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Created October 14, 2019 17:30
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  • Save Funeoz/61cd1ddd6b44ce05691cfc499187d195 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Spotify --show-console output
17:27:11.521 I [connectivity_manager.cpp:93 ] Access allowance changed from online: 0 stream: 0, sync: 0, persistent conn: 0 to online: 1 stream: 1, sync: 0, persistent conn: 1
17:27:11.523 I [network_controller.cpp:77 ] Connectivity policy is initially allow_all
17:27:11.523 I [network_controller.cpp:93 ] Enabling AP network
17:27:11.523 I [network_controller.cpp:81 ] Connection type is initially unknown
17:27:11.524 I [connectivity_manager.cpp:248 ] Connectivity rules changed from network: 1 (roaming: 0), sync over wifi: 1, sync over cellular: 0 to network: 1 (roaming: 1), sync over wifi: 1, sync over cellular: 0
17:27:11.524 I [connectivity_manager.cpp:111 ] Scheduling emission of signal.
17:27:11.524 I [connectivity_manager.cpp:102 ] Emitting signal.
17:27:11.531 I [connectivity_manager.cpp:193 ] Reachability changed from unknown to ethernet (roaming: false)
17:27:11.531 I [connectivity_manager.cpp:93 ] Access allowance changed from online: 1 stream: 1, sync: 0, persistent conn: 1 to online: 1 stream: 1, sync: 1, persistent conn: 1
17:27:11.531 I [connectivity_manager.cpp:111 ] Scheduling emission of signal.
17:27:11.538 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:664 ] aq: clearConnectionId()
17:27:11.539 I [logger_impl_base.cpp:90 ] Successfully loaded 23 log messages from '/home/theo/.config/spotify/Users/funeoz-user/log'
17:27:11.539 I [session_logger.cpp:36 ] Using Hermes log transport
17:27:11.539 I [logger_impl_base.cpp:113 ] Logger is now using a valid transport!
17:27:11.539 I [logger_impl_base.cpp:113 ] Logger is now using a valid transport!
17:27:11.541 I [storage_system_impl.cpp:958 ] Enumerated files in cache. Permanent: keep 3 files, 48700 bytes; remove 0 files, 0 bytes. Volatile: keep 0 files, 0 bytes; remove 0 files, 0 bytes.
17:27:11.542 5 [playlist_be_pl4_context.cpp:99 ] [spotify:user:funeoz:rootlist] Creating context
17:27:11.542 I [social_manager_impl.cpp:159 ] social: Read cache file '/home/theo/.config/spotify/Users/funeoz-user/social_manager.bnk'
17:27:11.542 I [social_manager_impl.cpp:196 ] social: Read 1 user(s) from cache file
17:27:11.546 E [offline_key_store.cpp:84 ] Offline: failed to load key stores, error: sync_error_offline_key_store_file_not_found (7007), path: /home/theo/.cache/spotify/Users/funeoz-user/cached
17:27:11.607 I [mpris.cpp:310 ] Received MPRIS MediaPlayer2.Player 'Get' request, but no metadata is available
[1014/] [.DisplayCompositor]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_OPERATION : glBufferData: <- error from previous GL command
17:27:11.753 W [collection_local_bans_file.cpp:51] bans: could not read local bans file: /home/theo/.config/spotify/Users/funeoz-user/local_bans.pb
17:27:11.818 I [track_offlining_controller_impl.cpp:38] Track offlining: 0 tracks offlined
17:27:11.833 E [connectivity_listener.cpp:57 ] ConnectConnectivityListener: received empty connection_id
17:27:11.833 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:546 ] aq: OnAuthorizationNeeded: Unable to get auth token, error: ap_network_disabled
17:27:11.833 E [proxy_ad_requester.cpp:91 ] proxy-ad-requester error: config request error - 39
17:27:11.839 I [dns.cpp:60 ] Resolved to
17:27:11.846 I [sliding_window_prefetch_strategy.cpp:232] Prefetch: looks like new context - resetting window size to 1
17:27:11.847 I [webgate_decorator_auth.cpp:39 ] makeWebgateRequestDecoratorAuth: PUT wg://connect-state/v1/devices/d97b6df339108fae8472fba3dd0fa74458bab773: Error fetching token: ap_network_disabled
17:27:11.847 I [connectivity_manager.cpp:102 ] Emitting signal.
17:27:11.847 I [network_controller.cpp:128 ] Connection type changed from unknown to ethernet
17:27:11.847 I [network_controller.cpp:154 ] Will reconnect to AP (not forced)
17:27:11.854 I [offline_manager_impl.cpp:2720 ] Storage has been cleaned
17:27:11.854 5 [playlist_be_pl4.cpp:450 ] synchronizeRootlist 'spotify:user:funeoz:rootlist'
17:27:11.854 5 [playlist_be_pl4_context.cpp:99 ] [spotify:user:spotify:playlist:37i9dQZF1DX36Xw4IJIVKA] Creating context
17:27:11.854 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.cpp:356 ] [spotify:user:funeoz:rootlist] Synchronization starting: DIFF (from revision 19,35a43febc617c4171040a9bb22b5d7963651ed22)
17:27:11.854 I [offline_manager_impl.cpp:2864 ] == Offline Report ==
17:27:11.854 I [offline_manager_impl.cpp:2865 ] change_reason: startup-report
17:27:11.854 I [offline_manager_impl.cpp:2866 ] num_downloaded_tracks: 0
17:27:11.854 I [offline_manager_impl.cpp:2867 ] total_num_tracks: 0
17:27:11.854 I [offline_manager_impl.cpp:2868 ] num_downloaded_episodes: 0
17:27:11.854 I [offline_manager_impl.cpp:2869 ] total_num_episodes: 0
17:27:11.854 I [offline_manager_impl.cpp:2870 ] track_limit: 0
17:27:11.854 I [offline_manager_impl.cpp:2871 ] track_expiry: 2592000
17:27:11.854 I [offline_manager_impl.cpp:2872 ] episode_limit: 0
17:27:11.854 I [offline_manager_impl.cpp:2873 ] episode_expiry: 2592000
17:27:11.854 I [offline_manager_impl.cpp:2874 ] offline_keys: 0
17:27:11.854 I [offline_manager_impl.cpp:2875 ] cached_keys: 0
17:27:11.854 I [offline_manager_impl.cpp:2876 ] total_num_links: 0
17:27:11.854 I [offline_manager_impl.cpp:2883 ] ====================
17:27:11.860 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.cpp:356 ] [spotify:user:spotify:playlist:37i9dQZF1DX36Xw4IJIVKA] Synchronization starting: DIFF (from revision 1570139946,000000440000016d93a23f2d0000016899745aeb)
17:27:11.860 5 [playlist_be_pl4_context.cpp:230 ] [spotify:user:funeoz:rootlist] 'DIFF' request complete
17:27:11.860 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.cpp:572 ] [spotify:user:funeoz:rootlist] synchronization error: non hermes error
17:27:11.860 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.cpp:595 ] [spotify:user:funeoz:rootlist] - transient error, retrying.
17:27:11.952 I [ap_connection_impl.cpp:505 ] Connecting to AP
17:27:11.958 I [connect_dial_manager.cpp:293 ] Discovery device detected f03b110e-5819-f82f-5ea8-09994e96eb95
17:27:11.959 5 [playlist_be_pl4_context.cpp:230 ] [spotify:user:spotify:playlist:37i9dQZF1DX36Xw4IJIVKA] 'DIFF' request complete
17:27:11.959 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.cpp:572 ] [spotify:user:spotify:playlist:37i9dQZF1DX36Xw4IJIVKA] synchronization error: non hermes error
17:27:11.959 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.cpp:595 ] [spotify:user:spotify:playlist:37i9dQZF1DX36Xw4IJIVKA] - transient error, retrying.
17:27:11.964 E [connect_dial_manager.cpp:809 ] check for app failed: app_not_installed
17:27:12.015 I [dns.cpp:60 ] Resolved to
17:27:12.264 I [ap_connection_impl.cpp:138 ] Connected to AP:
17:27:12.411 I [ap_connection_impl.cpp:310 ] AP login welcome, len 178
17:27:12.411 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 7: 1 (throttling at 20)
17:27:12.411 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 1 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.411 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 2 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.411 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 3 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.412 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:1052 ] Logging connection info message, current ap:
17:27:12.412 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 4 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.412 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 5 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.413 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 6 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.413 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 7 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.413 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 8 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.413 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 9 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.413 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 10 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.413 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 11 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.413 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 12 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.414 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 13 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.414 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 14 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.414 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 15 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.414 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 16 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.414 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 17 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.414 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 18 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.414 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 19 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.415 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 20 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.415 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 21 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.415 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 22 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.415 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 23 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.415 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 24 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.415 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 25 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.416 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 26 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.416 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 27 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.416 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 28 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.416 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 29 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.416 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 30 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.416 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 31 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.417 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 32 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.417 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 33 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.417 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 34 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.417 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 35 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.417 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 36 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.417 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 37 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.418 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 38 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.418 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 39 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.418 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 40 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.418 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 41 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.418 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 42 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.418 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 43 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.419 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 44 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.419 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 45 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.419 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 46 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.419 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 47 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.419 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 48 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.419 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 49 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.420 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 50 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.420 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 51 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.420 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 52 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.420 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 53 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.420 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 54 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.420 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 55 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.421 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 56 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.421 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 57 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.421 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 58 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.421 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 59 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.421 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 60 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.422 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 61 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.422 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 62 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.422 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 63 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.422 I [ap_handler_impl.cpp:312 ] New max active requests for job type 10: 64 (throttling at 250)
17:27:12.509 I [ap_connection_impl.cpp:341 ] AP login complete, len 0
17:27:12.510 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://device-capabilities/v1 took 550 ms
17:27:12.510 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://device-capabilities/v1 took 550 ms
17:27:12.510 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://socialgraph/subscriptions took 550 ms
17:27:12.510 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: ap://set_user_attribute took 979 ms
17:27:12.516 I [offline_manager_impl.cpp:2312 ] sync level updated: none -> keyless. (online: 1 connection_allows_offlining: 1 has_device_token: 0 allow_spotify_tracks: 0)
17:27:12.516 I [offline_manager_impl.cpp:2236 ] KeyMemoryCache: cache enabled (online), expiry timer cleared
17:27:12.521 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:323 ] connectivityChanged(), is_logged_in:1
17:27:12.521 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:664 ] aq: clearConnectionId()
17:27:12.521 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: ap://set_user_attribute took 990 ms
17:27:12.522 E [connectivity_listener.cpp:57 ] ConnectConnectivityListener: received empty connection_id
17:27:12.540 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: on GoOffline[Offline] -> [Offline]
17:27:12.541 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:575 ] aq: OnError reason: 3, error:User requested disconnect
17:27:12.541 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: Disconnected
17:27:12.541 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: on GoOnline[Offline] -> [Online]
17:27:12.583 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:664 ] aq: clearConnectionId()
17:27:12.584 E [connectivity_listener.cpp:57 ] ConnectConnectivityListener: received empty connection_id
17:27:12.591 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: on GoOnline[Idle] -> [Resolving]
17:27:12.641 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: on OnResolved[Resolving] -> [Connecting]
17:27:12.641 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_OPENSSL_LOAD_EXTRA_CLIENT_VERIFY_CERTS
17:27:12.641 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_PROTOCOL_INIT
17:27:12.641 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS__unknown__
17:27:12.646 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_WSI_CREATE
17:27:12.646 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_GET_THREAD_ID
17:27:12.646 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_EVENT_WAIT_CANCELLED
17:27:12.649 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 232 ms
17:27:12.649 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 232 ms
17:27:12.649 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 232 ms
17:27:12.649 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 232 ms
17:27:12.649 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 232 ms
17:27:12.649 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 232 ms
17:27:12.649 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 232 ms
17:27:12.649 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 232 ms
17:27:12.650 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 232 ms
17:27:12.650 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 232 ms
17:27:12.650 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 232 ms
17:27:12.650 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 232 ms
17:27:12.650 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 231 ms
17:27:12.650 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 231 ms
17:27:12.650 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 231 ms
17:27:12.650 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 231 ms
17:27:12.651 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 231 ms
17:27:12.651 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 231 ms
17:27:12.651 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 231 ms
17:27:12.651 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 231 ms
17:27:12.651 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 231 ms
17:27:12.651 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 231 ms
17:27:12.651 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 231 ms
17:27:12.651 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 231 ms
17:27:12.651 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 231 ms
17:27:12.652 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 231 ms
17:27:12.652 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 231 ms
17:27:12.652 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 231 ms
17:27:12.652 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 231 ms
17:27:12.652 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 230 ms
17:27:12.652 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 230 ms
17:27:12.652 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 230 ms
17:27:12.652 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 230 ms
17:27:12.652 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 230 ms
17:27:12.653 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 230 ms
17:27:12.707 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 284 ms
17:27:12.752 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://event-service/v1 took 229 ms
17:27:12.752 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://facebook/config took 233 ms
17:27:12.754 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://collection/show took 237 ms
17:27:12.754 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://collection/listenlater took 237 ms
17:27:12.754 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://collection/ban took 237 ms
17:27:12.754 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://played-state/v1 took 236 ms
17:27:12.754 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://collection/collection took 237 ms
17:27:12.754 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://socialgraph/v2 took 237 ms
17:27:12.755 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://socialgraph/subscriptions took 239 ms
17:27:12.759 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://keymaster/token took 238 ms
17:27:12.762 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://recently-played/v2 took 243 ms
17:27:12.762 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:543 ] aq: AuthorizeWithToken
17:27:12.763 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://playlist/user took 247 ms
17:27:12.789 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_APPEND_HANDSHAKE_HEADER
17:27:12.789 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: Aqueduct set User-Agent:Spotify/ Linux/5.0.0-29-generic (Aqueduct/v1.2.121-d83f879e)
17:27:12.789 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: on GoOnline[Online] -> [Online]
17:27:12.789 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS__unknown__
17:27:12.789 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_CONNECTION_ERROR
17:27:12.789 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_CLOSED_CLIENT_HTTP
17:27:12.789 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_WSI_DESTROY
17:27:12.789 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_PROTOCOL_DESTROY
17:27:12.822 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://abba-service/v1 took 300 ms
17:27:12.839 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: on GoOnline[Idle] -> [Resolving]
17:27:12.890 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: on OnResolved[Resolving] -> [Connecting]
17:27:12.890 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_OPENSSL_LOAD_EXTRA_CLIENT_VERIFY_CERTS
17:27:12.890 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_PROTOCOL_INIT
17:27:12.890 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS__unknown__
17:27:12.894 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_WSI_CREATE
17:27:12.894 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_GET_THREAD_ID
17:27:12.894 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_EVENT_WAIT_CANCELLED
17:27:13.093 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_APPEND_HANDSHAKE_HEADER
17:27:13.093 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: Aqueduct set User-Agent:Spotify/ Linux/5.0.0-29-generic (Aqueduct/v1.2.121-d83f879e)
17:27:13.094 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: took 332 ms
17:27:13.136 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_FILTER_PRE_ESTABLISH
17:27:13.137 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_ESTABLISHED
17:27:13.137 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_RECEIVE
17:27:13.153 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: took 319 ms
17:27:13.187 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: on OnConnected[Connecting] -> [Connected]
17:27:13.187 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:557 ] aq: OnNewConnectionId: bGlic3BvdGlmeStkZWFsZXIrdGNwOi8vZ2V3MS1kZWFsZXItYi1rZmpiLmdldzEuc3BvdGlmeS5uZXQ6NTcwMCs5MzhEODlEREU0N0I2Mjg2M0MzNUQ3REZBNzQzMTI3MTAwODFENDAwRDdCOTQ2M0Y3REQ5MjhCMTcxRERBRDFD
17:27:13.187 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_WRITEABLE
17:27:13.187 E [connectivity_listener.cpp:51 ] ConnectConnectivityListener: received new_connection_id bGlic3BvdGlmeStkZWFsZXIrdGNwOi8vZ2V3MS1kZWFsZXItYi1rZmpiLmdldzEuc3BvdGlmeS5uZXQ6NTcwMCs5MzhEODlEREU0N0I2Mjg2M0MzNUQ3REZBNzQzMTI3MTAwODFENDAwRDdCOTQ2M0Y3REQ5MjhCMTcxRERBRDFD - starting
17:27:13.187 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_WRITEABLE
17:27:13.440 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_RECEIVE_PONG
17:27:13.440 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://keymaster/token took 251 ms
17:27:13.740 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: took 282 ms
17:27:13.784 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_RECEIVE
17:27:13.805 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_RECEIVE
17:27:13.826 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_RECEIVE
17:27:13.897 I [request_accounting.cpp:416 ] High request latency: hm://device-capabilities/v1 took 155 ms
17:27:41.548 I [offline_manager_impl.cpp:2369 ] Pruning unused resources
17:27:41.574 I [offline_manager_impl.cpp:2496 ] Offline manager prune stats:
17:27:41.574 I [offline_manager_impl.cpp:2497 ] 0 files locked in storage
17:27:41.574 I [offline_manager_impl.cpp:2498 ] 0 files unlocked in storage
17:27:41.574 I [offline_manager_impl.cpp:2499 ] 0 track keys removed
17:27:41.574 I [offline_manager_impl.cpp:2500 ] 0 track keys moved to cache
17:27:41.574 I [offline_manager_impl.cpp:2501 ] 0 episode keys removed
17:27:41.574 I [offline_manager_impl.cpp:2502 ] 0 episode keys moved to cache
17:27:41.574 I [offline_manager_impl.cpp:2503 ] 0 keys removed from cache
17:27:41.574 I [offline_manager_impl.cpp:2504 ] 0 track keys left in store
17:27:41.574 I [offline_manager_impl.cpp:2505 ] 0 episode keys left in store
17:27:41.574 I [offline_manager_impl.cpp:2506 ] 0 keys left in cache
17:27:44.050 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_WRITEABLE
17:27:44.084 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_RECEIVE_PONG
17:27:45.232 5 [playlist_be_pl4.cpp:450 ] synchronizeRootlist 'spotify:user:funeoz:rootlist'
17:28:15.052 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_WRITEABLE
17:28:15.223 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_RECEIVE_PONG
17:28:46.040 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_WRITEABLE
17:28:46.075 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_RECEIVE_PONG
17:29:17.042 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_WRITEABLE
17:29:17.330 E [pubsub_subscription.cpp:590 ] aq: LWS got LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_RECEIVE_PONG
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mostafaznv commented Nov 8, 2020

I have the same problem as you.
did you found any workaround for that?

I get connection error but I don't have any connection issue.

Ubuntu 20.04

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Funeoz commented Nov 8, 2020

@mostafaznv No but now, I'm using the flatpak version of Spotify and it works just fine.

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thank you dear @Funeoz
you saved my life.
I checked anything you can think of.
I changed DNS, checked tcp packets in my machine and in proxy server, checked spotify logs and ...
but finally flatpak saved my life

thank you

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Funeoz commented Nov 10, 2020

Glad it's working for you @mostafaznv !

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