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Last active December 8, 2022 09:16
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Problem 7 AoC 2022 solution from the Clojure Berlin Meetup
(ns scratch
(:require [clojure.string :as str]))
;; Parsing
(defn cd? [s] (str/starts-with? s "cd"))
(defn parse-ls [s]
(into ["ls"] (->> (map #(str/split % #" ") (next s))
(map (fn [[n o]]
(if-let [n (parse-long n)]
[n o]
[n o]))))))
(defn parse [f]
(->> (-> (slurp f)
(str/split #"\$"))
(remove str/blank?)
(map (comp str/split-lines str/trim))
(map #(if (cd? (first %))
(str/split (first %) #" ")
(parse-ls %)))))
(parse "sample.txt")
;; => (["cd" "/"]
;; ["ls" ["dir" "a"] [14848514 "b.txt"] [8504156 "c.dat"] ["dir" "d"]]
;; ["cd" "a"]
;; ["ls" ["dir" "e"] [29116 "f"] [2557 "g"] [62596 "h.lst"]]
;; ["cd" "e"]
;; ["ls" [584 "i"]]
;; ["cd" ".."]
;; ["cd" ".."]
;; ["cd" "d"]
;; ["ls"
;; [4060174 "j"]
;; [8033020 "d.log"]
;; [5626152 "d.ext"]
;; [7214296 "k"]])
;; Problems
;; we first restructure the output from parse to have a map from dir->contents
(defn restructure [input]
(loop [s ["/"] res {} rem (next input)]
(empty? rem) res
(cd? (ffirst rem))
(let [dir (second (first rem))]
(if (= dir "..")
(recur (pop s) res (next rem))
(recur (conj s dir) res (next rem))))
(recur s (assoc res s (nfirst rem)) (next rem)))))
(restructure (parse "sample.txt"))
;; => {["/"]
;; (["dir" "a"] [14848514 "b.txt"] [8504156 "c.dat"] ["dir" "d"]),
;; ["/" "a"] (["dir" "e"] [29116 "f"] [2557 "g"] [62596 "h.lst"]),
;; ["/" "a" "e"] ([584 "i"]),
;; ["/" "d"]
;; ([4060174 "j"] [8033020 "d.log"] [5626152 "d.ext"] [7214296 "k"])}
;; from this map we calculate directory sizes cursively, bottoming out at the leafs
(defn calc [cur-dir res]
(if (contains? res cur-dir)
(let [[size new-res]
(reduce (fn [[cur-size res] [n-or-dir dir-name]]
(if (number? n-or-dir)
[(+ cur-size n-or-dir) res]
(let [new-path (conj cur-dir dir-name)
new-res (calc new-path res)]
[(+ cur-size (get new-res new-path)) new-res])))
[0 res]
(get res cur-dir))]
(assoc new-res cur-dir size))
(assoc res cur-dir 0)))
(->> (parse "sample.txt") restructure (calc ["/"]))
;; => {["/"] 48381165,
;; ["/" "a"] 94853,
;; ["/" "a" "e"] 584,
;; ["/" "d"] 24933642}
(defn problem1 [input]
(->> input
(calc ["/"])
(filter #(<= % 100000))
(reduce +)))
(problem1 (parse "sample.txt"))
(problem1 (parse "input7.txt")))
(def total-size 70000000)
(defn problem2 [input]
(let [dir->size (->> input
(calc ["/"]))
total-used (get dir->size ["/"])
total-avail (- total-size total-used)
total-need (- 30000000 total-avail)]
(->> (sort-by second dir->size)
(some #(when (<= total-need (second %)) %))
(problem2 (parse "sample.txt"))
(problem2 (parse "input7.txt")))
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