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Created October 20, 2022 20:55
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Unity localisation scripts - pulling data from Google Sheets
StringsInspector.cs is the UI code (goes in an Assets/Editor folder so it only gets loaded in the editor)
Strings.Import is the function that takes the spreadsheet data and puts it into the ScriptableObject
Language.cs/Languages.cs might not be relevant but I see they're referenced here so I'm sharing them too
using System;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Localization
public class Language
[SerializeField] string _id;
public string id => _id;
[SerializeField] SystemLanguage _systemLanguage;
public SystemLanguage systemLanguage => _systemLanguage;
[SerializeField] string _cultureid;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the culture string stored in the language. Unless English is selected in which case it checks for AU/US/GB and builds it's own string.
/// </summary>
public string cultureid
/*if (_systemLanguage == SystemLanguage.English)
string[] allowedRegions = {"AU","US","GB"};
string regionString = System.Globalization.RegionInfo.CurrentRegion?.ToString().ToUpper();
if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty(regionString) == false && allowedRegions.Contains(regionString) )
return "en-" + regionString;
return _cultureid;
[SerializeField] LanguageStyles _styleSheet;
public LanguageStyles styleSheet => _styleSheet;
[SerializeField] private bool _useImageToDisplayInDropdown = true;
public bool useImageToDisplayInDropdown => _useImageToDisplayInDropdown;
[SerializeField] private string _specificDateFormatString = null;
public string specificDateFormatString => _specificDateFormatString;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Localization
public class Languages : ScriptableObject
[SerializeField] List<Language> languages = null;
[SerializeField] int defaultLanguageIndex = 0;
public Language defaultLanguage => languages[defaultLanguageIndex];
public List<Language> All()
return languages;
public string Auto()
//Force through different English regions
if (Application.systemLanguage == SystemLanguage.English)
string regionString = System.Globalization.RegionInfo.CurrentRegion?.ToString().ToUpper();
if (regionString == "GB")
return "en-GB";
if (regionString == "AU")
return "en-AU";
return "en";
//System language is not as accurate with Application.systemLanguage so lets do a custom string check first
string switchLanguageID = GetSwitchSystemLanguage();
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(switchLanguageID) == false)
foreach (var language in languages)
if ( == switchLanguageID)
foreach (var language in languages)
if (language.systemLanguage == Application.systemLanguage)
public Language AutoLanguage()
foreach (var language in languages)
if (language.systemLanguage == Application.systemLanguage)
return language;
return defaultLanguage;
public Language GetByName(string _language)
if(_language == "auto")
_language = Auto();
foreach (var language in languages)
if ( == _language)
return language;
return defaultLanguage;
/// <summary>
/// This just makes sure the number of styles is correct and they have the right name
/// </summary>
void OnValidate()
if (Application.isPlaying)
foreach (var language in languages)
if (language.styleSheet.styleTags.Length < (int) StyleType.Count)
Array.Resize(ref language.styleSheet.styleTags, (int) StyleType.Count);
for (int i = 0; i < language.styleSheet.styleTags.Length; i++)
public static string GetSwitchSystemLanguage()
string systemLanguage = nn.oe.Language.GetDesired();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(systemLanguage)) return "en";
systemLanguage = systemLanguage.Trim();
// Do some extra careful trimming here because the Switch SDK might be doing some extra padding.
// This was read about here:
if (systemLanguage.Contains("\0"))
systemLanguage = systemLanguage.Substring(0, systemLanguage.IndexOf('\0'));
// Languages supported by the Switch can be found here:
/*if (systemLanguage == "en-US") CachedSystemLanguageString = "en"; // United States English
if (systemLanguage == "es-419") CachedSystemLanguageString = "es";// Latin American Spanish
if (systemLanguage == "pt") CachedSystemLanguageString = "pt-BR"; // Portuguese
if (systemLanguage == "zh-CN") CachedSystemLanguageString = "zh-Hans"; // Chinese
if (systemLanguage == "zh-TW") CachedSystemLanguageString = "zh-Hant"; // Taiwanese
return systemLanguage;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Localization
public class Strings : ScriptableObject
public string uiSheetURI;
[SerializeField] Languages languages = null;
[SerializeField] List<StringsByLanguageWithId> strings = null;
public string Get(string id, string language = null)
if (language == null || language == "auto")
//language can equal "auto", but languageData always contains the current in use
language =;
if (language == "debug")
return id;
var stringByLanguageWithId = strings.Find(x => == id);
if (stringByLanguageWithId == null)
return id;
var stringWithLanguage = stringByLanguageWithId.languages.Find(x => x.language == language);
if (stringWithLanguage == null)
return id;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(stringWithLanguage.value))
Debug.LogWarning($"String '{id}' is blank in {language}, defaulting to en-GB");
stringWithLanguage = stringByLanguageWithId.languages.Find(x => x.language == "en-GB");
if (stringWithLanguage == null)
return id;
return "{"+stringWithLanguage.value+"}";
return stringWithLanguage.value;
public void Set(string id, List<(string language, string value)> stringsByLanguage)
strings.RemoveAll(x => == id);
var languages = new List<StringWithLanguage>();
foreach (var (language, value) in stringsByLanguage)
if (language == "ar")
var lines = value.Split('\n');
Array.Reverse( lines );
string newArabicString = ArabicSupport.ArabicFixer.Fix(string.Join("\n", lines));
//string newArabicString = value;
char[] reversedStringArray = newArabicString.ToCharArray();
languages.Add(new StringWithLanguage
language = language,
value = new string(reversedStringArray)
languages.Add(new StringWithLanguage
language = language,
value = value
strings.Add(new StringsByLanguageWithId
id = id,
languages = languages
public void Import(string tsv)
var values = tsv.Split('\n');
if (values.Length < 2)
string[] languageHeaders = values[0].Split('\t');
for (int i = 0; i < languageHeaders.Length; i++)
languageHeaders[i] = languageHeaders[i].Trim('\r', '\n');
List<(string language, string value)> stringsByLanguage = new List<(string language, string value)>();
for (var valueIndex = 0; valueIndex < values.Length; valueIndex++)
var value = values[valueIndex].Split('\t');
// If headers have been copied, skip first line
if (valueIndex == 0 && value[0] == "Line ID")
// If line too short, skip
if (value.Length < 3)
var lineId = value[0];
for (int i = 2; i < value.Length; i++)
stringsByLanguage.Add( ( languageHeaders[i],
value[i].Trim('\r', '\n').Replace('¬','\n') ) );
Set(lineId, stringsByLanguage);
/// <summary>
/// Looks for platform strings and swaps them for the original
/// </summary>
public void InitializeForPlatform()
List<int> stringsToRemove = new List<int>();
for (int i = strings.Count; --i >= 0;)
if (strings[i].id.EndsWith("_Switch"))
string newID = strings[i].id.Substring(0, strings[i].id.Length - 7);
int indexToRemove = strings.FindIndex(0, x => == newID);
strings[i].id = newID;
Debug.Log("strings Found on device I would take" + strings[i].id + " and copy over " + newID + " at index " + indexToRemove);
if (stringsToRemove.Count > 0)
for (int i = stringsToRemove.Count; --i >= 0;)
class StringsByLanguageWithId
public string id;
public List<StringWithLanguage> languages;
class StringWithLanguage
public string language;
public string value;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
[CustomEditor(typeof(Localization.Strings), true)]
public class StringsInspector : Editor
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
if (GUILayout.Button("Import UI Strings"))
var strings = target as Localization.Strings;
var tsv = HTTPGet(strings.uiSheetURI);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tsv))
static string HTTPGet(string uri)
var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri);
request.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate;
using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse())
using (Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream())
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
return reader.ReadToEnd();
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