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Sass/SCSS Missing Functions
// Sass/SCSS missing functions.
// @author Davey Jacobson <daveyjake21 [at] geemail [dot] com>
// @version 1.2.2
// @since 1.0.0 - Initial commit.
// @since 1.1.0 - Added str-replace().
// @since 1.1.5 - Added is-list().
// @since 1.2.0 - Added empty().
// @since 1.2.2 - Optimized parse-args().
// Check if variable is empty like PHP's `empty` function.
// @since 1.2.0
// @param {mixed} $variable Variable to check.
// @return {bool} True if empty. False if not.
@function empty( $variable ) {
$conditions: (
$variable == '',
$variable == (),
$variable == '()',
$variable == null,
$variable == 'null',
$variable == false,
$variable == 'false',
$variable == undefined,
$variable == 'undefined',
$variable == 0,
$variable == '0'
$total: 0;
@each $condition in $conditions {
@if not $condition {
$total: $total + 1;
@if $total > 0 {
@return false;
@return true;
// Split a string into a list of strings.
// @since 1.0.0
// @author danielpchen
// @link
// @param {string} $string The string to split.
// @param {string} $delimiter What to split string by.
// @return {list} The list built from the string.
@function explode( $string, $delimiter ) {
$result: ();
@if $delimiter == '' {
@for $i from 1 through str-length( $string ) {
$result: append( $result, str-slice( $string, $i, $i ) );
@return $result;
$exploding: true;
@while $exploding {
$d-index: str-index( $string, $delimiter );
@if $d-index {
@if $d-index > 1 {
$result: append( $result, str-slice( $string, 1, $d-index - 1 ) );
$string: str-slice( $string, $d-index + str-length( $delimiter ) );
} @else if $d-index == 1 {
$string: str-slice( $string, 1, $d-index + str-length( $delimiter ) );
} @else {
$result: append( $result, $string );
$exploding: false;
} @else {
$result: append( $result, $string );
$exploding: false;
@return $result;
// Join list of elements to form a single string, like PHP's `implode` function.
// @since 1.0.0
// @param {list} $pieces The list of strings to implode.
// @param {string} $glue The "glue" between elements in the result string.
// @return {string} The result string.
@function implode( $pieces, $glue: '' ) {
$result: '';
@for $i from 1 through length( $pieces ) {
$piece: nth( $pieces, $i );
@if type-of( $piece ) == 'list' {
$result: unquote( '#{$result}#{$glue}#{implode( $piece, $glue )}' );
} @else {
$result: unquote( '#{$result}#{$glue}#{$piece}' );
@if $result != null {
$result: str-slice( $result, str-length( $glue ) + 1, -1 );
@return $result;
// An alias for index() that acts like PHP's `in_array` function for lists.
// @since 1.0.0
// @since 1.1.6 Removed quotes from `string` and `number`.
// @param {string|number} $needle Value to look for.
// @param {list} $haystack List to look in.
// @return bool True if $needle is found in $haystack. False if not.
@function in-list( $needle, $haystack ) {
@if type-of( $needle ) != string and type-of( $needle ) != number {
@error "The in-list() `$needle` parameter is a #{type-of( $needle )}. It MUST be a string or number.";
@return false;
@else if is-list( $haystack ) == false {
@error "The in-list() `$haystack` parameter is a #{type-of( $haystack )}. It MUST be a list.";
@return false;
@return index( $haystack, $needle );
// Check if variable is a list.
// @since 1.1.5
// @since 1.1.6 Removed quotes from values.
// @param {mixed} $variable Anything to check.
// @return {bool} True if list. False if not.
@function is-list( $variable ) {
// Just in case a list is surrounded by quotes.
@if type-of( $variable ) == string {
$variable: unquote( $variable );
@return type-of( $variable ) == list;
// Fetch nested keys.
// @since 1.0.0
// @link
// @param {map} $map Map to traverse.
// @param {list} $keys Keys to fetch from map.
// @return {mixed} The desired value of the nested key.
@function map-deep-get( $map, $keys... ) {
@each $key in $keys {
$map: map-get( $map, $key );
@return $map;
// Inspired by the WordPress `wp_parse_args` function.
// @since 1.0.0
// @since 1.2.2 Because `$args` contains what we want, we're merging
// what's untouched in `$defaults`.
// @param {map} $args Custom parameter-value pairs for a function or mixin.
// @param {map} $defaults Default parameter-values pairs for a function or mixin.
// @return {map} The parsed map with new values overwriting defaults.
@function parse-args( $args, $defaults ) {
@each $key, $val in $defaults {
@if map-has-key( $args, $key ) == false {
$args: map-merge( $args, ( $key: $val ) );
@return $args;
// Replace substring with another string like PHP's `str_replace`.
// @author Kitty Giraudel
// @link
// @since 1.1.0
// @param {string} $string The initial string.
// @param {string} $search Substring to replace.
// @param {string} $replace The replacement string.
// @return {string} The final modified string.
@function str-replace( $string, $search, $replace: '' ) {
$index: str-index( $string, $search );
@if $index {
@return str-slice( $string, 1, $index - 1 ) + $replace + str-replace( str-slice( $string, $index + str-length( $search ) ), $search, $replace );
@return $string;
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