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Created January 16, 2023 12:32
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git push, create pr, approve, and merge for azure devops (using `az` azure devops cli)
# create pull request for current git branch and merge using azurecli
git push --set-upstream origin "$(git branch --show-current)" || exit
if pr_list=$(az repos pr list --output json --source-branch "$(git branch --show-current)"); then
if [ $(echo "$pr_list" | jq '. | length') -gt 0 ]; then
pullRequestId=$(echo "$pr_list" | jq '.[0].pullRequestId')
echo "A pull request already exists for the current branch with ID: $pullRequestId"
resp=$(az repos pr create --auto-complete true --delete-source-branch true --source-branch "$(git branch --show-current)" --output json) && \
pullRequestId=$(echo "$resp" | jq .pullRequestId) && \
# use semi-linear merge
az repos policy merge-strategy update --id "$pullRequestId" --allow-no-fast-forward true --allow-rebase-merge true
az repos pr set-vote --id "$pullRequestId" --vote approve && \
az repos pr update --id "$pullRequestId" --status completed && \
git pull --all && \
echo -e 'you may now run:\n\n $ git stash -m "before merge master with $(git branch --show-current)" && git checkout master && git pull --all && git stash pop\n\n'
echo "An error occurred while checking for existing pull requests"
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