\nPICARD: I'm trying to be considerate of your feelings, Doctor. For you\r\nto work with a commanding officer who would continually remind you of a\r\nterrible personal tragedy. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: If I had had any objections to serving with you, I wouldn't\r\nhave requested this assignment, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: You requested this posting? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: My feelings about my husband's death will have no effect on\r\nthe way I serve you, this vessel, or this mission. <br>\r\nPICARD: Ah. Then, welcome aboard, Doctor. <br>\r\n(They shake hands) <br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: Riker to Picard. We're ready to beam over, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: I, er, I hope we can be friends? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Thank you. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Transporter room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(The away team is Data, Tasha, Troi and Riker) <br>\r\nRIKER: Phasers on stun. Energise. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Alien vessel]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(It looks like the passages under the Bandi city) <br>\r\nDATA: Most interesting, sir. <br>\r\nTASHA: It's much the same construction we saw in the underground\r\ntunnel. <br>\r\nDATA: But no sound of power. No equipment. <br>\r\nTASHA: How does this ship run? <br>\r\nRIKER: What is it, Troi? Is it the same as you felt down there? <br>\r\nTROI: No. This is much more powerful. Full of anger! Hate! <br>\r\nTASHA: Toward us? <br>\r\nTROI: No. It's directed down toward the old Bandi city. <br>\r\nDATA: Most intriguing again, sir. The place that this vessel was firing\r\nupon was not the Farpoint starbase, but the home of those who\r\nconstructed. Sorry, sir. I seem to be commenting on everything. <br>\r\nRIKER: Good. Don't stop, my friend.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER [OC]: Enterprise, Riker. This is turning out\r\nto be a very long tunnel or corridor, sir. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Alien vessel]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: No ship's crew in sight. No sign of\r\nmechanism or circuitry. No controls or read-outs. This is nothing like\r\nany vessel I've seen before. <br>\r\nTROI: Groppler Zorn, sir. A great fear just ahead. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TROI [OC}: There's a different feeling here than in\r\nthe tunnel. Very different. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Alien vessel]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">ZORN [OC]: No! Please! No more! Please, no more!\r\nPlease, please, make it stop! Please! Please! Please! Make it stop!\r\nPlease! <br>\r\n(They find Zorn suspended in a force field, in pain) <br>\r\nZORN: No! Please! No more, please! No more! Please! <br>\r\nRIKER: Zorn. Can you hear me? <br>\r\nZORN: The pain! No! <br>\r\nTROI: Has the alien communicated? <br>\r\nZORN: Please! Please! Please, no more! <br>\r\nTROI: That's it, sir. It's just one alien that I'm sensing here. <br>\r\nZORN: Please! I don't understand what you want! <br>\r\nTROI: Not true. He does know. <br>\r\nZORN: No, please, no more. No more! No, no, no, don't! <br>\r\n(Riker and Data modulate their phasers to disrupt the force field, and\r\nZorn drops onto a big soft mattress. The alien ship is not pleased\r\nabout this) </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WORF: Captain! <br>\r\nPICARD: Transporter chief, yank them back now! Riker, acknowledge! <br>\r\n(Flash! Q is in a Starfleet uniform) <br>\r\nQ: Your time is up, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: Transporter Chief, do you have their coordinates? Transporter\r\nChief! <br>\r\nQ: He can't hear you, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: Transporter Chief, come in! I've people in trouble over there,\r\nQ. <br>\r\n(Q sits himself in the Captain's chair) <br>\r\nPICARD: Everyone at ease. That's an order. Q, my people are in trouble.\r\nLet me help them, please. I'll do whatever you say. <br>\r\n(The away team and Zorn materialise on the Bridge) <br>\r\nQ: You'll do whatever I say? <br>\r\nPICARD: It seems I did make that bargain. <br>\r\nTROI: The agreement isn't valid, sir. It wasn't Q that saved us. <br>\r\nQ: Save yourself. It may attack you now. <br>\r\nRIKER: It was that which sent us back, Captain. <br>\r\nTROI: Yes sir. It is not merely a vessel, sir. Somehow it is alive. <br>\r\nQ: She lies. Destroy it while you have a chance. Make phasers and\r\nphoton torpedoes ready. <br>\r\nPICARD: No! Do nothing he demands. <br>\r\nZORN: Captain, that thing was killing my people! <br>\r\nPICARD: Was there a reason? <br>\r\nQ: It is an unknown, Captain. Isn't that enough? <br>\r\nPICARD: If you'd earned that uniform you're wearing, you'd know that\r\nthe unknown is what brings us out here. <br>\r\nQ: Wasted effort, considering the human intelligence. <br>\r\nPICARD: Let's test that. Beginning with the tunnels you have under\r\nFarpoint, Groppler. <br>\r\nRIKER: Identical to the ones on the space vessel lifeform over there.\r\nWhy was it punishing you, Groppler? <br>\r\nPICARD: In return for some pain you'd given other creature? <br>\r\nZORN: We've done nothing wrong. It was injured. We helped it. <br>\r\nPICARD: Thank you. That was the missing part. Lieutenant Yar, rig main\r\nphaser banks to deliver an energy beam. <br>\r\nTASHA: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: You're right, Captain. It has to be conceivable that somewhere\r\nin this galaxy there could exist creatures able to convert energy into\r\nmatter. <br>\r\nPICARD: And into specific patterns of matter, just as our transporters\r\ndo. <br>\r\nTASHA: On the viewer, Captain! <br>\r\n(The alien vessel transforms into a giant space jellyfish) <br>\r\nPICARD: Groppler, you captured something like that, didn't you? <br>\r\nZORN: Warn my people, please, to leave Farpoint Station immediately! <br>\r\nQ: He lies, Captain. Shouldn't you let his people die? <br>\r\nPICARD: Transmit the message, leave Farpoint Space Station immediately.\r\n<br>\r\nTROI: Then it was a pair of creatures I was sensing. One down there in\r\ngrief and pain, the other up here, filled with anger. <br>\r\nDATA: And firing not on the new space station, but on the Bandi and\r\ntheir city. <br>\r\nPICARD: Attacking those who had captured, capture its mate. <br>\r\nTASHA: Energy beam ready, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Lock it in on Farpoint Station. <br>\r\nQ: I see now it was too simple a puzzle. Generosity has always been my\r\nweakness. <br>\r\nPICARD: Let it have whatever it can absorb. Energise. <br>\r\n(A stream of light bathes Farpoint) <br>\r\nTASHA: Now getting feedback on the beam, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Discontinue. Groppler Zorn, there'll soon be no Farpoint\r\nStation, if I'm right about this. <br>\r\nQ: A lucky guess. <br>\r\n(Farpoint transforms into another space jellyfish) <br>\r\nZORN: Please believe me, we meant no harm to the creature. It was\r\nstarving for energy. <br>\r\nPICARD: Which your world furnishes you in plenty. <br>\r\nZORN: We did feed it. <br>\r\nPICARD: Only enough to keep it alive, so that you could force it to\r\nshape itself into whatever form you needed! <br>\r\n(The second jellyfish takes off, and the two touch tendrils, lovingly,\r\nbefore leaving) <br>\r\nTROI: Sir! Wonderful! A feeling of great joy. And gratitude. Great joy\r\nand gratitude, from both of them. <br>\r\nPICARD: Why do you use other lifeforms for recreation? <br>\r\nQ: If so, you've not provided the best. <br>\r\nPICARD: Leave us! We've passed your little test. <br>\r\nQ: Temper, temper, mon Capitaine. <br>\r\nPICARD: Get off my ship. <br>\r\nQ: I do so only because it suits me to. But I will not promise never to\r\nappear again. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, stardate 41174.2. The agreement for\r\nthe rebuilding Farpoint Station has been completed per my instructions.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: All stations? <br>\r\nDATA: Ready for departure, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Some problem, Riker? <br>\r\nRIKER: Just hoping this isn't the usual way our missions will go, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Oh no, Number One. I'm sure most will be much more interesting.\r\nLet's see what's out there. Engage. </font> </p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n</center>\r\n</div>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><a href=\"episodes.htm\"><font color=\"#2867d0\">&lt;Back\r\nto the episode listing</font></a></font></p>\r\n<p><font color=\"#000000\" face=\"Arial\" size=\"1\"><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">Star Trek � and related\r\nmarks are trademarks of<a href=\"\"> <font color=\"#2867d0\">CBS Studios Inc</font></a>.\r\nCopyright � 1966, Present. The Star Trek web pages on this site are for\r\neducational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights\r\nproperty of their respective holders.</font></font></p>\r\n</body></html>"},{"episode":"103.htm","data":"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n<html lang=\"en-gb\"><head>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-1252\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en-gb\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Enterprise, NCC1701D, Episodes, Transcripts, The Naked Now&lt;, Jean-Luc Picard, William Thomas Riker, Geordi LaForge, Tasha Yar, Worf, Beverly Crusher, Deanna Troi, Data, Wesley Crusher, Sarah MacDougal, Jim Shimoda, USS Tsiolkovsky, The Naked Time\">\r\n<meta name=\"Keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Transcripts, The Naked Now\">\r\n<meta name=\"Description\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation episode transcripts\"><title>The Next Generation Transcripts - The Naked Now</title>\r\n\r\n</head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"#d5d5d5\" dir=\"ltr\">\r\n<p><font color=\"#2867d0\" face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"5\"><b>The\r\nNaked Now</b></font><br>\r\n<font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Stardate:\r\n41209.2<br>\r\nOriginal Airdate: 5 Oct, 1987<br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n<center>\r\n<table border=\"0\" width=\"85%\">\r\n<tbody>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td align=\"left\" width=\"85%\"> <font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">\r\nCaptain's log, Stardate 41209.2. We are running at warp seven to\r\nrendezvous with the science vessel SS Tsiolkovsky, which has been\r\nroutinely monitoring the collapse of a red super giant star into a\r\nwhite dwarf. What has brought us here is a series of strange messages\r\nindicating something has gone wrong aboard the research vessel.\r\n</font>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(There is the sound of laughter coming over the\r\ncomm. system) <br>\r\nDATA: SS Tsiolkovsky, repeat your message. <br>\r\nWOMAN [OC]: Well hello, Enterprise. Welcome. I hope you have a lot of\r\npretty boys on board, because i'm willing and waiting. In fact, we're\r\ngoing to have a real blow-out here. <br>\r\nMAN [OC]: Do it! Yeah, go ahead. Do it! (BANG) <br>\r\nDATA: Captain, what we just heard is impossible. <br>\r\nPICARD: Report. <br>\r\nDATA: I believe that last sound we heard was an emergency hatch being\r\nblown. <br>\r\nPICARD: Are you certain? Yes, of course you are. <br>\r\nRIKER: Data, Geordi, Tasha.&nbsp;<br>\r\nWORF: Sensor scan now reveals no life signs aboard, Captain. <br>\r\n(The Enterprise comes up to the ship in orbit) <br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Tsiolkovsky]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(The group beam into an area with scattered\r\nfurniture and a Red Alert) <br>\r\nRIKER: Cover the ship as planned. Move out. <br>\r\nDATA: Indications of what humans would call a wild party? <br>\r\n(They find a monitor, with a static laden image) <br>\r\nRIKER: Their Bridge. If this thing works, be sure to record everything.\r\n<br>\r\n(The picture gets cleaned up) <br>\r\nRIKER: You were right. Somebody blew the hatch. They were all sucked\r\nout into space. <br>\r\nDATA: Correction, sir, that's blown out. <br>\r\nRIKER: Thank you, Data. <br>\r\nDATA: A common mistake, sir, <br>\r\nTASHA [OC]: Commander Riker, Lieutenant Yar. Location Engineering. Ten\r\npeople here, sir, all frozen. No vital signs. <br>\r\nRIKER: Frozen? How? <br>\r\nTASHA [OC]: It looks like someone has been playing with the\r\nenvironmental controls, sir. Just let all the heat bleed away into\r\nspace. <br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Tsiolkovsky Crew Quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Another group of frozen people just lounging\r\nabout. Some are in a state of undress) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Sir, Lieutenant La Forge in the crew quarters. Something in\r\nhere. <br>\r\n(He finds a door which is trying to close. He opens it and a corpse\r\nfalls out into his arms.<br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Tsiolkovsky]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Riker to Captain, I have a report for you,\r\nsir. <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: Picard here. <br>\r\nRIKER: They're all dead. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER [OC]: Apparently some of them were apparently\r\nblown out the emergency hatches. <br>\r\nPICARD: But there were eighty people on that ship, Number One. <br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: Yes sir. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Tsiolkovsky]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: As I said, all dead.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, supplemental. We are downloading the\r\nresearch information gathered on the collapsing star nearby. I am\r\nconcerned at being in such close orbit, but the Tsiolkovsky's research\r\nrecords will no doubt predict the time of the star's final collapse.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Crusher's office]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: I can't find anything unusual in any of\r\nthe tricorder readings they've sent over, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: Give me a theory, Doctor. Anything. Madness? Mass hysteria?\r\nDelusion? <br>\r\nTROI: Any or all, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: All right. Let's bring the away team back. Set the transporter\r\nto maximum decontamination, and then full examination and observation\r\nwhen they're here.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sickbay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: If you were any more perfect, Data, I'd\r\nwrite you up in a Starfleet medical textbook. <br>\r\nDATA: I am already listed in several bio-mechanical texts, Doctor. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Yes of course. You're next, Lieutenant. <br>\r\n(Geordi lays on the bed) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Normal all across. Except, why are you perspiring, Lieutenant?\r\n<br>\r\nLAFORGE: I suppose because you have it too hot in here. What else would\r\nit be? <br>\r\nRIKER: That doesn't sound like you, Geordi. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Well, maybe it's not. Maybe she threw her voice. Hey, it was a\r\njoke. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Of course, but I would like to run one or two more tests on\r\nyou, Lieutenant. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: [OC]: Sickbay to Bridge, <br>\r\nPICARD: Picard here. Go ahead, Doctor. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: [OC]: I'm confining Lieutenant La Forge to Sickbay until\r\nfurther notice. <br>\r\nPICARD: Do we have a problem, Doctor? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Crusher's office]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: I don't know yet. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Data, I need help in locating some library\r\ncomputer information. <br>\r\nDATA: Specifics, sir? <br>\r\nRIKER: All I have is a vague memory of reading somewhere about someone\r\ntaking a shower in his or her clothing. <br>\r\nDATA: Ah. The body Geordi discovered. <br>\r\nRIKER: I believe it may have happened before. <br>\r\nDATA: To someone, somewhere. <br>\r\nRIKER: This ought to be easy for someone written up in bio-mechanical\r\ntexts. <br>\r\nDATA: About that, sir. Did the Doctor believe I was boasting? <br>\r\nRIKER: Probably. This may take some time. <br>\r\nDATA: At least several hours. But what I said was a statement of fact.\r\nPerhaps she will look it up. <br>\r\nRIKER: You can depend on it.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sickbay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(While Beverly puts the results of her latest scan\r\ninto her computer, Geordi takes off his comm. badge and walks out into\r\nthe corridor. When she gets there, he is nowhere in sight) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Geordi!\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Crusher's office]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: Security. Lieutenant La Forge just left\r\nSickbay while I was in my office. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER [OC]: He doesn't have his communicator. It\r\nis very important that we find him. <br>\r\nTASHA: Security team alert, pick up Lieutenant La Forge. He just left\r\nSickbay moments ago. Captain, anything further? <br>\r\nPICARD: Affirmative. Make it a ship-wide search, Lieutenant. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Crusher's quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Geordi is with Wesley, who is showing off his\r\nlatest device by floating a chair around the room) <br>\r\nWESLEY: It's a model of the same kind of tractor beam our ship uses\r\nwith a few ideas of my own added. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: So that's your science project, huh? Wes, you're really\r\nsomething. <br>\r\nWESLEY: And since the Captain won't let me on the Bridge, I use this to\r\nimagine I'm there. <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: Take the helm, Mister Crusher. Set a course for thirty\r\nseven mark one hundred eighty. Warp six. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: It's the Captain's voice. <br>\r\nWESLEY: It's pieced together from words he's used on the intercom. With\r\nthis, I can pretend he's ordering me to take the Enterprise anywhere.\r\nAnd listen to this, <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: Chief Engineer, report to the Bridge. Commander Riker,\r\nreport to the Bridge. Doctor Crusher, report to the Bridge. <br>\r\nWESLEY: What do you think? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I think the Captain's lucky you're on his side. <br>\r\nWESLEY: But he still won't let me on the Bridge. And there's nothing\r\nthere I don't understand. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I wish I understood myself that well. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Are you okay? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: No, Suddenly I seem to be burning up inside. It's hot in here.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Observation lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Geordi is staring out at the stars) <br>\r\nTASHA: Geordi? Geordi? Lieutenant Yar in the Observation lounge. Send a\r\nteam here now. Medical's been worried about you. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Help me. Help me to not to give in to the wild things coming\r\ninto my mind, <br>\r\nTASHA: Geordi, my job is security, <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Tasha, please. <br>\r\nTASHA: Alright. Alright, helping is more important. Geordi, how can I\r\nhelp you? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Help me to see. Like you do. <br>\r\nTASHA: But you already see better than I can. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I see more. But more isn't better. <br>\r\n(He takes off his Visor) <br>\r\nTASHA: Geordi, please put <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I want to see in shallow, dim, beautiful human ways. <br>\r\n(He strokes her face) <br>\r\nTASHA: We'll talk about it, Geordi. Right now I'm going to take you to\r\nSickbay. All right? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Yeah. <br>\r\nTASHA: Okay. Good. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sickbay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: And then we got him down to Sickbay so\r\nDoctor Crusher could examine him. <br>\r\nPICARD: He wasn't violent? <br>\r\nTASHA: No, sir. He was very upset. He kept talking about wanting normal\r\nvision. <br>\r\nPICARD: Thank you, Lieutenant.<br>\r\n(Tasha wipes her forehead and leaves. She's feeling warm) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: According to our medical readouts, there's still nothing wrong\r\nwith him. He looks like he's running a temperature but every instrument\r\nwe have says he's not. <br>\r\nPICARD: Doctor, every person on that ship over there died. Is there any\r\nchance that whatever did it is loose on my ship? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: If you mean a disease, sir, I'd say there's no chance of it.\r\nWe used full decontamination, we examined every team member very\r\ncarefully, <br>\r\nPICARD: The entire crew somehow managed to kill themselves, Doctor. If\r\nit's not a disease, what else could have made them do that? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: The obvious alternatives would be in areas of insanity and\r\nsevere emotional upset. Troi, do you feel anything unusual in the\r\nlieutenant? <br>\r\nPICARD: Security just told me that he was longing for normal eyesight.\r\nThat's a sudden yearning for that. <br>\r\nTROI: Since his records show no previous mention of that, the fact that\r\nit's happened now could be important. But all I sense from him is\r\nconfusion. If I didn't know better, I'd say he was intoxicated. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Our tests would have shown that. Also any other signs of\r\ndrugs, hallucinogens or other contaminants.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Data is going through library records with Riker\r\nhanging over his shoulder) <br>\r\nDATA: Can you provide more information, sir? Seeking an instance of\r\nsomeone showering in his or her clothing is <br>\r\nRIKER: I know. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack. <br>\r\nDATA: Why should anyone wish to expend his time in such a search? <br>\r\nRIKER: Correction, Data, I should have said proverbial needle in a\r\nhaystack. <br>\r\nDATA: Ah, a human proverb! As in folklore, or an historical allusion,\r\nor tribal memories <br>\r\nRIKER: Historical. That's it. I remember I was reading a history of all\r\nthe past starships named Enterprise. <br>\r\nDATA: Enterprise history. Aberrant behavior. Medical cross reference, <br>\r\n(Picard enters) <br>\r\nRIKER: Captain, I believe we've have the answer to what happened over\r\nthere. <br>\r\nPICARD: (reading the screen) <a href=\"../StarTrek/7.htm\" style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0);\"> The Constitution class\r\nEnterprise, Captain James T. Kirk\r\ncommanding</a>. <br>\r\nRIKER: Similar conditions. They were monitoring a planet that was\r\nbreaking up, not a collapsing star as in this case. But there were the\r\nsame huge shifts in gravity, <br>\r\nPICARD: Which somehow resulted in complex strings of water molecules\r\nwhich acquired carbon from the body and acted on the brain like\r\nalcohol. Data, download this information to Medical immediately. <br>\r\nDATA: Aye, sir. Downloading. <br>\r\nPICARD: Fascinating! The entire crew going out of control, <br>\r\nRIKER: Like intoxication, but worse. Judgment almost completely\r\nimpaired, <br>\r\nPICARD: Until they found this formula, barely in time. Picard to Doctor\r\nCrusher, come in. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Crusher's office]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: This is Crusher. Go ahead Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: You can relax, Doctor. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: The answer to all of this is feeding into\r\nyour medical banks right now. Including a cure. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Crusher's office]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: Are you certain, Captain? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Absolutely.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Troi's Quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Deanna enters to find her clothes strewn over her\r\nfurniture, and laughter from the bedroom) <br>\r\nTROI: Tasha? What are you doing? <br>\r\nTASHA: I need your advice. That's why I came to your quarters. <br>\r\nTROI: Of course. Anything I can do <br>\r\nTASHA: On clothes. You always wear such beautiful clothes off duty. And\r\nyour hair always looks so nice. I want to change my image. What do you\r\nthink about this? Or this one? <br>\r\nTROI: It's not for you. Tasha, I feel you're very uncertain. Yhat\r\nyou're fighting something. (their hands touch) What is it? <br>\r\nTASHA: Never mind. I'll find what I need myself. Ship's stores will\r\nhave it. <br>\r\nTROI: Tasha? Tasha, wait. <br>\r\n(Tasha leaves, giggling) </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TROI [OC]: Troi to Captain Picard. <br>\r\nPICARD: Picard here. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Troi's quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TROI: Sir, I think Tasha's been infected too. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TROI [OC]: She just left my quarters, <br>\r\nPICARD: Counsellor, it's not actually an infection. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Troi's quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TROI: Yes, sir. It's more like an intoxication. Nut\r\nwhatever it is, she's got it. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Thank you, Counsellor. Number One, it seems\r\nour Security Chief has the equivalent of a snootful. <br>\r\nDATA: Inquiry, sir. Snootful? <br>\r\nPICARD: Forget it.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sickbay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Beverly is working in her office when Wesley calls\r\nout to her) <br>\r\nWESLEY: Hey, Mom, look what I can do. <br>\r\n(She dashes into Sickbay to see him playing with his tractor beam\r\ndevice) <br>\r\nWESLEY: I've been able to widen and strengthen the beam, just like I\r\ntold you last night. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Do me a favour, Wes. There's something happening on this ship.\r\nJust to be safe, I'd like you to stay in our quarters until it's\r\nsolved. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Sure, Mom, sure. Your wish is my command. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Now, Wes. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Okay, but you could be stunting my emotional growth, you\r\nrealise that. Why is it so hot in here, anyway? <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: Picard to Crusher. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Crusher here. <br>\r\nPICARD: Have you made a test injection yet? We're getting indications\r\nthat this condition is spreading. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: No test yet, Captain, but very soon.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Tasha is sashaying down the corridor, eyeing up\r\nmen, as other crew canoodle. She grabs a guy in blue and gives him a\r\nlong hard kiss) </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: Captain, another forty-one minutes will see\r\nthe information from the Tsiolkovsky downloaded to us. <br>\r\nPICARD: Why so slow? <br>\r\nDATA: Slow, sir? The Tsiolkovsky has been eight months in accumulating\r\nit. <br>\r\nPICARD: How much danger from that star? Worse case. <br>\r\nDATA: Like a full collapse, sir? Any stellar material it threw this way\r\nwe could still outrun on half impulse power.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD [OC]: Picard to Engineering. Chief Engineer\r\nreport to the Bridge. <br>\r\n(A woman marches out) <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: Assistant Chief Engineer Shimoda, report to Medical. <br>\r\n(Wesley enters and offers his sweaty hand for a shake) <br>\r\nWESLEY: Hi, Jim. Was that the Captain sending you to Medical? <br>\r\nSHIMODA: Which would leave no one on duty here. The Chief was just\r\nsummoned to the Bridge. <br>\r\nWESLEY: What about me? I could call the Chief on the Bridge if anything\r\nhappened. <br>\r\n(Shimoda leaves, and Wesley looks smug)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">MACDOUGAL: Reporting as ordered, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: What? <br>\r\nMACDOUGAL: You ordered me to report to the Bridge, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: I did no such thing. I want you down in the Engine room just in\r\ncase we need to move out of here. <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: Attention all decks, all divisions. Effective immediately,\r\nI have handed over control of this vessel to Acting Captain Wesley\r\nCrusher. <br>\r\nPICARD: Acting Captain? <br>\r\nWESLEY [OC]: Thank you, Captain Picard, thank you. And with that order\r\ndawns a brave new day for the Enterprise.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, Stardate 41209.3. The strange\r\ncontaminant that led to the deaths of the Tsiolkovsky crew is now\r\naboard the Enterprise and our Engineering section has been commandeered\r\nby young Wesley Crusher.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WESLEY: And henceforth, a dessert course shall\r\nprecede and follow every meal. Including breakfast. <br>\r\nCREWMAN: Hurray for the acting Captain! <br>\r\n(The entire Engineering crew are out of their skulls) <br>\r\nSHIMODA: Never got as far as Sickbay, Wes. I feel too good for that. <br>\r\n(He walks into a force field) <br>\r\nSHIMODA: Incredible. How did you do that? <br>\r\nWESLEY: Hooked my model tractor beam into ship's power. Now its a\r\nrepulser beam too. Want in? <br>\r\nSHIMODA: Swear to be faithful to you, Captain. <br>\r\n(Wesley lets him stagger into his area)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Number One, MacDougal, get that boy out of\r\nEngineering. <br>\r\n(Riker and MacDougal leave) <br>\r\nWORF: Sir, I'm getting very strange reports from all decks. <br>\r\nPICARD: Such as? <br>\r\nWORF: Such as the ship's Training Division ordering all officers to\r\nattend a lecture on metaphysics. <br>\r\nPICARD: Metaphysics? <br>\r\nDATA: Confirmed, sir. And there was a rather peculiar limerick being\r\ndelivered by someone in the Shuttlecraft bay. I am not sure I\r\nunderstand it. There was a young lady from Venus whose body was shaped\r\nlike <br>\r\nPICARD: Captain to Security, come in! <br>\r\nDATA: Did I say something wrong? <br>\r\nWORF: I don't understand their humour either. <br>\r\nSECURITY [OC]: Yeah, Captain? <br>\r\nPICARD: Where is my security chief! Get me Lieutenant Yar. <br>\r\nSECURITY [OC]: Keep your britches on. <br>\r\nTASHA [OC]: (lilting) Captain Picard. <br>\r\nPICARD: Lieutenant, where are you? <br>\r\nTASHA [OC]: I'm in my quarters, and I'm pretty busy right at the\r\nmoment, Jean-Luc. <br>\r\nPICARD: All right, Lieutenant, you just stay right there. Data, please\r\ngo to Lieutenant Yar and take her down to Sickbay. <br>\r\nDATA: Yes, sir. <br>\r\n(Data leaves) <br>\r\nPICARD: Captain to Security, I want all your senior supervisors to\r\nreport to the Bridge immediately.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Tasha's Quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(We hear giggling as Data enters cautiously) <br>\r\nDATA: Lieutenant Yar? <br>\r\nTASHA: Here, Data. You wanted me? <br>\r\n(She has slicked down her hair, and is wearing a curious outfit that\r\nleaves the ribcage and stomach bare) <br>\r\nDATA: Captain Picard ordered me to escort you to Sickbay, Lieutenant. <br>\r\nTASHA: Did he say when? <br>\r\nDATA: I am sure he meant now. So, you need time to get into uniform. <br>\r\nTASHA: But I got out of uniform for you, Data. Do you know how old I\r\nwas when I was abandoned? <br>\r\nDATA: Chronological age? No, I am afraid I am not familiar with <br>\r\nTASHA: Five. Five years old, but I survived. I learned how to stay\r\nalive, how to avoid the rape gangs. I was fifteen before I escaped. <br>\r\nDATA: I am sorry. I did not know, <br>\r\nTASHA: And what I want now is gentleness. And joy. And love. From you,\r\nData. You are fully functional, aren't you? <br>\r\nDATA: Of course, but <br>\r\nTASHA: How fully? <br>\r\nDATA: In every way, of course. I am programmed in multiple techniques,\r\na broad variety of pleasuring, <br>\r\nTASHA: Oh, you jewel! That's exactly what I hoped. <br>\r\n(She leads him into the bedroom and sits him down on the bed) </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering ]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD [OC]: What have you learned, Number One? <br>\r\nRIKER: Captain, the ship's engines are cut off from the bridge. The\r\nAssistant Chief Engineer pulled out the isolinear optical chips from\r\ncommand. All engines are offline. Wesley has hooked some kind of\r\ntractor beam to ship's power and he has it aimed at the door. We can't\r\nget past to get at the computer. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Can you short out the power? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">MACDOUGAL: Yes, I can. But it's going to take some\r\ntime.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Do it!\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering ]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TROI: Bill.\r\nRIKER: Deanna, what? <br>\r\nTROI: So many minds on this ship, all free. Released, <br>\r\nRIKER: Deanna. <br>\r\n(She strokes his chest) <br>\r\nTROI: I can feel them all. What they want, what they feel. It's a side\r\nof humans I've never felt before. <br>\r\nRIKER: Come on, I'm getting you to Sickbay. <br>\r\n(He picks her up and carries her) <br>\r\nTROI: Wouldn't you rather be alone with me? With me in your mind?\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sickbay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: (injecting Geordi) The medical records we\r\nfound say this works almost instantly. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: It's not fair, Doc. I've never seen a rainbow, sunset,\r\nsunrise. This is going to help me? Help me see like you? <br>\r\n(Riker enters carrying Deanna) <br>\r\nRIKER: Doctor Crusher? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Crusher's office]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Deanna needs your help. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: The formula from the old Enterprise didn't work. <br>\r\nRIKER: What? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: This water-carbon complex may induce the same symptoms, but\r\nsomehow it's different. Maybe it's mutated. But I've got to isolate\r\nit in order to analyse it, <br>\r\nRIKER: We don't have that kind of time. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: You brought Deanna in. <br>\r\nRIKER: She's infected with <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Then you touched her! Oh, God. And you touched me. Wait! I've\r\ngot to quarantine you. <br>\r\nRIKER: If I don't get the command computer back online soon, none of\r\nthis, whatever this is, won't matter. We'll all be dead.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, supplemental. It is no longer an\r\ninconvenient, childish prank. Young Wesley Crusher, admittedly a victim\r\nof the Tsiolkovsky infection, is now in control of my starship. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Wes, this is Captain Picard. Do you see me?\r\n<br>\r\nWESLEY [on viewscreen]: Yes sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: You will now return control of this vessel to the Bridge where\r\nit belongs. At once. <br>\r\nWESLEY [on viewscreen]: I'm sorry, sir. Why don't you just tell me what\r\nyou want done and I'll do it. <br>\r\nPICARD: Because ship captains control their own vessels, young man! <br>\r\nWESLEY [on viewscreen]: But, sir, you don't do it yourself. You give\r\nthe orders, but someone else does it. What's wrong with giving me the\r\norders to do it? <br>\r\nWORF: Captain, getting unusual readings now from the dwarf star. <br>\r\nPICARD: Stand by a moment on that. Wesley. Wes. Are you aware that\r\nyou're acting strangely, that a kind of infection was brought over from\r\nthe Tsiolkovsky which acts like intoxication? <br>\r\nWESLEY [on viewscreen]: Are you saying that's why I feel so so hot? So\r\nstrange? <br>\r\nPICARD: That's a very adult bit of reasoning, Wes, <br>\r\nWESLEY [on viewscreen]: So you mean I'm drunk! I feel strange, but also\r\ngood. <br>\r\nPICARD: Because, because you've lost the capacity for self-judgment.\r\nNow, alcohol does this, Wesley. But this contaminant we've brought back\r\nfrom the Tsiolkovsky does it even more so. <br>\r\nWESLEY [on viewscreen]: What would you do if you got your ship back? <br>\r\nPICARD: Oh, it's very important I do, Wesley, because I must\r\nimmediately lock a tractor beam onto the Tsiolkovsky, then tow it out\r\nof, <br>\r\nWESLEY [on viewscreen]: Tractor beams are my specialty, Skipper! I'll\r\ncontact you when that's done. Wesley out! <br>\r\nPICARD: Wesley! Wesley! <br>\r\n(The man at Conn. gets up and staggers off) <br>\r\nPICARD: Conn, where are you headed? <br>\r\nWORF: Sir. The star. It's beginning to collapse. <br>\r\nPICARD: What the hell is happening in Engineering?\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Shimoda is using the chips as building blocks,\r\nWesley is muttering and Riker and MacDougal are trying to get past the\r\nforce field) <br>\r\nWESLEY: Lock on. Lock on Tsiolkovsky. <br>\r\nRIKER: Where's that sonic driver? <br>\r\nMACDOUGAL: It's over there. Okay, let's see if this cuts out his\r\ntractor beam power. (No, it doesn't) Oh, come on. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Crusher's Office]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(The symptoms are starting to set in) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Oh no! I must find the answer. I've got to find the answer. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WORF: Captain, tractor beam. We just locked onto\r\nthe Tsiolkovsky. <br>\r\nPICARD: Captain to. Wesley. Wesley Crusher, come in! <br>\r\n(Data enters, smiling and weaving slightly) <br>\r\nPICARD: Ah, Data. At least you're functioning. <br>\r\nDATA: Fully, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: Data, intoxication is a human condition. Your mind is\r\ndifferent, it's not the same as <br>\r\nDATA: We are more alike than unlike, my dear Captain. I have pores.\r\nHumans have pores. I have fingerprints. Humans have fingerprints. My\r\nchemical nutrients are like your blood. If you prick me, do I not leak?\r\n<br>\r\n(Crusher enters) <br>\r\nPICARD: Doctor, <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Captain, can I see you in your Ready Room? It's a private\r\nmatter. No, actually it's an urgent one. <br>\r\nPICARD: But. Damn it. <br>\r\n(Data makes as if to lean on a chair, but there is nothing there and he\r\nfalls) <br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Ready Room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Now, Doctor <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I believe I'm infected myself, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: Do you know what the infection is? Come on, quickly. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Sorry. It is definitely like alcohol intoxication. The same\r\nlack of good judgment, For example, right now I find you extremely,\r\nextremely, Of course we haven't time for that sort of thing, <br>\r\nPICARD: What sort of thing? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Oh God, would I love to show you. <br>\r\nPICARD: Doctor, there must be a cure. Some formula, similar to the old\r\none, <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Damn it, damn it, Captain. My dear Captain. <br>\r\n(She tries to kiss him, but he dodges) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: You owe me something. You do realise that, don't you? I'm a\r\nwoman. I haven't the comfort of a husband. A man. <br>\r\nPICARD: Not now, Doctor. Please.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Beverly goes to the turbolift, and Picard waves\r\nher goodbye) <br>\r\nWORF: Bridge to Riker, Urgent.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering ]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Riker here. <br>\r\nWORF [OC]: Sir. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WORF: Sir, regret to inform you that the Captain\r\nappears to be infected. And Data. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Thank you, Lieutenant. I'm on my way. You'll\r\nhave to handle this. <br>\r\nMACDOUGAL: Are you saying you're going to handle that?\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(The star suddenly shrinks and explodes) <br>\r\nWORF: What we're seeing, sir, is a huge chunk of the star's surface\r\nblown away, heading for us. <br>\r\nPICARD: Take us <br>\r\nRIKER: Are you alright, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: Worf, you know what to do. Take us er <br>\r\nRIKER: Take us out of here. <br>\r\nPICARD: Right. <br>\r\nWORF: Controls are still offline, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Override. <br>\r\nWORF: Same result, sir.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER [OC]: Wes, come in please. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Wesley Crusher, this is Riker. Come in. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER [OC]: This is urgent. Come in, please. <br>\r\n(MacDougal gets the forcefield down) <br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: Engineering, urgent. We must have ship's power, <br>\r\nMACDOUGAL: Those are control chips! Bridge from Engineering. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: The star is still collapsing. We're directly\r\nin the path of <br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">MACDOUGAL: I can't help you, Bridge! Someone here\r\nhas yanked out all the control chips. <br>\r\nWESLEY: It was an adult who did it! </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WORF: Sir, I estimate fourteen minutes until that\r\nmass gets here. <br>\r\nMACDOUGAL [OC]: No way, sir. I cannot replace these chips in fourteen\r\nminutes. Two hours, three </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">MACDOUGAL: Maybe. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Data could assemble them back faster. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: What, what's that? What's that, Wesley? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WESLEY: Well, they're just simple isolinear chips,\r\nsir, to Data anyway. He can shuffle them like cards. <br>\r\n(Riker hauls the drunken Data to his feet) <br>\r\nRIKER: Come on, Data, hurry.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Ship's log, First Officer Riker. Enterprise will be\r\ndestroyed unless it can be moved out of the\r\npath of the star material hurtling toward us. Our only hope is for\r\nLieutenant Commander Data, in the time we have left, to regain\r\nhis senses and reconnect engine power to the Bridge.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: Nice to see you, Wesley. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Hi, Mister Data. <br>\r\nRIKER: No time for courtesy. Get the damned control chips back in\r\nplace, in the correct order. Now! <br>\r\nWESLEY: It's like a game. How fast can you do it? <br>\r\nDATA: Ah, a game! <br>\r\n(So, with Red Alert screaming, Data sits down at the panel and starts\r\nslotting chips in, very quickly) <br>\r\nWESLEY: I think I can switch this to main viewer, sir, <br>\r\n(Once he sees the reality of the situation, he steps back horrified) <br>\r\nRIKER: Data, we've got eight or nine minutes at most. Can you finish by\r\nthen? <br>\r\nDATA: No, this will take slightly more time than we have, sir. <br>\r\n(Riker starts sweating) <br>\r\nRIKER: Damn it, no. I can't afford to get this.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Crusher's Office]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Picard enters with a little skip) <br>\r\nPICARD: Beverly. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Yes, Jean-Luc? <br>\r\nPICARD: You will address me as Captain. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Captain? Well then, my dear Captain, you will address me as\r\nChief Medical Officer or Doctor. <br>\r\nPICARD: I will? That's true. I started off calling you Beverly, and of\r\ncourse, naturally, you. I'm still not thinking straight. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Likewise. Where the hell was I headed? <br>\r\nPICARD: If that's something you were going to test, <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Yes, on Geordi. Come here. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WESLEY: See how I reversed the fields on this,\r\nCommander? I made it into a repulser beam. <br>\r\nDATA: If we just had one minute more, sir, <br>\r\nWESLEY: If this were a hundred times more powerful than it is. Why not\r\ntry it with the real thing? Why not reverse fields on this, Ma'am? If\r\nwe just need an extra minute, <br>\r\nMACDOUGAL: It would take weeks of laying out new circuits. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Why not just see it in your head? Come off the main lead, split\r\noff at the force activator, then, then. If I could just think straight\r\nabout this, <br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sickbay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: I made this a broader based remedy. I\r\nhope. But it's still close to the formula from the old Enterprise\r\nrecords. <br>\r\nPICARD: Decades ago, light years away, <br>\r\nCRUSHER: But almost exactly the same conditions as here. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Wow! What was in that, Doctor? My head's beginning to clear, <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Come here. (injects Picard, then herself) Here, take this to\r\nEngineering. I'll make up more hypos for the others. <br>\r\nPICARD: Okay, Bev. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Picard arrives and starts injecting people) <br>\r\nRIKER: We're not going to make it, Captain. If we had just a minute or\r\nso. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Then reversing power leads, back through the force activator.\r\nRepulser beam hard against Tsiolkovsky. Don't you see? It's giving us a\r\npush off. The extra time we need. <br>\r\nRIKER: We're pushing away. <br>\r\n(The stellar matter hits the Tsiolkovsky, then Data finishes his task) <br>\r\nRIKER: Bridge, engage engines! <br>\r\n(Enterprise warps away in the nick of time) </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Crusher's injections wipe the smiles off the\r\nremaining Bridge crew) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Captain , something seemed to move us aside at the last\r\nminute. <br>\r\nWORF: Do we owe our thanks to Commander Data, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: Yes, and Wesley may have given us a few seconds, too. <br>\r\nWORF: Did he say Wesley? The boy? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: He said Wesley.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: It's only fair to mention Wesley in a log\r\nentry, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Fair's fair. And let's credit his science teacher, too. <br>\r\n(Picard gives Wesley his sobering up injection, and leaves) </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Picard, Riker and Data enter) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Congratulations, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: To many people. <br>\r\n(Troi and Tasha enter. Tasha goes over to Data at a rear station) <br>\r\nTASHA: Data. I'm only going to tell you this just once. It never\r\nhappened. <br>\r\nPICARD: I put it to you all. I think we shall end up with a fine crew,\r\nif we avoid temptation. So, Number One, let's go to our next job. <br>\r\nRIKER: Aye, sir. Helm, prepare for warp three. Heading two hundred and\r\nninety four mark thirty seven. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Warp three, heading two hundred and ninety four mark thirty\r\nseven, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: Engage. </font> </p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n</center>\r\n</div>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><a href=\"episodes.htm\"><font color=\"#2867d0\">&lt;Back\r\nto the episode listing</font></a></font></p>\r\n<p><font color=\"#000000\" face=\"Arial\" size=\"1\"><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">Star Trek � and related\r\nmarks are trademarks of<a href=\"\"> <font color=\"#2867d0\">CBS Studios Inc</font></a>.\r\nCopyright � 1966, Present. The Star Trek web pages on this site are for\r\neducational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights\r\nproperty of their respective holders.</font></font></p>\r\n</body></html>"},{"episode":"104.htm","data":"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n<html lang=\"en-gb\"><head>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-1252\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en-gb\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Enterprise, NCC1701D, Episodes, Transcripts, Code Of Honour, Jean-Luc Picard, William Thomas Riker, Geordi LaForge, Tasha Yar, Worf, Beverly Crusher, Deanna Troi, Data, Wesley Crusher, Yareena, Lutan, Hagon, Ligon II, Stryris IV\">\r\n<meta name=\"Keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Transcripts, Code Of Honour\">\r\n<meta name=\"Description\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation episode transcripts\"><title>The Next Generation Transcripts - Code Of Honour</title></head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"#d5d5d5\" dir=\"ltr\">\r\n<p><font color=\"#2867d0\" face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"5\"><b>Code\r\nOf Honour</b></font><br>\r\n<font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Stardate:\r\n41235.25<br>\r\nOriginal Airdate: 12 Oct, 1987<br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n<center>\r\n<table border=\"0\" width=\"85%\">\r\n<tbody>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td align=\"left\" width=\"85%\"> <font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">\r\nCaptain's log, stardate 41235.25. Our location, planet Ligon Two,\r\nsource of a rare vaccine needed on Federation planet Styris Four.\r\nStarfleet has instructed me to engage in a friendly visit and open\r\ntreaty negotiations to acquire this medicinal substance.\r\n</font>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: Standard orbit, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: Lieutenant Yar is calling from Cargo Bay One, sir. Standing by\r\nto beam Ligonian welcoming party aboard.<br>\r\nPICARD: On our way. You have the helm, Mister Data.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Turbolift]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Cargo One. This should be an interesting\r\nexperience. <br>\r\nRIKER: Agreed. Not only are they closely humanoid, but their history\r\nhas remarkable similarities to ours. <br>\r\nTROI: A highly structured society. and they're exceedingly proud.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Cargo Bay One]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: They've insisted on using their own\r\ntransporter device, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: It's their way, Lieutenant. Do they have our coordinates? <br>\r\nTASHA: They have, sir, precisely, and they're standing by for your\r\nsignal. <br>\r\nPICARD: This is Captain Picard aboard the Starfleet vessel Enterprise.\r\nPlease do us the honour of visiting our vessel. <br>\r\n(Five people beam aboard. One rolls out a red carpet, then stands aside\r\nas an imposing man beams in) <br>\r\nLUTAN: I am Lutan. <br>\r\nPICARD: Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Welcome aboard. These are my officers.\r\nMy second in command, Commander William Riker. Ship's Counsellor,\r\nDeanna Troi. And my Security Officer, Lieutenant Natasha Yar. <br>\r\nLUTAN: A woman? Your Chief of Security? <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes, Lutan, that is her expertise. <br>\r\nLUTAN: I am honoured to meet your officers. This is my Secondary,\r\nHagon. A sample of the vaccine. <br>\r\n(Tasha steps forward to intercept Hagon and his box before he gets to\r\nPicard) <br>\r\nTASHA: My duty, Lutan. I'm sorry, but I'm required to <br>\r\nHAGON: Out of my way, woman. <br>\r\n(Tasha does a neat manoeuvre which takes the box and leaves Hagon face\r\ndown on the floor) <br>\r\nLUTAN: How interesting. May we prove as surprising to you. <br>\r\nTROI: If I may suggest, sir, no apology. In their view, it would weaken\r\nus. <br>\r\nTASHA: Nothing concealed, Captain. Would you care to accept it? <br>\r\nLUTAN: Unless you care to examine it further. <br>\r\nPICARD: Absolutely not. This vaccine sample is a gift of life and we\r\nare honoured at receiving it. Would you do us the additional honour of\r\nnow letting us entertain you?\r\nLUTAN: Yes, yes. Please prepare it. We shall join you shortly. <br>\r\n(Picard, Riker, Troi and Yar turn and leave) <br>\r\nHAGON: I ask forgiveness. <br>\r\nLUTAN: They are strange alien beings. You bear no fault. <br>\r\nHAGON: But the female? <br>\r\nLUTAN: May be exactly what I have needed.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Observation Lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Data brings in a statuette of a horse) <br>\r\nPICARD: Lutan, we are aware of many of your planet's achievements, and\r\nits unique similarity to an ancient Earth culture we all\r\nadmire. On behalf of the Federation, therefore, I would like to present\r\nthis token of our gratitude and friendship. From China's Sung Dynasty,\r\nFourteenth Century. <br>\r\nDATA: Thirteenth Century, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Ah, yes, indeed. <br>\r\nLUTAN: A most thoughtful gift. We are pleased. We of Ligon have been\r\napprehensive about strangers. We are not technologically advanced as\r\nyou, yet we possess something you do not. A vaccine which has been\r\nfound to be an effective antidote to your dreaded Anchilles fever. If\r\nyou respect our customs and if we see that respect, we will be friends.\r\nAnd we will make the antidote available to all who need it. <br>\r\nPICARD: If you require respect from us, I am sure that you will see it.\r\n<br>\r\nLUTAN: Surrounded by such friendship, I feel no need for my guards. I\r\nwill return shortly. Prepare to transport me then. <br>\r\n(The four guards leave) <br>\r\nPICARD: If there is something else, any further courtesy? <br>\r\nLUTAN: Would it possible to see one of your wondrous holodecks? We have\r\nheard how they are used to train your officers. <br>\r\nPICARD: And used for many other things too. Commander Riker, perhaps\r\nyou and Counsellor Troi will demonstrate. <br>\r\nLUTAN: Would it be possible for Lieutenant Yar to do so, Captain? Some\r\ndemonstration of defence training? <br>\r\nRIKER: We've noticed you're intrigued with her having security\r\nresponsibilities. But these things are not at all unusual with us. <br>\r\nHAGON: With us, it is the duty of women only to own the land, and the\r\nduty of men to protect and rule it. <br>\r\nTROI: Much the same has happened in human history too. <br>\r\nTASHA: I'd like to do it, sir. As a sign of respect, perhaps. <br>\r\nPICARD: Very well. <br>\r\nTASHA: This way, please.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Holodeck]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Tasha enters a command on a control, and puts on\r\nthe robe it creates) <br>\r\nTASHA: Aikido one. (a mat and a white clothed figure appear) It won't\r\nmove until my actions activate it. <br>\r\nLUTAN: You can create people? Without a soul? <br>\r\nTASHA: It's not a real person, Lutan. It has no life. Everything it\r\ndoes is controlled by computer. Who am I? Do you hear me? <br>\r\n(It only moves when she feints an attack) <br>\r\nTASHA: But it will feel real when it hits you. <br>\r\n(She demonstrates a couple of throws) <br>\r\nHAGON: A force like that cannot possibly come from an image, Lutan. <br>\r\nLUTAN: Then you will show me, Hagon. <br>\r\n(Hagon gets thrown) <br>\r\nLUTAN: Thank you, Lieutenant. How very enlightening. <br>\r\nTASHA: Aikido, vanish. I could create two, even three, but really one\r\nis enough. As you fight with it, it learns, and before long it knows\r\nexactly how to defeat you. <br>\r\nLUTAN: Even the extraordinary Lieutenant Yar? <br>\r\nTASHA: It forces us to keep improving. <br>\r\nLUTAN: Your skill impresses me. I like you. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Cargo Bay One]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LUTAN: Farewell, my new friends of the noble\r\nEnterprise. <br>\r\nPICARD: Understanding has made friends of many different people. We've\r\nhad a good beginning, Lutan. <br>\r\nLUTAN: May I also extend a personal farewell to Lieutenant Yar? In your\r\nFederation terms. <br>\r\n(He shakes her hand then pulls her close so she, Lutan and Hagon are\r\nbeamed out together) <br>\r\nPICARD: Picard to Bridge. Red alert.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: (at Tasha's station) Shields up, photon\r\ntorpedoes activated, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: What comm. contact have we had with them? <br>\r\nDATA: With their orbital control station, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Make contact there and on all hailing frequencies. This is the\r\nEnterprise to Lutan and the Ligonian government. You have committed an\r\nunfriendly act. We insist that you reply immediately. <br>\r\nRIKER: Photon torpedoes ready, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Set them for a display blast a thousand metres short of the\r\nplanet's surface. <br>\r\nRIKER: Set. <br>\r\nPICARD: Fire. <br>\r\nRIKER: Do we know the source of their transporter beam? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Our own transporter people have tried to trace it, sir, but to\r\nno effect. <br>\r\nDATA: It reads similar to early Starfleet efforts but uses the\r\nHeglenian shift to convert matter and energy in different. (turns)\r\nWhich is actually not important at this time. <br>\r\nPICARD: This is Captain Picard of the Enterprise with a message to\r\nLutan, whom I have so far acknowledged as a friend. But you have now\r\ncommitted what our laws regard as an attack upon us. Since you have\r\nvisited our vessel, you most certainly know the\r\npower of it. We insist that you reply to this message. Opinion,\r\nCounsellor. Will they injure Lieutenant Yar? <br>\r\nTROI: I believe not, sir. They seem mainly curious. In the case of\r\nLutan, however, I did feel other needs. <br>\r\nRIKER: What kind of needs? <br>\r\nTROI: Some sexual attraction from all the males. Lieutenant Yar is\r\nphysically very attractive. But with Lutan I felt something else.\r\nSomething more like avarice or ambition. <br>\r\nPICARD: Other comments? <br>\r\nDATA: If I may, sir. One of the things about them in the briefing\r\nstudies was their respect for patience. <br>\r\nRIKER: Strongly emphasized. And you can see it in the precise,\r\nritualistic way they do things. I'm worried about Lieutenant Yar too,\r\nsir, but maybe we should sit and wait them out. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Stardate 41235.32. I am concerned. Over a full day\r\nof waiting with no response from Lutan. We are now testing whether they\r\nare aware of our sensors probing them. So far, we believe we have\r\npinpointed Lutan's government compound.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Ready Room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: The vaccine, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes, Doctor? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: The vaccine. I'm a physician, I've seen death, but not on the\r\nscale this could mean. <br>\r\nPICARD: You were testing if you can replicate the vaccine. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: And we can't. The sample works fine when used as an injection,\r\nbut it becomes unstable when we try to replicate it. You\r\nmust get the vaccine from the planet, Captain. As much as you can.\r\nImmediately. <br>\r\nPICARD: I'm aware of that, Doctor. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: You've never had to watch a patient die from this disease. <br>\r\nPICARD: That's true. But I have seen my share of death. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Damn. Where are the calluses we doctors are supposed to grow\r\nover our feelings? <br>\r\nPICARD: Perhaps the good ones never get them. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: May I speak about my son, Wesley? <br>\r\nPICARD: What? Oh, yes. Alright. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: He seems quite interested in starship operations. And speaking\r\nas a mother, of course, he seems quite knowledgeable. <br>\r\nPICARD: Well, yes, speaking as a mother. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: He's on the turbolift. You'll remember you ordered him to stay\r\noff of the Bridge. <br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Wesley? <br>\r\nWESLEY: I haven't stepped one foot on your Bridge, Captain. <br>\r\nRIKER: It's all right, sir, I'll see that he leaves immediately. <br>\r\nPICARD: No. <br>\r\nRIKER: No? <br>\r\nPICARD: Why don't you sit at Ops next to Lieutenant La Forge. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Sir? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: Is the whole ship deaf?! Sit down over there, young man.\r\nTemporarily. <br>\r\nTROI: Captain, we have more information from the briefing studies on\r\nLigon. <br>\r\nPICARD: Excuse me. Doctor Crusher, some of this may interest you. Lets\r\nhear the analysis. <br>\r\nDATA: It is a highly structured society in which people live by strict\r\ncodes of honour. For example, what Lutan did is similar to what certain\r\nAmerican Indians once did called counting coup. That's from an obscure\r\nlanguage called French. Counting coup <br>\r\nPICARD: Mister Data, the French language for centuries on Earth\r\nrepresented civilisation. <br>\r\nDATA: Indeed? But surely, sir <br>\r\nRIKER: I suggest you drop it, Mister Data. <br>\r\nDATA: Yes, sir. Counting coup could be as simple as touching an enemy\r\nwith a stick in battle, or taking something from him and escaping. It\r\nwas considered extremely heroic. <br>\r\nRIKER: And under these circumstances Lutan considers himself heroic,\r\nrisking literally everything in the face of our superior power. <br>\r\nTROI: And it fits Lutan's personality profile as well. He has an\r\nabnormally high need for achievement. Self image to him is a function\r\nof what he thinks he's achieved. Those who set their standards too high\r\ncan kill to meet them. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Why Tasha? <br>\r\nTROI: As a Starfleet Security Officer, she may have represented his\r\nriskiest prize. <br>\r\nDATA: Transmission from the planet surface, sir, Main viewer on. <br>\r\nPICARD: Well, Lutan, what do you want? <br>\r\nLUTAN [on viewscreen]: You will display your image, please. <br>\r\nPICARD: What is required is an image of Lieutenant Yar, well and <br>\r\nLUTAN [on viewscreen]: Are you making demands, Captain? <br>\r\nTROI: Sir. According to the Ligon Code of Honour, Lutan has done what\r\nhe set out to do, achieve recognition for being daring and bold. <br>\r\nRIKER: We've studied this in some depth now, sir. The proper thing for\r\nyou to do now is to ask to get Tasha back. <br>\r\nPICARD: Ask for her? <br>\r\nDATA: Politely, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: And now, Lutan, you have boldly taken Lieutenant Yar from us,\r\nand we ask that you now please return her. <br>\r\nLUTAN [on viewscreen]: Then come visit us, Captain, and we will return\r\nher to you. <br>\r\n(a little later) <br>\r\nTROI: Commander. <br>\r\nRIKER: Commander? That's quite formal. <br>\r\nTROI: So is this request, sir. We believe it would be preferable if the\r\nCaptain led this away party. <br>\r\nDATA: Agreed, sir. Their customs concerning guests make it much\r\npreferable. <br>\r\nRIKER: And I'm very much against that idea. Lutan is clearly a liar,\r\nand devious. Counsellor Troi has admitted she believes he's capable of\r\nkilling. It is my duty to keep the Captain from danger, sir. <br>\r\nDATA: Except that Ligonian custom makes it clear that a visiting leader\r\nbecomes an honoured guest. Not us, not second in command, him. <br>\r\nTROI: And the custom requires that Lutan should die rather than violate\r\nthat. <br>\r\nRIKER: Yes, it seems reasonable put that way. But I warn you, if you\r\nget hurt, I'll put you on report, Captain.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Centreplace]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Picard and Troi beam into a colonnaded area with a\r\nwater feature) <br>\r\nLUTAN: Welcome to my Centreplace, Captain Picard. Consider yourselves\r\nmy honoured guests. <br>\r\nYAREENA: Every hospitality will be accorded you. <br>\r\nLUTAN: This is my First One, Yareena. <br>\r\nPICARD: Lutan is a fortunate man. You've met Counsellor Troi. <br>\r\nLUTAN: Yes. As on your vessel, you have only to name whatever courtesy\r\nwe can provide. <br>\r\nPICARD: Then, sir, the courtesy of seeing Lieutenant Yar. <br>\r\nLUTAN: Lieutenant Yar will be returned to you tonight at a banquet I\r\nhave arranged in your honour. <br>\r\nPICARD: I'd like to see her now. <br>\r\nLUTAN: Bring Lieutenant Yar. I find it odd, Captain, that a man of your\r\nexperience has such difficulty in understanding ordinary politeness. <br>\r\nPICARD: Such as the politeness of saying please before abducting\r\nsomeone? <br>\r\nLUTAN: The expression please is used only when requesting the person\r\nback. <br>\r\nPICARD: Yours is a different world. <br>\r\nLUTAN: With clear and simple ways deeply rooted in our culture. If you\r\nare willing to ask for Lieutenant Yar's return tonight in front of all,\r\nhonour will be satisfied. <br>\r\nTROI: One can see the importance of honour here. <br>\r\nLUTAN: Honour is everything. <br>\r\n(Tasha is brought in by two guards. She is not happy) <br>\r\nPICARD: Have you been treated well, Lieutenant? <br>\r\nTASHA: Fine, Captain but they're showing some signs of wear. <br>\r\nYAREENA: There isn't any need to be concerned, Captain. She's being\r\nwell cared for. <br>\r\nPICARD: My ship's company and I are certain of your gentle wisdom in\r\nthat. <br>\r\nLUTAN: For a moment I thought I heard a threat implied. But that would\r\nbe foolishness. <br>\r\nPICARD: Something to be carefully avoided. I agree. <br>\r\nLUTAN: The festivities for her return to you are in preparation. Shall\r\nwe retire till then? <br>\r\nPICARD: Until tonight, Lutan.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(A juggler is entertaining them when Tasha enters\r\nwith her guard. She is seated at Lutan's left, with Yareena at his\r\nright) <br>\r\nPICARD: Lutan, you have granted us hospitality and the safety of your\r\nCentreplace]. The gifts you give us are rare and precious. We thank\r\nyou. And now, according with the customs of your ancestors, whom we\r\nhonour and respect, I am here in peace to ask for the return of\r\nLieutenant Yar. <br>\r\nLUTAN: Well spoken. There are those among my equals in this gathering\r\nwho were wary of my approaching the Federation. I am proud to have\r\ntaken this first step towards a treaty, and proud that we have\r\nsomething of great value to offer you, a priceless life-giving vaccine.\r\nThe abduction I have done according to our custom, for all to see. Your\r\nconduct in this matter has been beyond exemplary, Captain Picard, but\r\nnow that the moment has come, I find I cannot part with her. <br>\r\n(General consternation!) <br>\r\nPICARD: You speak of a code of honour, but what you are saying now,\r\naccording to our customs, is called an act of war. <br>\r\nLUTAN: This is not an act of war, but of love. I want Lieutenant Yar to\r\nbecome my First One. <br>\r\nYAREENA: I challenge your right of supercedence! <br>\r\nHAGON: No woman has challenged supercedence for over two hundred years!\r\n<br>\r\nYAREENA: The right is mine and I will have it! Natasha Yar, I challenge\r\nyou. A struggle to the death. <br>\r\nPICARD: No! The challenge is unequivocally refused! <br>\r\nLUTAN: Then you shall have no treaty, no vaccine, and no Lieutenant\r\nYar!\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Ship's log, First Officer Riker reporting. We have\r\nbeen informed of the challenge to Lieutenant Yar, and are maintaining\r\ncombat readiness round the clock. We are probing Lutan's compound\r\ndeeply with our sensors now, still unnoticed.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Tasha's room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: Captain. Deanna. <br>\r\nPICARD: Did you have any idea, Lieutenant, that Lutan was suddenly\r\ngoing to announce that he wanted you for his First One? <br>\r\nTASHA: No, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Tell me what you know about this? <br>\r\nTASHA: Nothing, sir. <br>\r\nTROI: But it was a thrill. Lutan is such, such a basic male image and\r\nhaving him say he wants you <br>\r\nTASHA: Yes, of course it made me feel good when he. Troi, I'm your\r\nfriend and you tricked me. <br>\r\nTROI: Only so you'd think about it, completely and clearly. <br>\r\nPICARD: We're all being manipulated, Lieutenant, myself most of all. <br>\r\nTROI: How simple all this would be without the Prime Directive. <br>\r\nPICARD: That thought had passed through my mind, Counsellor.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: What is this message from Starbase Fourteen?\r\n<br>\r\nCRUSHER: It's showing the infection rates, percentage illness\r\nincreases. The plague on Styris Four has flared up out of control. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: They're estimating deaths in the millions, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: Captain Picard, come in.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Tasha's room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: I know I can win. Not that I'd take her\r\nlife, of course, but I'd be glad to embarrass her. The idea of accusing\r\nme of taking <br>\r\n(Picard enters) <br>\r\nTROI: The plague? <br>\r\nPICARD: If anything, even worse than we'd heard. <br>\r\nTASHA: Which means they desperately need the vaccine, sir. And I know I\r\ncan win this challenge. <br>\r\nPICARD: You have nothing to prove anything here, Lieutenant. <br>\r\nTROI: But the vaccine is important in this case, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Counsellor, you're the last person I'd expect to argue in\r\nfavour of accepting the challenge. <br>\r\nTROI: Betazoid blood is also practical, Captain. The odds are very good\r\nshe'd defeat Lutan's wife easily and you would win all the bargaining\r\npoints you need. <br>\r\nPICARD: The odds are. <br>\r\nTROI: You have pointed out yourself we are all at risk every day of\r\nevery mission. <br>\r\nPICARD: I want some explanations from Lutan. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Centreplace]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">HAGON: Lutan, why are you so obsessed with this\r\nLieutenant Yar? Surely Yareena is more desirable? Certainly she can\r\noffer you much more. She owns many things, many lands. <br>\r\n(Picard enters, and Lutan stops Hagan talking) <br>\r\nPICARD: It's a great pity you began by abducting my Security Officer,\r\nLutan, because I should tell you I do admire the hospitality you offer\r\nhere. <br>\r\nLUTAN: I am in the grip of forces you do not understand. <br>\r\nPICARD: Some of it I do understand. She is a rather lovely female. <br>\r\nLUTAN: You surprise me, Captain. What do you know of needs and\r\nfeelings? <br>\r\nPICARD: Nothing. Well, almost nothing in my position of ship's Captain.\r\n<br>\r\nHAGON: I see. <br>\r\nPICARD: But it puzzles me. If you feel that way for Tasha, why have you\r\nchallenged her to a fight to the death? <br>\r\nLUTAN: Not I, Yareena. I am merely a spectator. <br>\r\nPICARD: Ah, but you are also a man of great importance and wealth. <br>\r\nHAGON: Great importance, perhaps, but he does (silenced by Lutan) <br>\r\nPICARD: Ah, I see. You, too, understand the proper value of women. <br>\r\nLUTAN: We understand they are highly pleasant things, but after all,\r\nunimportant. Except for the land they own. <br>\r\nPICARD: You are a truly clever person, Lutan. You stand to lose\r\nnothing, either way the challenge goes. <br>\r\nLUTAN: A code of honour protects one, Captain, like a magic cloak. <br>\r\nPICARD: I will order Lieutenant Yar to fight. And may your cloak bring\r\nyou all you deserve.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Geordi's Quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Geordi has his Visor off, and is using an electric\r\nshaver) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Come in. <br>\r\nDATA: Why that razor, my friend? Why not the one I adjusted to perfect\r\nefficiency? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Shaving is a human art form, Data. Technological perfection\r\ncan shave too close. <br>\r\nDATA: Puzzling. How can anything be too efficient? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Thousands of things are too efficient, Data, at least for\r\nhumans. <br>\r\nDATA: We always come back to the human equation. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Exactly. Have you continued to work on it? <br>\r\nDATA: Constantly, my friend. Particularly the humour. A man goes to a\r\nstore to buy some kidneys. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Oh, no. (Geordi tries to escape) <br>\r\nDATA: He says to the shopkeeper, I'd like a pound of kiddillies,\r\nplease. The shopkeeper says to him, You mean\r\nkidneys, don't you? The man says, I said kiddillies, diddle I? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: It's too old. And you didn't tell it very well. <br>\r\nDATA: How do you know when something is funny? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: It's not explainable. You just do. <br>\r\nDATA: Perhaps it is you, Geordi. Includling the kiddillies, I've\r\nlearned six hundred sixty two jokes, and you have not <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Includling the kiddillies! Now, see, that's funny. <br>\r\nDATA: It was not meant as a joke. The tongue slipped. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Oh, boy.&nbsp;<br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: Riker to Commander Data, Lieutenant La Forge. Report to the\r\nTransporter Room for away party duty.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Centreplace]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER [OC]: First officer to Captain. Ready with\r\nthe away personnel. <br>\r\nPICARD: Lock in on this location. <br>\r\nCHIEF [OC]: Transporter locked in, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Energise. <br>\r\n(Geordi and Data arrive, behind the water feature, in front of a wall\r\ndecorated with weapons) <br>\r\nPICARD: You've both seen the message about the plague? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: And how badly the vaccine is needed. Yes, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: We need to know as much as possible about Ligonian armaments.\r\nData, especially important is an analysis of their combat capabilities.\r\nGeordi, concentrate on their cutting edges, wherever applicable,\r\ndurability, composition, weaknesses of material. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nDATA: From any particular point of view, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: From the perspective of Lieutenant Yar using them in combat with\r\nLutan's wife. <br>\r\nDATA: Most interesting. Could this be human joke number six hundred\r\nsixty three? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Negative, Data. That's a Captain's order. <br>\r\nDATA: Which makes it important to know which of these weapons are to be\r\nused. <br>\r\nPICARD: And that won't be known until combat begins. You're right,\r\nData. It does sound like a joke. With the power of the Enterprise, we\r\ncould overwhelm this place easily, just take what we want. <br>\r\nDATA: I may not understand human humour, sir, but I am a Starfleet\r\nAcademy graduate. <br>\r\nPICARD: Which means, of course <br>\r\nDATA: understanding the Prime Directive, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: That is, ironically, what this is about. By our standards, the\r\ncustoms here, their code of honour, is the same kind of pompous,\r\nstrutting charades that endangered our own species a few centuries ago.\r\nWe evolved out of it because no one else imposed their own. I'm sorry,\r\nthis is becoming a speech. <br>\r\nTROI: You're the Captain, sir. You're entitled. <br>\r\nPICARD: Not entitled to ramble on about something everyone knows. Carry\r\non.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Ship's log, Commander William Riker reporting.\r\nContinuing our appraisal of Ligonian technology. The Captain has made\r\nit clear he wants Lieutenant Yar beamed immediately to safety if her\r\nlife\r\nshould become endangered, and I fervently hope the rules of that\r\ncontest make it possible.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Riker to Transporter Chief. Do we have our\r\npeople on sensors yet?&nbsp;<br>\r\nCHIEF [OC]: Their general area, sir. Visual on screen now. As you see,\r\nwe're still doing some fine tuning.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Tasha's room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">YAREENA: I've agreed to this meeting, but I see no\r\npoint to it. You've accepted the challenge and there is nothing further\r\nto say. <br>\r\nTASHA: I think you should know that there is no physical training\r\nanywhere that matches Starfleet, especially its security people. <br>\r\nYAREENA: And you should know that even though these contests are rare,\r\nwe have a tradition of making ourselves capable of them. <br>\r\nTASHA: Yareena, my acceptance had nothing to do with Lutan. <br>\r\nYAREENA: It has everything to do with Lutan. Lutan wants you to be his\r\nFirst One. <br>\r\nTASHA: Impossible, Yareena. I am a career Starfleet officer. <br>\r\nYAREENA: How could you not love him? Every woman loves him. <br>\r\nTASHA: I fight for the vaccine, That's the truth. <br>\r\nYAREENA: The truth is I will kill you if I can. And believe me, I can.\r\nThere is nothing else to say. <br>\r\nTASHA: In my world, it's a greater honour to refuse <br>\r\nYAREENA: You are on our world!\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Picard's room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TROI: Captain, I'm your Counsellor. You brought me\r\nwith you to Ligon to be of help. <br>\r\nPICARD: Then help me, please. What is a way out of this? <br>\r\nTROI: With the vaccine? None. <br>\r\n(Geordi and Data enter) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: The weapons in that room, Captain, are surprisingly flexible,\r\ndurable, and deadly. <br>\r\nDATA: And light, as if they were made for women to use. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Some of them still have traces of blood and poison. <br>\r\nPICARD: Poison? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Alkaloid base. Lethal. <br>\r\nPICARD: What about those lengths of metal in the yard outside? <br>\r\nDATA: Uncertain, sir. However, joined together they would make a\r\nrectangle or square enclosing one hundred twenty one square metres. If\r\nput end to end vertically, they would make a pole forty four metres\r\nhigh, or two of twenty two. <br>\r\nPICARD: Thank you, Data. <br>\r\nDATA: You're welcome, sir. <br>\r\n(Tasha enters) <br>\r\nTASHA: She won't budge. She loves him, without reservation. And she\r\nthinks I love him too. <br>\r\nDATA: Most interesting. Do you? <br>\r\nTASHA: Of course I don't, Data. As Troi pointed out to me, I'm\r\nattracted to him but that is entirely different. <br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: Riker to Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: Go ahead, Riker. We're alone. <br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: We're fine tuned enough to see your hosts gathering in the\r\nopen area outside, sir. Three of them are heading for your location. <br>\r\nPICARD: Thank you, Number One. Lieutenant, do you still feel that you\r\nwant to go through with this challenge? Do you judge your condition\r\ngood? <br>\r\nTASHA: I judge it excellent, sir. <br>\r\n(Hagon enters, followed by two guards carrying boxes) <br>\r\nHAGON: Your weapons, Lieutenant Yar. You may choose your size. <br>\r\n(She opens a box containing a glove with metal spikes and a curved\r\nblade) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Tasha, don't touch the spines. They're poisoned. If you're not\r\ncareful, you could kill yourself. <br>\r\nTASHA: These I understand. <br>\r\n(Through the window they see Yareena practising on a multi-level\r\nsurface, with the metal poles in it. Four lights soar to the sky)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">First Officer's log, supplemental. Captain Picard,\r\nfaced with a critical need for a vaccine produced on this planet, has\r\npermitted Lieutenant Natasha Yar to engage in a fight to the death. I\r\nhave yet to understand his reasoning or his plan.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Wesley enters, shyly) <br>\r\nRIKER: Care to lend a hand? Sit at Ops. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Transporter Room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Data beams aboard) <br>\r\nDATA: Was I seen leaving? <br>\r\nCHIEF: They've got eyes only for the programme. <br>\r\n(Riker and Crusher enter) <br>\r\nDATA: Captain Picard wanted no risk of our communications being\r\noverheard. You are to proceed now as he indicated. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Captain's orders too. <br>\r\nRIKER: Does the Captain understand what you and Geordi reported about\r\nthose weapons? They're razor sharp, split-second lethal. <br>\r\nDATA: I'm here to brief you on what he plans.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Centreplace]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(The Starfleet group enter, Tasha is wearing the\r\nweapon glove) <br>\r\nTASHA: Any last minute instructions, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: Stay alive. We'll hope to do the rest. <br>\r\n(Yareena enters)&nbsp;<br>\r\nHAGON: I speak for Lutan. The rules are known. Let combat continue\r\nuntil there is a victor. It will not be interrupted. <br>\r\n(Yareena goes on the offensive straight away. Tasha pushes her weapon\r\naway and it hits one of the vertical laser beams. It flies off\r\nYareena's hand into the lap of a spectator)<br>\r\nLUTAN: Combatants, hold your positions. Return the weapon. <br>\r\n(The spectator dies of his wound and is dragged away. Yareena is given\r\nthe glove back and she returns to the business of trying to kill Tasha.\r\nTasha manages to make Yareena loose her balance) <br>\r\nHAGON: Careful, Yareena. <br>\r\n(Finally the two women get into very close combat, and Tasha lands a\r\nblow on Yareena's back. Then she lies across the body and the two are\r\nbeamed away)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Transporter Room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Move! <br>\r\nTASHA: We're too late. She's growing cold. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Sorry, that clashes with my instructions. <br>\r\n(She injects Yareena) <br>\r\nTASHA: Oh no. No.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Centreplace]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Exactly what do you find unfair, Lutan?\r\nThey fought to the death. You saw the final blow. You know\r\nthe effects of your poison. <br>\r\nLUTAN: But what of your Lieutenant Yar? She is to become my First One\r\nnow. <br>\r\nPICARD: I certainly won't stop her, if she cares to claim that honour. <br>\r\nHAGON: Remember, you now have all Yareena's lands and wealth now. <br>\r\nLUTAN: At least all has not been lost. <br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: Riker to Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: Picard here. <br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: Since you've fulfilled your agreement, Captain, can we now\r\nbeam the vaccine aboard? <br>\r\nLUTAN: Ah, yes, of course. <br>\r\nPICARD: No problem, Number One. Send down a medical team. <br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: And to complete our business here, we are locked onto you. <br>\r\nPICARD: Five to beam up. Energise.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">First Officer's log, Stardate 41235.6. I am\r\nreturning the conn to Captain Picard as we begin loading the vaccine\r\nsupply aboard. Shortly, we hope to signal mission complete.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Picard, Troi, Lutan and Hagon enter) <br>\r\nRIKER: Welcome back, Captain. You're wanted in the lounge. <br>\r\nPICARD: This way, gentlemen.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Observation Lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Tasha and Beverly are there with Yareena) <br>\r\nLUTAN: She is not dead! There was no death combat. You violated our\r\nagreement. There will be no treaty, no vaccine! <br>\r\nPICARD: The challenge was carried out. She died, Lutan. <br>\r\nLUTAN: There was no challenge! She lives! <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I am a physician and saw her die. If you doubt this poison,\r\nwhy don't you test it on yourself? <br>\r\nPICARD: Lutan, we can provide you with records of her death and how\r\nDoctor Crusher brought her back. <br>\r\nYAREENA: And at the instant of death, Lutan, a mating agreement\r\ndissolves. <br>\r\nLUTAN: But this is witchcraft, Yareena. To discard a mate in this\r\nmanner <br>\r\nYAREENA: Is less painful than the one you selected for me. <br>\r\n(She takes the necklace off him) <br>\r\nLUTAN: Yareena, no. <br>\r\nYAREENA: Even as I battled, Hagon, I heard you calling out for me. <br>\r\nHAGON: Yareena, be my First One. <br>\r\nYAREENA: All my land and all my goods, all I have is yours to rule. <br>\r\n(She puts the necklace on Hagon) <br>\r\nTASHA: How so sad for you. You've lost everything. <br>\r\nLUTAN: I have my honour. <br>\r\nTASHA: It's such a waste. <br>\r\nYAREENA: Do you want him? <br>\r\nTASHA: No. There would be complications. <br>\r\nYAREENA: Then I will have you as my Number Two. Take your place\r\naccordingly. <br>\r\nHAGON: Well, as you see, Captain, you may excel in technology, but not\r\nin civilised behaviour.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Wesley is still at Ops. Data is standing by Tasha\r\nwhen Picard enters and notices) <br>\r\nPICARD: What? Wesley. <br>\r\nRIKER: Young Wesley, he'd been manning that station for me. I forgot. <br>\r\nPICARD: Well, thanks again for manning one of our bridge stations,\r\nWesley. We'll see that you have another chance. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Yes sir. <br>\r\n(Wesley leaves and Data takes his rightful station) <br>\r\nPICARD: So what's the delay, Number One? Why aren't we warping out of\r\nhere? <br>\r\nRIKER: Set course for Styris Four, warp three. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Course laid in for Styris Four, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: Engage. <br>\r\n</font> </p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n</center>\r\n</div>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><a href=\"episodes.htm\"><font color=\"#2867d0\">&lt;Back\r\nto the episode listing</font></a></font></p>\r\n<p><font color=\"#000000\" face=\"Arial\" size=\"1\"><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">Star Trek � and related\r\nmarks are trademarks of<a href=\"\"> <font color=\"#2867d0\">CBS Studios Inc</font></a>.\r\nCopyright � 1966, Present. The Star Trek web pages on this site are for\r\neducational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights\r\nproperty of their respective holders.</font></font></p>\r\n</body></html>"},{"episode":"105.htm","data":"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n<html lang=\"en-gb\"><head>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-1252\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en-gb\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Enterprise, NCC1701D, Episodes, Transcripts, Haven, Jean-Luc Picard, William Thomas Riker, Geordi LaForge, Tasha Yar, Beverly Crusher, Deanna Troi, Data, Wesley Crusher, Lwaxana Troi, Mr. Homn, Wyatt, Victoria Miller, Steven Miller, Tarellian\">\r\n<meta name=\"Keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Transcripts, Haven\">\r\n<meta name=\"Description\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation episode transcripts\"><title>The Next Generation Transcripts - Haven</title>\r\n\r\n</head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"#d5d5d5\" dir=\"ltr\">\r\n<p><font color=\"#2867d0\" face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"5\"><b>Haven</b></font><br>\r\n<font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Stardate:\r\n41294.5<br>\r\nOriginal Airdate: 30 Nov, 1987<br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n<center>\r\n<table border=\"0\" width=\"85%\">\r\n<tbody>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td align=\"left\" width=\"85%\"> <font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">\r\nCaptain's log, Stardate 41294.5. Our destination, the class M Beta\r\nCassius planet known simply as Haven. It is a world so renowned for its\r\npeaceful\r\nbeauty that some believe it to have mystical healing powers. We will\r\nrest and relax, all too briefly, I fear\r\n</font>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Such a beautiful world. Legends say it has\r\nbeen known to mend souls and heal broken hearts. <br>\r\nDATA: Legends which are totally unsupported by fact, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: Legends like that are the spice of the universe, Mister Data,\r\nbecause they have a way of sometimes coming true. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Riker's quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Riker is relaxing to a holographic pair of women\r\nplaying musical instruments) <br>\r\nTASHA [OC]: Lieutenant Yar to Commander Riker, your presence is\r\nrequested in Transporter room one. <br>\r\nRIKER: Sorry ladies. Duty calls.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Transporter room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: You needed me, Lieutenant? <br>\r\nTASHA: Yes, sir. There's an object of some kind beaming in from Haven. <br>\r\nRIKER: What is it? <br>\r\nTASHA: We're not sure. <br>\r\nCHIEF: Surface Station approval coming in now, Lieutenant. <br>\r\nTASHA: All right, let's bring it in. <br>\r\n(It's a box, with a face in relief on the front of it) <br>\r\nRIKER: Odd looking. <br>\r\n(Troi enters) <br>\r\nTROI: What's going on? <br>\r\n(The face on the box comes alive) <br>\r\nFACE: I hold a message for Deanna Troi. Lwaxana Troi and the honourable\r\nMiller family will soon arrive. The momentous day is close at hand.\r\nRejoice. <br>\r\nTROI: No. No. <br>\r\nRIKER: What's going on? <br>\r\n(The box bursts open and scatters gems on the transporter pad) <br>\r\nTASHA: Jewels. Look at these jewels. <br>\r\nTROI: They're bonding gifts. What you would call wedding presents. <br>\r\nRIKER: Who's getting married? <br>\r\nTROI: I am.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Ready room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TROI: I was certain it would never happen, Captain.\r\nThe years I'd spend on this mission, the distance it has taken me away\r\nfrom home. As you must have heard, genetic bonding is a Betazoid\r\ntradition. Steven Miller was my father's closest friend. <br>\r\nRIKER: Your father was human, Deanna. The Millers are human <br>\r\nPICARD: Will you and your husband be staying with the ship, Counsellor?\r\n<br>\r\nTROI: No, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Then I'll just say congratulations for now, Deanna. You'll\r\nexcuse me? <br>\r\n(Picard leaves) <br>\r\nTROI: Bill, more than anything else in the world, anything, you want to\r\nbe a starship captain. True? <br>\r\nRIKER: That's not all I want, Deanna. <br>\r\nTROI: I can feel that. I know you care, within those limits. Did you\r\nhear what I said? <br>\r\nRIKER: Every word. This whole thing is still bizarre. I'm sorry. <br>\r\nTROI: Come dance at my wedding. <br>\r\nRIKER: I'll try. <br>\r\n(Riker leaves as Data enters) <br>\r\nDATA: A message from planet Haven, Counsellor. They wish to beam the\r\nMiller wedding party aboard.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Transporter room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Mr. Steven Miller, Mrs. Victoria Miller and their\r\nson Wyatt beam aboard) <br>\r\nPICARD: I'm Jean-Luc Picard, Captain of the Enterprise. Welcome aboard.\r\n<br>\r\nSTEVEN: Quite some starship you have here, Captain. Look forward to\r\nthis visit. <br>\r\nVICTORIA: You couldn't be <br>\r\nTROI: I'm Deanna. <br>\r\nVICTORIA: Deanna darling! You probably don't even remember me. <br>\r\nSTEVEN: Wyatt was absolutely right. She is a beauty. <br>\r\nWYATT: I'm Wyatt. <br>\r\nVICTORIA: Isn't this simply beautiful? I knew romance was still alive,\r\nsomewhere. <br>\r\nWYATT: I'd like you to have this. It's a Chameleon Rose. It changes\r\ncolour with the mood of its owner. <br>\r\nTROI: It's wonderful. Thank you. When is my mother arriving? <br>\r\nWYATT: Your mother is still down on the planet, Deanna. <br>\r\nTROI: Why? <br>\r\nWYATT: Er, is there a place for my parents to rest, Captain? <br>\r\nSTEVEN: Well, we're not really tired, son. Besides, I'd like to see\r\nsome of the ship. <br>\r\nVICTORIA: Steven, you know full well Lwaxana Troi isn't about to beam\r\non aboard until we leave. So? <br>\r\nPICARD: You can see your quarters now, if you like. Will you show the\r\nMillers to their accommodations, please, and I shall join you later. <br>\r\n(The Millers leave) <br>\r\nCHIEF: Two more are ready to beam in, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: So be it. Wyatt seems a fine young man. <br>\r\nTROI: Yes, he does. But I'm not what he expected. <br>\r\nPICARD: I don't understand. <br>\r\nTROI: Neither do I, but I'm definitely a surprise of some sort to him.\r\nI should warn you, sir. My mother is a little eccentric. <br>\r\n(A large man is sitting on a chest, and a woman has her back to them) <br>\r\nLWAXANA: Where is everyone? Oh, I hate that. <br>\r\nTROI: Hello, Mother <br>\r\nLWAXANA [OC]: Don't say it, think it. Use your mind, not your mouth. <br>\r\nTROI: Hello Mother. <br>\r\nLWAXANA [OC]: Deanna, shame. What has this life done to you? <br>\r\nLWAXANA: No, don't tell me. You're the Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: Of course. Your daughter has explained your telepathic ability.\r\n<br>\r\nLWAXANA: That wasn't telepathy, it was just common sense. Who else\r\nwould they send to greet me but the Captain? You may carry my luggage. <br>\r\nTROI: Mother! <br>\r\nPICARD: No, no, that's quite all right. I'm indebted to your mother for\r\nthe fine Counsellor she <br>\r\n(The luggage is heavier than he expected. A lot heavier) <br>\r\nPICARD: (straining himself) This way. <br>\r\n(The reincarnation of Christine Chapel and voice of the Enterprise\r\ncomputer follows, with her daughter and Lurch-sized servant)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TROI: Mother, it's quite inappropriate to ask the\r\ncaptain to <br>\r\nLWAXANA: Yes, you do seem to be having difficulty. A man your age must\r\nwork to keep himself in shape. <br>\r\nTROI: Mother, I'm not going another step like this. A starship has its\r\ncustoms, just as we do. If you're my mother's valet, then please valet!\r\n<br>\r\nPICARD: Oh, please don't let me keep up from doing your duty. <br>\r\nLWAXANA: I apologise for her behaviour. Do you realise you've\r\nembarrassed your Captain? <br>\r\nPICARD: Oh, no. <br>\r\nLWAXANA: Anything to avoid a quarrel on this occasion. It's amazing how\r\nthat accent of yours reminds me of your father. <br>\r\n(Mr. Homn the valet lifts the case with ease) <br>\r\nTROI: Your last valet tried so hard to rid me of it. Whatever happened\r\nto Mister Xelo? <br>\r\nLWAXANA: I was forced to terminate his employment. Xelo was strongly\r\nattracted to me. His thoughts became truly pornographic.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Turbolift]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LWAXANA: Of course, the thoughts of Wyatt's father\r\ntoward me were almost as vulgar, but he really doesn't have Xelo's <br>\r\nPICARD: Passenger accommodation. <br>\r\nLWAXANA: He doesn't really have Xelo's imagination. <br>\r\nTROI: Mother. <br>\r\nLWAXANA: Between him and that woman's inane chatter, it's a wonder I\r\nmade it here at all. How do you like the Millers, Captain? <br>\r\nPICARD: I'm sure I find them perfectly pleasant <br>\r\nLWAXANA: As for me, I find it shocking how they've changed in the years\r\nsince my husband and I knew them. Of course, it's probably because I've\r\ngrown beyond them. You realise of course that with Betazoids, our\r\nability to read the thoughts of others does see us grow much faster\r\nthan the typical plodding human who <br>\r\nTROI [OC]: Mother, that's enough! <br>\r\nLWAXANA [OC]: So, you're not totally out of practice. Good. Very good.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Lwaxana's quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: We hope you find the room comfortable. <br>\r\nLWAXANA: Yes, the room is adequate. Small, but adequate. You will of\r\ncourse adjust the temperature to a civilised level? <br>\r\nPICARD: I'll see what I can do. And now, if you will excuse me, I'm\r\nsure the two of you have a lot to talk about. <br>\r\nLWAXANA: Yes, Captain. You may go. <br>\r\n(Picard backs out of the room with a bow) <br>\r\nLWAXANA [OC]: You've been slack, little one. Allowed your mental powers\r\nto rust. <br>\r\nTROI [OC]: Only to avoid confusion, mother. Humans constantly think one\r\nthing and say another. <br>\r\nLWAXANA [OC]: Yes, they do, don't they. Poor dears. Our style of\r\ncomplete honesty frightens them. <br>\r\nTROI: On that subject Mother, there is such a thing as too much honesty\r\nwith humans. <br>\r\nLWAXANA [OC]: If they'd only say what they think instead of hiding it.\r\nAn entire shipload of such inconsistency could drive one insane. <br>\r\nLWAXANA: Darling, I'm terribly sorry about what happened here. Truly I\r\nam. Steven Miller tracked me down and reminded me of the vows we had\r\nmade. <br>\r\nTROI: Mother, I'm having some trouble believing in those vows as once I\r\ndid. <br>\r\nLWAXANA: Deanna. <br>\r\nTROI: But I'll honour them, of course. I'm a Betazoid. <br>\r\nLWAXANA: You may find Wyatt an unusual person. I've sensed remarkable\r\ndepths in him.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: Message coming in from Haven, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: On screen. <br>\r\n(An elegant woman appears) <br>\r\nVALEDA [on viewscreen]: I'm Valeda Innis, First Electorine of Haven.\r\nCaptain Picard? <br>\r\nPICARD: Greetings, Electorine. I'm Picard. <br>\r\nVALEDA [on viewscreen]: Your presence honours us, and your timing is\r\nfortuitous, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: In what way? <br>\r\nVALEDA [on viewscreen]: An incoming vessel has bypassed our stargate,\r\nviolating our law. It has refused any attempt at communication. <br>\r\nPICARD: Are you saying you believe it to be hostile? <br>\r\nVALEDA [on viewscreen]: Failure to communicate is inherently hostile.\r\nWe have no defensive capabilities here and our treaty with the\r\nFederation specifies your obligations in that matter. <br>\r\nPICARD: Agreed. But let's hope it doesn't become a defence matter. <br>\r\nVALEDA [on viewscreen]: Of course, Captain, but I'm very happy we have\r\nyou here.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Wyatt's quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WYATT: Come in. <br>\r\nTROI: I wanted to apologise for my mother's behaviour. <br>\r\nWYATT: Your mother's honest. I respect that. <br>\r\nTROI: Yes, but she never lets up. <br>\r\nWYATT: I'll admit, her honesty is a bit persistent. <br>\r\nTROI: I never heard it described better. But it is a Betazoid trait.\r\nI'll try to be only half as annoying. <br>\r\nWYATT: Let's see, what can I tell you about myself? I'm a medical\r\ndoctor, for whatever that's worth. <br>\r\nTROI: Doctor? <br>\r\nWYATT: If you're picking up my thoughts, you'd know. You can do that,\r\ncan't you? <br>\r\nTROI: Sometimes. This must be what Mother felt about you. I believe we\r\ncould read each other eventually. <br>\r\nWYATT: Can I take that as a compliment? <br>\r\nTROI: Absolutely. I only ever felt this, well, with someone who's on\r\nthis ship. <br>\r\nWYATT: Oh? Do I have competition? <br>\r\nTROI: No. What he wants most is to captain a starship. <br>\r\nWYATT: What I want is to cure people. <br>\r\nTROI: Well, I'm a practicing psychologist. Maybe we can work in\r\nconcert. We are going to be together a long time. <br>\r\nWYATT: Yes. That is the point of marriage, I suppose. <br>\r\nTROI: I really thought you'd tell me you were an artist. I just felt\r\nyour mind very much on these. They are your work, aren't they? <br>\r\nWYATT: I can see it'll be very hard to keep secrets from you. <br>\r\nTROI: This is why you were surprised when you first saw me. This woman.\r\nYou thought that I would be this woman. <br>\r\nWYATT: I have seen this face ever since I was a boy. When I closed my\r\neyes at night, I could hear her whispering my name. And knowing you\r\nwere Betazoid, I just assumed it was you projecting yourself into my\r\nmind. <br>\r\nTROI: I'm sorry I'm not what you hoped for. <br>\r\nWYATT: No. Please don't mistake a childish fantasy for disappointment.\r\nYou are so beautiful. I feel honoured. <br>\r\nTROI: You've no idea who she is? <br>\r\nWYATT: It doesn't really matter now.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's personal log. I trust my concern over the\r\nproblems of ship's Counsellor Troi are not based merely on losing a\r\nhighly valuable crew member. But it seems to me that she is trapped by\r\na custom of her home world which the facts of the twenty-fourth century\r\nlife have made unwise and unworkable. I wish\r\nI could intervene.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: On the viewer, Captain. Unidentified vessel\r\ntravelling sub-warp speed, bearing two three five point seven. <br>\r\nPICARD: Sub-warp? It's several hours away then? Let's take a look at\r\nit. Enlarge to maximum. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Increasing magnification, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Mister Data, is that the trouble I believe it is? <br>\r\nDATA: If you mean a Tarellian vessel, sir, it is. <br>\r\nRIKER: I thought the Tarellians were all dead What are the poor devils\r\ndoing here? <br>\r\nPICARD: Picard to Sickbay. Doctor Crusher to Bridge, urgent. They must\r\nnot be permitted them to destroy us. Or the planet.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, supplemental. It has been believed\r\nthe Tarellian race was extinct, an assumption contradicted now by the\r\nsight of one of their vessels approaching Haven.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Observation lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: The fact that it's travelling at its present\r\nvelocity suggests a possible answer. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: A damaged vessel, sir. That could explain it. <br>\r\nRIKER: If it were unable to reach warp speed, it would have taken all\r\nthese years to get here. <br>\r\nPICARD: Go on with your briefing, Mister Data. <br>\r\nDATA: Tarella was class M, much like your Earth, with similar humanoid\r\nlife forms.\r\nUnfortunately they faced the old story of hatred out powering\r\nintelligence. <br>\r\nPICARD: There were hostilities? <br>\r\nDATA: Between the inhabitants of their two land masses, resulting in\r\none group unleashing a deadly biological weapon on the other. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: And in the end the other became infected as well. Makes one\r\nquestion the sanity of humanoid forms. <br>\r\nPICARD: Can you identify the origin of the infection, Doctor? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: The Tarellians had reached Earth's late twentieth century\r\nlevel of knowledge. That's all you need if you're a damned fool. A\r\ndeadly, infectious virus which at that modest level of knowledge is not\r\ndifficult to grow. <br>\r\nTASHA: We learned the rest of the story in security training. Some\r\nTarellians made it to other worlds only to die along with the\r\npopulations they infected. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: It's pretty well covered in Academy training now, Captain.\r\nMany of them tried to avoid other civilised worlds as they escaped only\r\nto be hunted down and destroyed anyway. <br>\r\nPICARD: And it was believed that the last Tarellian vessel was\r\ndestroyed eight years ago by the Alcyones. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Yes, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Exactly when will they reach Haven? <br>\r\nDATA: Exactly thirteen hours, nine minutes, twenty two seconds, three\r\nhundred fifty <br>\r\nPICARD: Thank you. Which creates a very difficult problem for the\r\nEnterprise. Our treaty requires us to protect Haven, and Federation\r\npolicy requires that we assist life forms in need, which must include\r\nthe Tarellians. I'll want you to help me find some answers. Thank you.\r\nHowever, there will be ample time for your second assignment, voluntary\r\nof course. The pre-joining announcement of Counsellor Deanna Troi <br>\r\n(Riker leaves) <br>\r\nPICARD: And Wyatt Miller.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">VICTORIA: We've talked it over, Captain, and the\r\nceremony will be tomorrow if you agree. And Captain, would it be\r\npossible for you to perform the ceremony? <br>\r\nPICARD: Well, yes, of course, if all parties request it. <br>\r\nLWAXANA: All parties do not request it. It's simply out of the\r\nquestion. I'm sorry, Captain, but unfortunately you are not practiced\r\nin the ways of Betazed joining. <br>\r\nPICARD: No, that's quite true. <br>\r\nLWAXANA: Therefore you are totally unqualified. <br>\r\nVICTORIA: He is qualified to lead a traditional Earth ceremony, which\r\nis what this will be. <br>\r\nLWAXANA: I thought you had no sense of humour. Earth wedding?\r\nRidiculous! <br>\r\nVICTORIA: My family and I are living on Earth now. <br>\r\nLWAXANA: So, that's why you want that backward ritual. Terrible,\r\nCaptain, to see a woman go downhill like this. <br>\r\nTROI: Mother! <br>\r\nVICTORIA: Downhill? <br>\r\nLWAXANA: The matter is settled. Mister Homn will conduct the joining. <br>\r\nSTEVEN: But Homn can't even talk! <br>\r\nLWAXANA: No matter, he is highly adept in the acts of sign language.\r\nThe matter is closed. <br>\r\nVICTORIA: Who are you to tell us what we should do? <br>\r\nLWAXANA: Your ignorance is astonishing. I am Lwaxana Troi. Daughter of\r\nThe Fifth House, Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, Heir to the Holy\r\nRings of Betazed. Who are you? <br>\r\nPICARD: Ladies and gentlemen, it is a Starfleet tradition that at\r\nsocial gatherings, disputes are not permitted. I hereby declare\r\ntherefore all disagreements resolved. <br>\r\n(At table, during the meal) <br>\r\nPICARD: A toast. To the young couple and their families. <br>\r\nVICTORIA: And? <br>\r\nPICARD: And may this union be a productive one. <br>\r\n(General hear, hear, and cheers) <br>\r\n(Data is standing by Mr. Homn, who is standing by a small gong, and\r\nknocking back drinks as if he's spent a month in a desert) <br>\r\nDATA: Considering the rate at which you imbibe, sir, is your lineage at\r\nall mixed with human? <br>\r\n(Homn exaggeratedly sticks his nose in the air. Such an insult, young\r\nandroid) <br>\r\nWYATT: Is it true, Captain, that there's a Tarellian ship headed for\r\nHaven? <br>\r\n(Lwaxana takes a bite of food, Homn strikes the gong. This goes on\r\nduring the following conversation and gets on everyone's nerves) <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes, it is true. <br>\r\nWYATT: That's amazing. I've read everything I could about them.\r\nBiological virus analysis was a favourite subject at medical school. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: In which case I'd very much like to confer with you. I'm\r\npleased to have a medical colleague aboard. <br>\r\nWYATT: Yes, ma'am, Doctor. Would it be possible to prepare some medical\r\nneeds, geared toward the Tarellian's probable needs? We could beam it\r\nover without any fear of infection. <br>\r\nPICARD: What do you think, Doctor? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: It's a very considerate idea. Our Sickbay is at your disposal,\r\nDoctor. <br>\r\nWYATT: Thank you. <br>\r\nPICARD: Mister Data? <br>\r\nDATA: Sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: You're circling the room like a buzzard. <br>\r\nDATA: Perhaps being human yourself, sir, you do not find them as\r\nintriguing as I. <br>\r\nVICTORIA: Must he do that? <br>\r\nLWAXANA: As you well know, it is the Betazed way of giving thanks for\r\nthe food we eat. <br>\r\nVICTORIA: You giving thanks? Besides, you never did this before. <br>\r\nLWAXANA: I do it now. Unlike some people, I am in growth. <br>\r\n(The apparently decorative leaf-like thing on her sleeve, shakes at\r\nher) <br>\r\nLWAXANA: Victoria, I've forgotten whether you enjoy pets or not. <br>\r\nVICTORIA: Love them, of course. <br>\r\nLWAXANA: Good. <br>\r\n(So the thing on her sleeve slides over to Victoria Miller, who of\r\ncourse screams) <br>\r\nLWAXANA: Gently, gently. Poor baby, did she hurt you? <br>\r\nRIKER: Captain. If you'll excuse me, I'd like to spend some time\r\nconsidering the Tarellian situation <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes, of course. <br>\r\nRIKER: Ladies and gentlemen. <br>\r\n(Riker leaves) <br>\r\nDATA: Mrs. Troi, I'm very interested in the Betazed ceremony you\r\nmentioned. Could you tell us more? <br>\r\nLWAXANA: Why, I'd be delighted, Commander. It's an ancient ceremony,\r\nwidely regarded as the most beautiful in the universe. After the young\r\ncouple have removed their clothing <br>\r\nTASHA: The bride and groom go naked? <br>\r\nLWAXANA: All guests must go unclothed. It honours the act of love being\r\ncelebrated. Oh, you needn't worry too much, dear. Your body's not that\r\nbad. Besides, your husband quite likes the idea of seeing me unclothed.\r\n<br>\r\nVICTORIA: Steven! <br>\r\nLWAXANA: You did know he's attracted to me, didn't you? <br>\r\nSTEVEN: Untrue! I don't. <br>\r\nTROI: Stop this petty bickering, all of you! Especially you, Mother! <br>\r\n(Troi storms out, knocking over the gong on her way)<br>\r\nDATA: Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most\r\nintriguing.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Holodeck]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Riker is brooding in an evening desert landscape) <br>\r\nTROI: May I join you? <br>\r\nRIKER: I will miss you, Deanna. <br>\r\nTROI: I'm no longer Imzadi to you? <br>\r\nRIKER: You taught me that word means my beloved. <br>\r\nTROI: And the human heart is too small to permit that feeling now. <br>\r\nRIKER: Have you discussed this with Wyatt? I think you should. It's\r\nalso damned unfair to me. <br>\r\nTROI: I understand. I should have realised. Humans, young human males\r\nparticularly, have difficulty separating platonic love and physical\r\nlove. <br>\r\nRIKER: The problem is, Imzadi, I couldn't. Not now. Call it an old\r\nEarth tradition, habit of the beasts, whatever. <br>\r\nWYATT: Hello, you two. <br>\r\nRIKER: We were just talking about you, Wyatt. <br>\r\nWYATT: This is incredible. <br>\r\nRIKER: Yes. And in that discussion, I <br>\r\nTROI: Actually, Bill was concerned that you might be upset that I care\r\ndeeply for him, too. <br>\r\nWYATT: Oh. You're the one who wants to be a starship captain. Yes, I've\r\nheard that bonding or marriage would complicate things in that case. To\r\neach his own. Good luck with that ambition. And I very much respected\r\nwhat you did tonight. <br>\r\nTROI: All I did was lose my temper. <br>\r\nRIKER: If you'll excuse me. <br>\r\nWYATT: Of course. Running all this is a big job. <br>\r\n(Riker leaves) <br>\r\nWYATT: In fact, you shamed them into compromise. So they've decided\r\nthat the joining will be half Betazed, half Earth. The Captain will do\r\nthe ceremony and Mister Homn will be my best man. <br>\r\nTROI: And we'll take our clothes half off? <br>\r\nWYATT: Some of us still go naked. You do, I do, your mother, my father,\r\nbut not my mother or the guests. <br>\r\nTROI: Captain Picard will be very relieved. How did you manage it? <br>\r\nWYATT: Your mother relented. And I just caught my father practicing\r\nnaked in front of his mirror. And so, a question I should have asked\r\nbefore. Deanna, do you really want to go through with this? <br>\r\nTROI: Yes, I want to. <br>\r\nWYATT: I'm a very lucky man.<br>\r\n(They kiss, one short, one very long)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, supplemental. All attempts at\r\nwarning off the Tarellian ship have failed. They still refuse to\r\ncommunicate and I am growing concerned.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: How can you be certain they're receiving\r\nus? <br>\r\nDATA: Because our sensors are showing a responder echo, sir, on the\r\nfrequency they once used. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: We have a message, sir, coming in from Haven. <br>\r\nPICARD: On viewer. <br>\r\nVALEDA [on viewscreen]: Captain, the plague ship is approaching\r\ntransport range. <br>\r\nPICARD: We are aware of that, Electorine. <br>\r\nVALEDA [on viewscreen]: Do you realise that they can turn this lovely\r\nworld of ours into a graveyard? Please, please take action now before\r\nit's too late. <br>\r\nRIKER: We recognise your situation. <br>\r\nVALEDA [on viewscreen]: Please destroy them now! <br>\r\nPICARD: We will not fire on them, Electorine. <br>\r\nVALEDA [on viewscreen]: You must! <br>\r\n(transmission ends) <br>\r\nTASHA: I'm certain I could disable their ship with a phaser burst,\r\nCaptain. <br>\r\nPICARD: And then, Lieutenant? <br>\r\nDATA: They're within transporter range, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Then we can't delay any longer. Ready the tractor beam,\r\nLieutenant Yar. Target the ship. Activate on my command. <br>\r\nTASHA: Tractor beam ready. <br>\r\nPICARD: Engage. <br>\r\nTASHA: Got them, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Do we have them securely, Lieutenant? Can they beam out to the\r\nplanet? <br>\r\nTASHA: Negative, sir. They can't leave that ship. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I know they can receive us, Captain. At this distance they can\r\nrespond with running lights if necessary. <br>\r\nDATA: Unless they have all died. Their ship could have been brought in\r\nby automation. <br>\r\nRIKER: Captain! <br>\r\n(The viewscreen crackles into life, and it's a face Troi recognises) <br>\r\nTROI: It's the woman in Wyatt's drawings.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, stardate 41294.6. Orbiting Haven\r\nwith the Tarellian vessel locked in our tractor beam. Question. What\r\nstrange of circumstances has caused a woman out of someone's\r\nimagination to appear on the plague ship?\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: Enterprise to Tarellian vessel, are you\r\nreceiving us? <br>\r\n(A balding man moves the young woman aside) <br>\r\nWRENN [on viewscreen]: My name is Wrenn, and before I enquire why your\r\ntractor beam has trapped us here, is there one aboard your vessel named\r\nWyatt? <br>\r\n(Crusher and Wyatt enter. He has his drawings with him) <br>\r\nWYATT: Captain, I don't understand. <br>\r\nWRENN [on viewscreen]: It's astounding. Ariana was right. He is here,\r\ndaughter. <br>\r\nARIANA: Wyatt, you've come just as you promised. <br>\r\nWYATT: How could I be so accurate? Except for the dream images, I've\r\nnever seen her. <br>\r\nPICARD: Sir, our concern is with the threat your vessel poses to the\r\nplanet below. If you're still carrying the infection which destroyed\r\nyour world <br>\r\nWRENN [on viewscreen]: Oh, we still carry it, Captain. My daughter, I,\r\nall eight of us. <br>\r\nPICARD: Eight? <br>\r\nWRENN [on viewscreen]: All of us that are left, Captain. Most of the\r\nrest passed on during the years that it took to reach Haven. <br>\r\nPICARD: If you've come here because of the legend about planet Haven\r\nmiraculously healing the sick. <br>\r\nWRENN [on viewscreen]: We don't ask to make contact with those living\r\nbelow. All we ask is to be on the edge of some sea,\r\nsome unpopulated island, a faraway peninsula. <br>\r\nPICARD: This is not our planet, sir, but I will present your needs to\r\nthose who do govern this world. <br>\r\nWRENN [on viewscreen]: Present the fact we intend to die here, Captain.\r\nAnd if we die while caged by your tractor beam, so be it.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Lwaxana's quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LWAXANA: Oh, Wyatt, how do you like my new\r\nhairstyle? Of course, it's going to look much better on me when I'm\r\nnaked. <br>\r\nWYATT: Mrs. Troi, can I talk to you about something serious? <br>\r\nLWAXANA: Oh, but I am always serious, dear boy. Only my pleasant nature\r\nmakes it appear otherwise. <br>\r\nWYATT: Please, Mrs. Troi. <br>\r\nLWAXANA: Yes, that was puzzling. A woman out of another place who\r\ninsists that she knows you. <br>\r\nWYATT: And <br>\r\nLWAXANA: And whom you've dreamed of all these years. <br>\r\nWYATT: And I hoped that the way you handle thoughts <br>\r\nLWAXANA: Fascinating, Wyatt, how easily your thoughts come through. The\r\nanswer to the puzzle of Ariana and you is so simple, it's too simple\r\nfor most humans to understand. <br>\r\nWYATT: Too simple? <br>\r\nLWAXANA: Of course. It's something they all know instinctively but go\r\nto great effort to reject or to build complicated superstitions about.\r\nAll life, Wyatt, all consciousness, is indissolvably bound together.\r\nIndeed, it's all part of the same thing. <br>\r\nWYATT: Yes. I have wondered if something like that <br>\r\nLWAXANA: That weren't so. And no doubt so has Ariana, which helped the\r\ntwo of you to make contact. Wyatt, tell me something seriously. Which\r\nof these would look best on me naked? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sickbay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: Wyatt? Are you feeling all right? <br>\r\nWYATT: Just wedding nerves. The supplies are ready. I'll take them to\r\nthe transporter room. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I'll notify the Captain they're ready. <br>\r\n(When her back is turned he gets a hypo and fills it)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">VICTORIA: Look at your father, Wyatt. He just can't\r\nwait to strip off his clothes for that barbaric ceremony. <br>\r\nWYATT: Please take care of each other. (to Deanna) You are beautiful.\r\nBut you looked best of all in the desert on the holodeck when we did\r\nthis.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Transporter room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CHIEF: You can put the supplies on the pad. Doctor\r\nCrusher had me set the coordinates. All we need is the captain's order.\r\n<br>\r\n(Wyatt injects the Chief and he goes down. Then Wyatt activates the\r\ntransporter and stands on the pad with the supplies)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: Captain! Someone's transporting over to\r\nthe Tarellian ship. <br>\r\nPICARD: Override. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I can't sir. It's too late.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Tarellian ship]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Wyatt beams into a corridor lines with drawings of\r\nhimself at different ages) <br>\r\nWRENN: Hello, Wyatt. We always thought you were a dream. <br>\r\nWYATT: You're not surprised. Did you know I'd beam over? <br>\r\nWRENN: Once we saw you were real, we knew. You are a doctor? <br>\r\nWYATT: Yes. I've brought medicines and supplies. <br>\r\nARIANA: And I knew you would be this brave.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">VICTORIA: How could you let this happen? My son,\r\nsurrounded by those horrible lepers! <br>\r\nPICARD: Mrs. Miller, if I could have prevented this I would have. <br>\r\nVICTORIA: Beam him back. <br>\r\nTROI: He can never come back, Mrs. Miller. <br>\r\nWRENN [on viewscreen]: You may turn off your tractor beam, Captain. We\r\nwill not be going to Haven. We have what we really came for. <br>\r\nVICTORIA: Wyatt? <br>\r\nWYATT: Mother. Father. Forgive me, but I must. I'm going to try to\r\ncontinue the work to cure these people. <br>\r\nARIANA: And Wyatt will do it. I've believed that all along. <br>\r\nWYATT: I knew I was coming to Haven to meet my destiny. I thought it\r\nwas to be with you, Deanna. It was Ariana who drew me here. I'm sorry. <br>\r\nTROI: Wyatt, I'm happy for you, and for Ariana too. <br>\r\nLWAXANA: You've done very well for a human, Wyatt. <br>\r\nTROI: Mother. <br>\r\nWRENN [on viewscreen]: Captain, my respects. <br>\r\nPICARD: And mine, sir. <br>\r\n(Transmission ends) <br>\r\nTROI: Goodbye.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Transporter room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">STEVEN: Keep the chest. You'll have use for it some\r\nday. <br>\r\n(The Millers beam away, and Lwaxana sweeps in) <br>\r\nLWAXANA: Seems such a shame to waste the whole trip. Perhaps I should\r\nstay and be joined to a new mate? <br>\r\nTROI: What? <br>\r\nLWAXANA: Well, the Captain's highly attracted to me, but he's a little\r\ntoo old. Perhaps I should choose you. <br>\r\n(Riker) <br>\r\nTROI: He has other obligations, Mother. <br>\r\nLWAXANA: Oh. Very well. It's his loss. Mister Homn. <br>\r\nHOMN: Thank you for the drinks. <br>\r\nLWAXANA [OC]: Try and remember your heritage, little one. (out loud)\r\nCaptain! Even Xelo never had such thoughts about me. You may energise. <br>\r\n(Lwaxana and Homn are beamed away) <br>\r\nTROI: That was meant as a joke, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: I was not amused.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Take us out of here, Mister Riker. <br>\r\nRIKER: Aye, sir. Warp two, helm. Heading five seven mark three one\r\nnine. <br>\r\nPICARD: Our destiny is elsewhere. But I'm happy that yours is here with\r\nus, Counsellor. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Warp two, heading five seven mark three one nine. <br>\r\nRIKER: Engage. </font> </p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n</center>\r\n</div>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><a href=\"episodes.htm\"><font color=\"#2867d0\">&lt;Back\r\nto the episode listing</font></a></font></p>\r\n<p><font color=\"#000000\" face=\"Arial\" size=\"1\"><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">Star Trek � and related\r\nmarks are trademarks of<a href=\"\"> <font color=\"#2867d0\">CBS Studios Inc</font></a>.\r\nCopyright � 1966, Present. The Star Trek web pages on this site are for\r\neducational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights\r\nproperty of their respective holders.</font></font></p>\r\n</body></html>"},{"episode":"106.htm","data":"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n<html lang=\"en-gb\"><head>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-1252\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en-gb\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Enterprise, NCC1701D, Episodes, Transcripts, Where No One Has Gone Before, Jean-Luc Picard, William Thomas Riker, Geordi LaForge, Tasha Yar, Worf, Beverly Crusher, Deanna Troi, Data, Wesley Crusher, Traveller, Kosinski\">\r\n<meta name=\"Keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Transcripts, Where No One Has Gone Before\">\r\n<meta name=\"Description\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation episode transcripts\"><title>The Next Generation Transcripts - Where No One Has Gone\r\nBefore</title>\r\n\r\n</head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"#d5d5d5\" dir=\"ltr\">\r\n<p><font color=\"#2867d0\" face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"5\"><b>Where\r\nNo One Has Gone Before</b></font><br>\r\n<font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Stardate:\r\n41263.1<br>\r\nOriginal Airdate: 26 Oct, 1987<br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n<center>\r\n<table border=\"0\" width=\"85%\">\r\n<tbody>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td align=\"left\" width=\"85%\"> <font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">\r\nCaptain's log, Stardate 41263.1. We have rendezvoused with the USS\r\nFearless, from which a Starfleet propulsion expert and his assistant\r\nare beaming over to conduct tests on the Enterprise's warp drive\r\nengines. They have completed similar adjustments on two other Starfleet\r\nvessels.\r\n</font>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: I don't understand your concern, Number\r\nOne. They're not authorised to make any alterations in our engines, and\r\naccording to Starfleet's report, they will simply test different ways\r\nof entering warp speed and different intermix formulas. What's the harm\r\nin that? <br>\r\nRIKER: It's the specs that Kosinski sent us. In my opinion, sir,\r\nthey're gibberish. <br>\r\nPICARD: Gibberish? <br>\r\nRIKER: Mister Data, would you explain? <br>\r\nDATA: Sir, we put Mister Kosinski's specs into the computer and ran a\r\ncontrolled test on them. There was no improvement in engine\r\nperformance. <br>\r\nPICARD: Then how do you explain Starfleet's report that the same tests\r\non the USS Ajax and on the Fearless over there, resulted in a\r\nmeasurable increase in propulsion. <br>\r\nRIKER: Our engines are new, sir. Top condition. The tests on those\r\nolder ships may have simply been to straighten out some engine\r\ninefficiency. <br>\r\nCHIEF [OC]: Bridge from Transporter Chief. Two from USS Fearless are\r\nready to beam over. <br>\r\nPICARD: Stand by for Commander Riker, Chief. He's on his way. <br>\r\nCHIEF [OC]: Aye, sir, <br>\r\nPICARD: Since you're concerned about these tests. <br>\r\nRIKER: Yes, sir. Captain, if I may, I'll ask Counsellor Troi to look\r\nthese visitors over. <br>\r\nPICARD: Very good. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Transporter room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Welcome aboard, Mister Kosinski. I'm the\r\nFirst Officer, Commander William Riker, and this is <br>\r\nKOSINSKI: Where is the Captain, please? <br>\r\nRIKER: He is engaged in other duties, sir. <br>\r\nKOSINSKI: A ship's engines should be a concern of the ship's Captain. <br>\r\nRIKER: They are, sir. Which is why they have made the First Officer\r\ndirectly responsible for an engine's condition\r\nand performance. Guided, of course, by one of our Chief Engineers,\r\nLieutenant Commander Argyle in this case. <br>\r\nARGYLE: A pleasure, sir. I appreciated receiving the specs. <br>\r\nKOSINSKI: To which you have no end of questions? <br>\r\nARGYLE: Aye, I have. <br>\r\nRIKER: And you, sir, are listed as <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: As Mister Kosinski's assistant. My actual name is\r\nunpronounceable by humans. <br>\r\nRIKER: You're from Tau Alpha C. That's very distant. <br>\r\nKOSINSKI: All approved and described in the Starfleet communications.\r\nNow, I would like to set up in the Engine Room immediately. <br>\r\nRIKER: I'll have our Chief Engineer show you to his Engine Room. <br>\r\nKOSINSKI: No need. I know my way around starships. <br>\r\n(He barges between Riker and Argyle and out into the corridor, followed\r\nby his assistant, then Argyle) <br>\r\nRIKER: One thing that Kosinski isn't hiding, his bad disposition. <br>\r\nTROI: Agreed. Also, he's arrogant, overbearing, self-important, and\r\nvery sure of himself and his ability. <br>\r\nRIKER: And the other one, his assistant? <br>\r\nTROI: He's the puzzle. With most life forms I can usually feel\r\nsomething. I may not be able to understand or interpret it, but I feel\r\nsomething, if only a presence. With him, nothing. Empty space. It's as\r\nthough he isn't even here. Something about this concerns me. I don't\r\nknow what, I can't point out a reason yet. <br>\r\nRIKER: Stay concerned, please. The safety of the Enterprise may be\r\nentrusted to these two.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Kosinski sweeps into Engineering as if he owns it,\r\nentourage in tow) <br>\r\nKOSINSKI: Inform the Bridge I shall begin the first test in precisely\r\nfifteen minutes. Why is that child here? <br>\r\n(Wesley is at an ancillary station) <br>\r\nARGYLE: He's working on a school project. Before you begin, there are\r\nsome questions. First, tell us how you arrived <br>\r\nKOSINSKI: In order to save myself time, let me ask those questions for\r\nyou. You received the information which Starfleet provided, you fed it\r\ninto your computer as precisely as humanly possible, then you did a\r\ncontrolled test. And then, to your astonishment, nothing happened. So\r\nyou said, what's going on? This doesn't work. Kosinski's a fraud. You\r\nsee, I have had this conversation on other Starfleet vessels before.\r\nThey didn't understand it. why should you? <br>\r\n(Meanwhile, the Traveller is interested in what Wesley is doing,\r\nlooking over his shoulder) <br>\r\nARGYLE: Surely you're not saying it's unexplainable? <br>\r\nKOSINSKI: I'm saying I'm not a teacher, nor do I wish to become one. I\r\nhave neither the inclination nor the time. <br>\r\nRIKER: You have all the time you need. <br>\r\nKOSINSKI: I don't think you understand. This has already been approved\r\nby Starfleet Command. <br>\r\nRIKER: But it hasn't been approved by the Chief Engineer or by me. <br>\r\nKOSINSKI: I didn't know that was necessary. <br>\r\nRIKER: Now you do. <br>\r\nKOSINSKI: Perhaps I should speak to Captain Picard. <br>\r\nRIKER: If you like. It won't change anything. <br>\r\nKOSINSKI: How basic shall I be? <br>\r\nRIKER: I'll leave that to you. <br>\r\n(They go over to the big multi-station console in the middle of the\r\nroom) <br>\r\nKOSINSKI: Would you get onto the auxiliary panel, please? <br>\r\n(Wesley gives up his console to the Traveller) <br>\r\nKOSINSKI: In order to save time, my assistant is going to lay in my\r\nbase formulas more rapidly than any human being possibly could,\r\nincluding even myself. So, here then, in the simplest possible terms,\r\nwhat I do. Now, this warp drive system was tuned only in the grossest\r\npossible sense, at least according to my standards. What I do is\r\nspecific. Thank you. Well, sufficient to say for now, these symbols\r\n(continues under Wesley and Traveller's whispered conversation) <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: Something troubles you with the way this is configured? How\r\nabout it now? <br>\r\nWESLEY: Yes. But shouldn't these be connected? Here and here. <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: Now will it do what Kosinski says it will? <br>\r\nWESLEY: It has a chance. It might work better this way. Yes. <br>\r\n(The Traveller is impressed with Wesley) <br>\r\nKOSINSKI: View with me if you will this screen as we consider the\r\nfollowing. Now, is this merely mechanics or is it nature that we deal\r\nwith in all of this? And what else than nature are the elementals of\r\nspace and time? You are trained in the system. You go in a straight\r\nline, competent, yes, and perhaps even innovative in a minimalist way,\r\nbut what I do here is not the end of the process, it is the beginning.\r\nSo, what do I do? Go back to the Fearless, which I left with a more\r\nefficient warp drive than I found? Or do you cast off your ignorance\r\nand allow me to continue? <br>\r\nRIKER: Could anything he's proposing damage our system? <br>\r\nARGYLE: How could it? It's meaningless. <br>\r\nRIKER: Then we should let him try it? <br>\r\nKOSINSKI: What do you mean, let he him try it? Don't talk about me in\r\nthe third person like I'm not standing right here! <br>\r\nARGYLE: Yes, we might as well let him try it. <br>\r\nKOSINSKI: Oh yes, we might as well let him try it. You are too\r\ngenerous. Boy! Boy, don't play with that.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Picard enters) <br>\r\nWORF: Captain, main Engineering is ready to proceed <br>\r\n.\r\nPICARD: Engineering, this is the Bridge. It's your call.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">KOSINSKI: Do this one just like the last time.\r\nNothing changes. Commander, I'll make my preliminary adjustments at\r\nwarp one point five, and complete them as we achieve warp four. <br>\r\nRIKER: Engineering to bridge, did you copy that?\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Affirmative, Number One. Are you ready? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: We are.\r\n<br>PICARD [OC]: La Forge, set in warp one point five.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: Warp one point five, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Engage.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">KOSINSKI: All right, here we go. <br>\r\n(Wesley watches the Traveller make adjustments on his console, while\r\nKosinski taps at him. The Traveller turns to smile at Wesley) <br>\r\nKOSINSKI: What are you doing? <br>\r\n(Consternation. The warp core appears to be racing. The Traveller puts\r\nhis hands on the console and partially vanishes. The Enterprise takes\r\noff at ridiculous speed)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: Captain, we're passing warp ten! <br>\r\n(The viewscreen looks like the opening credits to Doctor Who. There's a\r\njolt which throws the Traveller off his stool. Kosinski is clueless) <br>\r\nPICARD: What is our velocity? <br>\r\nDATA: It's off the scale, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Reverse engines. <br>\r\nDATA: Captain, no one has ever reversed engines at this velocity. <br>\r\nPICARD: Because no one has gone this fast. Reverse engines. <br>\r\n(They arrive at a beautiful place) <br>\r\nPICARD: All stop. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Reading all stop, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Position? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Calculating it, sir. Data, what do you read there? <br>\r\nDATA: Malfunction, I trust. <br>\r\nPICARD: Position, Mister La Forge. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Well, sir, according to these calculations, we've not only\r\nleft our own galaxy, but passed through\r\ntwo others, ending up on the far side of Triangulum. The galaxy known\r\nas M Thirty Three. <br>\r\nPICARD: That's not possible. Data, what distance have we travelled? <br>\r\nDATA: Two million seven hundred thousand light years. <br>\r\nPICARD: I can't accept that. <br>\r\nDATA: You must, sir. Our comparisons show it to be completely accurate.\r\n<br>\r\nLAFORGE: And I calculate that at maximum warp, sir it would take over\r\nthree hundred years to get home. <br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, stardate 41263.2. This will be a\r\nrather unusual log entry, assuming Starfleet ever receives it. As I\r\nhave already informed my crew, a phenomenal surge of power during a\r\nwarp speed experiment has sent our starship hurtling out of our own\r\ngalaxy, past another, taking us over two million seven hundred thousand\r\nlight years in a few minutes.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: Message on this has been transmitted to\r\nStarfleet, sir. <br>\r\nDATA: Which, traveling subspace, they should receive in fifty-one\r\nyears, ten months nine weeks, sixteen days <br>\r\nPICARD: Mister Data! <br>\r\nDATA: Sir? <br>\r\n(Kosinski, Riker and Argyle enter) <br>\r\nKOSINSKI: Captain Picard, I presume? <br>\r\nRIKER: We're still trying to determine what happened, sir. <br>\r\nKOSINSKI: The truth is, Captain, I made a mistake. A wonderful,\r\nincredible mistake. <br>\r\nPICARD: Just explain what brought us here. <br>\r\nKOSINSKI: As the power grew, I applied the energy asymptomatically. I\r\nanticipated some tilling, but it didn't occur. Now that was my error,\r\nusing the Bessel functions at the beginning. <br>\r\nPICARD: What is he saying, Number One? <br>\r\nRIKER: To tell the truth, sir, it sounds to me like nonsense to me. But\r\nconsidering <br>\r\nPICARD: Considering where we are, we must assume it isn't.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WESLEY: Can I do something to help? I can call my\r\nmother. She's a doctor. <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: No, there's nothing she can do. I need to rest. I've been\r\naway too long. <br>\r\nWESLEY: What happened to you, is it part of what happened to the ship? <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: Please believe me, I mean no harm to this vessel or those in\r\nit. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Is Mister Kosinski like he sounds? A joke? <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: No, that's too cruel. He has sensed some small part of it <br>\r\nWESLEY: That space and time and thought aren't the separate things they\r\nappear to be? I just thought the formula you were using said something\r\nlike that. <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: Boy, don't ever say that again. And especially not at your\r\nage in a world that's not ready for such, such dangerous nonsense.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">KOSINSKI: I've always suspected this rate of speed\r\nwas possible, of course, but at this level? No, never.\r\nWe're going to need new definitions. New parameters. <br>\r\nARGYLE: Perhaps you could call it the Kosinski scale. <br>\r\nKOSINSKI: Why not? Yes, of course. Since I'm the one who has made the\r\nso-called warp barrier meaningless. And, Captain, this must be a\r\nspecial thrill for you. <br>\r\nPICARD: Thrill? <br>\r\nKOSINSKI: As an explorer. In three centuries of space flight, we've\r\ncharted just eleven percent of our galaxy. And then we accomplish this.\r\n<br>\r\nPICARD: Yes, but isn't the real point, can you do it again? Can you get\r\nus home? <br>\r\nKOSINSKI: Of course I can. I'll just do what I did before. Coming,\r\nRiker? <br>\r\nPICARD: Commander Riker will join you in a moment. <br>\r\n(Kosinski leaves) <br>\r\nPICARD: Comment is invited. Counsellor? <br>\r\nTROI: He's convinced he's right. I have no doubt of that. <br>\r\nWORF: Captain, can you allow a man who has made one mistake back into a\r\nposition where he may make another? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Captain, what are our options really? I mean, if this guy\r\ncan't get us back, who will? <br>\r\nDATA: Captain, we're here. Why not avail ourselves of this opportunity\r\nfor study? There is a giant protostar here in the process of forming.\r\nNo other vessel has been out this far. <br>\r\nPICARD: Spoken like a true Starfleet graduate. It is tempting, eh,\r\nNumber One? <br>\r\nRIKER: Aye, sir, it is. But as they say, sir, you're the Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: I know that if Kosinski can get us home, Starfleet can use his\r\ntechnique to bring back a pure science vessel to do even more. Number\r\nOne, tell Kosinski prepare to get us out of here. <br>\r\nRIKER: Aye, sir.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">KOSINSKI: Do you realise how many great\r\nadvancements of mankind have been tied to speed? This is a moment in\r\nhistory. Right here, right now. And your names will be forever linked\r\nwith mine. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Excuse me, Commander Riker. I don't think he did this. I think <br>\r\nRIKER: Not now, Wes. <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: Standing by, Number One. <br>\r\nWESLEY: But sir, when this all happened, I was watching his assistant <br>\r\nRIKER: I'm sure it was fascinating, Wesley. I am looking forward to\r\nhearing about it. But not right now. <br>\r\nRIKER: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nKOSINSKI: (to the Traveller) Come on. <br>\r\nWESLEY: He's too tired. Why don't you do it by yourself? <br>\r\nKOSINSKI: Yes, why not? <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: No, I will help. <br>\r\nKOSINSKI: As you wish.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: I've laid in the reciprocal course back,\r\nCaptain.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">KOSINSKI: Tell the captain I am ready, First\r\nOfficer. <br>\r\nRIKER: We're ready for you to engage, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: As before\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Begin at warp one point five. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Warp one point five, sir.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">KOSINSKI: This isn't working. <br>\r\n(Seen only by Wesley, the Traveller vanishes and reappears again. Then\r\nRiker notices as Enterprise head off at totally ridiculous speed down a\r\nStarGate wormhole effect)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: All stop. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Answering all stop, Captain. <br>\r\nDATA: According to the instruments, sir, our speed never exceeded warp\r\none point five. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: All stopped, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes, but where is this place? <br>\r\n(Lights are dancing in a blue scene) <br>\r\nDATA: Where none have gone before.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, stardate 41263.3. Instead of\r\nreturning to our own galaxy, the Enterprise has gone forward\r\nto a place in the universe which is uncharted and unknown. Our present\r\nposition puts us at over a billion light years from our galaxy.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Data, you have the helm. I'll be in\r\nEngineering. <br>\r\n(Picard leaves) <br>\r\n(There is a grunting sound, and Worf turns to see what looks like a\r\nhairy pig with a horn and wicked looking spines) <br>\r\nTASHA: What is it? <br>\r\nWORF: A Klingon Targ! My pet. From home, but when I was a child. <br>\r\nTASHA: You're telling me that's a kitty-cat? <br>\r\nWORF: Yes, I suppose you could call it that. <br>\r\n(The Targ vanishes, and a ginger cat lands on Tasha's console)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Turbolift]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(The turbolift doors open, and Picard nearly steps\r\nout - into space rushing by at warp speed. He pulls himself back in,\r\nthe doors close then open again into an ordinary corridor. He steps out\r\ncarefully)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Tasha is fondling the cat) <br>\r\nTASHA: You darling, what are you doing here?\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Tunnel]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Then she's back on her home planet, and a rape\r\ngang is after her) <br>\r\nTASHA: Now, run. This isn't a safe place at all. <br>\r\n(Someone puts a hand on her shoulder)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Tasha jumps) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Tasha, what's wrong? You look scared to death. <br>\r\nTASHA: I was, I was. This is crazy. I was at the colony where I grew\r\nup, being chased by a rape gang <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Are you all right? Well, you're safe now. <br>\r\n(Elsewhere on board - a group in period costume is playing Mozart Eine\r\nKliene Nachtmusik, except for one Starfleet violinist)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>Corridor</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Picard encounters a man and woman running from\r\nsomething) <br>\r\nCREWMAN: Captain! Captain, we need help. <br>\r\nPICARD: What's wrong? <br>\r\nCREWMAN: Don't you see what's following us? <br>\r\n(They carry on running) <br>\r\n(Picard passes an open door and sees a ballerina in a golden tutu\r\npirouetting) <br>\r\nPICARD: Ensign, what are you doing? <br>\r\n(Her tutu becomes her uniform again) <br>\r\n(The violinist is sitting at a table, having a meal) <br>\r\n(Picard turns a corner and meets an elderly woman sitting at a tea\r\ntable) <br>\r\nMAMAN: (french accent) You look tense, Jean-Luc. Come and have a cup of\r\ntea. <br>\r\nPICARD: Maman? <br>\r\nMAMAN: I'll make it good and strong, the way you like it. We will have\r\na nice long talk. <br>\r\nPICARD: This can't be. You've been <br>\r\nMAMAN: Dead? But I'm always with you, you know that. <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes, I've felt that. But why now, suddenly. <br>\r\nMAMAN: You mean out here? At what you say us the end of the universe?\r\nOr do you see this as the beginning of it? <br>\r\nPICARD: We believe it the outer rim. Maman, do you understand these\r\nthings? Can you tell me where my ship is? What is this place? <br>\r\nRIKER: Captain? You were reported headed for <br>\r\nPICARD: Just a moment, Number One! <br>\r\n(But the corridor is empty now) <br>\r\nRIKER: Can I help you, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: No. No, let's help all of us. (goes to comm. panel) General\r\nquarters. Red Alert.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Crusher is examining the Traveller, who is lying\r\non a padded bench) <br>\r\nARGYLE: What is it Captain? Why are we at General quarters? <br>\r\nPICARD: I had to get everyone's attention. It was the quickest way.\r\nThis is the Captain. This is not a drill. It seems that in this place,\r\nthe world of the physical universe and the world of ideas is somehow\r\nintermixed. What we think </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD [OC]: Also becomes a reality. We must,\r\ntherefore, I repeat, must begin controlling our thoughts.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD [OC]: We will give you more on this as our\r\nunderstanding increases. The Enterprise will stay at full alert until\r\nthe crisis is over.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: (to Kosinski) What did you do? <br>\r\nRIKER: It wasn't him. It never was. It was his assistant. <br>\r\nPICARD: What are you talking about? <br>\r\nRIKER: Kosinski wasn't the one controlling the warp experiments. <br>\r\nKOSINSKI: It was me! <br>\r\nRIKER: The equations he punched in were nonsense, just as we thought. <br>\r\nKOSINSKI: I honestly thought it was me. I thought somehow, somehow I\r\nwas operating on his level. <br>\r\nARGYLE: It's also my fault, Captain. I should have realised it wasn't\r\nKosinski. <br>\r\nPICARD: How could you? How could any of us? <br>\r\nRIKER: Wesley did. <br>\r\nPICARD: If you knew something, why didn't you say so? <br>\r\nRIKER: He tried, twice. I didn't listen. <br>\r\nPICARD: He's unconscious. Why? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I'm not certain yet. <br>\r\nWESLEY: He phased, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: What does that mean? <br>\r\nWESLEY: Parts of him disappeared and then came back. Nobody else was\r\npaying attention to him the first time.\r\nRIKER: When we saw it this time, he seemed to be struggling, fighting\r\nit. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: He's dying. <br>\r\nPICARD: He mustn't. He's the only one who can get us back. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Realistically, it does not seem possible.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, supplemental. Our position is\r\nunknown, and our only chance of returning to the known universe is a\r\ndying alien who is generally humanoid but with a physiology\r\nsufficiently different from our own to create medical problems in\r\ncaring for him.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sickbay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Crusher is tending the Traveller) <br>\r\nPICARD: Cause? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I don't know. My equipment doesn't register his kind of life\r\nsigns. I would have to guess exhaustion, fatigue. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Is he going to be all right? <br>\r\nPICARD: What is the boy doing here? <br>\r\nWESLEY: Mom, he's my friend. <br>\r\nRIKER: You may want him here before we're done, sir. He seems to have\r\ndeveloped some sort of special attachment to the boy. <br>\r\nWESLEY: My name is Wesley, Commander Riker. <br>\r\nPICARD: He knows. We all know. Will he live? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I'm not sure. <br>\r\nPICARD: Wake him. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I recommend we let him come around in his own time. <br>\r\nPICARD: We don't have that luxury. Wake him. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: He could die, and with him any chance we have. <br>\r\nPICARD: Doctor. Wes. We all have other friends aboard this ship, too.\r\nIf we stay here much longer we may lose the ability to distinguish\r\nbetween thought and reality. Now, regardless of the risk, wake him.\r\nNow. <br>\r\n(Crusher gives the Traveller an injection) <br>\r\nPICARD: Do you recognise me? I'm the Captain and I need answers. <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: I'll do my best to provide <br>\r\nPICARD: Who are you? Or what? <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: I am a Traveller. <br>\r\nPICARD: Traveller? What is your destination? <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: Destination? <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes, what place are you trying to reach? <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: Ah, place. No. There is no specific place I wish to go. <br>\r\nPICARD: Then what is the purpose of your journey? <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: Curiosity. <br>\r\nPICARD: That's not an answer. <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: I have certain abilities. They give me an understanding of\r\npropulsion. I've been trading this for passage on Starfleet vessels. <br>\r\nRIKER: And allowing Kosinski to take credit for what you did. <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: It seemed the sensible way. <br>\r\nPICARD: Until now. <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: Captain, I seek only transportation in order to see and\r\nexperience your reality. I am no a threat to you, your ship or your\r\ncrew. <br>\r\nWESLEY: He isn't, Captain. I know he isn't. <br>\r\nPICARD: Our reality? And in order to satisfy this curiosity, you have\r\nbrought my ship and my crew into great risk. <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: I have made some mistakes. <br>\r\nPICARD: Some mistakes? What mistakes could possibly explain these\r\nincredible explosions of velocity? <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: I don't know if I can put this in terms you'll understand. <br>\r\nPICARD: I believe there may be a warp speed that can get us beyond\r\nGalaxy M Thirty Three, but there is no velocity of any magnitude that\r\ncan possibly bring us wherever this is. Is it true what our navigation\r\nsensors are telling us? Are we millions of light years away from where\r\nwe were? <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: Well, yes. <br>\r\nPICARD: Well, what got us here? <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: Thought. <br>\r\nPICARD: Thought? <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: You do understand, don't you that thought is the basis of\r\nall reality? The energy of thought, to put it in your terms, is very\r\npowerful. <br>\r\nKOSINSKI: That's not an explanation. <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: I have the ability to act like a lens which focuses thought.\r\n<br>\r\nKOSINSKI: That's just so much nonsense. You're asking us to believe in\r\nmagic. <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: Well yes, this could seem like magic to you. <br>\r\nPICARD: No. No, it actually makes sense to me. Only the power of\r\nthought could explain what has been happening. Especially out here. <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: Thought is the essence of where you are now. You do\r\nunderstand the danger, don't you? <br>\r\nPICARD: Chaos. What we think is what happens. <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: It pains me I was so careless, Captain. My intent was only\r\nto observe, not to cause this. You should not be here until your far,\r\nfar distant future. Certainly not until you have learned control. <br>\r\nRIKER: You are from a different time, aren't you? <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: Well, no, not exactly from another time. Although as you\r\nunderstand the concept, yes, perhaps that term fits as well as any. <br>\r\nRIKER: And you have this ability to travel. <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: Yes. <br>\r\nRIKER: And others of your kind have the same ability? <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: Yes. <br>\r\nRIKER: Then why, in all of our history, is there no record of you or\r\nsomeone like you ever having visited us? <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: What wonderful arrogance. There is no record because we have\r\nnot visited you before. <br>\r\nRIKER: Why not? <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: Well, up until now, if you'll forgive this, you've been\r\nuninteresting. It's only now that your life form merits serious\r\nattention. I'm sorry. <br>\r\nPICARD: What's happening? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: He's unconscious again. <br>\r\nPICARD: Revive him. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Whatever you need from him, you'd better get it soon. <br>\r\nRIKER: If I may suggest, sir, that first leap out of our galaxy was, as\r\nhe said, a mistake. <br>\r\nPICARD: Unless he was distracted by something. <br>\r\nRIKER: And it weakened him, in some way leading to the incredible leap\r\nout here. <br>\r\nKOSINSKI: Theory! <br>\r\nPICARD: Do you have any facts that fit this? Can you get us back? <br>\r\nKOSINSKI: Wait, Captain, not so fast. We have an opportunity here for\r\nscientific discovery. <br>\r\nPICARD: And we report our observations how? To whom? (to the Traveller)\r\nCan you get us back? <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: I will try. <br>\r\nPICARD: Number One, take him down to main Engineering. I'll be on the\r\nBridge. <br>\r\nWESLEY: No! He's very weak. TRAVELLER: The Captain's right. We must\r\nhurry. But first, I request a moment with the Captain. Alone. <br>\r\n(Riker, Kosinski, Crusher and Wesley leave) <br>\r\nPICARD: Strange how he seems to care for you. <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: He will forget me in time, which is as it should be. It's\r\nWesley I wanted to speak to you about. <br>\r\nPICARD: The boy? <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: It's best you do not repeat this to the others, especially\r\nnot to the mother. Whatever may happen, it is imperative that it\r\nproceed naturally. <br>\r\nPICARD: I must get my ship back. Do we have time for this? <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: Oh, yes. He and a few like him are why I travel. You have it\r\nin your power to encourage him without interfering. <br>\r\nPICARD: Encourage him in what? <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: How shall I explain? Are you familiar with the intricacies\r\nof what is called here music? <br>\r\nPICARD: Somewhat. <br>\r\nTRAVELLER: Such musical genius I saw in one of your ship's libraries.\r\nOne called Mozart, who as a small child wrote astonishing symphonies. A\r\ngenius who made music not only to be heard, but seen and felt beyond\r\nthe understanding, the ability of others. Wesley is such a person. Not\r\nwith music, but with the equally lovely intricacies of time, energy,\r\npropulsion. and the instruments of this vessel which allow all that to\r\nbe played. You're right, I must hurry now. But you're right in\r\nsomething else. He is just a boy for now. He should be encouraged, but\r\ntold none of this. <br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Riker is waiting) <br>\r\nPICARD: We're going to get back home. Take him to Engineering. <br>\r\nRIKER: Yes, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: I'll be on the Bridge. <br>\r\nRIKER: Yes, sir. <br>\r\n(A little way along, a crewman is trapped by flames) <br>\r\nPICARD: Put it out! <br>\r\nCREWMAN: How? <br>\r\nPICARD: Think! Put the flame out in your thoughts. <br>\r\n(He eventually does so) <br>\r\nPICARD: Now, Get to your station and concentrate on your assignment. <br>\r\nCREWMAN: Yes, sir.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log. Any time entry is meaningless. We\r\nhave no choice but to repeat the same warp experiment. but wish one\r\nvariation. A principal part of this warp formula will be the thoughts\r\nof everyone aboard the Enterprise. We have no idea exactly how this\r\nworks. We understand only that the Traveller makes use of this somehow.\r\nIt will be most important that those aboard avoid random thoughts that\r\nmight change\r\nthe reality of what we're attempting to do.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Do you have any further advice, Counsellor?\r\n<br>\r\nTROI: When you begin the attempt, there will be stress, and it's only\r\nnatural the crew's concentration will shift.<br>\r\nTASHA: Plus some genuine fear, Captain. You can't notice what's\r\nhappening outside without feeling some of that.<br>\r\nPICARD: All decks, all stations. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Various parts of the ship]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD [OC]: This is the Captain speaking. All\r\ndecks, I must have your full attention. In a few moments, as we attempt\r\nto warp back home, it is vital, absolutely vital, that you centre your\r\nthoughts on your duty or on the welfare of the one called the\r\nTraveller. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD [OC]: Think of giving him some of your\r\nstrength. Now, this is an order. You must try to do this. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: And now, attempt to concentrate completely\r\non your duty of the moment. Or on the Traveller, on his\r\nwell being.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD [OC]: Think of him as someone you care\r\ndeeply about. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: All decks, all stations. Battle stations. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TRAVELLER: I will need Kosinski back on the main\r\ncomputer.<br>\r\nKOSINSKI: You need me?<br>\r\nTRAVELLER: Yes.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Helm, set in warp one point five,\r\nretroactive course.\r\n<br>LAFORGE: Warp one point five, retroactive two six one mark three one,\r\nsir.<br>\r\nPICARD: Bridge to Engineering. Stand by.<br>\r\nTROI: I feel such an abundance of well being on the ship. It feels\r\nlike, quite wonderful.<br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: Engineering to Bridge, we're ready.<br>\r\nPICARD: On my order, Mister Data, Mister La Forge. Engage.<br>\r\n(The Enterprise whooshes off into streaks of light)<br>\r\nPICARD: It's not happening. It's not enough.<br>\r\n(Down in Engineering, Wesley senses something is wrong, and squeezes\r\nthe Traveller's hand. Then the Traveller has a go at phasing.\r\nEnterprise disappears in a crack of light, and the Traveller does not\r\nrematerialise. The ship is back in what looks like normal space)<br>\r\nDATA: Warp one point five, sir, which is what my instruments have read\r\nall along.<br>\r\nLAFORGE: And our position reads exactly what it was before this sleigh\r\nride began, sir.<br>\r\nPICARD: Cease Red Alert. <br>\r\nDATA: Sleigh ride?<br>\r\nLAFORGE: Or whatever you want to call it, Data. I don't have a proper\r\nname for it. <br>\r\n(Riker enters) <br>\r\nRIKER: The Traveller's gone, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Gone? <br>\r\nRIKER: He's phased completely out of existence. At least, out of our\r\nexistence. <br>\r\nPICARD: Attention all decks. This is to inform you that with your\r\nsupport the Traveller has returned us to our galaxy. However, he has\r\nnow left us. Wherever he has gone, we wish him well. Have the boy sent\r\nto the Bridge, Number One. <br>\r\nRIKER: Wesley Crusher, report to the Bridge, on the double. <br>\r\nPICARD: Our next assignment is on this heading? <br>\r\nRIKER: Yes, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Mister Data, Mister La Forge, increase to warp five. Same\r\nheading. <br>\r\nDATA: Warp five, sir. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: On that same heading, sir. <br>\r\n(The turbolift doors open) <br>\r\nPICARD: Ah, Wesley. Come on the Bridge. Move! <br>\r\nPICARD: Commander Riker has told me how supportive you were in\r\nEngineering. Well done. At ease. Sit here in Command. <br>\r\nRIKER: Captain, it's not allowed. Your orders. <br>\r\nPICARD: Oh, that's true. Well, I can't waive them again. Only\r\ncommissioned officers. <br>\r\nWESLEY: It's quite all right, sir, I understand. <br>\r\nPICARD: Please don't interrupt me, Wesley. <br>\r\nWESLEY: I'm sorry, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Any commissioned rank? Even ensign? <br>\r\nRIKER: That would give him authorised access to the Bridge. <br>\r\nPICARD: Well, then, I'll have to make him an acting ensign. Captain's\r\nlog, stardate 41263.4. For outstanding performance in the best of\r\nStarfleet tradition, Wesley Crusher is made Acting Ensign, with the\r\nduties and privileges of that rank. And whether that rank becomes\r\npermanent, Mister Crusher, depends on you. At the earliest opportunity,\r\nyour entrance application for Starfleet Academy will be tendered. Until\r\nthen, you will learn this ship. Every operation, every function.\r\nCommander Riker, a duty schedule for Mister Crusher, heavy on study. <br>\r\nRIKER: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Meanwhile, you can sit here and learn something. <br>\r\n(Wesley perches on the end of the arch supporting the command seats) <br>\r\nRIKER: Sir, shall I send for Doctor Crusher? <br>\r\nPICARD: Why? Is someone ill? Or would you rather tell her about this,\r\nWes? <br>\r\nWESLEY: If you don't mind, sir, I'd like to sit here awhile. I'll tell\r\nher later. </font></p>\r\n\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><i>(Sorry folks, but Eugene Wesley Roddenberry has\r\ndumped his Mary-Sue character on us for the duration....)</i> </font>\r\n</p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n</center>\r\n</div>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><a href=\"episodes.htm\"><font color=\"#2867d0\">&lt;Back\r\nto the episode listing</font></a></font></p>\r\n<p><font color=\"#000000\" face=\"Arial\" size=\"1\"><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">Star Trek � and related\r\nmarks are trademarks of<a href=\"\"> <font color=\"#2867d0\">CBS Studios Inc</font></a>.\r\nCopyright � 1966, Present. The Star Trek web pages on this site are for\r\neducational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights\r\nproperty of their respective holders.</font></font></p>\r\n</body></html>"},{"episode":"107.htm","data":"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n<html lang=\"en-gb\"><head>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-1252\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en-gb\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Enterprise, NCC1701D, Episodes, Transcripts, The Last Outpost, Jean-Luc Picard, William Thomas Riker, Geordi LaForge, Tasha Yar, Worf, Beverly Crusher, Deanna Troi, Data, Wesley Crusher, Letek, Mordoc, Kayron, Portal, Ferengi, Tkon Empire\">\r\n<meta name=\"Keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Transcripts, The Last Outpost\">\r\n<meta name=\"Description\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation episode transcripts\"><title>The Next Generation Transcripts - The Last Outpost</title>\r\n\r\n</head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"#d5d5d5\" dir=\"ltr\">\r\n<p><font color=\"#2867d0\" face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"5\"><b>The\r\nLast Outpost</b></font><br>\r\n<font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Stardate:\r\n41386.4<br>\r\nOriginal Airdate: 19 Oct, 1987<br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n<center>\r\n<table border=\"0\" width=\"85%\">\r\n<tbody>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td align=\"left\" width=\"85%\"> <font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">\r\nCaptain's log, stardate 41386.4. We are in pursuit of a starship of\r\nFerengi design. Our mission is to intercept and recover a T9 energy\r\nconverter which the Ferengi stole from an unmanned monitor post on\r\nGamma Tauri Four. A theft which automatic scanners recorded, providing\r\nus with the long awaited opportunity to make close contact with a\r\nFerengi vessel. If we succeed in this chase, it will be Starfleet's\r\nfirst look at a life form which, discounting rumour, we know almost\r\nnothing about.\r\n</font>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: There she is. <br>\r\nPICARD: Enlarge. What is their course?<br>\r\nLAFORGE: They are now angling through that solar system, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: Identify. <br>\r\nDATA: Listed as Delphi Ardu, sir. Eleven planets, unexplored.<br>\r\nRIKER: Stay with them, La Forge.<br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nTASHA: Sensors read a power surge from their last manoeuvre, Captain.<br>\r\nLAFORGE: They are dropping to subwarp speed.<br>\r\nPICARD: Reduce to impulse power.<br>\r\nTASHA: Sensor record fluctuations in the energy readings from it,\r\nCaptain.<br>\r\nDATA: Possibility, a malfunction in their engines, sir. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Breaks my heart.<br>\r\nWORF: In visual range, Captain.<br>\r\nPICARD: Fully enlarge.<br>\r\n(The Ferengi ship is nicely curved) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Hello, stranger.<br>\r\nPICARD: Very impressive design.<br>\r\nRIKER: Anything on that design, Data?<br>\r\nDATA: Nothing specific, sir. As you know, Ferengi technology is\r\nestimated to be generally equal to our own. <br>\r\nPICARD: But that does not mean identical, however. <br>\r\nDATA: Correct, sir. We are no doubt advanced in some areas, they in\r\nothers. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Showing another power surge, sir. <br>\r\nWORF: They are firing on us. <br>\r\nPICARD: Damage report? <br>\r\nTASHA: Shields holding. <br>\r\nDATA: Mostly electromagnetic, sir. Fusion generator and batteries down\r\nby thirty percent. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Our impulse engines are surging now. <br>\r\nWORF: They're firing again. <br>\r\n(A bright, bright flash on the viewscreen) <br>\r\nTASHA: Deflector shield power weakening, Captain. Phasers ready. Photon\r\ntorpedoes ready. <br>\r\nRIKER: Do we return their fire, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: Negative, Number One. They're just reacting to our close\r\npursuit. Fall back a bit but stay with them. <br>\r\nDATA: They are slowing too, sir.<br>\r\nTASHA: They may be turning to fight. <br>\r\nPICARD: Open hailing freq. (puzzled) Why are we gaining on them? Don't\r\nanticipate. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I'm not, sir. Something's wrong.<br>\r\nDATA: Sir, something is dragging us forward. <br>\r\nPICARD: I read that, too. Lieutenant Yar, what do your sensors show? <br>\r\nTASHA: Not certain, sir. I'm getting very confusing readings. <br>\r\nDATA: Captain, this shouldn't be. Our ship's power systems are failing.\r\n<br>\r\nTASHA: Deflector shield failing. Phasers going inoperative, Captain. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Captain, something is completely immobilising us. <br>\r\nWORF: Immobilised by the damn Ferengi. <br>\r\nPICARD: We need more information. What the hell are they are using? <br>\r\nRIKER: Obviously we've underestimated their technology, Captain.<br>\r\nPICARD: Considerably. It appears the Ferengi have us right where they\r\nwant us. In their sights. Are you searching all frequencies? Any sign\r\nof any kind of messages? <br>\r\nWORF: Negative, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Weapons report, Lieutenant. <br>\r\nTASHA: I have phasers and torpedoes armed, but I show insufficient\r\npower to fire them. <br>\r\nPICARD: Engineering, give me status on power recovery. Engineering,\r\ncome in. Why aren't they answering? La Forge. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Get me a full report from Engineering. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye, sir. <br>\r\n(La Forge leaves) <br>\r\nRIKER: It's impossible they could be draining all power from all\r\nsystems. <br>\r\nPICARD: Counsellor? <br>\r\nTROI: I'm sensing nothing from them Captain. Which could mean they can\r\nshield their thoughts and emotions from others. <br>\r\nPICARD: It still makes it our move. <br>\r\nTROI: Sir, they may know as little about us as we do about them. <br>\r\nRIKER: Except that they know they've got us in deep trouble. <br>\r\nPICARD: If so, the question becomes how will they use that knowledge?\r\nData, do you have any information touching this on any file? <br>\r\nDATA: None, sir. Only hearsay and third hand reports, most of which\r\nconflict. <br>\r\nRIKER: Which reports do not conflict? <br>\r\nDATA: That the Ferengi are, well, the best description may be traders. <br>\r\nPICARD: What kind of traders? <br>\r\nDATA: A comparison modern scholars have drawn from Earth history likens\r\nthe Ferengi to the ocean-going Yankee traders of eighteenth and\r\nnineteenth century America, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: From the history of my forebears. Yankee traders. <br>\r\nDATA: Who in this case sail the galaxy in search of mercantile and\r\nterritorial opportunity. <br>\r\nRIKER: And are those scholars saying the Ferengi may not unlike us? <br>\r\nDATA: Hardly, sir. I believe this analogy refers to the worst quality\r\nof capitalists. The Ferengi are believed to conduct their affairs of\r\ncommerce on the ancient principle caveat emptor. Let the buyer beware. <br>\r\nRIKER: Yankee traders. I like the sound of that. <br>\r\nDATA: Well, sir, I doubt they wear red, white and blue, or look\r\nanything like Uncle Sam. <br>\r\nPICARD: Engineering? Join La Forge down below in Engineering, Number\r\nOne. <br>\r\nRIKER: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Without warp capacity, we're just a floating target. <br>\r\nWORF: Uncle who? <br>\r\nTASHA: What have bright, primary colours got to do with it? <br>\r\nPICARD: I understand the allusion. Colours representing countries at a\r\ntime when they competed with each other. Red, white and blue for the\r\nUnited States. Whereas the French more properly used the\r\nsame colours in the order of blue, white and red. <br>\r\nDATA: And the German nation red, black and gold. The Italians green,\r\nwhite and red. The British <br>\r\nPICARD: That's enough, Data. <br>\r\nDATA: It was you who <br>\r\nPICARD: We're discussing the Ferengi. I wish I had some clue as to what\r\nthey will do next. <br>\r\nDATA: Given what is now happening to our ship, sir, their weapons could\r\nbe vastly superior to ours. <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes, Data, that is a natural assumption. Engineering?\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Bottom line, La Forge. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: It's not good, sir. The Ferengi forcefield that holds this\r\nship compensates almost as fast as we can increase power. <br>\r\nRIKER: Almost? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Well, there's a point three hundred seventy two millisecond\r\ndelay between use of our power and the\r\nneutralising counter force of the Ferengi. See, we push and they push\r\nback in equal force, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: What's our acceleration delay between slow-reverse impulse and\r\ntop warp speed? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: That's point three-hundred milliseconds. There's (realisation)\r\nAh, I see where you're going. We shift down and then kick hard into\r\nwarp nine. Yeah! Come back fighting! whooey! <br>\r\nRIKER: Can we do it, Geordi? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Ask me after it's done, sir. (to engineer) I want a slow\r\nreverse into drop off over five minutes. We'll show them what this baby\r\ncan do, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: Give me everything you've got. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye, aye, sir.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge[</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: In a sudden, abrupt power surge to high warp\r\nspeed, Captain, we may be able to break loose from that Ferengi\r\nforcefield. <br>\r\nPICARD: I wonder what they're thinking over there. <br>\r\nRIKER: They're wondering what we're going to do next. <br>\r\nWORF: I say fight, sir. There's nothing shameful in falling before a\r\nsuperior enemy. <br>\r\n(La Forge enters) <br>\r\nPICARD: And nothing shameful in a strategic retreat, either. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: All systems ready, Captain. And communication now restored to\r\nEngineering. <br>\r\nPICARD: Excellent, La Forge. Now let's, er, let's throw them off guard.\r\nLieutenant Yar. Open hailing frequencies. <br>\r\nTASHA: Hailing frequencies open, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: At least we won't begin with weakness. Attention Ferengi\r\nstarship! This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise. In the\r\nname of the United Federation of Planets, I demand you return the T9\r\nenergy converter you removed from Gamma Tauri Four. Send that in all\r\nlanguage forms. <br>\r\nTASHA: All language forms, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Sometimes, Riker, the best way to win a fight is not to be\r\nthere. <br>\r\nRIKER: Yes, sir. He will triumph who knows when to fight and when not\r\nto fight. <br>\r\nPICARD: Glad the Academy's still teaches the strategies of Sun Tzu.\r\nThis delay had better prove out, LaForge. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Point three hundred milliseconds, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Let's blast full power into warp nine. Ready? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: On your command, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: On a count of three. Stand by on phasers. One, set warp to\r\nnine. Two, divert shield power to the main engines. Three. <br>\r\n(Everything vibrates, but they don't leave) <br>\r\nPICARD: Merde. Shields up. <br>\r\nDATA: Captain, I think you had better see this. <br>\r\nPICARD: What's wrong? <br>\r\nDATA: Someone is reading every file, every bit of information stored in\r\nthe Enterprise memory banks. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: They can do that? <br>\r\nDATA: And more, perhaps. <br>\r\nTROI: Captain, if I may recommend? With our attention on the Ferengi\r\nvessel, we have ignored the planet. <br>\r\nPICARD: Data, consult the charts on this planet. See what we've got on\r\nit. Conference evaluation.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Observation lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: So, while we still have some power left, it\r\nis time for difficult decisions. Opinions please. <br>\r\nTASHA: I say put all available power into a full-out combined phaser\r\nand photon torpedo salvo. Destroy their ability to sustain this\r\nforcefield, sir. <br>\r\nWORF: Yes! Hit them hard and hit them fast. <br>\r\nPICARD: Impractical and provocative. Even assuming that we have the\r\npower to sustain such a tactic. <br>\r\nTASHA: But Captain, isn't firing on us an act of war? <br>\r\nTROI: The facts are the Ferengis did fire at us, but we were chasing\r\nthem. Since then, all they've done is searched our computers, trying to\r\nlearn who and what we are. <br>\r\nPICARD: Your point, Counsellor? <br>\r\nTROI: Let's talk to them. <br>\r\nPICARD: It's been tried. No response. <br>\r\nTROI: But did we tell them anything they wanted to hear? <br>\r\nPICARD: La Forge? Other opinions? Thank you for your advice. <br>\r\n(The staff start to leave)&nbsp;<br>\r\nPICARD: Will? I haven't had your assessment. <br>\r\nRIKER: I believe we've covered every available alternatives, Captain.\r\nAre there other options that you want to analyse? <br>\r\nPICARD: The only one remaining is the one that needs no conversation.\r\nThe only one we must avoid. <br>\r\nRIKER: Sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: The one that leads to total annihilation. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Open hailing frequencies. <br>\r\nDATA: Open, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Attention, Ferengi starship. This is Captain Picard. It is\r\nobvious that we are in a situation here which needs resolving, and we\r\nare willing to do whatever is required, whatever is necessary. I would\r\nlike, I would request, that you present your terms to us.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, stardate 41386.5. It is with a heavy\r\nheart that I have offered to meet whatever reasonable and\r\nnecessary terms are demanded by the Ferengi. I fear for my people and\r\nmy vessel in the event the unknown Ferengi ask the unreasonable. How\r\ncan I oppose even unreasonable demands?\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: It's moving, sir. <br>\r\nWORF: We ask to surrender and now they fire on us? <br>\r\nTASHA: Ready torpedoes, sir? We have enough power for a few of them. <br>\r\nPICARD: Ready, but hold on ready. Open hailing frequencies. <br>\r\nDATA: Hailing frequencies open, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Ferengi vessel, we are awaiting your response. <br>\r\nTASHA: Suggest first strike, sir. Our shields now only have sixty three\r\nseconds of power left before lowering. <br>\r\nWORF: If the Ferengi ship's sensors can read us, sir, they will be\r\nwaiting until we are most vulnerable. <br>\r\nRIKER: I'm afraid I agree, Captain. They have not responded. <br>\r\nPICARD: We'll wait a bit more, Number One. <br>\r\nTASHA: Fifty seconds. <br>\r\nPICARD: Patience. Patience. <br>\r\nTARR [OC]: The quicker we can come to terms, the better, NCC 1701-D. <br>\r\nPICARD: Who is speaking? <br>\r\nTARR: I am Tarr. DaiMon of the Ferengi. You wish to discuss surrender,\r\nCaptain Picard? <br>\r\nPICARD: What I said, DaiMon Tarr, is <br>\r\nTARR [OC]: Unconditional surrender, I warn you, is totally\r\nunacceptable! We will die to the last one of us before such dishonour! <br>\r\nTASHA: Hailing frequencies closed, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Something has seized their ship too. They're in the same\r\npredicament as us. (to Geordi) Launch a sensor probe. Set it to search\r\nfor the source of whatever this something is that is holding both\r\nships. Go back to hailing\r\nfrequency, fast. And I regret, DaiMon Tarr, that I can no longer negotiate unless it is\r\nconducted visually. <br>\r\nTARR [OC]: Your complete message not received, Enterprise, but visual\r\ncommunication is against our custom. <br>\r\nPICARD: And it is against Starfleet orders to accept a surrender\r\notherwise. Do you withdraw your surrender? <br>\r\nTARR [OC]: You give us no choice, Enterprise. May we have a visual on\r\nyou as well? <br>\r\nPICARD: Agreed, DaiMon Tarr. You should be able to view us now. Are we\r\non your screen? <br>\r\n(The face of a humanoid with enormous ears fills the viewscreen. He\r\neven has crooked pointed teeth) <br>\r\nTARR [on viewscreen]: Yes. The ugliness of the human was not an\r\nexaggeration. I do not know how your twisted alien culture has\r\nparalysed our vessel, but I concede your Enterprise is superior. We\r\nwill return your worthless T9 device and we offer the life of our\r\nsecond officers as required\r\nby the Ferengi code. <br>\r\nDATA: (sotto voce to Geordi) Fortunately, Starfleet has no such rules\r\ninvolving our second officers. <br>\r\nTARR: Is this to your satisfaction, Picard Captain? <br>\r\nPICARD: Your offer may be inadequate, but I will discuss it with my\r\nstaff. Stand by for further communications. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Observation lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(A couple of kids are playing by the Enterprise\r\ntableau) <br>\r\nRIKER: Matthew! Pola! You know this area is off limits. Come on, come\r\non. (they scurry out as Picard enters) Boys will be boys, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: Lieutenant, have you launched the probe? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye, sir. We should getting those readings soon. <br>\r\nPICARD: Well, if we're not holding the Ferengi and they're not holding\r\nus, who the hell is? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: The probe will give us some of those answers, sir. <br>\r\n(Data has found a Chinese finger puzzle that the children have left\r\nbehind) <br>\r\nPICARD: Data, you were going to show us something. <br>\r\nDATA: As requested, Captain, library computer information on this\r\nplanet. It has been charted only from long range scans. It is Class M,\r\nbut shows no indications of life forms, sentient or otherwise. However,\r\nyou may find this of interest. Resolving it into our language. <br>\r\n(a holographic display over the table of the Tkon Empire data entry) <br>\r\nDATA: The centre of a huge space federation, a population of trillions.\r\n<br>\r\nPICARD: Trillions? I've never heard the word Tkon before. <br>\r\nDATA: Understandable. It has been extinct six hundred thousand of our\r\n(his forefingers are stuck in the puzzle) of our years. These\r\nplanets were once outposts of that empire. <br>\r\nPICARD: Data, what are you doing? <br>\r\nDATA: Apologies, Captain. I seem to have reached an odd functional\r\nimpasse. I am stuck. <br>\r\nPICARD: Then get unstuck and continue with the briefing. <br>\r\nDATA: Yes, sir. That is what I am trying to do, sir, but the solution\r\neludes me. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: My hero. <br>\r\n(Picard reaches across, pushes his fingers together and removes the\r\npuzzle) <br>\r\nPICARD: Continue, Commander. <br>\r\nDATA: Intriguing. It describes the Empire as being highly advanced and\r\npowerful, and capable of actually moving stars. <br>\r\nRIKER: Stars whose planets are their defence system? <br>\r\nDATA: Correct, sir. Outposts. The planet below was possibly one of\r\nthem. <br>\r\nTASHA [OC]: Excuse the interruption, Captain, but this may be worth it.\r\nWe're now receiving a signal from the probe. <br>\r\nPICARD: We'll take it here. <br>\r\n(The display changes to the planet with streams of energy heading out\r\nto both ships) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Incredible! <br>\r\nRIKER: There's our mysterious something, Captain. It is a forcefield of\r\nsome kind. <br>\r\nPICARD: Reaching up from the planet surface. Amazing power. Data, what\r\ndoes the legend say about the end of the Tkon Empire? <br>\r\nDATA: Their sun went supernova, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Could this planet have escaped that? <br>\r\nDATA: This planet may have been the most distant outpost, sir, but it\r\nshows no life form readings. <br>\r\nPICARD: We should take a look at it, Number One. Stand by with an away\r\nteam. <br>\r\nRIKER: And if the Ferengi also realise the forcefield emanates from the\r\nplanet, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: That's a complication. Maybe we should ask them to join us in\r\nthis. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Team up with the Ferengi, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: We've been ordered to learn all we can about them. Do you know\r\na better way? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Data. <br>\r\n(Geordi throws the finger puzzle to him)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, supplemental. In orbit of a\r\nmysterious planet, whose unexplained forcefield has seized us with a\r\npower almost beyond imagination. If there is a solution to this, it\r\nalmost certainly will involve cooperation from the Ferengi. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b> </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: Ship's power drain is critical, Captain. I\r\nmust now shut down our shields to maintain life support systems. <br>\r\nPICARD: Understood. Open hailing frequencies. <br>\r\nTASHA: Hailing frequencies open, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Ferengi vessel from Enterprise, come in. <br>\r\nTARR [on viewscreen]: Your alien images again shock us. <br>\r\nPICARD: With regard to the surrender, DaiMon Tarr. The facts are\r\nsomewhat different. <br>\r\nTARR [on viewscreen]: Our own probe has already shown us your trickery,\r\nhuman. We withdraw our surrender. <br>\r\nPICARD: Agreed. Perhaps you would agree to a more productive\r\nrelationship? <br>\r\nTARR [on viewscreen]: I prefer a more profitable one, human. <br>\r\nDATA: Yankee trader. <br>\r\nTARR [on viewscreen]: Explain what means yankee traders? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: He heard that. <br>\r\nPICARD: He recognises your interest in profit. Or is that an incorrect\r\nassumption? <br>\r\nTARR [on viewscreen]: We seek only what is equitable. What do you seek?\r\nWhy did you begin by attacking us? <br>\r\nPICARD: We did not attack you. We gave chase in order to recover a\r\nFederation-owned energy device which <br>\r\nTARR [on viewscreen]: Which we know is ours. Your barbarous Federation\r\nplaced it on one of our planets! <br>\r\nPICARD: On the contrary, Gamma Tauri Four is recognised by all\r\ncivilised members of <br>\r\nTARR [on viewscreen]: The Ferengi are not uncivilised, human! Are you\r\nsuggesting otherwise? <br>\r\nPICARD: All I'm saying is that you removed something which clearly did\r\nnot belong to you. <br>\r\nTARR [on viewscreen]: Are you now calling us thieves?! <br>\r\nPICARD: On the contrary, I have no wish to discuss issues of property\r\nor of territory, when our mutual problem remains. Like it or not, we\r\nare both trapped by this energy draining forcefield from the planet. <br>\r\nTARR [on viewscreen: On that matter there can be no argument. <br>\r\nPICARD: I would like to propose a swap. <br>\r\nTARR [on viewscreen]: And what is a swap? <br>\r\nPICARD: It's a trade, an exchange. <br>\r\nTARR [on viewscreen]: Yes, trade, human. What do you offer? <br>\r\nPICARD: We will tell you what we know about the planet, and in trade,\r\nyou will give us your information. <br>\r\nTARR [on viewscreen]: Ridiculous. How will we know you will not\r\nwithhold information? <br>\r\nPICARD: We must trust each other, Tarr. <br>\r\nTARR [on viewscreen]: Amusing, human. Trust each other? <br>\r\nPICARD: I propose that we test this relationship by cooperating in a\r\njoint exploration of the planet surface. <br>\r\nTARR [on viewscreen]: And what profit is in this, Picard Captain? <br>\r\nPICARD: The profit, DaiMon Tarr, of saving all our lives. <br>\r\nTARR [on viewscreen]: We will agree, no doubt foolishly. But you are\r\nwarned that any further trickery on your part will be met with no\r\nmercy. <br>\r\nPICARD: Agreed. If you care to join us, we have a well-proven\r\ntransporter device <br>\r\nTARR [on viewscreen]: We have a matter-energy device of our own. We\r\nwill beam a science team of three to whatever\r\nco-ordinates you propose. <br>\r\nPICARD: Excellent. We will transmit the information shortly. Enterprise\r\nout. <br>\r\nTASHA: Hailing frequencies off. <br>\r\nPICARD: I would log that agreement as promising, at least. <br>\r\nRIKER: I wonder, Captain. I'm not usually one for distrust at first\r\nsight, but this may be an exception. <br>\r\nDATA: Especially in view of the fact the image he transmitted, sir, was\r\nsomehow distorted. <br>\r\nTROI: I sensed the same thing, Captain. He's hiding something. <br>\r\nRIKER: With this power drain we can't delay. Now, I'd like some\r\nadditional help in case we run into trouble. Can you spare Worf? <br>\r\nPICARD: Take him. And be careful, Number One.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Transporter room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: With this power drain, we may have trouble\r\ncommunicating with the Enterprise, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: Understood. Anything else? <br>\r\nDATA: Due to this forcefield, there is presently no way to beam us\r\nback, sir. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: You had to ask. <br>\r\nRIKER: Understood. Energise.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(It's a barren place with interesting crystalline\r\nstructures here and there, and lightning flashes almost continuously.\r\nRiker appears alone) <br>\r\nRIKER: Tasha? Data? Geordi? Worf? Anybody?! <br>\r\n(He goes searching for the others) <br>\r\nRIKER: Data? <br>\r\n(He finds him standing on one of the crystalline outcrops) <br>\r\nRIKER: What are you doing up there? <br>\r\nDATA: Most intriguing, sir. I assume a problem of inaccurately\r\ntransmitted programme\r\ncoordinates due to the force field around the ship, sir. Are we alone,\r\nsir? <br>\r\nRIKER: Unfortunately. Let's find the others. What do you make of these?\r\n<br>\r\nDATA: Crystalline. Mostly inert. Nothing to write home about. <br>\r\nRIKER: Excuse me? <br>\r\nDATA: Slang, sir. I did use it correctly, did I not? <br>\r\nRIKER: They've got to be around here somewhere. <br>\r\n(They carry on searching) <br>\r\nRIKER: What's that? <br>\r\nDATA: What? <br>\r\nRIKER: That! Geordi! <br>\r\n(Geordi is hanging upside down from the only tree in the area) <br>\r\nRIKER: Are you conscious? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Do I look conscious? <br>\r\nRIKER: What are you doing? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I'm resting, sir. My foot's stuck. Up there. I materialized\r\nupside down above the planet surface. <br>\r\nDATA: Tricorder's useless, sir. Communication's gone too. Fortunately\r\nyou did not break any <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Data, who's that? <br>\r\n(The Ferengis are watching them. Little crouching men with whips in\r\ntheir hands) <br>\r\nRIKER: Who are you? <br>\r\n(The Ferengi let fly energy bolts from their whips, knocking the three\r\nmen out. Actually, it takes two jolts to knock out Riker)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, supplemental. It is now six hours\r\nsince our away team beamed down to the planet surface. On the\r\nEnterprise, our condition is rapidly worsening. Ordinarily, with\r\nreserve power alone, we could maintain life support for several months.\r\nBut the force holding has closed down all engines and is draining our\r\nreserve power too.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Recreation lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Blankets are being handed out) <br>\r\nTROI: It's getting much, much colder, sir. How far down is it likely to\r\ngo? <br>\r\nPICARD: A lot. Even in orbital space it'll get below minus two hundred\r\ndegrees. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: We won't have to worry much past minus seventy or so. <br>\r\nPICARD: Feels like that right now. Good. Thank you.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Inquisitive fingers remove Geordi's comm. badge.\r\nWorf is dragged in to join his\r\ncolleagues) <br>\r\nLETEK: If he moves, kill him. <br>\r\nMORDOC: Letek, has what we've done broken our agreement with their\r\ncaptain? <br>\r\nLETEK: We will accuse the humans of preparing to ambush us. It will be\r\nour word against theirs and who is more trustworthy, Mordoc? (the comm.\r\nbadge) It looks like gold. Tastes like gold. <br>\r\nRIKER: It is gold. <br>\r\n(Renewed thunder and lightning makes the Ferengi try to cover their\r\nears) <br>\r\nLETEK: Accursed planet! <br>\r\nRIKER: It's nothing compared to what our Captain will do when he finds\r\nout you've broken our landing party agreement. <br>\r\nLETEK: What part of the agreement? You appeared and attacked us. Are\r\nyou one of their assassins? <br>\r\nRIKER: I'm Commander William Riker, First Officer of the USS\r\nEnterprise. You have a lot to learn. <br>\r\n(Work pounces on two of the Ferengi, Data and Riker join in the melee.\r\nThe little aliens fight dirty) <br>\r\nRIKER: I've got this one! <br>\r\nDATA: (holding one aloft) Careful, Commander, they're much stronger\r\nthan <br>\r\n(Riker gets thumped, hard) <br>\r\nWORF: Pygmy cretins! <br>\r\nLETEK: Kill them. <br>\r\nMORDOC: Hideous monsters! <br>\r\nTASHA: No! (they stop) Good, you've heard of phasers. Now, over there. <br>\r\nMORDOC: Is this a female? <br>\r\nKAYRON: A human female, Letek? <br>\r\nLETEK: Yes, it is true. You work with females, arm them, and force them\r\nto wear clothing. <br>\r\nMORDOC: Sickening.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Recreation lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: I've diverted the reserve power to the\r\nfamily decks. They'll last longest. Is there anything else we can do,\r\nDoctor? Where's Wesley? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: He's in our quarters. I was tempted to give him a sedative. <br>\r\nPICARD: You shouldn't. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I know, but he's my son. I love him. <br>\r\nPICARD: He has the right to meet death awake. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Is that a male perspective? <br>\r\nPICARD: Rubbish\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(The Ferengi are dodging about like a live 'find\r\nthe lady' game) <br>\r\nTASHA: Hold it right there! Stop. Stop! <br>\r\nRIKER: Phasers on stun. <br>\r\nTASHA: Already set. <br>\r\n(She fires, but the beam is deflected into a crystalline structure) <br>\r\nTASHA: What's going on? <br>\r\n(Letek fires his whip, and that whirls around before being sucked into\r\nthe crystals. His whip does not coil again) <br>\r\nLETEK: What is this? <br>\r\nDATA: I believe we can deduce that these crystalline tree shapes are\r\nactually energy collectors. <br>\r\nRIKER: Along the same principle as that which is draining energy from\r\nour ships. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: But the Ferengi weapons were working when we first arrived. <br>\r\nTASHA: Which means something new has happened. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I'm finally beginning to understand what my eyes have been\r\nshowing me. It's patterns of force everywhere. This entire planet has\r\nbeen turned into a power accumulator. <br>\r\nRIKER: And these? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: It's the whole point of this place. I can see the planet's\r\npower emanating from. Commander. <br>\r\n(There's an impressive display of controlled energy, which resolves to\r\na vague face) <br>\r\nPORTAL: Be you barbarians? Speak! <br>\r\n(The Ferengi clutch their heads in pain) <br>\r\nPORTAL: Who meets the challenge? Who will it be? <br>\r\nLETEK: (points at Riker) Him. <br>\r\nPORTAL: You have awakened Portal six three. Do you petition to enter\r\nthe Empire? <br>\r\nRIKER: Who asks the question? <br>\r\nPORTAL: A guardian of the Tkon Empire. <br>\r\n(The energy turns into a humanoid figure in a long hooded cloak,\r\nleaning on a staff) <br>\r\nPORTAL: Biped. Excellent. <br>\r\nRIKER: Why should we petition to entry to an empire that no longer\r\nexists? <br>\r\nPORTAL: Why do you attempt deception? The Empire is forever. <br>\r\nRIKER: Your empire fell prey to a supernova. <br>\r\nPORTAL: We are forever. <br>\r\nRIKER: Data, Please repeat the file. <br>\r\nDATA: It is a matter of record, Portal. In the Age of Makto, the\r\ncentral star of the Tkon Empire destabilised and <br>\r\nPORTAL: There has never been an Age of Makto. <br>\r\nDATA: In fact, there have been many ages which have come and passed\r\nsince Makto. <br>\r\nPORTAL: This is the Age of Bastu! <br>\r\nDATA: I'm afraid not. According to the Tkon use of galactic motionary\r\nstartime charts, after Bastu came Cimi, Xora, Makto <br>\r\nPORTAL: Enough! Absurdities! <br>\r\nRIKER: You must have been asleep, Portal, for hundreds of thousands of\r\nour years. <br>\r\nLETEK: Deception is the way of the human. We Ferengi will gladly make a\r\npetition. <br>\r\nRIKER: We invite your petition. <br>\r\nPORTAL: Speak. <br>\r\nLETEK: We wish to offer our services to serve the Tkon Empire at no\r\nprofit. Return control\r\nof our starship to us and we will happily destroy the human criminals\r\nand their vessel which attacked us without provocation. They came to\r\nloot your empire, but we intercepted them. <br>\r\nPORTAL: You are accused of deceit and treachery. Do you give yourself\r\nup for judgement? <br>\r\nRIKER: Yes. If you believe those accusations, then you certainly should\r\nact on them. <br>\r\nLETEK: And there is even more. We can prove that the humans are\r\ndestroyers of legal commerce, and that they selfishly withhold vital\r\ntechnology from backward worlds. <br>\r\nMORDOC: And necessary defensive weapons, too. We Ferengi now challenge\r\nthis human madness. <br>\r\nRIKER: I admit we withheld modern technology from some worlds. <br>\r\nKAYRON: You see? They are demented. Their values are insane. You cannot\r\nbelieve the business opportunities they have destroyed. <br>\r\nLETEK: Proof of their barbarism. They adorn themselves with gold, a\r\ndespicable use of a valuable metal. And they shamelessly clothe their\r\nfemales. <br>\r\nMORDOC: Inviting others to unclothe them. The very depth of perversion.\r\n<br>\r\nTASHA: Paws off, Ferengi. <br>\r\nMORDOC: No female, human or Ferengi, can order Mordoc around! Submit! <br>\r\nTASHA: Just try it, shorty. <br>\r\nRIKER: At ease, Lieutenant! <br>\r\nRIKER: And we still have more faults <br>\r\nDATA: They should add that Starfleet has permitted several\r\ncivilisations to fall. We have at times allowed the strong and violent\r\nto overcome the weak. <br>\r\nLETEK: They admit their crimes! Hear them! They admit the evil that\r\nthey do! <br>\r\nPORTAL: Barbarian! <br>\r\nLETEK: Yes, you show wisdom. <br>\r\nPORTAL: Barbarians all! But this one first, in the fashion the Empire\r\nhas always challenged savages. <br>\r\nWORF: No! For battle, come to me! <br>\r\nRIKER: No! That's an order. <br>\r\nPORTAL: You have a single chance for life. One only. What is the answer\r\nto my challenge? I offer a thought. He will triumph who knows when to\r\nfight and when not to fight. You are being tested, Riker! What is the\r\nanswer? <br>\r\nRIKER: How do you know my name? <br>\r\n(Portal whirls his staff, bringing it to a sudden stop by Riker's right\r\near. He doesn't flinch) <br>\r\nPORTAL: Ahhh. You are facing fate with composure. But what is the\r\nanswer to my challenge? <br>\r\nRIKER: Fear is the true enemy, the only enemy. <br>\r\n(Portal lowers his staff, and becomes friendly and chatty) <br>\r\nPORTAL: Unlike these little ones who close their minds, your mind holds\r\ninteresting thoughts. Know your enemy and know yourself, and you will\r\nalways be victorious. Why that thought? And who is this Sun Tzu you\r\nrevere? <br>\r\nRIKER: An old Chinese philosopher from ancient Earth history. <br>\r\nPORTAL: You must tell me more of this wisdom, so much like our own. <br>\r\nRIKER: Gladly. But first our starship. Can you release it? <br>\r\nPORTAL: It is released. All power is restored.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(The ship whirrs back into life, and people start\r\nto open their eyes) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Not a moment too soon, Jean. I mean, Captain.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PORTAL: I admit I had my doubts as your ships\r\nbattled each other in overt acts of\r\nbelligerence. Normally, I would have destroyed all of you and your\r\nships, but something confused me. <br>\r\nRIKER: Which was? <br>\r\nPORTAL: First, you wanted to murder each other. Then you were willing\r\nto help each other. <br>\r\nLETEK: What of our vessel? We knew the same answer. <br>\r\nMORDOC: The truth is, I gave those words to this human. <br>\r\nPORTAL: What of them? Shall I destroy them? <br>\r\nRIKER: Then they would learn nothing. <br>\r\nPORTAL: A most interesting conclusion. But what if they will never\r\nlearn, Riker? <br>\r\nRIKER: Is this a test also? <br>\r\nPORTAL: In life, one is always tested. <br>\r\nRIKER: I find them very much as we were a several hundred years ago,\r\nbut possessing the technology they have now, they're very dangerous . <br>\r\nKAYRON: Untrue. We seek friendship with you. <br>\r\nRIKER: But we can hardly hate what we once were. They may grow and\r\nlearn. <br>\r\nPORTAL: And learn ways to destroy you. <br>\r\nRIKER: Our values require us to face that possibility. What of you,\r\nwith your empire gone? <br>\r\nPORTAL: The universe exists to me to create life. I shall sleep, until\r\nneeded again. <br>\r\n(He walks away, becomes more stooped, then vanishes)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Compliments, Lieutenant. <br>\r\nTASHA: Thank you. <br>\r\nPICARD: Lieutenant Worf. <br>\r\n(Geordi and Data enter) <br>\r\nPICARD: You've done well. <br>\r\nDATA: Something to write home about. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Something to write home about? Data, that's very human. <br>\r\nRIKER: The T9 energy converter has been beamed aboard and secured, sir.\r\nThe Ferengi complained bitterly, but one final roar from Portal\r\nconvinced them. <br>\r\nPICARD: I commend your performance, Number One. <br>\r\nRIKER: One final request, sir. Permission to beam a box of Data's\r\nChinese finger puzzles over to the Ferengi. A thank you for all they\r\ntried to do. <br>\r\nPICARD: Make it so. </font> </p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n</center>\r\n</div>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><a href=\"episodes.htm\"><font color=\"#2867d0\">&lt;Back\r\nto the episode listing</font></a></font></p>\r\n<p><font color=\"#000000\" face=\"Arial\" size=\"1\"><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">Star Trek � and related\r\nmarks are trademarks of<a href=\"\"> <font color=\"#2867d0\">CBS Studios Inc</font></a>.\r\nCopyright � 1966, Present. The Star Trek web pages on this site are for\r\neducational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights\r\nproperty of their respective holders.</font></font></p>\r\n</body></html>"},{"episode":"108.htm","data":"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n<html lang=\"en-gb\"><head>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-1252\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en-gb\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Enterprise, NCC1701D, Episodes, Transcripts, Lonely Among Us, Jean-Luc Picard, William Thomas Riker, Geordi LaForge, Tasha Yar, Worf, Beverly Crusher, Deanna Troi, Data, Wesley Crusher, Ssestar, Singh, Parliament, O'Brien\">\r\n<meta name=\"Keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Transcripts, Lonely Among Us\">\r\n<meta name=\"Description\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation episode transcripts\"><title>The Next Generation Transcripts - Lonely Among Us</title>\r\n\r\n</head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"#d5d5d5\" dir=\"ltr\">\r\n<p><font color=\"#2867d0\" face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"5\"><b>Lonely\r\nAmong Us</b></font><br>\r\n<font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Stardate:\r\n41249.3<br>\r\nOriginal Airdate: 2 Nov, 1987<br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n<center>\r\n<table border=\"0\" width=\"85%\">\r\n<tbody>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td align=\"left\" width=\"85%\"> <font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">\r\nCaptain's log, stardate 41249.3. We have orbited the two major planets\r\nof the Beta Renner system taking aboard delegates from those two\r\nworlds. Since achieving space flight, their major life forms, the\r\nAnticans and the Selay have become deadly enemies. But both have also\r\napplied for admission into our Federation. We are to deliver these\r\ndelegates to this sector's neutral conference planet, called\r\nParliament, in the hope their dispute can be resolved.\r\n</font>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Transporter room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Picard, Riker and Yar are in dress uniform, a\r\nknee-length coat, to greet the delegates as they are beamed aboard. The\r\nSelay are snake-like bipeds, wearing long robes, and a tail just\r\nvisible behind) <br>\r\nPICARD: I'm Captain Picard. Welcome aboard. We hope your journey will\r\nbe pleasant and comfortable. Arranging that will be my First Officer,\r\nCommander Riker. <br>\r\nRIKER: Welcome aboard. If you'll follow me I will show you the\r\naccommodations that we've <br>\r\nSELAY: (orange cloak) We can already smell the Anticans. They were\r\ntaken aboard first? <br>\r\nPICARD: Only because their world was the first on this heading to\r\nParliament. <br>\r\nSELAY: Will our quarters be near the Anticans? <br>\r\nRIKER: About one hundred metres apart. <br>\r\nPICARD: Is that all right? <br>\r\nSELAY: No. Unsatisfactory. <br>\r\nRIKER: I believe we can accommodate your wishes. We'll rearrange the\r\nsuite assignments. If you'll follow me. <br>\r\nSELAY: And we must be upwind from the Anticans. <br>\r\nRIKER: Of course, sir. <br>\r\n(Riker and the delegation leave) <br>\r\nTASHA: Neither seem like very promising Federation candidates, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Even Parliament's peacemakers may find this case a little\r\ndifficult.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Back in normal uniform) <br>\r\nPICARD: But do you understand the basis of all this nonsense between\r\nthem? <br>\r\nRIKER: No sir. I didn't understand that kind of hostility even when I\r\nstudied Earth history. <br>\r\nPICARD: Really? Oh, yes, well these life forms feel such passionate\r\nhatred matters of custom, God concepts, even, strangely enough,\r\neconomic systems <br>\r\nDATA: Sir, my sensors are picking up an unusual energy object ahead. <br>\r\nPICARD: On screen. <br>\r\nTASHA: Confirmed, sir. My sensors read nothing solid but considerable\r\nenergy in changing patterns. <br>\r\nDATA: Also travelling at warp speed, sir. Intriguing. I can find no\r\nmatch with anything in our records, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Change course to make a close sensor pass. We can then increase\r\nwarp speed and reach Parliament on schedule. <br>\r\nDATA: Aye, sir.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sensor Maintenance]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Geordi and Worf are checking the screens in the\r\nsmall room) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: So, Worf, why the interest in this? It's just routine\r\nmaintenance on the sensor assemblies. <br>\r\nWORF: Simple, Geordi. Our Captain wants his junior officers to learn,\r\nlearn, learn. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Not just the junior ones. Okay, you hold this relay offline\r\nwhile I adjust these sensor circuits. <br>\r\nTASHA [OC]: Security to Sensor Maintenance. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Lieutenant La Forge here.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: We're making a close sensor pass on an\r\nunusual object, Geordi. Any problems? <br>\r\nGEORDI [OC]: Not at all, Lieutenant. All equipment on line and\r\nfunctioning. <br>\r\nTASHA: Sensors ready, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Life form reading? <br>\r\nDATA: No life form reading, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Begin the pass. <br>\r\n(The Enterprise approaches the blue cloud) <br>\r\nDATA: Sir, it is changing shape. <br>\r\nPICARD: Any readings of matter there? <br>\r\nDATA: Negative, Captain. Energy only. <br>\r\n(The Enterprise enters the cloud)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sensor Maintenance]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Worf goes over to a wall panel, and puts his pen\r\ndevice on it. Blue energy goes up his arm and he cries out. Then he is\r\nflung back to the floor) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Worf! La Forge to Sickbay. We havd a medical emergency in\r\nsensor maintenance. I repeat, this is a medical emergency. <br>\r\n(after the titles, Crusher and a medic dash in) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: What happened? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I don't know. He got hit by some sensor feedback, maybe. <br>\r\n(Worf suddenly wakes up and starts fighting the medic. Geordi lies\r\nacross him so Crusher can inject him) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: You got it, Doc? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I got it. Lieutenant Worf, can you hear what I'm saying? Let's\r\nget him up. <br>\r\nGEORDI: Okay. Come on, big guy. On your feet. Here we go. That's it. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: (to medic) Are you okay?\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Ready room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: He was just monitoring the sensor console\r\nwhen he jerked as though something hit him. What my sensors showed was\r\na glow, just for a second. I can't explain it. <br>\r\nPICARD: Could your Visor device have malfunctioned? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I doubt it, sir. It seemed what I was seeing was something\r\nreal.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Antican quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(The Anticans have long white eyebrows, and white\r\nfacial hair, and have sharp teeth like a mongoose) <br>\r\nTASHA: Sorry to call you, sir. Not strictly security. It's about the\r\ndietary requirements of the Antican delegates. <br>\r\nRIKER: I thought that had been taken care of in advance, Tasha. <br>\r\nTASHA: So did we, sir. Their live animals were beamed aboard. We were\r\ngoing to preserve the meat for them, but they say we must bring it to\r\nthem alive. <br>\r\nRIKER: Then do so. Lieutenant Yar was confused. We no longer enslave\r\nanimals for food purposes. <br>\r\nANTICAN: But we have seen humans eat meat. <br>\r\nRIKER: You've seen something as fresh and tasty as meat, but\r\ninorganically materialised out of patterns used by our transporters. <br>\r\nANTICAN: This is sickening. It's barbaric.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sickbay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Work is on a bed, with Beverly tending to him,\r\nwhen blue energy comes out of him, up her arms. She sags, then Troi\r\nenters) <br>\r\nTROI: He's reading normal now. How did you manage that? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Yes. Normal. <br>\r\nTROI: Are you all right? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Yes, perfectly. Both of us. Quite normal now. <br>\r\n(Worf wakes suddenly) <br>\r\nWORF: What? Where am I? <br>\r\nTROI: Don't you remember? You were in the sensor maintenance room. <br>\r\nWORF: I remember monitoring the sensor console. What am I doing here? <br>\r\nTROI: That's a story the Doctor will tell you. <br>\r\n(But Crusher walks out)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(At a rear science station) <br>\r\nPICARD: Obviously you feel it's something we should look at more\r\ncarefully. <br>\r\nDATA: A mystery is only a mystery as long as it remains uninvestigated,\r\nsir. <br>\r\nPICARD: I love a mystery, Data, but this one will have to to wait until\r\nwe deliver the delegates to their peace conference on Parliament. Time\r\nand tide, Lieutenant La Forge. Go to warp eight. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Warp eight, sir. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Crusher's quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WESLEY: Him Mom. You're back early. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Yes. <br>\r\n(She looks at the computer monitor he's studying) <br>\r\nWESLEY: Physical sciences class. We're studying Doctor Channing's\r\ntheory on dilithium crystals. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Tell me about it. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Really? You never seemed that interested in warp theory before.\r\nDoctor Channing thinks it's possible to force dilithium into even more\r\nuseful crystals. If as shown here, matter and antimatter could be\r\naligned even more efficiently <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Would that affect navigation? <br>\r\nWESLEY: This is engineering, not helm control. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Oh yes, the helm's located on the Bridge. <br>\r\n(Beverly leaves) <br>\r\nWESLEY: Mom, is something wrong? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Beverly tiptoes to Geordi's station) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: This is the helm. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Unless there have been some changes I don't know about. <br>\r\nPICARD: Doctor Crusher? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: You will wish to know Lieutenant Worf is much improved. Ready\r\nto return to duty. <br>\r\nPICARD: What was the diagnosis? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: A temporary mental aberration. <br>\r\nPICARD: Doctor, when such a diagnosis concerns a bridge officer, I\r\nexpect a better explanation. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Then I will first have to run some crosschecks on the library\r\ncomputer. Klingons are so unusual in their reactions, aren't they? <br>\r\nPICARD: Use Science Station two, Doctor. <br>\r\n(That's next to where Data is working) <br>\r\nDATA: Intriguing, Doctor. What does helm control have to do with\r\nmedical crosschecks? <br>\r\n(Unseen by him, the blue energy leaves Beverly and enters the computer.\r\nShe is disoriented) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Why am I? <br>\r\nDATA: Is something wrong, Doctor? <br>\r\nPICARD: Doctor, are you all right? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Yes. Yes. I'll do my work in my office. That's where I should\r\nbe. <br>\r\nPICARD: Do you want someone to accompany you? <br>\r\n(Beverly shakes her head and enters the turbolift) <br>\r\nDATA: Captain? There is a malfunction in this station. I cannot bring\r\nany information up on it. Science two does not function either, sir. <br>\r\nSINGH [OC]: Engineering to Captain Picard. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">SINGH: We have something wrong with warp drive\r\ncircuitry, sir. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CHIEF [OC]: Transporter room six to Bridge.\r\nReporting transporter console malfunction, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Data, this ship is less than a year out of Spacedock. What are\r\nthe chances of this occurring? <br>\r\nDATA: It is a virtual impossibility, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: So what the hell is going on here?\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Observation lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: And you are telling me there are no\r\nexplanations for these malfunctions? <br>\r\nRIKER: At least, sir, all the department heads have reported the damage\r\nrepaired. <br>\r\nPICARD: That was not my question, Number One. What caused the\r\nmalfunctions? <br>\r\nSINGH: I believe it was a rampant electronic short that jumped from\r\nsystem to system, sir. But the only thing is, er <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes, Mister Singh? <br>\r\nSINGH: That shouldn't be possible. The affected systems don't generally\r\ninteract with each other. And where they do, it wasn't an interlink\r\nthat was malfunctioning. <br>\r\nPICARD: Have you spoken with Chief Engineer Argyle about this problem? <br>\r\nSINGH: With all the Engineering staff, sir. They're just as puzzled. <br>\r\nPICARD: Well, I'm not satisfied. I want an explanation of this by the\r\ntime we reach Parliament. <br>\r\nSINGH: But, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: By the time we reach Parliament, Mister Singh.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Antican quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: These weapons were taken from two of your\r\npeople who were loitering out of sight in the vicinity of the Selay\r\ndelegation quarters. Would you care to explain, sir? <br>\r\nANTICAN: These are not weapons, First Officer. They are tools. We use\r\nthese to dispatch the animals we consume. <br>\r\nTASHA: Your food supply is not on the same deck as the Selay\r\ndelegation, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: And you have to admit that these could kill. <br>\r\nANTICAN: I admit some of my people are impulsive. and we all have\r\nreason to hate the Selay. <br>\r\nTASHA: They appear to have the same feelings about you, sir. <br>\r\nANTICAN: The nature of politics. <br>\r\nRIKER: Nevertheless, Chief Delegate, you're on notice that all of your\r\nweapons, no matter what their basic function, are being confiscated.\r\nViolence will not be tolerated on the Enterprise. <br>\r\nANTICAN: Of course not. And if any does occur, let me assure you it\r\nwill not be we Anticans who start it. <br>\r\nTASHA: Thank you, sir. <br>\r\n(Riker and Tasha leave) <br>\r\nANTICAN: But we will finish it.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WORF: Sir, warp power is fading. <br>\r\nPICARD: Picard to Engineering. <br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineer's office]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD [OC]: What is the problem? <br>\r\nSINGH: We have lost the warp engine computer tie. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WORF: Warp five, four, three, two <br>\r\nPICARD: State of the art vessel? Data, signal Parliament we'll be\r\ndelayed. We will send a new arrival time as soon as it is determined. <br>\r\nDATA: Sir, subspace radio is out.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Ready room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: All right, gentlemen, your theories on this\r\nsudden vulnerability of these systems.&nbsp;<br>\r\nDATA: If the Enterprise were really this fragile, sir, she never would\r\nhave left Spacedock. Therefore, her systems' failures are not endemic\r\nto the ship, but are the result of the actions of an unknown adversary.\r\n<br>\r\nRIKER: We have a saboteur aboard. <br>\r\nDATA: I believe I said that. <br>\r\nPICARD: Gentlemen. The question is, who? I can't believe it's one of\r\nour people. <br>\r\nRIKER: Agreed. It must be someone from either alien delegation. Now, if\r\nthe Ferengi could have bought or bribed even one of them, that's all\r\nthat they'd need. <br>\r\nDATA: Ferengi contacts have been detected on both Selay and Antica,\r\nsir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Can any of you suggest any other suspects? <br>\r\nRIKER: You're sounding like a private eye, sir. <br>\r\nDATA: Inquiry. Private eye? <br>\r\nPICARD: A private consulting investigator, Data, who solves crimes. <br>\r\nDATA: A most interesting occupation. <br>\r\nPICARD: In the world of fact, probably not. However, in literature,\r\ncriminal detection can be a fascinating exercise. The immortal Sherlock\r\nHolmes would have an interesting view of our mystery, I believe. <br>\r\nRIKER: But I'm afraid we're going to have to find our solution without\r\nhistory's greatest Consulting Detective.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Wesley is at an auxiliary console) <br>\r\nWESLEY: How about here, Mister Singh? If the control network breaks at\r\nthis point <br>\r\nSINGH: It bleeds warp engine commands off into dead ends. Excellent. I\r\nbelieve I can handle it from here, Mister Crusher. <br>\r\nWESLEY: But, sir <br>\r\nSINGH: You are scheduled for class work now. Sorry. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Yes, sir. But I don't learn nearly this much in school. <br>\r\nSINGH: I tend to agree, but the captain's orders on this are very\r\nclear.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Crusher's quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: Hi. Solve any new problems today? <br>\r\nWESLEY: I was starting to, maybe. Mister Singh sent me off to class. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Wes, you're only an acting ensign. You've got to let the\r\ncommissioned officers do some of the work. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Mom, I've learned a more than they understand. For example, the\r\nChanning's dilithium crystals theory I was telling you about? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: When were you telling me about that? <br>\r\nWESLEY: This morning. Don't you remember? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Honestly, I don't remember. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Singh taps at a console, then the blue energy zaps\r\ninto his body and throws him onto the floor. Worf finds him) <br>\r\nWORF: Engineering to Captain Picard. Security alert. <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: Picard. <br>\r\nWORF: Lieutenant Worf, sir. I just found Mister Singh. He's dead.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, stardate 41249.4. I've ordered an\r\nimmediate investigation into the death of Assistant Chief Engineer\r\nSingh. We continue to run on impulse power.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineer's office]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WESLEY: He could have been working there, restoring\r\nwarp power. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: According to these readings, we could go back to warp speed\r\nnow. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Those aren't the same readings as when I left. <br>\r\nWORF: Singh probably repaired it just before he was killed. <br>\r\nWESLEY: He couldn't have repaired, sir. The problems were inside the\r\nengine. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Who else could have corrected it, Wes? Inform the bridge of\r\nengine status. <br>\r\nWORF: Engineering to Bridge. We now have warp capacity, sir. All power\r\non line.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Well done. Warp engines ready on previous\r\nheading. Warp factor six.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Antican quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">ANTICAN: I tolerate these questions, Lieutenant\r\nYar, because I need this vessel to get us to Parliament. Your shipboard\r\nproblems do not concern me. <br>\r\nTASHA: They should. Our delays are your delays. <br>\r\nANTICAN: The peace conference will wait for us. <br>\r\nTASHA: I must ask where you were during this vessel's Earth hours of\r\neighteen hundred last night and zero seven hundred this morning. <br>\r\nANTICAN: Eating. <br>\r\nTASHA: Sir, we're talking about hours here. <br>\r\nANTICAN: It was a large meal, Lieutenant Yar. And a very interesting\r\nanimal.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Crusher's office]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WORF: You wanted me, Doctor? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Yes, concerning your memory blackout. <br>\r\nWORF: I still don't remember having one. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: The same thing happened to me. <br>\r\nTROI: I want to try hypnosis on both of you. It may restore your memory\r\nas to what happened. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Observation lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: One thing is clear. Almost all of the peace\r\ndelegates answered our questions with lies. <br>\r\nDATA: (smoking a meerschaum pipe) Imprecise, Lieutenant. They omitted\r\ncertain truths, which in itself tells us something. <br>\r\nTASHA: We can learn something from non-disclosure? <br>\r\nDATA: Indubitably, my good woman. <br>\r\nRIKER: It's something the Captain mentioned. Sherlock Holmes.\r\nIndubitably, Data has been studying him. <br>\r\nDATA: Has studied, sir. Every case. As Holmes would've pointed out,\r\nduring the time in question, something was afoot. <br>\r\nTASHA: Afoot? <br>\r\nDATA: While both sets of delegates say they were in their quarters, our\r\ncrew locator sensed them passing here and here. <br>\r\nTASHA: But since it doesn't show where they went, we're still in the\r\ndark. <br>\r\nDATA: On the contrary, dear colleague. On their return, they drew\r\nmedical supplies appropriate to the treatment of minor wounds and\r\nabrasions on these life forms. <br>\r\nRIKER: Which, leaves us with only one conclusion. <br>\r\nDATA: Exactly. That they were too engaged in their own affairs to have\r\ndisabled our ship and murdered the Engineer. Given a choice, they'd\r\nrather kill each other than any of us. It's elementary, my dear Riker.\r\nSir.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sickbay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Crusher is staring at a moving light on a device\r\nin Troi's hand) <br>\r\nTROI: Beverly, can you hear me? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Yes. <br>\r\nTROI: I want you to go back in your mind to the moment when you first\r\nrecall this sensation of memory loss. Picture it exactly as it\r\noccurred. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: He's lying on the hospital bed sedated. I'm walking up to him.\r\nI. <br>\r\nTROI: How do you feel at this moment, as you lean over him to take the\r\nspecimen? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I feel someone else. There's someone else who's there. Not\r\nalone. Get out. Get out of my mind. <br>\r\nTROI: (to Worf) That's almost exactly what you said. As though there\r\nwas something else inside you.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Observation lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TROI: Which confirms the feeling of duality that I\r\nsensed earlier in both of them. <br>\r\nPICARD: Why didn't you report it? <br>\r\nTROI: Because, sir, I assumed at first it was the kind of duality we\r\nBetazeds feel in all of you. Even you, sir. When you approach a\r\ndecision and ask yourself which way to go, who are you talking to? <br>\r\nPICARD: Your hypnotism revealed another form of duality? <br>\r\nTROI: Yes, sir. I believe something invaded them. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: It seems the only possible conclusion. <br>\r\nPICARD: Data, let's proceed without the pipe. <br>\r\nDATA: Yes, sir. If you wish, sir. But I ask if you'd take it as\r\nincontrovertible that it cannot be a family member or one of our crew? <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes. Very unlikely. <br>\r\nDATA: Then our investigation was worthwhile, sir. We have eliminated\r\nboth the delegates and the ship's regular complement. <br>\r\nPICARD: Data, what are you suggesting? <br>\r\nDATA: I am referring to the great detective's credo, sir. I quote, we\r\nmust fall back on the old axiom that when other contingencies fail,\r\nwhatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WESLEY: That engine computer net wasn't repaired,\r\nsir. It just suddenly became all right. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Sometimes it's the result that counts, you know. What the? Oh,\r\nno. <br>\r\nWORF: What is it? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Helm control just went down. She won't respond. <br>\r\nWORF: Bridge to Captain. You're needed here immediately. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Wes, alert Engineering from your panel, alright? <br>\r\nWESLEY: I'm trying. <br>\r\nPICARD: Report. <br>\r\nWORF: Helm is down, sir. There's no apparent reason. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Captain, we've just dropped to impulse power. <br>\r\n(Picard leans over and touches the console. Blue energy enters him) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Sir, are you all right? I thought I just saw <br>\r\nPICARD: I'm fine. Everything is fine now. Why the drop to impulse\r\npower, Lieutenant? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: The helm is suddenly malfunctioning, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Malfunctioning? You're wrong. Look again. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Sir, I was just <br>\r\nRIKER: Mister La Forge? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Well, there's nothing wrong with it now, sir. Everything is\r\njust as it should be. <br>\r\nPICARD: In that case, make our heading nine two five mark three seven. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: You have a problem with that heading, Lieutenant? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: You want to double back on our course, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: Isn't that what I ordered? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Yes, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: Sir, I'm puzzled about your reversing our course. <br>\r\nPICARD: That energy cloud, Commander. I believe it important we have\r\nanother look at it. <br>\r\nRIKER: But we're behind schedule for Parliament already. <br>\r\nPICARD: I believe a very important scientific discovery awaits us on\r\nthis heading. <br>\r\nTROI: Perhaps you'd like to share your reasoning on that, sir? <br>\r\nDATA: Yes, since we obtained only minimal information on our sensor\r\npass of it. <br>\r\nPICARD: Right, Data. We must go back to learn more. Counsellor, do you\r\nbelieve a ship Captain should explain every order? <br>\r\nTROI: Of course not, sir.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">ANTICAN: I demand to see the Captain. <br>\r\nO'BRIEN: (as a security guard) Stop! Return to your quarters. <br>\r\nSELAY: What is that doing on our deck? <br>\r\nANTICAN: I demand to know why this starship has changed its course! <br>\r\nO'BRIEN: Please, return to your quarters, delegates!\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Riker's quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(A model of NCC1701 shuttlecraft is in the corner) <br>\r\nDATA: A mere change of direction hardly justifies mutiny. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Exactly what do you believe you're sensing from him? <br>\r\nTROI: It's just a feeling that he's, well, that he's closed part of his\r\nmind to me. I just feel that the Captain has become, perhaps dangerous.\r\n<br>\r\nRIKER: If he's dangerous. If. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Then he'd have to be relieved of command. Which you could do,\r\nDoctor, but it's beaucoup trouble if you're wrong. <br>\r\nDATA: And at the moment it is all pure speculation. He has done nothing\r\nto subject the Enterprise to danger. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I'd need a medical log citing clear evidence of incapacity.\r\nYou could do it without that problem. <br>\r\nRIKER: Only if all command officers agreed it vital to do so. But he\r\nhas not been showing any overt unusual behaviour. <br>\r\nTROI: Ultimately, I believe he will. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: As second in command, it's still in your corner. I'll order\r\nmedical and psychiatric exams. You'll have to back me up somehow.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">First Officer's log, supplemental. After meeting\r\nwith the senior officers, Doctor Crusher and I decided to approach the\r\nCaptain regarding his recent behaviour.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Ready room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Yes? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I'd like you to come to Sickbay for some examinations,\r\nCaptain. <br>\r\nPICARD: Oh? I'll be glad to do when I'm free. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I'd like to conduct them now, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Why? What can I do for you, Number One? <br>\r\nRIKER: Sir, Counsellor Troi has recommended the examinations. <br>\r\nPICARD: Same question. Why? <br>\r\nRIKER: It is my duty to inform the Captain we believe he may be under\r\nsome kind of alien influence which may constitute a danger to this\r\nship. <br>\r\nPICARD: I consider it equally possible that the two of you, and\r\nCounsellor Troi, are overworked, and possibly suffering hallucinations.\r\nNow this is an order. You will arrange medical and psychiatric exams of\r\nboth yourself and them. Doctor, are you aware everybody is behaving\r\nstrangely? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I'm concerned that you've suddenly turned the ship away from\r\nit's course. <br>\r\nPICARD: What's happened to your mind, Doctor? The search for knowledge\r\nis always our primary mission. I'm sorry, I really am too busy for this\r\nkind of nonsense. Do I have to call Security to force you to report to\r\nthe Sickbay? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: No, sir.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Someone uses a florescent green lasso on Riker) <br>\r\nRIKER: What the hell? <br>\r\nSELAY: Sorry. Wrong species. <br>\r\nRIKER: Riker to Security Chief.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: Yar here. <br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: Security guard to the Engineering deck. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Selays are playing hide and seek down here,\r\nobviously with the Anticans. It's a lethal game. I want them returned\r\nto their quarters under guard. <br>\r\nTASHA [OC]: Right away, sir. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Ready room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Come. <br>\r\n(Crusher enters with a data chip) <br>\r\nPICARD: What do you want? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Here are the results from the exams you ordered, sir. You\r\ndon't care to inspect them? Please, are you Jean-Luc? <br>\r\nPICARD: He is here. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: The Jean-Luc I know? <br>\r\nPICARD: And more. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: The more frightens me. <br>\r\nPICARD: And elates us. We wish you could understand the glorious\r\nadventure ahead. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: You and? <br>\r\nPICARD: Soon we'll both be home.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">First officer's log, supplemental. On the orders of\r\nCaptain Picard, we have returned to the vicinity of the energy pattern\r\ncloud. I am personally convinced that something from this cloud now\r\nshares the Captain's mind. But there seems to be nothing we can do, at\r\nleast within regulations. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: We're now approaching the cloud, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: Very well, Mister La Forge. Bring us to within ten thousand\r\nkilometres and hold us there. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye, sir. <br>\r\n(Picard enters) <br>\r\nRIKER: Shall we begin the scientific tests you wanted, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: Oh, they're already underway. I have an announcement for the\r\nentire Bridge. As many of you suspected, when our ship passed through\r\nthe edge of this, it accidentally carried away a sentient being. Much\r\nlike these energy patterns we're seeing here. A terrifying experience\r\nfor any\r\nintelligent being. As if a great claw had reached down and scooped one\r\nof you from your home world. Drawn into the energy circuits of this\r\nvessel, it found its way to you, Worf. Frantic at being carried from\r\nits home world, and recognising you as sentient beings, it pleaded for\r\nhelp, but in ways you\r\ncouldn't understand. Desperately going from person to person, and then\r\ndiscovering the computer intelligence in this ship's memory circuits.\r\nOh, simplistic intelligence, but it furnished it enough to slow this\r\nEnterprise thing that had captured it. And it very much regrets the\r\naccidental death of Engineer Singh. <br>\r\nTROI: Captain, do you exist in combination with this entity? <br>\r\nRIKER: Is it in control of you, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: Very soon after we combined we had learned much about each\r\nother. A passion for exploration, for the unknown. We found we had\r\nsimilar dreams, and it offered your Captain a way to realise them\r\nbeyond human expectations. <br>\r\nRIKER: Captain, I must speak to you privately now. <br>\r\nDATA: I understand. As an energy pattern, free of the limitations of\r\nmatter, he might travel anywhere, at any velocity. <br>\r\nRIKER: Captain, do you hear me? <br>\r\nDATA: Sir, I see no way for you to journey with an energy form. <br>\r\nPICARD: Isn't there? <br>\r\nTROI: He's planning to beam himself and the entity into that cloud. <br>\r\nPICARD: The transporter need not pattern your Captain into matter.\r\nWe'll beam energy only, and we will become a combined energy pattern of\r\nour life forms. A resignation from this command and from Starfleet has\r\nbeen appropriately recorded. <br>\r\nRIKER: I refuse to allow this, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: How does this resignation threaten the ship and its crew in any\r\nway? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Captain Picard, you are now relieved from duty. I judge you to\r\nbe disabled and mentally incapacitated. <br>\r\n(Picard sends blue energy into the ship's systems and through all the\r\nBridge crew) <br>\r\nRIKER: Security! Red Alert! Restrain the Captain! <br>\r\nTASHA: Where is he? <br>\r\nTROI: This is blinding me. <br>\r\nWORF: Captain! I'll help you if you'll let me. <br>\r\n(Picard leaves the Bridge as the crew are still transfixed by the blue\r\nenergy) <br>\r\nRIKER: Someone restrain the Captain!\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Transporter room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(The transporter chief is on the floor with blue\r\nenergy dancing on him. Picard activates the transporter and beams out.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">First Officer's log, supplemental. More than an\r\nhour has passed since the Captain beamed out, energy only. Every effort\r\nhas been made to determine his whereabouts. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: The Transporter Chief has no idea what the\r\ncoordinates were, sir. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: So he's just floating around out there? How can we settle for\r\nthat? <br>\r\nRIKER: Give me a choice then. <br>\r\nDATA: Still no readings, no sign of anything. <br>\r\nRIKER: Mister La Forge, it's time to set a course for Parliament. Warp\r\neight. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: We're really leaving him? <br>\r\nTROI: Commander, wait! It's the Captain. But only the Captain. He's out\r\nthere alone! <br>\r\nRIKER: The entity, has it abandoned him? <br>\r\nTROI: No, but the combination wasn't possible out there. He's in\r\ntrouble, sir. We have to beam him back. <br>\r\nRIKER: Beam him back as what? He's nothing but energy now. <br>\r\nDATA: Sir, the entity was caught in the ship's circuitry. The Captain\r\nmight try to get in the same way if he's in trouble. <br>\r\nRIKER: Bring us in closer, La Forge. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Moving in, sir, but where? <br>\r\nRIKER: There's no way to know. Let's hope he can come part way himself.\r\nTroi, is there any way you can get a message to him? <br>\r\nTROI: I wish I could. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Sensors monitoring the perimeter, ship's circuitry, sir.\r\nNothing. <br>\r\nRIKER: Bring us right into the edge of it, La Forge. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nWORF: Sir? On my sensor controls. <br>\r\nTROI: There's something's here. I feel it. <br>\r\nDATA: Just as before, going to Worf first. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Something crazy on my panel. Commander Riker. (blue energy)\r\nStatic? <br>\r\nRIKER: P for Picard! <br>\r\nDATA: He's in the ship's circuitry. Come to the Transporter room,\r\nplease. There might be a way, sir. Hurry!\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Transporter room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Is it a wild theory, Data? <br>\r\nDATA: I knew we had to have the Captain's physical pattern here, sir.\r\nHe was the last one to beam out. <br>\r\nRIKER: Is what you're thinking possible? <br>\r\nDATA: Unknown at this time, sir. I hope the Captain remembers his\r\nphysical pattern is here. If he has, his energy has moved into the\r\ntransporter relays by now. <br>\r\nRIKER: I wish we had some sign that he's in here. I guess we have no\r\nchoice but to risk it. <br>\r\nDATA: Energising, sir. <br>\r\n(Slowly, Picard materialises on the platform) <br>\r\nPICARD: What the devil am I doing here? <br>\r\nRIKER: Sounds like our Captain. <br>\r\nTROI: But confused. This Picard pattern was formed before he went out\r\nthere. <br>\r\nPICARD: What's happening to me, Number One? I was preparing to beam out\r\nto somewhere. And I remember there was talk of an entity? But it all\r\nseems so vague. <br>\r\nDATA: I believe the Captain is now his separate self, sir. Much of what\r\nhappened is naturally missing. <br>\r\nPICARD: What are you talking about, Data? Is this still Sherlock\r\nHolmes? <br>\r\nDATA: Indubitably, sir, Indubitably. <br>\r\nPICARD: Well, at least you got rid of the damn pipe. <br>\r\nRIKER: Doctor Crusher asked me to steer you past Sickbay. She said\r\nyou've been looking very tired. <br>\r\n(Tasha enters) <br>\r\nTASHA: Captain! <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes, Lieutenant. <br>\r\nTASHA: Sorry, Commander, but Security Team Two reports they've\r\ndiscovered a puddle of blood outside the Selay Quarters and they can't\r\nfind one of the delegates and so <br>\r\nRIKER: Lieutenant. This couldn't have waited a moment? <br>\r\nTASHA: It's good to see you, sir. The problem is that one of the cooks\r\nhas just been asked to broil reptile for the Anticans, and it looks\r\nlike the Selay delegate. <br>\r\nPICARD: Riker, with the peace delegates and all, I think I do need a\r\nrest. Take charge, Number One. </font> </p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n</center>\r\n</div>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><a href=\"episodes.htm\"><font color=\"#2867d0\">&lt;Back\r\nto the episode listing</font></a></font></p>\r\n<p><font color=\"#000000\" face=\"Arial\" size=\"1\"><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">Star Trek � and related\r\nmarks are trademarks of<a href=\"\"> <font color=\"#2867d0\">CBS Studios Inc</font></a>.\r\nCopyright � 1966, Present. The Star Trek web pages on this site are for\r\neducational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights\r\nproperty of their respective holders.</font></font></p>\r\n</body></html>"},{"episode":"109.htm","data":"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n<html lang=\"en-gb\"><head>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-1252\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en-gb\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Enterprise, NCC1701D, Episodes, Transcripts, Justice, Jean-Luc Picard, William Thomas Riker, Geordi LaForge, Tasha Yar, Worf, Beverly Crusher, Deanna Troi, Data, Wesley Crusher, Rivan, Liator, Rubicun III, Edo\">\r\n<meta name=\"Keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Transcripts, Justice\">\r\n<meta name=\"Description\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation episode transcripts\"><title>The Next Generation Transcripts - Justice</title>\r\n\r\n</head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"#d5d5d5\" dir=\"ltr\">\r\n<p><font color=\"#2867d0\" face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"5\"><b>Justice</b></font><br>\r\n<font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Stardate:\r\n41255.6<br>\r\nOriginal Airdate: 9 Nov, 1987<br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n<center>\r\n<table border=\"0\" width=\"85%\">\r\n<tbody>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td align=\"left\" width=\"85%\"> <font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">\r\nCaptain's log, stardate 41255.6. After delivering a party of Earth\r\ncolonists to the Strnad solar system, we have discovered another Class\r\nM planet in the adjoining Rubicun star system. We are now in orbit\r\nthere, having determined it to be inhabited as well as unusually\r\nlovely. My first officer has taken an away team down to make contact\r\nand they are in the process of returning to the ship.\r\n</font>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Wesley is sitting next to Troi) <br>\r\nPICARD: Riker says the planet's life forms are almost identical to us. <br>\r\nTROI: He's very enthusiastic. <br>\r\n(Crusher enters) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Captain? Sorry, Troi. <br>\r\nTROI: The Doctor has something very important to tell you, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: You've been talking about it for days. Shore leave for the\r\ncrew. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Establishing that colony has been exhausting for the entire\r\ncrew, Captain. We're not a supply vessel. Settling all those people has\r\nbeen a strain on everyone. I'm tired myself. <br>\r\n(Riker, Data and Yar enter) <br>\r\nPICARD: Is it as good as your report suggests, Number One? <br>\r\nRIKER: As per report, sir. Class M, Earth-like, beautiful. It will\r\nstartle you. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: It sounds wonderful for the children. The holodecks are\r\nmarvellous, of course, but there's nothing like open spaces and fresh\r\nair. <br>\r\nTASHA: I've listed my report on their customs and laws, sir. Fairly\r\nsimple, common sense things. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: They're wild in some ways, actually puritanical in others.\r\nNeat as pins, ultra-lawful, and make love at the drop of a hat. <br>\r\nTASHA: Any hat. <br>\r\nPICARD: But the happiest report has its negatives. Let's start with\r\nthem, Number One. <br>\r\nRIKER: There are none, sir. Not that any of us can find. <br>\r\nDATA: But there is a problem here, sir. <br>\r\nWORF: It's the faulty reading I reported, sir. <br>\r\nDATA: I'm reading something off the starboard bow, but there is nothing\r\nthere. <br>\r\nTASHA: Sensor technicians are working on it, sir. They've identified it\r\nas a glitch in the system. <br>\r\nPICARD: I take it you find no glitch at all in this planet, however? <br>\r\nRIKER: No, sir. <br>\r\nTASHA: If you approve shore leave, sir, we could start with a small\r\ngroup. <br>\r\nPICARD: Of course. Wesley? If we go down, I'd like you to join the away\r\nteam to evaluate this world as a place for young people to relax. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Yes, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: If our scans and observations confirm the report, of course\r\nI'll approve it. Let's hope it is not too good to be true.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, supplemental. We are in orbit of a\r\nplanet designated Rubicun Three, the home of a life form who call\r\nthemselves the Edo. Our away team, including Wesley Crusher, has beamed\r\ndown to make arrangements concerning some well-deserved recreation.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(It's a lovingly tended garden extending in all\r\ndirections. The people wear enough for modesty, run instead of walk,\r\nand are nauseatingly beautiful. When the team arrive two people run\r\ntowards them) <br>\r\nWORF: Careful, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: No, it's all right, Lieutenant. Those are the Edo we met before.\r\nThey certainly are fit. <br>\r\nTROI: They certainly are. <br>\r\nRIVAN: (a woman) Health and happiness. <br>\r\nLIATOR: (a man) A pleasant day to you. <br>\r\nRIVAN: You did return as promised. <br>\r\n(She greets Riker with a slow, loving hug) <br>\r\nRIKER: Rivan, Liator. Also from our vessel, Troi.&nbsp;<br>\r\nLIATOR: Slowly, slowly. I must also welcome this lovely one. <br>\r\n(He nuzzles Troi's neck, she just pats his shoulder) <br>\r\nLIATOR: Nice to see you again. <br>\r\nTASHA: My pleasure. <br>\r\nRIKER: Counsellor? <br>\r\nTROI: Healthy sensuality, sir. I feel mainly friendship, and (looking\r\nat Tasha) happiness. <br>\r\nRIVAN: And I welcome this huge one. Oh, yes. <br>\r\nWORF: (returning the hug) Nice planet. <br>\r\nRIKER: Yeah. <br>\r\nRIVAN: But you are a young one. I do not know your custom regarding\r\nlove. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Er. I guess, whatever you usually do. <br>\r\n(It's a very fleeting hug for the teenager) <br>\r\nRIKER: There are others who would like to visit here, if you would give\r\nus a limit on the numbers. <br>\r\nLIATOR: Whatever pleases you. We can discuss it at the Council\r\nChambers. <br>\r\nRIVAN: Shall we go there now or remain in play? <br>\r\nRIKER: Play? <br>\r\nRIVAN: At love. Unless you don't enjoy that. (to Worf) Perhaps you do? <br>\r\nLIATOR: And you? (Troi blushes) Yes, I can see that you do. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Maybe I should just go on ahead. <br>\r\nRIVAN: Oh, this is unfair to him. We'll go to the Council Chambers.\r\nYou'll find young people your age there. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Well, I can't make any promises. <br>\r\nLIATOR: You don't have to. Our rules are simple. No one does anything\r\nuncomfortable to them. <br>\r\nRIVAN: Come! Our people will want to know you. <br>\r\nLIATOR: Rivan, perhaps they can't run. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Can't run? Sure we can run. Right, Commander? <br>\r\nRIKER: That's the custom here, running. Lead the way. <br>\r\n(They all set off along a paved path) <br>\r\nRIKER: When in Rome, eh? <br>\r\nWORF: When in where, sir? <br>\r\nEDO: Good health to you! <br>\r\nTASHA: Happiness to you! It's like an Eden here.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Outside the Council Chambers]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(A low rise building with formal fountains in front\r\nof it) <br>\r\nRIVAN: Good health! I thought you might be out of breath. <br>\r\nRIKER: We may surprise you in a lot of ways. <br>\r\nLIATOR: Children, we've brought you a new friend!&nbsp;<br>\r\nBOY: Well, hello. Join us. <br>\r\nGIRL: Yes, please. <br>\r\n(Wesley runs off with the two boys and girl) <br>\r\nRIVAN: And now it's time for you to meet some new friends. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Council Chambers]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Musicians are playing gentle tunes, some couples\r\nare dancing, others strolling with glasses of drink. One man is getting\r\na massage) <br>\r\nRIVAN: Everyone! We've brought the visitors! <br>\r\nLIATOR: Please enjoy what we have! <br>\r\n(And the team are lead away to - whatever)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: I've traced it through our sensor channel,\r\nsir It is not a glitch or any other form of error or malfunction. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Confirmed by my readings, Captain. It's a shadow something. <br>\r\nDATA: Exactly. As if it were neither in or out of our dimension. <br>\r\nPICARD: What is, Commander? <br>\r\nDATA: Whatever is sitting out there without triggering our alarm\r\nrelays, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Centre main viewer on that area. I see nothing, Commander. <br>\r\nDATA: Enterprise to object off our starboard bow. Request that you\r\nidentify yourself. <br>\r\n(And something appears) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Shields and deflectors up full, sir. Main phaser banks ready. <br>\r\nPICARD: Hailing frequencies. Any reply? <br>\r\nDATA: It was something unintelligible, Captain. Now running it through\r\nlanguage and logic circuits. <br>\r\nPICARD: Geordi. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Have a real look. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nOFFICER: (At Tasha's station) Sir, my sensors read it. Well, it's half\r\nthere. It does look as if it were partly transparent. <br>\r\nPICARD: Data, what the hell is it?\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Geordi finds a window with a good view of the\r\nother thing) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Lieutenant La Forge to Captain. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Go ahead, LaForge. What can you make out?\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: This is something I've never seen before,\r\nsir. After complete spectral analysis, well it's as if it's not really\r\nthere.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">GEORDI [OC]: I don't understand it. <br>\r\nDATA: I've got some information on its first transmission, sir. It\r\ntranslates as stand by. <br>\r\nOFFICER:: Sir, I see show something coming out of that ship. <br>\r\nDATA: Verified, sir. Something very small. <br>\r\n(A little globe of light passes through the shields, and the hull, and\r\nthe bulkheads) <br>\r\nOFFICER: Intruder alert, sir. I don't show a location. <br>\r\nDATA: The away team signal's been cut off, Captain. We've lost contact\r\nwith our people.\r\n<br>OFFICER: Intruder relays do show something. <br>\r\nPICARD: Why has everything become a something, or a whatever? <br>\r\n(The globe has arrived on the Bridge, and is face to face with Picard.\r\nWhen it speaks, everything shakes) <br>\r\nEDO: State the purpose. (it tones down) State the purpose of what you\r\nhave done. <br>\r\nPICARD: I'm Captain Picard, commanding this Federation starship. <br>\r\nEDO: State the purpose of your visit here. <br>\r\nPICARD: We have sent down what we call an away team to make peaceful\r\ncontact here. <br>\r\nEDO: Do you plan to leave life forms here? <br>\r\nPICARD: No. We are merely visiting here. <br>\r\nEDO: But you did more at the world you just left. Why have you left\r\nyour own life forms there? <br>\r\nDATA: The colony we just planted, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: We found that world uninhabited. The life forms we left there\r\nhad, had sought the challenge. At least, that is the basic reason. Had\r\nsought the challenge of creating a new lifestyle, a new society there.\r\nLife on our world is driven to protect itself by seeding itself as\r\nwidely as possible. <br>\r\nEDO: Do not interfere with my children below. <br>\r\n(The globe goes over to Data) <br>\r\nDATA: Captain, I do not understand how, but it is asking me if I was\r\nconstructed for information exchange. <br>\r\nPICARD: If there is any way of finding out whatever is out there, Data.\r\n<br>\r\n(The globe shrinks and attaches itself to Data's forehead. He falls\r\nbackwards onto the floor.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">BOY: Watch! I bet you can't do this! <br>\r\nHe walks along in a hand-stand) <br>\r\nWESLEY: Watch this. <br>\r\n(He does a series of cart wheels) <br>\r\nGIRL: I want to do something too. With you. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Er. What? <br>\r\nGIRL: It's something you can teach me. Will you? <br>\r\nWESLEY: Er. Well, actually, there are some games I don't quite know yet\r\n<br>\r\nGIRL: It's playing ball. Will you teach me? <br>\r\nWESLEY: Oh, sure! If you have a bat for the ball, I can show you my\r\nfavourite. A bat? A stick or branch, about this thick, this long. <br>\r\nGIRL: We can get it in the gardens. Come on. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Council Chambers]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">MAN: This will please you. Join us. <br>\r\nRIKER: Thanks. Another time. <br>\r\nWOMAN: Joy and happiness. <br>\r\nRIKER: It certainly is. The good life, Worf. <br>\r\nWORF: I am not concerned with pleasure, Commander. I am a warrior. <br>\r\nRIKER: Even Klingons need love now and then. <br>\r\nWORF: For what we consider love, sir, I would need a Klingon woman. <br>\r\nRIKER: What about plain old basic sex? You must have some need for\r\nthat. <br>\r\nWORF: Of course, but with the females available to me, sir, Earth\r\nfemales, I must restrain myself too much. They are quite fragile, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: Worf, if anyone else had said that, I'd suspect he was bragging.\r\n<br>\r\nWORF: Bragging, sir? <br>\r\nRIKER: I think I'll pass on that. I'd better check in. Enterprise, come\r\nin. Captain, do you read me? Let's. This may be nothing, but let's move\r\nall our people together. <br>\r\nWORF: Including Wesley, the boy? He's outside. <br>\r\nTROI: Is there a problem? <br>\r\nRIKER: We've lost contact with our ship. <br>\r\nTROI: It's nothing these people have done. I'm certain of that. Their\r\nminds are so open. <br>\r\nRIKER: Help me locate Wes. He's wandered off. <br>\r\n(Riker and Troi leave. Worf goes over to Tasha, who is with Rivan and\r\nLiator) <br>\r\nTASHA: That is extraordinary. <br>\r\nWORF: Can I take a moment of your time, Lieutenant? <br>\r\nTASHA: Yes, Worf, but you've got to hear this. Are you telling me that\r\nthere's no crime here whatsoever? No one breaks any laws? <br>\r\nLIATOR: Once they did. Long, long ago there was much disorder. But not\r\nnow. <br>\r\nTASHA: But I seen no sign of police. Those who enforce laws. <br>\r\nRIVAN: Oh, we have very few. They are called Mediators. And they are\r\nneeded only in one place each day. <br>\r\nLIATOR: The punishment zone. An area that's selected for a period of\r\ntime. <br>\r\nTASHA: It's a completely random selection? <br>\r\nLIATOR: No one but our Mediators know what place or for how long. We're\r\nvery proud of the wisdom of our ancestors. No person ever knows where\r\nor when a zone will be. <br>\r\nRIVAN: And so no one risks death. <br>\r\nWORF: Death? <br>\r\nRIVAN: by breaking any law. <br>\r\nTASHA: Wait. Explain this. <br>\r\nLIATOR: Only one punishment for any crime. <br>\r\nWORF: Anyone who commits any crime in the punishment zone dies? <br>\r\nLIATOR: The law is the law. Our peace is built on that. <br>\r\nTASHA: Even a small thing? Such as ignoring the rule, keep off the\r\ngrass? <br>\r\nRIVAN: Then no one breaks that rule. Who wants to risk execution? And\r\nthere's always a white wall or fence to remind anyone of a forbidden\r\narea like that. <br>\r\nTASHA: And just who tells visitors about these rules? <br>\r\nWORF: We'd better find Wesley.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(The children are running and laughing near\r\ncold-frames, nicely marked out with low white fences around them, and\r\nthrowing the ball back and forth) <br>\r\nGIRL: You're very clever at this. <br>\r\nWESLEY: At home we play a lot of it. Here, toss the ball ahead of me. <br>\r\n(A boy does, and Wesley runs back to catch it, not watching where he is\r\ngoing) <br>\r\nGIRL: No, Wes! <br>\r\nBOY: No! It's forbidden to disturb new plants! <br>\r\n(But Wesley jumps to catch the ball, and clears the fence, smashing\r\ninto the cold frame) <br>\r\nBOY: Couldn't you see the fence? It's for new plants. Don't ever go\r\npast a white marker. <br>\r\nWESLEY: It's okay. I'm fine. <br>\r\n(Two burley men come running) <br>\r\nGIRL: Oh, no! Oh, please, no! <br>\r\nMEDIATOR 2: Speak the truth. We are mediators. <br>\r\nWESLEY: I said I was fine. <br>\r\nGIRL: He doesn't know. He's from another place. <br>\r\nMEDIATOR 2: How very sad. But this zone has been selected. <br>\r\nBOY: But he doesn't understand. <br>\r\nMEDIATOR: It's always sad. Now doubly so. <br>\r\n(Riker and Troi arrive) <br>\r\nWESLEY: I was chasing a ball and I fell into that. I'm really sorry! <br>\r\nMEDIATOR: You admit you did that? Freely? <br>\r\nWESLEY: I'm with Starfleet. We don't lie. <br>\r\nRIKER: It won't happen again. We apologise. <br>\r\nMEDIATOR: We're sorry, too. But that changes nothing. <br>\r\n(Tasha and Worf arrive) <br>\r\nTASHA: Careful, Commander. They've got some strange laws here. <br>\r\nRIKER: I thought you reviewed their laws. <br>\r\nTASHA: But they listed nothing about punishment. <br>\r\nMEDIATOR: One moment, please. Is there a witness to this transgression?\r\n<br>\r\nBOY: But it was my fault. I threw the ball past him. <br>\r\nMEDIATOR: We have a visible transgression, ample witnesses, and an\r\nadmission of guilt. And though it deeply pains us to do it, we must. <br>\r\n(He takes a small hypodermic needle from his belt pouch) <br>\r\nMEDIATOR: Are you prepared for punishment? <br>\r\nWORF: Punishment? If you mean what the others were talking about. <br>\r\nRIKER: What punishment? Name it! <br>\r\nMEDIATOR: Death, of course. Don't make it difficult for the boy. <br>\r\n(The other mediator goes to take Wesley, and Riker knocks him down.\r\nTasha and Worf draw their phasers) <br>\r\nWORF: Drop it. Drop it now! <br>\r\n(He drops the needle and Tasha picks it up) <br>\r\nTASHA: It's a kind of syringe. <br>\r\nRIKER: What is this? You said death. Is this poison? <br>\r\nMEDIATOR: But of course it is. Completely painless. The boy would have\r\nfelt nothing. But look at him now. You've frightened him. <br>\r\nWESLEY: He was going to kill me? <br>\r\nMEDIATOR 2: And if this Zone were still in effect, you would all\r\ndeserve death. <br>\r\nMEDIATOR: It was announced you came as friends. Is this how friends\r\nact? <br>\r\nRIKER: Enterprise from away team, come in. Are you receiving us,\r\nEnterprise?\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Doctor Crusher is examining Data, who still has\r\nthe globe attached to him) <br>\r\nPICARD: Condition? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: No sign of consciousness, but the balance of the readings are\r\nquite normal for him. <br>\r\nPICARD: I believe this is some form of information exchange with\r\nwhatever is over there. At least, I hope it is. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Any communication from the away team? <br>\r\nPICARD: Something is blocking communication both <br>\r\n(The globe leaves Data, then vanishes) <br>\r\nTASHA [OC]: Security. Urgent. Repeating. Enterprise from away team. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: This is the Enterprise, Lieutenant. We're receiving you now. <br>\r\nTASHA [OC]: This is an urgent call for Captain Picard. <br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: We may need your presence here, Captain. We have serious\r\ntrouble with a member of our away team and an unusual law they have\r\nhere. <br>\r\nPICARD: Captain to Riker, stand by. Signs of consciousness? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Not yet. Could be minutes or hours. It's unclear what's\r\nhappened to him. <br>\r\nPICARD: Take him to Sickbay. Let me know the instant he's awake.\r\nAnything new on that that thing out there? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Negative, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Captain to First Officer. I'm beaming down.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Council Chambers]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Would you care to comment privately how you\r\nread any of this? <br>\r\nTROI: Unnecessary, sir. These people are honest, almost to a fault. And\r\nthey have great pride in their ways. <br>\r\nLIATOR: You're the Captain. We're ready. This way, please. <br>\r\n(Benches have been arranged in a circle. Picard has a chair to himself)\r\n<br>\r\nLIATOR: Welcome to our world, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: Thank you. <br>\r\nLIATOR: We regret that our system of justice is troubling you. <br>\r\nPICARD: The boy, Wesley Crusher, where is he, please? <br>\r\nRIKER: In accord with the Prime Directive, I've allowed them to hold\r\nhim pending the outcome of this. <br>\r\nRIVAN: He is safe and unharmed. We promise that. Captain Picard, I do\r\nnot know how you Earth people conduct law and justice, even if you\r\nrespect such things. <br>\r\nPICARD: We do. <br>\r\nLIATOR: Good, so do we. Our precepts have been handed down from long\r\nago. The tranquillity you see in our lives has been made possible by\r\nour laws. <br>\r\nRIVAN: We are a people of law. They do sometimes bring us sadness, but\r\nwe have learned to adjust to that. Perhaps your laws work as well. <br>\r\nPICARD: They haven't always, but now they do. <br>\r\nLIATOR: Do you execute criminals? <br>\r\nPICARD: No, not any longer. <br>\r\nRIVAN: But you did once? <br>\r\nPICARD: Unfortunately, yes. But since then <br>\r\nRIVAN: But when you did, was it believed necessary to do so? <br>\r\nPICARD: Some people felt that it was necessary. But we have learned to\r\ndetect the seeds of criminal behaviour Capital punishment, in our\r\nworld, is no longer considered a justifiable deterrent. <br>\r\nLIATOR: So, we are not yet as advanced as they are. And since you are\r\nadvanced in other ways too, I suggest you use your superior powers to\r\nrescue the Wesley boy. We will record him as a convicted criminal out\r\nof our reach, an advanced person who luckily escaped the barbarism of\r\nthis backward little world. <br>\r\nPICARD: Unfortunately, we have a law known as the Prime Directive. <br>\r\nRIVAN: Riker has explained it to us. <br>\r\nPICARD: Is the boy in any danger from you at this moment? <br>\r\nLIATOR: Until sundown? <br>\r\nRIVAN: Because you are strangers, we are delaying enforcement of the\r\nlaw. But we must act by sundown. <br>\r\nPICARD: Then I have another question. While orbiting, while circling\r\nhigh above your world, as we do, we have encountered a strange object.\r\nA vessel perhaps. Have you any idea what it is? It's not entirely real.\r\nAt least, it's not completely solid. <br>\r\nRIVAN: Do you mean God? <br>\r\nPICARD: God? <br>\r\nLIATOR: God is said to be somewhere up there, protecting us. <br>\r\nPICARD: Exactly, exactly how would you describe God? <br>\r\nRIVAN: As you just did. As existing both here and in another place\r\nalso. <br>\r\nLIATOR: But when God wants to show its power, it can make itself felt\r\nmost fully. <br>\r\nCRUSHER [OC]: Captain, come in please. <br>\r\nPICARD: Picard here. <br>\r\nBEVERLY [OC]: CMO Crusher, sir. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: Commander Data has just regained\r\nconsciousness. <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: What condition? Can he talk? <br>\r\nBEVERLY: He's insisting on it, sir. Urgently.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Council Chamber]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TROI: (whispers) Wesley. <br>\r\nPICARD: Stand by. Picard out. I want to speak to her personally about\r\nher son. So you promise that Wesley Crusher is safe until sundown? <br>\r\nLIATOR: You have our word. <br>\r\nPICARD: Then, will one of you return with me to our vessel? <br>\r\nRIVAN: Of course. I'll go as a hostage for the boy's safety. <br>\r\nPICARD: No, no, no. That's not it. I want you to identify something for\r\nme, if you can. Captain to Transporter Room. Three to beam up. <br>\r\n(Picard, Troi and Rivan move away from the group) <br>\r\nRIVAN: I'm frightened. <br>\r\nTROI: There's no reason to be. <br>\r\nPICARD: Transporter Room, energise.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIVAN: But this is a city. A great city. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Captain, I've just seen the away team report about Wesley. <br>\r\nPICARD: In a moment, Doctor. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: In a moment? <br>\r\nPICARD: Exactly. In a moment. You were about to say? <br>\r\nRIVAN: Since you have all this power, why be concerned about our laws?\r\nYou could take the boy from us. <br>\r\nPICARD: It's not that simple. From the starboard lounge, you can see\r\nwhatever is outside this vessel. <br>\r\nRIVAN: Do you mean my world? You said we'd be high above it. <br>\r\nPICARD: And something else that's circling your world. It's very\r\nimportant to us, and perhaps to you, to know what it is. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(As soon as Rivan sees the other vessel, she drops\r\nto her knees, head bowed) <br>\r\nPICARD: I'm sorry, Rivan, but this was necessary. Do you know what that\r\nis? <br>\r\nTROI: Can you tell us what it is? <br>\r\nPICARD: Is it God? (she nods) Now, it's very important you answer\r\nsomething. How do you recognise what it is? <br>\r\nTROI: Nothing will harm you, I promise. Just tell us how you recognise\r\nit. <br>\r\nRIVAN: It has appeared before. <br>\r\nPICARD: Can you speak to it? Does it speak to you? <br>\r\nTROI: Captain! <br>\r\n(The vessel becomes even more visible) <br>\r\nEDO [OC]: Return my child. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Return? <br>\r\nTROI: It's coming toward us. <br>\r\nPICARD: Picard to Transporter Room, come in. <br>\r\n(He puts his comm. badge on Rivan) <br>\r\nTROI: Yes, do that. But hurry! <br>\r\nCRUSHER: It's still coming toward us. <br>\r\nCHIEF [OC]: Transporter Chief to Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: One to beam down to away team location. Hurry! Engage!\r\nTransporter Room. Urgent! Engage! <br>\r\n(And Rivan is beamed away. The Edo vessel backs off) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: It seems the Edo's god is very protective of its children. <br>\r\nPICARD: I had no choice but to learn about that thing from her. I'm\r\nsorry I had to. She was so frightened. <br>\r\nTROI: It's understandable, sir. Sharing an orbit with God is no small\r\nexperience. <br>\r\nPICARD: Let's go see your patient, Doctor. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: What do you intend to do about my son? <br>\r\nPICARD: He's being held safely until sundown. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: When he faces execution! Although he's committed no crime,\r\ncertainly none that any sane and reasonable person would <br>\r\nPICARD: You saw what that thing was about to do. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I apologise, sir, but this is very difficult for me. If he\r\nwere your son, you'd be as frightened <br>\r\nPICARD: But I am. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Data is in Sickbay here. You'll find him able to talk to you.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sickbay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">MEDIC: He's checking out fine, Doctor. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Thank you. Finish it later, please. <br>\r\nDATA: I was an excellent choice for them, Captain. They were able to\r\ncommunicate with me quite. I was about to say quite easily, but there\r\nwas nothing easy about it. Fortunately, they stopped short of\r\noverloading my circuitry. <br>\r\nPICARD: You're saying they. It is a vessel of some sort. <br>\r\nDATA: Definitely not a single entity if that's what you mean, sir,\r\nalthough they know the Edo worship them as a god thing. <br>\r\nPICARD: They know? <br>\r\nDATA: They recognise that this is quite expected and harmless at the\r\npresent Edo stage of evolution. <br>\r\nPICARD: What sort of vessel? <br>\r\nDATA: It is perhaps not what we would understand as a vessel, sir. The\r\ndimensions this one occupies allows them to be, well, to be in several\r\nplaces at once. But they consider this entire star cluster to be\r\ntheirs. It was probably\r\nunwise of us to attempt to place a human colony in this area. Of\r\ncourse, there are three thousand four other planets in\r\nthis star cluster in which we could have colonised. The largest and\r\nclosest <br>\r\nPICARD: Data, don't babble. <br>\r\nDATA: Babble, sir? I'm not aware that I ever babble, sir. It may be\r\nthat from time to time I have considerable information to communicate,\r\nand you may question the way I organise it. <br>\r\nPICARD: Please, organise it into brief answers to my questions. We have\r\nvery little time. Do they accept our presence at this planet? <br>\r\nDATA: Undecided, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Data, please, feel free to volunteer any important information.\r\n<br>\r\nDATA: I volunteer that they are now observing us, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: To judge what kind of life forms we are? <br>\r\nDATA: No, it is more curiosity, sir. I doubt that they expect us to\r\nabide by their value systems. <br>\r\nPICARD: Do they know of our Prime Directive? <br>\r\nDATA: They know everything I know, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: And, if we were to violate the Prime Directive, how <br>\r\nCRUSHER: That's not a fair question. <br>\r\nPICARD: How would they react? <br>\r\nDATA: It would be a case of judging us by our own rules, sir. If we\r\nviolate our own Prime Directive, they might consider us to be deceitful\r\nand untrustworthy. You do recall they cautioned us not to interfere\r\nwith their children below. What has happened? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: The Edo want to execute my son. I will not allow that to\r\nhappen, Jean-Luc. <br>\r\nDATA: Most interesting, sir. The emotion of motherhood, compared to all\r\nothers felt by <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Shut up! <br>\r\n(Beverly storms out) <br>\r\nDATA: You were right, sir. I do tend to babble.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, stardate 41255.9. Whatever the\r\nobject or vessel in orbit with us, it hangs there like a nemesis. It is\r\none thing to communicate with something mysterious, but it is quite\r\nanother to be silently observed by it. I am concerned whether it\r\nunderstands the same concept of reason that we do?\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: You sent for me, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: Let's have more talk, Data. <br>\r\nDATA: Yes, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Sit down. <br>\r\nDATA: What level of communication, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: Any. My apologies for saying that you babbled. <br>\r\nDATA: But I do, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: You also see things in a way we do not, but as they truly are.\r\nI need help, my friend. I cannot permit that boy or any member of this\r\nvessel be sacrificed. The Prime Directive never intended that. <br>\r\nDATA: The problem, sir, is there. (the Edo vessel) Although they've\r\nlearned of the Prime Directive from my mind, how will they evaluate it?\r\nHow do they reason? What are their values? Remember their warning to\r\nus, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Exactly. How do I explain my refusing to obey their laws down\r\nthere. Not permitting the Crusher boy to be executed. And by so doing\r\ndo I endanger this vessel and more than a thousand other lives? <br>\r\nDATA: Would you choose one life over one thousand, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: I refuse to let arithmetic decide questions like that. Did you\r\nlearn anything about the relationship between that and the Edo? Why are\r\nthey so certain it's a god? <br>\r\nDATA: Any sufficiently advanced life form would appear to others to be\r\nthat, sir. But when they were probing my thoughts, Captain, I could\r\nfeel that whatever they are now, they once existed in this dimension,\r\njust as we do. Perhaps in the same kind of flesh and blood form. Since\r\nthen, however, they have evolved considerably. Their present existence\r\nin multi-dimensions no doubt has advantages we do not understand. <br>\r\nPICARD: Then in some earlier flesh and blood form they might have\r\nshared our kind of values. <br>\r\nDATA: We know the Edo share them, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Why would such an advanced thing feel obliged to protect the\r\nEdo? <br>\r\nDATA: Perhaps the Edo are a child race by comparison. Possibly a race\r\nwhich those life forms have planted here. Much as we plant human\r\ncolonies on Class-M planets. <br>\r\n(Crusher enters) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Having fulfilled my professional obligations regarding\r\nCommander Data <br>\r\nPICARD: You now request permission to beam down to the planet.\r\nPermission granted. You can accompany me while I try and resolve this.\r\nAnd you should know that whatever the cost, I will not allow them to\r\nexecute your son. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Thank you, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Data, take command. <br>\r\nDATA: Aye, sir.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Council chambers]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: It's almost time. I want the boy brought\r\nhere now. <br>\r\n(Liator get up) <br>\r\nTASHA: I'll go along with you. <br>\r\nLIATOR: Of course. <br>\r\n(Picard and Crusher beam in. Rivan goes over and kneels, handing back\r\nhis communicator) <br>\r\nRIVAN: Captain Picard. I saw you share the sky with God. You must be\r\nGods. <br>\r\nPICARD: No, no, we're not gods. <br>\r\n(Wesley enters, escorted by the two mediators, Liator and Tasha) <br>\r\nWESLEY: Mother. I guess you know a lot has happened here. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I know. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Captain Picard, are you going to let them kill me? <br>\r\nPICARD: No. But I must find some way to prevent it that you understand.\r\n<br>\r\nMEDIATOR: How can we let this happen, Liator? They threaten everything\r\nwe respect. Our law, our peace, our tranquillity and order. <br>\r\nMEDIATOR 2: You are powerful, but do not do this to us, we beg you. At\r\nleast study what we were without law. Hurtful to each other, savage,\r\nthieving. <br>\r\nPICARD: I understand. Perhaps your system of law and punishment is\r\nbetter than any system we once had. But we do now have a law I must\r\nobey. And part of it says I must protect my people from harm. <br>\r\nLIATOR: We did not ask you to come here. <br>\r\nRIKER: Which has to do with another law that we must obey. <br>\r\nPICARD: We are all sworn not to interfere with other lives in the\r\ngalaxy. If I save this boy, I break that law. <br>\r\nMEDIATOR: And you should be executed if you do so! <br>\r\nPICARD: I may suffer almost as much. Starfleet takes the Prime\r\nDirective very seriously. <br>\r\nMEDIATOR 2: No, it is God who will punish you. <br>\r\nPICARD: That thought has crossed our minds. Your god up there may\r\ninsist that we obey our non-interference directive. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Sir, does this mean if you save me the entire crew could die? <br>\r\nPICARD: You're not involved in this decision, boy. <br>\r\nWESLEY: I'm sorry, sir, but it seems like I am. <br>\r\nPICARD: Picard to Transporter room. Lock into this signal. Stand by for\r\nsix to beam up. Wesley, Lieutenant. <br>\r\n(The Starfleet people gather together) <br>\r\nLIATOR: Our laws have been violated. What of justice? <br>\r\nTASHA: What of justice to Wesley? Does he deserve to die? <br>\r\nPICARD: I'm truly sorry, Liator, but I must have justice for my people\r\ntoo. Transporter room, energise. <br>\r\n(Nothing happens) <br>\r\nPICARD: Transporter room, come in. <br>\r\nCHIEF [OC]: We can't energise the beam, sir. Everything checks out but\r\nwe're getting no results. <br>\r\nMEDIATOR: God has prevented your escape. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Then your god is unfair. My son had no warning that his act\r\nwas criminal. <br>\r\nMEDIATOR 2: We cannot allow ignorance of the law to become a defence. <br>\r\nPICARD: I don't know how to communicate this, or even if it is\r\npossible, but the question of justice has concerned me greatly of\r\nlately. And I say to any creature who may be listening, there can be no\r\njustice so long as laws are absolute. Even life itself is an exercise\r\nin exceptions. <br>\r\nRIKER: When has justice ever been as simple as a rulebook? <br>\r\n(The party are beamed up) <br>\r\nPICARD: It seems the Edo Lord agrees with you, Number One.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Main viewer on. <br>\r\nPICARD: Hailing frequencies. <br>\r\nTASHA: Open, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: To the object in orbit with us. We will remove the human\r\ncolonists from the adjoining solar system if you signal us to do so.\r\nPlease tell us. <br>\r\nDATA: Captain. <br>\r\n(The Edo ship vanishes) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Is that a signal? <br>\r\nPICARD: I suppose, I suppose it must be. I was hoping for more. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: More of what, sir? I'm glad it's gone. <br>\r\nRIKER: Agreed, sir. Short and sweet. God-like efficiency. <br>\r\nPICARD: I was hoping we'd learn more about it. But since we can't, take\r\nus out of here, Number One. <br>\r\nRIKER: Gladly, sir. </font> </p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n</center>\r\n</div>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><a href=\"episodes.htm\"><font color=\"#2867d0\">&lt;Back\r\nto the episode listing</font></a></font></p>\r\n<p><font color=\"#000000\" face=\"Arial\" size=\"1\"><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">Star Trek � and related\r\nmarks are trademarks of<a href=\"\"> <font color=\"#2867d0\">CBS Studios Inc</font></a>.\r\nCopyright � 1966, Present. The Star Trek web pages on this site are for\r\neducational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights\r\nproperty of their respective holders.</font></font></p>\r\n</body></html>"},{"episode":"110.htm","data":"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n<html lang=\"en-gb\"><head>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-1252\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en-gb\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Enterprise, NCC1701D, Episodes, Transcripts, The Battle, Jean-Luc Picard, William Thomas Riker, Geordi LaForge, Tasha Yar, Worf, Beverly Crusher, Deanna Troi, Data, Wesley Crusher, Daimon Bok, Kazago, Rata, Ferengi, USS Stargazer, Picard Manoeuvre\">\r\n<meta name=\"Keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Transcripts, The Battle\">\r\n<meta name=\"Description\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation episode transcripts\"><title>The Next Generation Transcripts - The Battle</title>\r\n\r\n</head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"#d5d5d5\" dir=\"ltr\">\r\n<p><font color=\"#2867d0\" face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"5\"><b>The\r\nBattle</b></font><br>\r\n<font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Stardate:\r\n41723.9<br>\r\nOriginal Airdate: 16 Nov, 1987<br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n<center>\r\n<table border=\"0\" width=\"85%\">\r\n<tbody>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td align=\"left\" width=\"85%\"> <font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">\r\nCaptain's log, stardate 41723.9. In response to a Starfleet order we\r\nare in the Xendi Sabu star system, having rendezvoused with a Ferengi\r\nvessel which has requested a meeting. Although we arrived here and made\r\nappropriate signals to the Ferengi three days ago, they have so far\r\nresponded only with the message, stand by Enterprise.\r\n</font>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Picard's quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Picard is reading, when the door bell chimes, and\r\nBeverly enters with her medical bag) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: You sent for me, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes, Doctor. Sit down. Look, this perhaps may be nothings, but\r\nI've been feeling a bit odd of late. Fatigued. And now I've got this\r\ndamned headache. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: A what? <br>\r\nPICARD: Headache. Headache. Surely you know what a headache is. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Of course. But I don't often encounter them. <br>\r\nPICARD: The reason is obvious, of course. What are the Ferengi up to?\r\nStand by, Enterprise. Stand by for what? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I don't see a thing wrong. <br>\r\nPICARD: No, neither can I. Unless they're baiting some kind of trap. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: With your head. I see nothing physically wrong, but I want to\r\nrun some additional scans in Sickbay. <br>\r\nPICARD: Doctor, all I've got is <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Is an order to report to Sickbay. From the one person aboard\r\nthis ship who can give you an order. <br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: Captain from First Officer. They're finally sending a\r\nmessage. <br>\r\nPICARD: On my way, Number One. Sorry, Doctor. Duty calls.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: They're prepared to talk, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Have they given any hint of what they've been waiting for? <br>\r\nTASHA: Negative, Captain. They've identified their Captain as Bok.\r\nDaiMon Bok. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: You'll be able to see him now, sir. They're willing to\r\ncommunicate on visual. <br>\r\nPICARD: Open hailing frequencies. <br>\r\nTASHA: Hailing frequencies open, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Ferengi vessel. This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the\r\nEnterprise. We are transmitting visually. <br>\r\nBOK [on viewscreen]: Is this the Captain Picard? <br>\r\nPICARD: Do we know each other? <br>\r\nBOK [on viewscreen]: I know you, Picard. <br>\r\nPICARD: Then you have the advantage. Is this Bok? <br>\r\nBOK [on viewscreen]: I am Bok, DaiMon of the Ferengi. I have asked you\r\nhere to discuss a mutual problem, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: What problem is that, DaiMon Bok? <br>\r\nBOK [on viewscreen]: I insist on speaking of that matter in person.\r\nShall we meet on your vessel or mine? <br>\r\n(Troi signals the transmission cut) <br>\r\nTASHA: Hailing frequencies closed. <br>\r\nTROI: Captain, I sense considerable deception on Bok's part. And\r\ndanger. <br>\r\nRIKER: Then we should meet him here. Keep him under our control. <br>\r\n(Picard nods) <br>\r\nTASHA: Now open, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: I appreciate your offer, DaiMon Bok. We would like you to be\r\nour guest here. <br>\r\nBOK [on viewscreen]: As you wish, Picard. Perhaps this will begin a new\r\nera of cooperation for both our peoples. In one Earth hour, then? <br>\r\nPICARD: In one hour, DaiMon Bok. End transmission. <br>\r\nWORF: I can't believe they're coming here. <br>\r\nPICARD: They did agree a bit easily. Well, in one hour we shall know\r\nwhy.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sickbay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Picard is lying on an examination table) <br>\r\nPICARD: Are you always accustomed to getting your way, Doctor? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Only when my way makes sense, Captain. There are still forty\r\nminutes before the Ferengi beam over. I'll have these scans done in\r\nten. <br>\r\nPICARD: It seems an awful lot of effort for something as simple as a\r\nheadache. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: As simple? You should not have a headache unless there's\r\nsomething wrong, sir. It may be true that headaches were once quite\r\ncommon, but that was in the days before the brain was charted, before\r\nwe understood the nature of pain. When we were suffering from such\r\nthings as the common cold. <br>\r\nPICARD: So what's the cause of my headache? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I haven't the slightest idea. (she puts something against his\r\ntemple) Feel better. <br>\r\nPICARD: The pain's gone. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Medical fakery. The pain is actually still there. It's just\r\ncloaked. I'll want further exams. <br>\r\nPICARD: Doctor! <br>\r\nCRUSHER: When the Ferengi matter is settled.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Wesley enters, in his new acting Ensign uniform.\r\nIt looks awful) <br>\r\nWESLEY: Commander, you'll soon be getting an intruder alert.&nbsp;<br>\r\nRIKER: What? Wesley, if you've something to report. <br>\r\nWESLEY: If you'll scan heading four four mark one six three,\r\nLieutenant, you'll find <br>\r\nTASHA: Intruder alert, sir. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I've got something, sir. <br>\r\nWESLEY: It's an old style starship, Constellation Class, heading this\r\nway under impulse power, sir. <br>\r\n(Picard enters) <br>\r\nRIKER: Says who? <br>\r\nPICARD: Ensign, answer the First Officer's question. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Says the long distance sensors, sir. I was in Engineering,\r\nplaying around with boosting sensor output. <br>\r\nDATA: Boosting it? How? (catches Picard's eye) We will discuss this\r\nlater. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I read it now, sir, as a Constellation class starship heading\r\nthis way under impulse power. Sending no call letters, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: The correct procedure, <br>\r\nRIKER: What's wrong, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: Oh, it's nothing. It's just a, just a mild headache. The\r\ncorrect procedure, Ensign, would have been to signal the Bridge of your\r\nfinding immediately. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Yes, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: Bringing it here personally, perhaps with the idea of being on\r\nhand for the Ferengi beam over, might have imperiled this vessel had it\r\nbeen something hostile approaching. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Yes, sir. <br>\r\nWORF: We are receiving no signal at all from the approaching starship,\r\nsir. <br>\r\nDATA: Time, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Time? Oh, for the Ferengi to beam over. Do you see any problems\r\nconnected with this old starship coming in, Number One? <br>\r\nRIKER: Suggest it would be safer, sir, to have the Ferengi here\r\nwhatever happenings. <br>\r\nPICARD: Concur. Stand by. <br>\r\nTASHA: Hailing frequencies open, sir. <br>\r\n(The Ferengi transporter is a curved effect, instead of vertical. Three\r\nbig-eared little men appear in front of the viewscreen) <br>\r\nPICARD: Welcome you in peace to the Enterprise, DaiMon Bok. <br>\r\nBOK: It is our pleasure, Captain Picard. Might I introduce my First\r\nOfficer, Kazago, and my Second, Rata? <br>\r\nPICARD: This is my First Officer, Commander William Riker. Second in\r\ncommand, Data. Counsellor Troi. <br>\r\nBOK: We have heard that you use females. Clothed females. Most\r\ninteresting. <br>\r\nRIKER: They are that, sir. <br>\r\nKAZAGO: And the android was mentioned too. What is its price? We should\r\nlike to purchase it. <br>\r\nPICARD: He is not for sale. Commander Data is, um, is, um <br>\r\nRIKER: Is second-hand merchandise. You wouldn't want him. <br>\r\nDATA: Second-hand, sir? Oh, of course. A human joke. <br>\r\nTASHA: Excuse, Captain, but the unidentified starship is coming in.\r\nStill no signal at all. <br>\r\nBOK: Think nothing of it. It is under our control. <br>\r\nPICARD: One of our starships under your control? <br>\r\nBOK: Do not be alarmed, Captain. It is a gift from us. With which we\r\nhonour the Hero of Maxia. <br>\r\nPICARD: Who? <br>\r\nBOK: Why you, Picard, of course. Do you not remember the Battle of\r\nMaxia? <br>\r\nPICARD: I'm sorry, I do not remember it, DaiMon Bok. Data? <br>\r\nDATA: Captain, he may refer to an incident which occurred nine years\r\nago in the Maxia Zeta star system, in which an unidentified starship <br>\r\nBOK: Unidentified? That fine vessel was Ferengi. <br>\r\nDATA: Which you destroyed, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: The Battle of Maxia. I've never heard it referred to so\r\ndramatically before. My sincere regrets, Bok, but that vessel refused\r\nto identify itself. It simply attacked us. We defended ourselves. <br>\r\nBOK: Such mistakes happen in space. <br>\r\nDATA: Hardly a mistake, sir. Your report shows that it deliberately\r\nattacked. <br>\r\nTASHA: Do you want the arriving vessel on main viewer, sir? It is only\r\na thousand kilometres away now. <br>\r\nBOK: Put it on your viewer. <br>\r\nPICARD: Main viewer. <br>\r\nBOK: There is no one aboard it. <br>\r\nRATA: The log should be downloaded into the Enterprise's records. At a\r\nprice. <br>\r\nBOK: No price! <br>\r\nKAZAGO: No price? <br>\r\nPICARD: For what purpose? What (clutches his head in pain) <br>\r\nTROI: I just felt something too, Captain. <br>\r\nBOK: Perhaps it is his conscience? <br>\r\nRIKER: Bridge to Sickbay. <br>\r\nPICARD: No, no. I'm fine <br>\r\nTROI: It felt as if it were something from your past. <br>\r\nPICARD: It's right. I'm fine. What is this all about? <br>\r\nBOK: It is about the battle I mentioned, Captain. A gift, in honour of\r\nthat occasion. Look at that ship closely. <br>\r\nPICARD: Magnify please, Lieutenant La Forge. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Why, it's the Stargazer. It's my old ship. How did you find it?\r\n<br>\r\nBOK: It was a derelict, adrift in space on the far side of this star\r\nsystem. How it got there is none of my business, Captain. But now, that\r\nvessel is yours, if you wish to have it. <br>\r\nKAZAGO: We are not selling it to him? <br>\r\nBOK: Consider it an act of friendship. <br>\r\nRATA: At no cost? Oh, ugly. Very ugly.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, supplemental. Bok and his officers\r\nhave returned to their vessel, inviting us now to officially take\r\npossession of the Stargazer. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sickbay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(This time, Picard is on a full bio-bed) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Like before? <br>\r\nPICARD: No. It hit with more impact. <br>\r\nTROI: Hit? I'm sorry, but anything could be important. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: You said you felt something yourself. <br>\r\nTROI: I believe so. Like a thought, but rather mechanical in nature. <br>\r\nPICARD: Are you sure it wasn't one of my thoughts? At that moment, I\r\nwas remembering being at the helm of the Stargazer. A manoeuvre was\r\nbeing made. We were hit. Something's burning. I can smell smoke. Can\r\nyou smell it? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: There's nothing burning, Jean-Luc. <br>\r\nPICARD: That was just part of my memory. <br>\r\nTROI: Memory or nightmare? <br>\r\n(Riker enters) <br>\r\nPICARD: Well, it was strong, whatever it was. Are you ready, Number\r\nOne. <br>\r\nRIKER: Staff's waiting, if Doctor Crusher approves. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I'll do better than that. I'll go along.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Observation lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(All the senior staff are seated around the long\r\ntable) <br>\r\nPICARD: We were traveling at warp two through the Maxia Zeta star\r\nsystem when this unidentified starship suddenly appeared and fired on\r\nus, point-blank range. <br>\r\nRIKER: Where did it come from? <br>\r\nPICARD: It must have been lying in some deep moon crater. First attack\r\ndamaged the shields. In the confusion, they hit us a second time. <br>\r\nTASHA: No clue who they were? <br>\r\nPICARD: No names, no reason. Can you identify them, Vigo? If they come\r\nin a second time with our shields damaged <br>\r\nTROI: Sir? Who's Vigo? <br>\r\nPICARD: He's my weapons officer on the Stargazer. I'm getting quite\r\ncaught up in this. <br>\r\nRIKER: Your shields were failing, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: I improvised. With the enemy vessel coming in for the kill, I\r\nordered a sensor bearing, and when it went into the return arc <br>\r\nDATA: You performed what Starfleet textbooks now refer to as the Picard\r\nManoeuvre.&nbsp;<br>\r\nPICARD: Well, I did what any good helmsman would have done. I dropped\r\ninto high warp, stopped right off the enemy vessel's bow and fired with\r\neverything I had. <br>\r\nRIKER: And blowing into maximum warp speed, you appeared for an instant\r\nto be in two places at once. <br>\r\nPICARD: And our attacker fired on the wrong one. <br>\r\nRIKER: I did what any good helmsman could have done. You did it first,\r\nsir. <br>\r\nPICARD: It was a save our skins manoeuvre. We were finished. On fire.\r\nWe had to abandon ship. We limped through space in shuttlecraft for\r\nweeks before we were picked up. I haven't thought about this for years.\r\n<br>\r\nDATA: Sir, the Ferengi are standing by for us to take possession of the\r\nStargazer. <br>\r\nPICARD: I want to go over to her. <br>\r\nRIKER: I understand, sir. As soon as my people have made certain she's\r\nsafe. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: And after I have another look at you, Captain.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Stargazer Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Tasha and Data are exploring by torchlight) <br>\r\nDATA: (reading the plaque) USS Stargazer. Constellation Class.\r\nStarfleet Registry NCC 2893. <br>\r\n(lights come on and Geordi enters) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I activated the emergency power cells. Amazing they still\r\nwork. <br>\r\nWORF: The rest of the ship is clear of surprises, Lieutenant Yar. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I read about this ship at the Academy, I never dreamed I'd\r\never be on her. <br>\r\nTASHA: Yar to Enterprise. All clear, sir.\r\n(Picard and Crusher beam in) <br>\r\nPICARD: Hello, old friend. <br>\r\nDATA: You'll find this most intriguing, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: What did you find, Data? <br>\r\nDATA: The last entry dated nine years ago, sir. By you. (reading\r\nscreen) We are forced to abandon our starship. May she find her way\r\nwithout us. Apparently she did, sir. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: How do you feel, Captain? <br>\r\nPICARD: Oh, I'm fine, Doctor. Lieutenant Yar, run a structural analysis\r\non the Stargazer for an impulse tow. Data, download all computers to\r\nthe Enterprise and file. I'm going to look at my old cabin.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Stargazer Captain's Quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Picard is going through the books he left behind,\r\nand a trunk of clothes. Inside the trunk, something lights up, and he\r\ndoubles over in agony)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Ferengi Science Lab]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Bok is working at a double of the thing in the\r\ntrunk) <br>\r\nBOK: Try this, Hero of Maxia. <br>\r\n(He slides the top of the sphere around and)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Stargazer Captain's quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Picard jerks up in pain and clutches at his head\r\nbefore collapsing. Crusher enters) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Captain? Another headache? This really worries me. I want you\r\nback on the Enterprise. <br>\r\nPICARD: But my things <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I'll see they're sent to your Enterprise quarters.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Enterprise now taking possession of\r\nStargazer, Kazago. <br>\r\nKAZAGO [on viewscreen]: Permission granted, Riker. <br>\r\nRIKER: Actually it was quite a bargain, Kazago. I thought the Ferengi\r\nalways made a profit on things. <br>\r\n(Kazago growls and ends the transmission) <br>\r\nRIKER: Set sub-warp speed for towing, LaForge. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye, sir. <br>\r\n(Picard enters, in pain) <br>\r\nDATA: Starfleet has responded to our request, sir. A tug will\r\nrendezvous with us and tow the Stargazer back to Xendi Starbase Nine. <br>\r\nPICARD: Very well, Data. <br>\r\nRIKER: How was it, Captain? <br>\r\nPICARD: Very strange, Number One. Like going back to the house you grew\r\nup in, but no one's home, except the phantoms of the past. <br>\r\nTROI: It has troubled you? <br>\r\nPICARD: Not half as much as this damn headache. Take over, Number One. <br>\r\nRIKER: Aye, sir. <br>\r\n(Picard leaves) <br>\r\nRIKER: What's wrong? <br>\r\nTROI: I wish I could say.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Picard's quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(The trunk has been delivered. Picard goes to lie\r\ndown on his bed) <br>\r\nVOICES [OC] Shields weakening, Captain. Torpedoes armed. Where are\r\nthey? Oh my god, sir! Fire! Fire!\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Ready Room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: What is it, Data? Why all the mystery? <br>\r\nDATA: The records of the Stargazer, sir. What the Ferengi call the\r\nBattle of Maxia. It seems the Captain's personal log contains a much\r\ndifferent version of that conflict than the official historic account. <br>\r\nRIKER: What are you saying? <br>\r\nDATA: It would appear that the starship which Captain Picard attacked,\r\nhad in fact, been under a flag of truce. <br>\r\nRIKER: What? <br>\r\nDATA: And apparently, the Captain destroyed the ship without notice or\r\nprovocation. <br>\r\nRIKER: Impossible. What about the fire aboard the Stargazer? <br>\r\nDATA: An accident in Engineering. <br>\r\nRIKER: And what proof? <br>\r\nDATA: It is logged in his own voice, sir. Would you care to hear it,\r\nsir? Sir?\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Picard's quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD [Stargazer log]: This is a confession given\r\nby me, Jean-Luc Picard commanding USS Stargazer. <br>\r\nPICARD: What does this mean? <br>\r\nRIKER: I don't know, sir. It sounds like your voice. <br>\r\nPICARD: It is, Number One. <br>\r\nRIKER: I refuse to believe you ever said that. <br>\r\nPICARD [Stargazer log]: I admit I must have mistaken their subspace\r\nantenna for a weapons cluster. Unfortunately, I fired our main phasers\r\nand our direct hit destroyed the unknown vessel. <br>\r\nRIKER: I've assumed they've simulated your voice somehow. I've already\r\nput Data to work on it. <br>\r\nPICARD: Thank you, Will. I never made that log entry, of course, but it\r\nstill leaves you with a duty to perform. <br>\r\nRIKER: I know, sir, I must report it to Starfleet. That's at least one\r\nfull day for subspace communications to reach there. <br>\r\nPICARD: And one more full day for their answer to return. I'd like the\r\ntruth on this by then. I'd hate to have to prepare a formal defence. <br>\r\nRIKER: I can't believe they'd ask for your command. <br>\r\nPICARD: Why wouldn't they? With the Ferengi making these friendship\r\novertures, I could become a severe\r\nembarrassment to Starfleet. <br>\r\nRIKER: I'm certain the Ferengi are behind the faked log. No wonder\r\nthey're waiting out there. Headache back, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: Damn! I'll call the Doctor again. <br>\r\nRIKER: It's no wonder, with all this going on. Try to relax. <br>\r\n(Riker leaves) <br>\r\nPICARD [Stargazer log] This is a confession given by me, Jean-Luc\r\nPicard, commanding USS Stargazer, in the hopes that my belated honesty\r\nwill be taken into account by Starfleet when judging my actions during\r\na confrontation with an unidentified vessel. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Open hailing frequencies, Geordi. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Open, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: I'll take it in the Ready room. Secure channel, La Forge. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Secure, Sir.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Ready room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Starship Ferengi, this is Commander Riker\r\nhere. I'd like to speak to First Officer Kazago. <br>\r\nKAZAGO [OC]: A problem, Riker? <br>\r\nRIKER: Are our channels secure on your end? <br>\r\nKAZAGO [on monitor]: It is now. <br>\r\nRIKER: Are you aware of the details of the Battle of Maxia? <br>\r\nKAZAGO [on monitor]: Captain Bok has just made me aware of it, Riker.\r\nThe infamy of your Picard is now fully known. <br>\r\nRIKER: Infamy? <br>\r\nKAZAGO [on monitor]: I would call the wanton destruction of an unarmed\r\nvessel infamy. <br>\r\nRIKER: And if I produced evidence that Captain Picard's log entry was\r\nfalsified to indicate that? <br>\r\nKAZAGO [on monitor]: I can hardly imagine you contacted me to discuss\r\nan ancient battle. What do you want of me? <br>\r\nRIKER: Just one question. <br>\r\nKAZAGO [on monitor]: As you humans say, I'm all ears. <br>\r\nRIKER: First Officer to First Officer, Kazago, if your Captain Bok knew\r\nabout this, then why this peaceful meeting to present us with the\r\nStargazer? <br>\r\nKAZAGO [on monitor]: We freely give you back your derelict warship and\r\nnow you accuse us of crime, Riker? I can bear no more insults!\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Picard's quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(the doorbell chimes) <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes? Who the hell is it? <br>\r\n(Crusher enters_ <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Not resting, Captain? <br>\r\nPICARD: More like dying, Doctor. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Over here. <br>\r\nPICARD: What is wrong with me? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I wish to hell I knew, Captain, but something unusual has\r\ndefinitely been happening to you. <br>\r\nPICARD: Why do doctors always say the obvious as though it's a\r\nrevelation? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Why do captains always act like they're immortal? <br>\r\n(she tries another painkiller) <br>\r\nPICARD: No. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Ferengi Science Lab]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Bok turns up the device) </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Picard's Quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: You didn't tell me it had been this bad. <br>\r\nPICARD: It wasn't this bad. But it's getting worse. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: This should help a little. It's got to be some kind of\r\nemotional pressure connected with the Stargazer. <br>\r\nPICARD: I got this headache long before I even knew my old ship still\r\nexisted. Still, perhaps you're partly right. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Want to talk about it? I'm here. <br>\r\nPICARD: The fight at Maxia. I destroyed an entire vessel. An entire\r\ncrew. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Did you have a choice? <br>\r\nPICARD: I don't know anymore. I just don't know. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Commander Riker's told me about the altered log, if that's\r\nwhat's troubling you. <br>\r\nPICARD: The last three nights I've, I've heard these voices. I'm on the\r\nbridge of my old ship. There's fire all around me. The klaxons, smoke.\r\nAnd then I give the order. And now the Stargazer is really here!. And\r\nthat log. Am I going crazy? How do I know I was in my right mind at\r\nMaxia? How do I know I'm in my right mind now? <br>\r\n(Crusher gives him an injection) <br>\r\nPICARD: What was that? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Something to let you sleep. <br>\r\n(She helps him to his bed) <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes sleep. Sleep. <br>\r\n(Crusher puts two small devices on his forehead, turns the lights out\r\nand leaves) <br>\r\nVOICES [OC]: Shields weakening, Captain. Torpedoes armed. Where are\r\nthey? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Ferengi Science Lab]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">BOK: And now, dear Captain, you are ready to live\r\nthe past. <br>\r\n(He winds the contraption up to maximum)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Picard's quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">VOICES [OC] Where did they come from? Phasers, sir?\r\nSir? Sir? What should we do, sir? Should we fire back? Fire, Captain?\r\nFire!\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Ferengi Science Lab]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">BOK: You will injure yourself as you once injured\r\nme.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Picard's quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">VOICES [OC] Sir! <br>\r\n(Picard opens his eyes, and he sees the ghost of the Stargazer's bridge\r\nand her crew. He is reliving the past) <br>\r\nPICARD: Damage report! <br>\r\nVOICE [OC] Fusion generator under surge control, sir! Power systems\r\nfailing! <br>\r\nPICARD: Sensor beam bearing on hostile ship! <br>\r\nVOICE [OC] Seven mark nineteen, sir! <br>\r\nVOICE [OC]: Phasers, sir? Sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: Ready phasers, and lock! Stand by on warp nine. Heading seven,\r\nseven mark twenty. Engage. <br>\r\nPICARD: Steady. Now, reverse and stop! Phasers fire, torpedoes away!\r\nFire. Fire.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Ready Room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: By comparing the Stargazer's main computer\r\nlog with Captain Picard's personal log, I have found checksum\r\ndiscrepancies, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: What does that mean? <br>\r\nDATA: All information is time-coded by entry, and the bits when totaled\r\nproduce an aggregate amount which <br>\r\nRIKER: I don't want a computer science lesson, Data. Bottom line. <br>\r\nDATA: One of these two logs is a forgery, sir. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Correction. The log just found aboard the Stargazer is a\r\nforgery. <br>\r\nDATA: As I said, that is one of them, is it not? <br>\r\n(Picard enters) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Captain. You're looking better, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: A little sleep, thanks to the good Doctor, works wonders. What\r\nreport on the logs? <br>\r\nDATA: Yes, sir. Whoever tampered with your personal log was clever. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: But a bit clumsy. It's definitely a fabrication, sir. <br>\r\n(Crusher enters) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Number One, I'd like you to take a look at this brain scan\r\ngraph. What are you doing here? <br>\r\nPICARD: I thought I was Captain of this starship. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Of course you are, but I <br>\r\nPICARD: Thank you for the confirmation, Doctor. But now, except for\r\nRiker, I would like you all to return to your stations. Is that clear? <br>\r\nDATA: Sir. <br>\r\n(Data and Geordi leave) <br>\r\nPICARD: You too, Doctor. I have business with the Commander. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Under protest, Captain. <br>\r\n(Crusher leaves) <br>\r\nRIKER: You have orders for me, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: Release the Stargazer from the tractor beam, Number One. <br>\r\nRIKER: Sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: The tractor beam. <br>\r\nRIKER: Sir, are you abandoning? <br>\r\nPICARD: No, but her inertia will carry the Stargazer along with us. Or\r\ndid you sleep through the Academy lecture on conservation of tractor\r\nbeam power? <br>\r\nRIKER: No, sir. I'll release her, of course.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sickbay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(The output from the forehead devices is on a wall\r\ndisplay) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Obviously, there's some thought process disorder, but I can't\r\nfind a physical reason for it. Anything?&nbsp;<br>\r\nTROI: I'm puzzled too. I keep sensing random thoughts but two sets of\r\nthem. As if they were his, but intermixed other thoughts which are also\r\nhis. <br>\r\n(Wesley enters) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I'm busy at the moment, Wesley. <br>\r\nWESLEY: I know, Mom, but this is important. When I went back to the\r\nmain sensors in Engineering to try some more sensitivity experiments <br>\r\nTROI: Does this have something to do with Captain Picard? <br>\r\nWESLEY: Yes, ma'am, if this is what you're talking about here. I don't\r\nknow much about brain scans but I glanced at these when you were\r\nstudying them, and I noticed that these patterns are the same as those\r\npicked up from the low-intensity transmissions from the Ferengi ship. I\r\nwent back and checked, and they're exactly the same. <br>\r\nTROI: What kind of transmissions? <br>\r\nWESLEY: I don't know. Engineering has nothing like it on record. <br>\r\nTROI: Let's get to the Captain. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: No, they might be affecting the Captain. To Riker. <br>\r\n(Crusher and Troi leave) <br>\r\nWESLEY: You're welcome, ladies. Adults.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: The captain, Commander? <br>\r\nRIKER: Resting in his quarters after ordering both of you to your duty\r\nstations. <br>\r\nTROI: There have been some, did he say low intensity? Some unusual low\r\nintensity transmissions from the Ferengi vessel. <br>\r\nRIKER: Did who say? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: My son. Transmissions which exactly match certain anomalies\r\nfound in the Captain's brain scans. Something over there is affecting\r\nthe Captain's thought patterns. <br>\r\nRIKER: Computer, give me a location on Captain Picard. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Captain Picard is in Transporter room three. <br>\r\nRIKER: What? Computer, emergency order to Transporter room three. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: New information. Captain Picard is no longer aboard the\r\nEnterprise.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Stargazer Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Picard beams in and takes the Captain's chair) <br>\r\nBOK: Welcome back, Captain. <br>\r\n(Bok is holding the device he has been using on Picard) <br>\r\nPICARD: What is happening? <br>\r\nBOK: Shields up, computer. <br>\r\nPICARD: What are you doing? <br>\r\nBOK: Collecting on an old debt. <br>\r\n(Picard collapses in agony) </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Stargazer, Captain, respond! <br>\r\nTASHA: Shields up, sir. No way to beam over any help. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Commander, I'm reading something very strange here. A low\r\nintensity beam of intermittent pulse inside this starship. <br>\r\nDATA: I have a fix on it, sir. Inside Captain Picard's quarters. <br>\r\nTASHA: You transferred some of his belongings from the Stargazer? <br>\r\nWORF: Yes. Including a fairly heavy chest. <br>\r\nRIKER: Go take a look, fast! <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Commander, Stargazer is now powering up, sir.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Stargazer Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">BOK: I have been waiting a long nine years for\r\nthis, Picard. <br>\r\nPICARD: I don't know what you're talking about. <br>\r\nBOK: Do you not, human? Can you not remember the crime you committed\r\nagainst my very blood? You murdered my only son. <br>\r\nPICARD: Your son? <br>\r\nBOK: He was the commander of the ship you destroyed! On his first\r\nvoyage as DaiMon. <br>\r\nPICARD: The ship? The Ferengi ship that attacked me. Or is it about to\r\nattack me? <br>\r\nBOK: And I have spent these years searching, seeking a proper blood\r\nrevenge! And I found it! I am rich, Picard, yet two of these cost me\r\nthe profits of an entire life. You are back in command of the\r\nStargazer, Picard. Its computers will answer your orders. Die well,\r\nCaptain. <br>\r\n(Bok beams away)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">First officer's log. Captain Picard has beamed\r\nhimself to the Stargazer, which is now moving away from us under its\r\nown power.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Enterprise to Stargazer, please respond.\r\nEnterprise to Captain Picard aboard Stargazer. Please answer. Mister\r\nData, what was Stargazer's condition? <br>\r\nDATA: Considerable fire damage to interior surface reported, sir. But\r\nnone of her main systems were crippled. <br>\r\nRIKER: Armaments, Lieutenant Yar? <br>\r\nTASHA: Six photon torpedoes short, sir, probably used when the Captain\r\ndestroyed his Ferengi attackers nine years ago. Otherwise fully armed. <br>\r\n(Geordi is examining the globe device from the chest) <br>\r\nRIKER: What do you make of it, La Forge? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: It seems to be a network of miniature circuitry, sir.\r\nIncredibly complex. Maybe an amplifier. <br>\r\nRIKER: Where was it in the Captain's quarters, Mister Worf? <br>\r\nWORF: His chest from the Stargazer, sir? Just where I had left it. He\r\nhadn't yet unpacked. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: So, he may not have even known it was there. And if this is\r\nable to pick up or magnify thought-altering transmissions <br>\r\nTROI: It could have prepared him for whatever is happening now. <br>\r\nRIKER: Let's find out, or try to. Contact the Ferengi vessel,\r\nLieutenant. <br>\r\nTASHA: Hailing frequencies open, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: Enterprise to Ferengi vessel, we transmit visually. Do you\r\nrespond? <br>\r\nKAZAGO [on viewscreen]: Why is our gift to you under power, human? <br>\r\nRIKER: I will discuss that with your captain. <br>\r\nKAZAGO [on viewscreen]: He is working in our ship's laboratory. Where\r\nis your Captain? <br>\r\nRIKER: He's beamed himself aboard the Stargazer, and I'm wondering if\r\nthis has something to do with it. <br>\r\nKAZAGO [on viewscreen]: How do you have possession of that? <br>\r\nRIKER: It was found in our Captain's chest, which brought over from the\r\nStargazer. <br>\r\nKAZAGO [on viewscreen]: It is a forbidden device. A thought maker. If\r\nyour Captain is criminal enough to own one <br>\r\nRIKER: Kazago, you know who controls those spheres. Now I ask you\r\nagain, First Officer to First Officer. What's going on? <br>\r\nKAZAGO [on viewscreen]: It is not seemly to question one's own DaiMon,\r\nRiker. I am not prepared to do that. <br>\r\nTASHA: Sir, I have the Stargazer. <br>\r\nRIKER: Switch, now! Enterprise to Picard. <br>\r\nPICARD [on viewscreen]: Do not attack again! We are on a peaceful\r\nmission. Give your identity. You force us to defend ourselves. Phasers\r\nfull up. Arm torpedoes. Why aren't the shields at full power? <br>\r\nTASHA: We've lost him, sir. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: When he put up the shields, sir.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Stargazer Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Picard is surrounded by the ghosts of his crew,\r\nand the flames) <br>\r\nPICARD: Damn, I said put fusion generators under surge control. You're\r\nmoving too slowly. Arm the torpedoes, man!\r\nVigo! Get a fire control party up here! <br>\r\nVOICES [OC]: Shields weakening, Captain! Fusion generator online. <br>\r\nPICARD: Weapons report! <br>\r\nVOICE [OC]: Phasers coming to full charge, sir. Torpedoes armed! <br>\r\nPICARD: Who are they? Identify them! <br>\r\nVOICE [OC]: They're coming for a third pass at us, sir! <br>\r\nVOICE [OC]: We can't take another hit, Captain!\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TROI: Sir, I now feel anger from our Captain. Fury\r\nover whatever it is he is reliving out there. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: The Battle of Maxia, sir. That's what it is. <br>\r\nRIKER: The Picard Manoeuvre. What is the defence against that, Data? <br>\r\nDATA: There is no defence, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: Then devise one, fast! <br>\r\nKAZAGO [on viewscreen]: First Officer Kazago to human Riker. <br>\r\nRIKER: Not now, Kazago. <br>\r\nKAZAGO [on viewscreen]: We do not wish to become involved in what has\r\nbecome clearly a Federation matter. <br>\r\nRIKER: Fine, fine, Enterprise out! <br>\r\nKAZAGO [on viewscreen]: You should also know that DaiMon Bok no longer\r\ncommands this vessel. His First Officer has confined him for engaging\r\nin this unprofitable venture. Good luck, First Officer Riker. <br>\r\nDATA: I have computed a possibility, Commander. Since even deep space\r\ncontains trace gases, sir, a vessel in the Picard manoeuvre might seem\r\nto disappear, but our sensors could locate any sudden compression of\r\nthose gases. <br>\r\nRIKER: And use it as an aiming point and blow our Captain to bits? <br>\r\nDATA: This class starship has enough power to use our tractor beam on\r\nit. Seize it, limit it's field of fire. <br>\r\nRIKER: Right. Concentrate shields at that point. Make it so. I hope\r\nyou're right, Data. <br>\r\nDATA: No question of it, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: Stand by! <br>\r\n(Stargazer suddenly appears to be in two places at once) <br>\r\nRIKER: Lock on tractor beam. <br>\r\n(And the Stargazer is held)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Stargazer Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Ready phasers. <br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: Captain Picard, listen to me. <br>\r\nPICARD: Vigo, is that you? <br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: It's Commander Riker, sir! <br>\r\nRIKER [on viewscreen]: Captain, hear me! Look around you, the Ferengi\r\nare using their thought devices on you. <br>\r\nPICARD: Stand by. Who is this? <br>\r\nRIKER [on viewscreen]: It's Riker, sir. Your Number One. Look for a\r\nsilver sphere. Destroy it with your phaser. <br>\r\nPICARD: Phaser. A sphere. Bok used it. <br>\r\nRIKER [on viewscreen]: Destroy it! <br>\r\nPICARD: Phaser. Destroy the sphere. Destroy the sphere. <br>\r\n(After some hesitation, Picard destroys the sphere. The resulting\r\nexplosion throws him across the Bridge)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Are you all right, Captain? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Stargazer Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER [OC[: Captain? Captain, are you all right?\r\nCaptain, are you all right? <br>\r\nPICARD: Where am I, Number One? <br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: Aboard the Stargazer, sir. The sphere you destroyed, it's\r\nbeen controlling your <br>\r\nPICARD: Bok! Where is Bok? <br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: Removed from command, sir. Placed under guard for his act\r\nof personal vengeance. Seems there was no profit in it. <br>\r\nPICARD: In revenge, there never is. Let the dead rest. And the past\r\nremain the past. Enterprise, lock on. Beam me home, Riker.\r\n</font> </p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n</center>\r\n</div>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><a href=\"episodes.htm\"><font color=\"#2867d0\">&lt;Back\r\nto the episode listing</font></a></font></p>\r\n<p><font color=\"#000000\" face=\"Arial\" size=\"1\"><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">Star Trek � and related\r\nmarks are trademarks of<a href=\"\"> <font color=\"#2867d0\">CBS Studios Inc</font></a>.\r\nCopyright � 1966, Present. The Star Trek web pages on this site are for\r\neducational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights\r\nproperty of their respective holders.</font></font></p>\r\n</body></html>"},{"episode":"111.htm","data":"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n<html lang=\"en-gb\"><head>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-1252\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en-gb\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Enterprise, NCC1701D, Episodes, Transcripts, Hide and Q, Jean-Luc Picard, William Thomas Riker, Geordi LaForge, Tasha Yar, Worf, Beverly Crusher, Data, Wesley Crusher, Q\">\r\n<meta name=\"Keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Transcripts, Hide and Q\">\r\n<meta name=\"Description\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation episode transcripts\"><title>The Next Generation Transcripts - Hide and Q</title>\r\n\r\n</head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"#d5d5d5\" dir=\"ltr\">\r\n<p><font color=\"#2867d0\" face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"5\"><b>Hide\r\nand Q</b></font><br>\r\n<font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Stardate:\r\n41590.5<br>\r\nOriginal Airdate: 23 Nov, 1987<br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n<center>\r\n<table border=\"0\" width=\"85%\">\r\n<tbody>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td align=\"left\" width=\"85%\"> <font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">\r\nCaptain's log, stardate 41590.5. Having dropped off Counsellor Troi at\r\nStarbase G6 for a shuttle to visit home, we were fortunately close to\r\nthe Sigma Three solar system when its Federation colony transmitted an\r\nurgent call for medical help. An accidental explosion has devastated a\r\nmining operation there. </font>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"> <b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: Include a burn unit with each kit. Upon\r\narrival, identify the most critically injured and beam them up to cargo\r\nbay six. <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: Doctor Crusher, this is the Captain. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Doctor Crusher here. <br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Additional information. The number of\r\ncolonists at the site is five hundred and four. Are you prepared for\r\nthat many, Doctor? <br>\r\nCRUSHER [OC]: We believe so, sir. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Captain, we are now at warp nine point one, sir. <br>\r\nDATA: Which will bring us to the colony in three point two hours, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: Captain, I have a schematic of the explosion site. It suggests\r\nthe cause as a methane-like gas seeping in from underground. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Captain, I'm picking up a forcefield out there of some kind.\r\nIt's almost <br>\r\n(The chain-link that envelopes the Enterprise is straight out of <a href=\"101.htm\" style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0);\"> Encounter At\r\nFarpoint)</a> <br>\r\nDATA: The Q entity, sir. It is identical to the grid we encountered\r\nwhen <br>\r\nWORF: It reads solid, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Emergency. Full stop. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Reversing power, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Not now, damn it, Q. <br>\r\nTASHA: Shields and deflectors up, sir.<br>\r\nLAFORGE: Now reading full stop, sir.<br>\r\n(There's a flash, and something similar to Prince of Wales' feathers\r\nhovers) <br>\r\nQ: Humans, I thought by now you would have scampered back to your own\r\nlittle star system. <br>\r\nPICARD: If this is Q I'm addressing, we are on a mission of rescue\r\nwhere a group of badly injured <br>\r\nQ: We the Q have studied our recent contact with you, and are\r\nimpressed. We have much to discuss, including perhaps the realisation\r\nof your most impossible dream. <br>\r\nPICARD: However intriguing that may be, we are now in the midst of an\r\nurgent journey. Once that is completed, then, perhaps <br>\r\nQ: You will abandon that mission, Captain. My business with you takes\r\nprecedence. If my magnificence blinds you, then perhaps something more\r\nfamiliar. <br>\r\n(Flash, and the familiar human shape of John de Lancie, this time\r\ncostumed as) <br>\r\nQ: Starfleet Admiral Q, at your service. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, supplemental. Our rescue mission to\r\nthe Sigma Three solar system has been halted by an immense grid and an\r\nuntimely visit from Q\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: You're no Starfleet Admiral, Q. <br>\r\nQ: Neither am I an Aldebaran serpent, Captain, but you accepted me as\r\nsuch. <br>\r\nRIKER: He's got us there, Captain. <br>\r\nQ: The redoubtable Commander Riker, whom I noticed before. You seem to\r\nfind this all very amusing. <br>\r\nRIKER: I might, if we weren't on our way to help some suffering and\r\ndying humans who <br>\r\nQ: Your species is always suffering and dying. <br>\r\nPICARD: No, Lieutenant Worf. You'll make no move against him unless I\r\norder it. <br>\r\nQ: Pity. You might have learned an interesting lesson. Macro head with\r\na micro brain. <br>\r\nPICARD: You said you had the realisation of impossible dreams to offer\r\nus. When this rescue is completed, I am prepared to listen carefully to\r\nwhatever proposal you wish to make and subject to it being acceptable <br>\r\nQ: Subject to your foolish human values? Oh, come, Picard. Why do you\r\ndistrust me so? <br>\r\nPICARD: Why? At our first meeting you seized my vessel. You condemned\r\nall humans as savages, and on that charge you tried us in a post-atomic\r\ntwenty first century court of horrors, where you attacked my people.\r\nYou again seized my vessel. <br>\r\nQ: And that angered you, did it? Seized my vessel, seized my vessel. <br>\r\nPICARD: You interfered with our Farpoint mission. You threatened to\r\nconvict us as ignorant savages, if, while dealing with a powerful and\r\ncomplex life forms, we made the slightest mistake, and when that didn't\r\nhappen <br>\r\nQ: The Q became interested in you. Does no one here understand your\r\nincredible good fortune? Seized my vessel. These are the complaints of\r\na closed mind too accustomed to military privileges. But you, Riker,\r\nand I remember you well, what do you make of my offer? <br>\r\nRIKER: We don't have time for these games. <br>\r\nQ: Games? Did someone say games? And perchance for interest's sake, a\r\ndeadly game? To the game.<br>\r\n(A flash, and Picard is alone on the Bridge)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(sand and rocks under a green sky with yellow\r\nhorizon) <br>\r\nRIKER: Where are we? <br>\r\nDATA: Obviously a class M world. Gravity and oxygen within our limits. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Twin moons. Where are we? <br>\r\nDATA: Considering the power demonstrated by Q the last time, anywhere.\r\nAssuming this place even exists. <br>\r\nRIKER: But this won't be boring. If Q is anything, he's imaginative.\r\nApparently our Captain wasn't meant to be with us here. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Security, this is the Captain. Security?\r\nEngineering, this is the Bridge. <br>\r\n(Control panels don't operate. Doors don't open) <br>\r\nPICARD: Turbolift Control, do you read? This is the Captain. <br>\r\n(But answer came there none)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: Sir! Over here. <br>\r\n(It's Q, in a French uniform complete with tricorn hat and tricolor\r\ncockade) <br>\r\nQ: Join me, Riker. A good game needs rules and planning. Wasn't it your\r\nown Hartley who said, nothing reveals humanity so well as the games it\r\nplays? Almost right. Actually, you reveal yourselves best in how you\r\nplay. <br>\r\nDATA: Sir, what he has in mind might provide us with vital information.\r\n<br>\r\n(Riker joins Q at a table in front of a tent. He picks up a glass to\r\ndrink) <br>\r\nRIKER: Incredible. I was just thinking about an old-fashioned lemonade.\r\n<br>\r\nQ: And so it became that. An excellent thirst quencher. It gets rather\r\nhot out on this plain. <br>\r\nRIKER: What about my people? <br>\r\nQ: Whatever they'd like, of course! <br>\r\n(Glasses appear in everyone's hands. Worf ostentatiously pours his onto\r\nthe ground) <br>\r\nQ: Drink not with thine enemy. The rigid Klingon code. That explains\r\nsomething of why you defeated them. <br>\r\nRIKER: You're still fascinated with the human past? Perhaps you're not\r\nthat original. <br>\r\nQ: Au contraire! It's the human future which intrigues us, and should\r\nconcern you most. You see, of all species, yours cannot abide\r\nstagnation. Change is at the heart of what you are. But change into\r\nwhat? That's the question. <br>\r\nDATA: That is what humans call a truism. <br>\r\nQ: You mean hardly original? <br>\r\nRIKER: You're the one who said it. While we're at it, this isn't part\r\nof any human future. <br>\r\nQ: True. I borrowed this from your stodgy Captain's mind. This is\r\ndressing for a game that we will play. Now games require rules and\r\nrewards and\r\ndangers and familiar settings. That sort of thing. <br>\r\nRIKER: This isn't that familiar to me. Data? <br>\r\nDATA: This is from Europe's Napoleonic era, sir. Late eighteenth, early\r\nnineteenth centuries. This is a campaign headquarters tent, his uniform\r\nis that of a French Army marshal. <br>\r\nRIKER: And a marshal outranks even an Admiral <br>\r\nQ: Well, do you think I would go from a Starfleet Admiral to anything\r\nelse? <br>\r\nRIKER: Of course you wouldn't. But Napoleonic equipment on an alien\r\nplanet. One so different it has twin moons? <br>\r\nQ: Well, as you said, I'm nothing if not imaginative. And the game\r\nshould reflect that. Shall it be a test of strength? Meaningless, since\r\nyou have none. A test of intelligence, then? Equally as meaningless.\r\nBut it needs risk, something to win and something to lose. <br>\r\nRIKER: If we must play a game, what would we win? <br>\r\nQ: The greatest possible future that you can imagine. Which, of course,\r\nrequires something totally disastrous if you lose. Now the point of\r\nthis game shall be, can any of you can stay alive? <br>\r\nWORF: If your game is fair, we will. <br>\r\nQ: Oh, for shame, Worf. Fairness is such a human concept. Think\r\nimaginatively! This game shall in fact be completely unfair. <br>\r\nTASHA: You've gone too far! <br>\r\nQ: Game penalty! <br>\r\n(Tasha vanishes) <br>\r\nRIKER: Where is she, Q? You can forget your game if <br>\r\nQ: To use a twentieth century term, she's in a penalty box. Where she\r\nwill remain unharmed unless one of you merits a penalty. Unfortunately,\r\nthere is only one penalty box. If any of you should be sent there, dear\r\nTasha must give the box up to you. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: And where does she go? <br>\r\nQ: Into nothingness. I entreat you to carefully obey the rules of the\r\ngame. The only one who can destroy your Tasha now is you.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Captain's log <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Captain's log <br>\r\nPICARD: Damn it. I can't even make a log entry. <br>\r\nTASHA: I wish I could help you, Captain.&nbsp;<br>\r\nPICARD: Where is everyone else? <br>\r\nTASHA: Down on some planet. <br>\r\nPICARD: Some planet? What are you doing here? <br>\r\nTASHA: Well, I, er. It sounds strange, but I'm in a penalty box. <br>\r\nPICARD: A penalty box? <br>\r\nTASHA: Q's penalty box. It sounds strange, but it definitely isn't. I\r\nknow that one more penalty by anyone and I'm gone. <br>\r\nPICARD: Gone? <br>\r\nTASHA: Yes! I am gone! It is so frustrating to be controlled like this!\r\n<br>\r\nPICARD: Lieutenant. Tasha, it's all right. <br>\r\nTASHA: What the hell am I doing? Crying? <br>\r\nPICARD: Don't worry. There's a new ship's standing order on the Bridge.\r\nWhen one is in the penalty box, tears are permitted. <br>\r\nTASHA: Captain. Oh, if you weren't a captain. <br>\r\nQ: Consorting with lower rank females, Captain? Especially ones in\r\npenalty boxes? Destructive to discipline, they say. But then again,\r\nyou're what? You're only human? Penalty over. <br>\r\nPICARD: A marshal of France? Ridiculous! <br>\r\nQ: One takes what jobs he can get. For example, star log entry,\r\nstardate today. This is Q, speaking for Captain Jean-Luc Picard, who we\r\nconsider too bound by Starfleet customs and traditions to be useful to\r\nus. The Enterprise is now helpless, stuck like an Earth insect in amber\r\nwhile its bridge crew plays out a game whose real intent is to test\r\nwhether the First Officer is worthy of the greatest gift the Q can\r\noffer. <br>\r\nPICARD: So you're taking on Riker this time. Excellent. He'll defeat\r\nyou just as I did. <br>\r\nQ: Shall we wager on that, Captain? Your starship command against? <br>\r\nPICARD: Against your keeping out of humanity's path for ever. Done? <br>\r\nQ: Done! You've already lost, Picard. Riker will be offered something\r\nimpossible to refuse.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Geordi, can you see Worf? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I'd see the freckles on his nose if he had them, sir. He's at\r\nthe third ridge. <br>\r\nDATA: The third ridge? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Moving well too. Oh, oh. Good, he sees them. <br>\r\n(Them being soldiers in an camp. And they grunt like pigs. Worf runs\r\nback) </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Ready Room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Listen to me, Q. You seem to have some need\r\nfor humans. <br>\r\nQ: Concern regarding them. <br>\r\nPICARD: Whatever it is, why do you demonstrate it through this\r\nconfrontation? Why not a simple, direct explanation, a statement of\r\nwhat you seek? Why these games? <br>\r\nQ: Why these games? Why, the play's the thing. And I'm surprised you\r\nhave to ask when your human Shakespeare explained it all so well. <br>\r\nPICARD: So he did, but don't depend too much on any single viewpoint <br>\r\nQ: It's a pity you don't know the content of your own library. Hear\r\nthis, Picard, and reflect. All the galaxy's a stage. <br>\r\nPICARD: World, not galaxy. All the world's a stage. <br>\r\nQ: Oh, you know that one? Well, if he were living now he would have\r\nsaid galaxy. How about this? Life is but a walking shadow, a poor\r\nplayer that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard\r\nno more. It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,\r\nsignifying nothing. <br>\r\nPICARD: I see. So how we respond to a game tells you more about us than\r\nour real life, this tale told by an idiot? Interesting, Q. <br>\r\nQ: Oh, thank you very much. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Perhaps maybe a\r\nlittle Hamlet? <br>\r\nPICARD: Oh, no. I know Hamlet. And what he might said with irony, I say\r\nwith conviction. What a piece of work is man. How noble in reason. How\r\ninfinite in faculty. In form, in moving, how express and admirable. In\r\naction, how like an angel. In apprehension, how like a god. <br>\r\nQ: Surely you don't really see your species like that, do you? <br>\r\nPICARD: I see us one day becoming that, Q. Is it that what concerns\r\nyou?\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: Those soldiers have formed a skirmishing\r\nline, I think you'd call it, and they're headed this way. <br>\r\nRIKER: Armed with ancient ball and powder muskets? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: That's what their weapons look like, sir. <br>\r\nDATA: Muskets are appropriate to the 1790 to 1800 French army uniform,\r\nsir. But it is hardly a weapon by our standards. A lead ball propelled\r\nby gunpowder. One hundred metres at best with any accuracy. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Yeah, but against phasers? Just one of our hand phasers could\r\nfinish off an entire regiment. <br>\r\nRIKER: Except for one thing. It hardly sounds like Q to give us an\r\nadvantage like that. Unless. <br>\r\n(He does a test firing. A rock blows up most satisfactorily) <br>\r\nWORF: Drop your weapons! <br>\r\nRIKER: I'm afraid that was me, Worf. I was checking to see if the\r\nphasers still operate. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Incredible, Worf! You came out of nowhere. <br>\r\nWORF: A warrior's reaction. <br>\r\nRIKER: Report. What did you find? <br>\r\nWORF: Sir, what they're wearing may be old Earth uniforms, but what's\r\ninside of them isn't human at all. More like vicious animal things. <br>\r\n(And here they come) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Those soldiers are moving in fast, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: Data, if you've got a theory about what's happening? <br>\r\n(But it's not Data, it's Q made up to look like him) <br>\r\nQ (DATA): Think fast, Commander Riker, and move fast. <br>\r\n(One of the soldiers fires. An energy bolt comes from the musket) <br>\r\nRIKER: Those aren't muskets. <br>\r\n(He vapourises two soldiers) <br>\r\nQ (DATA): You have only one chance to save them now. Send them back to\r\nthe ship. <br>\r\nRIKER: You'll let me beam them? <br>\r\nQ (DATA): Send them the same way as I do. I've given you that power. Do\r\nyou understand? I have given you the power of the Q. Use it. <br>\r\n(Q vanishes) <br>\r\nQ [OC]: Use your power. <br>\r\n(The real Data reappears) <br>\r\nQ [OC]: Use your power. <br>\r\n(Riker holds up his hand and beams Worf, Data and Geordi away)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(The forcefield vanishes while Tasha is sitting\r\nalone on the Bridge. Everything comes back to life and Picard comes out\r\nof the Ready room) <br>\r\nPICARD: Lieutenant, take the conn position. Engineering, this is the\r\nBridge. <br>\r\nCREWMAN [OC]: Engineering here, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Engineering, are all systems back online? <br>\r\nCREWMAN [OC]: Back online, sir? They were never off. <br>\r\nTASHA: Captain, you'd better look at this. There's been no interruption\r\nin course or speed. Both have remained constant. It's as though we\r\nnever stopped. <br>\r\nPICARD: We never did, Lieutenant. Q suspended time. <br>\r\n(Worf, Data and Geordi appear) <br>\r\nTASHA: Where's Commander Riker? <br>\r\nWORF: He was with us. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: He must still be on the planet. We were under attack by these,\r\nthese animal things. <br>\r\nPICARD: Animal things? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Well, maybe Data could explain better, sir. <br>\r\nDATA: You may find it aesthetically displeasing, sir. I could just file\r\na computer report on that. <br>\r\nPICARD: Data! <br>\r\nTASHA: Sir, the important thing right now is why is Commander Riker\r\nmissing? <br>\r\nPICARD: Understood, Lieutenant, but I suspect that Commander Riker is\r\nprobably perfectly safe, at least in a physical sense. Q has an\r\ninterest in him. In fact, Q's entire visit has something to do with our\r\nFirst Officer. <br>\r\nDATA: And the reason for that, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: I wish I knew. Q first became interested in him at Farpoint. I\r\nhave no idea what it means. Meanwhile, we must proceed with our rescue\r\nmission.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Riker is sitting on a rock, laughing) <br>\r\nQ: Something amuses you? Perhaps you'll share the joke with me? <br>\r\nRIKER: The joke is you. <br>\r\nQ: Strange gratitude, from one who has been granted a gift beyond any\r\nhuman dream. How can you not appreciate being able to send your friends\r\nback to their ship, or sending the soldiers back to the nothingness\r\nfrom which they came?\r\nCertainly, you must understand that at this moment you can send\r\nyourself back to the ship or to Earth, or change your shape and become\r\nanything else you want to be. <br>\r\nRIKER: What do you need, Q? <br>\r\nQ: Need? <br>\r\nRIKER: You want something from us, desperately. What is it? <br>\r\nQ: Want something from you foolish, fragile, non-entities? Oh come,\r\nRiker. You're beginning to sound like your Captain. <br>\r\nRIKER: Now that's a compliment, Q. But that's not an answer. <br>\r\nQ: Riker, we have offered you a gift beyond all other gifts! <br>\r\nRIKER: Out of the goodness of your heart. <br>\r\nQ: After Farpoint, I returned to where we exist. The Q Continuum. <br>\r\nRIKER: Which means exactly what? <br>\r\nQ: The limitless dimensions of the galaxy in which we exist. <br>\r\nRIKER: I don't understand. <br>\r\nQ: Of course you don't, and you never will until you become one of us. <br>\r\nRIKER: Until? Would you mind going over that again? <br>\r\nQ: Well if you'll stop interrupting me. This is hardly a time to be\r\nteaching you the true nature of the universe. However, at Farpoint we\r\nsaw you as savages only. We discovered instead that you are unusual\r\ncreatures in your own limited ways. Ways which in time will not be so\r\nlimited. <br>\r\nRIKER: We're growing. Something about us compels us to learn, explore. <br>\r\nQ: Yes, the human compulsion. And unfortunately for us, it is a power\r\nwhich will grow stronger century after century, aeon after aeon. <br>\r\nRIKER: Aeons. Have you any idea how far we'll advance? <br>\r\nQ: Perhaps in a future that you cannot yet conceive, even beyond us. So\r\nyou see, we must know more about this human condition. That's why we've\r\nselected you, Riker, to become part of the Q, so that you can bring to\r\nus this human need and hunger, that we may understand it. <br>\r\nRIKER: I suppose you mean that as a compliment, Q. Or maybe it's my\r\nlimited mind. But to become a part of you? I don't even like you. <br>\r\nQ: You're going to miss me! <br>\r\n(Q vanishes and the Bridge crew appear) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Come on, not again! <br>\r\nWESLEY: Commander Riker, what's going on? I was sitting in school and <br>\r\nTASHA: Worf, my phaser's gone. Are you armed? <br>\r\nWORF: No. <br>\r\n(The animal solders advance) <br>\r\nPICARD: Where is Q? If you have any answer to any of this? <br>\r\n(Worf charges to meet their enemy. He knocks two down before being\r\nbayoneted in the stomach) <br>\r\nWESLEY: Worf! <br>\r\n(He dashes to Worf) <br>\r\nRIKER: Look out! <br>\r\nPICARD: Wesley, no! <br>\r\n(Wesley gets bayoneted from behind. I confess, I cheered) <br>\r\nRIKER: Wesley! <br>\r\nPICARD: Wesley! <br>\r\nRIKER: No! Damn it! Damn it to hell! <br>\r\n(Riker throws up a Q forcefield in front of the soldiers) <br>\r\nPICARD: Riker. You! You did that! <br>\r\nRIKER: And that's not all!\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(They are all back on the Bridge, alive and well,\r\nincluding Wesley - sob) <br>\r\nPICARD: That grid, their wounds. Only the Q can do that. <br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, stardate 41591.4. Twelve minutes out\r\nfrom Quadra Sigma Three where the survivors of an underground disaster\r\ndesperately need our help. Aboard the Enterprise, First Officer William\r\nT. Riker needs help nearly as badly. But this is a subject far out of\r\nmy experience. Out of any human's experience.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Ready Room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Will. How the hell do I advise you? You\r\nknow the implications as well as I. <br>\r\nRIKER: No one has ever offered to turn me into a god before. <br>\r\nPICARD: What the Q has offered you has got to be close to immortality,\r\nWill. They're not lying about controlling space and time. We've seen it\r\nin what they can do. <br>\r\nRIKER: You've also seen it in what I can do. <br>\r\nPICARD: If you are going to refuse his offer, you must not allow\r\nyourself to use this power again. It's too great a temptation for us at\r\nour present stage of development. <br>\r\nRIKER: Are you worried that I won't be able to say no to it? <br>\r\nPICARD: You tell me. Are you strong enough to refuse to use that power.\r\n<br>\r\nRIKER: Certainly. <br>\r\nPICARD: No matter how tempted? No matter how difficult Q makes it for\r\nyou? <br>\r\nRIKER: You have my word. <br>\r\nPICARD: Good. I know what your word means. <br>\r\nDATA [OC]: In orbit of Quadra Sigma Three, sir. Ready to beam down\r\nrescue team to underground emergency area.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Disaster Area]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: This way sir. <br>\r\n(Data forces open a jammed door and they enter a room with some water\r\non the floor and people groaning. Crusher and her medics start tending\r\nto them) <br>\r\nRIKER: Are there any others? <br>\r\nWOMAN: Gone. It's just us. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Commander. (by a rock fall) There's someone under here. <br>\r\n(Data tosses rocks as if they were made of polystyrene, which they are)\r\n<br>\r\nLAFORGE: You're getting close, Data. <br>\r\n(Data uncovers a little girl, and lifts her out. Check the number on\r\nthe pipe on the wall) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: It's too late. She's dead. If only we'd gotten here a little\r\nsooner. <br>\r\nDATA: Sir, if indeed you have the power of Q. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I don't understand. Certainly you can't bring her back to\r\nlife. <br>\r\nRIKER: I can't. I'm prevented from that by a promise. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: I should never have made that agreement with\r\nyou. I could have saved that child. <br>\r\nPICARD: You were right not to try. Once you became accustomed to that\r\npower, Number One. <br>\r\nRIKER: When I used it before, what happened? I saved most of our Bridge\r\ncrew. <br>\r\nPICARD: And when you grow to like it too much? <br>\r\nRIKER: As soon as it's convenient Captain, I want a meeting with you\r\nand your Bridge staff. <br>\r\nPICARD: As soon as we are secure of this rescue operation, I'll discuss\r\nall of this new power <br>\r\n(But Riker has already gone to the turbolift) <br>\r\n(Later, Riker returns) <br>\r\nPICARD: We can confer here on the Bridge, if no one has any objections.\r\n<br>\r\nRIKER: The Bridge will be fine, since I've called the entire staff. <br>\r\nPICARD: Correction, Number One. Knowing the decision you face, I have\r\npermitted you this gathering. <br>\r\nRIKER: Of course, Jean-Luc. <br>\r\n(Crusher and Wesley enter) <br>\r\nRIKER: Wesley, this meeting is not for you. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Why not, sir? You helped make me a Bridge officer. Acting\r\nEnsign. <br>\r\nRIKER: All right, he stays. Because I've been given unusual powers, I\r\nam not suddenly a monster. Except for these abilities, and I don't yet\r\nknow how far they go, I'm the same William T. Riker you've always\r\nknown. Well? Everyone still looks uncomfortable. <br>\r\nPICARD: Perhaps they're all remembering that old saying. Power\r\ncorrupts. <br>\r\nRIKER: And absolute power corrupts absolutely. Do you believe I haven't\r\nthought of that, Jean-Luc? <br>\r\nPICARD: And have you noticed how you and I are now on a first name\r\nbasis? Number One, Will, something has happened already. <br>\r\nRIKER: In what way? Haven't you seen how much I regretted not saving\r\nthat child? Using the Q power to save her may not have been wrong. No\r\nmore than it was wrong to save the rest of you from those soldier\r\nthings. <br>\r\nPICARD: Let's keep in mind that that particular danger was invented by\r\nQ. <br>\r\nTASHA: What we represent to the Q, Commander, are lowly animals,\r\ntormented into performing for their amusement. <br>\r\nRIKER: Actually, they think highly of us, Tasha. We have a quality of\r\ngrowth which they admire. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Or fear. <br>\r\nPICARD: No, we've learned the Q do not admire us. The Q has muddled\r\nyour mind. <br>\r\nRIKER: Don't you understand his incredible gift to me? <br>\r\nQ: Are these truly your friends, brother? <br>\r\n(Everyone turns to see Q in a monk's habit) <br>\r\nQ: Let us pray. For understanding and for compassion. <br>\r\nPICARD: Let us do no such damned thing! What is this need of yours for\r\ncostumes, Q? Have you no identity of your own? <br>\r\nQ: I come in search of the truth. <br>\r\nPICARD: You come in search of what humanity is! <br>\r\nQ: I forgive your blasphemy. <br>\r\nPICARD: Don't you see, Riker? He's nothing but a flim-flam man! He's\r\nbeen that ever since we first met him at Farpoint. <br>\r\nWORF: Flim-flam? <br>\r\nQ: You offer Riker jealousy. What I offer him is clearly beyond your\r\ncomprehension. How can you claim friendship for Riker while obstructing\r\nhis way to the greatest adventure ever offered a human? <br>\r\nPICARD: Obstructing him? Then it's not yet certain. He's not yet\r\ncommitted. <br>\r\nQ: The truly evil part of this, Captain, is your jealousy. (to Riker)\r\nYou love each one of your people. Demonstrate it. You have the power to\r\nleave each of them with a gift proving your affection. <br>\r\nRIKER: There'd be no harm, would there, if I gave them something I know\r\nthey'd like? <br>\r\nQ: How touching. A plea to his former Captain. May I please give some\r\nhappiness to my friends, sir? Please sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: In fact I authorise and support your idea, Riker. Please, feel\r\nfree to cooperate with him if you wish. <br>\r\nDATA: Are you certain, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: Quite certain, Data. By all means, demonstrate your gifts of\r\naffection. <br>\r\nRIKER: Don't be frightened. There is no way I could harm any of you.\r\nShall I guess your dreams? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Leave now, Wesley. <br>\r\nRIKER: No! Wesley, I may know best of all. Our friendship, our long\r\ntalks <br>\r\nCRUSHER: No, please! <br>\r\nRIKER: Have your favourite wish, my young friend. <br>\r\n(Wesley is transformed from teenager to hunk) <br>\r\nRIKER: You're ten years older. A man. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Hey, Wes. Not bad. <br>\r\nRIKER: Data. <br>\r\nDATA: No. No, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: But it's what you've always wanted, Data, to become human. <br>\r\nDATA: Yes, sir, that is true. But I never wanted to compound one\r\nillusion with another. It might be real to Q, perhaps even you, sir.\r\nBut it would not be so to me. Was it not one of the Captain's favourite\r\nauthors who wrote, This above all, to thine own self be true? Sorry,\r\nCommander, I must decline. <br>\r\nRIKER: Well, my friend, I know what you want. <br>\r\n(He waves his hand in front of Geordi and takes off the visor) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: (to Tasha) You're as beautiful as I imagined, and more. <br>\r\nRIKER: Then we can throw away the visor? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I don't think so, sir. The price is a little high for me, and\r\nI don't like who I would have to thank. Make me the way I was. Please! <br>\r\n(Riker does) <br>\r\nRIKER: Proud warrior Worf, without a single tie to his own kind. <br>\r\n(A Klingon woman is kneeling at his feet. She gets up, tries to swipe\r\nat Tasha, and gets knocked down by Worf) <br>\r\nWORF: No! She is from a world now alien to me! <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Worf, is this your idea of sex? <br>\r\nWORF: This is sex. But I have no place for it in my life now. <br>\r\nQ: No place, micro-brain? What possesses you? <br>\r\nWESLEY: Commander Riker, it's too soon for this. <br>\r\nRIKER: If this is because your mother objects? <br>\r\nWESLEY: No. I just want to get there on my own. Honest. <br>\r\nQ: But it's easier, boy. Listen to Riker. <br>\r\nRIKER: How did you know, sir? I feel like such an idiot. <br>\r\nPICARD: Quite right. So you should. It's all over, Q. You have no\r\nfurther business here. <br>\r\nQ: Human, you have just destroyed yourself. <br>\r\nPICARD: Pay off your wager. <br>\r\nQ: I recall no wager! <br>\r\nPICARD: I'm sure your fellow Q remember you agreed to never trouble our\r\nspecies again. Just as they're aware you failed to tempt a human to\r\njoin you. <br>\r\nQ: (to the ceiling) No, if I could just do one more thing. <br>\r\nPICARD: Q, I strongly suspect it's some explaining you have to do now. <br>\r\n(Q screams as he disappears. Wesley returns to gangly teenager, the\r\nKlingon woman vanishes and everyone is moved to new positions) <br>\r\nPICARD: Extraordinary! <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Captain, we are showing that same hole in time again. Our\r\ninstruments say we've just now beamed back from our rescue mission. <br>\r\nDATA: Sir, how is it that the Q can handle time and space so well, and\r\nus so badly? <br>\r\nPICARD: Perhaps some day we will discover that space and time are\r\nsimpler than the human equation. No coordinates laid in, Number One? <br>\r\nRIKER: Yes, sir. You have my coordinates, La Forge. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye, sir. On the board. <br>\r\nPICARD: Engage. </font> </p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n</center>\r\n</div>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><a href=\"episodes.htm\"><font color=\"#2867d0\">&lt;Back\r\nto the episode listing</font></a></font></p>\r\n<p><font color=\"#000000\" face=\"Arial\" size=\"1\"><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">Star Trek � and related\r\nmarks are trademarks of<a href=\"\"> <font color=\"#2867d0\">CBS Studios Inc</font></a>.\r\nCopyright � 1966, Present. The Star Trek web pages on this site are for\r\neducational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights\r\nproperty of their respective holders.</font></font></p>\r\n</body></html>"},{"episode":"112.htm","data":"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n<html lang=\"en-gb\"><head>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-1252\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en-gb\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Enterprise, NCC1701D, Episodes, Transcripts, Too Short A Season, Jean-Luc Picard, William Thomas Riker, Geordi LaForge, Tasha Yar, Worf, Beverly Crusher, Deanna Troi, Data, Wesley Crusher, Admiral Mark Jameson, Anne Jameson, Karnas, Mordan\">\r\n<meta name=\"Keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Transcripts, Too Short A Season\">\r\n<meta name=\"Description\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation episode transcripts\"><title>The Next Generation Transcripts - Too Short A Season</title></head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"#d5d5d5\" dir=\"ltr\">\r\n<p><font color=\"#2867d0\" face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"5\"><b>Too\r\nShort A Season</b></font><br>\r\n<font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Stardate:\r\n41309.5<br>\r\nOriginal Airdate: 8 Feb, 1988<br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n<center>\r\n<table border=\"0\" width=\"85%\">\r\n<tbody>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td align=\"left\" width=\"85%\"> <font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">\r\nCaptain's log, stardate 41309.5. We are in orbit around Persephone\r\nFive, where I have been sent to confer with Admiral Mark Jameson in\r\nregard to an extraordinary situation.\r\n</font>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(A very old man is on the viewscreen) <br>\r\nPICARD: Starfleet received this subspace transmission two days ago,\r\nAdmiral. <br>\r\nJAMESON [on viewscreen]: Let's see it, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: On viewer. <br>\r\n(A middle aged man sitting behind an empty desk) <br>\r\nKARNAS [on viewscreen]: I am Karnas, governor of Mordan Four. A\r\ndissident group of terrorists have taken Federation Ambassador Hawkins\r\nand his staff hostage. They will not discuss terms with me. This is a\r\ncrisis I cannot resolve. The terrorists are demanding a Federation\r\nnegotiator. I feel there is only one negotiator with the skills to\r\nresolve the situation. The lives of the hostages will depend on\r\nStarfleet delivering this man to Mordan.\r\nCommander Mark Jameson. Admiral Jameson. The terrorists have given you\r\nsix Earth days to bring him here, or the hostages will die. <br>\r\nPICARD: Starfleet cannot understand how or why this situation has\r\ndeveloped. Mordan Four has finally gained peace after decades of civil\r\nwar <br>\r\nJAMESON [on viewscreen]: Forty years of civil war, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes, sir. Karnas was largely responsible for the planet's\r\nunification and peace. Why should he now be unable to deal with this\r\nrebellious faction? <br>\r\nJAMESON [on viewscreen]: Forty-five years ago I negotiated a hostage\r\nsituation on Mordan, Captain. Karnas was a young man then, but so was\r\nI. He seems to feel that I can handle the situation again. <br>\r\nPICARD: I'm detailed to take you to Mordan Four as soon as you can be\r\nready, Admiral. <br>\r\nJAMESON: My wife and I will beam aboard at fifteen hundred hours,\r\nCaptain. Acknowledge. <br>\r\nPICARD: Received and acknowledged, sir. Picard out. <br>\r\nTROI: Nearly fifteen hundred now, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Well, Number One, let's go and welcome the Admiral aboard.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Transporter room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Jameson is in an enclosed wheelchair similar to\r\nCaptain Pike's, but with his upper torso free to move) <br>\r\nPICARD: Welcome aboard, Admiral. This is my Executive Officer,\r\nCommander William Riker. <br>\r\nRIKER: My pleasure, sir. Ma'am. <br>\r\nJAMESON: My wife, Anne. Captain, there are certain details of this\r\nmission that you should understand before we begin. <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes, sir. <br>\r\nJAMESON: I am not simply an advisor. On any assignment I accompany,\r\nStarfleet has designated me Senior Mission Officer. I control the away\r\nteam and all its actions. Is that understood? Of course, Captain, you\r\ncommand the ship, but the mission is mine. I trust you are in complete\r\nagreement. <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes, sir. Of course.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">GEORDI: Message coming in from Mordan, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Put it on the screen, Mister Data. <br>\r\nKARNAS [on viewscreen]: Mordan Four to Enterprise. This is Karnas. I\r\nwill speak to the Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: I am Captain Picard, commanding the Enterprise. <br>\r\nKARNAS [on viewscreen]: Is Admiral Jameson on board? <br>\r\nPICARD: He's here, beside my First Officer. Do you wish to speak to him\r\nnow? <br>\r\nKARNAS [on viewscreen]: So, Jameson. I see time has not been kind. <br>\r\nJAMESON: It seldom is, Karnas. However, we could save a good deal of it\r\nnow if you'll outline the terrorists' demands. <br>\r\nKARNAS [on viewscreen]: They insist all discussions will take place\r\nhere on Mordan. They refuse to speak to me, only to a Federation\r\nmediator. They say they will brook no excuses. If there are any\r\noffered, your ambassador and his people will die. Unpleasantly. I\r\nbelieve them. So should you, Admiral. <br>\r\nJAMESON: Tell them I accept the conditions of negotiation. <br>\r\nKARNAS [on viewscreen]: I will do so immediately. (transmission ends) <br>\r\nRIKER: For a man in his position, he doesn't seem to know much about\r\nthe situation. <br>\r\nJAMESON: Wrong, Number One. He told me that the terrorists are\r\ndesperate enough to kill if they're crossed. They are willing to talk,\r\none on one, but not to him. <br>\r\nPICARD: Counsellor? <br>\r\nTROI: From his body language as well as his words and tone, I'd judge\r\nthat what Karnas said was honest. But I sensed a holding back. <br>\r\nPICARD: Perhaps he knows more about the terrorists than he's prepared\r\nto admit. <br>\r\nJAMESON: Possible, but I suspect it's closer to the mark if we said he\r\ndoesn't want to admit failure of his own efforts to negotiate. He is a\r\nproud man. <br>\r\nTROI: That could be, sir. Karnas has established himself as a powerful\r\nman on Mordan. Suddenly, in this situation, his power is useless. <br>\r\nCRUSHER [OC]: Sickbay to Bridge. I'm ready for Admiral Jameson now. <br>\r\nPICARD: In a few moments, Doctor. <br>\r\nJAMESON: Ready for what, Captain? <br>\r\nPICARD: Just a routine medical checkup. Ship's regulations.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Ready room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: What I don't understand, sir, is how Karnas\r\nknew you were still available. <br>\r\nJAMESON: Still alive, you mean. <br>\r\nRIKER: So far as he knew, sir, you could have been dead. <br>\r\nJAMESON: Quite right, Commander, but I am not, and I imagine Ambassador\r\nHawkins has told him that. I briefed the Ambassador about Mordan before\r\nhe left to take up residence. <br>\r\nPICARD: All right. Karnas has a problem he thinks you can resolve. What\r\ndo the terrorists need that Karnas can't, or won't, give them? <br>\r\nDATA: Mordan has had peace for five years. They have finally come to a\r\nstate of productivity which satisfies their planetary needs, but no\r\nmore than that. Perhaps the dissidents feel the Federation could\r\nprovide them with more. <br>\r\nJAMESON: I have negotiated many treaties on many planets, Picard. I've\r\nfound that peace, or the appearance of it, is often a prelude to war. <br>\r\nTROI: Admiral, are you suggesting the terrorists want arms and weapons?\r\n<br>\r\nJAMESON: They may. I am suggesting Karnas is the last man to give them\r\nsuch weapons. <br>\r\nTROI: I see. You believe that Karnas would not negotiate on that point,\r\nand so the terrorists demanded an outside negotiator. <br>\r\nJAMESON: I know Karnas. He is a warrior. He lives for challenge. These\r\npeople have insulted his honour by taking the embassy staff hostage.\r\nI'll negotiate, but I'll have to be very careful in dealing with\r\nKarnas. He'll want revenge for that insult. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Jameson's quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Anne is unpacking) <br>\r\nANNE: Well, it's about time. Couldn't get away from the Bridge? <br>\r\nJAMESON: Didn't want to. Feels good to be on one again. <br>\r\nANNE: I'm glad, Mark. Do you want me to help you up? <br>\r\n(The front of the wheelchair opens, and he eases himself out and into a\r\nnearby chair) <br>\r\nANNE: You're stronger today. <br>\r\nJAMESON: I'm fine. I feel like a kid again. <br>\r\nANNE: This ship is magnificent. It even has family quarters. Pity we\r\ndidn't have them twenty, thirty years ago. We could have been together\r\nalmost all of your career. Mark! (he's in pain) Mark? I'll get Sickbay.\r\n<br>\r\nJAMESON: No. There's no need. It's happened before. <br>\r\nANNE: When? You haven't said anything. <br>\r\nJAMESON: It'll pass. Just give me a moment. See, I'm better. It's going\r\naway. <br>\r\nANNE: What is it? Do the doctors know? <br>\r\nJAMESON: Just body changes. Last checkup they said I'd have to expect\r\nit. <br>\r\nANNE: You're sure? Don't lie to me. <br>\r\nJAMESON: I'm sure.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Ready room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: All the medical information the Admiral\r\nprovided is satisfactory, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Excellent, Doctor. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Except for one thing. The test results he gave me aren't two\r\ndays old, they're two months old. The medical file coder always\r\nincludes the date as part of the file number. He lied to me, sir, and I\r\ndon't know why. <br>\r\nPICARD: He is eighty five years old, Doctor. For some, the memory\r\nbegins to fail. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: He suffers from Iverson's Disease, sir. It affects the body,\r\nnot the mind. No, I have a gut feeling he's hiding something. <br>\r\nPICARD: That is an observation I'd expect from Counsellor Troi. Doctor.\r\nDoctor, I do respect your opinion, and I'll want you on the Bridge for\r\nthe next day or so. The Admiral must remain in the best of health for\r\nthese negotiations, and he might require your services. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Admiral, we're approaching the Idini Star\r\nCluster. Would you like to take the conn as we make transit? <br>\r\nJAMESON: Thank you, Captain. I would. <br>\r\n(And he gets out of his wheelchair and walks a little unsteadily down\r\nthe slope to Geordi's station) <br>\r\nPICARD: Well, Admiral, quite a little surprise you've pulled on us. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Yes, quite. <br>\r\nJAMESON: Neglected to mention I began some new therapy before I left.\r\nSeems to be working. I haven't felt this good since the last time I was\r\nin space. The Gettysburg. All I needed to get me out of that chair was\r\nthe thought of walking the decks in command of a starship again. <br>\r\nPICARD: Admiral, you only have the conn temporarily. <br>\r\nJAMESON: A figure of speech. Of course she's your ship. I'll just keep\r\nan eye on her for a while.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Ready room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: The admiral displayed a remarkable\r\nimprovement out there, wouldn't you say? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Captain, no one recovers from Iverson's Disease. There is no\r\nknown cure, and there are no cases where it has gone into remission. I\r\nhave never heard of any therapy that would produce results like that. <br>\r\nPICARD: Then how do you account for it? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I can't. All I can tell you is that the Admiral has been\r\nconfined to his support chair for the last four years by the effects of\r\nIverson's. By all the medical facts we know, he should never have\r\nwalked again. <br>\r\nPICARD: I want you to look into it, Doctor. Thoroughly. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Yes, sir.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Jameson's quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">KARNAS [on monitor]: The terrorists have given you\r\nsix Earth days to bring him here, or the hostages will die. <br>\r\nANNE: I don't know how much more information you think you can get from\r\nthat tape. (Jameson stands up) Mark! My God, what's happened? <br>\r\nJAMESON: It's the new therapy I'm taking. It's working, Annie. <br>\r\n(His hair is sleeker and thicker too. And blond now) <br>\r\nANNE: Oh, darling! <br>\r\n(She kisses him, but when he responds amorously)<br>\r\nANNE: Mark? <br>\r\nJAMESON: I told you I just needed to get back into space again. <br>\r\nANNE: You really are looking much better. <br>\r\nJAMESON: It's the new treatment. <br>\r\nANNE: No. Come here. <br>\r\nJAMESON: I hope you're heading for the bedroom. <br>\r\nANNE: You stop it. <br>\r\n(She brings him to a mirror and puts the light on) <br>\r\nANNE: Darling, you look like you looked twenty years ago. <br>\r\nJAMESON: You're flatter me. <br>\r\nANNE: Now you tell me what the hell is going on? <br>\r\nJAMESON: I don't know (collapses in pain) <br>\r\nANNE: Sickbay! Medical emergency in the Admiral's quarters!\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Crusher's office]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: I found traces of chemical substances in\r\nhis blood and tissue samples, but none of them are in our\r\npharmacopoeia. I'm still working on alien references to substances like\r\nthese. All I can tell you is that he's ingested something that's\r\nstrongly affecting his body. <br>\r\nPICARD: Specifics, Doctor. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Captain, there are so many things going on, I can't give you\r\nspecifics until I do a lot more tests. <br>\r\nPICARD: Give me what you have now. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: His red cell count is running riot. The cellular structure of\r\nhis body is radically changing, but we can't make any decisions on that\r\nuntil we know what it's changing to. His DNA is skewed. Don't ask me\r\nhow, but he even looks younger. And Captain, there are absolutely no\r\ntraces of Iverson's Disease. <br>\r\nPICARD: You said there is no cure for Iverson's. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: None that we know of. But whatever these substances are doing\r\nto his body, at least they've done that for him. But how or why? It's\r\ntoo early to say. <br>\r\nPICARD: Get me some answers, Doctor. As soon as possible. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Yes, sir.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Jameson's quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">ANNE: Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: Mrs. Jameson, I have to ask the Admiral some questions. <br>\r\nJAMESON: Ask away. There's nothing to hide now. <br>\r\n(He is a lot younger, thirties or forties) <br>\r\nPICARD: Admiral, in addition to your rank, you are a particularly\r\nvaluable commodity just now. Starfleet has a right to some answers. <br>\r\nJAMESON: I've planned this for a long time, ever since I learned I had\r\nIverson's Disease. Since it put me in that chair. <br>\r\nANNE: What did you do, Mark? <br>\r\nJAMESON: There's a planet in the Cerebus system, Cerebus Two. They say\r\nthe natives have a process that rejuvenates the body, gives you your\r\nyouth back. <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes, I've heard of that story. It's a myth. <br>\r\nJAMESON: It's true, Picard. I'm living proof. Oh, it's dangerous. The\r\nmortality rate is high, and it's very painful. Aliens are seldom\r\nallowed to obtain the process, but I managed it. I negotiated a treaty\r\nfor Cerebus Two some years ago, and they felt obligated to honour my\r\nrequest for the process. <br>\r\nPICARD: Obviously it works very rapidly, but how does it work? <br>\r\nJAMESON: The herb and drug combinations are self-administered slowly\r\nover a period of two years. Every response is different, depending on a\r\nbeing's DNA. I got enough for both of us, Annie, but I had to test it\r\non myself first. I couldn't risk you. If I died, well, I was half a\r\nman, so what did it matter. <br>\r\nANNE: It would matter to me. <br>\r\nJAMESON: But I was starting to change, Anne. It was almost\r\nundetectable, but the improvement was there. Then when this hostage\r\nsituation came up, I knew I'd have to be at my peak to deal with it. I\r\ndidn't have time to wait for the drug to work naturally. <br>\r\nPICARD: So you took the whole dose. <br>\r\nJAMESON: I took both of them. And look at me, Annie, look at me. I'm\r\nstrong. I'm alert, Fit. I'm fitter than you are, Picard. And I'm\r\ngetting younger! <br>\r\nPICARD: The only question I have, Admiral, is why you thought it\r\nnecessary to be young to negotiate the release of the hostages. Even\r\nwilling to put your life at risk for it. I'll be on the Bridge,\r\nAdmiral, if you want to talk further. <br>\r\n(Picard leaves) <br>\r\nANNE: Why didn't you tell me, Mark? We've always been honest with each\r\nother, until now. <br>\r\nJAMESON: Annie, I did it for us. <br>\r\nANNE: Oh, I'm sure you believed that, until you had a chance to head up\r\na mission, to command again, and then you just upended the bottle or\r\nwhatever it was, and damn everything. Did you think about me at all? <br>\r\nJAMESON: I obtained enough of the dosage for both of us. <br>\r\nANNE: But you never asked if I wanted it. It's just like you, Mark, to\r\nassume that what you felt was right was the only answer. <br>\r\nJAMESON: But it was the right answer for me. It was killing you, having\r\nto take care of an invalid. Annie, what good was I to you? We can be\r\ntogether again. <br>\r\nANNE: Let me go! <br>\r\nJAMESON: I can get you another supply of the drug.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Observation lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(The lounge is in darkness, and Jameson is at the\r\ntable with a desk monitor) <br>\r\nJAMESON: Commander Data, I wish to open a communication frequency to\r\nKarnas.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: One moment, Mister Data. Admiral, this is Picard. May I know\r\nthe reason for this communication?\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Observation lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">JAMESON: Karnas must have tried to negotiate with\r\nthe terrorists before he was forced to call on me. I want all the\r\ninformation he has access to. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: You said Karnas was a proud man, Admiral,\r\nprobably sensitive about his failure to deal with this situation. Is it\r\nwise to press him on this? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Observation lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">JAMESON: I'm the negotiator, Picard. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">JAMESON [OC]: Karnas will have to cooperate with me\r\nand the terrorists, and damn his sensitivities. <br>\r\nPICARD: Then I suggest a secured channel, Admiral. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Observation lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">JAMESON: A sensible precaution, Picard. Make it so.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Make it so. <br>\r\nDATA: Aye, sir. Frequency open and secured.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Observation lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">JAMESON: Karnas. <br>\r\nKARNAS [OC]: What is it you want, Admiral? <br>\r\nJAMESON: We're on a secured channel, Karnas. You can talk freely. Who's\r\nbehind this thing? You said dissidents. <br>\r\nKARNAS [on monitor]: Yes, political opponents who feel the Federation\r\nwill disavow me as Governor if they stir up enough trouble on Mordan. <br>\r\nJAMESON: Then who is it? Ardan? Gilnor? <br>\r\nKARNAS [on monitor]: They're dead, Jameson. A long time now. For a long\r\ntime I thought you were dead, too. <br>\r\nJAMESON: I almost died a couple of times on missions, but I always made\r\nit through somehow. <br>\r\nKARNAS [on monitor]: Yes. Now you're coming back to Mordan to negotiate\r\nfor hostages again. It's almost as though the forty five years\r\nin-between never happened. <br>\r\nJAMESON: You've never forgiven me. <br>\r\nKARNAS [on monitor]: Of course I have. It was years ago. <br>\r\nJAMESON: There are no dissidents, are there? No terrorists. You have\r\nthe hostages. <br>\r\nKARNAS [on monitor]: And if I have? You're coming to Mordan, Jameson,\r\nand you're going to negotiate for their lives. And I'm going to ask a\r\nvery, very high price. <br>\r\nJAMESON: What if I refuse? <br>\r\nKARNAS [on monitor]: Then the hostages will die. You've seen how my\r\nexecutioners work. They are still as efficient as they were, perhaps\r\neven more skilled now. You'll come, even if you don't have much honour\r\nleft. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">JAMESON: Conn, are we still on schedule to arrive\r\nat Mordan in thirty eight hours? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye, sir. We're at warp four. <br>\r\nJAMESON: Picard, I want a jump to warp eight, so that we arrive ahead\r\nof our announced ETA. It'll throw Karnas off balance, and we can catch\r\nhim before he's ready. <br>\r\nPICARD: Ready for exactly what, Admiral? <br>\r\nJAMESON: I believe Karnas has the hostages, and there never were any\r\ndissidents. <br>\r\nPICARD: What has happened to bring you to that conclusion? That's quite\r\na big jump. <br>\r\nJAMESON: I'm not at liberty to say, Picard, but negotiations are no\r\nlonger the answer. <br>\r\nPICARD: Isn't the most important thing the hostage's lives? <br>\r\nJAMESON: And you agree with that too, Riker? <br>\r\nRIKER: I do, sir. <br>\r\nJAMESON: Good. Because I plan to personally lead an away team on an\r\narmed rescue mission to get them out of there. <br>\r\n(Later, Jameson is in the Captain's chair, giving the orders) <br>\r\nJAMESON: Commander Data, bring up the plans I requested on the\r\nviewscreen, please. <br>\r\nDATA: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nJAMESON: Most of Mordan's principal city was devastated during the war.\r\nWhat was left consisted largely of a network of underground tunnels. A\r\nrat's maze. When they rebuilt the city, they simply built over the\r\ntunnels. <br>\r\nDATA: I have it, sir. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Pardon me, sir, but where do these tunnels come into the\r\npicture? <br>\r\nJAMESON: This is where Karnas held his hostages before and where I\r\nbelieve he has them now. <br>\r\nPICARD: Wouldn't that be a little obvious, Admiral? <br>\r\nJAMESON: Karnas is a dogged strategist, Picard, not a brilliant one. He\r\nsticks to what works. He will kill the hostages if we do not get them\r\nout of there. <br>\r\nPICARD: Therefore you see this armed raid as the only option. <br>\r\nJAMESON: You don't agree? <br>\r\nPICARD: With respect, Admiral, I would point out no one else has heard\r\nor considered Karnas's demands. The Federation might view them\r\ndifferently if they knew what they were. <br>\r\nJAMESON: Starfleet has given me command of the away team, Picard, and I\r\nintend to use them as I see fit.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Doctor's office]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">ANNE: Our anniversary is next week. Our fiftieth. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: In his heart, he's still the same man you married, Anne. <br>\r\nTROI: That's true. He still cares for you, despite the physical changes\r\nhe's undergoing. <br>\r\nANNE: But he's getting younger, and I'm, well look at me. Why did he do\r\nthis? <br>\r\nTROI: Because there are lives at stake, Mrs. Jameson. <br>\r\nANNE: What about our lives, his and mine? I was looking forward to time\r\ntogether finally. Our retirement. Now he's young again, and has his\r\nlife to live over. <br>\r\nTROI: Doctor, she has to know. <br>\r\nANNE: Know what? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Anne, your husband. <br>\r\nANNE: What is it? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: He's not stabilising. He may not have that life to live over.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Observation lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(It's dark, so we can assume that Jameson is even\r\nyounger than last time. Picard enters) <br>\r\nJAMESON: We'll be at Mordan in three hours. <br>\r\nPICARD: I couldn't sleep either. <br>\r\nJAMESON: I never could before a mission. I always wound up in the\r\nobservation lounge, staring out at the stars, thinking. <br>\r\nPICARD: Perhaps in this case, rethinking? <br>\r\n(Jameson turns so we can see the brown-haired, smooth-skinned twenty\r\nsomething he has become) <br>\r\nPICARD: Why is this mission so important to you? Why did you risk your\r\nlife to lead it personally? <br>\r\nJAMESON: I want to save lives, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: Noble sentiments, but that's too easy an answer. You've been\r\nhere before. You negotiated a release of the hostages with Karnas\r\nbefore. Why is it now your answer is an armed raid? It's my away team\r\nyou're sending in there. I think there's something you're not telling\r\nme, and I have a right to know what it is. <br>\r\nJAMESON: Do you know the background? The Mordanites had some\r\nsophistication, but were still ruled by tribal family units. Karnas's\r\nfather was the ruling chief of one of the families. Another tribe had\r\nhim assassinated. Karnas seized the passengers of a starliner and held\r\nthem hostage, demanding that Starfleet provide him with weapons that\r\nwould enable him to defeat his rivals. <br>\r\nPICARD: That's the official record. <br>\r\nJAMESON: Officially, the story is that after two other mediators were\r\nmurdered, I went in and negotiated with Karnas to bring out the\r\nhostages safely. <br>\r\nPICARD: Are you saying that's not the truth? <br>\r\nJAMESON: It wasn't my golden oratory that saved them, Captain. I gave\r\nKarnas the weapons he wanted. <br>\r\nPICARD: You did what? <br>\r\nJAMESON: I gave exactly the same weapons to his rivals. My\r\ninterpretation of the Prime Directive. Let them solve their problems\r\nwith those arms on an equal basis. <br>\r\nPICARD: And that decision plunged them into forty years of civil war. <br>\r\nJAMESON: I didn't know that would happen. I thought a minor war. It\r\nwould be settled in less than a year. How would I know it would take\r\nfour decades? But I falsified the reports to Starfleet, and I lived\r\nwith that on my soul, Picard. Sixty-three people came away safe but\r\nmillions died on Mordan because I delivered those weapons. <br>\r\nPICARD: Karnas could have worked for peace during those years instead\r\nof continuing the war. It's not all on your head, Admiral. <br>\r\nJAMESON: But I started it. I lit the match. Now finally I can vindicate\r\nmyself, if only in a small way. I came to negotiate, but that isn't\r\nwhat Karnas wants. <br>\r\nPICARD: Revenge. That's why he demanded you when he knew that you were\r\nstill alive. <br>\r\nJAMESON: And I'm not going to give it to him, Picard. I'm going to do\r\nwhat I should have done the first time. We're taking the hostages out\r\nby force, if necessary. No deals.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Transporter room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Worf, Tasha, Data and Geordi are already on the\r\npads) <br>\r\nJAMESON: Prepare to energise, Chief. <br>\r\nPICARD: Belay that. Admiral, your proper place is on the Bridge. <br>\r\nJAMESON: I will remind you one more time, Picard, I am the Senior\r\nMission Commander and I'm leading this team. <br>\r\nRIKER: Sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: The Admiral is correct, Number One. He has that right. But I am\r\nthe Captain of this ship, and I have a right to accompany him. Riker,\r\nyou're in command of the Enterprise. Energise.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Tunnel]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(It is spacious, good high ceiling with light\r\nstreaming through, curved concrete walls) <br>\r\nJAMESON: Yes, perfect. We are in the M4 tunnel, directly under the\r\nGovernor's residence. M-4 is a subsidiary tunnel, but it crosses and\r\nlinks with several main ones. <br>\r\nDATA: I am sorry, sir. That does not correspond with the information in\r\nmy tricorder, sir.\r\nJAMESON: Your information is incorrect, Commander. I know these tunnels\r\nlike the back of my own hand. Keep scanning for signs of human life\r\nforms. Karnas held his hostages in these tunnels before. He'll do it\r\nagain. <br>\r\n(The group head down a tunnel) <br>\r\nDATA: Captain, the Admiral is definitely incorrect. The tunnel\r\nschematics we have show this to be a dead end. It was sealed off two\r\nyears ago. <br>\r\nPICARD: No doubt you're right, Mister Data. However, forty five years\r\nago, I'm sure it linked in with the tunnels the Admiral remembers. <br>\r\n(They arrive at the dead end) <br>\r\nJAMESON: Damn. <br>\r\nPICARD: Geordi? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: This is steelplast, sir. Fairly recent installation. <br>\r\nJAMESON: This is the most direct route. Set phasers to cut through it. <br>\r\n(Worf and Tasha cut an opening in the wall) <br>\r\nTASHA: If you have the coordinates where you think the hostages are,\r\nsir, we could just beam in over there. <br>\r\nJAMESON: Karnas may not have them in the same place. There's no\r\nsubstitute, Lieutenant, for personal reconnoitre. <br>\r\n(He leads them through the hole) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Admiral, there's an infrared light signal ahead. Steady beam,\r\nstraight across the tunnel, chest high. There's another at waist level.\r\n<br>\r\nTASHA: An alarm trigger or <br>\r\nPICARD: Reset phasers to stun. <br>\r\n(A phaser beam just misses them) <br>\r\nPICARD: Take cover! <br>\r\n(Armed soldiers appear. Every one ducks behind convenient barrels and\r\nsuchlike. Tasha gets in front of Picard. Jameson stands exposed) <br>\r\nWORF: Sir, look out! <br>\r\n(Worf knocks Jameson out of the way of another blast) <br>\r\nDATA: Their phasers, sir, set on kill. <br>\r\nPICARD: Thank you, Mister Data. I have heard the sound before. <br>\r\n(Tasha takes out two soldiers, then Jameson cries in pain) <br>\r\nTASHA: Is he hit? <br>\r\nDATA: No sign of a wound. <br>\r\nPICARD: Enterprise, this is Picard. Six to beam up, now!\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: The Admiral? <br>\r\nPICARD: Sickbay. Not good is a galactic understatement. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Sir? Karnas again, sir. On screen. <br>\r\nKARNAS [on viewscreen]: Enterprise. There has been an armed intrusion\r\nin the tunnels beneath the city. That smells of Jameson. Where is he? <br>\r\nPICARD: Karnas, this is Picard. I'm sorry to inform you the Admiral is\r\ncritically ill. <br>\r\nKARNAS [on viewscreen]: That is not my concern. Sick or well, you have\r\nten minutes to beam him down. <br>\r\nTROI [OC]: Sickbay to Bridge. <br>\r\nPICARD: Picard. <br>\r\nTROI [OC]: Doctor Crusher </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sickbay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TROI: Requests your presence in Sickbay\r\nimmediately, sir. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: I'm on my way.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Turbolift]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Sickbay.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sickbay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: What is it, Doctor? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I think you'd better see for yourself, Captain. <br>\r\n(Jameson is on a bed, very ill) <br>\r\nJAMESON: Picard. Picard, I have to get to Karnas. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I can't allow him out of my care, Captain. <br>\r\nJAMESON: It's my last option, Picard. The raid failed. All I have left\r\nto bargain with is myself. <br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: Bridge to Picard. <br>\r\nPICARD: Picard here. <br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: A new message from Karnas, sir. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: If we don't deliver Jameson in five minutes,\r\none of the hostages will be executed. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sickbay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER [OC]: Fifteen minutes after that, another.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: He promises the method of execution will be\r\nmost painful. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sickbay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">JAMESON: Let me go. If I give myself over to him,\r\nhe'll let the hostages go. It's me he wants. <br>\r\nPICARD: It means almost certain death for you, Admiral. <br>\r\nJAMESON: My life for how many hostages, Picard? Twenty? Let me go. <br>\r\nPICARD: Number One, inform Karnas we'll be beaming down in less than\r\nfive minutes. <br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: Did you say we, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: You have your orders, Number One. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER [OC]: Aye, sir. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Karnas's office]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Picard, Crusher and the young Jameson beam in) <br>\r\nKARNAS: Who are you? I want Jameson. <br>\r\nPICARD: Karnas, this is Admiral Mark Jameson. <br>\r\nKARNAS: This charade will accomplish nothing, Picard. Beam down\r\nJameson, and the hostages will be freed. Continue this and I promise\r\nyou they will die. And you with them. <br>\r\nJAMESON: Peretor Karnas, you always were a stubborn man. I thought you\r\nwanted me. I'm here. Release the hostages now. <br>\r\nKARNAS: Peretor was my old title. Why do you call me that? I warn you,\r\nPicard. This trick is going too far. He has been coached for some\r\ndevious reason. If this farce does not stopped immediately, you and the\r\nhostages will be put to death. <br>\r\n(Jameson doubles up in pain) <br>\r\nPICARD: Doctor! <br>\r\nKARNAS: I am waiting for an explanation, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: He is the Admiral, Karnas. Before he left on this mission, he\r\nadministered an overdose of an alien de-aging drug to himself. He\r\nwanted to face you with strength again, on even terms. This is what the\r\ndrug has done to him. <br>\r\nKARNAS: This story you are telling is unbelievable. Jameson is a man of\r\nmore than eighty years, not this. I want that old man, Picard. I want\r\nto show him this world he helped to make. The scars on old soldiers'\r\nbodies. The graveyards of our young dead. The wasted cities we are\r\nstill rebuilding. And all of it caused by him. <br>\r\nPICARD: As I understand it, Karnas, you were the one who demanded the\r\nweapons to avenge your father's death. <br>\r\nKARNAS: But Jameson didn't give weapons to only us. If he had, we would\r\nhave quickly triumphed over our enemies, and there would have been\r\npeace in all these decades. I want him to pay for that, Picard. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Captain, I think Mrs. Jameson should beam down now. <br>\r\nPICARD: Enterprise, this is Picard. Have Mrs. Jameson prepare to beam\r\ndown. Karnas, I asked Doctor Crusher to bring with her the visual\r\nrecords we've made of Admiral Jameson's deterioration. Will you look at\r\nthem? <br>\r\nKARNAS: You're wasting my time, Picard. <br>\r\nPICARD: Just a few moments. You saw the Admiral on the Enterprise when\r\nhe was en route to Mordan? <br>\r\nKARNAS: Yes. <br>\r\nPICARD: And you recognised him? <br>\r\nKARNAS: Yes. <br>\r\nPICARD: Is this the man you saw? <br>\r\n(picture of old Jameson on a small screen) <br>\r\nKARNAS: This is the man I want. <br>\r\nPICARD: He's here, Karnas. Look. Once he took the compound there was no\r\nway to stop it. <br>\r\n(Anne beams down and goes straight to Jameson and Crusher) <br>\r\nPICARD: You'll have to deal with me, Karnas. Whatever you wanted from\r\nJameson isn't possible any more. And you wanted revenge. You blamed\r\nyour war on him, and there's no doubt he had a lot to do with it. But\r\nyou had the weapons and you used them. You could have tried for\r\nnegotiations for peace on your planet long ago. Instead you chose to\r\nfight. How many of those forty years of civil war are on your head,\r\nKarnas? <br>\r\nKARNAS: Jameson has to pay for his crimes. I have sworn it to my\r\npeople. <br>\r\nPICARD: Forty five years ago he made the wrong decision. He wanted to\r\ncome here to somehow right it, to atone for what he did. Now all he can\r\ndo is to give himself up to you. He brought this retribution on\r\nhimself. <br>\r\nKARNAS: No. I don't believe you. You're shielding Jameson on the ship\r\nand you're telling me this tale to save his life. <br>\r\nJAMESON: Peretor Karnas, there were only two of us in the meeting. You\r\ndidn't even trust your lieutenants there. You told me that old Peretor\r\nSain had ordered your father's assassination. You told me that you\r\nwanted arms to destroy him. Peace wasn't on your mind. All you wanted\r\nwas revenge. And I gave you the weapons to do it. <br>\r\nKARNAS: Jameson told you this. If it is you, show me the scar. <br>\r\n(Jameson shows his wrist) <br>\r\nJAMESON: There. The blood cut you gave me to seal our bargain. <br>\r\nKARNAS: It is you. Somehow it is you. (takes a gun from the wall) Then\r\ndie by your own weapon! No. No, my revenge will be in seeing you live\r\nlike this. Such pain. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: The compound he took is forcing his cells and organs to go\r\nfurther, younger, and they can't take the stress. It's like they're\r\nimploding. And I can't give him anything to stop it. <br>\r\nPICARD: Can you ease the pain? <br>\r\n(Crusher shakes her head) <br>\r\nANNE: Mark, can you hear me? <br>\r\nJAMESON: Yes. <br>\r\nANNE: I'll always love you. <br>\r\nJAMESON: Annie with the golden hair. <br>\r\nANNE: Flatterer. It's grey now. <br>\r\nJAMESON: I&nbsp;see only the gold. <br>\r\n(He dies in her arms) <br>\r\nKARNAS: Rest, Jameson. Your long night, and mine, are over. The\r\nhostages will be freed immediately, Captain. I'm prepared to be\r\ncooperative.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: The hostages have been freed by Karnas,\r\nunharmed, and the body of Admiral Mark Jameson has been buried on\r\nMordan, at the request of his widow and by the permission of Karnas.\r\nThe quest for youth, Number One. So futile. Age and wisdom have their\r\ngraces too. <br>\r\nRIKER: I wonder if one doesn't have to have age and wisdom to\r\nappreciate that, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: I hope not, Number One. Mister La Forge, prepare to take us out\r\nof orbit. Set course for Isis Three. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye, sir. Leaving orbit. </font> </p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n</center>\r\n</div>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><a href=\"episodes.htm\"><font color=\"#2867d0\">&lt;Back\r\nto the episode listing</font></a></font></p>\r\n<p><font color=\"#000000\" face=\"Arial\" size=\"1\"><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">Star Trek � and related\r\nmarks are trademarks of<a href=\"\"> <font color=\"#2867d0\">CBS Studios Inc</font></a>.\r\nCopyright � 1966, Present. The Star Trek web pages on this site are for\r\neducational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights\r\nproperty of their respective holders.</font></font></p>\r\n</body></html>"},{"episode":"113.htm","data":"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n<html lang=\"en-gb\"><head>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-1252\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en-gb\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Enterprise, NCC1701D, Episodes, Transcripts, The Big Goodbye, Jean-Luc Picard, William Thomas Riker, Geordi LaForge, Tasha Yar, Worf, Beverly Crusher, Deanna Troi, Data, Wesley Crusher, Cyrus Redblock, Felix Leech, Lt. Dan Bell, Whalen, Lt. McNary, Korona IV, Jarada\">\r\n<meta name=\"Keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Transcripts, The Big Goodbye\">\r\n<meta name=\"Description\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation episode transcripts\"><title>The Next Generation Transcripts - The Big Goodbye</title>\r\n\r\n</head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"#d5d5d5\" dir=\"ltr\">\r\n<p><font color=\"#2867d0\" face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"5\"><b>The\r\nBig Goodbye</b></font><br>\r\n<font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Stardate:\r\n41997.7<br>\r\nOriginal Airdate: 11 Jan, 1988<br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n<center>\r\n<table border=\"0\" width=\"85%\">\r\n<tbody>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td align=\"left\" width=\"85%\"> <font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"> First\r\nOfficer's log, stardate 41997.7 We are about to make a brief but\r\nnecessary contact with the Jarada, a reclusive, insect-like race known\r\nfor its idiosyncratic attitude towards protocol. The Jarada demand a\r\nprecise greeting, in this case from Captain Picard. Their language is\r\nmost unusual. The slightest mispronunciation is regarded as an insult. </font>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Ready room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Unless it's followed by? <br>\r\nTROI: The double bars indicate an elongated S sound. <br>\r\nPICARD: And the inverted T means to hold the Z. <br>\r\nTROI: Unless? <br>\r\nPICARD: Unless it's followed by three wavy lines, in which case the Z\r\nbecomes a B. <br>\r\nTROI: Exactly. <br>\r\nPICARD: What a language. <br>\r\nTROI: But you spell knife with a K. <br>\r\nPICARD: I spell knife with an N. But then, I never could spell. <br>\r\nTROI: Well, this is an insect mind, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: My mind is barely working. <br>\r\nTROI: Take a break. <br>\r\nPICARD: No, no. I want to go over this again. <br>\r\nTROI: You could be over-preparing. You've been looking forward to the\r\nupgrade of the holodeck. You have the time. Captain, you need the\r\ndiversion. <br>\r\nPICARD: Dixon Hill. <br>\r\nTROI: The program's installed and waiting.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Outside Holodeck]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">COMPUTER: Programme desired location. <br>\r\nPICARD: Earth, United States, San Francisco, California. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Time period? <br>\r\nPICARD: 1941, A.D. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: File or access code. <br>\r\nPICARD: File Dixon Hill, private detective. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Enter when ready.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's personal log. I'm entering the ship's\r\nholodeck, where images of reality can be created by our computer.\r\nHighly useful in crew training, highly enjoyable when used for games\r\nand recreation.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Hill's Waiting room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(In uniform, Picard goes along a corridor being\r\nwashed by a cleaner, listening to music - you came to me from out of\r\nnowhere, you took my heart - and opens a door marked 312 - Dixon Hill\r\nPrivate Investigator) <br>\r\nSECRETARY: Very funny, Dix. What'd you do, lose another bet? <br>\r\nPICARD: I'm sorry, I don't understand. <br>\r\nSECRETARY: The bellboy suit. Are you moonlighting at the Fremont? <br>\r\nPICARD: The uniform. It's totally inappropriate. I should have changed.\r\n<br>\r\nSECRETARY: Detective Bell, your cop friend, McNary's new partner, was\r\nhere nosing around. If he'd have seen you in those threads he'd have\r\nyou sent to the funny farm. Mister Leech called twice, and there's a\r\nlady named Bradley waiting in your office. Nice legs. Not you. Her. Got\r\na hot date with my fella. See you in the morning. <br>\r\n(She leaves, laughing. Picard opens the door to his inner office and we\r\ngo into Maltese Falcon territory) <br>\r\nPICARD: I lost a bet. <br>\r\nJESSICA: Oh well, at least you're ready for Halloween. <br>\r\nPICARD: Halloween? <br>\r\nJESSICA: I need your help, Mister Hill. Someone is trying to kill me.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's personal log. I'm delighted with how the\r\nHolodeck has created the fictional world of Dixon Hill, the twentieth\r\ncentury detective who has been a hero of mine since childhood. The\r\nillusion is flawless. The characters I meet are generated by the\r\ncomputer, of course, yet they feel real, they seem real in every way. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Hill's office]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">JESSICA: I'm not sure who wants me dead. My\r\nhusband, my stepdaughter. <br>\r\nPICARD: Or a lover, perhaps? <br>\r\nJESSICA: Perhaps. Or perhaps it's Cyrus Redblock. I need you to find\r\nout. Name your fee. <br>\r\nPICARD: Twenty dollars a day, plus expenses. <br>\r\nJESSICA: Agreed. <br>\r\nPICARD: I haven't said yes yet. <br>\r\nJESSICA: Oh, you'll say yes, Mister Hill. (she kisses him) If it is\r\nRedblock, he must think I've got what he's looking for. But believe me,\r\nI don't. <br>\r\nPICARD: I'll take your word for it. <br>\r\nJESSICA: Here's a C-note in advance. Consider it a retainer. (she tucks\r\nit in his collar) And next time, wear a suit. Au revoir. <br>\r\n(She takes one of his calling cards and leaves. Picard looks out of the\r\nwindow) <br>\r\nPICARD: Remarkable. Exit. <br>\r\n(He is just leaving the holodeck when there is a knock on the office\r\ndoor)<br>\r\nPICARD: You'll have to call again. I'm just leaving. I'm not dressed\r\nproperly. I'll be back. <br>\r\n(Picard leaves, the exit vanishes and the visitor enters the\r\nroom)&nbsp;<br>\r\nLEECH: (Peter Lorre accent) Mister Hill? Where are you? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Outside Holodeck]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Memory, save current setting. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Current setting saved. <br>\r\nPICARD: Holodeck off. <br>\r\n(The crew notice the red lipstick on his face as he goes along the\r\ncorridor)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Observation Lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: And when I looked down into the street, I\r\nactually saw automobiles! <br>\r\nWORF: Automobiles? <br>\r\nDATA: An ancient Earth device used primarily for transportation. <br>\r\nWORF: Ah. <br>\r\nDATA: Also seen as a source of status and virility. Often a prime\r\ningredient in teenage mating rituals. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Teenage mating rituals? <br>\r\nPICARD: From that window, I could see an entire, er <br>\r\nDATA: City block. <br>\r\nPICARD: That's right. Sounds, Smells. <br>CRUSHER: You make it sound so\r\nreal. <br>\r\nPICARD: That's how it felt. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Incredible. <br>(She wipes the lipstick off his face) <br>\r\nPICARD: I'm going to go again, only this time I'm going to dress the\r\npart. Why not come with me? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Yes, I'd like that. <br>\r\nPICARD: I want to take that twentieth century historian. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Who? Whalen? <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes, Whalen. I bet he knows more about Dixon Hill than I do. <br>\r\nDATA: Shall I tell him, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: Invite him, Mister Data. This is supposed to be a recreational\r\nactivity. The sense of reality was absolutely incredible. When that\r\nwoman kissed me, it was so <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Exciting? <br>\r\nPICARD: Real. The subject of this meeting is the Jaradan rendezvous.\r\nMister Riker, will you go ahead with the briefing. <br>\r\nRIKER: This is primarily a diplomatic mission. The Jaradan are\r\nstrategically important to the Federation. Previous attempts have\r\nfailed because they are so easily irritated. A slip in the\r\npronunciation of the greeting caused a twenty year rift. <br>\r\nTROI: The Captain has to recite the entire greeting without making any\r\nmistakes. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Simple as that, huh? <br>\r\nDATA: Yes. If, on the other hand, the Captain makes even the slightest\r\nerror <br>\r\nTROI: The Captain is well aware of the gravity of the situation,\r\nCommander. <br>\r\nDATA: We are all aware of the tape of the last Federation starship to\r\ncome in contact with the Jaradan. It graphically demonstrates what\r\nhappened when that Captain offended them. <br>\r\nTROI: Captain Picard is familiar with that, Data. <br>\r\nDATA: Should we not rerun it? <br>\r\nPICARD: It's not necessary, Mister Data. Meeting adjourned.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: Why would the Captain not want to review all\r\navailable information on the subject? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Data, when you've seen the Jaradan react once, you don't ever\r\nhave to see it again. <br>\r\nDATA: This Dixon Hill is a most puzzling character. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Not really. He was just a twentieth-century Sherlock Holmes. <br>\r\nDATA: Ah, but was his modus operandi not dissimilar? Worth\r\ninvestigating. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Indubitably, my dear Data. Indubitably.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: Computer: request all biographical\r\ninformation on fictional character Dixon Hill. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Working. Character first appeared in pulp magazine, Amazing\r\nDetective Stories, copyright 1934, AD.\r\nSecond appearance in novel The Long Dark Tunnel, copyright 1936. <br>\r\nDATA: Request complete text of all stories involving said character.\r\nIncrease speed. <br>\r\n(The ultimate speed reading course whizzes before Data's optics)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, supplemental. The Jaradan rendezvous\r\nstill is eleven hours away. I am about to reenter the world\r\nof Dixon Hill, this time properly dressed. An experience like this is\r\nmore enjoyable when shared, so I've invited our fiction expert, Whalen,\r\nto accompany me. Doctor Crusher will join us shortly. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Outside Holodeck]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(In trench coat and fedora, Picard looks the part) <br>\r\nPICARD: Ready for San Francisco, Mister Whalen? <br>\r\nWHALEN: More than ready, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Well, if it's anything like the last time, I'm sure you won't\r\nbe disappointed <br>\r\nDATA: Request permission to accompany you, sir. I am totally versed in\r\nthe genre of the period. <br>\r\nPICARD: Well, shall we?\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Street]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(It has been raining, the tarmac glistens and cars\r\nsound their horns) <br>\r\nVENDOR: Extra! Extra! Read all about it. <br>\r\n(The group cross the street to the news stand) <br>\r\nVENDOR: Hey Dix. How's tricks? <br>\r\nPICARD: Oh, she's fine, fine. <br>\r\nWHALEN: He actually thinks you're Dixon Hill. <br>\r\nPICARD: Say Mac, I would like to buy a newspaper too, but I don't have\r\nany money. <br>\r\nVENDOR: You catch me next time, Dix. <br>\r\nPICARD: Thank you. (reads) Hitler on the move. Roosevelt presses\r\nCongress for British aid. DiMaggio streak reaches thirty seven? <br>\r\nDATA: DiMaggio, sir. Jolting Joe, the Yankee clipper. <br>\r\nWHALEN: Baseball, sir. It was a national obsession at the time. <br>\r\nDATA: The streak they refer to will eventually reach fifty six games.\r\nAnd be snapped by a pair of journeyman hurlers for the Cleveland\r\nIndians. <br>\r\nVENDOR: Cleveland? Ha! They got no pitchers! They ain't never got no\r\npitchers. What are you, nuts or something? <br>\r\nDATA: The record will stand until the year 2026, when a shortstop for\r\nthe London Kings <br>\r\nVENDOR: Hey Dix, what gives with this guy? He's not from around here,\r\nis he. <br>\r\nPICARD: No he's not. He's er, he's from South America. <br>\r\nVENDOR: Yeah. He's got a nice tan. <br>\r\n(Picard reads the inside headline - Wealthy Socialite Murdered. Police\r\nhave several leads in brutal slaying of Mrs. Arthur Clinton Bradley) <br>\r\nPICARD: I should have listened to her. She told me someone was trying\r\nto kill her. <br>\r\nWHALEN: Captain, she's a page from a book. That's all she ever was. <br>\r\nBELL: Well, well, look what the cat dragged in. <br>\r\nDATA: Cat? <br>\r\nBELL: Where the hell did he come from? <br>\r\nVENDOR: South America. Can't you tell? <br>\r\nBELL: Wherever you're from, while you're in my town, keep your nose\r\nclean. Well, tough guy, this time you've really done it. Your goose is\r\ncooked but good. <br>\r\nMCNARY: I'm sorry about this, Dix. <br>\r\nBELL: Don't apologise to him. Where were you last night between ten and\r\nmidnight? <br>\r\nPICARD: That would be a bit hard to explain. <br>\r\nBELL: Yeah? Well you'll have plenty of time to come up with something.\r\nYou're going downtown. <br>\r\nPICARD: What for? <br>\r\nBELL: For the murder of Jessica Bradley. We found this in her purse.\r\n(the business card)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Status report. <br>\r\nTASHA: We're being probed, sir. <br>\r\nTROI: The Jarada. <br>\r\nTASHA: Most likely, but it's long range. Can't be certain where it's\r\noriginating.<br>\r\n(The ship shakes as a beam passes through it, including the holodeck,\r\nwhose controls flicker and door briefly opens and closes a few times) <br>\r\nRIKER: One could get the feeling they don't exactly trust us. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Commander, I'm receiving a subspace message from the Jarada. <br>\r\nRIKER: That's not part of the plan. Pipe it through. <br>\r\nJARADAN [OC[: En-ter-prise. We speak to you in your language. The time\r\nhas come to honour us in ours. <br>\r\nRIKER: This is Commander Riker, First Officer of the Enterprise. <br>\r\nJARADAN [OC[: You are not captain? <br>\r\nRIKER: No sir, I'm not. I suggest we commence with screen to screen\r\ncommunication so we can see each other <br>\r\nJARADAN [OC[: You offend us! We will not show ourselves to a mere\r\nsubordinate. We await your Captain's greeting with growing unrest. End\r\nof communication. <br>\r\nRIKER: Terrific. Find the Captain. He's in the Holodeck. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye, sir. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Outside Holodeck]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Crusher is trying to straighten her stocking\r\nseams) <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Enter when ready. When ready. When ready. <br>\r\n(It takes a couple of goes to get the doors open enough to go through)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Police Station]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Crusher enters, wobbling a little on her stiletto\r\nheels) <br>\r\nDATA: (Bogart) Hiya Doc. What's cooking? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: You know I had some trouble getting through. Where's Captain\r\nPicard? <br>\r\nDATA: He's on ice. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Pardon? <br>\r\nDATA: He's being grilled. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: What is he, a fish? <br>\r\nWHALEN: H's being interrogated. They think he's committed a murder. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Why aren't we all being interrogated? Maybe I should go and\r\nhelp him. <br>\r\nWHALEN: No, relax. He's having the time of his life in there. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Well, why should he have all the fun? <br>\r\n(She sits down and copies the woman next to here by crossing her legs\r\nand pulling up her skirt slightly) <br>\r\nPOLICEMAN: Come on, Toots, let's go.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Interrogation room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">BELL: Spill it! <br>\r\nPICARD: I've told you everything I know. <br>\r\nBELL: Well, you'll just have to tell us again. From the top. From the\r\ntop! <br>\r\nPICARD: Oh, very good. I've read all this before, you know. It's\r\nabsolutely as it should be. <br>\r\nBELL: Spill it!\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Outside Holodeck]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: LaForge to Bridge. <br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: Riker here. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I can't find the Captain, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: I told you, he's in the holodeck.<br>\r\nLAFORGE: I'm at the holodeck. Something's gone wrong.&nbsp;<br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: What are you saying? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I can't communicate with him, I can't access the programme,\r\nand I can't open the doors.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Enterprise log, supplemental. First Officer\r\nreporting. Due to an unknown breakdown in the holodeck, we are unable\r\nto contact the Captain.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Tasha, take over. I'm going to holodeck\r\nthree. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Commander? I've studied all the technical manuals on the\r\nholodecks, sir. I think I can be of some help down there. <br>\r\nRIKER: Geordi's well equipped to deal with the situation, Wes. Right\r\nnow, your duty's here on the Bridge.&nbsp;<br>\r\nTROI: Will. His mother's missing too. <br>\r\nRIKER: Come on, Wesley. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Interrogation room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">BELL: And you say you never met her before she came\r\nto hire you. <br>\r\nPICARD: I've already told you that twice. <br>\r\nBELL: Yeah? Well you're going to have to tell me again. <br>\r\nPICARD: Look fellas, this is no longer amusing. <br>\r\nMCNARY: Easy, Dan! <br>\r\nBELL: You think you're tough, Hill, but you're nothing! <br>\r\n(Bell leaves) <br>\r\nMCNARY: Don't take him too seriously, Dix. His old lady's been giving\r\nhim a hard time. You know how it is. <br>\r\nPICARD: Actually, I do need to get out of here. <br>\r\nMCNARY: I'll see what I can do.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Police station]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Crusher is continuing to try and imitate the other\r\nwomen, this time by powdering her nose. The Desk Sergeant is enjoying\r\nthe view) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Something on your mind? <br>\r\nSERGEANT: Yeah, nut I'm not sure it can be repeated in mixed company.\r\n(he offers her gum) You're a pretty hep lookin' broad. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Is that good? <br>\r\nSERGEANT: It ain't bad. You like Tommy Dorsey? (she nods) I got two\r\ntickets for the dance tomorrow night. <br>\r\n(Crusher swallows the gum) </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Outside Holodeck]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Have you tried the intercom? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Yes. <br>\r\nRIKER: Riker to holodeck. Riker to holodeck! <br>\r\n(Wesley takes a piece of equipment and uses it to 'look' at the\r\nholodeck controls) <br>\r\nRIKER: Are you seeing anything? <br>\r\nWESLEY: No, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: What can I do? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Not a thing. We have to go through this millimetre by\r\nmillimetre. <br>\r\nRIKER: All right. Get it fixed. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Easy, Wes. Slow it down. If there's an anomaly, you could go\r\nright past it, okay? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Interrogation room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">MCNARY: Okay, Dix, we're cutting you loose. <br>\r\nPICARD: That's welcome news. <br>\r\nBELL: You better not try to leave town. <br>\r\nPICARD: If I leave town, the town leaves with me. I get the feeling\r\nyour friend doesn't like me. <br>\r\nMCNARY: We know you're dealing with Redblock, Dixon. Take it from a\r\nfriend, it doesn't help your case. <br>\r\nPICARD: Redblock? I'll keep it in mind. Thank you for helping me. <br>\r\n(Takes a cigarette, inhales and coughs) <br>\r\nMCNARY: Forget it. Hey, Dix, when are you coming over for supper? The\r\nkids'd love to see you, and you know how much you love Sharon's\r\ncooking. <br>\r\nPICARD: Soon, my friend. For the moment, I have other duties. <br>\r\nMCNARY: Blonde or brunette? <br>\r\nPICARD: She's a lady, all right, and her name is Enterprise. <br>\r\nMCNARY: Sounds like a working girl to me. I'll stop by the office with\r\na bottle of scotch. You can tell me all about her.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Police station]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(McNary sees the look on Picard's face when he sees\r\nCrusher, and leaves without another word) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Have a good time? <br>\r\nPICARD: I don't know. Sometimes it almost seemed too real. I must say,\r\nyou wear it well. I'm glad you could make it. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Why, thank you, Mister Hill. <br>\r\nPICARD: Maybe we should be getting back to the Enterprise. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: We are on the Enterprise. <br>\r\nPICARD: Oh, yes, of course, so we are. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Do we have time to see your office? <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes, of course. Why not. <br>\r\nWHALEN: Captain, mind if I join you? <br>\r\nDATA: Yeah, me too, boss. I'd love to take a gander. <br>\r\n(rolled eyes all round)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Hill's Waiting room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD [OC]: The holodeck makes excellent use of\r\nfinite space. <br>\r\n(The group enter) <br>\r\nLEECH: Ah, Mister Hill. You've been avoiding me. <br>\r\nWHALEN: It's Felix Leech! It has to be. <br>\r\nLEECH: You know me, sir? <br>\r\nWHALEN: Well, I've read about you many times. <br>\r\nPICARD: I'm very sorry, Mister Leech, but we have to be going. Call\r\nagain tomorrow. <br>\r\nLEECH: You're being quite rude, Mister Hill. You haven't even\r\nintroduced me to your charming companions. <br>\r\nPICARD: That'll have to wait. <br>\r\nLEECH: But we have business! (pulls a gun) Urgent business. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Hill's office]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LEECH: You're not going anywhere. Not until we have\r\na little chat.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Outside holodeck]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA [OC]: Bridge to holodeck. We're approaching\r\nthe Jaradan sector. <br>\r\nRIKER: Any word from the Jaradans? <br>\r\nTASHA [OC]: Not a thing, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: They may be testing us. Seeing if we'll stick to the\r\narrangements. <br>\r\nTASHA [OC]: What do we do now, sir? <br>\r\nRIKER: We wait. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Well, everything checks out so far. Ensign Crusher believes\r\nthe trouble may have been caused by the Jaradan probe. If so, it could\r\nbe very difficult to locate.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Hill's office]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LEECH: I am not a man to be toyed with, Mister\r\nHill. You were hired to locate a certain object. I demand to know what\r\nyou have done with it. <br>\r\nPICARD: Well, I suppose a few moments longer. I'm afraid I can't help\r\nyou, Mister Leech. The game is over. <br>\r\nLEECH: I assure you, this is not a game. <br>\r\nWHALEN: (Jimmy Cagney) Take it from me, Leech, you'll never find it.\r\nNow, give me the gun. <br>\r\n(Leech shoots him in the chest. Crusher applauds his performance until\r\nshe sees the blood) <br>\r\nWHALEN: But, they're not real. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: There's massive internal bleeding. We have to get him to\r\nSickbay. <br>\r\nPICARD: How could this happen? <br>\r\nLEECH: It will happen again if you don't cooperate. <br>\r\n(Quickly, Picard disarms him and thumps him for good measure) <br>\r\nLEECH: You struck me! How dare you! You're going to be sorry! I promise\r\nyou, Redblock isn't going to like this! <br>\r\n(Leech runs from the office) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: If we don't get him to sickbay, he will die! <br>\r\nPICARD: Exit! Computer, exit! (nothing) Data, try the other exit in the\r\nhall. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Hall]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: Computer, identify exit. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Hill's office]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: There is a programming malfunction. The\r\ncomputer refuses to identify the exits. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I'm losing his pulse! <br>\r\nPICARD: Computer, this is the Captain! Computer, identify exit!\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Standard orbit, Mister Worf. <br>\r\nWORF: Aye, sir. Standard orbit. <br>\r\nRIKER: Riker to Holodeck. <br>\r\nLAFORGE [OC]: Nothing yet, Commander. <br>\r\nRIKER: We're running out of time. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Outside holodeck]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER [OC]: The Jarada will expect the Captain's\r\ngreeting. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Well you may have to stall them. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Hill's Office]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: It's no use. It's just not there. <br>\r\nPICARD: Suggestions, Mister Data? <br>\r\nDATA: I am at a loss, sir. We are in a holodeck-created building of\r\n1941. The computer refuses to accept voice commands. The controls for\r\nthe environment are, therefore, not accessible. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I could use some light. <br>\r\n(Data carries a standard lamp over, and is baffled when it goes out\r\nbecause the plug has come out of the wall. Picard plugs it in nearer\r\nthe patient) <br>\r\n(Leech returns with a gunman and a fat man) <br>\r\nREDBLOCK: Good day, Mister Hill. My name is Cyrus Redblock. I hope you\r\ndon't mind us dropping in. <br>\r\n(A very poor, skinny version of Sydney Greenstreet) <br>\r\nPICARD: I see I have no choice. <br>\r\nREDBLOCK: Life is an endless stream of choices. Unfortunately, you have\r\nchosen to make my life more difficult. I don't suppose you'd be foolish\r\nenough to hide it here. <br>\r\nPICARD: I don't suppose so. <br>\r\nREDBLOCK: Still, I'm sure you won't mind if we take a look around. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I wish you'd quit asking, since it's obvious you're going to\r\ndo it anyway. It's just a waste of time. <br>\r\nREDBLOCK: Good manners, Madam, are never a waste of time. Civility,\r\ngentlemen, always civility. Get that stiff out of here. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: He's not dead. <br>\r\nREDBLOCK: From his pallor, he soon will be. <br>\r\nTHUG: You want I should throw him in the garbage, boss? <br>\r\nREDBLOCK: The room next door will be good enough for now. <br>\r\nPICARD: Don't touch him. <br>\r\nREDBLOCK: Which one struck you? <br>\r\nLEECH: It was Hill. <br>\r\n(Leech pistol-whips Picard) <br>\r\nREDBLOCK: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. A\r\nNewtonian truism which you have obviously neglected. <br>\r\nMCNARY [OC]: Dix, you in there? <br>\r\n(The Thug greets the policeman and takes the bottle of drink away from\r\nhim, then his gun) <br>\r\nMCNARY: I saw your light, figured you were working late. Guess I was\r\nright. Nice company you're keeping, Dix. You forget to take the trash\r\nout this morning? <br>\r\n(That earns him a punch in the solar plexus) <br>\r\nREDBLOCK: I'm a tolerant man, but I do not tolerate disrespect. <br>\r\nDATA: Your devotion to etiquette is highly admirable, sir. However,\r\nyour methods leave much to be desired. <br>\r\nREDBLOCK: What have we here? <br>\r\nLEECH: Looks like a ghost. <br>\r\nREDBLOCK: Yeah. Where do you suppose he's from? <br>\r\nLEECH: Where were you hatched, anyway? <br>\r\nDATA: I was created on a planet <br>\r\nPICARD: Data. <br>\r\nDATA: South America. <br>\r\nREDBLOCK: I've been all over this world and I've never seen anything\r\nlike you. <br>\r\nPICARD: He's not from this world. None of us are. We are from a world,\r\nwe're from a world of fabulous riches. A world where there are objects\r\nfar greater than the one you seek. <br>\r\nLEECH: That's ridiculous! You're a private dick. We've met before and\r\nyou never even mentioned any of this. <br>\r\nMCNARY: He's right, Dix. That's pretty weak stuff. I wouldn't even buy\r\nthat line of guff. <br>\r\nPICARD: I am not Dixon Hill. I just look like Dixon Hill. <br>\r\nDATA: He speaks the truth, sir. From your point of view, he is only a\r\nfacsimile, a knock-off, a cheap imitation. <br>\r\nPICARD: Thank you, Mister Data. <br>\r\nDATA: Sorry sir, that did not come out quite the way I intended. <br>\r\nREDBLOCK: Very, very, good. What wonderful fiction. Quite entertaining.\r\nI admire your skill at trying to obfuscate our sense of reality. <br>\r\nDATA: It is you who are not real, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Data. <br>\r\nDATA: It is you who are imaginary characters derived from a work of\r\nfiction. <br>\r\nMCNARY: Give it up, fellas. These guys are too smart to fall for that\r\nstory. <br>\r\nDATA: I am afraid you are not real either, Lieutenant. <br>\r\nLEECH: I don't want to hear any more of this. You're making me crazy.\r\nLet me shoot them, Mister Redblock. Let me kill them, one by one. <br>\r\nREDBLOCK: What an interesting situation. Perhaps we should test this\r\ntheory by killing one of them. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: You've already done that. This man is dying. This whole thing\r\nis senseless. <br>\r\nREDBLOCK: Hardly. Senseless killing is immoral. But killing for a\r\npurpose can be quite often ingenious. <br>\r\nLEECH: Well said, Mister Redblock. What is our purpose? <br>\r\nREDBLOCK: We are on a quest for knowledge, Mister Leech. We want the\r\nitem. <br>\r\nPICARD: We don't have it. <br>\r\nLEECH: Shall I kill him? <br>\r\nREDBLOCK: No, kill the woman. <br>\r\nPICARD: Redblock. I have the item. <br>\r\nREDBLOCK: At last. I knew it. God, man, you are a character you are.\r\nWaiting until the last moment, testing my resolve. All right, where is\r\nit? <br>\r\nPICARD: I'll explain. But first, tell Leech to back off. <br>\r\nREDBLOCK: Put the gun down, Mister Leech. <br>\r\nLEECH: But I so much want to kill her. <br>\r\nREDBLOCK: Maybe later. It won't harm us to listen to Mister Hill. <br>\r\nMCNARY: Don't make any deals with that slime, Dix! <br>\r\n(The Thug knocks him down again) <br>\r\nREDBLOCK: All right, let's begin. Make your thoughts fruitful and your\r\nwords eloquent. Because I don't have to tell you your lovely lady\r\nfriend's life depends upon it. <br>\r\nPICARD: There is a price. <br>\r\nREDBLOCK: By God, I knew you were a man of stripe. All right, what is\r\nit? <br>\r\nPICARD: Mister Whalen's life. You must help us to save him.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TROI: We can't delay much longer. <br>\r\nRIKER: We're going to have to tell them something. Open hailing\r\nfrequencies. <br>\r\nTASHA: Frequencies open, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: This is Commander Riker, aboard the Enterprise. We demand that\r\nyou (ear splitting noise) Cut that off! They're not going to be\r\nsatisfied with anyone less than the Captain. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Outside Holodeck]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: La Forge to Bridge. <br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: Riker here. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: We think we have something, sir. I'll let Ensign Crusher\r\nexplain. <br>\r\nWESLEY: The bi-converter interface has been affected </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Forget the explanation! Can you do it?\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Outside Holodeck]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WESLEY: I don't know if I should. If this isn't\r\ndone correctly, the programme could abort and everyone inside could\r\nvanish. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Do you need more time to study it? <br>\r\nWESLEY [OC]: Whether we do it now or later, the risk is the same. <br>\r\nRIKER: Do it. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Hill's Office]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: If we can find away of getting him to our\r\nSickbay by fixing our computer <br>\r\nREDBLOCK: Computer? I don't know that word. <br>\r\nDATA: An electronic or mechanical apparatus capable of carrying out\r\nrepetitious or complex mathematical operations at high speed. Computers\r\nare used to control, process, perform, or store <br>\r\nLEECH: Enough! Let me kill him. He's really beginning to irritate me. <br>\r\n(Wesley does something, and the office briefly turns into an arctic\r\nsnowstorm) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Captain, the exit. <br>\r\nPICARD: That's it. The way into our world. <br>\r\nREDBLOCK: Remarkable. Is this a two-way passage? Can one enter your\r\nworld and return to this one simply by stepping through? <br>\r\nPICARD: Oh, yes. Allow us to help Mister Whalen, and we will return\r\nwith the item. <br>\r\nREDBLOCK: You really are a scamp, aren't you. Do you actually think I'd\r\nstay here <br>\r\nDATA: If you were going to go through yourself, sir, that is not\r\npossible. <br>\r\nREDBLOCK: One look at you, sir, is proof that anything is possible.\r\nStep back, Mister Hill. I'd shoot you myself, but I don't want to\r\ndeprive my assistant of his greatest pleasure. After we've gone, kill\r\nthem all. Make sure the bodies are never found. <br>\r\nMCNARY: You're insane. You think you can kill a cop and get away with\r\nit? <br>\r\nREDBLOCK: Why not? I've done it before. Come on, Mister Leech. Au\r\nrevoir et bonne chance, mon ami. Our destiny awaits. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">REDBLOCK: Another world. A whole new world to\r\nplunder! <br>\r\n(Leech looks down. They disappearing from the feet upwards) <br>\r\nREDBLOCK: What is this? What are they doing? They can't do this to me!\r\nDon't they know who I am? I'm Cyrus Redblock! Cyrus Redblock! <br>\r\n(The corridor is now empty)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Hill's office]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Data takes the gun off the Thug, and squeezes the\r\nbarrel closed) <br>\r\nDATA: With your permission, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: Permission granted. <br>\r\n(Data thumps the Thug, very hard) <br>\r\nPICARD: Data, pick up Whalen. Take him to Sickbay. <br>\r\nDATA: And you, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: I'll follow. You go now. <br>\r\n(Data, Crusher and Whalen leave) <br>\r\nPICARD: I wish I could take you with me. <br>\r\nMCNARY: Someone has to book this creep. Once a cop always a cop, I\r\nguess. <br>\r\nPICARD: I have to go. <br>\r\nMCNARY: So this is the big goodbye. Tell me something, Dixon. When\r\nyou've gone. will this world still exist? Will my wife and kids still\r\nbe waiting for me at home? <br>\r\nPICARD: I honestly don't know. Good-bye my friend.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: Captain! <br>\r\nRIKER: Are you ready, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: As ready as I'll ever be, Number One. Open hailing frequencies.\r\n<br>\r\nTASHA: Frequencies open. <br>\r\n(Picard loosens his tie, puts his hands on his hips and takes a deep\r\nbreath) <br>\r\nPICARD: This is Jean-Luc Picard, Captain of the USS Enterprise. Aaaaard\r\nklaxon leeeeesss blag blan ar'nik ka'nik. Aaaaard krasulaaa. Rassss\r\ntrassss trasulaaaah. <br>\r\nJARADAN [OC[: You have honoured us with your words of greeting. A new\r\nday dawns between us. <br>\r\n(Applause from the Bridge crew) <br>\r\nRIKER: So, did you have a nice vacation? <br>\r\nPICARD: It was a nice place to visit, Number One, but I wouldn't want\r\nto die there. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: So, Data, how was it? <br>\r\nDATA: It was raining in the city by the bay. A hard rain. Hard enough\r\nto wash the slime <br>\r\nPICARD: Data! <br>\r\nDATA: Sorry, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Lieutenant, take us out of orbit. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: And, Mister La Forge <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: Step on it. </font> </p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n</center>\r\n</div>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><a href=\"episodes.htm\"><font color=\"#2867d0\">&lt;Back\r\nto the episode listing</font></a></font></p>\r\n<p><font color=\"#000000\" face=\"Arial\" size=\"1\"><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">Star Trek � and related\r\nmarks are trademarks of<a href=\"\"> <font color=\"#2867d0\">CBS Studios Inc</font></a>.\r\nCopyright � 1966, Present. The Star Trek web pages on this site are for\r\neducational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights\r\nproperty of their respective holders.</font></font></p>\r\n</body></html>"},{"episode":"114.htm","data":"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n<html lang=\"en-gb\"><head>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-1252\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en-gb\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, NCC1701D, Episodes, Transcripts, Datalore, Picard, Riker, Crusher, Troi, LaForge, Yar, Worf, Wesley, Chief Engineer Argyle, Lore, Crystal Entity, Omicron Theta\">\r\n<meta name=\"Keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Transcripts, Datalore\">\r\n<meta name=\"Description\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation episode transcripts\"><title>The Next Generation Transcripts - Datalore</title>\r\n\r\n</head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"#d5d5d5\" dir=\"ltr\">\r\n<p><font color=\"#2867d0\" face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"5\"><b>Datalore</b></font><br>\r\n<font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Stardate:\r\n41242.4<br>\r\nOriginal Airdate: 18 Jan, 1988<br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n<center>\r\n<table border=\"0\" width=\"85%\">\r\n<tbody>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td align=\"left\" width=\"85%\"> <font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">\r\nCaptain's log, stardate 41242.4. Our last assignment has taken us into\r\nthe remote Omicron Theta star system, home of our android crewmember\r\nLieutenant Commander Data. Although we are due at our next assignment,\r\nI have decided to visit Data's home planet for a few hours in the hopes\r\nof unravelling some of the mystery of his beginnings.\r\n</font>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: Sir, we are now twenty minutes from\r\nOmicron Theta, mark! <br>\r\nRIKER: Stand by for subwarp. Head for standard orbit of Data's planet.\r\nI wonder why Data hasn't come up here.<br>\r\nPICARD: He said he wanted to be alone. Perhaps it's a bigger moment for\r\nhim than we thought. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Data's Quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: Aah, ahh, ahh <br>\r\n(Wesley enters) <br>\r\nWESLEY: Data! <br>\r\nDATA: Choo! <br>\r\nWESLEY: What are you doing?<br>\r\nDATA: Sneezing.<br>\r\nWESLEY: Have you got a cold?<br>\r\nDATA: A cold what?<br>\r\nWESLEY: It's a disease my mom says people used to get.<br>\r\nDATA: Ah. But humans still sneeze for other reasons and I cannot seem\r\nto do it right.<br>\r\nWESLEY: How can you be practicing something like sneezing when we're\r\narriving at your home planet for the first time? Aren't you interested\r\nin that?<br>\r\nDATA: More than interested. Fascinated. One might say agog. But I also\r\nfind sneezing interesting. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Captain Picard wishes to see you on the Bridge. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: Captain, confirming class M reading there.\r\nBut the sensors aren't showing any life readings. Not even vegetation.<br>\r\nPICARD: Strange. The cruiser that found Data reported farmlands here.<br>\r\n(Data and Wesley enter) <br>\r\nRIKER: Do you want to take her into orbit, Data?<br>\r\nDATA: No, thank you, sir.<br>\r\nPICARD: Continue on into close parking orbit.<br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye, sir.<br>\r\nDATA: I could say home sweet home, sir, if I understood how the word\r\nsweet applies.<br>\r\nPICARD: It usually refers to the memories.<br>\r\nRIKER: It usually refers to one's own memories, Captain. Do the\r\nmemories you were given include farms, Data?<br>\r\nDATA: Affirmative, sir. But the colony's principal interest was science.<br>\r\nTASHA: Data, I can't understand how you can hold the memories of four\r\nhundred and eleven people. If that means every experience, every day of\r\ntheir life?<br>\r\nDATA: It does not, unfortunately. It means only the knowledge they had\r\naccumulated. Actually, I am quite deficient in some basic human\r\ninformation. Sneezing, for example.<br>\r\nPICARD: Sneezing?<br>\r\nLAFORGE: Approaching close parking orbit, sir.<br>\r\nPICARD: Assemble your away party, Commander. This must be an exciting\r\nmoment for you, Mister Data. I'm tempted to lead the away team myself,\r\nexcept that my First Officer would object.<br>\r\nRIKER: How would Starfleet judge me if I didn't? An entire Earth colony\r\ndid disappear down there.<br>\r\nPICARD: You see? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Now in close parking orbit, sir.<br>\r\nPICARD: Mister Data, welcome home.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">First Officer's log, stardate 4124.5. We have found\r\nData's home to be a completely dead world made out of lifeless\r\nvegetation. No insects, not even soil bacteria. What is it that could\r\nkill everything on an entire planet? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Riker, Data, Tasha, Worf and Geordi beam down) <br>\r\nTASHA: Recording signal locked onto the Enterprise, sir.<br>\r\nRIKER: This looks like anything but farmland.<br>\r\nLAFORGE: Agreed, sir. The soil appears almost completely lifeless.<br>\r\nRIKER: This is the exact position listed in the Tripoli log. Do you\r\nrecognise anything, Data?<br>\r\nDATA: The land contours are familiar, sir. Topographically, this is the\r\ncorrect area.<br>\r\nLAFORGE: This once was rich farmland. I'd say something like twenty to\r\nthirty years ago.<br>\r\nDATA: I was discovered twenty six years ago.<br>\r\nLAFORGE: Commander, I'd say that everything on this planet was either\r\ndead or dying at the time Data was found.<br>\r\nDATA: I was found twenty metres in that direction, sir.<br>\r\n(They walk down steps cut into the rock, to a cave) <br>\r\nTASHA: Data, any idea at all why you were given the colonists' memories?<br>\r\nDATA: I have always felt that it was done hurriedly, but I know little\r\nmore. Here, sir. This is where the cruiser's landing party found the\r\nsignal device that had led them here. And they found me lying there,\r\nsir.<br>\r\n(He indicates a platform, obviously man-made, on a rock shelf) <br>\r\nTASHA: You were just lying out there in the open? No identity record,\r\nno instructions?<br>\r\nDATA: Only a layer of dust. <br>\r\nRIKER: What's the first thing you remember, Data?<br>\r\nDATA: Opening my eyes. Looking into the eyes of the Tripoli landing\r\nparty. They believed that the signal device sensed their presence and\r\nactivated me.<br>\r\nTASHA: Then this very spot was your birthplace.<br>\r\nLAFORGE: Commander, I think I've got this place figured out here. This\r\nwas really very cleverly done to make this look like a natural hollow\r\nin the terrain here. There are signs of it being constructed in a hurry\r\nas if to hide something here.<br>\r\nDATA: Yes, that was it, Geordi. This wakens a memory remnant of how the\r\ncolonists hoped to remain hidden, but their fear of being discovered\r\nled to their storing information in me.<br>\r\nLAFORGE: Yeah, thought so. <br>\r\n(He has found the catch to the secret door. The back of the cave swings\r\nopen to reveal a passageway into)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Underground Complex]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Riker turns the lights on) <br>\r\nTASHA: No life readings in here either, sir. <br>\r\n(They walk on until they come to a circular door, which opens for them)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Laboratory]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(The lights come on. The apparatus is still\r\nfunctioning. Lasers and indicators are flashing and blinking) <br>\r\nRIKER: The colony laboratory. Extremely well equipped. Does this stir\r\nany memories, Data?<br>\r\nDATA: Only a vague impression of some of my functions being tested here.<br>\r\n(There are crude pictures on a notice board of a spiky object in the\r\nsky) <br>\r\nRIKER: Posted by proud parents? <br>\r\nDATA: It depicts something that feels familiar, sir. And dangerous. But\r\nI have no idea what it represents. And that is all. Except for an\r\nimpression of this being a Doctor Soong's work area.<br>\r\nRIKER: Who? You don't mean Doctor Noonien Soong?<br>\r\nDATA: He was called that here, but his memories indicate he travelled\r\nhere under a different name.<br>\r\nLAFORGE: Doctor Noonien Soong, my friend, happens to have been Earth's\r\nforemost robotics scientist. <br>\r\nTASHA: Until he tried to make Asimov's dream of a positronic brain come\r\ntrue.<br>\r\nRIKER: A positronic brain. He promised so much. And then when he failed\r\ncompletely, Doctor Soong disappeared. Now we know he went somewhere\r\nelse to try a second time. Data, Geordi, we'll get a close look at this\r\nlab. You and Lieutenant Worf reconnoitre where these corridors lead.<br>\r\nTASHA: Aye, sir. <br>\r\n(Tasha and Work leave) <br>\r\n(Riker presses a button and a cover slides back to reveal a transparent\r\ntorso and face mask. Data puts the mask over his own face)<br>\r\nLAFORGE: Data, it's you.<br>\r\nRIKER: An epidermal mold. Made to give your exterior the desired finish.<br>\r\nTASHA [OC]: Lieutenant Yar to Commander Riker.<br>\r\nRIKER: Come in, Lieutenant.<br>\r\nTASHA [OC]: Sir, this installation is big enough to hold hundreds of\r\npeople. But all that's here now is empty beds.<br>\r\nRIKER: Thank you, Lieutenant. Complete your record scans and report\r\nback here.<br>\r\nLAFORGE: Commander Riker, looks like some sort of storage area.<br>\r\n(Data opens the new door and dry ice pours out before revealing another\r\nandroid, in pieces) <br>\r\nRIKER: How many more Datas are there?<br>\r\nLAFORGE: Looks like just these two. I mean, that and the real Data.<br>\r\nDATA: Commander, can this be another me? Or possibly my brother?<br>\r\nRIKER: I honestly don't know, Data.<br>\r\nDATA: He needs assembling.<br>\r\nRIKER: He? Data, we don't know that this can become alive.<br>\r\nDATA: It is very important for me to know that, sir. I never dreamed it\r\nwas possible I might find some link with some form like my own.<br>\r\nRIKER: Understood. We'll take it back to the ship with us.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, Stardate 41242.45. Despite having\r\nonly a few hours in which to explore Data's home planet we've\r\ndiscovered something which may explain Data's beginnings, if we can\r\nproperly assemble and communicate with what we've found.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Laboratory]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(A mass of people are working on putting the pieces\r\ntogether, while Data looks on) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Signal from the Captain. They need you at the debriefing.<br>\r\nDATA: I've been most anxious to hear the Chief Engineer's opinion,\r\nMister Argyle. Do you believe he can be made to function?<br>\r\nARGYLE: It appears to include all the components in your body. Not that\r\nwe fully understand your construction either.<br>\r\nCRUSHER: We have our top specialists working on its construction,\r\nMister Data.<br>\r\nARGYLE: Just one thing. Without disassembling you, of course, if we\r\nshould need more<br>\r\nCRUSHER: If we should need to compare this with the way you're put\r\ntogether? <br>\r\n(Data nods)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Observation Lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Bringing it up here was the right thing to\r\ndo, Number One. We were just saying, Data, that if your duplicate\r\nfunctions, it might answer a lot of questions.<br>\r\nRIKER: Does it appear to have all your parts?<br>\r\nDATA: Completely, sir.<br>\r\nLAFORGE: Will we know how to turn it on?<br>\r\nPICARD: All right, all right. Legitimate questions about any of this\r\nneed not be asked apologetically. You feel uncomfortable about aspects\r\nof your duplicate, Data. We feel uncomfortable too, and for no logical\r\nreason. If it feels awkward to be reminded that Data is a machine, just\r\nremember that we are merely a different variety of machine. In our\r\ncase, electrochemical in nature. Let's begin to handle this as we would\r\ndo anything else.<br>\r\nLAFORGE: Agreed, Captain.<br>\r\nPICARD: Let's begin with you, Data.<br>\r\nDATA: Well, sir, a good starting point may be, why was I given human\r\nform?<br>\r\nLAFORGE: Well, to make it easier for humans to relate to you. Had to\r\nbe. But your designer may have had something else to prove as well.<br>\r\nPICARD: That human-shaped robots need not be clumsy or limited. You\r\ncertainly operate as well as we do, Data <br>\r\nDATA: Better in some ways, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: You might want to have a look at this, Captain. Could be a link\r\nto the disappearance of the colonists. It was displayed in the lab, no\r\ndoubt by proud parents. It could be just a child's imagination, but\r\nseveral children did similar drawings.<br>\r\nCRUSHER [OC]: Doctor Crusher to Captain. At this point, sir, we very\r\nmuch need Mister Data's help.<br>\r\nPICARD: He's on his way, Doctor.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Laboratory]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(While technobabbnle goes on over the new android,\r\nData is talking quietly with Crusher) <br>\r\nDATA: Press your fingers there, Doctor. (the small of his back) There.\r\nIt operates almost as a switch.<br>\r\nCRUSHER: And these small projections?<br>\r\nDATA: An android alarm clock. Is that amusing? They time how long I\r\nremain unconscious.<br>\r\nARGYLE: Are you certain about us using these heating devices, Data?<br>\r\nDATA: I will feel nothing at all.<br>\r\nARGYLE: Marvellous. It should all be a lot simpler once we can see how\r\nyour circuitry's connected.<br>\r\nCRUSHER: I won't mention it to anyone. You have my word.<br>\r\nDATA: If you had an off switch Doctor, would you not keep it secret?<br>\r\nCRUSHER: I guess I would.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sickbay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Data and his twin are lying on biobeds, as the\r\nArgyle and Crusher gaze at Data's magnified innards) <br>\r\nARGYLE: Notice the micro-circuitry here and here. And another\r\nfibroid-like connection here.<br>\r\nCRUSHER: Let's close up. <br>\r\n(Later, Riker and Picard enter) <br>\r\nARGYLE: It seemed to go well, thanks to a look inside Mister Data. But\r\nthere have been no signs of consciousness, yet<br>\r\nRIKER: It certainly is a good match for Data, sir.<br>\r\nPICARD: Do you think so, really? I wonder which of them was made first?<br>\r\nLORE: He was. But they found him imperfect and I was made to replace\r\nhim. (he twitches) You may call me Lore.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>Ready Room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: I'm also a bit troubled by it describing\r\nyou as imperfect.<br>\r\nDATA: Human language gives me difficulty too, sir. Imperfect could mean\r\nI lack certain abilities he possesses.<br>\r\nPICARD: I wonder. But the point of this is, whether you and it have\r\napproximately the same capabilities.<br>\r\nDATA: We do, sir, and your referring to him as an it suggests that I,\r\ntoo, fit into the category of a thing.<br>\r\nPICARD: I see your point. My apologies.<br>\r\nDATA: Gladly accepted, sir. As for Lore's abilities, his use of syntax\r\nand grammar suggests he was given human memories similar to my own.<br>\r\nPICARD: And you have about equal physical strength and mental abilities?<br>\r\nDATA: I believe so, sir.<br>\r\nPICARD: Which requires I now ask you a very serious question. Since the\r\ntwo of you are closely related to each other.<br>\r\nDATA: The answer, sir, is that my loyalty is to you and Starfleet.\r\nCompletely.<br>\r\nPICARD: Thank you, Commander. I was certain of that.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Lore is in a brown overall, getting an\r\nintroduction to ship's operations) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: And helm control is here, with the ship's heading given in\r\nmeasurements we call degrees. Three hundred and sixty of them in a full\r\ncircle this way.<br>\r\nLORE: Then you say mark. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: On the nose.<br>\r\nWESLEY: Which separates it from another full three hundred and sixty\r\ndegree circle this way on a right angle to this one.<br>\r\nLORE: So by ordering a heading so many degrees this way and so many\r\nthis way, the ship can travel in any direction. All three dimensions. <br>\r\nRIKER: And the square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle<br>\r\nLORE: Is equal to the sum of the square of the other two. Two\r\nsomething. Which I once heard, but never understood.<br>\r\nDATA: All of which you will learn more about when the Captain has\r\napproved your being on the Bridge.<br>\r\nLORE: Have I committed an offence?<br>\r\nWESLEY: You will find that there are many rules on starships that must\r\nbe learnt.<br>\r\nLORE: You're very clever, Wesley. I now have duties to perform. Correct?<br>\r\nWORF: Were you ever this anxious to please, Data?<br>\r\nDATA: Never. I judge Lore to be superior in that desire.<br>\r\nLORE: Because I was designed to be so human, my brother, I enjoy\r\npleasing humans.<br>\r\nLAFORGE: My brother. That has a nice sound to it, Data.<br>\r\nDATA: You consider it important to please humans?<br>\r\nLORE: It's not important?<br>\r\nDATA: There are many things of importance. Some more than others.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: Do you realise that Commander Riker's\r\nhypotenuse question tricked you into showing your knowledge was greater\r\nthan you were indicating?<br>\r\nLORE: He didn't seem that clever. I'll be more careful.<br>\r\nDATA: You tend to underestimate humans, my brother. Praising young\r\nWesley on the helm, for example<br>\r\nLORE: A child!<br>\r\nDATA: He has a child's body, but we have found him to be much more.<br>\r\nLORE: Thank you for that information, too. You do care about how I\r\nperform. I pledge to be worthy of your teaching, my brother. Try not to\r\nbe jealous of my abilities. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Data's Quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Data sits at a computer terminal) <br>\r\nLORE: What information are you requesting?<br>\r\nDATA: Everything available on a Doctor Noonien Soong.<br>\r\nLORE: Good old Often Wrong Soong. A joke, brother. Actually, he was a\r\ngenius by human standards.<br>\r\nDATA: But he had destroyed his own reputation by making what seemed\r\nwild promises about his positronic brain design, almost all of which\r\nfailed.<br>\r\nLORE: Promises he later proved to be true. Which made you and me\r\npossible, brother. Our beloved father. Will I soon have a uniform like\r\nthat, brother?<br>\r\nDATA: If you get one the way I did, Lore, it will mean four years at\r\nthe Academy, another three as ensign, ten or twelve on varied space\r\nduty in the lieutenant grades.<br>\r\nLORE: A system designed to compensate for limited human ability. And\r\nyou, brother, are beginning to think as a human. You and I are\r\ncompletely different from them. Are you truly satisfied with the\r\nknowledge and memory of a few hundred human colonists? Suppose it could\r\nreflect thousands? Or millions? Or the knowledge of hundreds of\r\nmillions of life forms of every kind?<br>\r\nDATA: How?<br>\r\nLORE: We will discuss that in time.<br>\r\nDATA: And will we also discuss, Lore, which of us was constructed first?<br>\r\nLORE: It would be foolish to underestimate you, brother. Yes, I lied\r\nwhen I said you were made first, but with good reason. Doctor Soong\r\nmade me perfect in his first attempt. But he made me so completely\r\nhuman the colonists became envious of me. <br>\r\nDATA: You lived with the colonists?<br>\r\nLORE: Until they petitioned Soong to make a more comfortable, less\r\nperfect android. In other words, you, brother. Haven't you noticed how\r\neasily I handle human speech? I use their contractions. For example, I\r\nsay can't or isn't, and you say cannot or is not. (sings) I say tomato,\r\nyou say tomahto. I say potato, you say potahto. (laughs) A very old\r\njoke. But then you also have trouble with their humour. Am I right?<br>\r\nDATA: Quite true. I keep trying to be more human, and keep failing. <br>\r\nLORE: Do you realise, brother, I can help you become more human?<br>\r\nDATA: And do you realise, Lore, that I am obligated to report all of\r\nthis to our ship's Captain?<br>\r\nLORE: I assumed as much when I began studying you. May I use this to\r\nlearn more of this vessel and its customs?<br>\r\nDATA: Use it also to describe for the Captain the time you spent among\r\nthe colonists. Including everything you know about what happened to\r\nthem.<br>\r\nLORE: I promise a report of great detail and accuracy.<br>\r\nDATA: Thank you, Lore. I now have duties to perform. Unless of course,\r\nyou need something more.<br>\r\nLORE: I have more than I dreamed possible, brother. <br>\r\n(And Lore starts accessing ship's records at great speed from terminal\r\n40271)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, stardate 41242.5. Thanks to Lore's\r\nreport, we now know what happened to the colonists. Beginning with a\r\nchild's drawing, enhanced by Lore's description, our computer has\r\nconstructed the image of a great crystalline entity which feeds on\r\nlife, insatiably ravenous for the life force found in living forms,\r\ncapable of stripping all life from an entire world.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: But how did Data escape that thing? Or Lore?<br>\r\nRIKER: Lore had been disassembled. He explained it as jealousy from the\r\ncolonists. And Data wasn't yet alive at that time.<br>\r\nPICARD: Which explains why Data could be left outside in no danger from\r\nthat creature. Whatever happened to the colonists, he would be found by\r\nthe first Starfleet crew that responded to the signal he transmitted.<br>\r\nTASHA: By which Doctor Soong left proof behind that his experiment did\r\nwork.<br>\r\nRIKER: Captain, how believable do you find that crystal thing?<br>\r\nPICARD: With so little of even our galaxy explored, I find it at least\r\npossible.<br>\r\nTASHA: Data, are you expecting Lore to come up here? He left your\r\nquarters some time ago.<br>\r\nDATA: To go?<br>\r\nTASHA: My turbo-sensors say he went to deck four. Worf?<br>\r\nWORF: Where he examined some micro-miniature work tools, and some fine\r\ngrind quadratanium ?<br>\r\nDATA: Which is used in our construction. That particular compound is no\r\nmore suspicious, sir, than a human looking for an antiseptic or an\r\nointment. Nevertheless, I should check it out.<br>\r\nCRUSHER: You're watching everything he does, Data? Is that the act of a\r\nbrother?<br>\r\nPICARD: It's the act of a Starfleet officer obeying his Captain, Doctor.<br>\r\n(Data leaves) <br>\r\nTASHA: Captain? Speaking strictly as Security Chief, how much can you\r\ntrust Data now?<br>\r\nPICARD: I trust him completely. But everyone should also realise that\r\nthat was a necessary and legitimate security question.<br>\r\nTASHA: Thank you, sir.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Data's Quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Lore pours out two glasses of champagne, and adds\r\na substance to one of them. Data enters) <br>\r\nLORE: Lesson number one in becoming more human. You must observe all\r\nhuman customs.<br>\r\nDATA: Champagne?<br>\r\nLORE: An ancient ritual still practiced when they celebrate events of\r\nimportance. My brother, I toast our discovery of each other. May it\r\nfill our lives with new meaning.<br>\r\n(Data drinks from the doctored glass) <br>\r\nDATA: I have some doubts about the value of human customs (feels an\r\neffect) in this. My brother! <br>\r\nLORE: And let us toast also Doctor Soong, who gave me the full richness\r\nof human needs and ambitions. A perfect match for my mind, my body. <br>\r\n(Data collapses) <br>\r\nLORE: And let us toast also the great Crystal Entity with whom I\r\nlearned to communicate. Before Doctor Soong disassembled me, I earned\r\nits gratitude by revealing the way to the colonists. Can you image its\r\ngratitude when I give it the life on this vessel?\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WORF: This is strange, sir. I show Commander Data\r\ntransmitting on a subspace channel.<br>\r\nRIKER: I know Data's been doing considerable research on Doctor Soong's\r\nbackground. Let's be sure. Wesley, would you look in on Commander Data?\r\nDiscreetly?<br>\r\nWESLEY: Yes sir!\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Data's Quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Obviously, Lore is now impersonating Data and has\r\ndonned his uniform) <br>\r\nLORE: Crystal Entity. Upon arriving here you can identify me as the\r\nmachine named Data. (door bell) End of message. Come in, please. <br>\r\n(Wesley enters and sees Lore, or rather Data in Lore's overall, on the\r\nfloor) <br>\r\nLORE: Glad you are here, Wesley. Lore suddenly attacked me and I had to\r\nturn him off.<br>\r\nWESLEY: Why did he do that, Data?<br>\r\nLORE: He discovered we have been using sensors to follow what he does.\r\n(twitch) I practiced his facial tic. Do I have it right?<br>\r\nWESLEY: I'd suggest you forget imitating him. If you'd said we've been\r\nusing the sensors, instead of we have, I might have suspected you were\r\nLore.<br>\r\nLORE: Yes. I do use language more formally than Lore. Please inform the\r\nCaptain I will come up to the Bridge and report on this.<br>\r\nWESLEY: Aye, sir. <br>\r\n(Wesley leaves, and Lore uses a laser to recreate his tic on Data, and\r\ncure his own)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: Wes, tell me again how Data said he\r\nimmobilised Lore.<br>\r\nWESLEY: He told me he just turned him off, Mom, er, Doctor.<br>\r\n(Lore as Data enters) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Question, Mister Data. Did you or did you not swear me to\r\nsecrecy about your off switch?<br>\r\nLORE: A change of mind, Doctor. If I cannot trust the bridge crew, whom\r\ncan I?<br>\r\nLAFORGE: Captain, I'm picking up a bogey coming in on a five o'clock\r\ntangent.<br>\r\nTASHA: It's transmitting no ID signal, Captain.<br>\r\nRIKER: Set main viewer on that tangent.<br>\r\nPICARD: Shields up. Go to Yellow Alert. Transmit friendly greetings,\r\nall languages, all frequencies.<br>\r\n(The Crystal Entity whooshes towards them) <br>\r\nRIKER: I can't believe anything's overtaking us this fast.<br>\r\nLORE: Beautiful, isn't it?<br>\r\nRIKER: I recognise it, sir. It's the crystal image Lore described. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: My God. <br>\r\n(The Enterprise is dwarfed by the Entity) <br>\r\nTASHA: Still no ID being transmitted, sir. Also no answer to our\r\ninquiries.<br>\r\n(Geordi enters, or re-enters. Some time must have passed) <br>\r\nPICARD: Did you get a direct look at it?<br>\r\nLAFORGE: It's like a giant snow flake crystal, but much more complex.\r\nThe entire electromagnetic spectrum seems to play about inside it, but\r\nI haven't the slightest idea what it is, sir.<br>\r\nPICARD: Thank you, Lieutenant. Data, is there anything else that Lore\r\ncan tell us about it, it may be important. Can you control him enough\r\nto question him?<br>\r\nLORE: I will have to examine him to know, sir.<br>\r\nWESLEY: Captain, recommend that you do not let him roam the ship freely.<br>\r\nPICARD: Ensign.<br>\r\nLORE: Wesley is only showing himself to be alert and responsible.\r\nSomething to encourage. Come, you can watch everything I do.<br>\r\nWESLEY: Not if I have a choice.<br>\r\nPICARD: That is enough, Ensign. When addressing a senior officer.<br>\r\nRIKER: I've guided his training, sir, I'm the one at fault. You will\r\nshow the proper respect. I will accompany you down there to make\r\ncertain of it. With your approval, of course, sir.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Data's Quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LORE: Be careful of Lore. Good. He is still\r\nunconscious. Notice the same twitch, even though he is unconscious?\r\nStay back. We may have problems if he senses someone else is near.\r\n(flicks Data's switch on and off) Lore, I have a few questions to ask\r\nyou. <br>\r\nLORE: Lore, it is Data. He senses you. I cannot control him if you\r\nstay. Please! I will record everything he says. <br>\r\nRIKER: You will bring it to the Bridge, immediately. <br>\r\n(Riker and Wesley leave) <br>\r\nLORE: And you want to be as stupid as them, dear brother? <br>\r\n(Lore kicks Data in the head, opening a flap of skin)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Well, Number One?<br>\r\nRIKER: It was Lore, sir. Same facial twitches that we've seen all\r\nalong. Lying unconscious on the floor exactly as Data had described.\r\nBut then it suddenly became violent, apparently sensing that Wesley and\r\nI were present. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Or is it Lore pretending to be Data and faking it all?<br>\r\nPICARD: I asked for Commander Riker's report, Acting Ensign Crusher.\r\nAnd since it now seems clear that you are unable to function within the\r\nlimits of that appointment<br>\r\nLAFORGE: Captain!<br>\r\n(The entity is starting to send rays their way) <br>\r\nTASHA: Deflector shields holding, sir.<br>\r\nPICARD: Bring photon torpedoes to ready. Main phasers to ready. Go to\r\nRed Alert, please.<br>\r\n(Data/Lore enters) <br>\r\nWORF: Weapons now ready, sir. <br>\r\nLORE: No, Captain, let me talk to it. <br>\r\nPICARD: You didn't say you could do that. (the ship shakes)\r\nAffirmative. Talk to it.<br>\r\nLORE: Open hailing frequencies. Crystal form, I identify myself as\r\nData, advising you to stop your attack. The humans here are powerful,\r\ncapable of injuring or even destroying you. <br>\r\n(The attack stops) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Now I call that communicating.<br>\r\nLORE: Suggest moving fast to confirm what I told it, sir. Permission to\r\nuse the large transporter in cargo room three. There I can beam up some\r\nliving pattern, perhaps a large tree.<br>\r\nRIKER: Which you'll beam over next to the entity<br>\r\nLORE: That is correct, Riker. Our ship's phasers will then blast and\r\ndisintegrate it, proving we are dangerous.<br>\r\nPICARD: Make it so. <br>\r\nLORE: Sir?<br>\r\nPICARD: Do it. <br>\r\n(Lore leaves) <br>\r\nWESLEY: Sir, I know this may finish me as an Acting Ensign, but <br>\r\nPICARD: Shut up, Wesley! Lieutenant, pick a good security team, let me\r\nknow what he does.<br>\r\nTASHA: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Shut up, Wesley?<br>\r\nPICARD: Doctor. <br>\r\nWESLEY: And since I am finished here, sir, may I point out that <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Shut up, Wesley!<br>\r\nWESLEY: That everything that I have said would have been listened to if\r\nit came from an adult officer. Request permission to return to my\r\nquarters, sir.<br>\r\nPICARD: Agreed. Doctor, go with him.<br>\r\nCRUSHER: You're putting me off the Bridge?<br>\r\nPICARD: I'm asking that you keep an eye on your son during all of this,\r\nDoctor.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Turbolift]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Worf is leading the security team, but gets cut\r\noff from them when -) <br>\r\nLORE: Emergency close! <br>\r\n(He slaps the phaser out of Worf's hand) <br>\r\nLORE: Now, show me your warrior fierceness. <br>\r\n(Of course, flesh and blood is no match for the machine)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Data's Quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: I'll look. But I shouldn't have let you\r\ntalk me into this. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Mom, it's Data. He's been hurt. It's Data, Mom. I heard you\r\nknow how to turn them on. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: This is very serious. <br>\r\nWESLEY: So just tell me to shut up, Wesley, and I will.<br>\r\nCRUSHER: You're being very unfair, Wes.<br>\r\n(She switches Data on) <br>\r\nWESLEY: Data, the Crystal Thing is outside somewhere close to the ship,\r\nand Lore is loose on the inside.<br>\r\nCRUSHER: How badly are you hurt, Data?<br>\r\nDATA: I will function sufficiently to stop Lore, Doctor\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Cargo bay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Lore is at the cargo transporter console) <br>\r\nLORE: Crystal entity form, it's your old friend. <br>\r\n(Data, Crusher and Wesley enter unnoticed as Lore receives a reply from\r\nthe Entity) <br>\r\nLORE: Very good. You've understand perfectly so far. Next, I'll signal\r\nthat I'm about to transport something out, at which time the deflector\r\nshields will turn off for a moment, and if you move in at that time <br>\r\n(Lore realises that Data has snuck up behind him) <br>\r\nDATA: How sad, dear brother. You make me wish I were an only child.<br>\r\nLORE: (sees Wesley) Then why this marvellous gift? The troublesome\r\nlittle man-child. Are you prepared for the kind of death you've earned,\r\nlittle man? <br>\r\n(Beverly steps out, with her phaser) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: If you take one step toward my son <br>\r\nLORE: Ah, motherhood. <br>\r\n(Lore grabs Data, pushes him into Crusher and grabs her weapon) <br>\r\nLORE: Back off, or I'll turn your little man into a torch. I promise\r\nhim exquisite pain unless you obey me too, brother.<br>\r\nCRUSHER: Move away, Data. Please.<br>\r\nLORE: Do you see now the advantages of being completely human? It\r\nincludes kindness. I give you your life, Doctor. Go home. Quickly. And\r\nI may not injure your son at all.<br>\r\nDATA: I will stay with Wesley, Doctor.<br>\r\nLORE: Go! Or he'll be shrieking by the count of five. One, two, three,\r\nfour <br>\r\n(Crusher runs for it) <br>\r\nLORE: Thank you for my human quality, Doctor Soong. Wait! A small\r\npayment for your son's misdeeds.<br>\r\n(Lore shoots Beverly in the arm. Data jumps Lore and they fight across\r\nthe cargo bay, sending barrels and containers flying\r\nDATA: Wes! The transporter. <br>\r\n(Data throws Lore onto the pad, and just as Lore aims the phaser) <br>\r\nDATA: Wesley, now!<br>\r\n(Wesley beams Lore out, somewhere. Tasha and Riker arrive, armed,\r\nfollowed by Picard and Crusher)<br>\r\nWESLEY: Lore's gone, sir. Permanently. <br>\r\nPICARD: Doctor, now that Wesley's safe, go to Sickbay at once.<br>\r\n(Crusher leaves) <br>\r\nRIKER: Captain, the crystal thing has begun to move away.<br>\r\nPICARD: Data, are you all right? <br>\r\nDATA: Yes, sir. I'm fine. (twitch) <br>\r\nPICARD: Get rid of that damned twitch and put on the correct uniform.<br>\r\nDATA: Yes, Captain.<br>\r\nPICARD: Ensign Crusher, are you able to return to duty?<br>\r\nWESLEY: Yes, sir.<br>\r\nPICARD: Then do so, and let the Bridge know that all is well down here.<br>\r\nWESLEY: Aye, sir. <br>\r\n(Wesley, Data, Tasha leave) <br>\r\nRIKER: It's gone, sir. Without Lore, it had no way to reach us.<br>\r\nPICARD: And we're overdue for our computer refit. Number One, have you\r\never considered whether Data is more human, or less human than we want?<br>\r\nRIKER: I only wish we were all as well balanced, sir.<br>\r\nPICARD: Agreed! </font> </p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n</center>\r\n</div>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><a href=\"episodes.htm\"><font color=\"#2867d0\">&lt;Back\r\nto the episode listing</font></a></font></p>\r\n<p><font color=\"#000000\" face=\"Arial\" size=\"1\"><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">Star Trek � and related\r\nmarks are trademarks of<a href=\"\"> <font color=\"#2867d0\">CBS Studios Inc</font></a>.\r\nCopyright � 1966, Present. The Star Trek web pages on this site are for\r\neducational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights\r\nproperty of their respective holders.</font></font></p>\r\n</body></html>"},{"episode":"115.htm","data":"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n<html lang=\"en-gb\"><head>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-1252\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en-gb\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"keywords\" content=\"Star Trek, The Next Generation, NCC1701D, Episodes, Transcripts, Angel One, Picard, Riker, Doctor Beverly Crusher, Troi, LaForge, Yar, Worf, Data, Wesley, Beata, Ramsey, Trent, Ariel\">\r\n<meta name=\"Keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Transcripts, Angel One\">\r\n<meta name=\"Description\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation episode transcripts\"><title>The Next Generation Transcripts - Angel One</title>\r\n\r\n</head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"#d5d5d5\" dir=\"ltr\">\r\n<p><font color=\"#2867d0\" face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"5\"><b>Angel\r\nOne</b></font><br>\r\n<font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Stardate:\r\n41636.9<br>\r\nOriginal Airdate: 25 Jan, 1988<br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n<center>\r\n<table border=\"0\" width=\"85%\">\r\n<tbody>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td align=\"left\" width=\"85%\"> <font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">\r\nCaptain's log, stardate 41636.9. As feared, our examination of the\r\nseven year overdue Federation freighter, Odin, disabled by an asteroid\r\ncollision, revealed no survivors. However, three escape pods were\r\nmissing, suggesting the possibility of survivors.\r\n</font>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: Ready to begin orbit of Angel One,\r\nCaptain. <br>\r\nPICARD: Make it so, Mister La Forge. What kind of place is this, Data? <br>\r\nDATA: Angel One is a class M planet, sir, supporting carbon based flora\r\nand fauna, sparsely populated with intelligent life forms. It is\r\nsimilar in technological development to mid-twentieth century Earth. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Kind of like being marooned at home. <br>\r\nRIKER: Assuming any of the survivors made it this far. Admittedly, it\r\n'is the closest planet to the\r\nOdin, but to travel distance we did in two days at warp one would have\r\ntaken the Odin escape pod five months. <br>\r\nDATA: Five months, fourteen days, eleven hours, two minutes <br>\r\nRIKER: Thank you, Data. <br>\r\nDATA: And fifty seven seconds. <br>\r\nTASHA: Captain, we're receiving an audio signal from Angel One. <br>\r\nPICARD: Starfleet are adamant that we maintain excellent diplomatic\r\nrelations with this planet. Mister Data, is there any other pertinent\r\ninformation before we reply? <br>\r\nDATA: Angel One has evolved into a constitutional oligarchy. It is\r\ngoverned by a parliamentary body consisting of six elected Mistresses,\r\nand headed by a female they refer to as The Elected One.<br>\r\nTROI: It sounds like my own planet. <br>\r\nWORF: Klingons appreciate strong women. <br>\r\nPICARD: How current is this information, Mister Data? <br>\r\nDATA: A Federation vessel last visited this planet sixty two years ago,\r\nCaptain. <br>\r\nPICARD: Counsellor, as this is a female dominated society, you might\r\nwish to make the initial contact. <br>\r\nTROI: Thank you, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Open hailing frequencies. <br>\r\nTASHA: Hailing frequencies open, sir. <br>\r\nTROI: This is Counsellor Deanna Troi from the USS Enterprise. <br>\r\nBEATA: [OC]: I am Beata, The Elected One. How may we assist you,\r\nCounsellor? <br>\r\nTROI: The Federation has neglected to visit to your planet for far too\r\nlong. With your permission, we would like to correct that oversight. <br>\r\nBEATA: [OC]: We feel in no way neglected, Counsellor. A diplomatic\r\ncourtesy call is neither expected nor required. <br>\r\nTROI: We also come in search of possible survivors from one of our\r\nfreighters. <br>\r\nBEATA: [OC]: A brief visit will be tolerated. <br>\r\nTASHA: They've broken off transmission. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Ever feel like you're not really wanted? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Where're you fellows off to?<br>\r\nWESLEY: Our ski instructor has us scheduled for the Denubian Alps, sir.\r\n<br>\r\nRIKER: Save us some deep powder. <br>\r\nWESLEY: No problem, sir. The holodecks have all you'll ever need. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Transporter Room]</b> </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Riker, Troi, Tasha and Data get on the transporter\r\npad) <br>\r\nRIKER: The away team's ready, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Angel One's strategic importance in this quadrant may become\r\nvital. Starfleet's hope is that one day this world may become part of\r\nthe Federation. <br>\r\nRIKER: We'll do our best to make a good impression, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Energise.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's lot, supplemental. Our away team has\r\nbeamed down to an unusual matriarchal society where the female is as\r\naggressively dominant as the male gender was on Earth hundreds of years\r\nago. Here, the female is the hunter, the soldier, larger and stronger\r\nthan the male. An arrangement considered most sensible and natural. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Great Hall]</b> </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(There is a full gathering to greet the away team.\r\nPeople here kneel, not sit on chairs) <br>\r\nBEATA: I am Beata, The Elected One of Angel One. Representatives of the\r\nStarfleet Enterprise, do you wish to petition? <br>\r\nTROI: We do. We have reason to hope that survivors from a damaged\r\nFederation freighter may be marooned on your planet. We are seeking to\r\nlearn if this is so. <br>\r\nBEATA: Even a planet as remote as Angel One has heard of Starfleet.\r\nSearching the galaxy for survivors seems a petty task for one of their\r\nmighty vessels. <br>\r\nRIKER: We don't consider even one survivor petty. <br>\r\nBEATA: Is this man implying that we put a lesser value on life than you\r\ndo? <br>\r\nTROI: Not at all. Our discovery of the freighter was unexpected. We\r\nhave a duty to investigate. <br>\r\nBEATA: I see. And if you find any survivors, what then? <br>\r\nTROI: We will take them with us and see that they were reunited with\r\ntheir families. <br>\r\nARIEL: Are we to take these strangers at their word? <br>\r\nBEATA: Good question. <br>\r\nTASHA: What reason could we possibly have to deceive you? <br>\r\nBEATA: Another good question. <br>\r\nRIKER: Are there survivors from the freighter Odin on your planet? <br>\r\nBEATA: I'm not prepared to answer, yet. See to their comforts. <br>\r\nRIKER: (to Troi) What's going on?\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Guest quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TRENT: You will remain here until summoned. <br>\r\n(He leaves as Tasha sweeps the room with her tricorder) <br>\r\nRIKER: Is thus area secure? Can we talk? <br>\r\nTASHA: Yes. Tricorder doesn't show any listening devices or anything\r\nelse of a threatening nature. <br>\r\nRIKER: Good. Troi? <br>\r\nTROI: There was much fear in that room.<br>\r\nRIKER: Paranoia, I'd say. But of what? <br>\r\nTROI: I cannot say. But their fear was not focused. I sensed that all\r\nwere not concerned for the same reason. Undoubtedly there are survivors\r\nfrom the Odin on this planet. <br>\r\nRIKER: I agree. Otherwise, why would they be so circumspect? <br>\r\nTASHA: As Mistress Beata is so fond of saying, good question.<br>\r\nDATA: What do we do if they deny the existence of survivors? <br>\r\nRIKER: Let's not look for problems. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Turbolift]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: I want all departments prepared for a warp\r\nsix trip into the Neutral Zone as soon as the away team completes its\r\nmission. <br>\r\nWORF: Trouble, Captain? <br>\r\nPICARD: Insurance. Romulan battle cruisers have been detected near one\r\nof our border posts. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Picard steps out of the turbolift into a snowball)\r\n<br>\r\nPICARD: They've requested assistance as soon as Argh! <br>\r\n(The culprits leave the holodeck) <br>\r\nPICARD: Report, Mister Crusher. <br>\r\nWESLEY We finished our ski lesson, sir, and it kind of just happened. <br>\r\nPICARD: On the Enterprise, Mister Crusher, nothing just happens. What\r\nis that smell? <br>\r\nWORF: Hmm, yes. Slightly reminiscent of night blooming throgni,\r\nCaptain. From home. Quite stimulating, wouldn't you say? <br>\r\nPICARD: No. <br>\r\nWESLEY: I don't smell anything. I'm a little congested. The snow. <br>\r\nPICARD: Don't let this just happen again, Mister Crusher. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Yes, sir.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Guest quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Data has found an atomiser, and gives himself a\r\nface-full) <br>\r\nDATA: Interesting. An alcohol-based synthetic, artificially reproducing\r\na floral scent. <br>\r\nTROI: It's called perfume, Data. <br>\r\nDATA: The purpose of which is? <br>\r\nTASHA: Certain cultures consider perfume an aphrodisiac. <br>\r\nDATA: I am unfamiliar with that term. <br>\r\nRIKER: An aphrodisiac is something used to stimulate or enhance sexual\r\npleasure.<br>\r\nDATA: How does stimulation of the olfactory nerves affect the enjoyment\r\nof sex? <br>\r\n(Trent enters) <br>\r\nTRENT: The Elected One will see you now. <br>\r\n(When the group have left, he sprays himself with the perfume) </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Great Hall]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">BEATA: You claim you intend to remove these\r\nsurvivors from our planet. Are you prepared to give us your solemn word\r\non that? <br>\r\nTROI: We are.<br>\r\nBEATA: You should know that the vote was not unanimous. Some of those\r\namong us are suspicious. Yet the majority feel that we have no choice\r\nbut to trust you. <br>\r\nRIKER: We don't understand the source of your misgivings, Mistress, but\r\nwe appreciate your faith in us. <br>\r\nBEATA: Make certain that faith is not misplaced. There are four\r\nsurvivors from the ship you call Odin. All male. Their leader is a man\r\nwho calls himself Ramsey. <br>\r\nTROI: If you'll deliver these men to us, we'll have them off your\r\nplanet immediately. <br>\r\nBEATA: If they were mine to deliver, I would do it without hesitation.\r\nUnfortunately, their hiding place has long eluded us. <br>\r\nTASHA: Hiding place? Why are they in hiding? <br>\r\nBEATA: Because they are fugitives on Angel One, and the quicker we get\r\nrid of them, the better. When these men came to us seven years ago,\r\nthey accepted our hospitality quickly enough. But they gradually became\r\nrestive, started making unreasonable demands, went against the natural\r\norder. <br>\r\nTROI: Using the technology of the Enterprise, we might be able to find\r\nthese men. <br>\r\nBEATA: I assumed as much. But be warned, Counsellor, these men are\r\ndangerous. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sickbay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Wesley and his ski-ing companion are in beds,\r\ncoughing) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Sickbay to Captain Picard. <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: Picard here. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Wesley and one of his friends have contracted some form of\r\nrespiratory ailment. <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: A respiratory aliment? Is it contained? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I hope so. I've isolated the twelve students who were on the\r\nQuazulu Eight field trip.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: How contagious is it? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sickbay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: Still running tests. The key is to figure\r\nout how the virus is transmitted. So far I've been able to rule out </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER [OC]: Person to person contact. <br>\r\nPICARD: Well, keep with it, Doctor. Starfleet has very important\r\nbusiness for us as soon as the away team returns. I don't fancy the\r\nidea of my crew being infected. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Great Hall]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Data, what's the best way to go about\r\nfinding Ramsey and the other survivors? <br>\r\nDATA: If we can isolate something unique to the Odin survivors, perhaps\r\nan element not otherwise found on Angel One, we can utilise the\r\nEnterprise scanners. <br>\r\nRIKER: Mister Data will need access to your library. <br>\r\nBEATA: Our library is far too sophisticated for a man to comprehend. <br>\r\nDATA: I am an android, Mistress, although anatomically I am a male. <br>\r\nBEATA: An amusing notion. Maybe you could teach our males a thing or\r\ntwo. Trent, see to the android's needs. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WORF: Bridge to Captain Picard. <br>\r\nPICARD: [OC]: Go ahead, Lieutenant. <br>\r\nWORF: The away team requests that we scan the planet surface for traces\r\nof platinum. <br>\r\nPICARD: [OC]: Have Mister La Forge break fixed orbit and initiate a\r\nsearch pattern. <br>\r\nWORF: Aye, Captain. Geordi. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Search pattern initiated now. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Guest quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Riker enters, and Troi hands him a local male\r\noutfit on a hangar) <br>\r\nTROI: This was delivered for you. <br>\r\nRIKER: Good. It's for my meeting with Beata. <br>\r\nTROI: You're not going to wear that. <br>\r\nRIKER: Of course. Part of this mission is diplomatic. I have requested\r\nan audience with a head of state, and I will honour her by wearing\r\nindigenous apparel.<br>\r\nTASHA: I don't believe this. You're going to put that thing on and\r\nparade around like one of them? <br>\r\nRIKER: Why, what is this attitude? On Kabatris I had to wear furs to\r\nmeet the leadership council. And on Armus Nine I wore feathers. This\r\nobjection doesn't have anything to do with the fact that Beata is a\r\nwoman, and an attractive one, does it?\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"> <b>[Ready Room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(The Captain is obviously ill) <br>\r\nPICARD: This is quite unnecessary, Doctor. I'm fine. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: You're infected with the virus. Captain. In my opinion, you\r\nare no longer physically able to effectively command this vessel. <br>\r\nPICARD: That is ridiculous, Doctor. I have an away team down there, in\r\nless than friendly territory, and in addition I have an appointment\r\nwith several Romulan battlecruisers. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: You have an appointment in your cabin, Captain. With your bed.\r\n<br>\r\nPICARD: Is that an order, Doctor? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Yes. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WORF: I think I may sneeze.<br>\r\nLAFORGE: A Klingon sneeze?<br>\r\nWORF: Only kind I know. <br>\r\n(Picard and Crusher enter) <br>\r\nPICARD: Lieutenant La Forge, you have command until further notice.\r\nPlease, make the proper ship's log entries. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye, sir. <br>\r\n(Geordi goes and sits in the Captain's chair) <br>\r\nWORF: Scanners indicate a platinum trace. Should I notify the away\r\nteam? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Make it so. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Guest quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TROI: Tasha. <br>\r\n(Riker emerges in full local costume, left breast and chest hair to the\r\nwaist fully on show. The women find it highly amusing) <br>\r\nRIKER: What do you think? <br>\r\nTASHA: Well, I got to say, it's kind of sexy. <br>\r\nRIKER: Thank you, Lieutenant. Actually it feels quite comfortable. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Beata's quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(They also double as her private office) <br>\r\nBEATA: How handsome you look. <br>\r\nRIKER: Thank you, The Enterprise reports a possible location for Mister\r\nRamsey and the other survivors. <br>\r\nBEATA: So soon? I'm impressed.<br>\r\nARIEL: I suspicious. <br>\r\nRIKER: You don't believe me? <br>\r\nARIEL: Not yet. I hear the words, but not the sincerity. <br>\r\nBEATA: You had your opportunity to object, Ariel. You were in the\r\nminority. <br>\r\nARIEL: After seven years, the great ship Enterprise come to repatriate\r\na small group of insignificant people. <br>\r\nRIKER: Mistress Ariel, I hear the words but not the sincerity. <br>\r\nARIEL: You should listen more carefully. Excuse me, Mistress. I have\r\nmatters to attend to elsewhere. <br>\r\n(Ariel leaves, and Trent follows) <br>\r\nRIKER: With your permission, we'd like to begin our search immediately.<br>\r\nBEATA: By all means. But I'm sure that Counsellor Troi and the others\r\ncan do that without you. If I recall, you had a gesture of goodwill you\r\nwished to give to me? <br>\r\nRIKER: Certainly that can wait until we've recovered the survivors. <br>\r\nBEATA: Are you suggesting that the women in your party are incapable of\r\naccomplishing their task without the help of a man? <br>\r\nRIKER: Not at all. Lieutenant Yar and Counsellor Troi are completely\r\nqualified. <br>\r\nBEATA: You're very generous with your praise. Inform them you will\r\nremain here with me.<br>\r\nRIKER: Riker to Lieutenant Yar. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Guest quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: This is Yar. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Beata's quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: In the interests of diplomatic relations,\r\nI'll remain here with Mistress Beata while you conduct our search. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Guest quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: Commander? <br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: You have your instructions. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Beata's quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">BEATA: Relax. We have much to discuss. <br>\r\n(She goes through gauze curtains into another room)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Guest quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: Set phasers to stun. <br>\r\nTROI: I wish they weren't necessary. <br>\r\nDATA: A justified precaution, Counsellor. Mistress Beata observed that\r\nMister Ramsey and his men are dangerous. <br>\r\nTASHA: Lieutenant Yar to Enterprise. <br>\r\nLAFORGE [OC]: Go ahead, Tasha. <br>\r\nTASHA: Three to beam to the location of that platinum trace, Geordi. <br>\r\nLAFORGE [OC]: Coordinates set. <br>\r\nTASHA: Energise. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Hideout]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TROI: Tasha! <br>\r\n(Below them is a cave and settlement, and a man at a table) <br>\r\nRAMSEY: Welcome. I've been expecting you. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Picard's quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Picard to Bridge. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Worf sneezes) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: La Forge here. <br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Picard's quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Status report. <br>\r\nLAFORGE [OC]: Eighty-two more reported cases of the virus, sir. Doctor\r\nCrusher's converted the holodeck into an isolation ward. <br>\r\nPICARD: And the away team? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">[Bridge]\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: Well, no recent contact, sir, but I have\r\ninformed them of the medical situation up here and the growing Romulan\r\nthreat to our Neutral Zone outpost. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Picard's quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Keep me advised. You have the Bridge until\r\nCommander Riker returns. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WORF: Engineering reports a computer malf (sneeze)\r\nI'm sorry, I'm getting sick. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I'm sure half the ship knows that by now. Report to Sickbay,\r\nLieutenant. <br>\r\nCREWMAN [OC]: Engineering to bridge. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: La Forge here. <br>\r\nCREWMAN [OC]: The computer won't accept the variant climate controls. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: On my way. <br>\r\nWORF: With all respect, Lieutenant, there are people to do that job\r\nnow. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: La Forge to Engineering. Lieutenant Wong knows the system. I'm\r\nsure she'll be able to resolve all problems. Worf, thanks for the\r\nadvice. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Hideout]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RAMSEY: How did you find me? <br>\r\nDATA: Actually, it was quite simple. Angel One has no platinum.\r\nEnterprise scanners did the rest. <br>\r\nRAMSEY: Platinum, was it? My wings. I kept them for their sentimental\r\nvalue. <br>\r\nTASHA: Where are the other survivors, Mister Ramsey? <br>\r\nRAMSEY: Oh, they're nearby. They're packing, as a matter of fact, since\r\nwe can no longer remain here. <br>\r\nTROI: Seven years on an alien planet, and I sense no anticipation, no\r\nexcitement\r\nat being rescued. <br>\r\nRAMSEY: What is it that you think you're rescuing me from? My shipmates\r\nand I have all taken wives. A few even have children. You can't rescue\r\na man from a place that he calls his home. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Beata's quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Beata has slipped into something more comfortable)\r\n<br>\r\nRIKER: Why were you so hesitant at first to tell us about the Odin\r\nsurvivors? <br>\r\nBEATA: Simply because Ramsey and his men are anarchists. I had to make\r\nsure you weren't here to fuel their struggle. I like the way your eyes\r\npick up the colour of your tunic. <br>\r\nRIKER: It's not our position to interfere in the domestic affairs of\r\nother societies. <br>\r\nBEATA: But you can interact. <br>\r\nRIKER: Of course. Otherwise, how can we learn? <br>\r\nBEATA: Is that why you're here with me tonight? To learn? <br>\r\nRIKER: Yes. <br>\r\nBEATA: About our society. <br>\r\nRIKER: Yes. <br>\r\nBEATA: Well, in our society, it is the men who are the fortunate ones,\r\nenjoying all life has to offer while we women devote ourselves to the\r\nobligation of making life work. <br>\r\nRIKER: In our society, we share the responsibilities and the pleasures\r\nequally. Which is why I am able to be here with you while the women of\r\nthe away team go to find Ramsey. <br>\r\nBEATA: You'll have to remind me to thank them when they come back for\r\ngiving us this time. <br>\r\n(She kisses him) <br>\r\nBEATA: You resist. Don't you find me attractive? <br>\r\nRIKER: Yes, I find you very attractive. <br>\r\nBEATA: You attract me like no man ever has. <br>\r\nRIKER: It's not my function to seduce or be seduced by the leader of\r\nanother world. <br>\r\nBEATA: It's not the reason. <br>\r\nRIKER: No, it's not. But will you still respect me in the morning? <br>\r\nBEATA: I hope so. <br>\r\n(They get into a clinch just as Trent enters and hands a gift to Riker)\r\n<br>\r\nRIKER: Thank you, Trent. <br>\r\nBEATA: You may go. <br>\r\n(Trent leaves reluctantly. Riker opens the gift for Beata) <br>\r\nRIKER: Compliments of the USS Enterprise. It's called an Albeni\r\nmeditation crystal. <br>\r\n(He touches it with a rod, and it pulses with a yellow glow) <br>\r\nBEATA: Very impressive. And now I must repay you in kind. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Hideout]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RAMSEY: Five months in a rescue pod no bigger than\r\nthis room is an eternity I hope none of you will ever have to face.\r\nWhen we finally made it here, we thought we'd died and gone to heaven.\r\nYou've seen the women of the planet. They're tall and strong and\r\nlovely. But after the newness wore off, we started to see how the men\r\nwere treated. There's no\r\nvotes. There's no opinions. There's no respect. <br>\r\nTASHA: None of which is your concern any longer, Mister Ramsey. Call\r\nthe others in, please. It's time to leave.<br>\r\nRAMSEY: Despite their problems, Lieutenant, we happen to like it here\r\non Angel One. We're not going anywhere. <br>\r\nTROI: But Mistress Beata <br>\r\nRAMSEY: Mistress Beata be damned! Her wish is not my command, and\r\nneither is yours. You can't force us to go. <br>\r\nDATA: Mister Ramsey is correct, Counsellor. The Odin was not a\r\nstarship, which means her crew is not bound by the Prime Directive. If\r\nhe and the others wish to stay here, there is absolutely nothing we can\r\ndo about it. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sickbay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: [OC]: Bridge to Sickbay how are you Doing,\r\nDoctor? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: We have more sick than we do beds. So far I've been forced to\r\nconfine over three hundred to their private quarters. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: We're going to be seriously undermanned if\r\nwe're forced to engage the Romulans in battle. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sickbay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: The Romulans are your problem, Lieutenant.\r\nTrying to find an inoculants\r\nis mine. This virus mutates every twenty minutes. But so far we haven't\r\nhad any fatalities, yet. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: If this continues, there'll be no one left\r\nto run the ship. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sickbay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: If this continues, Lieutenant La Forge, no\r\none will be healthy enough to care. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: [OC]: Yar to Enterprise. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Enterprise here. Go ahead. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Hideout]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: Prepare to beam three to our previous\r\nlocation, Geordi. After re-grouping with Commander Riker, we'll return\r\nto the ship. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: I suggest you make that on the double,\r\nTasha. We have a real medical emergency brewing up here. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Hideout]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE [OC]: One third of the crew is down, and\r\nthe latest information from the Neutral Zone outpost is that more\r\nRomulan vessels are converging on that area. <br>\r\nTASHA: I'll inform the Commander. Yar out. One thing before we go. You\r\nsaid you were expecting us. Why? <br>\r\nRAMSEY: I can't answer that. <br>\r\nTROI: We wish you well, Mister Ramsey. <br>\r\nTASHA: Energise. <br>\r\n(The three beam away) <br>\r\nRAMSEY: They're gone. <br>\r\n(Ariel comes out and embraces him)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Beata's quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">BEATA: What a refreshing change to be with a man\r\nwho knows what he wants.<br>\r\nRIKER: And doesn't have to be told by a woman? <br>\r\nBEATA: Exactly. I knew you were bright enough to understand. You see,\r\nwomen, by our very nature, want only what is best for their men. <br>\r\nRIKER: Men are not objects to be possessed, Mistress Beata. <br>\r\nBEATA: Of course they're not. It was merely a figure of speech. <br>\r\n(Doorbell. She rolls over and turns off the meditation crystal and gets\r\nup.) <br>\r\nBEATA: Enter. <br>\r\n(Trent comes in) <br>\r\nBEATA: What is so important you find it necessary to intrude upon my\r\nprivacy? <br>\r\nTRENT: They have returned, Mistress, but without Ramsey or the others. <br>\r\n(Tasha, Troi and Data enter) <br>\r\nBEATA: Your advanced technology has proven inadequate? <br>\r\nRIKER: What happened, Tasha? <br>\r\nTROI: Mister Ramsey and the other survivors refuse to leave. <br>\r\nBEATA: You gave me your solemn word. <br>\r\nRIKER: I'm sorry, there's nothing else we can do. <br>\r\nBEATA: I'm sorry as well. Since you refuse to take them with you, I am\r\nleft with no choice but to sentence them all to death. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Picard's quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Crusher enters bearing a flask. Picard is in bed,\r\nbare-chested) <br>\r\nPICARD: Come. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: It looks horrible, tastes worse, and it's absolutely\r\nguaranteed to make you feel better. <br>\r\n(He drinks) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I knew you'd like it. Are you wearing cologne? Like something\r\nI smelled earlier. Something Klingon.<br>\r\nPICARD: Lieutenant Worf and I detected the same scent when we bumped\r\ninto your son at the Holodeck. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: It's that smell. That's how the virus travels. An airborne\r\nparticle whose sweet scent inspires deep inhalation. And once inside\r\nthe body, it becomes that damned virus. I have work to do. <br>\r\n(Crusher leaves) <br>\r\nPICARD: You are excused, Doctor. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Great hall]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: What's the latest on the Enterprise's\r\nmedical situation? <br>\r\nDATA: Doctor Crusher feels the virus will undoubtedly run unchecked\r\nthrough the entire ship. Attempts to develop an inoculants have so far\r\nended in failure. Lieutenant La Forge still has Bridge command pending\r\nyour return, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: And what about the Romulans entering the Neutral Zone? <br>\r\nDATA: The border outpost reports a contingent of seven Romulan\r\nbattlecruisers within sensor range. The USS Berlin has answered the\r\ndistress call. However, should hostilities erupt, both the outpost and\r\nthe starship will be out-gunned. It is felt that the Enterprise's\r\npresence in the area will be a vital show of force. <br>\r\nTASHA: Some show of force. The Enterprise could fly on autopilot, but\r\nwith that virus knocking down our crew, we're going to be in sorry\r\nshape if things turn ugly. <br>\r\nRIKER: I think it's time we to leave this place. <br>\r\nTROI: It doesn't feel right to leave while Beata is determined to\r\nexecute those people. <br>\r\nRIKER: She has to find them first. Ramsey and his bunch have been\r\nfugitives for years. I suspect he's pretty good at evading capture. <br>\r\nTROI: Something's wrong. <br>\r\n(Beata enters, with Trent) <br>\r\nBEATA: Before you go back to your ship, there's something I want you to\r\nsee. <br>\r\n(Ramsey and his group are brought in) <br>\r\nRAMSEY: We were no harm to anyone. Why did you tell them where to find\r\nus? <br>\r\nBEATA: You brought this upon yourself. You and the traitor. One does\r\nnot need the technology of the Enterprise to follow Mistress Ariel\r\nsneaking out to warn her husband. Let her stand with him now. For\r\ntomorrow they will die together. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Beata's quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Beata is doing paperwork) <br>\r\nRIKER: You claim to be an advanced society, and yet you resort to\r\nexecutions in order to suppress those who don't share your views. <br>\r\nBEATA: I don't expect you to understand. <br>\r\nRIKER: Why? Because I'm only a man? <br>\r\nBEATA: You'll accomplish nothing with that attitude. <br>\r\nRIKER: Mistress Beata, if you had an alternative to the execution of\r\nRamsey and his followers, would you take it? <br>\r\nBEATA: Is that not the way of an advanced society? <br>\r\nRIKER: Then let us meet with the men from Odin one last time. Let me\r\ntry to convince them to leave with us.<br>\r\nBEATA: Will you also include those from this world who unwisely choose\r\nto follow Ramsey and his group? <br>\r\nRIKER: Yes. All of them. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Holding area]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TROI: Mistress Beata is willing to give you a\r\nsecond chance. We're prepared to take your entire group with us. <br>\r\nRAMSEY: That's very kind of you, but we're not going. <br>\r\nTASHA: Haven't you been paying attention, Ramsey? You're scheduled to\r\nbe executed tomorrow. <br>\r\nRAMSEY: We don't want to die. We don't want to leave, either. <br>\r\nRIKER: There's no time to debate the issues. You're going with us\r\nwhether you choose to go or not. <br>\r\nDATA: Excuse me, Commander, but removing any of these people against\r\ntheir will would be a violation of several Starfleet regulations, not\r\nthe least of which would be the Prime Directive. <br>\r\nRIKER: I realise that, Mister Data. I'd rather face a court martial\r\nthan live with the guilt of leaving these people to their deaths.\r\nCommander Riker to Enterprise. <br>\r\nCRUSHER [OC]: This is the Enterprise. Crusher here. <br>\r\nTASHA: It must be worse up there than we thought. <br>\r\nRIKER: Doctor, where is Lieutenant La Forge? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: He's right here, but he's in bad shape. <br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: Notify the transporter room I have fourteen to beam up. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I can't allow it. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Holding area]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER [OC]} This virus is totally out of control\r\nhere. Until I know exactly what I'm dealing with, I can't let anyone\r\nnew be exposed. <br>\r\nRIKER: Doctor, these people are facing their deaths down here. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b> </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: They might be facing the same thing up\r\nhere. Until I have a better idea of what I'm dealing with, no one can\r\nbeam up. I'm sorry, Will, but you must wait. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>{Holding area]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Understood. Doctor, would this virus have\r\nany effect on Mister Data? <br>\r\nCRUSHER [OC]: Not likely. <br>\r\nRIKER: You're going back there alone. I want you to get the Enterprise\r\ninto the Neutral Zone before it's too late. <br>\r\nDATA: This is Data, standing by to beam up. <br>\r\n(He beams away) <br>\r\nTROI: What of them? <br>\r\nRIKER: I don't know, Deanna. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Guest quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TRENT: Mistress Beata invites you to witness this\r\nmorning's reaffirmation of Angel One's moral imperative. <br>\r\nTASHA: Is that the civilised word for murder on this world? <br>\r\nRIKER: You send Mistress Beata our regrets. <br>\r\nTRENT: The Elected One will not look fondly upon <br>\r\nDATA: [OC]: Enterprise to Commander Riker. <br>\r\nTROI: They're still here! <br>\r\nRIKER: Riker here. Data, I gave you direct orders to get to Neutral\r\nZone immediately. Explain the delay.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: To be precise, Commander, you ordered me to\r\nreach the Neutral Zone before it is too late. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Guest quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: After relieving Lieutenant La Forge, I\r\ncomputed the length of time the border outpost </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: And the USS Berlin can safely withstand a\r\nRomulan attack, and deducted our time to destination at maximum warp\r\nspeed. That leaves Doctor Crusher forty eight minutes to develop an\r\ninoculants to the virus. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Guest quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: Which means there's still time for us to do\r\nsomething. <br>\r\nRIKER: Forty-eight minutes. <br>\r\n<b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: Forty seven, sir. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Guest quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Perhaps, Data, perhaps. Thank you </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER [OC]: For following my orders so precisely,\r\nData. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Guest Quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: On second thought, Trent, we would be\r\nhonoured to witness your moral imperative in action.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Great Hall]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">BEATA: (upset) We have determined that the\r\nheretical teachings of Ramsey and his followers are\r\ninconsistent with harmonious life on Angel One. Our patient efforts to\r\nsilence revolutionary voices have failed. Therefore we are left with\r\nnone but the most final alternative. <br>\r\n(There is a large jar between two devices. Trent puts his hands on a\r\nglass globe, it glows purple, the devices light up and disintegrate the\r\njar) <br>\r\nBEATA: As you can see, we are not without compassion. Your deaths will\r\nbe swift and painless. <br>\r\nRIKER: Mistress Beata, before we see living examples of your\r\ncompassion, may I speak? <br>\r\nBEATA: Is this a plea for leniency? <br>\r\nRIKER: Nothing of the sort. As the governing body of Angel One, you're\r\nentitled to execute your laws or your citizens as you see fit. <br>\r\nBEATA: Make your point, so we can proceed with this unpleasant\r\nbusiness. <br>\r\nRIKER: When you spoke of the prisoners, you used the term\r\nrevolutionary. Indeed, death has been known to stop revolutions. But I\r\nsuspect it's not a revolution that Angel One is hoping to stop. It's\r\nevolution. Mister Ramsey and the Odin survivors did not initiate the\r\nwaves of dissent that are rippling through your planet. Their presence\r\nhere merely reinforced the change in attitudes between men and women\r\nthat was already well under way. They became symbols around whom others\r\nwho shared their views could gather. You may eliminate the symbols, but\r\nthat does not mean death to the issues which those symbols represent.\r\nNo power in the universe can hope to stop the force of evolution. Be\r\nwarned. The execution of Mister Ramsey and his followers may elevate\r\nthem to the status of martyrs. Martyrs cannot be silenced. <br>\r\n(Ramsey is taken to the place of execution. Trent starts to lower his\r\nhand)<br>\r\nARIEL: Beata! <br>\r\nBEATA: Stop. We will adjourn to consider your words. <br>\r\n(The council leaves) <br>\r\nRAMSEY: Thank you. <br>\r\nRIKER: I don't know if it was enough. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: [OC]: Sickbay to Bridge. <br>\r\nDATA: Go ahead, Doctor. <br>\r\nCRUSHER [OC]: Bingo, Data. <br>\r\nDATA: Bingo? I fail to see the relevance, Doctor. Is that not a\r\nreference to an ancient Earth game? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>{Sickbay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: It's also a reference to success, Data.\r\nI've got the inoculants. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: Excellent, Doctor. We still have seventeen\r\nminutes left. I will inform the away team immediately. Enterprise to\r\nRiker. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Great hall]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA [OC]: We are ready to have you beamed up,\r\nCommander. <br>\r\nRIKER: Data, Ramsey and the prisoners are with us in the Great Hall. I\r\nwant you to lock the transporter. Prepare to evacuate the entire group.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER [OC]: But for now, stand by. <br>\r\nDATA: Understood, Commander. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Great hall]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Beata and the council enter) <br>\r\nBEATA: After careful consideration, this legislature has voted to stay\r\nthe execution of the prisoners. Their children will be returned to them\r\nimmediately. Do not rejoice prematurely. Ramsey and his followers are\r\nto be exiled to a distant and unpopulated region. Life will be\r\ndifficult there with little time for revolutionary or evolutionary\r\nupheaval. As some have observed, we may be able to stop evolution, but\r\nperhaps we can reduce it to a slow crawl. For a man, you can be very\r\nclever, Commander Riker. <br>\r\nRIKER: Riker to Enterprise. Belay my previous order, Mister Data. There\r\nwill now be only three to beam up. Energise. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Beverly greet the arrivals with an injection) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Welcome home. <br>\r\nTROI: It's good to be back. <br>\r\nRIKER: Are they recovering? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Slowly, but yes. <br>\r\nRIKER: And the Captain? <br>\r\nPICARD: (hoarse) The Captain is fine, thank you. Mister Data has been\r\nbriefing me on the away team's comportment, Number One. <br>\r\nTROI: We improvised, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: I look forward to your reports. <br>\r\nRIKER: Don't we have a call to pay on the Romulans, Captain? <br>\r\nPICARD: Indeed we do. Mister Data, set course for the Neutral Zone.\r\nWarp six. DATA: Co-ordinates set. Warp six on your mark, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: (inaudible) Engage.<br>\r\nDATA: Sir? <br>\r\n(Picard glares at Riker) <br>\r\nRIKER: Engage. </font> </p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n</center>\r\n</div>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><a href=\"episodes.htm\"><font color=\"#2867d0\">&lt;Back\r\nto the episode listing</font></a></font></p>\r\n<p><font color=\"#000000\" face=\"Arial\" size=\"1\"><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">Star Trek � and related\r\nmarks are trademarks of<a href=\"\"> <font color=\"#2867d0\">CBS Studios Inc</font></a>.\r\nCopyright � 1966, Present. The Star Trek web pages on this site are for\r\neducational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights\r\nproperty of their respective holders.</font></font></p>\r\n</body></html>"},{"episode":"116.htm","data":"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n<html lang=\"en-gb\"><head>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-1252\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en-gb\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Enterprise, NCC1701D, Episodes, Transcripts, 11001001, Jean-Luc Picard, William Thomas Riker, Geordi LaForge, Tasha Yar, Worf, Beverly Crusher, Deanna Troi, Data, Wesley Crusher, Bynars, Starbase 74, Minuet, Quinteros, 10, 01, 00, 11\">\r\n<meta name=\"Keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Transcripts, 11001001\">\r\n<meta name=\"Description\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation episode transcripts\"><title>The Next Generation Transcripts - 11001001</title>\r\n\r\n</head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"#d5d5d5\" dir=\"ltr\">\r\n<p><font color=\"#2867d0\" face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"5\"><b>11001001</b></font><br>\r\n<font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Stardate:\r\n41365.9<br>\r\nOriginal Airdate: 1 Feb, 1988<br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n<center>\r\n<table border=\"0\" width=\"85%\">\r\n<tbody>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td align=\"left\" width=\"85%\"> <font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">\r\nCaptain's log, stardate 41365.9. The Enterprise has been ordered to\r\nStarbase 74, in orbit around Tarsas Three. A routine maintenance check\r\nof all systems will be made, and certain upgrades completed, including\r\nthe holodeck, with which we've had problems. I anticipate a glowing\r\nreport. The ship has performed magnificently, beyond anyone's\r\nexpectations.\r\n</font>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Enterprise glides serenely through the big space\r\ndoors, into Spacedock)<br>\r\nLAFORGE: Coming into position. <br>\r\nRIKER: Stand by to dock. <br>\r\nDATA: Ready to dock, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: Engage mooring beams and lock off. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye sir. (clunk) And docking complete. <br>\r\nPICARD: Thank you, Number One. Well done. And well done all.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">COMPUTER: Starbase maintenance approaching airlock\r\nfive. <br>\r\n(The airlock door opens) <br>\r\nQUINTEROS: Commander Quinteros. Request permission to come aboard. <br>\r\nPICARD: Granted. Welcome. <br>\r\nQUINTEROS: Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: Commander Riker. <br>\r\n(The group head down the corridor, including a pair of 'mirror image'\r\nsmall humanoids) <br>\r\nQUINTEROS: Commander. You're late. We expected you a week ago. <br>\r\nRIKER: We were unexpectedly delayed at Omicron Pascal. <br>\r\nQUINTEROS: Is there anything specific you wish to report, or that we\r\nshould be aware of? <br>\r\nPICARD: No. We are very pleased with the operation of the Enterprise. <br>\r\nQUINTEROS: I knew you would be - I was in charge of the team which put\r\nher together. <br>\r\nRIKER: And are these gentlemen the Bynars?\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">QUINTEROS: They're not gentlemen, or ladies,\r\nCommander. They are a unified pair. They're always together. This is\r\nOne Zero. (device on left of head) And this is Zero One. (device on the\r\nright) They just finished upgrading the computers on the Wellington.\r\nDid a great job. <br>\r\nPICARD: Your reputation precedes you. I'm very pleased you're going to\r\nbe improving our system. <br>\r\nONE ZERO: It is a great pleasure <br>\r\nZERO ONE: to work on such a large mobile computer. <br>\r\nPICARD: You have forty eight hours, because at forty eight plus six we\r\nhave an appointment at Pelleus Five we must keep. <br>\r\nZERO ONE: I thought we'd <br>\r\nONE ZERO: have more time. <br>\r\nPICARD: I'm sorry. This mission can't be delayed. If you want to\r\npostpone the work? <br>\r\nZERO ONE: Oh, no. This is <br>\r\nONE ZERO: the best time <br>\r\nZERO ONE: to do it. <br>\r\nONE ZERO: We can complete <br>\r\nZERO ONE: our work within the <br>\r\nONE ZERO: time allotted. <br>\r\nQUINTEROS: They work very quickly, but it'll be very tight. <br>\r\nPICARD: Commander Riker and I will stay on board, be available should\r\nyou need us. <br>\r\nQUINTEROS: Thank you, Captain. I don't think we'll need you until we're\r\nready for inspection.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: The Bynars seem perfect for this. Even\r\nthough this is the first time I've ever come in contact with them. <br>\r\nPICARD: As I understand it, over time they have become so\r\ninterconnected with the master computer on their planet that their\r\nlanguage, their thought patterns have become as close to binary as it's\r\npossible for organic beings. <br>\r\nRIKER: It'll be interesting to see how they improve a computer as\r\nadvanced as ours. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Turbolift]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Bridge. Well, I have a little work to\r\nfinish up, then I'm going to my cabin. I'm going to put my feet up, I'm\r\ngoing to turn on my personal relaxation light and I'm going to lose\r\nmyself in the pages of some old novel. What about you, Number One?\r\nYou've earned a rest. <br>\r\nRIKER: I've never been very good at organising my time off.\r\nSomething'll turn up. It always does. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(There are four Bynars at a rear computer station.\r\nWesley is watching them as Riker and Picard enter) <br>\r\nPICARD: I'll be in my ready room. And Number One, good work. <br>\r\nRIKER: I thought there were only going to be two of you. <br>\r\nONE ZERO: Because of the limited time allotted us <br>\r\nZERO ONE: We need others <br>\r\nRIKER: Is there a problem? <br>\r\nZERO ONE: No. <br>\r\nONE ZERO: No. No problem. <br>\r\nRIKER: Then why are you acting so excited? <br>\r\nZERO ONE: Because we have to <br>\r\nONE ZERO: The stacking <br>\r\nZERO ONE: To reconfigure the computer <br>\r\nONE ZERO: To communicate with itself <br>\r\nZERO ONE: More efficiently <br>\r\nONE ZERO: And at higher speeds. <br>\r\n(They turn back to their work) <br>\r\nWESLEY: You act like you don't believe them. <br>\r\nRIKER: I'm not sure that I do. Maybe it's probably nothing. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Perhaps it's just how another species behaves. <br>\r\nRIKER: Maybe. I'm going to stroll the ship. You've got the Bridge. Keep\r\nyour eye on them. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Yes, sir.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Tasha, Worf and two others are wearing vivid blue\r\ncatsuits with knee and elbow pads) <br>\r\nTASHA: We've been challenged to a friendly game of Parrises Squares by\r\nsome of the maintenance personnel. Want to join us on the starbase? <br>\r\nRIKER: You've already got all the players you need. <br>\r\nTASHA: We can switch off. <br>\r\nRIKER: No, you know if you do that in Parrises Squares you lose the\r\nrhythm of the game. <br>\r\nTASHA: I can't talk you into coming with us? <br>\r\nRIKER: No. But win, all right? The pride of the Enterprise goes with\r\nyou. <br>\r\nWORF: Rest assured, Commander, we will be victorious. At whatever the\r\ncost. <br>\r\nRIKER: Worf, it's just a game. A little friendly competition, You work\r\nup a sweat, you have a few laughs, and you make new friends. <br>\r\nWORF: If winning is not important, then, Commander, why keep score? <br>\r\nTASHA: I think he's pulling your leg. Believe it or not, Worf is\r\ndeveloping a sense of humour. <br>\r\nRIKER: I hope so, for their sake. <br>\r\n(The team go down another corridor, then the lights go out. Riker\r\nactivates panel 40271)) <br>\r\nRIKER: Computer. There's a power reduction in section L-Ninety Four.\r\nExplain. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Unoccupied sections are being closed down in order to clear\r\nspace in the main computer banks. It is necessary to facilitate the\r\nsystem upgrade. Full power can be restored if needed.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Observation Lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Data is painting an image on glass) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Well, what do you think? <br>\r\nRIKER: Tell me what it's supposed to be, then I'll give you my opinion.\r\n<br>\r\nDATA: It is an attempt at pure creativity. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: What we're investigating is, can Data be creative? <br>\r\nDATA: And this is my attempt, with guidance from Geordi. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I suggested the zylo eggs. <br>\r\nRIKER: Is that what those are? <br>\r\nRIKER: Keep notes. This project might turn out to be of interest to\r\nscholars in the future. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Really? <br>\r\nRIKER: Well of course. Think about it. A blind man teaching an android\r\nhow to paint? That's got to be worth a couple of pages in somebody's\r\nbook.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Doctor's office]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: You look like you're packing to leave\r\nforever. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Oh, Commander Riker. No, I'm just gathering my notes.\r\nProfessor Terence Epstein is at this starbase. <br>\r\nRIKER: Is that someone I should know of? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: He's the leading mind in cybernetics. He lectured at my\r\nmedical school. You know the disaster at Micromius? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: Well, since then I've been working on an\r\napproach that combines cybernetics and regeneration. It sounds\r\nimpossible, I know, but I have found an approach which will work. I\r\nmean, what an opportunity. To have a chance to talk with Doctor\r\nEpstein. Sorry, Will, I'd love to chat, but I have to go.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Outside holodeck]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Bynars with a different style of clothes are\r\nworking) <br>\r\nRIKER: How's it going? <br>\r\nZERO ZERO: (left hand side) We are almost done. <br>\r\nONE ONE: (right hand side) The deviation <br>\r\nZERO ZERO: caused by a previous <br>\r\nONE ONE: probe has been corrected <br>\r\nZERO ZERO: You may use the equipment <br>\r\nONE ONE: anytime you wish. <br>\r\nRIKER: How much has been changed? What exactly did you do? <br>\r\nONE ONE: Enhancement. <br>\r\nZERO ZERO: Nothing more. <br>\r\n(They talk to each other in binary) <br>\r\nZERO ZERO: Would you like to try <br>\r\nONE ONE: the enhancement? <br>\r\nRIKER: All right. What should I choose? Computer, I'd like some place\r\nto play some music. A little atmosphere. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Specify. <br>\r\nRIKER: Jazz. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Era? <br>\r\nRIKER: Circa 1958. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Location. <br>\r\nRIKER: Kansas City. No, wait. New Orleans. Bourbon Street Bar, New\r\nOrleans. Around two a.m. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Programme complete. Enter when ready.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Holodeck]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(A nightclub with a slightly raised stage, tables\r\nwith candles for light) <br>\r\nRIKER: Very good. Very good indeed. Now I'll need someone to play with.\r\nA trio. Piano, bass and drums, and a 'bone for me. <br>\r\n(The musicians appear) <br>\r\nRIKER: Now an audience. Whoa. Too many. I was thinking of something a\r\nlittle more intimate. <br>\r\n(A single blonde in a red dress) <br>\r\nRIKER: Great job, boys. But, computer, blondes and jazz seldom go\r\ntogether. (a red-head) Now that is truly exceptional. But more sultry. <br>\r\n(A brunette at the bar) <br>\r\nRIKER: Gentlemen, if this is what you call enhancement, you've got a\r\ngift for understatement. <br>\r\n(The Bynars work on the internal controls as the band starts playing) <br>\r\nRIKER: What's your name? Tell me you love jazz. <br>\r\nMINUET: My name is Minuet and I love all jazz except Dixieland. <br>\r\nRIKER: Why not Dixieland? <br>\r\nMINUET: You can't dance to it. <br>\r\nRIKER: My girl. What's a knockout like you doing in a\r\ncomputer-generated gin joint like this? <br>\r\nMINUET: Waiting for you. <br>\r\nRIKER: Waiting for me? You can't be serious. <br>\r\nMINUET: Oh yes, Will. I've never been more serious in my life. <br>\r\n(The Bynars leave)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WESLEY: Can I ask you a question about the Bynars? <br>\r\nQUINTEROS: Why not just ask them? <br>\r\nWESLEY: What is that high-speed sound you make? <br>\r\nZERO ONE: That is our <br>\r\nONE ZERO: primary language. <br>\r\nWESLEY: How can you process information at that speed? <br>\r\nZERO ONE: We store the information <br>\r\nONE ZERO: with these buffers. <br>\r\n(on their belts) <br>\r\nZERO ONE: We receive information <br>\r\nONE ZERO: all the time <br>\r\nZERO ONE: and save it <br>\r\nONE ZERO: until we need it. <br>\r\nWESLEY: How did you happen to develop this ability? <br>\r\nONE ZERO: It happened over <br>\r\nZERO ONE: a long period of time. <br>\r\nWESLEY: To have a society so intermixed on computers has tremendous\r\nadvantages. <br>\r\nONE ZERO: And a few <br>\r\nZERO ONE: disadvantages. <br>\r\n(Picard enters) <br>\r\nPICARD: Everything under control, Ensign Crusher? <br>\r\nWESLEY: Fine, Captain. I was just trying to find something about the\r\nBynars. <br>\r\nPICARD: Where's Commander Riker? <br>\r\nWESLEY: He's in holodeck four. Shall I call him for you, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: No, I'll go down there myself. Keep me apprised. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Yes, sir.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bourbon Street Bar]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Riker joins the band with his trombone, and\r\nserenades Minuet with 'the nearness of you) <br>\r\nBASS: Hey, man, the chick digs you. <br>\r\nRIKER: What makes you say that? <br>\r\nBASS: Hey, look at her. <br>\r\nRIKER: Maybe it's my music. <br>\r\nPIANO: Yeah, well, about that. Don't give up your day job. <br>\r\nRIKER: Too real. <br>\r\nBASS: You got that straight, Slim. Too real is too right. <br>\r\nRIKER: Thanks for letting me sit in. <br>\r\nPIANO: Ain't nothin' to it. <br>\r\nRIKER: I'm going to have to leave for a while to see to my duties. <br>\r\nMINUET: Your work's very important to you. <br>\r\nRIKER: It is me. It's what I am. <br>\r\nMINUET: Can we dance once before you leave? <br>\r\nRIKER: Sure, why not. (She snuggles in close) How did you learn to\r\ndance so well? <br>\r\nMINUET: From following you. I can anticipate your lead. So, tell me\r\nabout your work. What is it about it that consumes and\r\nenthralls you? <br>\r\nRIKER: Interesting choice of words. That's exactly what it does. <br>\r\nMINUET: You're very fortunate. <br>\r\nRIKER: I know that. <br>\r\nMINUET: To be exactly where you want to be. And it's great that you\r\nrealise it. <br>\r\nRIKER: I'd be a fool not to realise how lucky I am to be on this ship\r\nserving with these people. It's like a dream come true. Just like this.\r\n<br>\r\nMINUET: A dream? Is that what this is? Is that what I am? <br>\r\nRIKER: I know you are a computer-generated image, but your smell, your\r\ntouch, the way you feel. Even the things you say and think\r\nseem so real. <br>\r\nMINUET: Thank you. <br>\r\nRIKER: How far can this relationship go? I mean, how real are you? <br>\r\nMINUET: As real as you need me to be. <br>\r\n(They kiss for a long time, then the holodeck doors open and) <br>\r\nPICARD: Astounding. <br>\r\nRIKER: Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: Oh, I'm sorry, Number One. I didn't mean to interrupt. <br>\r\nRIKER: No, it's all right. Come on in. <br>\r\nPICARD: You picked a wonderful locale. This is something I might have\r\nchosen myself. <br>\r\nMINUET: Aren't you going to introduce me? <br>\r\nRIKER: Captain Picard, this is Minuet. Minuet, Captain Jean-Luc Picard.\r\n<br>\r\nMINUET: Enchantee. Comme c'est merveilleux de vous voir ici. <br>\r\nPICARD: Incroyable! Vous etes Parisienne? <br>\r\nMINUET: Au fond, c'est vrai, nous sommes tous Parisiens. <br>\r\nPICARD: Oui, au fond, nous sommes tous Parisiens. The spirit of that\r\ncity can always enchant my soul. <br>\r\nMINUET: I have been hoping to meet you. <br>\r\nPICARD: Oh. Have I been the subject of conversation? <br>\r\nMINUET: Indirectly. Come, join us, Jean-Luc. A glass of wine? <br>\r\nPICARD: Thank you. <br>\r\nMINUET: Will was saying how much he enjoys this assignment. It's a\r\ncredit to you. For a ship and crew to function well it always starts\r\nwith the Captain. You set the tone. <br>\r\nPICARD: At the moment, it's you who are setting the tone. The\r\nsophistication of this programming is remarkable. <br>\r\nMINUET: In what way? <br>\r\nPICARD: The holodeck has been able to give us woodlands and ski slopes,\r\nfigures that fight and fictional characters with which we can interact,\r\nbut you, you're very different. You adapt. You spoke to me in French. <br>\r\nMINUET: It was very simple. When I heard your name, I merely accessed\r\nthe foreign language bank. <br>\r\nPICARD: That's very impressive. <br>\r\nMINUET: Oui, mon chou.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Observation Lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Data is continuing to paint, or not to paint)<br>\r\nLAFORGE: Now what are you doing? <br>\r\nDATA: I am awaiting inspiration. <br>\r\nWESLEY [OC]: Commander Data? <br>\r\nDATA: This is Commander Data. Go ahead, please.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WESLEY: I'm getting an indication of possible\r\ntrouble in main Engineering, sir. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Observation lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: Can you be more specific? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WESLEY: I'm afraid not. I'm reading a problem with\r\nthe magnetic containment field which contains the antimatter. Could you\r\ncome up here? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Observation lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: We'll go to Engineering since that's where\r\nthe trouble is. Wes, don't disturb the Captain or Commander Riker until\r\nwe check this out. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WESLEY: Aye, sir.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: Bridge, this is main Engineering. <br>\r\nWESLEY [OC]: This is the Bridge. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Are you running any test programs up there? <br>\r\nWESLEY [OC]: No. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Are the Bynars? <br>\r\nWESLEY [OC]: Not to my knowledge. Is there a problem? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I don't know. There's no one on duty here, and we're getting\r\nsome very strange readings from the magnetic containment field. <br>\r\nDATA: The field is deteriorating. Contact the captain immediately. I am\r\ninitiating Red Alert. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Data, I can't maintain the integrity of the containment field.\r\n<br>\r\nDATA: Engineering to Captain. (no reply) If the antimatter is released,\r\nthe ship will be destroyed. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Nothing I do has any effect. I'm losing it. Data, I've\r\nrechecked every circuit. This is not a misread by the computer. <br>\r\nDATA: Computer, situation analysis. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: (male voice) Estimate release of antimatter in four minutes\r\neighteen seconds. Seventeen seconds. Sixteen seconds. <br>\r\nDATA: Engineering to Bridge. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WESLEY: This is the bridge. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: Alert starbase. Inform them we are abandoning\r\nthe ship. Tell them why. Initiate automated sequence for departure. Set\r\ncourse and speed course and speed to put maximum distance between the\r\nEnterprise and any inhabited planets. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WESLEY: Shouldn't we wait for the Captain's\r\napproval? <br>\r\nDATA [OC]: There is no time. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: Based on all information presently available,\r\nthe decision is correct. This is Lieutenant Commander Data speaking for\r\nthe Captain. Abandon ship. This is not a drill. All personnel. This is\r\nnot a drill. (around the ship) I say again, abandon ship. All\r\npersonnel, this is not a drill. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA [OC]: Abandon ship. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(People are walking briskly, but not running. Well,\r\nsome are running) <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Decks two through four to cargo transporters. Decks five\r\nthrough ten, proceed to transporters one, two, three and four. Decks\r\nsix through sixteen, proceed to transporters five, six, seven, eight,\r\nnine and ten. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Transporter room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(the queue is back into the corridor and Wesley and\r\na couple of children and parents beam out) <br>\r\nCHIEF: Hold your positions please. Prepare to energise. And energise. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Decks seventeen through twenty eight proceed to transporters\r\neleven, twelve, thirteen and fourteen. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Airlock]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">COMPUTER: Decks twenty nine through forty two,\r\nproceed to transporters fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen\r\nand twenty. This is not a drill. This is not a drill.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Starbase Command Centre]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Tasha and Worf enter. Crusher is already there\r\nwith Quinteros) <br>\r\nWORF: What's going on? <br>\r\nQUINTEROS: Please stand out of the way. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: The Enterprise is being evacuated. <br>\r\nWORF: Why? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Some problem in Engineering. <br>\r\nTASHA: Get a Security team together. <br>\r\nWORF: Aye, Lieutenant.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Ship's log, supplemental. This is Lieutenant\r\nCommander Data. I have put the ship on automated departure and ordered\r\nthe complete evacuation of the Enterprise. Everyone remaining is\r\nleaving on foot or beaming off.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: Computer, where are the Captain and Commander\r\nRiker? <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: (female) All decks empty. <br>\r\nDATA: Curious. The Captain is usually the last to leave. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Let's go. We've only got forty one seconds. <br>\r\n(They step into the turbolift) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I think we're the last. <br>\r\nDATA: I hope we are.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Starbase Command Centre]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Data and Geordi beam in) <br>\r\nWORF: Did you see the Captain and Commander Riker? <br>\r\nDATA: No. Are they not here on Starbase? <br>\r\nTASHA: No, we thought <br>\r\nLAFORGE: You mean they're still on the Enterprise? <br>\r\nWORF: Yes. Sir, where is your transporter room? <br>\r\nDATA: We have to beam back and get them. <br>\r\nQUINTEROS: You haven't time. <br>\r\nSTARBASE: This is Starbase 74. The Enterprise magnetic field is\r\nregenerating. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Wait a minute. How is that possible? <br>\r\nSTARBASE: Unknown. <br>\r\nTASHA: That changes nothing. The Captain and Commander Riker must be in\r\ntrouble, or they'd be here. <br>\r\nQUINTEROS: Look. Your ship is almost clear. <br>\r\n(Enterprise gracefully backs out of the space doors and warps away)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Holodeck]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(The only red here is Minuet's dress. Riker and\r\nMinuet are staring into each other's eyes) <br>\r\nMINUET: And the boy never found out? <br>\r\nRIKER: Oh, yes, but not until later when he came back into the room\r\nwith his little sister. <br>\r\nMINUET: I'll bet both of them were all smiles. <br>\r\nRIKER: Yes, but by that time both of them had been found out. <br>\r\nMINUET: You handled that in a very thoughtful way. You're very good\r\nwith people. Don't you agree, Jean-Luc? <br>\r\nPICARD: She's so very different from the images we've experienced on\r\nthe holodeck, isn't she? She's more intuitive. <br>\r\nRIKER: It's as though she's been plugged into my subconscious. She\r\nalready knows what I want her to say before I'm aware of it myself. <br>\r\nPICARD: I suppose it's an understandable progression. Computers make\r\ndecisions based on inputs and we humans give off a multitude of subtle\r\nsigns that communicate our emotions. <br>\r\nRIKER: It's uncanny. I could develop feelings for Minuet, exactly as I\r\nwould for any woman. <br>\r\nPICARD: Doesn't love always begin that way? With the illusion being\r\nmore real than the woman? <br>\r\nMINUET: Oh, Jean-Luc, spoken like a true Frenchman. <br>\r\nPICARD: Well, I think I'll be leaving. <br>\r\nMINUET: Oh, don't go. <br>\r\nPICARD: Two's company. <br>\r\nMINUET: We have time. There's no rush. I'd really like it if you would\r\nstay. <br>\r\nRIKER: Yes, Captain, stay. <br>\r\nPICARD: This is your diversion, Number One, not mine. <br>\r\nMINUET: Wait! We haven't danced. <br>\r\nPICARD: I don't dance. <br>\r\nMINUET: Then some more wine. <br>\r\nPICARD: No, thank you. <br>\r\nMINUET: Wait! Please! Please, don't go. You can't. Not yet. <br>\r\nRIKER: Why? What's the matter? Why can't he leave? <br>\r\nPICARD: Exit! <br>\r\n(The holodeck doors open and they seen and hear the Red Alert. Picard\r\ngoes to the arch controls) <br>\r\nPICARD: Captain to Bridge. Situation report. <br>\r\nRIKER: Riker to Bridge. <br>\r\nPICARD: Computer, explain Red Alert. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Initiated as a programmed response. The magnetic field\r\ncontaining the antimatter had weakened. There was no fail-safe\r\navailable. <br>\r\nPICARD: Why wasn't I notified? <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Unknown. <br>\r\nPICARD: Present condition? <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: The magnetic field is now restored. Containment is restored.\r\nPropulsion is at maximum efficiency. <br>\r\nPICARD: Locate Lieutenant Commander Data. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Not on board the Enterprise. <br>\r\nPICARD: Explain. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: All Enterprise personnel except the Captain and First Officer\r\nhave been evacuated. <br>\r\nPICARD: Evacuated? Was the condition that critical? <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Yes. <br>\r\nRIKER: Are we still docked at the starbase? <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: No. <br>\r\nPICARD: Position report. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Co-ordinates four one five nine point two six by eight one\r\nnine two one by three one two. Heading two three three mark four five. <br>\r\nPICARD: Destination? <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Planet Bynaus in the Beta Magellan system. <br>\r\nRIKER: The Bynars. <br>\r\nPICARD: Am I to understand the Bynars have stolen the Enterprise? <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: That information is not available. <br>\r\nPICARD: It's the Bynars, and you're part of this. <br>\r\nMINUET: Yes. <br>\r\nRIKER: They made you the lure to keep me here. They programmed you\r\nwhile I was relaxing. <br>\r\nMINUET: Yes. When they saw your interest in me, they thought I could\r\ndistract you and keep you here. <br>\r\nPICARD: That explains, Riker. What about me? <br>\r\nMINUET: Your being here was just a fortunate happenstance. <br>\r\nRIKER: Why do they want with me? <br>\r\nPICARD: What do they want with the Enterprise? What's their purpose? <br>\r\nMINUET: I'm not programmed to give you that information. <br>\r\nPICARD: Come on, Number One. We've got to regain control of our ship.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Starbase Command Centre]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: Okay, so what do we do? <br>\r\nDATA: Which is the nearest Starfleet vessel? <br>\r\nQUINTEROS: The Trieste. <br>\r\nDATA: I know the Trieste. Too small, too slow. <br>\r\nQUINTEROS: Plus it's sixty six hours away. <br>\r\nDATA: Where are the Bynars? <br>\r\nQUINTEROS: I haven't seen them. <br>\r\nDATA: They are obviously still aboard. Another Starfleet vessel must be\r\nsent to intercept the Enterprise at Bynaus. They might be taking the\r\nship to their home planet. <br>\r\nQUINTEROS: What makes you think so? <br>\r\nDATA: It is the best place for us to start.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: (to computer) Picard. Access. <br>\r\n(Picard and Riker enter the Weapons Room)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, supplemental. We now know who has\r\ncommandeered the Enterprise. The Bynars. We can't communicate with the\r\nBridge. Commander Riker and I will now try to regain control of our\r\nship. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: This way. <br>\r\nRIKER: That's toward Engineering. <br>\r\nPICARD: That's our first stop. Verify containment and initiate\r\nauto-destruct. <br>\r\nRIKER: Initiate auto-destruct? <br>\r\nPICARD: Our ship has been commandeered by a force of unknown size and\r\nintent. We're here alone. We must assume the worst.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: If we don't regain control, then no one\r\nelse must have it either. Now, this is the one decision involving the\r\noperation of this vessel which requires you and I to be in total\r\nagreement. <br>\r\nRIKER: It's the time allotted that concerns me. <br>\r\nPICARD: As to that, there's no option. <br>\r\nRIKER: I know. It's a five minute countdown. <br>\r\nPICARD: That's sufficient to get to the Bridge. Once there, either\r\nwe'll get control of the ship and shut off the auto-destruct, or we\r\nwon't. This vessel must not fall into hostile hands. <br>\r\nRIKER: Then let's set it and get going. <br>\r\n(They place their hands on computer screens) <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: (male) Recognise Picard, Jean-Luc, Captain. Recognise Riker,\r\nWilliam T, Commander. <br>\r\nPICARD: Set auto-destruct sequence. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Does the First Officer concur? <br>\r\nRIKER: Yes. Set auto-destruct sequence. Now. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Auto-destruct will detonate in four minutes and fifty-nine\r\nseconds. <br>\r\nPICARD: The only place we can stop this is on the Bridge. Let's go.<br>\r\n(Riker spots strange symbols flashing across a wall display) <br>\r\nRIKER: What do you make of this, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: An enormous amount of data is being received and stored in the\r\nmain computer. <br>\r\nRIKER: Just stored. Why? <br>\r\nPICARD: It's another piece to of puzzle.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Outside Turbolift]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">COMPUTER: Bridge access denied. <br>\r\nPICARD: They've locked it off. We must find another way to get in. <br>\r\nRIKER: One of us could beam into the Bridge. <br>\r\nPICARD: No, it takes several seconds to materialise. You wouldn't stand\r\na chance. <br>\r\nRIKER: I could beam into the turbolift, force the doors, take them by\r\nsurprise. <br>\r\nPICARD: No, we'll both beam in simultaneously in two different areas of\r\nthe Bridge. With luck one of us will be a distraction. <br>\r\nRIKER: There must be only four minutes left.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Starbase Command Centre]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: Still no response from the Enterprise. <br>\r\nWORF: They would answer if they could. Someone else has control of the\r\nship. <br>\r\nDATA: Do you think I am responsible? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Responsible? How could you possibly have known? <br>\r\nDATA: My station is on the Bridge. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: You can't be on the Bridge every second, Data. <br>\r\nDATA: You are wrong, Geordi. I can. I do not need rest or diversion. I\r\nshould not have been painting. I was negligent. <br>\r\nTASHA: It's a pointless discussion, Data. You could have been on the\r\nBridge and it still might have happened.\r\nCommander Quinteros, you have three ships in here. We need one of them\r\nnow. <br>\r\nQUINTEROS: We're rushing repairs on the USS Melbourne, but it's still\r\neighteen hours until she'll be ready. There's nothing else you can do.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Transporter Room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Set coordinates for main Bridge. Port\r\nforward for me and aft for you. <br>\r\nRIKER: You're on pad two. I've set a ten second delay.<br>\r\nPICARD: Set phasers on stun. Number One, good luck. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Picard and Riker beam in but there is no\r\nresistance. The four Bynars are lying propped up against each other,\r\nand do not seem well) <br>\r\nRIKER: Over here, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: Why did you steal my ship? <br>\r\nONE ZERO: Please try to <br>\r\nZERO ONE: help us. <br>\r\n(They pass out again. The Enterprise enters planetary orbit as the\r\ncountdown passes two minutes) <br>\r\nPICARD: Cancel auto-destruct. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: (male) Does the First Officer agree? <br>\r\nRIKER: Affirmative. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Auto-destruct cancelled. <br>\r\nRIKER: We're in orbit around Bynaus. How are they? <br>\r\nPICARD: They appear dead. Let's see if we can get some answers from\r\nBynaus. <br>\r\nRIKER: Their main computer is off. All sensors reveal that all of the\r\nequipment on the planet is inert. They can neither receive nor send any\r\nmessages. <br>\r\nPICARD: What about all the people in that world who are totally\r\ndependant on their computer? Are they still functioning? <br>\r\nRIKER: They're probably like these Bynars here. Dying. What is this all\r\nabout? Why did they steal the ship and bring it here? What is their\r\npurpose? <br>\r\nPICARD: They went to an awful lot of trouble to clear computer space.\r\nLet's see what they've stored. <br>\r\nRIKER: Captain, it's enormous. Every byte of free space in the computer\r\nhas been filled. They must have made a core-dump from their world to\r\nour computer. I can't get in. I wish they'd left a note. <br>\r\nPICARD: Maybe they did. <br>\r\nRIKER: Minuet. <br>\r\nPICARD: Maybe.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bourbon Street Bar]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Minuet comes back to 'life' when they arrive at\r\nthe table) <br>\r\nRIKER: Tell me what this is all about. <br>\r\nMINUET: A star in the Bynar system went supernova and they\r\nmiscalculated. The electromagnetic pulse from the explosion was going\r\nto knock out their main computer. <br>\r\nPICARD: So their only choice was to transfer all the stored information\r\nand shut down until after it passed. And then reactivate their system\r\nand transfer the information back to this main computer. <br>\r\nRIKER: The Enterprise has the only mobile computer large enough to\r\nhandle all that information. <br>\r\nPICARD: So what went wrong? Why are they dying? <br>\r\nMINUET: The star went supernova before it was expected, and you were\r\nlate arriving at Starbase 74. <br>\r\nPICARD: Why didn't they say something? Why didn't they just ask for\r\nhelp? <br>\r\nMINUET: I don't know. I don't have those answers. <br>\r\nPICARD: Is there anything we can do? <br>\r\nMINUET: Yes. Return the data stored on the Enterprise's computer back\r\nto the one on Bynaus. <br>\r\nRIKER: How can we do that? <br>\r\nMINUET: You don't know? <br>\r\nRIKER: Yes. If we had the file name. But we don't. Do you? <br>\r\nMINUET: I don't know what you're talking about. <br>\r\nPICARD: They wouldn't intentionally hide it or make it difficult for us\r\nto find. It must be right in front of our faces. <br>\r\nRIKER: We should call Starbase 74, and see if anyone can decipher this.\r\n<br>\r\nMINUET: They're dying. They meant you no harm. It was their world they\r\nwere trying to save. Help them, Will. Hurry. Please.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Starbase 74, this is the Enterprise. Do you\r\nread me? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Starbase Command Centre]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">QUINTEROS: This is Starbase 74. Captain Picard,\r\nwhat is your situation? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: We'll go into that later. Right now I must\r\nspeak to Lieutenant Commander Data. <br>\r\nDATA [OC]: I am here, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD Data, the Bynars have stored an enormous amount of material in\r\nour computer. We need to access it. We can't. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Starbase Command Centre]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: The access would be available by code or\r\npassword. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>{Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Yes, I know that, Data, but what could it\r\nbe? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Starbase Command Centre]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: File names can be anything, sir. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: They want us to find it. They would have\r\nkept it simple. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Starbase Command Centre]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: Then a name, or a place. It could be\r\nsomething personal. In this case, in binary language, which is ones and\r\nzeros in groups of eight or sixteen characters. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">38.02\r\nPICARD: (pointing at the pile of Bynars) Would they have kept it that\r\nsimple? Try it. Picard out. <br>\r\n(The computer searches the combinations of 1 and 0 to get to 11001001) <br>\r\nRIKER: That's the file. It'll work now. <br>\r\nPICARD: Now access the file. Start the transfer. <br>\r\n(Access denied) <br>\r\nRIKER: So much for that idea. <br>\r\nPICARD: Let me get on the other position. The Bynars always work in\r\npairs. Maybe that is also required. It appears to be successful. Their\r\nsystem's started up. A resident diagnostic programme is running. Their\r\nsystem is absolutely incredible. <br>\r\n(The Bynars wake up, get up and access the nearest console) <br>\r\nZERO ONE: Our world <br>\r\nONE ZERO: is reactivated. <br>\r\nZERO ONE: Our people <br>\r\nONE ZERO: express their gratitude. <br>\r\nZERO ZERO: We will return to <br>\r\nONE ONE: your starbase for whatever <br>\r\nZERO ZERO: punishment your system <br>\r\nONE ONE: requires of us. <br>\r\nPICARD: Why didn't you just ask for our help? <br>\r\n(They discuss it amongst themselves) <br>\r\nZERO ONE: You might have <br>\r\nONE ZERO: said no. <br>\r\nRIKER: But there was a very good chance we would have said yes. <br>\r\nZERO ZERO: Our need was too great <br>\r\nONE ONE: to risk rejection. <br>\r\nPICARD: So you stole it. <br>\r\nRIKER: Their reason is part of their binary thinking. For them there\r\nare only two choices.\r\nOne or zero. Yes or no. Why did you lure me to the holodeck and hold me\r\nthere. <br>\r\nONE ZERO: Because we knew we might die. <br>\r\nZERO ONE: And we needed someone <br>\r\nONE ZERO: to restore our computer. <br>\r\nZERO ONE: And you did. <br>\r\nPICARD: No one has been hurt. You have achieved your objective. You\r\nhave your planet back in order. We have our ship. Well, it's been some\r\ntime since I had the conn. But not to worry, Number One, you're in good\r\nhands. Starbase 74, warp two. Engage. Everything's under control.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Starbase Command Centre]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">COMPUTER: USS Enterprise has cleared the starbase\r\nperimeter. <br>\r\n(And she docks once again)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: Is everything all right? <br>\r\nPICARD: We're fine. Everything is in order. But now, I want a complete\r\ncheck, all systems, all divisions. <br>\r\nTASHA: What about the Bynars? <br>\r\nPICARD: Turn them over to Quinteros. There will be a hearing. <br>\r\nZERO ONE: We understood that <br>\r\nONE ZERO: would happen. <br>\r\nTASHA: Follow me, please. <br>\r\nRIKER: While these things are being checked, permission to leave the\r\nBridge, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Permission granted.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bourbon Street Bar]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: What is a knockout like you doing in a\r\ncomputer generated gin joint like this? <br>\r\n(But it is a different woman who turns and smiles at him) <br>\r\nRIKER: You're not Minuet.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: She's gone. I tried variations of the\r\nprogramme, others appeared, but not Minuet. <br>\r\nPICARD: Maybe it was all part of the Bynar's programming. But you know,\r\nNumber One, some relationships just can't work. <br>\r\nRIKER: Yes, probably true. She'll be difficult to forget. </font>\r\n</p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n</center>\r\n</div>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><a href=\"episodes.htm\"><font color=\"#2867d0\">&lt;Back\r\nto the episode listing</font></a></font></p>\r\n<p><font color=\"#000000\" face=\"Arial\" size=\"1\"><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">Star Trek � and related\r\nmarks are trademarks of<a href=\"\"> <font color=\"#2867d0\">CBS Studios Inc</font></a>.\r\nCopyright � 1966, Present. The Star Trek web pages on this site are for\r\neducational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights\r\nproperty of their respective holders.</font></font></p>\r\n</body></html>"},{"episode":"117.htm","data":"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n<html lang=\"en-gb\"><head>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-1252\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en-gb\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Enterprise, NCC1701D, Episodes, Transcripts, Home Soil, Jean-Luc Picard, William Thomas Riker, Geordi LaForge, Tasha Yar, Worf, Beverly Crusher, Deanna Troi, Data, Wesley Crusher, Velara III, Mandl, Louisa, Bensen, Malencon, Ugly bags of mostly water\">\r\n<meta name=\"Keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Transcripts, Home Soil\">\r\n<meta name=\"Description\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation episode transcripts\"><title>The Next Generation Transcripts - Home Soil</title></head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"#d5d5d5\" dir=\"ltr\">\r\n<p><font color=\"#2867d0\" face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"5\"><b>Home\r\nSoil</b></font><br>\r\n<font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Stardate:\r\n41463.9<br>\r\nOriginal Airdate: 22 Feb, 1988<br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n<center>\r\n<table border=\"0\" width=\"85%\">\r\n<tbody>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td align=\"left\" width=\"85%\"> <font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">\r\nCaptain's log, stardate 41463.9. While mapping the Pleiades Cluster,\r\nwe've been asked by the Federation to visit a group terraforming Velara\r\nThree. Communications have been erratic and there is some concern about\r\ntheir welfare.\r\n</font>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: Entering standard orbit now. <br>\r\nPICARD: It takes very special people to live in such desolation. <br>\r\nTROI: Visionaries who don't see this planet as it is, but as it will\r\nbe. <br>\r\nRIKER: I've always wanted to see terraforming in operation. <br>\r\nPICARD: Lieutenant Yar, hailing frequencies. <br>\r\nTASHA: Hailing frequencies open, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Velara Three base, this is Captain Picard of the starship\r\nEnterprise. (silence)<br>\r\nTASHA: No malfunctioning equipment on either side, sir. They are\r\nreceiving us. <br>\r\nPICARD: Velara Three base, this is the Enterprise. Come in please.\r\nOver. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Maybe no one's home. <br>\r\nDATA: We are sensing life-forms, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Velara Three base, do you copy? <br>\r\n(A middle-aged man with a slight East European accent. Everyone say Hi!\r\nto General Gogol from the James Bond films) <br>\r\nMANDL [on viewscreen]: Velara base to Enterprise. Yes, Captain, I'm\r\nDirector Mandl. I'm sorry about the delay, but we weren't expecting\r\nvisitors. <br>\r\nPICARD: Terraform Command has asked us to see how you were getting\r\nalong. <br>\r\nMANDL [on viewscreen]: We were a little behind, but we're back on\r\nschedule. I'd like to hope we'd be allowed to maintain that schedule. <br>\r\nTROI: We alarm him for some reason. <br>\r\nPICARD: Your staff is all well, I presume, Director? <br>\r\nMANDL [on viewscreen]: Understandably tired. We're working very hard,\r\nCaptain. <br>\r\nPICARD: If there anything we can do to help? You and your staff are\r\nwelcome aboard for a change of scene, rest. <br>\r\nRIKER: We have some holodecks which you might enjoy. <br>\r\nMANDL [on viewscreen]: No disrespect, sir, but we cannot afford the\r\ntime. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Channel closed. <br>\r\nTROI: His fear is escalating. <br>\r\nMANDL [on viewscreen]: If you will excuse me, sir, I really must get\r\nback to work. <br>\r\nTROI: I sense deliberate concealment, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Of what? <br>\r\nTROI: I don't know, but it's intense. <br>\r\nPICARD: (channel open) Director Mandl, we've heard of your remarkable\r\nachievements in terraforming. My crew would very much appreciate\r\nlooking around. <br>\r\nMANDL [on viewscreen]: This is not really the best time. We are at a\r\nvery critical phase just now. <br>\r\nPICARD: We would require no special attention. <br>\r\nMANDL [on viewscreen]: I'm trying not to be rude, sir, but this is\r\nreally very inconvenient. <br>\r\n(channel closed) <br>\r\nTROI: He is concealing something. It's more than just being too busy.\r\nYour announcement about coming down has sent him almost to a point of\r\npanic. <br>\r\nPICARD: Well, whether he wants us or not. (channel open) Director\r\nMandl, unless you're absolutely refusing permission for us to land at\r\nyour station, prepare to receive our away team. <br>\r\nMANDL [on viewscreen]: As you wish. <br>\r\nPICARD: Counsellor, perhaps you'd better go along as well. <br>\r\nTROI: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Someone that tense could be very unpredictable. Stay on your\r\ntoes, Number One. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Control room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(The team beam into the Terraforming base control\r\nroom) <br>\r\nLUISA: Welcome to Velara Three. Please. I want you to remember it as it\r\nis now, because in a couple of decades you won't recognise it. Luisa\r\nKim. Gardener of Edens. <br>\r\nRIKER: Commander William Riker, USS Enterprise. This is Counsellor\r\nTroi, Lieutenant Yar, Lieutenant La Forge, Lieutenant Commander Data. <br>\r\nLUISA: Arthur Malencon, hydraulics specialist, (bald, middle-aged) and\r\nBjorn Benson, Chief Engineer. (younger, blond) <br>\r\nBENSON: An android? <br>\r\nTASHA: And third in command of the Enterprise. <br>\r\nBENSEN: Where were you manufactured? Are there others like you? <br>\r\nDATA: Both matters are subjects of protracted discussion. <br>\r\nBENSEN: Remarkable. Excuse me. <br>\r\n(The two men go back to work) <br>\r\nLUISA: We don't get many visitors. It's exciting to have you here. <br>\r\nRIKER: We weren't sure how we would be received. Director Mandl was\r\nless than enthusiastic about our interest. <br>\r\nLUISA: I should apologise for him. We are at a critical phase. Usually\r\nhe's quite charming. <br>\r\nRIKER: We'll try to stay out of the way. We've never seen a\r\nterraforming station, and we appreciate the opportunity. <br>\r\nLUISA: How much do you know about the process? <br>\r\nDATA: Theories, reports, but nothing first-hand. <br>\r\nLUISA: Oh, wonderful. Let me show you what we do. Newcomers find this <br>\r\nTROI: The other two are secretive, but she is as open as she appears. <br>\r\nLUISA: What we're doing is so exciting, so inspiring. We take a\r\nlifeless planet and little by little transform it into an M class\r\nenvironment, capable of supporting life. Terraforming makes you feel a\r\nlittle god-like. The first phase involves selecting the planet. That's\r\nvery important. It must have the right mass and gravity, the correct\r\nrate of rotation, and a balanced day and night. The planet must also be\r\nwithout life or the prospect of life\r\ndeveloping naturally. The Federation determines if that's so. Then, we\r\ntake over. This station is phase two. Phase Three involves water.\r\nUsually we create basins using hydraulic landscaping, but the water on\r\nthis planet is subsurface, and extremely high in salt content. We are\r\njust about to begin pumping and filtering the water, removing the salt,\r\noxygenating and replacing. Next, we introduce micro-organisms, and when\r\nthe process is complete eventually, we'll have a lush, arable,\r\nbiosphere. <br>\r\n(in 30-35 years according to her display) <br>\r\nRIKER: You make it sound poetic. <br>\r\nLUISA: I think it's the best job in the universe. <br>\r\nDATA: The efficiency of your hydraulic landscaping is quite elegant. <br>\r\nMALENCON: It isn't yet, but it will be. Right now I'm disturbed by\r\nerratic power surges in several of the servo-mechanisms that control\r\nthe hydraulic probes. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Could it be the increased conductivity caused by the high\r\nsaline content? <br>\r\nMALENCON: That was my first thought, but I <br>\r\nBENSEN: Arthur. The factors do not support that conclusion. <br>\r\n(Mandl enters) <br>\r\nMANDL: I'm Director Mandl, and I'm sorry about having been so abrupt\r\nduring our initial contact. Being isolated, one tends to forget the\r\nsocial graces. Are you seeing everything that you want? <br>\r\nTROI: What you're doing here is miraculous. <br>\r\nMANDL: What we are doing here is working a difficult and demanding\r\ntimetable, and there will be no miracle unless Malencon here gets the\r\nhydraulic probes back on line. We are set to step up to full conversion\r\nimmediately. Shouldn't you be in the hydraulic chamber, Arthur? <br>\r\nMALENCON: Now? <br>\r\nMANDL: Yes. <br>\r\nMALENCON: All right, Kurt. <br>\r\nDATA: Geordi, this appears to be the master subsurface pump. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: You're right. Very impressive. <br>\r\nDATA: This is interesting. The water table is a thin ribbon between the\r\nsandy surface layer and the rocks below. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: And those two surfaces follow that contour so precisely, the\r\nwater maintains a consistent depth between them. <br>\r\nDATA: Which would require extreme precision from the probe controls. <br>\r\nMANDL: Here we have something which may be of interest to you. A\r\nvegetation graph. It is really the key centre for successful\r\nterraforming. <br>\r\nRIKER: Incredible. It's planned month by month, decade by decade? <br>\r\nMANDL: Every single thing is specific and exact. You see grand,\r\nromantic concepts. I see unyielding rock under an ocean of sand. <br>\r\nTROI: Commander! <br>\r\nRIKER: What is it, Deanna? <br>\r\nTROI: Malencon. He's in trouble! <br>\r\nMALENCON [OC]: Help! Help! Argh! <br>(Screams and bangs.&nbsp;They run to the hydraulics room door) <br>\r\nRIKER: Can you open it? <br>\r\nMANDL: It's jammed. <br>\r\n(A last scream, and then quiet. The door opens to reveal a burnt body\r\nand a cylinder with a smoking hole in it. There is a laser in the room)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">First Officer's log, stardate 41464.3. What began\r\nas a routine visit to a terraforming site has turned into something far\r\nmore serious. Arthur Malencon, the hydraulics engineer, has been\r\ncritically injured by a laser drill which appears to have\r\nmalfunctioned.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Hydraulics room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD [OC]: Situation report, Number One. <br>\r\nRIKER: For safety reasons, we're shutting off all power to the\r\nHydraulics room before entering to recover the body. Then we'll beam\r\nhim up to Sickbay, but from the look of his wounds, it's probably\r\nhopeless. <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: Keep me informed. <br>\r\nLAFORGE [OC]: Data ? <br>\r\nDATA: Go ahead, Geordi.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Control room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">BENSEN: All set. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Data, we have your section completely powered down now. Bensen\r\nhas just locked the master servomotor drive system. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Hydraulics room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE [OC[ So it should be safe in there now. <br>\r\nTASHA: I'm going in. <br>\r\nDATA: I will go with you. <br>\r\nTASHA: Transporter Room, this is Lieutenant Yar. Two to beam up to\r\nSickbay. <br>\r\n(Tasha and Malencon are beamed away) <br>\r\nLUISA: I want to go. We should be with him. Kurt, please come too. <br>\r\nRIKER: Transporter Room, this is Commander Riker. Beam up four at my\r\nco-ordinates. <br>\r\n(Riker, Troi, Luisa and Mandl are beamed away) </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Control room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA [OC]: Geordi, this is intriguing. I have seen\r\nmalfunctions </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Hydraulics room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: But this is almost as if the laser drill\r\nseemed to operate itself with a will </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Control room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA [OC]: Separate from it's control console. <br>\r\nBENSEN: I can't explain it. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Hydraulics room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: The laser blasts seemed to end when the\r\nyelling stopped. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Control room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">BENSEN: Maybe Arthur stopped it, only not in time. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Hydraulics room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: Not possible. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Control room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: Then what are you suggesting? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Hydraulics room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: Uncertain. Geordi, please return power to the\r\ncontrol console in this room. I wish to reactivate the\r\nprogramme. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Control room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: You got it. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Hydraulics room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(The laser powers up, turns, and fires a shot into\r\na tunnel cut in the wall. Then it does the same in the opposite wall) <br>\r\nDATA: I am running the base drilling programme. <br>\r\n(The little red light focuses on the back of Data's neck and the doors\r\nslam shut. Data turns and dodges the deadly beams)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Control room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA [OC]: Geordi, servos off. <br>\r\nBENSEN: They are off. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Data, what's happening? <br>\r\nDATA [OC]: Too much to explain. <br>\r\n(Benson and La Forge run to the Hydraulics room door) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Can you open that? La Forge to Enterprise. We have a problem. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Be specific. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Control room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: Data's in the hydraulics room alone, and\r\nwe're hearing laser blasts. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Get him out of there! </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Control room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">BENSEN: It's not working again. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: We've got to get this door open. Data! We can't get in! Data!\r\nData! Data! <br>\r\n(The door opens on a room full of smoke)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Away team, now. What is happening? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Hydraulics room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD [OC]: I'm going to beam him out of there. <br>\r\nDATA: Bridge, this is Lieutenant Commander Data. No need to beam me up,\r\nsir. The situation is under control. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Are you all right? <br>\r\nDATA: Yes. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: What happened? Did you do anything which might have set it\r\noff? <br>\r\nDATA: No, but the firing programme was dynamic. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: The firing programme? In what way? <br>\r\nDATA: It adjusted to my tactics. It tracked with me, anticipating. A\r\nfixed programme\r\ncould not have done that. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Are you suggesting that someone was controlling the aiming and\r\nfiring sequence? <br>\r\nDATA: That is exactly how it appeared. There was a mind working against\r\nme. <br>\r\nBENSEN: What did you do to this laser drill? A year's work destroyed! <br>\r\n(The drill looks like the last turkey in the shop) <br>\r\nDATA: I had no choice. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Ready room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: We were attempting to trace the source of the\r\nmalfunction when it attacked me. <br>\r\nMANDL: How much more of this useless fantasy must I listen to? <br>\r\nPICARD: None at all, Mister Mandl. Until this is sorted out, I've\r\nprovided temporary quarters for you and your staff. Perhaps you'd like\r\nto make use of them. <br>\r\nMANDL: You're overstepping your authority, Picard. You have no right to\r\ninterfere. <br>\r\nPICARD: Mister Mandl, an attack on one of my crew gives me the right. <br>\r\nMANDL: I have a schedule to meet. <br>\r\nPICARD: Your schedule is on hold, until I have a satisfactory\r\nexplanation of this. Director Mandl. Lieutenant Yar, would you escort\r\nthe Director to his quarters. <br>\r\nTASHA: Aye, sir. <br>\r\n(Mandl and Tasha leave) <br>\r\nPICARD: Go on with your report. <br>\r\nDATA: It would appear the laser's drilling system was reprogrammed,\r\nsir. As soon as its memory bank received power, it turned itself on and\r\nwent after me. Fortunately, I was able to cope with it. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: And not by much, from what I saw. <br>\r\nDATA: I believe it was programmed to destroy any person moving in that\r\nroom, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Certainty? Or speculation? <br>\r\nDATA: Certainty. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: That would have required the talents of a master programmer. <br>\r\nDATA: But it was done. <br>\r\nPICARD: And so the question becomes not who, since it clearly was one\r\nof the three remaining terraformers. The question becomes why? What are\r\nthey hiding? What could be so important that one or all of them, could\r\nbe desperate enough to kill? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Shall I have them brought in, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: Not yet.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Malencon? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I couldn't save him. The injuries were too severe, the damage\r\ntoo extensive. <br>\r\nRIKER: The entire Velara Three facility has been powered down, Captain.\r\n<br>\r\nWORF: We've just completed a remote power feed to the life support\r\nsystems. <br>\r\nPICARD: Good. Data, I want you and Geordi to return for more careful\r\ninspection. <br>\r\nDATA: What are we to look for, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: Evidence of tampering, negligence, sabotage, whatever. The\r\nanswer's there, on the planet. Tasha, I want you to provide Counsellor\r\nTroi and me with complete personnel records on our three guests. Psych\r\nprofiles, training, everything. I'm looking for motive, intent, the\r\npsychological capacity to commit one murder and to attempt another. <br>\r\nTASHA: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: It seems we are becoming detectives, Number One.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Hydraulics room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(It's dark) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Not much left of this drill. <br>\r\n(Data scans something in one of the tunnels, and a little light flashes\r\nin his face) <br>\r\nDATA: Geordi, I need some visual assistance. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Whoa. What is it? Nothing but basic elements. Inorganic. No\r\ncarbon. Sandy texture. Those flashes are almost musical. I see colour\r\nvariations and rhythms in complex harmonies. <br>\r\nDATA: Speculation. Could it be alive? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: How could it be alive? It's inorganic. <br>\r\nDATA: Whatever it is, it could be what they are covering up, and the\r\nreason someone killed Malencon.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, supplemental. On my order, Data's\r\nstartling discovery of a possible life form has been beamed aboard so\r\nthat its true nature might be uncovered. But unlike life on Earth and\r\nelsewhere, it appears to be completely inorganic.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Medical lab]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(The stuff from the tunnel walls is in a bell jar) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: A test for inorganic life. <br>\r\nDATA: It's never been done, Doctor. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: There are basic definitions for organic life. Must have the\r\nability to assimilate, respirate, reproduce, grow and develop, move,\r\nsecrete and excrete. <br>\r\nPICARD: Would any of those apply here? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Perhaps growth and development. <br>\r\nDATA: Reproduction? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Yes. Those two may be basic for any definition of life,\r\norganic or inorganic. <br>\r\nPICARD: Well, Doctor, you're charging unknown seas. How do we proceed? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: As we're dealing with a fundamental question, let's use the\r\nbasic scientific method. Observe, theorise and attempt to prove it.\r\nActivate. Let's be sure of what we're dealing with. Is the sample\r\norganic? <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Negative carbon. Negative known life components. Substance\r\ninorganic. <br>\r\nDATA: Recheck analysis, please. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Rechecking. Analysis verified. Not organic. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Magnify to screen. Factor five. Hold surface. Factor ten. <br>\r\n(Something microscopic within the structure is pulsing) <br>\r\nPICARD: What are we looking at? <br>\r\nWESLEY: It's really beautiful, whatever it is. <br>\r\nPICARD: What's that hum? <br>\r\nDATA: It started after Doctor Crusher ordered the scanner to magnify. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Computer, de-magnify. Resume normal scan. <br>\r\n(The hum continues) <br>\r\nPICARD: Everyone stand back. <br>\r\n(It gets quieter) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Step back again) <br>\r\n(And quieter) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: It's us. <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes, we're causing it. Why? <br>\r\nDATA: Unknown. But it is definitely reacting to our presence. Perhaps\r\nit is picking up the electrical impulse of our systems. <br>\r\nWESLEY: The flashes haven't changed. Could the hum be connected to the\r\nflashing? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Computer, magnify. What is the magnification? <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Twenty five hundred diameters. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Analyse the pattern of the flashes. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Not repetitive or sequential. Pattern not recognised. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: What is the source of the flashes? <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Unable to specify. Theoretically not possible from this\r\nsubstance. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Disregard incongruity and theorise as to source. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Life.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Ready room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">MANDL: What do you mean a life form?! What life\r\nform?! A Federation recon expedition certified Velara Three lifeless. <br>\r\nPICARD: Understandable, given this particular life form's novel nature.\r\n<br>\r\nMANDL: What is that nature? <br>\r\nPICARD: Doctor Crusher is still making her determination. Mister Mandl,\r\nyou know the Prime Directive. <br>\r\nMANDL: Are you saying that I knowingly defied it? <br>\r\nPICARD: That's what I have to find out. You're a man obsessed with what\r\nyou do. Who knows what an obsessed man will do to keep going? Kill,\r\nperhaps? <br>\r\nMANDL: I create life. I don't take it. <br>\r\n(Mandl storms out, insulted) <br>\r\nRIKER: You hit him pretty hard, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: What do you think, Counsellor? <br>\r\nTROI: It was useful. I felt two levels. He did know about the life\r\nform, but the idea of murder seemed to shock him. Whether it was the\r\nwhole idea, or just being accused of it, I can't tell. <br>\r\nPICARD: What about his file, Lieutenant Yar? Could he have accomplished\r\nthe reprogramming that Data says took place? <br>\r\nTASHA: Mandl holds advanced degrees in computer science as well as\r\nartificial intelligence. It's possible. <br>\r\nPICARD: What about the others? Including the victim. <br>\r\nTASHA: Only the victim had the required expertise. Malencon did work\r\nwhere the whatever it is was found. Trying to suppress that knowledge\r\nwould be motive for murder, if Mandl were obsessed enough. <br>\r\nTROI: Terraformers are often obsessive. It frequently goes with the\r\ncareer profile. <br>\r\nRIKER: How do you read the designer? <br>\r\nTROI: She's possessed of highly abstracted reality. Lovely visions,\r\nlittle data. You might do better than I.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Luisa's quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Luisa has been crying when the door bell rings) <br>\r\nLUISA: It's not locked. <br>\r\nRIKER: Mind a visitor? <br>\r\nLUISA: Is it true? Did you really find a life form? <br>\r\nRIKER: The debate is still going on in some quarters, but I think so,\r\nyes. <br>\r\nLUISA: What's it like? <br>\r\nRIKER: We have nothing we can compare it with. It's microscopic. It\r\nseems colonial, simple. But it's inorganic. Which is why the recon\r\nscouts missed it. It was not your mistake. <br>\r\nLUISA: Everything I've worked so hard for is falling apart. <br>\r\nRIKER: Luisa, it's very beautiful. I could arrange for you to see it if\r\nyou like. <br>\r\nLUISA: Perhaps later.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(The image from the lab is on the viewscreen) <br>\r\nCRUSHER [OC]: Captain, this is Doctor Crusher. I think you'd better\r\ncome to the Medical Lab.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Medical lab]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: What is it? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Geordi observed movement. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Not movement exactly, but a definite shift in the energy\r\npattern. <br>\r\nDATA: Without external influence. <br>\r\nPICARD: The hum has gone too. Why? <br>\r\nDATA: Unknown, sir. Perhaps it is scanning us. <br>\r\nPICARD: Scanning us? Why? What could it hope to learn? <br>\r\nDATA: Unknown at this time, sir. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: It's changing. <br>\r\nPICARD: I don't see anything. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: The infrared range is increasing. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Warning. Input overload. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: The hum is back. <br>\r\nDATA: It is projecting an energy field. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: And it's intensifying! <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Magnification deactivated. <br>\r\n(Now there are two bright lights in the bell jar, instead of one) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Two of them! <br>\r\nDATA: Only life can replicate itself, Doctor. Inorganic or not, it is\r\nalive. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Activate quarantine field. (but something is pushing against\r\nit) Quarantine field full. Full shield backup! <br>\r\n(The shield fails) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Evacuating lab. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Translation request being patched. <br>\r\nPICARD: Translation? From whom? <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: (gibberish) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Evacuate. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WESLEY: What's wrong on with the translator\r\ncircuit? <br>\r\nPICARD: Bridge, this is the Captain. Request emergency power to\r\ninitiate lab quarantine seal.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Do it, Mister Worf. <br>\r\nWORF: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: What's the nature of the problem, Captain? We've lost visual. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: We have confirmed that Data's discovery is\r\nlife. But more than that, it is intelligent life. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: How do you know, sir? <br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: It's trying to communicate with us.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, supplemental. The inorganic life\r\nform from Velara Three has apparently taken over our Medical Lab.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WORF: It generates enough energy to interfere with\r\nthe surrounding systems. <br>\r\nPICARD: Mister La Forge, can we see into the lab yet? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Negative, Captain. Reducing the backup to the quarantine seal\r\nmight help. <br>\r\nPICARD: Doctor? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I wouldn't. <br>\r\nPICARD: Continue quarantine. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nTASHA [OC]: Director Mandl and the others are in the Observation Lounge\r\nas you requested. <br>\r\nPICARD: Counsellor, I shall need you. You have the Bridge, Number One.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[<b>[Observation Lounge]</b>]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Director Mandl, I put it to you again. What\r\ndo you know about these life forms? <br>\r\nMANDL: Not a thing. <br>\r\nPICARD: Enough! Sit down, Lieutenant. You are deliberately evasive and\r\nit must stop. You have kept information from me since our first\r\ncommunication. An alien life form has taken possession of my Medical\r\nLab. You knew of its existence. <br>\r\nMANDL: Yes. <br>\r\nLUISA: Is this true? You knew there was life on Velara Three? <br>\r\nMANDL: I knew that there were random energy patterns, yes, I knew that.\r\nBut not life. Not by any definition I have ever heard. <br>\r\nTROI: But you tried to keep that knowledge from us. <br>\r\nMANDL: No! They are meaningless silicon crystals, which rebroadcast\r\nsunlight. <br>\r\nPICARD: It is a life form and it has intelligence. <br>\r\nMANDL: Why do you say that? <br>\r\nPICARD: It's trying to communicate with us. <br>\r\nMANDL: Communicate with you? <br>\r\nPICARD: When did you first become aware of them? <br>\r\nBENSEN: Tell them about the pattern in the sand. <br>\r\nPICARD: Oh, yes. Do tell us. <br>\r\nBENSEN: When we first arrived, we noticed that in certain areas the\r\nsand had a sparkling effect, like sunlight bouncing off new fallen snow.<br>\r\nPICARD: What did you think it was? <br>\r\nBENSEN: Honestly, we did not give it any thought. <br>\r\nMANDL: Picard, I must point out again that we were assured, not once\r\nbut many times, by the best scientific minds in the Federation, that\r\nthis planet has no life. No life! And we were not looking, and\r\ntherefore we did not see. <br>\r\nPICARD: All right. At first you dismissed it. But then you began to\r\nunderstand that there was something that was different about them. <br>\r\nMANDL: You can't know that. <br>\r\nPICARD: Your apprehension suggested it, when we first arrived. Tell me\r\nabout these patterns. <br>\r\nBENSEN: At first we thought it was just a natural phenomenon unique to\r\nVelara Three. <br>\r\nMANDL: Refraction and a thin atmosphere is interesting, but certainly\r\nnot life. <br>\r\nLUISA: Why was I never told about this? <br>\r\nMANDL: Because it's not particularly important. <br>\r\nBENSEN: As the building of the terraforming station went forward, the\r\npatterns in the sand ceased being random and became very specific.\r\nGeometric shapes suddenly appearing, disappearing, changing location,\r\nchanging size. <br>\r\nPICARD: Did you ever feel that these patterns were attempting to\r\ncommunicate? <br>\r\nMANDL: No, never. <br>\r\nPICARD: Bensen? <br>\r\nBENSEN: I don't know. At the time, I didn't think so. But now, after\r\nhearing what you just said. Now, I don't know. <br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: Captain, we've regained magnification of the life form.\r\nIt's divided again. <br>\r\nPICARD: Patch visual to Observation lounge.<br>\r\n(Eight round things with a bar pattern are on the screen) <br>\r\nMANDL: There was no indication of any of this on Velara Three. <br>\r\nBENSEN: Absolutely none. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(working at the rear science stations) <br>\r\nWORF: I cannot understand the patterns. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Neither can I. <br>\r\nDATA: Please show me the spectral analysis magnification twelve K. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Silicon. Germanium. <br>\r\nDATA: Transistor material. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Gallium arsenide. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Emits light when charged. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Cadmium selenide sulfide. <br>\r\nDATA: Emits charge when lit. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Water, impurities, sodium salts. <br>\r\nWORF: Conductor. But is it alive?! <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Probability positive. <br>\r\nWORF: I wasn't asking you. <br>\r\nCREWWOMAN [OC]: Engineering to Bridge. <br>\r\nRIKER: This is Commander Riker, go ahead. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CREWWOMAN: The backup on the lab seal is\r\nfluctuating, sir. I think you should come down here. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: On my way. Data, you've got the Bridge.\r\nInform the Captain.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Status, Ensign? <br>\r\nCREWWOMAN: The quarantine seal is getting weaker. Every time I try to\r\nredirect backup it goes somewhere else. I think I've. No, it's locked\r\nthree people in a turbolift and two more in the programmers' rest room.\r\n<br>\r\nRIKER: If that reading is right, there is no seal. Give me lab interior\r\nimage. <br>\r\nCREWWOMAN: Yes, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: Magnify. <br>\r\n(The bell jar flares again, and the light gets brighter and pulses more\r\nquickly) <br>\r\nRIKER: Picard, this is Riker. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Observation lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: We see it too, Number One. <br>\r\n(Static charges flare from the bell jar) <br>\r\nPICARD: Get that seal back up. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CREWWOMAN: Sir, no matter what I do, the energy\r\ngoes somewhere else. What if it hits the Sickbay, or nursery? <br>\r\nRIKER: Hold off. Impossible, Captain. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Observation lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER [OC]: We haven't got the power.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, supplemental. The life form, which\r\nhas significantly increased in size, is again attempting to communicate\r\nwith us. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: The Universal Translator is coming on line,\r\nsir. <br>\r\nVOICE: Ugly, ugly giants bags of mostly water <br>\r\nPICARD: Bags of mostly water? <br>\r\nDATA: An accurate description of humans, sir. You are over ninety per\r\ncent water surrounded by a flexible container. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Life force, do you understand us? <br>\r\nVOICE: We understand. We ask you that you be gone. We call. We talk.\r\nYou not listen. <br>\r\nPICARD: We didn't hear you. We come in peace. <br>\r\nVOICE: Ugly bags of mostly water, we try at peace. You still do not\r\nlisten. Bags who drill in sands of home have to die. <br>\r\nRIKER: It killed Malencon. <br>\r\nTROI: We see and hear you now. We didn't know you were there. You are\r\nbeautiful to us. All life is beautiful. <br>\r\nVOICE: Bag in dome did know. Caused much death. Made us kill. War is\r\nnow with you. <br>\r\nDATA: The translator is now offline, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Can you hear us now? (the ship shakes) Mister La Forge? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Restabilising, Captain. <br>\r\nDATA: Sir, that chaos when we were studying it in the lab must have\r\nbeen the energy surge of a reproductive cycle.\r\nIt is now a colony of single cells which organize as a computer. And\r\nlike any computer <br>\r\nPICARD: More is stronger. <br>\r\n(The ship shakes again) </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, supplemental. We have regained\r\nvisual contact with the lab, but our attempts to restore communication\r\nwith this microbrain, as we have come to call it, has been\r\nunsuccessful. One thing that is certain, however. This life form has\r\ndeclared war on us.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Their range of influence appears to be\r\nconcentrated in the Medical Lab, Captain. <br>\r\nTASHA: All non-essential personnel have been moved to the most distant\r\nareas of the ship, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Data, any analysis of those bolts of light it emits? <br>\r\nDATA: That seems to be it's method of reprogramming, Captain. Each bolt\r\nof light consists of negatively and positively charged ions. A series\r\nof programme instructions, as it were. It seems to have a quicker\r\nrapport with our computers than we have. <br>\r\nWORF: What do you expect? It is computer. <br>\r\nPICARD: Have we disabled the Medical Lab computer console? <br>\r\nRIKER: Aye, sir. As soon as Data determined the microbrain's method of\r\noperation. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Captain, picking up a decrease in infra-red intensity. <br>\r\nWORF: Maybe the life-form has reached its energy level. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Or maybe that's not the end of it. With single-celled life\r\nforms, at least organic ones, cell division is preceded by a resting\r\nstate. <br>\r\nRIKER: The calm before the storm? <br>\r\nPICARD: Medical Lab on main viewer. Let's use this calm. <br>\r\nDATA: It does seem dormant, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: Tasha, set coordinates to beam it back where it came from. <br>\r\nTASHA: Coordinates set, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Energise. <br>\r\n(They see the transporter effect try to take hold and then be repulsed)\r\n<br>\r\nLAFORGE: Transporter power being redirected, sir. We are unable to\r\naffect it. <br>\r\nPICARD: Life form or not, intelligent or not , the safety of this ship\r\nand everyone aboard her is my primary responsibility. Data, evacuate\r\nall the air from the Medical Lab. I want a vacuum there. <br>\r\nDATA: Environmental systems fail to respond to command, Captain. It\r\nappears the microbrain has successfully interfaced with our computers. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[<b>[Observation Lounge]</b>]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">MANDL: Picard, if it did try to communicate with\r\nus, we didn't understand that. <br>\r\nPICARD: It has declared a state of war and we are on the defensive. We\r\nhave no control over our Medical Lab nor our computer. At this moment\r\nit has the power to destroy this ship and everybody on it. I need your\r\nhelp. <br>\r\nMANDL: Unbelievable.<br>\r\nPICARD: It said you killed some of them. I need to know how. <br>\r\nMANDL: I don't know. <br>\r\nPICARD: What was Malencon doing when he was killed? <br>\r\nLUISA: There is a very thin layer of highly saline water under the\r\nsandy top soil. He was siphoning that off. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Perhaps somehow that saline water sustained them. <br>\r\nDATA: It connected them. <br>\r\nLUISA: I don't understand. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: The microbrains may be like our own brain cells. Individually,\r\na cell has life but not intelligence. Yet when interconnected, their\r\ncombined intelligence is formidable. <br>\r\nDATA: The saline fluid is their circuitry, and to prevent its loss,\r\nthey killed Malencon. <br>\r\nLUISA: If we had continued to remove that water, we would have\r\ndestroyed them all. <br>\r\nPICARD: Reason enough for anyone to go to war. <br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: Captain, it's happening again. I think you'd better get in\r\nhere. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(This time, after the bright light, the bell jar\r\nbreaks and a crystalline structure stands there, free) <br>\r\nRIKER: If this keeps up, it will tear up the Enterprise. <br>\r\nPICARD: What can you determine, Mister La Forge? <br>\r\nDATA: Captain, our sensors indicate that the microbrain expends a\r\ntremendous amount of energy during its reproductive cycle. Yet there is\r\nno discernible power drain on our own systems. <br>\r\nPICARD: Then what is feeding the damn thing? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: We found traces of cadmium salts. Now, cadmium is a conduit\r\nfor converting infra-red into electricity. <br>\r\nPICARD: Meaning? <br>\r\nDATA: Meaning the microbrains might be photoelectric. <br>\r\nPICARD: Kill the lights in the medical lab, Mister La Forge. Let's see\r\nif darkness will neutralise it. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Sorry, sir, it still has control of the computer. We can't do\r\nit by remote. <br>\r\nPICARD: Number One, light. <br>\r\nLUISA: The life form must have evolved at that narrow layer where the\r\nlight got through the sand to the water. Drop the water a centimetre\r\nbelow the light penetration level, and they starve.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Killing lab lights now.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: It's slowing down. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: It's getting dimmer, too. <br>\r\nVOICE: More light please. <br>\r\nPICARD: Only if you will talk to us. <br>\r\nVOICE: We die. Bags of water kill us. You are like others. <br>\r\nPICARD: We have no wish to kill you. We never have. <br>\r\nVOICE: You do not say truth. <br>\r\nPICARD: We will end this war, if you will end the war. <br>\r\nVOICE: Darkness. Death. Terrible. Must go home to wet sand. War over. <br>\r\nPICARD: Agreed. We will send you home to your wet sand. Picard to\r\nRiker. Bring up the lights in the lab, just a bit. (he does) Are you\r\nbetter? <br>\r\nVOICE: Better. <br>\r\nPICARD: We mean you no harm. Do you believe me? <br>\r\nVOICE: Yes. <br>\r\nPICARD: Good. It is important that you trust us. <br>\r\nVOICE: Not yet. You are still too arrogant. Too primitive. Come back\r\nthree centuries. Perhaps then we trust. <br>\r\nPICARD: We understand what you are saying. We will leave you. We will\r\nsend you home. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Medical lab]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Riker to Transporter Chief. Pick up the\r\ncoordinates of the bell jar in the Medical Lab for return to Velara\r\nThree. <br>\r\nCHIEF [OC]: Coordinates entered, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: Riker to Bridge. Captain, we're ready to beam it back to the\r\nplanet.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: I wish we were able to learn more about them,\r\nsir. <br>\r\nPICARD: In time, Mister Data. When we're better prepared. <br>\r\nMANDL: I wanted to create a place where living things could thrive, and\r\nall the while I was about to destroy the life that is there. <br>\r\nTROI: Our apologies. <br>\r\nPICARD: And respects. Lieutenant Yar. <br>\r\nTASHA: Co-ordinates set, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Energise.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, stardate 41464.8. I have declared an\r\nindefinite quarantine for Velara Three, and we are now returning to\r\nStarbase with the three surviving terraformers. Perhaps the lesson we\r\nhave learned from this near tragedy will prevent it from happening\r\nelsewhere. </font> </p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n</center>\r\n</div>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><a href=\"episodes.htm\"><font color=\"#2867d0\">&lt;Back\r\nto the episode listing</font></a></font></p>\r\n<p><font color=\"#000000\" face=\"Arial\" size=\"1\"><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">Star Trek � and related\r\nmarks are trademarks of<a href=\"\"> <font color=\"#2867d0\">CBS Studios Inc</font></a>.\r\nCopyright � 1966, Present. The Star Trek web pages on this site are for\r\neducational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights\r\nproperty of their respective holders.</font></font></p>\r\n</body></html>"},{"episode":"118.htm","data":"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n<html lang=\"en-gb\"><head>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-1252\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en-gb\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Enterprise, NCC1701D, Episodes, Transcripts, When The Bough Breaks Jean-Luc Picard, William Thomas Riker, Geordi LaForge, Tasha Yar, Worf, Beverly Crusher, Deanna Troi, Data, Wesley Crusher, Aldea, Harry, Dr Bernard, Rashella, Radue, Katie, Duana, Alexandra, Melian, Accolan, Leda\">\r\n<meta name=\"Keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Transcripts, When The Bough Breaks\">\r\n<meta name=\"Description\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation episode transcripts\"><title>The Next Generation Transcripts - When The Bough Breaks</title>\r\n\r\n</head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"#d5d5d5\" dir=\"ltr\">\r\n<p><font color=\"#2867d0\" face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"5\"><b>When\r\nThe Bough Breaks</b></font><br>\r\n<font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Stardate:\r\n41509.1<br>\r\nOriginal Airdate: 15 Feb, 1988<br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n<center>\r\n<table border=\"0\" width=\"85%\">\r\n<tbody>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td align=\"left\" width=\"85%\"> <font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"> <b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD [OC]: Commander Riker, report to the Bridge.\r\n<br>\r\nRIKER: On the way. <br>\r\nBERNARD: Harry! Harry, come back here! <br>\r\n(The running child bumps straight into Riker)<br>\r\nRIKER: What's your hurry, Harry? <br>\r\nHARRY: Sorry, Commander. I was just <br>\r\n(His father arrives) <br>\r\nBERNARD: Harry! I'm sorry if he bothered you. <br>\r\nRIKER: No bother, Doctor Bernard. <br>\r\nHARRY: I'm not going back. I hate that teacher and I hate calculus. <br>\r\nBERNARD: Everyone needs an understanding of basic calculus, whether\r\nthey like it or not. <br>\r\nHARRY: Why?\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: You're limping. <br>\r\nRIKER: Had a small run-in with an aspiring sprinter. <br>\r\nPICARD: Number One. <br>\r\nRIKER: Problem, Captain? <br>\r\nPICARD: No, more a curiosity. For the past few hours we've been\r\ntracking faint energy readings in an attempt to locate the source. It's\r\nlike following a trail of bread crumbs. The pathfinder lead here and\r\nstopped, which is what I knew would interest you. <br>\r\nRIKER: What's our position, Geordi? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: The Epsilon Mynos system, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: Thank you, Captain, you're right. I wouldn't miss this for\r\nanything. <br>\r\nTASHA: What's so interesting about this system? <br>\r\nRIKER: Aldea. Tasha, I'm surprised you haven't heard the stories about\r\nAldea, the\r\nwondrous mythical world. Like Atlantis of ancient Earth or Neinman of\r\nXerxes Seven. Advanced culture, centuries old. Self-contained,\r\npeaceful. Incredible technical sophistication providing the daily needs\r\nfor all the citizens, so that they could turn themselves over to art\r\nand culture. <br>\r\nTASHA: Where is it supposed to be? <br>\r\nRIKER: That's the myth. Somehow, as the legend goes, the Aldeans were\r\nable to cloak their planet in darkness and go unseen by marauders, and\r\nother hostile passers-by who might rob and plunder. <br>\r\nTASHA: What a wonderful fairy tale. <br>\r\nDATA: Scanners still show nothing, sir. <br>\r\nTROI: Scanners may show nothing, sir, but I'm sensing something very\r\nstrong. Thousands of minds. <br>\r\nPICARD: From where? <br>\r\nTROI: Very close. <br>\r\nPICARD: All stop, and hold this position. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye, sir. All stop, and hold. <br>\r\nPICARD: Anything? <br>\r\nWORF: Captain, I'm recording a distortion in quadrant one, mark nine\r\nzero. <br>\r\nPICARD: On screen. <br>\r\n(The stars wobble) <br>\r\nPICARD: Shields and deflectors up. <br>\r\nTASHA: Aye, sir. <br>\r\n(Then a golden planet comes into view) <br>\r\nRIKER: It's Aldea, Captain. It has to be.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, stardate 41509.1. Either by chance\r\nor intent, we've been led to the planet Aldea, which appeared out of\r\nnowhere, hidden behind a sophisticated shielding device.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: Sensors indicate that the shield is\r\nelectromagnetic, a complicated light refracting mechanism. <br>\r\nPICARD: A cloaking device? <br>\r\nDATA: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: It's got to be pretty sophisticated to hide an entire planet .\r\n<br>\r\nWORF: We're being scanned, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: We'll let them know our peaceful intention. Open hailing\r\nfrequencies, Lieutenant Yar. <br>\r\nTASHA: Frequencies open, sir. <br>\r\n(A young woman comes on the viewscreen) <br>\r\nRASHELLA [on viewscreen]: I am Rashella. Welcome to Aldea. <br>\r\nPICARD: I am Jean-Luc Picard, Captain of the USS Enterprise. We come in\r\npeace. <br>\r\nRASHELLA [on viewscreen]: We know. <br>\r\nPICARD: We've heard the stories about Aldea, but frankly I never\r\nbelieved they could be true. <br>\r\nRASHELLA [on viewscreen]: Our shield has confused outsiders for\r\nmillennia, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: That's a very long time to have such technology. Why do you\r\nreveal yourselves to us now? <br>\r\nRASHELLA [on viewscreen]: We're eager to meet in person to discuss\r\nthat, and other subjects of mutual interest. <br>\r\nPICARD: We're ready anytime. <br>\r\nRASHELLA [on viewscreen]: Excellent! <br>\r\n(Rashella and a man appear on the deck, and seem dizzy at first) <br>\r\nRADUE: We mean no harm. <br>\r\nRASHELLA: Our arrival seems to have startled you. <br>\r\nPICARD: It was a little sudden. <br>\r\nRADUE: I'm Radue, First Appointee to Aldea. <br>\r\nPICARD: Welcome aboard. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Captain, they haven't been through decontamination. <br>\r\nPICARD: Our medical doctor is concerned that you didn't go through the\r\nregular transporting procedure. <br>\r\nRASHELLA: You couldn't transport us. The only way through our shield is\r\nour way, Captain. Our cloaking device may be off, but our shield is\r\noperating. We've brought you small tokens of welcome. <br>\r\n(She hands over a bouquet) <br>\r\nRADUE: And a personal invitation to a celebration on Aldea. <br>\r\nPICARD: That would be delightful. Number One, assemble the away team. <br>\r\nRADUE: We will prepare for your arrival, Commander Riker. <br>\r\nRIKER: How do you know <br>\r\nRADUE: Your name? We've been monitoring your ship's communications. We\r\nmust return now to Aldea. Our eyes are very sensitive to bright light.\r\nRashella. <br>\r\n(They vanish again) <br>\r\nPICARD: Amazing. To exist only in that dreamworld of mythology and then\r\nsuddenly to be here, right in front of us. <br>\r\nRIKER: Now we know who placed the bread crumbs. We're not here by\r\naccident. <br>\r\nPICARD: Counsellor, do you sense anything? <br>\r\nTROI: They want something from us, something we value greatly. So much,\r\nthat they're afraid we won't part with it. <br>\r\nRADUE [OC]: We are ready to receive you, Commander Riker, and two of\r\nyour colleagues? <br>\r\n(Riker, Troi and Crusher disappear) <br>\r\nPICARD: Interesting choices.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[First Unit]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RADUE: I hope Duana and I know how to greet you\r\nproperly, Commander. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WESLEY: How do they cloak the planet? <br>\r\nDATA: The theory is simple. The shield bends light rays around the\r\nplanet's contour, similar to the Romulan cloaking device. But the\r\nimplementation is quite difficult. <br>\r\n(A golden beam starts to sweep the Bridge) <br>\r\nWORF: Captain! <br>\r\nPICARD: Data, what do you read? <br>\r\nDATA: Some sort of scanning device, sir. <br>\r\n(It holds on Wesley) <br>\r\nPICARD: Don't touch him! <br>\r\nLAFORGE: This beam is emanating from Aldea. <br>\r\nPICARD: Shields up. La Forge, contact Commander Riker. Worf, check all\r\ndecks. <br>\r\nTASHA: Shields inoperable, sir. <br>\r\nDATA: All decks being probed in a methodical pattern, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: All decks? Everything? The entire ship? <br>\r\nDATA: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I can't reach the Commander. We're being blocked. <br>\r\n(The beam vanishes) <br>\r\nPICARD: Wesley, are you all right? <br>\r\nWESLEY: It was scary at first, but I really didn't feel anything. <br>\r\nWORF: Sir, similar incidents all decks, but only with the children.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[First Unit]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RADUE: Yes, we are an ancient power, Commander, but\r\nwe've suffered for it. Our history is littered with the deaths of those\r\nAldeans who wanted more and more things. Nothing was ever enough. So\r\nwe've evolved a very simple way of living. For whatever is taken,\r\nsomething is given in return. <br>\r\nRIKER: It seems an equitable code. <br>\r\nRADUE: It's brought us peace. Unfortunately, there are very few of us\r\nleft to enjoy it. <br>\r\nTROI: Why? <br>\r\nRADUE: That is part of what we wish to discuss. We need help from the\r\nFederation to rebuild our heritage. We need a younger generation,\r\nstrong and healthy, following in the Aldean traditions. <br>\r\nRIKER: I don't understand. How can the Federation help influence your\r\nchildren in your traditions? <br>\r\nRADUE: Because we have no children, Commander. Rashella was the last\r\nchild born on this planet. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: And your medical community can do nothing? <br>\r\nRASHELLA: They've tried, Doctor Crusher. And failed. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Perhaps we can help. <br>\r\nRIKER: Radue, exactly why were we invited here? <br>\r\nRADUE: We propose a trade. One which will solve our problem and give\r\nsomething back to the Federation. <br>\r\nRIKER: And the nature of this trade? <br>\r\nRADUE: We need some of your children. In payment, we will give you\r\ninformation that would take you centuries to acquire. <br>\r\nTROI: That might be acceptable to some other races, but humans are\r\nunusually attached to their offspring. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Our children are not for sale at any price. <br>\r\nRIKER: We sympathise with your situation, but what you ask is not\r\npossible. <br>\r\nRADUE: And that's your final answer? <br>\r\nRIKER: That's my only answer. Now if there's some other way we can help\r\nyou. <br>\r\nRADUE: I am sorry you are intransigent. <br>\r\n(Rashella beams them away)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: Still no response, sir. <br>\r\n(The away team return, and Wesley vanishes) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Wesley! They've taken my son. <br>\r\n(all over the ship, children are disappearing. Alexandra while playing\r\nat her mother's feet, Katie while playing a musical instrument) <br>\r\nWORF: Captain, Saucer Section reports six more children are gone. <br>\r\nRIKER: It's the children. That's why we've been brought here. That's\r\nwhat they wanted. <br>\r\nPICARD: And that's what they have. Status. <br>\r\nTASHA: Aldean shield still up. Hailing frequencies open. No response. <br>\r\nPICARD: Keep trying. Counsellor, you'll have to gather the parents. <br>\r\nTROI: They'll need to speak to you as well, Captain. <br>\r\nRADUE [on viewscreen]: Captain, your children are with us. My word of\r\nhonour, no harm will ever come to them. <br>\r\nPICARD: Harm has already come to them. <br>\r\nRADUE [on viewscreen]: Captain, let us begin discussions regarding\r\nappropriate compensation. <br>\r\nPICARD: Compensation? You have stolen our children away from their\r\nclassrooms, away from their bedrooms and you talk about compensation?\r\nYou claim to be a civilised world and yet you have just committed an\r\nact of utter barbarity! <br>\r\nRADUE [on viewscreen]: Captain, we will continue these discussions when\r\nyou've calmed down. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[First Unit]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">KATIE: (blonde girl half Wesley's height) Wesley,\r\nI'm frightened. <br>\r\nWESLEY: I know you are, Katie. We all are. But we're going to be all\r\nright. Everyone knows where we are, and no one is going to hurt you. I\r\npromise. <br>\r\n(Radue, Rashella and Duana enter) <br>\r\nRADUE: Greetings, Wesley Crusher. The Custodian indicated that you\r\nwould be the leader. <br>\r\nWESLEY: The Custodian? Who is the Custodian? <br>\r\nRADUE: The Custodian is not a person. <br>\r\nRASHELLA: You have been brought to Aldea as our guests. We'll provide\r\nanything you need or want. <br>\r\nWESLEY: We want to go home. <br>\r\nRADUE: Wesley, all of you have been chosen because you are special.\r\nJust ask for anything you want, and you shall have it. <br>\r\n(Alexandra, a self-willed red head, goes up to Rashella and shakes her\r\nhand)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>Observation lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TOYA: What's happened to Alexandra and the other\r\nchildren, Captain? How are you getting them back? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Toya, sit down. Don't give in to fear. Now, we all knew what\r\nthe risks were when we signed on, and that's the choice we made. Now,\r\nCaptain Picard will do everything possible to bring our children back. <br>\r\nPICARD: The Aldeans are anxious to discuss compensation. <br>\r\nBERNARD: Compensation? <br>\r\nPICARD: That will buy us time. I've asked Doctor Crusher to be involved\r\nin the negotiations as your representative. <br>\r\nBERNARD: Why were these specific children taken? <br>\r\nTROI: We can't be sure. We do know the Aldeans can't have children of\r\ntheir own. <br>\r\nBERNARD: Then they won't let them go easily. <br>\r\nPICARD: I won't insult you by pretending that any of this will be easy.\r\nBut I can tell you that the Enterprise will not leave them behind. You\r\ncan be assured of that. <br>\r\nBERNARD: Can we talk with our children? Give them some reassurance. Let\r\nthem know that we are here, and that they will be safe. <br>\r\nPICARD: I'll do my best to arrange that. <br>\r\nBERNARD: The last time I saw him, I yelled at him.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>Rashella's room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RASHELLA: There you are! I have you now! <br>\r\n(She and Alexandra are laughing and happy)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[First Unit]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Two other couples are waiting) <br>\r\nRADUE: Come in. Don't be alarmed. The other children have been assigned\r\nto their units. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Units? <br>\r\nRADUE: A unit is a group where those of similar talents and interests\r\nlive together. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Do you mean like a family. <br>\r\nRADUE: Yes, you could call it that. <br>\r\nWESLEY: We already have families. Does Captain Picard know you're doing\r\nthis? <br>\r\nRADUE: We are keeping nothing from him. <br>\r\nLEDA: We have been waiting for you so long, Harry. We are artists, just\r\nlike you. We see within you the potential of what you can be. <br>\r\nHARRY: I'm not an artist. <br>\r\nACCOLAN: You will be. And a great one. <br>\r\nLEDA: This way. (they step into an alcove) Unit B, three seven five. <br>\r\n(and they vanish) <br>\r\nRADUE: Katie. <br>\r\nMELIAN: (an old man) I am honoured. <br>\r\nKATIE: Thank you. <br>\r\nRADUE: Melian is the foremost musician on Aldea. <br>\r\nMELIAN: Music speaks its own language. I know we'll have much to learn\r\nfrom each other. Don't worry, Katie, you'll be seeing Wesley soon. <br>\r\n(Katie and Melian leave) <br>\r\nWESLEY: What about me? Don't I get a say in this? <br>\r\nRADUE: Wesley, sometimes something happens which you just must accept.\r\nYou and the other children are now members of this society. That will\r\nnot change. It is up to you to make the transition as easy as possible\r\nfor the others. It's your duty, because you are their leader. Help them\r\nto accept it because nothing you, or those on the starship can do will\r\nchange it. Because like you, we also have no choice. <br>\r\n(Alexandra and Rashella come running in, playing) <br>\r\nRADUE: Where have you been Rashella? Zena and Aran are waiting to take\r\nAlexandra. <br>\r\nRASHELLA: No. <br>\r\nRADUE: No? I told you that she <br>\r\nRASHELLA: No, Radue. They can't have her. I will never let her go.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Any response from Aldea, Lieutenant? <br>\r\nTASHA: Not yet, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: Captain, Data has found something interesting. The Aldean shield\r\ngives evidence of random fluctuations, weakening its structure in\r\nisolated sections. <br>\r\nPICARD: You're saying there are holes in their defence system? <br>\r\nRIKER: In essence, yes. I find it surprising after all these eons that\r\nthe Aldeans' have not perfected their technology. One would assume they\r\nwould be aware of the weakness and repair it. <br>\r\nPICARD: Can we beam down an away team through one of those holes? <br>\r\nRIKER: It's a possibility. It would have to be perfectly timed, and\r\nthere's no guarantee. <br>\r\nDATA: We may be more successful in deciphering the code they use to\r\ntransport through the magnetic shield. <br>\r\nPICARD: Can you do that? <br>\r\nDATA: Eventually, sir. I am working on it now but the number of\r\npermutations is almost endless. <br>\r\nPICARD: Keep trying. While he's doing that, Number One, I want you and\r\nLa Forge to try and find some way of getting through one of those\r\nholes, because one way or the other we have got to get an away team on\r\nthe planet, locate the power source for the shield and neutralise it. <br>\r\nRIKER: You're certain they'll negotiate? <br>\r\nPICARD: Oh, they'll negotiate, or they'll call it that. They've taken\r\nwhat they want. Now they'll rationalise it by throwing us some sort of\r\nbone. <br>\r\nRIKER: And when we don't accept their offer? <br>\r\nPICARD: The minute they believe that we won't accept their compensation\r\nfor the children, they'll break off the discussion, they'll disappear\r\nbehind their shield, locking us out and the children in forever. That's\r\nwhy I've got to keep them talking.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Custodian room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(There are hexagonal screens on the walls, a single\r\nconsole, and some chairs around the edge of the room) <br>\r\nDUANA: Custodian, Wesley Crusher's voice will be entered into the\r\nauthorised file for Third Level clearance. <br>\r\nCUSTODIAN: Proceed, Duana. <br>\r\nDUANA: Announce yourself to the Custodian. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Hello, Custodian. I am Wesley Crusher. <br>\r\nCUSTODIAN: Hello, Wesley. Your voice will now activate Third Level\r\nclearance. <br>\r\nWESLEY: What does that mean? <br>\r\nCUSTODIAN: You may ask any questions you wish. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Thank you. Duana, what does the Custodian do? <br>\r\nDUANA: It frees us from all burden. It takes care of all our needs. It\r\nregulates our lives. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Who built it? <br>\r\nDUANA: The Progenitors. <br>\r\nWESLEY: When? <br>\r\nDUANA: Oh, hundreds of centuries ago. <br>\r\nWESLEY: What is its power source? <br>\r\nDUANA: Wesley, why is that important? It does what we ask it. It always\r\nhas. What difference does it make how it works? <br>\r\nWESLEY: If you don't know how it works, then how can you repair it? <br>\r\nDUANA: Why would we want to repair it? <br>\r\nWESLEY: From time to time, every computer, I mean Custodian, requires\r\nmaintenance. <br>\r\nDUANA: Wesley, Radue is right. You ask questions I can't answer. Ask\r\nthe Custodian instead. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Custodian, can you show me where Harry is? <br>\r\nCUSTODIAN: Yes. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Custodian, show me Harry. <br>\r\n(on the little screen, Harry is having his first go with the sculpting\r\nlaser on a block of wood. Sawdust flies everywhere) <br>\r\nHARRY [on screen]: I never did this before. It's fun. <br>\r\nWESLEY: You are going to make him into a sculptor? <br>\r\nDUANA: He already is. He was just never encouraged properly. The tool\r\nLeda is giving him will allow him to bring out his visions. <br>\r\nWESLEY: It will take him years to learn to do that. <br>\r\nDUANA: Oh, no. It will happen quite quickly. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Custodian, show me Alexandra. <br>\r\n(She and Rashella are playing with a 3d hologram controlled by a\r\njoystick) <br>\r\nWESLEY: Custodian, show me Mason. <br>\r\nDUANA: Stop, Custodian. We must work now. There is much to learn. <br>\r\n(Wesley looks at the door with the symbol on it) <br>\r\nWESLEY: What's in there? The power source? <br>\r\nDUANA: I don't know. It's forbidden. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, supplemental. We remain in orbit\r\naround Aldea. It's becoming all too evident that talk will not effect\r\nthe return of our children. We must neutralise the Aldean shield. Until\r\nthen, we are helpless. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: Sir, Radue is hailing us. <br>\r\nRADUE [on viewscreen]: Captain Picard? <br>\r\nPICARD: Doctor Crusher and I are ready, Radue. <br>\r\nRADUE [on viewscreen]: Are you ill, Captain? <br>\r\nPICARD: No. Doctor Crusher is a Staff Officer, Radue. Starfleet\r\nRegulation six point five seven requires that at least two Staff\r\nOfficers are present during any treaty or contract negotiations. <br>\r\nRADUE [on viewscreen]: Very well. <br>\r\nRIKER: Not much on pleasantries, is he? <br>\r\nDATA: I am not aware of Regulation six point five seven. <br>\r\nPICARD: No, Data. Neither am I. <br>\r\nDATA: I see, sir. Oh, I see, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Doctor Crusher, please report to the Bridge. Now, we'll see\r\nwhat they have in mind. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[First Unit]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Before we begin, we want to see the\r\nchildren. <br>\r\nRADUE: No. We're here to negotiate appropriate compensation, not to\r\npander to emotions. Please sit. <br>\r\nPICARD: We do not condone your actions. You're attempting to salve your\r\nconscience by offering goods in exchange for our children. <br>\r\nRADUE: Why do you want them back so badly? You can always have more. <br>\r\nPICARD: You are trifling with the primal instincts of our species. I\r\nmust warn you that human parents are quite willing to die for their\r\nchildren. <br>\r\nRADUE: Returning the children is non-negotiable. <br>\r\nRASHELLA: I promise you, they'll have a beautiful life with us. And\r\nthey'll be father and mother to a new breed born of an ancient culture.\r\n<br>\r\nCRUSHER: But how can you be so sure that they can have children? You\r\ncan't. <br>\r\nRADUE: But they will. Our inability to bear children is a genetic\r\ndysfunction. It's not contagious. <br>\r\nPICARD: We sympathise with your situation. Surely there is a solution\r\nwhich can be mutually satisfactory? <br>\r\nRADUE: For us, the problem is solved. And we're offering you\r\ninformation on areas of the galaxy you do not even know exist. What\r\nmore can we offer? What more would you like? <br>\r\nPICARD: A significant beginning. But first, I must ask that Doctor\r\nCrusher be allowed to see her son before we continue. <br>\r\nRADUE: You are a stubborn people. Ah, well, that too can be a positive\r\ntrait. You may see him.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Wesley's room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Duana shows Beverly in) <br>\r\nWESLEY: Mom! <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Wes. <br>\r\n(She activates her tricorder) <br>\r\nWESLEY: I knew Captain Picard would get us home. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Not yet, Wes. <br>\r\n(She gives him the hand scanner) <br>\r\nWESLEY: Oh. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Are you okay? And the others? <br>\r\nWESLEY: Okay, really okay. We've been assigned to our units, like\r\nfamilies. They're treating us like gods. <br>\r\n(Meanwhile, he walks around Duana, scanning her) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Don't let it go to your head. <br>\r\nWESLEY: I won't. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[First Unit]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: Wes seems fine. He says the other children\r\nare too. <br>\r\nRASHELLA: Of course they're well. <br>\r\nRADUE: Captain Picard, you have our offer. It is final. Rashella.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RADUE [on viewscreen]: Captain, we want you to\r\nunderstand the nature of your choice. A small demonstration of our\r\npower. <br>\r\n(Something whizzes around the planet and knocks the Enterprise spinning\r\nout of orbit, into deep space)\r\nPICARD: What was that? <br>\r\nDATA: I believe it was a repulsor beam. <br>\r\nPICARD: Position report. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: This is unbelievable, sir. According to my calculations, we're\r\nthree days from Aldea. At warp nine. <br>\r\nRIKER: And they call that a small demonstration? <br>\r\nPICARD: Geordi, get us back to Aldea. Warp nine. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nRADUE [on viewscreen]: Captain, if you don't accept our terms, the\r\nEnterprise will be pushed so far away that by the time you return, your\r\nchildren will be grandparents.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, stardate 41512.4. We are twenty\r\nhours away from Aldea, and no closer to a solution. Their deliberate\r\nshow of force pushed us out of orbit and could have easily\r\ndisintegrated the ship. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Music Unit]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Melian is showing Katie how to play his electronic\r\ninstrument) <br>\r\nMELIAN: Now, hold it a little bit more firmly. That's it. Perfect. Now\r\nthink. No, think's not right. Feel the notes inside your head. <br>\r\n(She closes her eyes, and the machine lights up with a loud chord. She\r\ndrops it)&nbsp;<br>\r\nKATIE: I'm sorry. Did I break it? <br>\r\nMELIAN: No, it's all right. You can't break this. <br>\r\nKATIE: It did exactly what I thought. I mean, felt. <br>\r\nMELIAN: Yes, it's a direct expression of the music within. Now we just\r\nhave to teach you to structure that feeling. Try it again. <br>\r\n(She produces a melancholy little tune) <br>\r\nMELIAN: That was beautiful. Now, play something happier. <br>\r\nKATIE: That's not the way I feel. I don't want to do this any more.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Artist's Unit]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">ACCOLAN: You see, Harry, I told you you were going\r\nto be an artist. <br>\r\nHARRY: Are you sure? Did I really do this? <br>\r\nACCOLAN: Oh, yes. Your talent has always been there. The sculpting tool\r\nis just helping you develop it. It's what you were meant to do. <br>\r\nHARRY: You mean I don't have to take calculus anymore? <br>\r\nACCOLAN: You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. What's\r\ncalculus? <br>\r\nHARRY: Nothing important. Can I do some more?\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Captain's log, supplemental. It has been\r\nthree days since the Aldeans pushed us away. We have had no contact\r\nwith Radue since then.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Open hailing frequencies, Lieutenant Yar. <br>\r\nTASHA: Frequencies open, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Radue, this is Picard. <br>\r\nRADUE [on viewscreen]: Welcome back, Captain. What have you decided? <br>\r\nPICARD: That there is room for discussion, Radue. <br>\r\nRADUE [on viewscreen]: We will bring you down when we are ready. <br>\r\nPICARD: Data, find a way to defeat that shield. <br>\r\nDATA: That may be impossible, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Things are only impossible until they're not. <br>\r\nDATA: Yes, sir. <br>\r\n)Crusher enters) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Captain. Here's what I've learned so far. Duana is dying. I\r\nhave no reason to believe the rest of the Aldeans are any healthier.\r\nThey're suffering from some kind of chromosomal damage. It could be\r\ngenetic or environmental. <br>\r\nPICARD: And is that why they can't conceive? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Yes. It also explains their lack of appetite, extreme pallor\r\nand sensitivity to light. <br>\r\nPICARD: An entire civilisation that's terminally ill. Is it reversible?\r\n<br>\r\nCRUSHER: I won't know until I find the cause. And you don't need to\r\ntell me time is running out. <br>\r\nPICARD: Good work, Doctor.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Artist's Unit]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">ACCOLAN: Have the lesions gone? <br>\r\nLEDA: Yes. The medicine worked again. <br>\r\nACCOLAN: Good. Come see what Harry's doing. Beautiful! <br>\r\n(Harry is polishing a sculpture) <br>\r\nHARRY: Yeah, it really turned out well. <br>\r\nACCOLAN: It is so alive and graceful. What do you call it? <br>\r\nHARRY: It's a dolphin. <br>\r\nLEDA: Dolphin? <br>\r\nHARRY: You know, it swims in the ocean. Like a fish, only it's not a\r\nfish. <br>\r\nLEDA: Ah. A fish. We used to have them in our oceans. I've never seen\r\none before. <br>\r\nHARRY: I used to live near the ocean on Zadar Four. My dad's an\r\noceanographer. He says that. Never mind. It doesn't matter.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Rashella's room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">ALEXANDRA: I want Mommy. I want Mommy. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[First Unit]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DUANA: You haven't eaten. <br>\r\nWESLEY: You didn't eat anything. <br>\r\nRADUE: We need very little. <br>\r\nDUANA: I know you miss your family. But you will grow accustomed to us.\r\nI promise you'll be happy. <br>\r\nWESLEY: We were happy before we came. <br>\r\nDUANA: We are offering more, especially for you. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Duana, I feel badly for you that you have no children, but I\r\nhave to tell you that we don't want to be here and we will not\r\ncooperate. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Doctor's office]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: No. That doesn't fit the pattern. Give me\r\na list of the appropriate medical literature from the twenty-second\r\ncentury. There's not enough time! <br>\r\nPICARD: Is there anything I can do? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: You just did, Jean-Luc. Now I have to get back to work.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Wesley's room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(That night, Wesley sneaks out of bed) <br>\r\nWESLEY: Custodian's room.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Custodian room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WESLEY: Custodian, this is Wesley Crusher. <br>\r\nCUSTODIAN: Proceed, Wesley. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Show me where the Enterprise children are in relation to this\r\nroom. Thank you. Goodnight. <br>\r\nCUSTODIAN: Good night, Wesley. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Katie's room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Katie is startled awake by a hand on her arm) <br>\r\nWESLEY: I think I know a way to get us home. I need your help.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Chief Medical Officer's log, stardate 41512.9. I've\r\nbegun to suspect that whatever is killing the Aldeans is related to a\r\ndanger faced by Earth in the twenty first century. Can it be that\r\nAldea's ozone layer has been weakened? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Wesley's room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">KATIE: Why will not talking or eating make them\r\nsend us home? <br>\r\nWESLEY: It's called passive resistance. We don't do what they want us\r\nto do and then they won't want us. <br>\r\nKATIE: Will they get mad at us? <br>\r\nWESLEY: They won't hurt us. <br>\r\nHARRY: But, Wes, I do kind of like them. <br>\r\nWESLEY: So do I, but I don't want to stay here forever. Do you? <br>\r\nHARRY: No, but I like working with the wood. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Harry, we all have to be in this together or it's not going to\r\nwork. <br>\r\nHARRY: Okay. I'll do it. <br>\r\nRASHELLA: What are you all doing here together? <br>\r\n(She reaches for Alexandria, but Wesley picks her up instead) <br>\r\nRASHELLA: What is going on here? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: I've got it, Captain. The Aldeans are\r\nsuffering from a form of radiation poisoning. <br>\r\nPICARD: Is that what made the Aldeans sterile? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Yes. <br>\r\nPICARD: Is it reversible? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: With the proper treatment, yes. <br>\r\nDATA: Captain. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Sir. <br>\r\nDATA: These permutations are going to take a very long time. <br>\r\nPICARD: How long? <br>\r\nDATA: Weeks. <br>\r\nRIKER: There is the option. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: We were able to further define the weakness in their shield.\r\nNow, it's not a hole as much as it is a fluctuation. <br>\r\nRIKER: If the timing is precise, it's possible to beam through and onto\r\nthe planet. <br>\r\nPICARD: Why don't we just beam the children up through the hole? <br>\r\nRIKER: The timing would be more difficult, and the risk greater. <br>\r\nPICARD: All right. You and Data beam down. Locate the power source of\r\nthat shield. Knock it out. I'll delay the Aldeans until you're ready.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Wesley's room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LEDA: Will you at least eat? <br>\r\n(She puts the tray on the table and leaves) <br>\r\nWESLEY: No, Alexandra. <br>\r\nALEXANDRA: Why? <br>\r\nWESLEY: We can't eat. I know you're hungry. We all are. But it's our\r\nway of telling them that we want to go home. Understand? <br>\r\nALEXANDRA: Yes. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Transporter room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Riker and Data get on the pads) <br>\r\nRIKER: We're ready, Lieutenant Worf. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RADUE [on viewscreen]: Captain, you may come down\r\nnow to conclude our discussions, or your ship may leave. It's your\r\nchoice. <br>\r\nPICARD: Doctor Crusher and I are prepared to conclude our negotiations.\r\n<br>\r\n(They are beamed away) <br>\r\nWORF: Transporter room, now!\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Aldean corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Data and Riker arrive safely and head off into) </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Custodian room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: This is it, Commander. It is programmed to\r\naccept only authorised voice command. <br>\r\nRIKER: There's no way we can override. <br>\r\nDATA: No, but I can scramble the input so that nobody else can. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[First Unit]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RADUE: Before we begin, Captain, you must speak\r\nwith the children. It seems they are on some sort of strike. I don't\r\nunderstand it. You must deal with this, Captain. I'm not very good with\r\nchildren. <br>\r\nPICARD: Strike? I'll see what I can do.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Wesley's room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WESLEY: I'm sure if we just stick together, guys,\r\nwe'll all be <br>\r\n(Picard beams in) <br>\r\nKATIE: Hi, Captain Picard. <br>\r\nHARRY: Hi, Captain. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Sir, I knew you'd come. <br>\r\nPICARD: It's not over yet, Wesley. <br>\r\nWESLEY: I think I figured out their computer controls, sir, but I'm not\r\nsure. It's a much different system than ours. <br>\r\nPICARD: Good, Wesley. Now <br>\r\nHARRY: Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes, Harry. <br>\r\nHARRY: If something happens and you have to leave us here, will you\r\ntell my Dad that I'm sorry that I made him angry, and that I miss him. <br>\r\nPICARD: You will tell him that, Harry, and I will tell him how much I\r\nadmire his son. Hello, Alexandra. <br>\r\nALEXANDRA: (Arms open for picking up) Hi. <br>\r\n(So he does, uncomfortably, while she hangs on to her pet tribble. Did\r\nI mention that before?)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[First Unit]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(The children and Picard beam in) <br>\r\nRADUE: What is this? <br>\r\nPICARD: They want to go home. <br>\r\nRADUE: No. They're staying. <br>\r\nPICARD: Number One. <br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: We're in position. <br>\r\nPICARD: Hold for orders. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: The radiation levels on Aldea have been building up over a\r\nlong period of time. It is similar to what was experienced on Earth in\r\nthe twenty-first century. When the ozone layer had deteriorated and the\r\nsurface of the planet was flooded with ultraviolet radiation. <br>\r\nPICARD: The shield that protected your world in one way is weakening it\r\nin another. It is the radiation of your own sun that is destroying you.\r\n<br>\r\nRADUE: You're trying to confuse the issue. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Please, listen. You're all suffering from radiation poisoning.\r\nSterility is only the latest symptom. If the children remain, they will\r\nbe affected as well. <br>\r\nRADUE: It's impossible. Our scientists would have known. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: How could they? Your scientists have forgotten how everything\r\nworks. <br>\r\nRADUE: No. All lies. <br>\r\nRASHELLA: No. Wait. Don't send them back yet. What if they're right?\r\nInstead of the children being our hope, what if we're just\r\ncondemning them to our fate? <br>\r\nRADUE: Rashella, they're just protecting their own interests. <br>\r\nRASHELLA: As are we. But hear them out. The Captain and Doctor Crusher\r\nare saying that the very thing which has given us this wonderful world\r\nis what has caused this tragedy. <br>\r\nPICARD: That's it, exactly. Your Custodian has controlled you so\r\ncompletely you've lost even the desire to even question it. <br>\r\nRADUE: Lies, and the discussion is over. <br>\r\n(He tries his arm device, but nothing happens) <br>\r\nPICARD: Commander Riker. <br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: Here, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: I assume you have control of the computer. <br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: We've disabled the system temporarily. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Custodian room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: We found the power source to the shield and\r\nwe've neutralised it. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[First Unit]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Good. Enterprise, this is Picard. Beam the\r\nchildren up. <br>\r\nHARRY: Wait. <br>\r\nPICARD: Enterprise, hold. <br>\r\nHARRY: Thank you. <br>\r\nACCOLAN: Let me get the dolphin for you to take with you. <br>\r\nHARRY: No, you keep it. I'll make another one. <br>\r\nPICARD: All right, Harry? <br>\r\nHARRY: Yes, Captain. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Okay, kids. Let's go home.&nbsp;<br>\r\nPICARD: Beam them up. <br>\r\n(The children are beamed up) <br>\r\nRADUE: You have destroyed us. <br>\r\nPICARD: We are not here to destroy you, Radue. We can help you.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Power room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(It's massive. On Forbidden Planet scale) <br>\r\nRADUE: What is it? <br>\r\nPICARD: A legacy of your Progenitors, Radue. The source of your power\r\nand of your problems. <br>\r\nDATA: It is reading incredible amounts of energy, sir. Even more since\r\nwe have taken down the shield. <br>\r\nRASHELLA: What are we going to do with it? <br>\r\nRADUE: Learn, all over again. All this time we've been destroying\r\nourselves, so sure of our technological invulnerability. Now we must\r\nlearn to use this power safely. <br>\r\nPICARD: Will you let us help you? <br>\r\nRADUE: Yes. Please.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">HARRY: Dad, I want to be an artist, but I don't\r\nwant to take calculus anymore. <br>\r\nBERNARD: You can be anything you want, Harry. Anything. But you still\r\nhave to take calculus. <br>\r\nHARRY: Okay. Thanks, Dad.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: It worked well, sir. We have successfully\r\nreseeded the ozone layer. But for their atmosphere to maintain it's\r\nintegrity, they can never use the shield. <br>\r\nRIKER: Or be cloaked again. <br>\r\n(Crusher enters) <br>\r\nPICARD: Are you finished? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Yes, Captain, and they're responding very well to the\r\ntreatment. <br>\r\nPICARD: The legend will die, but the people will live. <br>\r\nTROI: And we know they'll make good parents. <br>\r\n(Wesley enters with Alexandra) <br>\r\nPICARD: Wesley! <br>\r\nWESLEY: Sorry, Captain. She just wanted to thank you for bringing her\r\nhome to her mother. <br>\r\nALEXANDRA: Thank you. (gives Picard a flower and a hug)<br>\r\nWESLEY: Come on. <br>\r\n(Wesley and Alexandra leave, and the crew start to giggle) <br>\r\nPICARD: Mister La Forge, out of orbit. Warp five. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Yes, sir. Certainly, sir. <br>\r\n(Alexandra's pink tribble is on Captain Picard's back) </font> </p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n</center>\r\n</div>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><a href=\"episodes.htm\"><font color=\"#2867d0\">&lt;Back\r\nto the episode listing</font></a></font></p>\r\n<p><font color=\"#000000\" face=\"Arial\" size=\"1\"><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">Star Trek � and related\r\nmarks are trademarks of<a href=\"\"> <font color=\"#2867d0\">CBS Studios Inc</font></a>.\r\nCopyright � 1966, Present. The Star Trek web pages on this site are for\r\neducational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights\r\nproperty of their respective holders.</font></font></p>\r\n</body></html>"},{"episode":"119.htm","data":"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n<html lang=\"en-gb\"><head>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-1252\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en-gb\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Enterprise, NCC1701D, Episodes, Transcripts, Coming Of Age, Jean-Luc Picard, William Thomas Riker, Geordi LaForge, Tasha Yar, Worf, Beverly Crusher, Deanna Troi, Data, Wesley Crusher, Relva VII, Dexter Remmick, Gregory Quinn, Jake Kurland, Mordock, Oliana, T'Shanick, Chang, Rondon, Psyche Test\">\r\n<meta name=\"Keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Transcripts, Coming Of Age\">\r\n<meta name=\"Description\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation episode transcripts\"><title>The Next Generation Transcripts - Coming Of Age</title>\r\n\r\n</head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"#d5d5d5\" dir=\"ltr\">\r\n<p><font color=\"#2867d0\" face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"5\"><b>Coming\r\nOf Age</b></font><br>\r\n<font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Stardate:\r\n41461.2<br>\r\nOriginal Airdate: 14 Mar, 1988<br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n<center>\r\n<table border=\"0\" width=\"85%\">\r\n<tbody>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td align=\"left\" width=\"85%\"> <font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"> <b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WESLEY: Jake! Jake! Jake, wait a second. How're you\r\ndoing? <br>\r\nJAKE: I'm fine. Really. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Jake, I'm sorry. <br>\r\nCRUSHER [OC]: Acting Ensign Crusher, report to transporter room eight. <br>\r\nJAKE: It's not your fault. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Yeah, I know. I wish both of us were going. <br>\r\nJAKE: I don't know. Only thirty two points. <br>\r\nCRUSHER [OC]: Mister Crusher, respond. <br>\r\nWESLEY: I'm on my way, Doctor. I've got to go. <br>\r\nJAKE: I know. Hey, Wes. Do well for both of us, okay? <br>\r\nWESLEY: All right. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, stardate 41416.2. We're orbiting\r\nRelva Seven, where Wesley Crusher is about to be tested for entrance\r\ninto Starfleet Academy. And to my great surprise, I have just learned\r\nthat my old friend Admiral Gregory Quinn is on Relva Seven, and has\r\nrequested to be beamed aboard the Enterprise immediately. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Transporter room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Immediately after Wesley is beamed down, Quinn and\r\nRemmick are beamed aboard. Quinn is old, silver-haired. Remmick is\r\nprobably thirties, high forehead) <br>\r\nPICARD: Welcome aboard, Admiral. <br>\r\nQUINN: Thank you. Captain Jean Luc Picard, Lieutenant Commander Dexter\r\nRemmick. <br>\r\nREMMICK: Sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Allow me to introduce my staff. First Officer William Riker,\r\nChief Medical Officer Beverly Crusher, Chief of Security, Natasha Yar.\r\nWell, what can we do for you? <br>\r\nQUINN: I need to speak with you. <br>\r\nPICARD: Certainly. This way. Number One? <br>\r\nQUINN: Alone. <br>\r\nPICARD: Is this a personal matter? <br>\r\nQUINN: Official business. <br>\r\nPICARD: Well then my First Officer <br>\r\nQUINN: Alone, Captain.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Ready room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">QUINN: Commander Remmick is with the Inspector\r\nGeneral's office. <br>\r\nPICARD: Oh? <br>\r\nQUINN: He'll be conducting a full investigation of the Enterprise. <br>\r\nPICARD: What are you looking for? <br>\r\nQUINN: I have reason to believe there may be something very wrong on\r\nthis ship. <br>\r\nPICARD: Tell me what you suspect. <br>\r\nQUINN: It's inappropriate to discuss it at this time. Mister Remmick,\r\nStarfleet is counting on you. You will find out what is wrong on this\r\nship. <br>\r\nREMMICK: Yes, sir. Nothing and no one will stand in my way. <br>\r\nQUINN: And you, Captain, are ordered to cooperate in every way\r\nnecessary with this investigation. Is that clear? <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes, sir. <br>\r\nQUINN: Mister Remmick, unless there are any further questions. <br>\r\nREMMICK: No questions, sir. <br>\r\nQUINN: Get on with your duties. <br>\r\nREMMICK: Yes, sir. <br>\r\n(Remmick leaves) <br>\r\nPICARD: We've known one another for years. Tell me what you believe is\r\nwrong. <br>\r\nQUINN: Captain, it is vitally important that my orders be followed\r\nexactly. I'll be staying on the ship. <br>\r\nPICARD: As you wish, Admiral.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Classroom]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">OLIANA: (a young red-head) What is it? <br>\r\nWESLEY: What? <br>\r\nOLIANA: The unit you just put down. Don't worry. I won't tell anyone. <br>\r\nWESLEY: It's a flux coordinating sensor. <br>\r\nOLIANA: I'm Oliana Mirren, one of the other finalists. You must be\r\nWesley Crusher. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Yeah. Do you know me? <br>\r\nOLIANA: I heard there was a very smart, very young man who'd be tough\r\ncompetition. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Well, you wouldn't be here <br>\r\nOLIANA: I weren't smart. I know. But there's a lot more to it than just\r\nthat. You're lucky. You've had practical experience aboard the\r\nEnterprise. <br>\r\n(Other young people enter) <br>\r\nT'SHANIK: Oliana. (to Wesley) T'Shanik of Vulcana Regar. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Wesley Crusher of the Enterprise. <br>\r\nT'SHANIK: You do not look as if you meet the age requirements. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Uh, I'll be sixteen next month. <br>\r\nOLIANA: Happy birthday. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Excuse me. (goes over to the third newcomer) I'm Wesley\r\nCrusher. <br>\r\nMORDOCK: Mordock. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Mordock? The Mordock? The Benzite who constructed the Mordock\r\nStrategy? I thought you already were in the Academy. <br>\r\nMORDOCK: No. Only a hopeful, like you. <br>\r\n(An officer enters) <br>\r\nCHANG: Finalists, please take your seats I'm Tac Officer Chang.\r\nWelcome. You are here because you are all top candidates. Although only\r\none student will be chosen for the Academy, you have shown from the\r\npreliminary testing that any of you could easily qualify. This may be\r\nthe most difficult, exhausting experience of your life, and the most\r\nexciting challenge. Expect the unexpected. May you all do your best.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Remmick is tapping notes into his PADD) <br>\r\nDATA: May I help you, Mister Remmick? <br>\r\nREMMICK: Keep on doing whatever it is you're doing, Commander Data. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: There's nothing much to see here, Commander. We're in a\r\nstandard orbit, and the station has to be manned even if it's just\r\nroutine. <br>\r\nRIKER: Something I can help you with, Mister Remmick? <br>\r\nREMMICK: When I'm ready, Mister Riker, I'll want to speak with you.\r\nPrivately. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Commander, just having that guy around makes me feel guilty.\r\nWhat's he after, anyway? <br>\r\nRIKER: I don't know, Geordi, but I'm going to find out. Right now.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Ready room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Come. <br>\r\nRIKER: Captain, may I speak frankly? <br>\r\nPICARD: Always, Number One. <br>\r\nRIKER: As First Officer, I should be informed. I should know everything\r\nthat you know. <br>\r\nPICARD: That's right, you should. <br>\r\nRIKER: Then what's this about? Remmick is going to turn this ship\r\nupside down. <br>\r\nPICARD: That's his job. <br>\r\nRIKER: And my job is to see that this ship runs smoothly. <br>\r\nPICARD: Which you do very well. <br>\r\nRIKER: Sir, am I under investigation? <br>\r\nPICARD: I don't know. <br>\r\nRIKER: And if you did? <br>\r\nPICARD: I couldn't tell you. <br>\r\nRIKER: I don't understand, sir. This is extremely frustrating. <br>\r\nPICARD: No less so for me. But I promised cooperation, and that's what\r\nwe shall give. <br>\r\nRIKER: Sir.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">REMMICK: I want some answers from you now,\r\nCommander Riker. <br>\r\nRIKER: Later. <br>\r\nREMMICK: You were ordered to cooperate <br>\r\nRIKER: Not now. (enters turbolift) When it doesn't interfere with my\r\nduties, Remmick.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Classroom]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">COMPUTER: Last question on the hyperspace physics\r\ntest. If the matter and antimatter tanks on a Galaxy class starship are\r\nnine tenths depleted, calculate the intermix ratio necessary to reach a\r\nstarbase a hundred light years away at warp factor eight. Begin. <br>\r\n(Wesley is straight in with 1:1. Oliana runs out of time) <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Time elapsed. You now have one hour free before the next\r\ntest. <br>\r\nMORDOCK: I must admit, Wesley, you have a very fast mind. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Once as I realised it was a trick question, there was only one\r\nanswer. <br>\r\nMORDOCK: Yes, there is only one ratio with matter antimatter. One to\r\none. <br>\r\nOLIANA: You don't know how lucky you are. I can't imagine what it would\r\nbe like to have things come so easily. I have to push every step of the\r\nway. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Oh, no, Oliana, it doesn't come that easily. I have to study\r\nall the time. <br>\r\nOLIANA: It's a good thing you're cute, Wesley, or you could really be\r\nobnoxious. See you later. <br>\r\n(Oliana leaves) <br>\r\nWESLEY: Did you hear what she said, Mordock? She said I was cute. <br>\r\nMORDOCK: Is that good, Wesley? <br>\r\nWESLEY: Yes! I think. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: I think I should apologise, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: No need, Number One. Mister Remmick's presence is unnerving, to\r\nsay the least. <br>\r\nREMMICK: Are you available now, Mister Riker? Or do you still have\r\nduties to perform? <br>\r\nRIKER: I'm available, Mister Remmick. <br>\r\nREMMICK: Any problem with using your Ready room, Captain? <br>\r\nPICARD: No, Mister Remmick. Be my guest.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Ready room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Remmick sits himself in the Captain's chair and\r\ngestures Riker to sit too)<br>\r\nREMMICK: If you prefer to stand, fine, Mister Riker. It won't have an\r\neffect on the length of my inquiry. (Riker sits) Now, there are several\r\nseeming discrepancies in the Captain's log. Let's go over them one by\r\none, shall we? <br>\r\nRIKER: The Captain's log? <br>\r\nREMMICK: Yes. To the best of your knowledge, has the Captain ever\r\nfalsified a log? <br>\r\nRIKER: Have you discussed this with him? <br>\r\nREMMICK: Right now, I'm asking you. <br>\r\nRIKER: If you want to discuss anything about Captain Picard, you bring\r\nhim in here and ask him face to face. <br>\r\nREMMICK: You are required to answer my questions, Mister Riker, unless\r\nyou're trying to cover something up! Now, there are several\r\ndiscrepancies in the Captain's log. Shall we go over them one by one? <br>\r\nRIKER: Proceed.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">REMMICK: So, you are saying Captain Picard had no\r\ncontrol over this vessel. He handed it over to Kosinski, who took the\r\nentire crew to the edge of the universe. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: No, sir. That's not what I'm saying. Now, Kosinski was sent by\r\nStarfleet to improve our warp drive system. Captain Picard was ordered\r\nto take him aboard. <br>\r\nREMMICK: According to his own logs, his Bridge crew didn't think highly\r\nof Mister Kosinski's theories, yet the Captain allowed him to access to\r\nthe engines anyway. Is that true, La Forge? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Not exactly, sir. <br>\r\nREMMICK: One way or the other, La Forge, Picard lost control of this\r\nship. Is that true? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Yes, but that's not how it happened. <br>\r\nREMMICK: So, the answer is yes.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Ready room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">REMMICK: Do you believe the captain is emotionally\r\nand psychologically fit for command of this starship? There is nothing\r\nin his history or his personality that would suggest mental lapses? <br>\r\nTROI: Nothing. <br>\r\nREMMICK: Not even the Ferengi incident with his old ship, the\r\nStargazer? <br>\r\nTROI: He was being controlled by a mind altering machine, Commander.\r\nWithout his knowledge. <br>\r\nREMMICK: I would call that a mental lapse.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Holodeck]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(There is no programme running) <br>\r\nWORF: Ensign, what are you doing on the holodeck? I thought you were\r\nstill on Relva Seven. <br>\r\nWESLEY: I'm finished testing for the day. <br>\r\nWORF: I've disturbed you. I'll leave. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Wait. I thought I wanted to be alone, but I guess I don't. <br>\r\nWORF: How is the testing? <br>\r\nWESLEY: Okay. So far. It's not the ones that I've studied for that I'm\r\nworried about. It's the psych test. Facing my deepest fear and living\r\nthrough it. I'm trying to figure out what images to bring up. <br>\r\nWORF: Why? <br>\r\nWESLEY: I guess I want to scare myself. What do you think? Bulgallian\r\nrats? Lightning storms? <br>\r\nWORF: Do those things frighten you? <br>\r\nWESLEY: Sort of, I guess. <br>\r\nWORF: The psych test is no more or less important than the rest of the\r\nprocess. <br>\r\nWESLEY: That's what they said, but I can't stop thinking about it. <br>\r\nWORF: Thinking about what you can't control only wastes your energy and\r\ncreates its own enemy. <br>\r\nWESLEY: How can they know what my deepest fear is when I don't? <br>\r\nWORF: By analysing your psychological profile. They were very accurate\r\nabout everyone I tested with. Including myself. <br>\r\nWESLEY: You? I thought there was nothing that could frighten a Klingon\r\nwarrior. <br>\r\nWORF: Only fools have no fear. <br>\r\nWESLEY: I'm sorry, Lieutenant. I'm asking too many personal questions. <br>\r\nWORF: It is very difficult for me to depend on anyone for anything. But\r\nespecially for my life. <br>\r\nWESLEY: But on the Enterprise you do that every day. Everyone depends\r\non everyone else to protect them. <br>\r\nWORF: Yes. <br>\r\nWESLEY: So you overcame it? <br>\r\nWORF: No. It is still my enemy. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: With this new extricator, sir, we can\r\neliminate three more bulky machines from cargo space. <br>\r\nPICARD: That's excellent, Number One. <br>\r\nTASHA: Captain, there's an unauthorised entry in main Shuttlebay. <br>\r\nREMMICK: Unauthorised? <br>\r\nPICARD: Who is it, Lieutenant? <br>\r\nTASHA: Computer reads the ID number of Jake Kurland. Bridge to main\r\nShuttlebay. Mister Kurland, this is Lieutenant Yar. Respond. <br>\r\nREMMICK: Isn't the area secured? <br>\r\nRIKER: Not now, Remmick. He's going to take this out, Captain. <br>\r\nTASHA: I'm locking off the bay launch doors, Captain. <br>\r\nWORF: Too late. He's using the flight emergency override <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Smart kid. <br>\r\nREMMICK: Kid? <br>\r\nTASHA: He's launching. <br>\r\nPICARD: On viewer. lieutenant Yar, open channel. Enterprise to\r\nshuttlecraft. Mister Kurland, this is Captain Picard. Mister Kurland. <br>\r\nJAKE [OC]: Captain, I'm going to Beltane Nine\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Shuttlecraft]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">JAKE: To sign onto a freighter. Tell my father I'm\r\nsorry. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: You can tell him yourself, in person. Bring\r\nthat ship back at once. <br>\r\nJAKE [OC]: No. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Shuttlecraft]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">JAKE: I can't face him. I'm leaving. (alarm sounds)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: Captain, he's unbalanced the dilithium\r\nreaction. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Shuttlecraft]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">JAKE: I've lost power! </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: All he's got left are his manoeuvring jets,\r\nCaptain. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: At this trajectory, he'll enter the atmosphere and burn up at\r\ntwo hundred kilometres. <br>\r\nPICARD: Probable impact? <br>\r\nDATA: Atmospheric entry seventy eight seconds. <br>\r\nPICARD: Options? <br>\r\nWORF: Tractor beam? <br>\r\nRIKER: Not possible. He's too far away for a positive lock. <br>\r\nTASHA: He's out of transporter range. <br>\r\nREMMICK: Captain, you are completely responsible for that boy's life. <br>\r\nPICARD: Mister Remmick, either get out of my way and keep quiet, or I\r\nwill have you removed from the Bridge. Viewer on shuttle cockpit. <br>\r\nTASHA: Visual on main viewer. <br>\r\nPICARD: Mister Kurland. <br>\r\nJAKE [on viewscreen]: I can't get the engine started. What am I going\r\nto do? I'm going to crash. <br>\r\nRIKER: He needs another fifty seconds for the core to cool down before\r\nit can restart. <br>\r\nPICARD: Stay calm, Jake. We'll get you back.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Shuttlecraft]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">JAKE: Please, help me! <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: Jake! <br>\r\nJAKE: It's no use, Captain. I'm going to die out here.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: He'll need another thirty seconds before he\r\ncan restart. <br>\r\nDATA: Irrelevant, sir. Even if he restarts his engine now, he will not\r\nhave enough thrust to escape impact. <br>\r\nPICARD: Mister Kurland, you are not going to die out there. You are\r\ngoing to do exactly what I tell you. Now, take the nose of the\r\nshuttlecraft and aim it directly at Relva Seven.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Shuttlecraft]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">JAKE: Aim it at Relva? I can't do that. It's crazy.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Do it! <br>\r\nJAKE [OC]: But I'll burn up! <br>\r\nDATA: Twenty eight seconds to impact. <br>\r\nPICARD: Jake, listen very carefully. This is Captain Picard and I am\r\ngiving you an order. Aim the shuttle at Relva!\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Shuttlecraft]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">JAKE: Okay. It's done. <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: Good. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Now, monitor your speed exactly. When it\r\nhits point zero two zero, I want you to restart the engine </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Shuttlecraft]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD [OC]: And when I tell you, pull up hard.\r\nJAKE: Point zero two zero speed. Captain, I sure hope you're right. <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: You'll just have to trust me. <br>\r\nJAKE: Point zero zero three. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">JAKE [OC]: Zero zero nine. Zero one two. <br>\r\nDATA: Six seconds to impact. <br>\r\nPICARD: Hold on, Jake. It's going to be a little bumpy. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Shuttlecraft]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">JAKE: Zero one five. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">JAKE [OC]: Zero one nine. <br>\r\nPICARD: Restart the engine, now! Pull up hard! <br>\r\nREMMICK: (amongst others) Yeah! <br>\r\nRIKER: Incredible, Captain! <br>\r\nREMMICK: How did he do it? I thought <br>\r\nLAFORGE: He built up enough speed and then bounced her off the\r\natmosphere! <br>\r\nPICARD: Mister Kurland, I assume you can manoeuvre it home? <br>\r\nJAKE [OC]: Yes, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Do it. Then report to Mister Riker. <br>\r\nJAKE [on viewscreen]: Yes, sir! <br>\r\nREMMICK: Very original, Captain. But how did that child acquire access\r\nto a shuttlecraft? <br>\r\nRIKER: Kurland is a highly qualified Enterprise Academy candidate,\r\nfully trained in many areas including shuttles. <br>\r\nREMMICK: And did this full training include discipline? <br>\r\nPICARD: Mister Remmick, young men sometimes make rash choices. Which is\r\nwhy Mister Kurland will receive a strong refresher specifically in\r\ndiscipline <br>\r\nREMMICK: I'll note that in my report. <br>\r\nPICARD: Full cooperation, Number One.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Relva 7 Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RONDON: You. I have a package for Operations. Where\r\nis it? <br>\r\nWESLEY: End of the corridor, room on your right. One oh four. <br>\r\n(The seven foot tall man bumps Wesley as he walks between him and\r\nMordock) <br>\r\nWESLEY: Excuse me. <br>\r\nRONDON: You blocked my path. you Bulgallian sludge rat! <br>\r\nWESLEY: I'm sorry, it was an honest mistake. I apologise. <br>\r\nCHANG: Is there a problem here, gentlemen? <br>\r\nWESLEY: No, sir, I <br>\r\nRONDON: How dare you! I am Rondon, you despicable Melanoid slimeworm!\r\nLiar! <br>\r\nWESLEY: Who do you think you're bullying? You bumped into me. It was\r\nyour mistake. You were at fault. Do you want this to become violent? <br>\r\nRONDON: Friend. I like you. <br>\r\n(Rondon leaves, smiling) <br>\r\nMORDOCK: A very strange reaction. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Not really. When he raised his hand, I saw that it was webbed.\r\nThe sign of a Zaldan. <br>\r\nCHANG: But you became hostile. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Zaldans are infuriated by courtesy. They view it as a form of\r\nphony social behaviour, designed to cover true feelings. <br>\r\nCHANG: Congratulations, Mister Crusher. You handled that particular\r\nincident very well. <br>\r\nMORDOCK: Was this incident deliberate? <br>\r\nCHANG: It's important to know how you candidates deal with other\r\ncultures, other species. <br>\r\nMORDOCK: Then it was a test. <br>\r\nCHANG: Yes. Not all tests are announced, or what they appear to be. <br>\r\n(Chang leaves) <br>\r\nMORDOCK: Zaldans have webbed fingers? I wouldn't have passed.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Observation Lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">REMMICK: You're an android, correct? <br>\r\nDATA: Yes, sir. <br>\r\nREMMICK: And as an android, you are programmed to tell the entire\r\ntruth? <br>\r\nDATA: Yes, sir. <br>\r\nREMMICK: There is a problem with this ship, Mister Data. It's in the\r\nrecords, somewhere. I need your help to find it. <br>\r\nDATA: All of the ship's records are available to you, sir. <br>\r\nREMMICK: This information is very cleverly hidden. Your Captain is not\r\nwhat he appears to be. Do not forget you have loyalty to Starfleet\r\nabove all else. <br>\r\nDATA: Loyalty is not the issue, Commander. There is nothing wrong with\r\nCaptain Picard or the ship's logs. Therefore there must be something\r\nwrong with your original assumption. <br>\r\nREMMICK: That is not acceptable, Mister Data. <br>\r\nDATA: Acceptable or not, sir, it is the truth. <br>\r\nREMMICK: Just how did this contaminant get aboard the ship? <br>\r\nWORF: By accident, sir. <br>\r\nREMMICK: Meaning Captain Picard has no standing procedure for this type\r\nof situation? <br>\r\nWORF: No. Meaning by accident, sir. <br>\r\nREMMICK: You don't like me very much, do you? <br>\r\nWORF: Is it required, sir? <br>\r\nREMMICK: How would you characterise your relationship with Captain\r\nPicard? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: We're Starfleet officers who've known each other for many\r\nyears. <br>\r\nREMMICK: Everything said here is confidential, Doctor. You can be\r\ncompletely open with me. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: About what? <br>\r\nREMMICK: About how you feel serving with a man who is responsible for\r\nthe death of your husband. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: My personal feelings about Captain Picard are irrelevant to\r\nthis investigation, and none of your business. <br>\r\nREMMICK: Then you confirm the accuracy of the log report. You violated\r\nthe Prime Directive with the Edo. You deliberately interfered with\r\ntheir laws. <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes. It's exactly as I explained it in the log records. <br>\r\nREMMICK: All to save Doctor Crusher's son? <br>\r\nPICARD: A member of my crew was being held unjustly. I stand by my\r\ndecision. Mister Remmick, you have talked to every member of this ship.\r\nI think you've had enough time to find out whatever it is you're\r\nlooking for. <br>\r\nREMMICK: Are you afraid if I keep looking that I'll find you're guilty?\r\n<br>\r\nPICARD: The only thing I'm guilty of is allowing this charade to go on\r\nso long.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Admiral's Quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Admiral, if it is me you're investigating,\r\nask me directly what it is you want to know. And please tell me exactly\r\nwhat is going on. <br>\r\nQUINN: I need a little more time, Jean-Luc. <br>\r\nPICARD: How much time? I won't tolerate my crew being harassed any\r\nlonger. <br>\r\nQUINN: Remmick's full report is almost ready. <br>\r\nPICARD: I want to be here when he presents it. <br>\r\nQUINN: That has always been my intention. Commander Remmick, report to\r\nAdmiral Quinn. <br>\r\nREMMICK [OC]: On my way, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: This has been a strain on our friendship. <br>\r\nQUINN: I know. Believe me, Jean Luc, I regret that, but it has been\r\nnecessary.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Classroom]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(The dynamics relationships test is on the screens,\r\nand there are a lot of beeps going on) <br>\r\nMORDOCK: I can't get it. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Yes, you can. Don't fight it. Relax into it and let it come by\r\nitself. <br>\r\nMORDOCK: No, it's going too fast. Wesley, I can't do it. <br>\r\n(Wesley turns from his own screen to look at Mordock's) <br>\r\nWESLEY: Yes you can. You've got your rotation factor. Just put in your\r\nvector coordinates. <br>\r\n(Mordock finishes first, Wesley second. The Vulcan finished too.) <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Time elapsed. <br>\r\n)Chang enters) <br>\r\nCHANG: Congratulations, Mordock. That was the second fastest time ever\r\nrecorded on this test. You all did well. <br>\r\nMORDOCK: No, it should not have been that way. Mister Crusher helped\r\nme. <br>\r\nCHANG: Yes. I know. An interesting choice, Mister Crusher. Especially\r\nconsidering how close you and Mister Mordock are in overall score. You\r\nall have an hour to prepare for your last test. <br>\r\nWESLEY: The psych test, sir? <br>\r\nCHANG: We prefer to think of it as a psychological evaluation based on\r\nreactions to various individual problems, but psych test will do.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Admiral's Quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Remmick enters) <br>\r\nREMMICK: Sir? <br>\r\nQUINN: Please sit down, Mister Remmick. Proceed with your report. <br>\r\nREMMICK: Admiral, I've done my best to be thorough during this\r\ninvestigation. <br>\r\nQUINN: Continue. <br>\r\nREMMICK: I couldn't find what you asked, sir. I spoke to officer after\r\nofficer, at length. I pried into the ships log reports. And yet I could\r\nfind nothing wrong. Except, perhaps, a casual familiarity among the\r\nBridge crew, but mostly that comes from a sense of teamwork, and the\r\nfeeling of family. I'm sorry, sir. I did my best. <br>\r\nQUINN: Quite. You're dismissed, Commander. <br>\r\nREMMICK: Yes, sir. Captain Picard, my tour in the Inspector General's\r\noffice will be up in six months. When I'm finished, this is where I'd\r\nlike to serve, sir. <br>\r\n(No reply, and Remmick leaves) <br>\r\nQUINN: Don't judge the young man too harshly. He's a good officer. <br>\r\nPICARD: It's not him I'm inclined to judge. <br>\r\nQUINN: Don't judge me too harshly either, until I've finished. We had\r\nto be very sure of you. Some of us at Starfleet Command became\r\nsuspicious of certain problems in the Federation. <br>\r\nPICARD: What kind of problems? <br>\r\nQUINN: Something or someone is trying to destroy the fabric of\r\neverything we've built up in the last two hundred years. <br>\r\nPICARD: What's your evidence? <br>\r\nQUINN: I can't go into that. There are too many people involved. <br>\r\nPICARD: What do you want from me? <br>\r\nQUINN: I don't know whether the threat comes from the inside or whether\r\nit's from outside. I need people I can trust in strong positions\r\nthroughout the Federation. <br>\r\nPICARD: You have my complete support. You know that. <br>\r\nQUINN: That's not enough. I want to promote you to Admiral, and I want\r\nyou to take over as Commandant of Starfleet Academy. <br>\r\nPICARD: The Academy. <br>\r\nQUINN: Yes. <br>\r\nPICARD: The Academy? <br>\r\nQUINN: I need you close. <br>\r\nPICARD: Then there was never a problem with the Enterprise. <br>\r\nQUINN: No, but I had to be sure you hadn't been co-opted. <br>\r\nPICARD: Greg, this is politics, and I'm not good at politics. Surely\r\nthere are others who are better suited. <br>\r\nQUINN: All right. Even if I am wrong, and I hope I am, you're still the\r\nbest man for the job. <br>\r\nPICARD: I appreciate the value of what you're offering. It's not a\r\ndecision I can make quickly. <br>\r\nQUINN: I need an answer soon. <br>\r\nPICARD: All right. You'll have it tonight, Admiral. Thank you.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Relva 7 Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Wesley is sitting nervously on a bench when Chang\r\ncomes out of a room) <br>\r\nCHANG: Mister Mordock will be finished with his psych test momentarily.\r\n<br>\r\n(The door to room 101 opens, Mordock is shaking) <br>\r\nWESLEY: Mordock? Are you all right? <br>\r\nMORDOCK: I will be. <br>\r\nCHANG: Mister Crusher. You're next. Good luck.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Room 101]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(A small room with bare walls and a single chair in\r\nthe middle) <br>\r\nWESLEY: I'm here. I'm ready. (nothing) Maybe they forgot. Breathe. Got\r\nto remember to breathe. <br>\r\n(The sound of an explosion outside. Wesley goes to investigate)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(There's a series of bangs, and the sound of a\r\nvoice calling out) <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Evacuate immediately. Sixty five seconds to seal off. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Somebody help! There's something's wrong in the Environmental\r\nlab! <br>\r\nMAN [OC]: Help! <br>\r\n(Wesley opens the door)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>Environmental Maintenance Laboratory]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(There's steam from ruptured pipes) <br>\r\nMAN: Help! We're trapped. I can't move. Please, help me. <br>\r\n(Wesley sees him pinned under a piece of pipe) <br>\r\nMAN: We're going to die in here! <br>\r\n(There's a second man cowering in the corner) <br>\r\nMAN: The liquid hydrogen's going to blow! The shut off valve ruptured.\r\nHurry up! My legs are crushed. You've got to help me! <br>\r\n(Wesley goes to lift the debris, and calls to the uninjured man in the\r\ncorner) <br>\r\nWESLEY: Give me a hand with this! <br>\r\nMAN 2: We're going to die! <br>\r\nWESLEY: Help me! <br>\r\nMAN 2: I can't! It's too late! <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Thirty seconds to seal off. <br>\r\n(Wesley gets the pipe off the injured man) <br>\r\nWESLEY: Come on! <br>\r\nMAN: If we don't get out of here fast, they'll seal us in to contain\r\nthe explosion. <br>\r\nWESLEY: (dragging the casualty) Come on, you're not hurt. <br>\r\nMAN 2: I can't go through that! <br>\r\nWESLEY: Yes, you can. You've got to. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Twenty seconds to seal off. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Come on! I can't carry you both! You're not hurt. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Ten seconds to seal off. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Come on! <br>\r\nMAN 2: It's too late. <br>\r\n(The doors are closing as Wesley drags the casualty out) <br>\r\nWESLEY: I'm sorry.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Relva 7 Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WESLEY: Officer Chang! There's <br>\r\nCHANG: Wesley! It's all right. <br>\r\n(The casualty gets to his feet, dusts himself off and shakes Wesley's\r\nhand) <br>\r\nMAN: Thanks. <br>\r\nCHANG: An excellent performance, Mister Crusher. <br>\r\n(The other man walks out of the lab and leaves) <br>\r\nWESLEY: Performance? That was the test? <br>\r\nCHANG: Yes. <br>\r\nWESLEY: A man could have died. <br>\r\nCHANG: Theoretically, yes. You had to make a choice. And you did.\r\nThere's no right or wrong about it. Your greatest fear has been that\r\nyou couldn't make that decision. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Because of my father? Because Cap. Because someone made that\r\nchoice, and my father died.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Ready room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes, Number One? <br>\r\nRIKER: Mister Remmick has left the ship. <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes. He found nothing wrong on the Enterprise. And you can\r\ninform the crew that Admiral Quinn is most impressed. <br>\r\nRIKER: Thank you. They'll be pleased that. Can you explain now what he\r\nwas after? <br>\r\nPICARD: They were after me, Number One. They want me to take over as\r\nCommandant, Starfleet Academy. <br>\r\nRIKER: Congratulations! What a wonderful choice, sir. You'll be able to\r\nshape the minds of the future leaders of Starfleet. You haven't decided\r\nwhat you're going to do. <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes, I have, Number One. I've decided I'm going for a walk.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Classroom]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CHANG: I'm proud of all of you. You've done a\r\nsuperb job. Each of you would make a fine Starfleet officer. It's\r\nunfair that only one candidate from Relva will attend the Academy this\r\nyear, and a loss to the Federation if the rest of you do not return to\r\ntest again. Mister Mordock will be the candidate. His results were\r\nslightly higher than Mister Crusher's. Congratulations, Mister Mordock.\r\nYou're the first Benzite in Starfleet. <br>\r\nMORDOCK: Thank you, sir, but it's not right. It shouldn't be me. Wesley\r\nlost points because he helped me. He should not be punished for his\r\ngenerosity. <br>\r\nCHANG: He wasn't. He lost time, but it wasn't only that. Candidates,\r\nthank you. And good luck. <br>\r\n(Chang leaves) <br>\r\nMORDOCK: I am sorry, Wesley. <br>\r\nWESLEY: It's okay. You deserved to win. Besides, you would have done\r\nthe same thing for me. <br>\r\nMORDOCK: Yes. I believe I would. <br>\r\nT'SHANIK: Congratulations. <br>\r\nOLIANA: Well, personally, I hate losing. So you'd better be ready next\r\nyear, Wesley. I won't be easy to beat.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Picard is in dress uniform when he meets an\r\nembarrassed Jake) <br>\r\nPICARD: Mister Kurland! <br>\r\nJAKE: Yes, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Are you feeling better? <br>\r\nJAKE: Yes, sir, Look, I'm sorry I damaged the shuttle, Captain. But\r\nMister Riker says I can work on fixing it as part of my discipline\r\ntraining. <br>\r\nPICARD: Good idea. I hope you learned that running away solves nothing.\r\n<br>\r\nJAKE: Yes, sir. And I am sorry I messed up. <br>\r\nPICARD: At least you kept your wits about you out there. Don't forget\r\nthat. <br>\r\nJAKE: No, sir. And thank you. Thank you for saving my life. <br>\r\nPICARD: That's my job, young man. <br>\r\nJAKE: Yes, sir. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Observation Lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Mister Crusher? Why aren't you in your\r\ndress uniform for Admiral Quinn's farewell dinner? <br>\r\nWESLEY: I didn't think that would be appropriate. <br>\r\nPICARD: Why not? <br>\r\nWESLEY: I failed, Captain. I didn't get into the Academy. I failed you\r\nand I failed the Enterprise. <br>\r\nPICARD: Ridiculous. Did you do your best? <br>\r\nWESLEY: Yes. <br>\r\nPICARD: When you test next year, and you will test next year, do you\r\nthink your performance will improve? <br>\r\nWESLEY: Yes. <br>\r\nPICARD: Good. The only person you're truly competing against, Wesley,\r\nis yourself. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Then you're not disappointed? <br>\r\nPICARD: Wesley, you have to measure your successes and your failures\r\nwithin, not by anything I or anyone else might think. But, if it helps\r\nyou to know this, I failed the first time. And you may not tell anyone!\r\n<br>\r\nWESLEY: You? You failed? <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes. But not the second time. Now, you'll do me the courtesy of\r\njoining us at dinner. I have to disappoint an old friend.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Transporter room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">QUINN: Wish I could convince you to change your\r\nmind. <br>\r\nPICARD: I'll serve you better here. <br>\r\nQUINN: This is where you belong. <br>\r\nPICARD: If you need me. <br>\r\nQUINN: I've been playing politics too long. Perhaps I see conspiracies\r\neverywhere. Don't worry. Safe travels, my friend.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Set course to Algeron Four, Mister Crusher.\r\n<br>\r\nWESLEY: Course plotted and laid in, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Then shall we continue with our mission? <br>\r\nWESLEY: Yes, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Excellent. Mister Crusher, engage. </font> </p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n</center>\r\n</div>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><a href=\"episodes.htm\"><font color=\"#2867d0\">&lt;Back\r\nto the episode listing</font></a></font></p>\r\n<p><font color=\"#000000\" face=\"Arial\" size=\"1\"><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">Star Trek � and related\r\nmarks are trademarks of<a href=\"\"> <font color=\"#2867d0\">CBS Studios Inc</font></a>.\r\nCopyright � 1966, Present. The Star Trek web pages on this site are for\r\neducational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights\r\nproperty of their respective holders.</font></font></p>\r\n</body></html>"},{"episode":"120.htm","data":"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n<html lang=\"en-gb\"><head>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-1252\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en-gb\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Enterprise, NCC1701D, Episodes, Transcripts, Heart Of Glory, Jean-Luc Picard, William Thomas Riker, Geordi LaForge, Tasha Yar, Worf, Beverly Crusher, Deanna Troi, Data, Wesley Crusher, Talarian, Batris, Korris, Konmel, K'Nera\">\r\n<meta name=\"Keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Transcripts, Heart Of Glory\">\r\n<meta name=\"Description\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation episode transcripts\"><title>The Next Generation Transcripts - Heart Of Glory</title>\r\n\r\n</head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"#d5d5d5\" dir=\"ltr\">\r\n<p><font color=\"#2867d0\" face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"5\"><b>Heart\r\nOf Glory</b></font><br>\r\n<font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Stardate:\r\n41503.7<br>\r\nOriginal Airdate: 21 Mar, 1988<br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n<center>\r\n<table border=\"0\" width=\"85%\">\r\n<tbody>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td align=\"left\" width=\"85%\"> <font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"> <b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WORF: Captain. Communication from Starfleet. They\r\nhave reported a disturbance in the Neutral Zone. <br>\r\nPICARD: Of what nature? <br>\r\nWORF: A battle. Quadrant nine, coordinates zero seven zero, mark three.\r\nThere's no information who is involved. They are asking if we can\r\ninvestigate. <br>\r\nPICARD: Answer affirmative. Lieutenant La Forge, lay in the course. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nDATA: I have no reports of any Federation ships in that area, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: Ferengi? <br>\r\nPICARD: It's a little out of their territory. <br>\r\nRIKER: Shall we separate the saucer? <br>\r\nPICARD: Let's get a little more information first. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Course set, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: Speed, warp seven. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye, sir, warp seven. <br>\r\nPICARD: Engage. <br>\r\n(A short flight later) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: We are now approaching the Neutral Zone. <br>\r\nTASHA: Sir, sensors indicate several recent photon explosions and heavy\r\nphaser activity. <br>\r\nDATA: Sir, I have analysed the residue from the explosions. This is of\r\nno known Ferengi design. It is possibly Romulan. <br>\r\nPICARD: Now there's a name we haven't heard for a while. <br>\r\nRIKER: I could go a lot longer without hearing it. <br>\r\nPICARD: If the Romulans have returned to this sector we should know\r\nabout that. Mister Worf, any further activity? <br>\r\nWORF: Negative, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Slow to half impulse. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Going to one half impulse. Now entering quadrant nine zero\r\nseven, mark three. <br>\r\nPICARD: Shields and deflectors up. Go to Yellow Alert. <br>\r\nDATA: I have located a vessel, sir. It is drifting. <br>\r\nPICARD: Put it on main viewer. <br>\r\nTASHA: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Magnify. <br>\r\n(An angular, practical ship, like an Eagle transporter) <br>\r\nDATA: The life support systems on the ship are failing, sir.\r\nPropulsion, navigation, and all communication, inoperative. <br>\r\nPICARD: Any trace of the other vessel? <br>\r\nDATA: No, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: If it is a Romulan vessel, it could be cloaked. <br>\r\nPICARD: Tell Starfleet we're entering the Neutral Zone. <br>\r\nDATA: Yes, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Mister La Forge, take us in a little closer. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye, aye, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Stay sharp everyone. <br>\r\nRIKER: It's Talarian. <br>\r\nPICARD: Life signs? <br>\r\nWORF: Nothing yet, sir. <br>\r\nDATA: I have identified the vessel, Captain. It is the Batris, a\r\ngeneral cargo vessel. <br>\r\nRIKER: A long way from home. <br>\r\nPICARD: Keep alert. <br>\r\nWORF: Captain, possible life signs. <br>\r\nPICARD: What do you mean, possible? <br>\r\nWORF: The readings emanate from a location near what is left of main\r\nEngineering. There is a great deal of magnetic and radioactive clutter\r\nmaking a positive determination difficult. <br>\r\nRIKER: I'll prepare an away team. <br>\r\nPICARD: Lieutenant Yar, you stay at your post. If this is the result of\r\na Romulan attack, they may still be in the area. <br>\r\nTASHA: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: Data, Geordi, let's go. <br>\r\nPICARD: Mister La Forge, are we close enough to use the Visual Acuity\r\ntransmitter? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: We can certainly try it, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Please do. And Number One? Everything about this seems wrong. <br>\r\nRIKER: Agreed. It smells like a trap. Let's go.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, stardate 41503.7. We have entered\r\nthe Neutral Zone, where a Talarian freighter has been severely damaged\r\nin a battle. I have sent an away team to investigate. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Transporter room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Geordi has attached a block to the side of his\r\nvisor) <br>\r\nRIKER: What exactly does this device do? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Data and I have been working on a way to transmit what my\r\nvisor sees. If it works, the Bridge'll be able to monitor us. <br>\r\nDATA: It has restrictions. The information from Geordi's visor is so\r\ncomplex it is difficult to encode. Therefore the signal breaks down\r\neasily. <br>\r\nRIKER: That means it doesn't have much range. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Exactly. So far, the effective range is only few kilometres,\r\nbut we're working on it. La Forge to Bridge. <br>\r\nWORF [OC]: This is the Bridge. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Worf, I've switched on the Visual Acuity Transmitter. <br>\r\nWORF [OC]: We are receiving. The signal is strong. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Okay, Worf. I am switching off for transport. <br>\r\nRIKER: Set phasers on stun. Let's be ready for anything. Energise.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Batris Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Fallen girders, hanging wires, steam, and creaking\r\nsounds) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: La Forge to Bridge.\r\n<br>PICARD [OC]: This is the Enterprise. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Captain, I'm switching on the transmitter. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Ready to receive. Put this on main viewer. <br>\r\nTASHA: Aye, sir. <br>\r\n(A vision of weird coloured shapes, edges moving and blurring. As if\r\nthe viewer has been taking something highly illegal and mind-altering) <br>\r\nPICARD: Extraordinary. Now I'm beginning to understand him. <br>\r\nPICARD: Geordi. What was that? Over to the left. <br>\r\nLAFORGE [OC]: What? <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes, that. No, no, back. Yes, that. Right there. What is that? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Batris Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: That's Commander Riker. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Ah, to me it's just an undefined form,\r\nstanding in a visual frenzy. Can you filter out the extraneous\r\ninformation? <br>\r\nLAFORGE [OC]: No, I get it all simultaneously. <br>\r\nPICARD: But it's just a jumble. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Batris Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD [OC]: How can you make head or tail of it? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I select what I want and then disregard the rest. <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: But how is that possible? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Well, how, in a noisy room, can you select one specific voice\r\nor sound? <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: Of course, something you learn. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Exactly. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE [OC]: It's something I have learned. Does\r\nthat make it more clear?&nbsp;<br>\r\nPICARD: Look over at Data. There's an aura around Data. <br>\r\nLAFORGE [OC]: Well, of course. He's an android. <br>\r\nPICARD: You say that as if you think that's what we all see. <br>\r\nLAFORGE [OC]: Don't you? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Batris Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Sir, I hate to break this up, but </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Oh, yes, of course, Number One. Proceed. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Batris Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Let's go. <br>\r\n(As they move on, a conduit falls. This ship is ready to fall apart) <br>\r\nDATA: I am detecting high levels of deuterium gas, probably from the\r\nleakage in the drive system. <br>\r\nRIKER: Toxic? <br>\r\nDATA: Not as yet, sir. The life signs are emanating from the far side\r\nof Engineering. <br>\r\nRIKER: What's the safest way around? <br>\r\nDATA: All routes are equally dangerous, sir. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Well, what's the least dangerous route, Data? <br>\r\nDATA: There is no significant difference. <br>\r\nRIKER: Steady on. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Commander Riker! Commander. <br>\r\nRIKER: Yes, Geordi. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: There's a fissure developing in the bulkhead. The skin of the\r\nship is losing its integrity. <br>\r\nRIKER: Where is it? I can't see it. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Right there.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Geordi, step closer. It looks to me like a\r\nspectrograph indicating metal fatigue. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Batris Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD [OC]: Is that how you interpret it? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Very good, Captain. Exactly right. <br>\r\nRIKER: How long before this hull ruptures? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: It's impossible to be exact. I'd say five minutes. Probably\r\nless. <br>\r\nRIKER: Let's go.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Geordi, we've lost transmission. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Batris Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(As well as debris, there is a bright light source)\r\n<br>\r\nLAFORGE: Signal overload. I'm surprised it lasted this long. <br>\r\nRIKER: We've reached the core, Captain. <br>\r\nDATA: The life signs are very strong now, sir. They are coming from\r\nover there. <br>\r\nRIKER: Is there any other way around? <br>\r\nDATA: Negative. This is the only way. The safest way to proceed is for\r\nme to cross alone. The heat and toxic gases have less effect on me. <br>\r\nRIKER: Agreed. Captain, Data's gone ahead. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER [OC]: The life signs seem to be coming from\r\nthe far side of Engineering.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Batris Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: I've found them, sir. The door to their\r\ncompartment is jammed. <br>\r\n(They follow him around the warp core to a big door that is very\r\nslightly open) <br>\r\nDATA: The control mechanism's not operative, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: This is Commander Riker of the USS Enterprise. Do you hear me? <br>\r\nDATA: I advise against the use of phasers, sir. The gas buildup is too\r\ngreat. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: He's right, sir. A phaser discharge now could blow us all out\r\nof here. <br>\r\nDATA: Shall I, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: Number One, what's going on? <br>\r\nRIKER: We're about to force the door. <br>\r\n(Data makes the gap big enough for Riker to step through into the\r\ncompartment) <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: What is it? What do you see? <br>\r\nRIKER: Klingons.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Klingons? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Batris compartment]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(There are two Klingons standing there) <br>\r\nKORRIS: I am Korris. <br>\r\nRIKER: We'll handle the formalities later. Right now we have to get off\r\nthis ship. Are there any others survivors? <br>\r\nKORRIS: No. <br>\r\nDATA: I believe I have found a quicker way out of here, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: Check him out. <br>\r\n(There is a body on a table) <br>\r\nDATA: He is alive, sir, but just barely. <br>\r\nRIKER: Then pick the body and let's get out of here. <br>\r\nKORRIS: No. I will carry him. <br>\r\nDATA: As you wish. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Come on, let's go!\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Tasha, go to transporter room three. I want\r\nyou there when the away team returns. <br>\r\nTASHA: Aye, sir. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Batris Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: Commander, we are out of time. This ship\r\nis blowing. <br>\r\nRIKER: Transporter room, have you got a lock on us? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Transporter room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: Too much interference. You have to get\r\nfarther away from the Engineering section.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WORF: Sir, the Engineering section is critical.\r\nDestruction of the Batris is imminent. <br>\r\nPICARD: They're out of options. Do it!\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Transporter room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD [OC]: Now! <br>\r\n(The first attempt fails and the group arrive back on the Batris as\r\nexplosions head towards them. The ship goes bang on the viewscreen,\r\nthen Tasha materialises them) <br>\r\nRIKER: Bridge, this is Commander Riker. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER [OC]: We are taking the survivors to Sickbay.\r\n<br>\r\nPICARD: I'll be in Sickbay. <br>\r\nWORF: Captain. Request permission to join you. <br>\r\nPICARD: Granted.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sickbay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WORF: Debris is still being analysed. <br>\r\nPICARD: Inform me as soon as it is complete. <br>\r\nWORF: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Situation, Doctor. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: His injuries are very critical. <br>\r\nPICARD: I am Jean Luc Picard, Captain of this vessel. <br>\r\nKORRIS: My name is Korris, Captain of the Klingon Defence Force. This\r\nis Lieutenant Konmel. <br>\r\nPICARD: Would you mind telling me what has happened? <br>\r\nKORRIS: We were passengers. The Talarians were taking us to outpost M\r\nZed Five. <br>\r\nPICARD: What was the ship doing in the Neutral Zone? <br>\r\nKORRIS: We were attacked without warning by a Ferengi cruiser. During\r\nthe course of the battle we must have unknowingly entered the Neutral\r\nZone. <br>\r\nWORF: The weapons were not Ferengi. <br>\r\nKORRIS: What is your name? <br>\r\nWORF: I am Lieutenant Worf. <br>\r\nKORRIS: And you are a member of this crew? <br>\r\nWORF: Yes. <br>\r\nKORRIS: You are correct. The weapons were Klingon, but the vessel was\r\nFerengi. <br>\r\nPICARD: What precipitated the attack? <br>\r\nKORRIS: I don't know. We were in our quarters. <br>\r\nKONMEL: The captain of the freighter had no combat experience so he did\r\nnot anticipate the first attack, which was nearly fatal. <br>\r\nKORRIS: We took control with his permission. The Ferengi called for\r\nsurrender. I told the Captain to agree to all their terms. We had only\r\none chance, but I was confident it would be enough. <br>\r\nKONMEL: As adversaries the Ferengi are not very worthy. <br>\r\nWORF: Still, your weapons were limited and their ship superior. <br>\r\nKORRIS: Yes. All we had was an ancient battery of Merculite rockets.\r\nOur only chance was to trick them into lowering their shields. <br>\r\nKONMEL: We reduced power and lured them in. <br>\r\nKORRIS: They suspected nothing. <br>\r\nKONMEL: Then, when they lowered their shields to beam over a boarding\r\nparty, we opened fire. <br>\r\nPICARD: Still, there are some points that I'm not very clear about. <br>\r\nKORRIS: Captain, we are hungry and tired. <br>\r\nPICARD: Of course. <br>\r\nKORRIS: If there is anything else you wish to know about this incident,\r\nwe will be available. <br>\r\nWORF: Permission to show our guests to their quarters, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: Permission granted. <br>\r\n(Worf, Korris and Konmel leave) <br>\r\nRIKER: What do you think, Captain? <br>\r\nPICARD: There's more to this than we've been told. Why was the Talarian\r\nship so far off course? What was its point of departure? <br>\r\nRIKER: Why would three Klingon officers hitch a ride on a broken down\r\nfreighter? <br>\r\nPICARD: Contact Starfleet. Find out what they know about Korris and\r\ncompany. <br>\r\nRIKER: It'll take forty eight hours for a message to get to Starfleet\r\non subspace frequency. <br>\r\nPICARD: They're going to be with us for a while. Let's find out all we\r\ncan about them. <br>\r\nRIKER: Do you think I should have assigned a security team to keep an\r\neye on our guests? <br>\r\nPICARD: No. Worf can deal with anything that might arise. How's your\r\npatient, Doctor? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Not good. I'll keep you posted.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>Guest Quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">KORRIS: Sit, friend. Let us eat. <br>\r\nKONMEL: (to replicator) O'Mat gri tea and piviots. (a tray with a\r\nbottle and food arrives) <br>\r\nKORRIS: I did not know there were Klingons serving on human Starfleet\r\nvessels. <br>\r\nWORF: As far as I know, I am the only one. <br>\r\nKORRIS: Tell me, what it is like for the hunter to lie down with the\r\nprey? Have they tamed you, or have you always been docile? <br>\r\nKONMEL: Does it make you gentle? Has it filled your heart with peace? <br>\r\nKORRIS: Do glorious battles no longer inspire your dreams? <br>\r\nWORF: Why do you mock me? Why do you wish to anger me? <br>\r\nKORRIS: Only to see if it is still possible. <br>\r\nWORF: It is.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sickbay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">NURSE: Doctor! I think you'd better come and look\r\nat this. The Klingon's condition is worsening. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: He's convulsing. Get the hypospray. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Guest Quarters]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(The guests are finishing their meal) <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: Commander Korris, this is Captain Picard. <br>\r\nKORRIS: Yes, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: I am sorry to report your comrade's injuries are beyond\r\nour medical abilities.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sickbay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: He's dying. <br>\r\n(Korris, Konmel and Worf stand over the bed. As the young man breaths\r\nhis last, Korris holds his eyelids open. Then they all start a deep\r\nthroaty growl, which becomes a roar as they are sure he is dead. Konmel\r\nremoves a hook from the boot) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Is there any special arrangement you would like for the body? <br>\r\nKORRIS: It is only an empty shell now. Please treat it as such.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">KONMEL: The opponent that killed Kunivas should\r\nhave been an enemy, then his death would have been even more glorious. <br>\r\nWORF: If the opponent was not an enemy, who was it? Tell me. What\r\nreally happened? <br>\r\nKORRIS: I do not wish to anger you. We are after all, brothers lost\r\namong infidels. Tell me, how is it that you come to this ship, that\r\nuniform? <br>\r\nWORF: Through an act of kindness. The Romulans attacked the Khitomer\r\noutpost. Everyone was killed. I was buried under the rubble and left\r\nfor dead. A human Starfleet officer found me. He took me to his home on\r\nGault and told his wife to raise me as his son. <br>\r\nKONMEL: How old were you? <br>\r\nWORF: Before the age of inclusion. <br>\r\nKONMEL: That young? <br>\r\nKORRIS: Gault is a farming colony. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WORF: When my foster brother and I were of age, we\r\nentered the Starfleet Academy. He hated it and returned to Gault. I\r\nstayed. <br>\r\nKONMEL: You have not spent much time among your own kind. <br>\r\nWORF: Hardly none. <br>\r\nKORRIS: So, when the night was still and quiet, and the sound of the\r\nblood rushing through your veins filled your ears, the only way to\r\nsilence it was to slip out into the night and, like the hunter that\r\nspawned you, join in the struggle of life and death. You were unable <br>\r\nKONMEL: And those around you did not understand. You frightened them. <br>\r\nKORRIS: They shunned you. Cursed you. Called you vile names, and you\r\nknew not why. Even now do you know why you are driven? Why you cannot\r\nrelent or repent or confess or abstain? How could you know? There have\r\nbeen no other Klingons to lead you to that knowledge. <br>\r\nWORF: Yes. Yes, those feelings are part of me. But I control them. They\r\ndo not rule me. <br>\r\nKORRIS: Yes. To fit in, the humans demand that you change the one thing\r\nthat you cannot change. Yet, because you cannot, you do. That too is\r\nthe mark of the warrior. You said that I mock you. I do not. I salute\r\nyou. <br>\r\nKONMEL: But against whom do you test yourself? Against what enemy do\r\nyou charge into battle? <br>\r\nWORF: I have been in battle. <br>\r\nKORRIS: Then you understand. <br>\r\nWORF: Yes, I do. <br>\r\nKORRIS: Brother, this peace, this alliance, is like a living death to\r\nwarriors like us. <br>\r\nKONMEL: You're right, we lied to your Commander. We commandeered that\r\nfreighter and left the crew behind, and we were in search of a place\r\nwhere we could live our lives like true Klingons. <br>\r\nWORF: You did not battle the Ferengi. <br>\r\nKORRIS: It was one of our own cruisers sent to bring us back. <br>\r\nWORF: You destroyed a Klingon vessel? <br>\r\nKORRIS: I did not want to battle our brothers. I had no choice. They\r\nhad been corrupted by the illusion of peace. <br>\r\nKONMEL: They traded our birthright so they could die in their sleep. <br>\r\nKORRIS: A peace that makes the Klingon heart that beats in my chest\r\nwither and die. Is it permitted for you to show us around this ship? <br>\r\nWORF: Yes, of course.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: And as I watched Worf, it was like looking\r\nat a man that I had never known. <br>\r\nDATA: Captain, long range sensors indicate another vessel approaching\r\nthis area. <br>\r\nPICARD: Can you identify it? <br>\r\nDATA: No, sir, not yet. <br>\r\nPICARD: Keep a close watch on it. So close to the Neutral Zone it can't\r\nbe random.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">KONMEL: What magnificent battles we could have at\r\nthe helm of this ship. <br>\r\nWORF: Perhaps your dreams of glory no longer fit the time. They belong\r\nburied with the past. <br>\r\nKORRIS: Standing here we will never know. Our answer lies out there.\r\nOur instincts will lead us. <br>\r\nKONMEL: Instincts that have not been dulled by living among civilised\r\nmen.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: I believe, sir, that was the first time\r\noutsiders have witnessed the Klingon death ritual. <br>\r\nPICARD: I can understand them looking at a dying man's eyes, but the\r\nhowling? <br>\r\nDATA: It was a warning. <br>\r\nPICARD: To whom? <br>\r\nDATA: They are warning the dead, sir. Beware, a Klingon warrior is\r\nabout to arrive. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Captain, that unidentified vessel is approaching us at warp\r\nfive. Intersect one hour, sixteen minutes, thirty three seconds. <br>\r\nPICARD: Can we get a visual? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I can try, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Magnify. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Hello. <br>\r\nRIKER: Klingons. <br>\r\nPICARD: Open hailing frequencies, Lieutenant Yar. <br>\r\nTASHA: Hailing frequencies open. <br>\r\nPICARD: Klingon cruiser, this is Captain Jean Luc Picard of the USS\r\nEnterprise. <br>\r\nK'NERA [on viewscreen]: I am Commander K'Nera. What is your purpose in\r\nthis area? <br>\r\nPICARD: We came to investigate a battle. We rescued three Klingon\r\nsurvivors. <br>\r\nK'NERA [on viewscreen]: That is all that is left of the crew of the\r\ncruiser T'Acog? <br>\r\nPICARD: They were not off the cruiser. They were from the freighter\r\nBatris. The leader is Captain Korris. <br>\r\nK'NERA [on viewscreen]: You have him on your ship? He is alive? <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes. <br>\r\nK'NERA [on viewscreen]: He is a criminal. A renegade, who with two\r\nothers stole that freighter, and somehow destroyed the Klingon cruiser\r\nsent to bring them back. We expect the criminals to be delivered into\r\nour custody as soon as we are within transporter range. <br>\r\n(ends transmission) <br>\r\nPICARD: Lieutenant Yar, where are they now? <br>\r\nTASHA: They're with Worf on deck seventeen. <br>\r\nPICARD: Deck seventeen? <br>\r\nTASHA: Yes, sir. Near the auxiliary turbolift to the battle bridge.\r\nShall I alert Lieutenant Worf? <br>\r\nPICARD: No. Send a security team. <br>\r\nRIKER: You don't think Worf would allow them access to the battle\r\nbridge? <br>\r\nPICARD: I think, Number One, we cannot assume anything. <br>\r\nTASHA: Captain, shall I stay at my tactical position or lead the\r\nsecurity team? <br>\r\nPICARD: Lead the security team, and, Lieutenant, you understand with\r\nwhom you are dealing. <br>\r\nTASHA: Aye, sir.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">KORRIS: We have heard this ship can separate in\r\ntime of battle. <br>\r\nWORF: Yes. When relieved of its bulk, the Enterprise becomes an\r\nexceptional weapon. <br>\r\nTASHA: Worf. <br>\r\nKORRIS: They have come for us. <br>\r\nTASHA: Step aside. <br>\r\nWORF: What is the problem? <br>\r\nTASHA: The Captain wants those two taken into custody. <br>\r\nKORRIS: Do not let them take us, Worf. Help us. <br>\r\nKONMEL: Listen to the voice of your blood. You are not of these people.\r\n<br>\r\nKORRIS: Yes. Join us. <br>\r\n(There's a tense moment, then a nearby turbolift opens and a little\r\ngirl runs out) <br>\r\nTASHA: Go back! Please, turn around and go back to your mother. <br>\r\n(Korris picks the girl up) <br>\r\nTASHA: Bridge, we have a hostage situation on deck seventeen. <br>\r\n(Korris glares, and hands the girl to Worf, who gives her to her\r\nmother) <br>\r\nGIRL: Mommy. <br>\r\nTASHA: Bridge, this is Lieutenant Yar. Disregard. Situation is under\r\ncontrol. By order of the Captain, you are confined to Security. <br>\r\n(Korris and Konmel are taken away) <br>\r\nTASHA: I thought for a minute we had a problem. <br>\r\nWORF: Oh? <br>\r\nTASHA: Yes. It looked like Korris was going to hold that little girl as\r\na hostage. <br>\r\nWORF: That is not our way. Cowards take hostages. Klingons do not. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Brig]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">KORRIS: Ri'ario.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Worf enters) <br>\r\nPICARD: Lieutenant. The Klingon vessel has to arrived. They have\r\nrequested return of the renegades. <br>\r\nWORF: They will be tried and executed, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: I know. Lieutenant, understand that I am not unmindful of the\r\nmixed feelings you must have about this incident. <br>\r\nWORF: Thank you, sir. Are there no other options, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: None that I can see. <br>\r\nRIKER: He seems to be handling this quite well, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: So far. He must be torn. These are his people. <br>\r\nDATA: The Klingon vessel is within range, sir. They are requesting\r\nvisual contact. <br>\r\nPICARD: Open frequencies. <br>\r\nDATA: Hailing frequencies open, sir. <br>\r\nK'NERA [on viewscreen]: We are in position now to receive the\r\ncriminals. <br>\r\nPICARD: We're prepared to transfer. <br>\r\nWORF: Captain. Request permission to address the Captain on the Klingon\r\nvessel. I know it is against standard procedure, but there is something\r\nI must say. <br>\r\nPICARD: Permission granted. <br>\r\nWORF: K'Mongi B'Mus. <br>\r\nK'NERA [on viewscreen]: G'Armond T'Ris. What is it you want? <br>\r\nWORF: To plead. <br>\r\nK'NERA [on viewscreen]: You waste your time. Their actions threaten the\r\nalliance. They disobeyed and must be punished. <br>\r\nWORF: Yes, they must be punished, but not executed with dishonour. <br>\r\nK'NERA [on viewscreen]: Why do you care? <br>\r\nWORF: What burns in their eyes, fires my soul. I hear their words, and\r\nI see it all as it was. Part of me longs for that time. <br>\r\nK'NERA [on viewscreen]: It's bred in the bone. We all do. <br>\r\nWORF: Then send them to a planet in the Halee system, where they can\r\nmeet death on their feet with a weapon in their hands, not tied and\r\nhelpless. <br>\r\nK'NERA [on viewscreen]: When one of us dies that way it diminishes all\r\nof us. <br>\r\nWORF: Yes. <br>\r\nK'NERA [on viewscreen]: Brother, I feel as you. I too wish they could\r\nfly free, but I have no choice. <br>\r\nWORF: Sir. <br>\r\nK'NERA [on viewscreen]: We await the transfer. <br>\r\nPICARD: Lieutenant Yar, escort the prisoners to the Transporter room. <br>\r\nTASHA [OC]: Aye, sir.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Brig]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(The prisoners are taking elements from their\r\nbelts, the hooks from their boots and building a gun of some sort. Then\r\nKorris uses a metal piece to deactivate the forcefield)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">GUARD: This is Ramos. The forcefield in Security\r\nThree has been broken. <br>\r\n(He tries to go in, and gets shot) <br>\r\n(Another guard dodges Konmel's shots and gets him, although it takes\r\nthree blasts to put him down. Korris uses Ramos's phaser to kill the\r\nguard) <br>\r\nTASHA: Lieutenant Yar to Bridge. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA [OC]: There's been an escape. At least one of\r\nmy security is dead. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Corridor]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: So is Konmel. Korris is loose and armed. <br>\r\nPICARD: Keep me informed, Lieutenant. <br>\r\nTASHA: Aye, sir. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Data, visual on K'Nera. <br>\r\nDATA: Visual on, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Captain, there will be a short delay. Korris has escaped. <br>\r\nK'NERA [on viewscreen]: He is a trained Klingon warrior, Captain.\r\nPerhaps more than you can handle. It is not a disgrace to request our\r\nassistance. <br>\r\nPICARD: I think we can handle the situation.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Korris runs in and sees the warp core. He heads up\r\na ladder. Tasha enters) <br>\r\nCREWMAN: He's up there! <br>\r\nTASHA: Captain, Korris is in main Engineering. <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: Commander Korris. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: This is a futile effort. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD [OC]: You cannot win. <br>\r\nKORRIS: I will speak only to my countryman! </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">KORRIS [OC]: Only to Worf! </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: Captain, he has a phaser aimed directly at\r\nthe dilithium crystal chamber. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA [OC]: At that range, one blast and <br>\r\nPICARD: I understand, Lieutenant. <br>\r\nWORF: Captain, permission to leave the Bridge. <br>\r\nPICARD: We'll both go.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: What's the situation? <br>\r\nTASHA: He's on the second level armed with a phaser. We do not have a\r\nclear field of fire. <br>\r\nPICARD: How do you suggest we proceed? <br>\r\nTASHA: Wait him out. <br>\r\nWORF: Captain, let me talk to him. <br>\r\nTASHA: I do not think that's a good idea, Worf. Right now he's running\r\non adrenalin. Let it cool. There's no where he can go. <br>\r\nWORF: He will wait only as long as he believes it is to his advantage.\r\nThe moment it is not, he will fire his phaser into the dilithium\r\ncrystal chamber. <br>\r\nTASHA: That would destroy the Enterprise and him along with it. <br>\r\nWORF: Yes. He knows. <br>\r\nPICARD: Talk to him, Worf. <br>\r\n(Worf goes to under where Korris is standing) <br>\r\nKORRIS: Brother, I knew you would come. (Worf climbs the ladder) Now I,\r\nwe have a chance. I could not do it alone, but I would rather die here,\r\nthan let the traitors of Kling pick the meat from my bones. With you it\r\nwill work. <br>\r\nWORF: What will work? <br>\r\nKORRIS: I will demand Captain Picard give us access to the battle\r\nbridge. We will separate from the rest of the ship, then together we\r\nwill light up the galaxy. Imagine the fear which will roll before us. <br>\r\nWORF: Captain Picard will not comply. <br>\r\nKORRIS: He can not, dare not refuse us. In order to save themselves,\r\nthey will give us what we demand. Then, brother, we are free. <br>\r\nWORF: Put down the phaser. <br>\r\nKORRIS: Wait. I do not believe this. <br>\r\nWORF: Believe it. <br>\r\nKORRIS: I have tasted your heart. You have been with them, but you are\r\nstill of us. Do not deny the challenge of your destiny. Get off your\r\nknees and soar. Open your eyes and let the dream take flight. <br>\r\nWORF: My brother, it is you who does not see. You look for battles in\r\nthe wrong place. The test of the warrior is not without, it is within.\r\nHere, here we meet the challenge. It is the weaknesses in here a\r\nwarrior must overcome. <br>\r\nKORRIS: No. <br>\r\nWORF: You have talked of glory and of conquest and legends we will\r\nwrite. <br>\r\nKORRIS: Yes, the birthright of every Klingon. <br>\r\nWORF: Yet in all you say, where are the words duty, honour, loyalty.\r\nWithout which a warrior is nothing. <br>\r\nKORRIS: What are you saying? Living among these humans has sucked the\r\nKlingon heart out of you. <br>\r\nWORF: Put down the phaser. <br>\r\nKORRIS: You are a sham! My words were dust upon the ground. Your blood\r\nhas no fire.\r\nYou are weak like them. I don't care what you look like you are no\r\nKlingon. <br>\r\nWORF: Perhaps not. <br>\r\n(And he shoots Korris, who falls through a glass screen to the floor\r\nbelow) <br>\r\nPICARD: Wait. <br>\r\n(Worf goes down the ladder, turns Korris over, and does the death\r\nritual for him) </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Mister La Forge, open hailing frequencies. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Hailing frequencies open, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Commander K'Nera, this is Captain Picard. <br>\r\nK'NERA [on viewscreen]: Yes, Captain? <br>\r\nPICARD: Korris and the other Klingon are dead. <br>\r\nK'NERA [on viewscreen]: May I speak with Lieutenant Worf? <br>\r\nWORF: Yes, Commander? <br>\r\nK'NERA [on viewscreen]: How did they die? <br>\r\nWORF: They died well. <br>\r\nPICARD: Do you wish the bodies returned? <br>\r\nK'NERA [on viewscreen]: They are now only empty shells. Dispose of them\r\nas you see fit. Worf, when your tour of duty on the Enterprise is\r\ncomplete. consider serving with us. Your training and experience would\r\nbe of benefit to us, and perhaps there are some things we could teach\r\nyou. <br>\r\nWORF: I am honoured. Thank you. <br>\r\n(end transmission) <br>\r\nWORF: I was just being polite, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Ah. Commendable, Lieutenant. Mister La Forge, set course for\r\nStarbase Eighty four. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nWORF: Really. I have no desire to leave the Enterprise. <br>\r\nPICARD: Good. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Coordinates set in, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: Speed, warp five. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye, sir, warp five. <br>\r\nPICARD: And Mister Worf, the Bridge wouldn't be the same without you.\r\nEngage. </font> </p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n</center>\r\n</div>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><a href=\"episodes.htm\"><font color=\"#2867d0\">&lt;Back\r\nto the episode listing</font></a></font></p>\r\n<p><font color=\"#000000\" face=\"Arial\" size=\"1\"><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">Star Trek � and related\r\nmarks are trademarks of<a href=\"\"> <font color=\"#2867d0\">CBS Studios Inc</font></a>.\r\nCopyright � 1966, Present. The Star Trek web pages on this site are for\r\neducational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights\r\nproperty of their respective holders.</font></font></p>\r\n</body></html>"},{"episode":"121.htm","data":"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n<html lang=\"en-gb\"><head>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-1252\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en-gb\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Enterprise, NCC1701D, Episodes, Transcripts, The Arsenal Of Freedom, Jean-Luc Picard, William Thomas Riker, Geordi LaForge, Tasha Yar, Worf, Beverly Crusher, Deanna Troi, Data, Wesley Crusher, Minos, Erselrope Wars\">\r\n<meta name=\"Keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Transcripts, The Arsenal Of Freedom\">\r\n<meta name=\"Description\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation episode transcripts\"><title>The Next Generation Transcripts - The Arsenal Of Freedom</title>\r\n\r\n</head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"#d5d5d5\" dir=\"ltr\">\r\n<p><font color=\"#2867d0\" face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"5\"><b>The\r\nArsenal Of Freedom</b></font><br>\r\n<font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Stardate:\r\n41798.2<br>\r\nOriginal Airdate: 11 Apr, 1988<br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n<center>\r\n<table border=\"0\" width=\"85%\">\r\n<tbody>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td align=\"left\" width=\"85%\"> <font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">\r\nCaptain's log, stardate 41798.2. We have been ordered by Starfleet to\r\nproceed to the Lorenze Cluster and investigate the disappearance of a\r\nlight cruiser, USS Drake, which was in that system trying to unravel a\r\nmystery of its own which began when recent long range probes indicated\r\nthat all intelligent life on the planet Minos has disappeared.\r\n</font>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Number One? <br>\r\nRIKER: No help from their communications log. The Drake reported\r\narriving at Minos and then wasn't heard from again. <br>\r\nPICARD: Mister Data? <br>\r\nDATA: The citizens of Minos gained fame during the Ersalrope wars as\r\narms merchants. They manufactured sophisticated and highly advanced\r\nweaponry. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Yeah? For which side? <br>\r\nDATA: Both. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: We are approaching the planet Minos, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Standard orbit, Mister La Forge. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye, sir. Standard orbit. <br>\r\nRIKER: Whatever happened to the Drake, happened quickly, otherwise a\r\nman like Rice would have reported again. <br>\r\nPICARD: You know Captain Rice? <br>\r\nRIKER: We were at the Academy together. <br>\r\nPICARD: Tell me about him. <br>\r\nRIKER: Able. A good officer. <br>\r\nTROI: How would he react under stress? <br>\r\nRIKER: Paul Rice is confident to the point of arrogance, he but carries\r\nit well because he's usually right. He's a risk taker. <br>\r\nPICARD: Really? <br>\r\nRIKER: I'll give you an example. One of the final tests in advance\r\nnavigation at the Academy provides the student with three options. Rice\r\nwas given this test, rejected their options and offered one of his own.\r\n<br>\r\nPICARD: That's taking a risk. <br>\r\nRIKER: And it paid off. He received the top grade and now that same\r\ntest has four options. <br>\r\nTROI: In a difficult situation a man like that would act aggressively. <br>\r\nRIKER: Agreed. <br>\r\nWORF: Commander, weren't you offered the Drake? <br>\r\nRIKER: Yes. <br>\r\nTASHA: You gave up your own command to take this assignment? <br>\r\nRIKER: At the time I thought it would be more advantageous for me to do\r\na tour on the Enterprise. <br>\r\nDATA: Captain, readings correspond with the findings of the probe. No\r\nsigns of intelligent life forms. Vegetation and animal life only. <br>\r\nTROI: What happened to all the people? <br>\r\nWORF: War? <br>\r\nDATA: Disease? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: A dissatisfied customer? <br>\r\nTASHA: In any war, natural disaster, even the most virulent plague,\r\nthere are always survivors. <br>\r\nDATA: Captain, we are being hailed. <br>\r\nRIKER: How can that be from a planet with no people? <br>\r\nPICARD: Your sensors indicated no intelligent life forms? <br>\r\nDATA: Correct, sir. Something has scanned our language banks and is\r\nhailing us. <br>\r\nPICARD: On main viewer. <br>\r\nSALESMAN [on viewscreen]: Whoever you are, wherever you're from,\r\ngreetings. Welcome to Minos, the arsenal of freedom. <br>\r\nPICARD: I am Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS <br>\r\nSALESMAN [on viewscreen]: If you need a little something special, be it\r\nfor one target or multiple targets, we got it. You'll see it here on\r\nMinos, where we live by the motto 'peace through superior firepower'. <br>\r\nPICARD: To whom am I speaking? <br>\r\nSALESMAN [on viewscreen]: To be totally armed is to be totally secure.\r\nRemember, the early bird that hesitates gets wormed. <br>\r\nDATA: It is a recorded message, sir. <br>\r\nSALESMAN [on viewscreen]: Minos, the arsenal of freedom. Perfection in\r\nhighly advanced weaponry. Versatility. <br>\r\nPICARD: We must have triggered something left over from the Erselrope\r\nwars when the arms business was booming. <br>\r\nSALESMAN [on viewscreen] So lock on to my signal and beam on down,\r\nbecause we don't just provide weapons <br>\r\nPICARD: Shut that off. <br>\r\nSALESMAN [on viewscreen]: We provide complete weapons systems. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: It's a heck of a sales pitch. <br>\r\nPICARD: If an automated message system is still functioning, there\r\ncould be other systems on that planet that are still operational. <br>\r\nTASHA: Weapons systems? <br>\r\nPICARD: Possibly. <br>\r\nRIKER: We're going to have to go down there to find it. <br>\r\nPICARD: Number One, prepare am away team. <br>\r\nRIKER: Lieutenant Yar. Data. <br>\r\nTASHA: Commander, I recommend a minimum complement. <br>\r\nRIKER: Oh? I would have thought otherwise. <br>\r\nTASHA: We'll keep the first landing party small and mobile, until I'm\r\nconfident that whatever killed the inhabitants of this planet isn't\r\nstill down there. <br>\r\nRIKER: Okay. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet Surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(There's a mist on the ground and lush foliage\r\nstanding over a flat horizon) <br>\r\nRIKER: Spooky. Riker. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: This is the Bridge. <br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: We'll start a pattern search from this point. <br>\r\nPICARD: Keep this channel open. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nDATA: Commander, our communications are being monitored. <br>\r\nRIKER: By whom? <br>\r\nDATA: Since there is no intelligent life, the question is by what? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER [OC]: Captain? <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes, we heard that, Number One. We'll try and track it down\r\nfrom here.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Ruins]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: Tritanium. It's been melted. <br>\r\nRIKER: What could do that? <br>\r\nTASHA: I don't know. Whatever it was, it's beyond our technology. <br>\r\nDATA: Over here. <br>\r\nTASHA: Wow. <br>\r\n(Data takes the moss from a big ray gun) <br>\r\nRIKER: We've never even seen anything like this. <br>\r\nTASHA: It's undamaged. <br>\r\nRIKER: Maybe a demonstration model for some potential buyer. <br>\r\nTASHA: Maybe. Let's spread out a little.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">T'SU: Commander Riker, this is Ensign T'Su. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Ruins]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">T'SU [OC]: I'm monitoring a slight energy buildup\r\nnear your position. I am not able to pinpoint the source. <br>\r\nRIKER: Give me a direction. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">T'SU: East of your position, ten metres. I will\r\ncontinue monitoring. <br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Jungle]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: I can't see anything through here. The\r\nunderbrush is too thick. <br>\r\nRICE: Hello. Commander Riker. <br>\r\nRIKER: Rice! Where did you come from? <br>\r\nRICE: I was over there. <br>\r\nRIKER: We were worried about you. I should have known you'd pop up. <br>\r\nRICE: How are you, Commander Riker? <br>\r\nRIKER: Me? Forget about me. How are you? No word, no message, nothing. <br>\r\nRICE: How many are with you? <br>\r\nRIKER: There are two others. Where's the Drake? Where's your crew? <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: Number One, a word. We have some information you should be\r\naware of.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Ensign T'Su?\r\nT'SU: Sensors indicate low level energy readings, but the only life\r\nsigns are the away team. <br>\r\nPICARD: You copy, Number One? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Jungle]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Understood. You look strange, Paul. <br>\r\nRICE: I was injured getting here. <br>\r\n(Tasha and Data arrive) <br>\r\nRIKER: Do you need medical help? <br>\r\nRICE: No. What's your purpose here? <br>\r\nRIKER: Commander Data, Lieutenant Yar. <br>\r\nDATA: Sir, other than ourselves, I am picking up no life signs here. <br>\r\nRIKER: I know. <br>\r\nRICE: Riker, you didn't answer me. Who sent you here to look for me? <br>\r\nRIKER: Your mother. She's worried about you. <br>\r\nRICE: Tell me about your ship, Riker. It's the Enterprise, isn't it? <br>\r\nRIKER: No. The name of my ship is the Lollipop. <br>\r\nRICE: I have no knowledge of that ship. <br>\r\nRIKER: It's just been commissioned. It's a good ship. <br>\r\nRICE: Refresh me, would you, Riker? What's its size, it's complement? <br>\r\nRIKER: Who is here with you? <br>\r\nRICE: What's the armament on the Lollipop? <br>\r\nRIKER: Paul, I will only answer your questions if you answer mine. Why\r\ndo you want to know so much about my ship? <br>\r\nRICE: We're friends, aren't we? <br>\r\nRIKER: Old friends. <br>\r\nRICE: Our top speed is warp three. What's yours? <br>\r\nRIKER: Is? Then the Drake has not been destroyed. <br>\r\nRICE: The Drake? <br>\r\nRIKER: Yes, your ship. <br>\r\nRICE: Of course, my ship is the Drake. <br>\r\nRIKER: Where is it? <br>\r\nRICE: Classified. <br>\r\nRIKER: Classified? <br>\r\nRICE: Please, it's important. Our survival depends on knowing. What's\r\nthe armament on your ship? <br>\r\nRIKER: Ten. <br>\r\nRICE: Ten? I don't understand. Ten what? <br>\r\nRIKER: Six. <br>\r\nRICE: Commander Riker, your answers make no sense. <br>\r\nRIKER: You haven't used my first name once, Paul. You remember it,\r\ndon't you? You don't, do you? Because you don't exist. You're a fake.\r\nYou're an image of the original, aren't you? Answer me! <br>\r\n(Paul Rice disappears and a flying machine appears) <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: Report, Number One. <br>\r\nRIKER: The image of Rice has been replaced by something which is\r\nhovering several metres away.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Number One, get your team back up here.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Jungle]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Prepare to beam up. <br>\r\n(The device envelopes Riker with a green field) <br>\r\nTASHA: Commander! <br>\r\n(Tasha destroys it with her phaser but the field remains) </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: What's happened, Number One? Report.\r\nReport! Report! </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Jungle]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: He can't answer you, Captain. <br>\r\nDATA: Commander Riker just has been encased in some kind of energy\r\nfield. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Is he alive? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Jungle]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: Unknown.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, supplemental. Some kind of weapon,\r\nwhich for a time took the form of Captain Paul Rice, has enveloped\r\nCommander Riker.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Transporter room three, have you been able\r\nto lock on to the away team? <br>\r\nCHIEF [OC]: I am unable to lock on to Commander Riker, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Ensign T'Su, situation report. <br>\r\nT'Su: Previous energy readings are gone. <br>\r\nPICARD: Data, have you been able to assess Commander Riker's condition?\r\n<br>\r\nDATA [OC]: He appears to be in some kind of stasis. <br>\r\nPICARD: Theorise, Mister Data. What would be the purpose of such an\r\nencasement? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Jungle]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: Typically, the purpose of such an enclosure\r\nis for storage. <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: Which would suggest what? <br>\r\nTASHA: That sooner or later someone or something will be along to\r\ncollect him. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Stand by. I'm coming down. <br>\r\nTROI: You, sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes. Doctor Crusher, this is the Captain. Meet me in\r\nTransporter room three. Mister La Forge, you have command of the\r\nBridge. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: And whatever happens down there, your prime responsibility is\r\nto the ship. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Understood, sir. <br>\r\nTROI: Captain, I take great exception to your decision to beam down. <br>\r\nPICARD: Noted.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Transporter room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: Is it just Riker? <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes. Apparently he's confined in some sort of force field.\r\nEnergise.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Jungle]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Any changes? <br>\r\nTASHA: Data's figured out what it is. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Are you getting any life signs? <br>\r\nDATA: He is alive. What appeared in the form of Captain Rice is an\r\nintelligence gathering device used during the Ersalrope Wars. <br>\r\nTASHA: Probably developed here. <br>\r\nDATA: It projects an image of someone the subject will trust, gets as\r\nmuch information as possible. <br>\r\nTASHA: If it's found out, it encases the subject to await a more\r\ndetailed interrogation later. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Clever. <br>\r\nPICARD: Can you remove it? <br>\r\nDATA: Possibly, but I will need to know the exact frequency and I\r\ncannot determine the risk to Commander Riker. <br>\r\nPICARD: We have little choice. Whatever has him is interrupting the\r\ntransporter beam. Remove it. <br>\r\nDATA: (adjusting his phaser) This will take some time, sir. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WORF: I am picking up energy readings. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Captain, Lieutenant La Forge here. Sensors indicate energy\r\nreadings in your area.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Jungle]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(As Data tries to neutralise the force field,\r\nanother device arrives and starts shooting) <br>\r\nPICARD: Doctor, over here! <br>\r\n(Picard and Beverly run, right to the edge of a pit, where they fall\r\ninto)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Cavern]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Doctor. <br>\r\n(Picard is unhurt, but Beverly is injured) </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet Surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: This one is different. It's anticipating.\r\nData, I need you. Set your phaser on kill. I'll lead left, you get it. <br>\r\n(It takes both phasers to destroy it) <br>\r\nTASHA: Captain? Doctor Crusher? <br>\r\nDATA: Captain Picard? (the communicator does not beep) I have a\r\nmalfunction. <br>\r\nTASHA: Enterprise, this is Lieutenant Yar. Mine's out too. <br>\r\nDATA: The close pass by the weapons must have disrupted our\r\ncommunicators. <br>\r\nTASHA: Keep on working. I'll look for the Captain and Doctor Crusher.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Cavern]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: Ow! My arm. <br>\r\nPICARD: How bad is it? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Oh, it's bad. <br>\r\nPICARD: Come on. Alright, don't worry, we'll get you out of here.\r\nEnterprise, this is the Captain. Two to beam up. Enterprise?\r\nEnterprise, come in. Data? Lieutenant Yar? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: What's wrong? Why aren't they working? <br>\r\nPICARD: I don't know. But don't worry. As soon as they realise our\r\ncommunicators are not working, the sensors will find us and Geordi will\r\nbeam us up. Now, just you hold on. I'm sorry about this. <br>\r\n(He tears her jacket for a bandage) <br>\r\nPICARD: Hold on, it won't be long. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I must keep conscious.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet Surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: Data, I can't find them. <br>\r\nDATA: Step back, please. I believe I have found it. <br>\r\nRIKER: Data. <br>\r\nDATA: All vital signs returning to normal. <br>\r\nTASHA: Good. Now Geordi can get us out of here. Come on. The Captain\r\nand Doctor Crusher can't be far away. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">T'SU: Sir, I'm reading life forms on the planet.\r\nAll five members of the away team. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Good. They must have freed Commander Riker. Transporter Room,\r\nget a lock on the away team and beam them up. <br>\r\nWORF: Shields just came on. Deflectors also up. I'm picking up an\r\nobject off the port bow. It's firing! <br>\r\n(Enterprise's shields light up from a green beam) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Red Alert! Battle stations! We can't the away team beam up\r\nwith our shields in place. <br>\r\nWORF: Phasers ready. Photon torpedoes standing by. Locking on target.\r\nCorrection. Target has disappeared. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Give me a full scan. <br>\r\nWORF: Scanning. No readings yet. Wait. Something dead astern. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Emergency power to shields! <br>\r\nWORF: Object is firing. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Return fire! <br>\r\nWORF: No use. It's gone again. SOLIS: Aft shields weakened. Whatever\r\nthey're using, our shields can't stand up to it much longer. <br>\r\nLOGAN [OC]: This is Chief Engineer Logan. Are we breaking orbit? I need\r\nto know now. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Ship's log, supplemental. Lieutenant La Forge in\r\ncommand. I am unable to beam up the away team due to an unseen\r\nassailant attacking the ship. To make matters worse, Chief Engineer\r\nLogan is on his way to the Bridge, and he's not paying a courtesy call.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LOGAN: Why are we still in orbit? We're taking a\r\nbeating. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: We've got to hold out as long as we can. Now, if we can\r\ndisable our attacker, if only for a few seconds, we can drop our\r\nshields and beam the away team back aboard. <br>\r\nLOGAN: If we follow that plan, we'll lose the Enterprise. In view of\r\nthe present crisis, I believe you should relinquish command to me. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: No. <br>\r\nLOGAN: I outrank you. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Mister Logan, I'm in command. <br>\r\nLOGAN: The Captain did not anticipate the Enterprise would come under\r\nattack. If he had, would he have left the Bridge to you? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: If he had, he wouldn't have left the ship. <br>\r\nT'SU: Picking up an object to starboard, sir, heading toward us. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Lock phasers on that thing and fire the moment it's in range. <br>\r\nWORF: Locking in. The object has vanished. <br>\r\n(The Enterprise is hit again) <br>\r\nWORF: Phaser lock lost. <br>\r\nT'SU: Starboard shields weakened. <br>\r\nWORF: It's cloaked itself. <br>\r\nLOGAN: You can't fight this thing and win. We've got to break orbit\r\nnow. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Worf, analyse its firing pattern. Maybe we can anticipate its\r\nlocation. <br>\r\nWORF: Aye. Solis, correlate the trajectory of the energy bolts with the\r\nattack path. I'll compute the optimum spread of phasers and photon\r\ntorpedoes to hit it. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Right. <br>\r\nLOGAN: Lieutenant La Forge. Geordi. I know you want to do what's best\r\nfor the Enterprise. So do I. Now the best thing <br>\r\nLAFORGE: The best thing, Mister Logan, is for this discussion to end\r\nand for you to return to your duties. Now, I'm in charge until relieved\r\nby Commander Riker or Captain Picard. <br>\r\nLOGAN: You're ignoring my greater rank and experience. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Not at all. In fact, just to opposite. I'm counting on it. Now\r\nI need you to get back down to Engineering and get me every available\r\nscrap of emergency power you can. The more power we can channel to the\r\nshields, the longer we'll be able to hold out. Now, Mister Logan. <br>\r\n(Logan leaves) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Worf, have you got a lock on it yet? <br>\r\nWORF: It's impossible to be sure.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Jungle]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: Maybe you should wait here while Data and I\r\nsearch for the Captain and Doctor Crusher. <br>\r\nRIKER: No, I'm a little groggy, but I'll be all right. <br>\r\nDATA: I am getting energy readings. Look out! <br>\r\n(They're under attack again) <br>\r\nTASHA: We'll do it just like before. <br>\r\n(But there's a difference) <br>\r\nTASHA: It's got a deflector shield. <br>\r\nDATA: The product continues to upgrade and improve. <br>\r\nTASHA: We'll concentrate our fire and try to collapse its shield.\r\nCommander, we'll need you too. <br>\r\n(It drops it's shield to fire at them) <br>\r\nTASHA: Now! (Three phasers and it takes some time for it to go boom)\r\nYou're right, they keep getting better. <br>\r\nDATA: The weapons are appearing at intervals of precisely twelve\r\nminutes. <br>\r\nTASHA: Well this one took everything we had. I don't know how we'll\r\nhandle the next one. <br>\r\nRIKER: We're not going to wait around. Let's find the rest of our team.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Cavern]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: We seem to be in some kind of underground\r\nstructure, but I don't see any. Hey, no, you don't. No time to sleep. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I'm tired. <br>\r\nPICARD: Come on, stay with me. Come on now, stay awake. That's an\r\norder. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I must have lost a lot of blood. <br>\r\nPICARD: I've stopped the bleeding. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: No, there's another wound. My leg. <br>\r\n(He brushes the dirt off her leg and she winces) <br>\r\nPICARD: Not to worry, Everything is going to be fine. Now, this is\r\ngoing to hurt a bit. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I've heard that before. <br>\r\nPICARD: Hey, hey, Doctor. Stay awake. Come on. There's a lot of blood.\r\nWhat do I do next? Doctor. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: The wound needs a clotting agent. <br>\r\nPICARD: I couldn't find your medical kit. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Those roots. What are they? <br>\r\nPICARD: Roots? What, these? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Break off a piece and taste it. Don't swallow it. <br>\r\nPICARD: Very bitter. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Apply some to your hand. Is there a colour change? <br>\r\nPICARD: It's turning yellowish. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Good. Now, spread as much of it as you can onto the wound. <br>\r\nPICARD: Hey, hey, Doctor. Now, stay awake. You've got to help me. I\r\nneed your help. All right, now listen. Your patient has lost a great\r\ndeal of blood from multiple lacerations. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: The patient's going into shock. <br>\r\nPICARD: So what do I do? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Elevate the legs and try to keep her warm. <br>\r\nPICARD: Good. All right. Stay with me, Doctor. Keep talking. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: You didn't happen to bring a blanket with you, did you? <br>\r\nPICARD: No. I'm going to look for a way out. Now, you keep up your end.\r\nStay awake.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: All right, I know it's risky, but a shot\r\nin the dark is better than nothing. Let's see if we can get lucky. <br>\r\nT'SU: I can't seem to pin down the pattern. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: There. <br>\r\nT'SU: Sorry, sir, I should have seen that. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: That's all right, you're doing fine. <br>\r\nWORF: Programme laid in. Phasers and photon torpedoes ready. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Okay. Mister Solis, bring her about to two three mark one\r\neight five. <br>\r\nSOLIS: Aye, sir. <br>\r\n(They are attacked again) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Fire! Now! <br>\r\nWORF: Phasers and photons firing. We missed. <br>\r\nT'SU: Number four shield buckling. Number three shield nearing failure.\r\n<br>\r\nLOGAN [OC]: Bridge, this is Engineering. I can't hold this power level\r\nmuch longer. You've got to do something. <br>\r\nT'SU: Backup systems are overloaded. Backup systems failing. <br>\r\nLOGAN [OC]: La Forge, this is Logan. Tell me something. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Mister Logan, report to the Bridge. <br>\r\nLOGAN [OC]: On my way. <br>\r\nWORF: Deflectors are breaking down. We have less than one minute of\r\nreserve. <br>\r\n(Logan enters) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: We are getting out of here. Lieutenant Solis, set course three\r\none five mark zero, zero seven. <br>\r\nSOLIS: Course set. <br>\r\nLOGAN: You are leaving them on the planet. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Speed warp five. <br>\r\nSOLIS: Warp five. Aye. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Engage. Hold course and speed for twenty eight seconds, then\r\ncome to a full stop. Mister Logan, had we stayed, we would have been\r\ndestroyed. Now, there are over a thousand people on this ship. I have a\r\nresponsibility to them. <br>\r\nLOGAN: What about your responsibility to Captain Picard and the members\r\nof the away team? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I have a responsibility to them as well. Mister Logan, you are\r\ngoing to take command of the Saucer Section. Backup crew, report to the\r\nmain Bridge. <br>\r\nLOGAN: You're going to separate? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Yes, and I want you to take the saucer section and proceed\r\nimmediately to Starbase one zero three. <br>\r\nLOGAN: You can't fight what you can't see, and you still won't be able\r\nto see that thing. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Maybe we won't have to. <br>\r\nLOGAN: Risky. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Yes. That's why we're going to separate. Worf, Solis, T'Su.\r\nReport to the Battle Bridge. I'll join you in a moment. <br>\r\nWORF: Ensign, secure connector levels. <br>\r\nENSIGN: Aye, sir. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Ready room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: Come in. <br>\r\nTROI: Lieutenant, I need to speak to you. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Counsellor, we're a few minutes away from separating the\r\nbattle section. I don't have a lot of time. <br>\r\nTROI: I know, but as Counsellor I have a duty to evaluate the emotional\r\nfitness of the crew. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: And you sense I'm nervous. Well, you're right. Counsellor,\r\ndeep down I'm shaking. I'm about to take this ship into battle, and\r\nthere's a good chance she'll be blasted out of the sky. I'm taking a\r\nhuge risk here, and there are a lot of lives at stake. So, yeah, I'm\r\nnervous. Did you expect otherwise? <br>\r\nTROI: Not at all. You're under tremendous pressure, more than you've\r\never experienced. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: You think I'm about to crack? <br>\r\nTROI: On the contrary. You should be proud of the way you're handling\r\ncommand. You've kept a cool head, taken charge, and made some very\r\ndifficult decisions. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Then what did you want to see me about? <br>\r\nSOLIS [OC]: Lieutenant La Forge. Battle bridge is manned and ready.\r\nHowever, deflectors have not yet returned to full efficiency. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Let's get them there, Mister Solis. <br>\r\nSOLIS [OC]: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I'll join you shortly. La Forge out. <br>\r\nTROI: Did you hear the uneasiness in his voice? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Solis is doing a fine job. <br>\r\nTROI: Yes, but he isn't handling the stress as well as you are. Both he\r\nand Ensign T'Su are very young. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: No, wait. They're good officers. <br>\r\nTROI: Yes, but they lack battle experience. They're worried about\r\nmaking mistakes, and they need some encouragement. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: What do I do? <br>\r\nTROI: Just remember it's you they draw strength from. They look to you\r\nfor guidance and for leadership. Help them. Show confidence in them. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Like Captain Picard showed confidence in me. Right. I\r\nunderstand. Thanks, Counsellor. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Battle bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: Prepare to initiate separation sequence. <br>\r\nT'SU: All decks report ready. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: On my mark. Now. <br>\r\n(The saucer rises away) <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Main latch bags to zero. Main latch retraction one to one\r\neight, initiate. Static charge compensate. <br>\r\nWORF: Separation complete. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Lieutenant Solis, lay in a reciprocal course for Minos, warp\r\nfive. <br>\r\nSOLIS: Course set. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: On my mark. Engage. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Cavern]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Picard and Crusher are far enough apart to be out\r\nof sight of each other, but not earshot) <br>\r\nPICARD: We seem to be pretty well sealed in, Doctor. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: No exits? <br>\r\nPICARD: None that I can see. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: If you find one, go. <br>\r\nPICARD: Tired of my company already? Beverly. Beverly! <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I'm tired. I need to sleep. Woke up too early. <br>\r\nPICARD: Talk to me, stay awake. Tell me something. Tell me about those\r\nroots. How did you know their medicinal values? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: My grandmother. <br>\r\nPICARD: Your grandmother was a doctor? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: No. <br>\r\nPICARD: Oh. She was a botanist, then? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: No. She helped to colonise Arveda Three. <br>\r\nPICARD: Arveda Three? That's such a tragedy. Did she survive? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Yes. Once the medical supplies had run out, she had to use\r\nwhat was at hand. So she learned all about roots and herbs, and then\r\ntaught it to me. <br>\r\nPICARD: You were part of that colony. I didn't know that. But then\r\nthere must be a lot of things about you that I don't know. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Quite a few. <br>\r\nPICARD: What? Now just a minute. Here's something odd. It's glowing. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: What is it? <br>\r\nPICARD: I don't know. It's covered up. I'm just clearing away the dirt.\r\nIt's a viewscreen. It seems to still be operative. <br>\r\n(He presses a button and the whole wall lights up) <br>\r\nPICARD: It's a tracking device of some kind. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Tracking what? <br>\r\nPICARD: There are three moving indicators. Possibly the away team. <br>\r\nSALESMAN: Beautiful, isn't it? It's the centrepiece of the whole unit. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Who's that? <br>\r\nPICARD: A projection. It's the automated salesman who greeted us on the\r\nEnterprise. What unit? <br>\r\nSALESMAN: Why, the Echo Papa Six Oh Seven. Our proudest achievement.\r\nThe ultimate in weapons system technology. <br>\r\nPICARD: Is that what's behind the attack on my people? <br>\r\nSALESMAN: Impressive demonstration, isn't it? <br>\r\nPICARD: Demonstration? It tried to kill us. <br>\r\nSALESMAN: Versatile, powerful, and easy to use. The Six Oh Seven does\r\nit all. Its various modules can gather information, neutralise ground\r\npersonnel, even destroy enemy space vessels. <br>\r\nPICARD: The Enterprise. Is one of those things after my ship? Tell me. <br>\r\nSALESMAN: Of course I can tell you. I am programmed to answer any and\r\nall questions about the unit. I can talk terms, arrange for delivery,\r\nwhatever you need. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: It doesn't understand anything other than what it's peddling. <br>\r\nSALESMAN: The Six Oh Seven represents the state of the art in dynamic,\r\nadaptive design. It learns from each encounter, and improves itself. <br>\r\nPICARD: So what went wrong? Where are it's creators? Where are the\r\npeople of Minos? <br>\r\nSALESMAN: Once unleashed, the unit is invincible. The perfect killing\r\nsystem.&nbsp;<br>\r\nPICARD: Too perfect. You poor fools, your own creation destroyed you.\r\nWhat was that noise? <br>\r\nSALESMAN: The unit has analysed its last attack and constructed a new,\r\nstronger, deadlier weapon. In a moment, it will launch that weapon\r\nagainst the targets on the surface. <br>\r\nPICARD: Abort it! <br>\r\nSALESMAN: Why would I want to do that? It can't demonstrate its\r\nabilities unless we let it leave the nest. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: They are down there, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: Let's clear some of that away. <br>\r\nTASHA: If Data's calculations are correct, the next one should show\r\nitself in two minutes. <br>\r\nRIKER: Captain! </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Cavern]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER [OC]: Can you hear me? <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes, we're here! <br>\r\nRIKER: Are you all right? <br>\r\n(The away team are looking down through the hole at Crusher) <br>\r\nPICARD: Doctor Crusher is seriously hurt. We can't contact the\r\nEnterprise. The communicators are out. <br>\r\nRIKER: Yes, our communicators are out too. <br>\r\nPICARD: Those devices are part of a system located down here. Another\r\none is about to be released. Watch yourselves. <br>\r\nTASHA: We know, Captain. <br>\r\nRIKER: It's too far down there. There's nothing to hold on to. No way\r\nto climb down. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: I'm surprised either of them survived. <br>\r\nDATA: I can do it, Commander. <br>\r\nRIKER: How? <br>\r\nDATA: Jump. <br>\r\nRIKER: Data, it's over ten metres. <br>\r\nDATA: Eleven point seven five, sir. <br>\r\nTASHA: Data, you may be sturdy, but you're not indestructible. <br>\r\nDATA: I believe I can safely traverse the distance. <br>\r\nRIKER: Captain, Data's going down to join you down there. Be my guest.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Cavern]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Data lands easily next to Beverly) <br>\r\nPICARD: Data. <br>\r\nDATA: At your service, Captain.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet Surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: We'd better find a defensive position. If\r\nData's right <br>\r\nRIKER: He usually is. <br>\r\nTASHA: We're going to have company any minute now, and this time I\r\ndon't know how we're going to stop it.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Ship's log, supplemental. Lieutenant La Forge in\r\ncommand of the star drive section. After separating from the saucer, we\r\nhave returned to Minos to rescue the away team. Unfortunately, I have\r\nonly one option left, and it's a long shot. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Battle Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">T'SU: Shields and deflectors are up. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Ensign T'Su, when I order the shields down, you have one\r\nresponsibility. Locate the away team and get them up here. You may only\r\nhave a few seconds. <br>\r\nSOLIS: Approaching the planet, sir. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Ride's going to get a little bumpy. Things are going to happen\r\nfast. Just keep alert, stay calm. Let's focus on what we're doing. You\r\nknow your jobs. You've been trained, you've been tested. You've earned\r\nthe right to sit in those chairs.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Cavern]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: That sound again. <br>\r\nDATA: Another weapon has been launched, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: We've got to find some way to stop this system. <br>\r\nDATA: I would need to see the programme schematic. <br>\r\nSALESMAN: You've got it. <br>\r\nPICARD: Is it possible to re-adjust the targeting sequence? <br>\r\nSALESMAN: Absolutely. It wouldn't be much good without it. <br>\r\nPICARD: Data, assign it a neutral target. <br>\r\nDATA: The target must be specific, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Itself, then. Itself or it's own power source. <br>\r\nDATA: The force of that explosion would destroy this cavern and\r\neveryone on the surface. <br>\r\nSALESMAN: Watch now. This is the fourth and final projectile. The Echo\r\nPapa series Six Oh Seven is about to complete this phase of its\r\nmission.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet Surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TASHA: We could split up. <br>\r\nRIKER: What good would that do? <br>\r\nTASHA: Confuse it, delay it. Something. <br>\r\nRIKER: It would still get us. It would just take a little longer. <br>\r\nTASHA: It might give one of us long enough to get out of range. <br>\r\nRIKER: Out of range? <br>\r\nTASHA: Forget I said it. These devices wiped out an entire planet. I\r\ndon't think it has a range. <br>\r\nRIKER: Then what does that leave us? Right. That's what I thought. <br>\r\n(a blast behind them) <br>\r\nTASHA: On the other hand, we could look for deeper cover. <br>\r\nRIKER: You got any ideas? <br>\r\nTASHA: None. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Cavern]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Give me some options, Data, quickly. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Why don't you just shut it off? <br>\r\nPICARD: Is that possible? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Why not? It's a machine, isn't it? <br>\r\nPICARD: Shut it off. <br>\r\nSALESMAN: Why? You haven't seen half of what this beauty can do. <br>\r\nPICARD: We've seen enough. <br>\r\nSALESMAN: Does that mean you're going to buy it? <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes. Yes, we've seen enough. You've made a sale. <br>\r\nSALESMAN: You won't be sorry. <br>\r\nPICARD: Good. Now end the demonstration. <br>\r\nSALESMAN: Done. <br>\r\n(The salesman disappears, and so does the 'projectile') <br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet Surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Tasha's mouth is wide open)<br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: Number One! <br>\r\nRIKER: Right here. That was close.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Cavern]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: La Forge, everything's alright. We've\r\nneutralised it. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Battle Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LAFORGE: It's great to hear your voice, Captain.\r\nWe're a little busy right now. I'll get right back to you. <br>\r\nWORF: Phasers at full readiness. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Keep those shields at full power. Ahead one quarter, heading\r\ntwo five mark three zero zero. <br>\r\nSOLIS: Sir, that heading will take us further into the planet's\r\natmosphere. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: That's correct. We're going to lose some maneuverability, so\r\nkeep a firm hand on the helm. <br>\r\nSOLIS: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nWORF: You hope our attacker will follow us into the atmosphere. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I'm counting on it. Lian, scan for any air disruption or\r\nvortex. Cloak or no cloak, we'll spot it by its turbulence. Worf, how\r\nfast can you get a phaser lock? <br>\r\nWORF: Fast. <br>\r\nT'SU: Hull temperature one thousand degrees and rising. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Emergency power to deflectors. <br>\r\nSOLIS: Velocity increasing. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Steady as she goes. <br>\r\nT'SU: Hull temperature twenty five hundred degrees. <br>\r\nWORF: Deflectors nearing overload. <br>\r\nSOLIS: Sir, helm growing unresponsive. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Can you compensate? <br>\r\nSOLIS: Yes, sir, I can. <br>\r\nT'SU: Hull three thousand degrees. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Maintain heading. <br>\r\nWORF: We're about to lose number four deflector. <br>\r\nT'SU: Thirty three hundred degrees. <br>\r\nWORF: Deflector four is now inoperative. <br>\r\nT'SU: Turbulence to starboard! <br>\r\nLAFORGE: There he is! <br>\r\nT'SU: Scanners locked. <br>\r\nWORF: Weapons locked. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Fire! <br>\r\n(Bang!) <br>\r\nWORF: Got him! <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Shields down. <br>\r\nT'SU: Locked onto away team. Beaming them home now. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Come to four zero mark six five, ahead one third, and assume a\r\nstandard orbit. <br>\r\nSOLIS: Standard orbit. Aye, sir. <br>\r\n(Later, when Picard and Riker enter the battle bridge) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Relinquishing command, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: As you were, Lieutenant. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Sir? <br>\r\nPICARD: Mister La Forge, when I left this ship, it was in one piece. I\r\nwould appreciate your returning it in the same condition. Do you\r\nconcur, Number One? <br>\r\nRIKER: Absolutely, sir. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Lieutenant Solis, plot a course to rendezvous with the saucer\r\nsection. <br>\r\nT'SU: Sickbay reports Doctor Crusher's going to be fine. <br>\r\nSOLIS: Course plotted and laid in. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Engage. </font> </p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n</center>\r\n</div>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><a href=\"episodes.htm\"><font color=\"#2867d0\">&lt;Back\r\nto the episode listing</font></a></font></p>\r\n<p><font color=\"#000000\" face=\"Arial\" size=\"1\"><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">Star Trek � and related\r\nmarks are trademarks of<a href=\"\"> <font color=\"#2867d0\">CBS Studios Inc</font></a>.\r\nCopyright � 1966, Present. The Star Trek web pages on this site are for\r\neducational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights\r\nproperty of their respective holders.</font></font></p>\r\n</body></html>"},{"episode":"122.htm","data":"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n<html lang=\"en-gb\"><head>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-1252\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en-gb\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Enterprise, NCC1701D, Episodes, Transcripts, Skin of Evil, Jean-Luc Picard, William Thomas Riker, Geordi LaForge, Tasha Yar, Worf, Beverly Crusher, Deanna Troi, Data, Wesley Crusher, Vagra II, Armus\">\r\n<meta name=\"Keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Transcripts, Skin of Evil\">\r\n<meta name=\"Description\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation episode transcripts\"><title>The Next Generation Transcripts - Skin of Evil</title></head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"#d5d5d5\" dir=\"ltr\">\r\n<p><font color=\"#2867d0\" face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"5\"><b>Skin\r\nof Evil</b></font><br>\r\n<font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Stardate:\r\n41601.3<br>\r\nOriginal Airdate: 25 Apr, 1988<br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n<center>\r\n<table border=\"0\" width=\"85%\">\r\n<tbody>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td align=\"left\" width=\"85%\"> <font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">\r\nCaptain's log, stardate 41601.3. We are crossing through the Zed Lapis\r\nsector, where we will rendezvous with shuttlecraft thirteen, carrying\r\nDeanna Troi, who is returning from a conference. Because Engineering is\r\ninvolved in preventive maintenance on our dilithium crystals, we are\r\npresently travelling on impulse power.\r\n</font>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WORF: Routine deep sensor probe indicates no\r\nobstacles or vessels within a range of three light years. <br>\r\nTASHA: Confirm. <br>\r\nWORF: The martial arts competition is in three days. Are you prepared? <br>\r\nTASHA: I will be if you'll meet me on the holodeck later. I need your\r\nhelp on the Mishiama wrist-lock and break. If it works on you, I can\r\nuse it on anyone. <br>\r\nWORF: A valid assumption. Who is your first competitor? <br>\r\nTASHA: Science Officer Swenson. <br>\r\nWORF: You will defeat him easily. <br>\r\nTASHA: I'm more concerned with Lieutenant Minnerly's kick boxing. <br>\r\nWORF: You are favoured in the ship's pool. <br>\r\nTASHA: You bet on me? <br>\r\nWORF: A sure thing. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Captain, estimated rendezvous with the shuttle in one hour and\r\nten minutes. <br>\r\nPICARD: Thank you, Lieutenant. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: It'll be good to have Counsellor Troi back, won't it, Number\r\nOne? <br>\r\nRIKER: It certainly will. <br>\r\nWORF: Sir, I'm receiving an emergency transmission from the shuttle. <br>\r\nPICARD: On main viewer. <br>\r\nTASHA: I can't, sir. We're receiving audio only. <br>\r\nPICARD: Open the frequency. <br>\r\nTASHA: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nPRIETO [OC]: What a jolt! <br>\r\nRIKER: Position report. <br>\r\nPRIETO [OC]: Sir, I have an onboard systems failure. You'll have to\r\ntell me where I am. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I read your coordinates at three seven zero point two three\r\nsix. Confirm. <br>\r\nPRIETO [OC]: I can't confirm. My instruments are haywire. <br>\r\nPICARD: Lieutenant Prieto, is Counsellor Troi all right? <br>\r\nPRIETO [OC]: Yes, sir. Just a little shaken. We're being buffeted a\r\nbit. Losing more power! My flight control computer's fried. <br>\r\nPICARD: Main Engineering. <br>\r\nLYNCH [OC]: Lieutenant Commander Leland T. Lynch here, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: How long before we can return to warp power? <br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LYNCH: Captain, I'm in the middle of realigning the\r\ndilithium crystals. <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: There is an emergency. We need warp drive. How long? <br>\r\nLYNCH: Twenty minutes. Maybe more. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: We don't have it, Mister Lynch. <br>\r\nLYNCH [OC]: I'll align it by hand.<br>\r\nPICARD: Whatever it takes. <br>\r\nLYNCH [OC]: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Shuttle, this is the Enterprise. Your coordinates now read two\r\nthree seven point one zero one. Ben, you're dangerously close to a\r\nplanet. <br>\r\nPRIETO [OC]: I can see it. <br>\r\nDATA: The planet is Vagra Two, sir, in the Zed Lapis sector.\r\nUninhabited. <br>\r\nPICARD: Lieutenant, report! <br>\r\nTROI [OC]: This is Counsellor Troi. I'll relay, sir. The pilot is busy.\r\nWe've lost most of our impulse power. <br>\r\nPICARD: Engineering, status report. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LYNCH: Working on it, Captain. Three minutes. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LYNCH [OC]: But there are no guarantees. <br>\r\nPRIETO [OC]: Captain, we're out of control. We're caught in the\r\nplanet's gravity. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, supplemental. We've lost all contact\r\nwith shuttlecraft thirteen, and can only assume they've crash-landed on\r\nVagra Two.\r\nMeanwhile, main Engineering is trying to return us to warp power.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LYNCH: Forget the final check. Initiate start-up\r\nsequence. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Beginning check list. <br>\r\nLYNCH: Override. We are going directly to start-up. <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: That procedure is not recommended. <br>\r\nLYNCH: Understood. Now. Prime matter-antimatter injectors. Set ratio at\r\ntwenty-five to one <br>\r\nCOMPUTER: Ratio set. <br>\r\nLYNCH: Power engine core. Inject reactants. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">LYNCH [OC]: Leland T. Lynch here, Captain. We now\r\nhave minimum warp drive. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Course plotted and set for Vagra Two. <br>\r\nPICARD: Warp eight. <br>\r\nLYNCH [OC]: I said minimum warp drive, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: You heard the order, Mister Lynch. Make it so. <br>\r\nLYNCH [OC]: Yes, sir. <br>\r\n(later) <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Approaching Vagra Two, Captain. <br>\r\nDATA: Strange, sir. There's no emergency signal from the shuttle as\r\nyet. <br>\r\nPICARD: What is this place, Mister Data? <br>\r\nDATA: There is little information in the library computer other than\r\nthe fact of its existence. Our sensor show no signs of life forms,\r\nvirtually no vegetation. <br>\r\nRIKER: Atmosphere? <br>\r\nDATA: Minimum for our needs, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Standard orbit. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye, sir. Standard orbit. <br>\r\nWORF: I've located the shuttle. <br>\r\nPICARD: Life signs? <br>\r\nWORF: Not yet, sir. Still probing. It appears to be buried under a lot\r\nof debris. I may have something, sir. Faint life signs. Very faint. <br>\r\nRIKER: How many? <br>\r\nWORF: There's no way of telling from here. <br>\r\nPICARD: Data, can we beam up the injured? <br>\r\nDATA: No, sir. Our sensors are not fully penetrating whatever the\r\ndebris is. <br>\r\nPICARD: That's very unusual. <br>\r\nDATA: Yes, sir. I cannot explain. <br>\r\nPICARD: Number One, prepare your away team. <br>\r\nRIKER: Right away. Data, Yar. <br>\r\nPICARD: Doctor Crusher, have you been monitoring all this? <br>\r\nCRUSHER [OC]: Yes. I'll meet the away team in transporter room four. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(The team beam down onto a barren rock-strewn\r\nsurface under a salmon pink sky. One of the nacelles has broken off the\r\nlittle shuttlecraft) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Let's go. The life signs are weak. <br>\r\n(Their way is blocked by what seems to be an oil slick) <br>\r\nRIKER: What is this? <br>\r\nTASHA: No idea. We'll go around, just to be on the safe side. <br>\r\n(The slick moves to stay between them and the shuttle) <br>\r\nTASHA: Let's try the other way. <br>\r\n(It moves again) <br>\r\nRIKER: Enterprise, this is Riker. We've got a problem. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: What kind of problem, Number One? <br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: I'm not sure yet. There appears to be some kind of a slick\r\nblocking our path. Will keep you apprised. <br>\r\nPICARD: Maintain an open frequency. <br>\r\nRIKER: Aye, sir. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Analysis, Mister Data. <br>\r\nDATA: Inconclusive, sir. I cannot tell you what it is, but I can tell\r\nyou what it is not. <br>\r\nRIKER: Explain. <br>\r\nDATA: There is no evidence of neural or circulatory systems. No\r\ninternal organs. Cellular structure unknown. It does not have any\r\nproteins which are known to us. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: It's narrower over here. We can get over it. <br>\r\nRIKER: How is it moving, Data? <br>\r\nDATA: I do not know, sir. It does not appear to have a skeletal\r\nframework or musculature. <br>\r\nRIKER: Then what's causing it to move? <br>\r\nDATA: It appears to be following us, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: No sign of intelligence, no brain as we know it, yet evidence of\r\nthought, Mister Data? <br>\r\nDATA: Insufficient information, sir. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Is it a life form, Data? <br>\r\nDATA [OC]: Again, insufficient information, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Theorise.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: It is possible. <br>\r\n(The oil slick ripples, and speaks) <br>\r\nARMUS: Very good, tin man. <br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: What is it, Number One? What are you\r\nseeing? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(As a vaguely humanoid shape rises wet and\r\nglistening from the slick) <br>\r\nRIKER: Trouble.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, supplemental. While on a mission to\r\nrescue survivors from an unexplained shuttle crash, the away team has\r\nencountered a strange creature which seems able to assume different\r\nforms, including one which resembles humanoid.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Easy, Number One. Let's find out what it is\r\nwe're dealing with. <br>\r\nRIKER [OC]: Agreed, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: Number One, I don't believe that the location of the crash and\r\nthe proximity of the creature is a coincidence. <br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: I am Commander William Riker of the USS\r\nEnterprise. <br>\r\nARMUS: I am Armus. Why are you here? <br>\r\nRIKER: We mean you no harm. We have injured crewmen in the\r\nshuttlecraft. We need to get to them. May we pass? <br>\r\nARMUS: You haven't given me a good enough reason. <br>\r\nRIKER: Preserving life, all life, is very important to us. <br>\r\nARMUS: Why? <br>\r\nRIKER: We believe everything in the universe has a right to exist. <br>\r\nARMUS: An interesting notion which I do not share. You may now leave,\r\nif you wish. <br>\r\nTASHA: We're not going without our shuttle crew. <br>\r\nARMUS: I warn you. <br>\r\nTASHA: Enough! We have people who need attention. We won't hurt you,\r\nbut we must help them. <br>\r\n(Armus lets lose a bolt of energy which sends Tasha flying a long way.\r\nRiker and Data's phasers have no effect on Armus)<br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: Number One! <br>\r\nRIKER: The creature attacked us. Lieutenant Yar is down. <br>\r\nDATA: It seems to feed on our phaser energy. <br>\r\nRIKER: We had no effect on it. <br>\r\n(Armus sinks back into the slick) <br>\r\nPICARD: What's Lieutenant Yar's condition? Doctor Crusher, report! <br>\r\nCRUSHER: She's dead.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Transporter room, get them up, now. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>Transporter Room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: I need her in Sickbay now. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Go to Yellow Alert, Lieutenant Worf. I'll\r\nbe in Sickbay. <br>\r\nWORF: Aye, sir.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Sickbay]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Status, Doctor? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Unchanged. <br>\r\nPICARD: Can you bring her back? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: We'll see. Neural stimulator. <br>\r\nNURSE: Neural stimulator locked in. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Interlock current feeds. Set sensitivity factor to four point\r\nfour. <br>\r\nNURSE: Affirmative. <br>\r\nNURSE 2: Monitoring two point three, one point eight. <br>\r\nRIKER: You did it. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: No. I've got her on full support. There is no independent\r\nbrain function. <br>\r\nNURSE 2: Current feeds operating. <br>\r\nNURSE: She's not responding, Doctor. Her synaptic network is breaking\r\ndown. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Inject norep. <br>\r\nNURSE: Neurons are beginning to depolarise. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Let's go for direct reticular stimulation. <br>\r\nNURSE: Direct? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Do it! (Tasha jerks from the shock) Increase to seventy\r\nmicrovolts. <br>\r\n(Tasha moves less this time) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Eighty five microvolts. (nothing) Again. (still nothing)\r\nNinety. Again. Again. She's gone. <br>\r\nPICARD: Gone? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: There was too much synaptic damage. That thing just sucked the\r\nlife right out of her. There's nothing I can do.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Shuttlecraft]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Armus has slithered over the shuttlecraft, and\r\nTroi has found her communicator doesn't work) <br>\r\nARMUS [OC]: Your friends have deserted you. They're not coming back. <br>\r\nTROI: You're wrong. <br>\r\nARMUS [OC]: I killed one of them. <br>\r\nTROI: Yes. I know. <br>\r\nARMUS [OC]: How could you be in there and know that? <br>\r\nTROI: I felt her die. <br>\r\nARMUS [OC]: Do you want to know why I killed her? <br>\r\nTROI: Your answer would be meaningless. That act had no reason. <br>\r\nARMUS [OC]: Exactly. It had no meaning. I did it because I wanted to.\r\nIt amused me. <br>\r\nTROI: No. You thought it would amuse you, but it didn't. You felt no\r\nsatisfaction. <br>\r\nARMUS [OC]: No. It was too easy. <br>\r\nTROI: You wanted her to suffer. You have a great need. <br>\r\nARMUS [OC]: I need nothing. <br>\r\nTROI: Liar. End this. Let us go. <br>\r\nARMUS [OC]: Not yet. <br>\r\nTROI: They won't give you what you want. <br>\r\nARMUS [OC]: And what is that? <br>\r\nTROI: To break their spirit. <br>\r\nARMUS [OC]: Oh, is that what I want? If breaking their spirit will\r\namuse me, then that's what I will have. <br>\r\nTROI: Never.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Observation lounge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: She didn't do anything. Her phaser was\r\nlowered. <br>\r\nDATA: She only wanted to get to Troi and Lieutenant Prieto. <br>\r\nRIKER: There was nothing provocative about what she did. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: She was killed in a brutal, senseless act. <br>\r\nPICARD: Lieutenant Yar's death is very painful for all of us. We will\r\nhave to deal with it as best we can for now. Until the shuttle crew is\r\nsafely beamed aboard this ship, our feelings will have to wait. Is that\r\nunderstood? Lieutenant Worf, you are now Acting Chief of Security. <br>\r\nWORF: I will do my best, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Doctor, what is the state of the shuttle crew? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: We're still receiving faint life signs, but the sensor\r\nreadings are fluctuating. They may not be accurate. <br>\r\nDATA: Armus is capable of creating undefined forcefields. In effect, we\r\nare powerless to communicate or use the transporter unless it allows\r\nit. <br>\r\nPICARD: A creature against whom we seem to have no defence. Number One?\r\n<br>\r\nRIKER: It's down on that planet waiting for us to come back. It killed\r\nTasha and it could have killed us, but it didn't. Deanna and Ben are\r\nalive for a reason, and it knows we're not going anywhere as long as\r\nthey're still alive. <br>\r\nPICARD: Are you saying it's attack on Yar was not arbitrary but part of\r\nsome tactic? <br>\r\nRIKER: The only way to find out is to go back down. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Commander, I may be able to see something in the creature\r\nwhich might be helpful. <br>\r\nPICARD: Agreed. Prepare your away team, Number One. <br>\r\nRIKER: Lieutenant Worf? <br>\r\nWORF: I will remain on the ship. The object here is not to engage the\r\ncreature in battle. The goal is the safe return of Counsellor Troi and\r\nLieutenant Prieto. I can best accomplish this at the Tactical Station. <br>\r\nPICARD: Very good. Number One? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Enterprise. <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: Number One. <br>\r\nRIKER: We're approaching the shuttlecraft. The creature is covering it.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Shuttlecraft]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">ARMUS [OC]: I lied to you. They came back. <br>\r\nTROI: Let me talk with them. <br>\r\nARMUS [OC]: No. <br>\r\nTROI: Why? Does the thought of my having contact with them make you\r\nuneasy? <br>\r\nARMUS [OC]: No. Not being able to contact you, not knowing if you are\r\nalive, makes them uneasy. Can't you feel how worried they are? <br>\r\nTROI: Yes. Yes, they are worried. <br>\r\nARMUS [OC]: They care for you. You must be very special. <br>\r\nTROI: We are members of a community. We all care for one another. <br>\r\nARMUS [OC]: Equally? <br>\r\nTROI: You were really surprised they came back. <br>\r\nARMUS [OC]: Yes. <br>\r\nTROI: Why? Because the others did not? <br>\r\nARMUS [OC]: What others? <br>\r\nTROI: You can't hide the emptiness from me. The others. The ones who\r\nhurt you. Who left you alone, rejected. The ones who make you so angry.\r\n<br>\r\nARMUS [OC]: What do you know of them? <br>\r\nTROI: Only what you tell me. <br>\r\nARMUS [OC]: I will tell you nothing. <br>\r\nTROI: Not now. But soon. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WORF: Captain, look at this. The force of the\r\nenergy field around the shuttlecraft decreased for a few moments when\r\nthe creature was draped over it. <br>\r\nPICARD: But not low enough to beam them out. <br>\r\nWORF: Almost. <br>\r\nWESLEY: It's approaching the away team now, and the energy field over\r\nthe shuttlecraft is back to full intensity. <br>\r\nPICARD: Chart it. I want to see if there's a pattern. <br>\r\nWORF: Aye, sir.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Armus rises from his slick) <br>\r\nARMUS: She said you'd be back. <br>\r\nRIKER: Then she is alive. <br>\r\nARMUS: For now. Why have you returned? <br>\r\nRIKER: We have no choice. We're here to negotiate for our team. What do\r\nyou want? <br>\r\nARMUS: Maybe I want nothing. <br>\r\nRIKER: Then you would have killed all of us. <br>\r\nARMUS: I still might. <br>\r\nRIKER: What do you want? Tell me. Maybe we can reach an accommodation. <br>\r\nARMUS: If I tell you, will you give it to me? <br>\r\nRIKER: I might. It depends. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I am a doctor. I need to treat our injured friends. <br>\r\nARMUS: Say please. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Please. <br>\r\nARMUS: You ask nicely. I will allow it. Wait! I've changed my mind.\r\nTalk to her from here. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: How? Troi, can you hear me? </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Shuttlecraft]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">BEVERLY [OC]: Deanna, are you all right? <br>\r\nTROI: Beverly?\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TROI [OC]: I can hear you. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Are you all right?\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Shuttlecraft]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TROI: Yes. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">CRUSHER: We've encountered some difficulty.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Shuttlecraft]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">TROI: I know. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: She needs our help. <br>\r\nARMUS: So what. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Our friends are suffering only a few metres away, yet you\r\nblock our path. Why? <br>\r\nARMUS: You are all ungrateful. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: What is he made of? <br>\r\nDATA: It did not register on the tricorder. <br>\r\nARMUS: It? Does that mean I am not alive? <br>\r\nDATA: No. Clearly you are some kind of intelligent form. <br>\r\nARMUS: But you said I did not register on your instrument. Perhaps your\r\ninstruments are useless. <br>\r\n(Data's tricorder and phaser fly away, and Geordi's visor falls to the\r\nground. He gropes to find it) <br>\r\nARMUS: Don't help him. <br>\r\nRIKER: Data. <br>\r\nDATA: Half metre to the right, Geordi. <br>(Armus moves it again) <br>\r\nARMUS: Aren't you going to lead him to his sight again, robot? <br>\r\nDATA: No. You will just move it again, and I will not help you hurt\r\nhim. <br>\r\nARMUS: Then give it to him. I will find something else to amuse me. <br>\r\n(The slick covers the shuttlecraft again)\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Shuttlecraft]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">ARMUS [OC]: You said they wouldn't amuse me. You\r\nwere right. <br>\r\nTROI: And the emptiness remains. You sound so alone. <br>\r\nARMUS [OC]: I am alone. <br>\r\nTROI: Abandoned. Who deserted you? <br>\r\nARMUS [OC]: Creatures whose beauty now dazzles all who see them. They\r\nwould not exist without me. <br>\r\nTROI: You were together? <br>\r\nARMUS [OC]: They perfected a means of bringing to the surface all that\r\nwas evil and negative within. Erupting, spreading, connecting. In time\r\nit formed second skin, dank and vile. <br>\r\nTROI: You. <br>\r\nARMUS [OC]: Yes. <br>\r\nTROI: They discarded you and left. <br>\r\nARMUS [OC]: And here I am. <br>\r\nTROI: You have my pity. <br>\r\n(Armus gets angry and shakes the shuttlecraft) <br>\r\nARMUS [OC]: Your pity? Save that for yourself.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(The team are not watching when Armus leaves the\r\nshuttlecraft and approaches them. Riker is grabbed by an invisible\r\nforce and dragged by the feet to the slick) <br>\r\nRIKER: Help! Data, something's got me! <br>\r\nARMUS: Touch him and he dies. <br>\r\nRIKER: No! No, don't! <br>\r\n(Riker disappears into the slick) <br>\r\nDATA: Enterprise?\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA [OC]: Armus has enveloped Commander Riker. <br>\r\nPICARD: I'm beaming you up. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">ARMUS: If any of you leave now, he dies. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">ARMUS [OC]: And so do the survivors of the crash. <br>\r\n(Riker's screaming face appears in the slick, and sinks away again) </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, supplemental. There is grave danger\r\nto the crew on Vagra Two. My first officer is missing, attacked by this\r\nentity known as Armus.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WORF: Captain, perhaps you should look at this. We\r\nhave the chart of the energy field surrounding the shuttle. <br>\r\nPICARD: There are a great deal of fluctuations. <br>\r\nWORF: Yes, but there is a pattern. Here is when it killed Lieutenant\r\nYar, and here is when it absorbed Commander Riker. <br>\r\nPICARD: And here, here, where the energy is lowest? <br>\r\nWORF: Both times it had enveloped the shuttle. <br>\r\nPICARD: It has something to do with Counsellor Troi. Somehow when it's\r\ndealing with her, the energy field is affected. I want to talk to her.\r\nI'm going to beam down. Lieutenant Worf, you have the conn. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Shuttlecraft]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Armus, and presumably Riker, are draped over the\r\ncraft again)<br>\r\nTROI: Imzadi! No! Please, stop hurting him! <br>\r\nARMUS [OC]: He resists. If he would give himself over, the pain would\r\ndiminish. He struggles. You should feel his strength. <br>\r\nTROI: I can. <br>\r\nARMUS [OC]: Should I let him go? <br>\r\nTROI: You only ask to torment me. <br>\r\nARMUS [OC]: Perhaps. <br>\r\nTROI: How should I answer? What can I offer except myself? <br>\r\nARMUS [OC]: And would you give yourself for him? Would you give that\r\nmuch? <br>\r\nTROI: Yes. Without hesitation. <br>\r\nARMUS [OC]: Just for him? <br>\r\nTROI: No, not just for him. I would do the same for any of the others.\r\nArmus, you have me. Let them go. <br>\r\nARMUS [OC]: Perhaps. Ah, another has arrived. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Picard is with the team. Armus slithers over to\r\nthem) <br>\r\nARMUS: You are the one in charge? <br>\r\nPICARD: (to Data) Is Commander Riker alive? <br>\r\nARMUS: Answer, Tin Man. <br>\r\nDATA: I would guess that death is no longer sufficient entertainment to\r\nalleviate its boredom. Therefore, Commander Riker is alive. <br>\r\nARMUS: Maybe. Don't you want to ask me what I want? <br>\r\nPICARD: No. <br>\r\nARMUS: Not even to protect your own existence? <br>\r\nPICARD: I want to see my people in the shuttle. <br>\r\nARMUS: Entertain me. (Picard shakes his head) Then I will do it myself.\r\nYou, Tin Man. <br>\r\n(Data moves jerkily, and points his phaser at Beverly, then Picard) <br>\r\nARMUS: Now tell me, how would you feel if you were the instrument of\r\ndeath for your leader? <br>\r\nPICARD: Don't struggle, Data. <br>\r\nDATA: I have no control over what you do with the phaser. Therefore, I\r\nwould not be the instrument of his death. <br>\r\nARMUS: Perhaps killing the Doctor would engender more feeling? <br>\r\nDATA: No, the control is still yours. <br>\r\nARMUS: And what about you, Doctor? Are you ready to die? Tell me you\r\nare not afraid. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: I am afraid. <br>\r\nARMUS: Beg me to spare you. <br>\r\nCRUSHER: No. <br>\r\nARMUS: One of you is going to die, and you, Doctor, get to choose. You\r\ndon't like that, do you? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: Then I choose myself. <br>\r\nARMUS: No. You are going to live. One of them dies. <br>\r\n(Data's arm swings around and ends pointing the phaser at his own head)\r\n<br>\r\nARMUS: Maybe this one. Though I would not call it death, since he is\r\nonly a device. Tell me, Tin Man, how does it feel to face your own\r\nextinction. <br>\r\nDATA: Curious. (the phaser drops) You are capable of great sadism and\r\ncruelty. Interesting. No redeeming qualities. <br>\r\nARMUS: So what do you think? <br>\r\nDATA: I think you should be destroyed. <br>\r\nARMUS: A moral judgment from a machine. <br>\r\nPICARD: Data. Armus, we're finished dealing with you. <br>\r\nARMUS: I have your man in here, and the others in the shuttle. <br>\r\nPICARD: It doesn't matter. We will no longer be a source of amusement. <br>\r\nARMUS: I can kill them. <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes. You can. But only I can command them. They follow my\r\norders. <br>\r\nARMUS: Have them amuse me. <br>\r\nPICARD: Only if you let me see my people on the shuttle first. I must\r\nsee them. <br>\r\nARMUS: Not possible. <br>\r\nPICARD: Then our business with you is concluded. <br>\r\nARMUS: And you claim you care about your comrades. <br>\r\nPICARD: I care. Which is why I must see them. <br>\r\nARMUS: You want to see your people? Then, here. Look at this one. <br>\r\n(Riker is tossed out of the slick, covered in oil) <br>\r\nCRUSHER: He's alive. Don't move. <br>\r\nPICARD: Is he all right? <br>\r\nCRUSHER: All signs show normal. <br>\r\nRIKER: So much frustration. It had to get rid of me. <br>\r\nPICARD: Now, let me see the others. <br>\r\nARMUS: No. <br>\r\nPICARD: I will not allow my people to entertain you until you do. <br>\r\nARMUS: They are incapable of entertaining me. <br>\r\nPICARD: I want the four of you out of here. Enterprise, beam up the\r\naway team immediately. <br>\r\nWORF [OC]: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: They're no longer involved. This is between you and me. <br>\r\nARMUS: They may leave. <br>\r\n(The team are beamed away) <br>\r\nPICARD: Now. <br>\r\nARMUS: I want to leave this place. <br>\r\nPICARD: You want me to give you transportation? <br>\r\nARMUS: For which I will trade you lives. <br>\r\nPICARD: I must see my people in the shuttle. <br>\r\nARMUS: Will you give me what I want? <br>\r\nPICARD: I have the means. But first I must see my people. <br>\r\nARMUS: If you must. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Shuttlecraft]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Armus transports Picard into the shuttlecraft) <br>\r\nPICARD: Troi, are you all right? <br>\r\nTROI: Yes, but Ben is not. <br>\r\nPICARD: He's alive. <br>\r\nTROI: Were you able to help Tasha? <br>\r\nPICARD: No. Troi. Troi, we must talk. I believe it's possible to\r\noutmanoeuvre this creature, and beam you and Ben back up to the ship.\r\nWe've been monitoring the energy field that surrounds the shuttle. When\r\nthe creature is here, the field weakens. Do you know why? <br>\r\nTROI: The creature is filled with rage. Undirected, unfocused rage.\r\nWhen he confronts it, his guard goes down because he's feeling it\r\ninstead of suppressing it. Acknowledging his needs makes him\r\nvulnerable. <br>\r\nPICARD: What caused the rage? <br>\r\nTROI: He was left here. Abandoned. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WORF: The forcefield will have to drop below two\r\npoint seven before we can beam them up. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Picard is brought back from the shuttlecraft) <br>\r\nARMUS: Satisfied? <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes. <br>\r\nARMUS: Then can we leave? <br>\r\nPICARD: Where do you want to go? Do you want to try to find those who\r\nleft you here? <br>\r\nARMUS: She told you about them. <br>\r\nPICARD: How long have you been here? <br>\r\nARMUS: Since they left. A very long time. <br>\r\nPICARD: A long time to be alone. <br>\r\nARMUS: Save your compassion. It's revolting. You offer it like a prize\r\nwhen in fact it's an insult. <br>\r\nPICARD: Because you feel unworthy. <br>\r\nARMUS: You overrate your gift. You humans are puny, weak. <br>\r\nPICARD: But our spirit, it is indomitable. <br>\r\nARMUS: And still you die from a flake of my power. <br>\r\nPICARD: A great poet once said, 'all spirits are enslaved that serve\r\nthings evil'. <br>\r\nARMUS: You do not understand. I do not serve things evil. I am evil. <br>\r\nPICARD: Oh, no, you are not. <br>\r\nARMUS: I am a skin of evil left here by a race of Titans who believed\r\nif they rid themselves of me, they would free the bonds of\r\ndestructiveness. <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes. So here you are. Feeding on your own loneliness. Consumed\r\nby your own pain. Believing your own lies. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WORF: Set the computer. When the energy level\r\nreaches two point six point two zero five, automatically beam up Troi\r\nand Prieto. We'll do a parallel transport on the Captain. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Yes, sir. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: You say you are true evil? Shall I tell you\r\nwhat true evil is? It is to submit to you. It is when we surrender our\r\nfreedom, our dignity, instead of defying you. <br>\r\nARMUS: I will kill you, and those in there. <br>\r\nPICARD: But you will still be here. In this place. For ever. Alone.\r\nImmortal. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">COMPUTER: (male) Stand by for parallel transport. <br>\r\nWORF: The energy level has dropped to two point six point three. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: That's your real fear. Never to die. Never\r\nagain to be united with those who left you here. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WORF: Energy field is two point six. Computer\r\nbeginning transport.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Planet surface]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: I'm not taking you anywhere. <br>\r\n(Armus screams with rage as Picard is beamed away) </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Captain's log, stardate 41602.1. The shuttlecraft\r\nhas been destroyed to prevent any possibility of Armus leaving the\r\nplanet. Vagra Two will be declared off limits. But the damage has been\r\ndone. One of the saddest duties I've ever had to perform is now ahead\r\nof me.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Holodeck - meadow]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: We are here together to honour our friend\r\nand comrade, Lieutenant Natasha Yar. Coming to terms with the loss of a\r\ncolleague is perhaps the most difficult tasks we must face in the work\r\nwe have chosen to pursue. We will all find time to grieve for her in\r\nthe days that are ahead, but for now she has asked that we celebrate\r\nher life with this. <br>\r\n(An image of Tasha appears on a stand) <br>\r\nTASHA: Hello, my friends. You are here now watching this image of me\r\nbecause I have died. It probably happened while I was on duty, and\r\nquickly, which is what I expected. Never forget I died doing exactly\r\nwhat I chose to do. What I want you to know is how much I loved my\r\nlife, and those of you who shared it with me.\r\nYou are my family. You all know where I came from and what my life was\r\nlike before. But Starfleet took that frightened, angry young girl and\r\ntempered her. I have been blessed with your friendship and your love.\r\nWill Riker, you are the best. You trusted me, you encouraged me, and\r\nmost of all you made me laugh. Deanna, you are capable of so much love.\r\nYou taught me without ever having to say a word. I realised I could be\r\nfeminine without losing anything. Ah, Worf. We are so much alike, you\r\nand I. Both warriors, orphans who found ourselves this family. I hope I\r\nmet death with my eyes wide open. Beverly. Your fierce devotion comes\r\nfrom within. It can't be diminished. From you, I have learned to strive\r\nfor excellence, no matter what the personal cost. Wesley, I'm sorry I\r\nwon't be able to see you grow into the exceptional man you'll be. But\r\nyour kindness and innocence are ageless. Geordi, in those moments I\r\nfelt the most despair, you took my hand and helped me to see things\r\ndifferently. You taught me to look beyond the moment. My friend Data.\r\nYou see things with the wonder of a child, and that makes you more\r\nhuman than any of us. Captain Jean-Luc Picard. I wish I could say\r\nyou've been like a father to me, but I've never had one, so I don't\r\nknow what it feels like. But if there was someone in this universe I\r\ncould choose to be like, someone who I would want to make proud of me,\r\nit's you. You who have the heart of an explorer and the soul of a poet.\r\nSo, you'll understand when I say, death is that state in which one\r\nexists only in the memory of others. Which is why it is not an end. No\r\ngoodbyes. Just good memories. Hailing frequencies closed, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Au revoir, Natasha. The gathering is concluded. <br>\r\n(Everyone but Picard and Data leave, sniffing a bit) <br>\r\nDATA: Sir, the purpose of this gathering confuses me. <br>\r\nPICARD: Oh? How so? <br>\r\nDATA: My thoughts are not for Tasha, but for myself. I keep thinking\r\nhow empty it will feel without her presence. Did I miss the point? <br>\r\nPICARD: No, you didn't, Data. You got it. </font> </p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n</center>\r\n</div>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><a href=\"episodes.htm\"><font color=\"#2867d0\">&lt;Back\r\nto the episode listing</font></a></font></p>\r\n<p><font color=\"#000000\" face=\"Arial\" size=\"1\"><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">Star Trek � and related\r\nmarks are trademarks of<a href=\"\"> <font color=\"#2867d0\">CBS Studios Inc</font></a>.\r\nCopyright � 1966, Present. The Star Trek web pages on this site are for\r\neducational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights\r\nproperty of their respective holders.</font></font></p>\r\n</body></html>"},{"episode":"123.htm","data":"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n<html lang=\"en-gb\"><head>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-1252\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"en-gb\">\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Enterprise, NCC1701D, Episodes, Transcripts, Symbiosis, Jean-Luc Picard, William Thomas Riker, Geordi LaForge, Worf, Beverly Crusher, Deanna Troi, Data, Wesley Crusher, Delos system, Omara, Brekka, T'Jon, Sobi, Langor, Romas, Felicium, freighter Sanction\">\r\n<meta name=\"Keywords\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation, Transcripts, Symbiosis\">\r\n<meta name=\"Description\" content=\"Star Trek The Next Generation episode transcripts\"><title>The Next Generation Transcripts - Symbiosis</title>\r\n\r\n</head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"#d5d5d5\" dir=\"ltr\">\r\n<p><font color=\"#2867d0\" face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"5\"><b>Symbiosis</b></font><br>\r\n<font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Stardate:\r\nUnknown<br>\r\nOriginal Airdate: 18 Apr, 1988<br>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<div align=\"center\">\r\n<center>\r\n<table border=\"0\" width=\"85%\">\r\n<tbody>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td align=\"left\" width=\"85%\"> <font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">\r\n(Enterprise is near a star which is giving off flares, as Picard makes\r\na ship-wide announcement) <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: All hands, this is the Captain. As you may know, the sun\r\nin the Delos system is undergoing large-scale magnetic field changes,\r\nproducing violent, gigantic flares. Now, we shall be studying this star\r\nat close range. Even though we shall be running with full deflectors,\r\nthe closeness of this event and its severity are going to create\r\nproblems.\r\n</font>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Intense magnetic fields have a disruptive\r\neffect on electrical systems. Therefore we can expect communications\r\ninterruptions, as well as potential temporary loss of other systems. As\r\na precaution, we are now going to Yellow Alert. Stay sharp, everyone.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">COMPUTER: Attention all decks. Yellow Alert. <br>\r\nDATA [OC]: Engineering, this is Lieutenant Commander Data. Bring all\r\nsystems online and direct full power to the shields.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">DATA: All sections secure, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Lieutenant La Forge? <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Course is set, Captain. <br>\r\nPICARD: Half impulse. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye, sir, one half impulse. <br>\r\nPICARD: On main viewer. Mask out the photosphere. Magnify. Quadrant one\r\nseven, magnification factor twelve. <br>\r\nRIKER: I've never seen anything like this before. The violence of these\r\neruptions is awesome. <br>\r\nDATA: Captain, I'm reading an unusual number of sunspots and eruptive\r\nprominences, sir. The magnetic field is extremely irregular. <br>\r\nWESLEY: Captain, deflectors are being hit by a huge burst of X-rays. <br>\r\n(The science station lights up with blue static and he steps away) <br>\r\nWESLEY: Wow! Look. Captain, my console seems to be overloading. <br>\r\nWORF: The X-ray burst is disrupting systems, Captain. I'm adjusting\r\ndeflectors to compensate.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Engineering]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WORF [OC]: Engineering, increase power to forward\r\nshields. <br>\r\nCREWWOMAN: Forward deflectors online, sir. <br>\r\n(Her console lights up blue as well) </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">PICARD: Status report. <br>\r\nWORF: All systems operational, sir. <br>\r\nTROI: Captain, the level of tension on the ship is mounting. <br>\r\nPICARD: Understandable. Mister Data? <br>\r\nDATA: If we are to investigate, sir, we must get closer. <br>\r\nPICARD: Mister La Forge, move us in closer. This is the Captain. We\r\nwill be pushing the shields to the limit, but we are getting a\r\nsplendid view of this phenomenon. <br>\r\nWORF: Captain, I have intercepted what appears to be a distress signal.\r\n<br>\r\nPICARD: Let me hear it. <br>\r\nT'JON [OC]: This is T'Jon. I am on the Ornaran freighter (garbled). We\r\nhave a serious problem here. Can't seem to fix it. We need help. <br>\r\nDATA: The transmission is coming from a freighter in orbit around the\r\nfourth planet in the system. However, the receiving station is on the\r\nthird planet. <br>\r\nPICARD: Open hailing frequencies. <br>\r\nTASHA: Hailing frequencies open. <br>\r\nPICARD: Unidentified freighter, this is the USS Enterprise. May we be\r\nof assistance? <br>\r\nT'JON [on viewscreen]: (a very poor image) Whoever you are, yes! I'm\r\nhaving trouble navigating. We can't maintain a steady course. Please\r\nhelp us if you can. <br>\r\nPICARD: Can't you enhance the frequency? <br>\r\nTASHA: Too much interference. <br>\r\nPICARD: Set course to intersect with the freighter. Warp two. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nPICARD: Maintain Yellow Alert. <br>\r\nT'JON [on viewscreen]: I can't control the helm any longer. I'm losing\r\norbit. We're heading into the atmosphere. Please, do something. We're\r\ngoing to burn up. We haven't much time. <br>\r\nWORF: It is a freighter, very old. <br>\r\nDATA: Captain, our sensors are being severely affected by the sun\r\nflares. <br>\r\nPICARD: Helm, take us in as close as possible to the freighter's orbit.\r\n<br>\r\nLAFORGE: Moving in, sir. <br>\r\nDATA: There are six life forms aboard the freighter, sir. <br>\r\nWORF: Captain, the freighter's orbit is decaying. <br>\r\nPICARD: How long before it loses integrity? <br>\r\nWORF: A matter of minutes. <br>\r\nPICARD: Unidentified freighter, this is the USS Enterprise. <br>\r\nT'JON [OC]: Enterprise, this is the Ornaran freighter Sanction. <br>\r\nPICARD: Put this on the main viewer. <br>\r\nTASHA: The visual transmission is still breaking up. <br>\r\nPICARD: Freighter Sanction, this is the Enterprise. What is your\r\nsituation? <br>\r\nVOICES [on viewscreen]: Not so good. Helm isn't working right. What is\r\nthe problem? <br>\r\nPICARD: This is the Enterprise. With all this interference it is\r\ndifficult to copy your transmission. If you all talk at once it is\r\nalmost impossible. Now, please say again. What is your situation? <br>\r\nT'JON [on viewscreen]: I am T'Jon, Captain of the Sanction. <br>\r\nPICARD: At last. How can we help? <br>\r\nT'JON [on viewscreen]: We have lost, I don't know, something. I am no\r\nlonger able to maintain this orbit, nor am I able to use the main\r\nthrusters. It's all, you know, dead, I guess. It's all shut down? <br>\r\nPICARD: Well, that is a little vague. What is the computer analysis? <br>\r\nT'JON [on viewscreen]: Well, the computer's not working very well. <br>\r\nPICARD: Data, can you tap into their computer and clarify the\r\nsituation? <br>\r\nDATA: I will attempt it, sir. <br>\r\nTASHA: Captain, the tractor beam is available, if you want it. <br>\r\nRIKER: At least we can pull them out of orbit before they enter the\r\natmosphere. <br>\r\nPICARD: Freighter, we're going to lock on the tractor beam and pull you\r\nout of orbit. <br>\r\nT'JON [on viewscreen]: Hey, that's, that's great. <br>\r\nWORF: Captain, the freighter's orbit continues to deteriorate. <br>\r\nTASHA: The solar flares are interfering with the tractor beam, Captain.\r\nI can't lock on. <br>\r\nPICARD: Captain T'Jon, we are unable to attach our tractor beam because\r\nof the intense solar activity. <br>\r\nT'JON [on viewscreen]: I understand. Thanks for trying. <br>\r\nDATA: Sir, I have determined what is malfunctioning on the freighter. <br>\r\nPICARD: Captain, we have analysed your problem. <br>\r\nT'JON [on viewscreen]: Great. <br>\r\nPICARD: Data. <br>\r\nDATA: Your ship's design uses an electromagnetic coil to constrict the\r\nexhaust flow. That coil is misaligned. <br>\r\nT'JON [on viewscreen]: Really? <br>\r\nPICARD: Do you have the necessary tools to realign the coil? <br>\r\nT'JON [on viewscreen]: I don't think so. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: I believe, Captain, we can provide them with a temporary\r\nsubstitute. Our ship's stores contain a coil of the proper type. <br>\r\nRIKER: Can we beam one over? <br>\r\nTASHA: Yes. <br>\r\nPICARD: Captain, we're beaming over a replacement coil. <br>\r\nT'JON [on viewscreen]: That's great. And that'll fix us up? <br>\r\nPICARD: Yes, once it's installed. <br>\r\nT'JON [on viewscreen]: Right. And how do we do that? <br>\r\nPICARD: What is the matter with these people? How can he be Captain of\r\nthat vessel and not understand its simplest function? <br>\r\nPICARD: Captain, how long have you been in command of this freighter? <br>\r\nT'JON [on viewscreen]: Seven years. This is my twenty-sixth voyage to\r\nBrekka. <br>\r\nPICARD: And you don't know how to align a control coil? <br>\r\nT'JON [on viewscreen]: It's never come up. <br>\r\nRIKER: Can anyone else over there do it? <br>\r\nT'JON [on viewscreen]: Hold on. I'll ask. Sorry. Nobody here knows\r\nanything about it. <br>\r\nRIKER: I'd better get over with a team. <br>\r\nTASHA: Captain, I strongly recommend against anyone from this ship\r\nbeaming over. The solar interference is too great. <br>\r\nWORF: The freighter has entered the planet's atmosphere. Disintegration\r\nis imminent. <br>\r\nRIKER: We're running out of options. <br>\r\nPICARD: Let's get them off there. T'Jon, stand by to beam over. <br>\r\nT'JON [on viewscreen]: If you think that's best. <br>\r\nPICARD: Unless you have any other options, yes, I think that's best. <br>\r\nT'JON [on viewscreen]: Whatever you say.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Transporter room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">(Blue is playing on the transporter controls) <br>\r\nTASHA: I can't maintain a positive lock.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WESLEY: Unusual E-M burst, sir. Readings off scale.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Transporter room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Freighter Sanction, this is the Enterprise.\r\nWe're having difficulty getting a fix. <br>\r\nTASHA: Have them go to their own transporter room. It will be tricky,\r\nbut perhaps I can link the two transporters in series\r\nand get them over with the increased power. <br>\r\nRIKER: It's worth a try. Captain T'Jon go to your transporter room.\r\nContact me from there. <br>\r\nT'JON [OC]: Right, Enterprise. It's right next door. But if you can't\r\nget us with your transporter, what makes you think ours will do the\r\njob? <br>\r\nTASHA: I'm going to interconnect them. <br>\r\nT'JON [OC]: I didn't know you could do that. <br>\r\nTASHA: Hurry! We're running out of time. <br>\r\nT'JON [OC]: We're on our way. <br>\r\nTASHA: I don't think they're going to make it. <br>\r\nRIKER: Captain T'Jon doesn't sound like he cares one way or the other. <br>\r\nTASHA: Worf, how much time do we have? <br>\r\nWORF [OC]: One minute, twenty eight seconds. <br>\r\nTASHA: Captain T'Jon, are you there? <br>\r\nT'JON [OC]: We're in the transporter room. <br>\r\nTASHA: Great. Activate your transporter. Set coordinates nine seven\r\nzero three mark two six eight. <br>\r\nT'JON [OC]: Did you say two eight six or eight eight six. <br>\r\nTASHA: Mark two six eight! <br>\r\nT'JON [OC]: Got it.\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">WORF: Sir, the hull temperature of the freighter is\r\npassing three thousand degrees. <br>\r\nPICARD: What's the hold up, Number One?\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Transporter room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: We're establishing the link right now. <br>\r\nT'JON [OC]: We're ready. <br>\r\nTASHA: Then all six of you, get on the transporter platform. On my\r\nsignal, energise. I've got their initial transporter\r\nsignal. Interlock complete. Energise on my mark. Four, three, two, one,\r\nenergise. <br>\r\n(A big barrel arrives, no people) <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: Number One, did you get them off? <br>\r\nRIKER: No, sir. They stayed in the freighter\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Bridge]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: But they beamed over their cargo. <br>\r\nPICARD: Cargo? Are those people crazy? What could possibly be so\r\nimportant? <br>\r\nWORF: Sir, the freighter is disintegrating. <br>\r\nPICARD: Their lives are in danger and they're beaming over cargo?\r\nNumber One, I don't understand these people. <br>\r\nLAFORGE: Captain, the freighter's hull temperature is approaching\r\ncritical. </font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"><b>[Transporter room]</b>\r\n</font></p>\r\n<p><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">RIKER: Unbelievable. <br>\r\nPICARD [OC]: We're losing the freighter. Got to beam those people over\r\nnow. <br>\r\nRIKER: Clear the cargo. Beam it to a hold. <br>\r\nTASHA: Aye, sir. <br>\r\nRIKER: Freighter Sanction, this is the Enterprise, Get to your\r\ntransporter pad and. No, forget about that. Lock on to any life form\r\nyou can find and get them
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