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Last active February 27, 2020 00:06
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Generating Lenses helpers using Sourcery

What are Lenses? Great explanation by @mbrandonw


  • input.swift - sample structs for which we want helpers to be generated
  • lens.stencil - sourcery template to generate lenses helpers
  • output.swift - sample lenses helpers generated
  • zLens.swift - simple implementation of lenses, so you can play with it


  • Usually you want to generate helpers only for certain structs in your project. To limit scope of sourcery changes, keep your relevant structs under one directory and just point sourcery to that directory instead of whole project.
struct House {
let rooms: Room
let address: String
let size: Int
struct Room {
let people: [Person]
let name: String
struct Person {
let name: String
{# This script assumes you follow swift naming convention, e.g. structs start with an upper letter #}
{# Launch using Sourcery: #}
{% for type in types.structs %}
extension {{ }} {
{% for variable in type.variables %}
static let {{ }}Lens = Lens<{{}}, {{variable.type}}>(
get: { $0.{{}} },
set: { {{}}, {{ | lowercase}} in
{{}}({% for argument in type.variables %}{{}}: {% if == %}{{}}{% else %}{{ || lowercase}}.{{}}{% endif %}{% if not forloop.last%}, {% endif %}{% endfor %})
){% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
// Generated using Sourcery 0.3.3 —
extension House {
static let roomsLens = Lens<House, Room>(
get: { $0.rooms },
set: { rooms, house in
House(rooms: rooms, address: house.address, size: house.size)
static let addressLens = Lens<House, String>(
get: { $0.address },
set: { address, house in
House(rooms: house.rooms, address: address, size: house.size)
static let sizeLens = Lens<House, Int>(
get: { $0.size },
set: { size, house in
House(rooms: house.rooms, address: house.address, size: size)
extension Person {
static let nameLens = Lens<Person, String>(
get: { $ },
set: { name, person in
Person(name: name)
extension Room {
static let peopleLens = Lens<Room, [Person]>(
get: { $0.people },
set: { people, room in
Room(people: people, name:
static let nameLens = Lens<Room, String>(
get: { $ },
set: { name, room in
Room(people: room.people, name: name)
// a Swift 3 version of Brandon's implementation:
infix operator *~: MultiplicationPrecedence
infix operator |>: AdditionPrecedence
struct Lens<Whole, Part> {
let get: (Whole) -> Part
let set: (Part, Whole) -> Whole
func * <A, B, C> (lhs: Lens<A, B>, rhs: Lens<B, C>) -> Lens<A, C> {
return Lens<A, C>(
get: { a in rhs.get(lhs.get(a)) },
set: { (c, a) in lhs.set(rhs.set(c, lhs.get(a)), a) }
func *~ <A, B> (lhs: Lens<A, B>, rhs: B) -> (A) -> A {
return { a in lhs.set(rhs, a) }
func |> <A, B> (x: A, f: (A) -> B) -> B {
return f(x)
func |> <A, B, C> (f: @escaping (A) -> B, g: @escaping (B) -> C) -> (A) -> C {
return { g(f($0)) }
// file is prefixed with `z` to display it as a last file in gist BTW
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You can also use phantom protocol or annotations to mark structs you want to generate lenses for, e.g.

// somewhere in your code-base
protocol AutoLense {}

// any struct / class you want to add lenses to
class Foo: AutoLense {}
// or even
extension MyStruct: AutoLense {} 

Then you can tweak this template to just do:

{% for type in types.implementing.AutoLense %}

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