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Last active August 8, 2023 06:09
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Get OS info at runtime
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import platform
Utility functions for determining Operating System info at runtime.
- *Module*: runtime_os_info
- *Platform*: Unix, Mac, Windows
- *Author*: [|Greg Meece]
== Functions with Example Returns ==
- ``this_platform = base_system()`` - Returns one of Windows, Linux, or Mac
- ``os_detail_list = detailed_os()`` - Example return: ['Microsoft', 'Windows', '7', '(SP1)']
- ``macos_name = mac_brand_name()`` - Returns either ``Mac OS X`` _or_ ``macOS``
- ``mac_ver_name = mac_version_name(11)`` - Would return ``El Capitan``.
== Notes ==
- Since I use Robot Framework for testing purposes, I've formatted the docstrings to take advantage
of the libdoc functionality to generate documentation. Ask the author for more info on this.
def base_system():
"""== Determines the basic OS the current machine/VM is running ==
- Windows
- Linux
- Mac OS X/macOS (Darwin).
== Calling ==
| *Args* | [none] | |
| *Returns* | ``string`` | Either ``Windows``, ``Linux``, or ``Mac``. |
| *Raises* | [none] | |
cur_system = platform.system()
if cur_system == 'Darwin':
this_system = 'Mac'
this_system = cur_system
return this_system
def detailed_os():
"""== Returns detailed information on the OS of the current machine/VM ==
Recognizes detailed OS information for:
- Windows
- Linux
- Mac OS X/macOS
== Calling ==
| *Args* | [none] | |
| *Returns* | ``list`` | Vendor, Basic OS, Version of OS, additional OS information. |
| *Raises* | [none] | |
=== Example Return ===
``Microsoft``, ``Windows``, ``7``, ``(SP1)``
what_os = base_system()
label = ''
version = ''
version_name = ''
add_info = ''
if what_os == 'Windows':
label = 'Microsoft'
version = platform.release()
version_name = platform.win32_ver()[2]
elif what_os == 'Mac':
label = 'Apple'
mac_ver_tup = platform.mac_ver()
mac_ver_str = mac_ver_tup[0]
mac_ver_list = mac_ver_str.split('.')
maj_ver = int(mac_ver_list[0])
min_ver = int(mac_ver_list[1])
version = '{}.{}'.format(maj_ver, min_ver)
(brand_name, version_name) = mac_brand_name()
version_name = '{} {}'.format(brand_name, version_name)
elif what_os == 'Linux':
label = platform.dist()[0]
version = platform.dist()[1]
with open("/etc/os-release") as osfileinfo:
for line in osfileinfo:
the_key, the_val = line.partition("=")[::2]
if the_key == 'VERSION':
open_paren = the_val.find('(')
close_paren = the_val.find(')')
version_name = the_val[open_paren + 1:close_paren]
return (label, what_os, version, '({})'.format(version_name))
def mac_brand_name():
"""== Returns the Branding-name of the Mac OS at Runtime ==
*Note*: This function assumes it is being run on a Macintosh.
== Calling ==
| *Args* | (none) | |
| *Returns* | ``string`` | Either ``Mac OS X`` (versions 10.0-10.11) _or_ ``macOS`` (version 10.12 and above). |
| *Raises* | [none] | |
=== Example Calls/Returns ===
| ${mac_brand} = Mac Brand Name
Example Return: ``Mac OS X``
mac_ver_tup = platform.mac_ver()
mac_ver_str = mac_ver_tup[0]
mac_ver_list = mac_ver_str.split('.')
maj_ver = int(mac_ver_list[0])
min_ver = int(mac_ver_list[1])
brand_name = 'macOS'
version_name = ''
# return_tuple
if maj_ver >= 10:
if min_ver <= 11: # El Capitan and earlier
brand_name = 'Mac OS X'
version_name = mac_version_name(maj_ver, min_ver)
print "Version of the Mac OS unknown!"
return (brand_name, version_name)
def mac_version_name(major_version, minor_version):
"""== Returns the Version Name of the Mac OS at Runtime ==
*Note*: This function assumes it is being run on a Macintosh.
== Calling ==
| *Args* | ``minor_version`` (int) | The minor version of the Mac OS the name is desired for. |
| *Returns* | ``string`` | Returns the code-name of the Mac OS version. |
| *Raises* | [none] | |
=== Example Calls/Returns ===
| ${mac_brand} = Mac Version Name ${11}
Example Return: ``El Capitan``
if major_version = 10:
if minor_version == 0:
return 'Cheetah'
elif minor_version == 1:
return 'Puma'
elif minor_version == 2:
return 'Jaguar'
elif minor_version == 3:
return 'Panther'
elif minor_version == 4:
return 'Tiger'
elif minor_version == 5:
return 'Leopard'
elif minor_version == 6:
return 'Snow Leopard'
elif minor_version == 7:
return 'Lion'
elif minor_version == 8:
return 'Mountain Lion'
elif minor_version == 9:
return 'Mavericks'
elif minor_version == 10:
return 'Yosemite'
elif minor_version == 11: # OS X ^
return 'El Capitan'
elif minor_version == 12: # macOS v
return 'Sierra'
elif minor_version == 13:
return 'High Sierra'
elif minor_version == 14:
return 'Mojave'
elif minor_version == 15:
return 'Catalina'
elif major_version == 11:
return 'Big Sur'
elif major_version == 12:
return 'Monterey'
elif major_version == 13:
return 'Ventura'
return 'Mac OS version name unknown!'
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I didn't look at the code too closely but I like the idea with your library. You might want to consider exposing this stuff as a variable too. Having a variable like ${OS INFO} or just ${OS} and then accessing info from it like ${OS.base_system} would be pretty convenient. You could accomplish this, for example, by adding something like this to your library:

class OSInfo(object):
   def base_system(self):
       return base_system()

def get_variables():
   return {'OS': OSInfo()}

Could also set those properties dynamically to avoid writing a lot of boilerplate code, but that would probably require changes to the original library too. Oh, the get_variables() in the above snippet is there to make this library work also as a variable file. Alternatively you could have keyword like this:

def get_os_info():
   return OSInfo()


... just for my future_me 😄

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