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Last active October 11, 2018 09:12
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Icomoon Font Packs

These notes are a quick reminder to myself about how to install and how to update an Icomoon font pack.

How to include in a FoundationPress project

  1. Download and extract zip form Icomoon.

  2. Copy the icomoon directory into the FoundationPress assets directory. (src/assets/). You can replace an existing directory if you are updating.

  3. Open terminal and navigate to the FoundationPress directory.

  4. Create a sass file in the assets directory. (-f will force overwrite)

cp -f src/assets/icomoon/style.css src/assets/scss/_icomoon.scss
  1. Update location using search and replace
sed -i 's#fonts\/icomoon#..\/icomoon\/fonts\/icomoon#g' src/assets/scss/_icomoon.scss
  1. Be sure to include this file in src/assets/scss/app.scss.
@import "icomoon";
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