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Created January 31, 2020 15:03
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Setup firebase on react-native
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
echo What is your Project name?
# Basic template create, rnfb install, link
# \rm -fr $PROJECT_NAME
# echo "Testing react-native current + react-native-firebase v6.current + Firebase SDKs current"
# npx react-native init $PROJECT_NAME --template react-native-template-typescript
# wait
echo "Adding react-native-firebase dependencies"
yarn add "@react-native-firebase/app"
yarn add "@react-native-firebase/auth"
# Perform the minimal edit to integrate it on iOS
echo "Adding initialization code in iOS"
sed -i -e $'s/AppDelegate.h"/AppDelegate.h"\\\n@import Firebase;/' ios/$PROJECT_NAME/AppDelegate.m
rm -f ios/$PROJECT_NAME/AppDelegate.m??
sed -i -e $'s/RCTBridge \*bridge/if ([FIRApp defaultApp] == nil) { [FIRApp configure]; }\\\n RCTBridge \*bridge/' ios/$PROJECT_NAME/AppDelegate.m
rm -f ios/$PROJECT_NAME/AppDelegate.m??
# Minimal integration on Android is just the JSON, base+core, progaurd
echo "Adding basic java integration"
sed -i -e $'s/dependencies {/dependencies {\\\n classpath ""/' android/build.gradle
rm -f android/build.gradle??
echo "apply plugin: ''" >> android/app/build.gradle
# Allow explicit SDK version control by specifying our iOS Pods and Android Firebase Bill of Materials
echo "project.ext{set('react-native',[versions:[firebase:[bom:'24.4.0'],],])}" >> android/build.gradle
sed -i -e $'s/ target \'${PROJECT_NAME}Tests\' do/ $FirebaseSDKVersion = \'6.14.0\'\\\n target \'${PROJECT_NAME}Tests\' do/' ios/Podfile
# Copy the Firebase config files in - you must supply them
echo "Copying in Firebase app definition files"
cp ./GoogleService-Info.plist ios/$PROJECT_NAME/
# ../XcodeProjAdder -XCP ios/${PROJECT_NAME}.xcodeproj -SRC ./GoogleService-Info.plist
cp ./google-services.json android/app/
# Copy in a project file that is pre-constructed - no way to patch it cleanly that I've found
# There is already a pre-constructed project file here.
# Normal users may skip these steps unless you are maintaining this repository and need to generate a new project
# To build it do this:
# 1. stop this script here (by uncommenting the exit line)
# 2. open the .xcworkspace created by running the script to this point
# 3. alter the bundleID to com.$PROJECT_NAME
# 4. alter the target to 'both' instead of iPhone only
# 5. "add files to " project and select $PROJECT_NAME/GoogleService-Info.plist for $PROJECT_NAME and $PROJECT_NAME-tvOS
#exit 1
# rm -f ios/$PROJECT_NAME.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
# cp ../project.pbxproj ios/$PROJECT_NAME.xcodeproj/
# Analytics -
echo "Setting up Analytics"
yarn add "@react-native-firebase/analytics"
# Crashlytics - repo, classpath, plugin, dependency, import, init
echo "Setting up Crashlytics"
yarn add "@react-native-firebase/crashlytics"
sed -i -e $'s/google()/maven { url "https:\/\/\/public" }\\\n google()/' android/build.gradle
rm -f android/build.gradle??
sed -i -e $'s/dependencies {/dependencies {\\\n classpath ""/' android/build.gradle
rm -f android/build.gradle??
sed -i -e $'s/""/""\\\napply plugin: "io.fabric"\\\ncrashlytics { enableNdk true }/' android/app/build.gradle
rm -f android/app/build.gradle??
# Database
echo "Setting up Database"
yarn add "@react-native-firebase/database"
# Firestore
echo "Setting up Firestore"
yarn add "@react-native-firebase/firestore"
# Functions
echo "Setting up Functions"
yarn add "@react-native-firebase/functions"
# Performance - classpath, plugin, dependency, import, init
echo "Setting up Performance"
yarn add "@react-native-firebase/perf"
rm -f android/app/build.gradle??
sed -i -e $'s/dependencies {/dependencies {\\\n classpath ""/' android/build.gradle
rm -f android/build.gradle??
sed -i -e $'s/"" {/""\\\napply plugin: ""/' android/app/build.gradle
rm -f android/app/build.gradle??
# Storage
echo "Setting up Storage"
yarn add "@react-native-firebase/storage"
# I'm not going to demonstrate messaging and notifications. Everyone gets it wrong because it's hard.
# You've got to read the docs and test *EVERYTHING* one feature at a time.
# But you have to do a *lot* of work in the AndroidManifest.xml, and make sure your MainActivity *is* the launch intent receiver
# I am not going to demonstrate shortcut badging. Shortcut badging on Android is a terrible idea to rely on.
# Only use it if the feature is "nice to have" but you're okay with it being terrible. It's an Android thing, not a react-native-firebase thing.
# (Pixel Launcher won't do it, launchers have to grant permissions, it is vendor specific, Material Design says no, etc etc)
# Set up AdMob
echo "Setting up AdMob"
yarn add "@react-native-firebase/admob"
# Set up an AdMob ID (this is the official "sample id")
# Note this can be done in firebase.json as well:
printf "{\n \"react-native\": {\n \"admob_android_app_id\": \"ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713\",\n \"admob_ios_app_id\": \"ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~1458002511\"\n }\n}" > firebase.json
# AdMob has a specific error in react-native-firebase with regard to modern Firebase iOS SDKs, the path moved
# I think this is not needed for react-native-firebase v6 though
# sed -i -e $'s/Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK\/Frameworks\/frameworks/Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK\/Frameworks\/GoogleMobileAdsFramework-Current/' node_modules/react-native-firebase/ios/RNFirebase.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
# rm -f node_modules/react-native-firebase/ios/RNFirebase.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj??
# Set the Java application up for multidex (needed for API<21 w/Firebase)
echo "Configuring MultiDex for API<21 support"
sed -i -e $'s/defaultConfig {/defaultConfig {\\\n multiDexEnabled true/' android/app/build.gradle
rm -f android/app/build.gradle??
sed -i -e $'s/dependencies {/dependencies {\\\n implementation "androidx.multidex:multidex:2.0.1"/' android/app/build.gradle
rm -f android/app/build.gradle??
sed -i -e $'s/import;/import androidx.multidex.MultiDexApplication;/' android/app/src/main/java/com/$PROJECT_NAME/
rm -f android/app/src/main/java/com/$PROJECT_NAME/
sed -i -e $'s/extends Application/extends MultiDexApplication/' android/app/src/main/java/com/$PROJECT_NAME/
rm -f android/app/src/main/java/com/$PROJECT_NAME/
# Another Java build tweak - or gradle runs out of memory during the build
echo "Increasing memory available to gradle for android java build"
echo "org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" >> android/
# Copy in our demonstrator App.js
# rm ./App.js && cp ../AppV6.js ./App.js
# Javascript Jetifier: this makes sure Java code in npm-managed modules are transformed all the time
# It is used automatically now, built in to the @react-native-community/cli process by default
# Run the thing for iOS
if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then
echo "Installing pods and running iOS app"
cd ios && pod install && cd ..
npx react-native run-ios
# workaround for poorly setup Android SDK environments
echo "sdk.dir=/Users/$USER/Library/Android/sdk" > android/
# Run it for Android (assumes you have an android emulator running)
echo "Running android app"
npx jetify
cd android && ./gradlew assembleRelease # prove it works
cd ..
# only commenting this out because I frequently don't have an emulator available
# I run it manually in testing when I have one, uncomment if you like
npx react-native run-android
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