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Last active March 27, 2020 14:53
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  • Save EntilZha/b6034de3d2d0e6e2bd3e595e91aade69 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save EntilZha/b6034de3d2d0e6e2bd3e595e91aade69 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
name: qb
- python=3.7
- pytorch=1.4.*
- cudatoolkit=10.1
- numpy
- scipy
- pandas=1.0.*
- requests
- flask
- ipython
- pylint
- pyflakes
- pycodestyle
- jedi
- click=7.0.*
- toml
- pip
- pip:
- allennlp==0.9.*
- overrides
- spacy
- plotnine
- unidecode
- anaconda
- pytorch
- conda-forge
import os
import random
import glob
import copy
import subprocess
import toml
import click
import toml
from sklearn.model_selection import ParameterGrid
def run_jsonnet(base_model: str, args: str, out_path: str):"jsonnet {base_model} {args} > {out_path}", shell=True, check=True)
def clone_src(target_dir: str):"python build", shell=True, check=True)"cp -r build/lib/qb {target_dir}", shell=True, check=True)
def random_experiment_id():
return str(random.randint(1_000_000, 2_000_000))
def hyper_to_configs(path: str):
with open(path) as f:
# Read the parent config, like the rnn.toml
hyper_conf = toml.load(f)
configs = []
n_trials = hyper_conf.get("n_trials", 1)
# If it defines a hyper parameter sweep, then generate a config for each one
if "hyper" in hyper_conf:
# ParameterGrid takes a list of parameters and converts them to a sweep
grid = ParameterGrid(hyper_conf["hyper"])
del hyper_conf["hyper"]
for params in grid:
for trial in range(n_trials):
# Make a deep copy to avoid overwriting old configs
conf = copy.deepcopy(hyper_conf)
# Fill in the value of each configuration
for name, val in params.items():
splits = name.split(".")
access = conf
for part in splits[:-1]:
access = access[part]
access[splits[-1]] = val
# Write down which trial this is
conf["trial"] = trial
return configs
# if not, just return the original config
if "hyper" in hyper_conf:
del hyper_conf["hyper"]
return [hyper_conf]
@click.option("--slurm-job/--no-slurm-job", is_flag=True, default=True)
def hyper_cli(slurm_job: bool, hyper_conf_path: str, base_json_conf: str, name: str):
# 1) Generate all the configuration files and directories
# hyper_conf_path is a toml file defining the hyper parameter sweep
configs = hyper_to_configs(hyper_conf_path)
for c in configs:
conf_name = random_experiment_id()
trial = c["trial"]
# This defines the path like config/generated/rnn/{random_experiment_id}/{trial}
conf_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join("config", "generated", name, conf_name, trial))
allennlp_conf_path = os.path.join(conf_dir, f"{conf_name}.json")
conf_path = os.path.join(conf_dir, f"{conf_name}.toml")
# This defines the path like model/generated/rnn/{random_experiment_id}/{trial}
serialization_dir = os.path.abspath(
os.path.join("model", "generated", name, conf_name, trial)
# Save all this information in the new configuration file.
# My code in particular takes only this file and takes all arguments from it.
c["generated_id"] = conf_name
c["name"] = name
c["allennlp_conf"] = allennlp_conf_path
c["serialization_dir"] = serialization_dir
c["conf_dir"] = conf_dir
c["conf_path"] = conf_path
c["trial"] = trial
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(conf_path), exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(serialization_dir, exist_ok=True)
with open(conf_path, "w") as f:
toml.dump(c, f)
args = []
for key, val in c["params"].items():
# jsonnet has a quirk the string parameters need --tla-str while other values need tla-code
if isinstance(val, str):
args.append(f"--tla-str {key}={val}")
args.append(f"--tla-code {key}={val}")
args = " ".join(args)
# Generate the json config
run_jsonnet(base_json_conf, args, allennlp_conf_path)
# Copy the source using `` to the experiment directory
# 2) Generate the run script, optionally making it a slurm script.
with open(f"{name}", "w") as f:
for c in configs:
conf_dir = c["conf_dir"]
conf_path = c["conf_path"]
# Check if slurm configs are defined, otherwise use some defaults specific to UMD cluster
if "slurm" in c:
slurm_time = c["slurm"].get("time", "4-00:00:00")
slurm_qos = c["slurm"].get("qos", "gpu-long")
slurm_time = "4-00:00:00"
slurm_qos = "gpu-long"
if slurm_job:
args = [
f.write(" ".join(args) + "\n")
f.write(f" {conf_dir} {conf_path}\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
model = "rnn"
n_trials = 1
qos = "gpu-medium"
time = "1-00:00:00"
"" = [0.001, 0.0001, 0.00001]
"params.dropout" = [0.2, 0.35, 0.5]
"params.hidden_dim" = [100, 300, 500, 1000]
"params.n_hidden_layers" = [1, 2]
dropout = 0.5
lr = 0.001
hidden_dim = 300
n_hidden_layers = 1
function(lr=0.001, dropout=0.25, hidden_dim=1500, n_hidden_layers=1, debug=false) {
dataset_reader: {
qanta_path: '/home/entilzha/code/qb-bert/src/data/qanta.mapped.2018.04.18.json',
lazy: false,
debug: debug,
type: 'qanta',
full_question_only: false,
first_sentence_only: false,
char_skip: null,
tokenizer: {
type: 'word',
token_indexers: {
text: {
type: 'single_id',
lowercase_tokens: true
train_data_path: 'guesstrain',
validation_data_path: 'guessdev',
model: {
type: 'rnn_guesser',
dropout: dropout,
hidden_dim: hidden_dim,
n_hidden_layers: n_hidden_layers,
iterator: {
type: 'bucket',
sorting_keys: [['text', 'num_tokens']],
batch_size: 128,
trainer: {
type: 'callback',
callbacks: [
type: 'checkpoint',
checkpointer: { num_serialized_models_to_keep: 1 },
{ type: 'track_metrics', patience: 3, validation_metric: '+accuracy' },
{ type: 'log_to_tensorboard' },
type: 'update_learning_rate',
learning_rate_scheduler: {
type: 'reduce_on_plateau',
patience: 2,
mode: 'max',
verbose: true,
optimizer: {
type: 'adam',
lr: lr,
num_epochs: 50,
cuda_device: 0,
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