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A simple utility class to handle dateline/anti-meridian issues with geometries
using NetTopologySuite.Geometries;
using NetTopologySuite.IO;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace NTS.Package.Tests
/// <summary>
/// Utility class for dateline handling (IDEA)
/// </summary>
public class DatelineUtility
/// <summary>
/// Maximum value for <see cref="DateLineGap"/>.
/// </summary>
public const double MaxDateLineGap = 0.001;
private static double _dateLineGap;
/// <summary>
/// Tests if a geometry might possibly cross the dateline
/// </summary>
/// <param name="geometry">The geometry to test</param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown, if <paramref name="geometry"/> is <c>null</c></exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown, if geometry is not geographic (see: <see cref="IsGeographic(Geometry)"/>)</exception>
public static bool IsCrossingDateline(Geometry geometry)
// Argument checking
if (geometry == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(geometry));
// If we don't have a geographic coordinate system
if (!IsGeographic(geometry))
throw new ArgumentException("Not a geography", nameof(geometry));
// Can't do anything with empty geometries
if (geometry.IsEmpty)
return false;
// If we have a geometry that is only consisting of points we don't need to do any
// dateline handling
if (geometry is IPuntal)
return false;
// if the bounds don't cross the dateline, the geometry doesn't either
var env = geometry.EnvelopeInternal;
if (env.MinX > -180d && env.MaxX < 180)
return false;
// Build filter that tests if we need to perform special dateline handling
var cdf = new IsCrossingDatelineFilter();
if (!cdf.IsCrossingDateline && geometry.EnvelopeInternal.MaxX <= 180)
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a value
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The allowed range is [0, <see cref="MaxDateLineGap"/>]
/// </remarks>
public static double DateLineGap
get => _dateLineGap;
if (value < 0 || value > MaxDateLineGap)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(value), $"Not in allowed range [0 ... {MaxDateLineGap}]");
_dateLineGap = value;
/// <summary>
/// Unwraps a geometry at the dateline
/// </summary>
/// <param name="geometry">The geometry to unwrap</param>
/// <returns>The unwrapped geometry</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown, if geometry is not geographic (see: <see cref="IsGeographic(Geometry)"/>)</exception>
public static Geometry UnwrapAtDateline(Geometry geometry, bool checkIfCrossing = true, bool unionResult = true, double dateLineGap = double.NaN, PrecisionModel pm = null)
// Does client want us to check if geometry crosses the dateline
if (checkIfCrossing)
// Test if the geometry has a chance of crossing the dateline
if (!IsCrossingDateline(geometry))
return geometry;
// Check if the geometry is at least a geographic one!
if (!IsGeographic(geometry))
throw new ArgumentException(nameof(geometry));
// Get number of shifts
double numberOfFullShifts = -Math.Floor((geometry.EnvelopeInternal.MinX + 180) / 360);
if (numberOfFullShifts > 0)
// Move whole geometry by numberOfFullShifts * 360°
geometry.Apply(new TranslateXFilter(numberOfFullShifts * 360d));
// Build a list of geometries
var parts = new List<Geometry>();
// Adjust gap at dateline
if (double.IsNaN(dateLineGap))
dateLineGap = DateLineGap;
// Test dateline gap value
if (dateLineGap < 0 || dateLineGap > MaxDateLineGap)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(dateLineGap), $"Not in allowed range [0 ... {MaxDateLineGap}]");
// While input geometry is not empty compute intersection with world bounds and add to list
// Renove covered part from input geometry
while (!geometry.IsEmpty)
// Intersect geometry with default world bounds
var box = geometry.Factory.ToGeometry(new Envelope(-180, 180 - dateLineGap, -90, 90));
var geom0 = geometry.Intersection(box);
// Add part
// Get remaining geometry and translate into world bounds
geometry = geometry.Difference(box);
geometry.Apply(new TranslateXFilter(-360d));
// check if the precision model is scaled
// Union the geometries and return result
if (unionResult)
// Check that the precision model is fixed
if (pm != null && pm.IsFloating)
throw new ArgumentException("Not a fixed precision model", nameof(pm));
return NetTopologySuite.Operation.OverlayNG.UnaryUnionNG.Union(parts, pm ?? geometry.Factory.PrecisionModel);
// Build a geometry
return geometry.Factory.BuildGeometry(parts);
/// <summary>
/// Tests if the geometry was build for geographic geometries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="geometry">The geometry</param>
/// <returns><c>true</c> if it does.</returns>
private static bool IsGeographic(Geometry geometry)
=> _geographicCrs.Value.Contains(geometry.SRID);
private static Lazy<HashSet<int>> _geographicCrs = new Lazy<HashSet<int>>(ReadGeographicCrs());
private static HashSet<int> ReadGeographicCrs()
var hashSet = new HashSet<int>();
var asm = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
using var strm = asm.GetManifestResourceStream($"{typeof(DatelineUtility).Namespace}.GeographicCrs.txt");
using var sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(strm);
while (!sr.EndOfStream)
string line = sr.ReadLine();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line)) continue;
if (line.StartsWith("#")) continue;
string[] parts = line.Split(',');
foreach(var part in parts)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(part))
if (int.TryParse(part, out int srid))
return hashSet;
private class IsCrossingDatelineFilter : IEntireCoordinateSequenceFilter
public bool Done => IsCrossingDateline;
public bool GeometryChanged => false;
public bool IsCrossingDateline { get; private set; }
public void Filter(CoordinateSequence seq)
// Test if we have a segement crossing the dateline
double currX = seq.GetX(0);
bool wasLT = currX < -180d;
bool wasGT = currX > -180d;
for (int i = 1; i < seq.Count; i++)
double lastX = currX;
// Prevent unmotivated sign change on dateline
currX = seq.GetX(i);
if ((currX == -180d && lastX == 180d) ||
(currX == 180d && lastX == -180d))
currX = lastX;
// Check if we cross the dateline
if (currX < -180d && wasGT ||
currX > -180d && wasLT)
IsCrossingDateline = true;
// Update flag variables
wasLT = currX < -180d;
wasGT = currX > -180d;
/// <summary>
/// A filter class to translate every x-ordinate by a predefined value
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Sets <see cref="GeometryChanged"/> to <c>true</c> if the translation value is <c>!= 0d</c></remarks>
private class TranslateXFilter : IEntireCoordinateSequenceFilter
private readonly double _translate;
public TranslateXFilter(double translate)
_translate = translate;
public bool Done => false;
public bool GeometryChanged => _translate != 0d;
public void Filter(CoordinateSequence seq)
// translate whole ge
for (int i = 0; i < seq.Count; i++)
seq.SetX(i, seq.GetX(i) + _translate);
public class DatelineUtilityTest
NetTopologySuite.NtsGeometryServices _instance = new NetTopologySuite.NtsGeometryServices(new PrecisionModel(1000));
[TestCase("SRID=4326;LINESTRING (-179 0, -181 0)", "MULTILINESTRING ((180 0, 179 0), (-179 0, -180 0))")]
[TestCase("SRID=4326;LINESTRING (-541 -20, 0 0, 541 20)",
"MULTILINESTRING ((179 -20, 180 -19.963), (-180 -19.963, 180 -6.654), (-180 -6.654, 0 0, 180 6.654), (-180 6.654, 180 19.963), (-180 19.963, -179 20))")]
[TestCase("SRID=4326;LINESTRING (-179 0, -180 0, -180 2, -179 2)", "LINESTRING(-179 0, -180 0, -180 2, -179 2)")]
[TestCase("SRID=4326;LINESTRING (-179 0, 181 0)", "LINESTRING(-180 0, 180 0)")]
[TestCase("SRID=4326;LINESTRING (-185 20, -175 15, -185 10, -175 5, -180 2.5, -180 -2.5, -175 -5, -185 -10, -175 -15, -185 -20)",
"MULTILINESTRING ((175 20, 180 17.5), (180 12.5, 175 10, 180 7.5), (180 2.5, 180 -2.5), (180 -7.5, 175 -10, 180 -12.5), " +
"(180 -17.5, 175 -20), (-180 17.5, -175 15, -180 12.5), (-180 7.5, -175 5, -180 2.5), (-180 -2.5, -175 -5, -180 -7.5), " +
"(-180 -12.5, -175 -15, -180 -17.5))")]
[TestCase("SRID=4326;POLYGON ((-179 1, -181 1, -181 -1, -179 -1, -179 1))",
"MULTIPOLYGON (((-179 1, -179 -1, -180 -1, -180 1, -179 1)), ((179 -1, 179 1, 180 1, 180 -1, 179 -1)))")]
[TestCase("SRID=4326;POLYGON ((-185 0, -185 10, -175 10, -175 0, -185 0), (-182 3, -178 3, -178 7, -182 7, -182 3)))",
"MULTIPOLYGON (((-175 10, -175 0, -180 0, -180 3, -178 3, -178 7, -180 7, -180 10, -175 10)), ((175 10, 180 10, 180 7, 178 7, 178 3, 180 3, 180 0, 175 0, 175 10)))")]
[TestCase("SRID=4326;LINESTRING (-179 0, -181 0)", "MULTILINESTRING ((180 0, 179 0), (-179 0, -180 0))")]
public void Test(string wktInput, string wktExpected)
var rdr = new WKTReader(_instance);
var input = rdr.Read(wktInput);
var actual = DatelineUtility.UnwrapAtDateline(input);
var expected = rdr.Read(wktExpected);
if (actual.IsEmpty && expected.IsEmpty)
Assert.That(actual.OgcGeometryType, Is.EqualTo(expected.OgcGeometryType));
Assert.That(actual.Equals(expected), Is.True,
$"Expected: {expected}\nActual: {actual}");
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