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Last active March 2, 2018 09:29
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Make PowerShell prettier and display Git status

Install Scoop A command-line installer for Windows

iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('')

Install concfg concfg is a utility to import and export Windows console settings like fonts and colors.

scoop install concfg

This is not just for PowerShell but also for cmd.

Install theme

Install a preset theme Solarized via concfg

concfg import solarized

Install a nicer prompt

Install pshazz via concfg Give your powershell some pizazz.

scoop install pshazz

Visual Studio IDE

In Visual Studio you can install the Open Command Line extension. This will open a command line of your choice with the CTRL+space shortcut. Configure it to open PowerShell (instead of default cmd). Don't forget to restart VS.

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