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Created November 10, 2014 12:09
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  • Save ErikEvenson/f2e39db0213e5fbb7fdc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ErikEvenson/f2e39db0213e5fbb7fdc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Running "protractor:chrome" (protractor) task
Warning: chromeOnly is deprecated. Use directConnect
Using ChromeDriver directly...
Failed to load c++ bson extension, using pure JS version
Express server listening on 9000, in test mode
[undefined:undefined] CONNECTED
1) Main View should include jumbotron with correct data
Error: Error while running testForAngular: javascript error: document unloaded while waiting for result
(Session info: chrome=38.0.2125.111)
(Driver info: chromedriver=2.12.301324 (de8ab311bc9374d0ade71f7c167bad61848c7c48),platform=Linux 3.13.0-35-generic x86_64)
Error: Error while running testForAngular: javascript error: document unloaded while waiting for result
(Session info: chrome=38.0.2125.111)
(Driver info: chromedriver=2.12.301324 (de8ab311bc9374d0ade71f7c167bad61848c7c48),platform=Linux 3.13.0-35-generic x86_64)
at Error (<anonymous>)
==== async task ====
Protractor.get(http://localhost:9000/) - test for angular
at [object Object].<anonymous> (/vagrant/example/e2e/main/main.spec.js:7:13)
==== async task ====
Asynchronous test function: beforeEach()
at [object Object].<anonymous> (/vagrant/example/e2e/main/main.spec.js:6:3)
at Object.<anonymous> (/vagrant/example/e2e/main/main.spec.js:3:1)
2) Main View should include jumbotron with correct data
Error: Error while waiting for Protractor to sync with the page: {}
Error: Error while waiting for Protractor to sync with the page: {}
at Error (<anonymous>)
==== async task ====
==== async task ====
Asynchronous test function: it()
at [object Object].<anonymous> (/vagrant/example/e2e/main/main.spec.js:11:3)
at Object.<anonymous> (/vagrant/example/e2e/main/main.spec.js:3:1)
Finished in 11.393 seconds
1 test, 2 assertions, 2 failures
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