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Created July 13, 2020 02:43
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Silly Python to Clojure test
(let [[jirafilepath tempofilepath mergedfilepath] *command-line-args*]
(when (or (empty? jirafilepath)
(empty? tempofilepath)
(empty? mergedfilepath))
"Please provide path to {jira export file} {temport export file} {merged file}")
(System/exit 1))
(with-open [reader (io/reader jirafilepath)]
(let [csv-data (csv/read-csv reader)]
(let [rows (map zipmap
(->> (first csv-data)
(map keyword)
(rest csv-data))]
; Creates a persistent hash map
(reduce (fn [acc row]
(assoc acc
(row :task)
(+ (if (nil? (acc (row :task))) 0 (acc (row :task)))
(read-string (row :hours)))))
import sys
import csv
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
print("Please provide path to {jira export file} {temport export file} {merged file}")
jirafilepath = sys.argv[1]
tempofilepath = sys.argv[2]
mergedfilepath = sys.argv[3]
effort = {}
with open(jirafilepath, newline='') as jirafile:
reader = csv.DictReader(jirafile)
for row in reader:
if row['task'] not in effort:
effort[row['task']] = 0
effort[row['task']] += float(row['hours'])
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