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Last active May 8, 2019 03:44
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SONG OF SWORDS: Character Creation Field formulas
SONG OF SWORDS: Character Creation UI Field formulas (for Beta 2.0)
* instance field quantifier/process description
"the" - single/sole/final, etc.
"each" - for each, resolves to different results per instance
"all" - for all instances, resolves similarly across all instances
=> Direct instance implication/continuation (ie. holds internal field)
|=> per instance respective field value implication (1 to 1 relationships)
:min/:max value UI constraints per instance field
:misc per instance UI field property (eg. ":disabled"/":enabled"/":buyable", etc.)
.instanceField computed property
Valid() to perform both client/server-side validation beyond :min/:max client-side constraints
Warning() to perform client side validation that player still has unspent spendable points left
- 1st param: true/false. True to indicate warning.
- 2nd param: Remaining points left
NOTE: No particular language here. Pseudo code for reference only.
Use the below formulas as a reference to bind to your own reactive UI bindings/validation/warning routines accordingly.
*the CampaignPowerLevel
=> PCP // (Player Creation Points pool)
=> MaxPCPPercategory // (Max Player Creation Points assignable per category)
*each CategoryPCP
|=> RaceTier
|=> AvailableAttributePoints
|=> BnBpoints
|=> SkillPoints
|=> Money
|=> ProfeciencyPoints
remainingAssignable = CampaignPowerLevel->PCP - SumOf(each CategoryPCP);
*each CategoryPCP
:min = (.notMagic ? 1 : 0);
:max = Min(CampaignPowerLevel->MaxPCPPercategory, {current} + remainingAssignable);
.Valid() = {current} <= CampaignPowerLevel->MaxPCPPercategory;
Valid(remainingAssignable) = remainingAssignable >= 0;
Warning(remainingAssignable) = {remainingAssignable > 0, remainingAssignable};
=> RaceTier
*each Race
:canSelect = CanChooseRace(race, RaceTier);
Valid(SelectedRace) = SelectedRace and CanChooseRace(SelectedRace, RaceTier);
|=> AvailableAttributePoints
totalAttributePointsSpent = SumOf(AttributePointsExpenditure(each Attribute));
remainingAttributePoints = AvailableAttributePoints - totalAttributePointsSpent;
*each Attribute
.racialModifier = racialModifierForAttribute(attribute); // +/- or 0 (if no modification)
.bareMinAttribute = (.notMagic?1:0);
.Valid(attribute) = attribute + racialModifier >= bareMinAttribute;
:min = Max(bareMinAttribute - racialModifier, bareMinAttribute);
:max = Min({current} + MaxAttributeLevelUpsFrom({current}, remainingAttributePoints), 8);
Valid(remainingAttributePoints) = remainingAttributePoints > =0;
Warning(remainingAttributePoints) = remainingAttributePoints > 0 and CanBuyMoreAttributeLevels(remainingAttributePoints) ? {TRUE, remainingAttributePoints} : FALSE;
=> BnBpoints
totalBaneExpenditure() => SumOf(all assigned Banes' costs);
totalBoonExpenditure() => SumOf(all assigned Boons' costs);
maxBanePointsEarnable = BnBpoints < 0 ? 15 - BnBpoints : 15;
totalBanePointsEarned => min( maxBanePointsEarnable, totalBaneExpenditure() );
totalBanePointsSpent = totalBaneExpenditure() - totalBanePointsEarned;
totalBnBScore = BnBpoints + totalBanePointsEarned - totalBanePointsSpent - totalBoonExpenditure();
maxBoonsSpendable = BnBpoints + maxBanePointsEarnable;
maxBoonsSpendableLeft = maxBoonsSpendable - totalBoonExpenditure();
*each BoonBaneAssign
(.rank >= 1) => active;
(.rank == 0) => not active;
*each BoonAssign->rank
:min = 0;
:max = Min(boonAssign.boon->maxTimesApplyable, HighestBoonRankPossibleWithRemaining(boonAssign, maxBoonsSpendableLeft) );
*each BaneAssign-rank
:min = 0;
:max = bane->highestRankPossible;
Valid(totalBnBScore) = totalBnBScore >= 0;
Warning(totalBnBScore) = totalBnBScore > 0 and CanBuyMoreBoon(totalBnBScore) ? {TRUE, totalBnBScore} : FALSE;
=> SkillPoints
totalSkillPointsProvided = SkillPoints + intelligence*2;
maxSkillPacketsAllowed = Floor( (totalSkillPointsProvided-individualSkillsSpent)/3 );
skillPacketsRemaining = maxSkillPacketsAllowed - skillPacketsBought;
maxIndividualSkillsSpendable = totalSkillPointsProvided - skillPacketsBought*3;
individualSkillsSpent = Sum(...*each Skill=>individuallyAssignedSkillLevel(skill) );
individualSkillsRemaining = maxIndividualSkillsSpendable - individualSkillsSpent;
totalSkillPointsLeft = totalSkillPointsProvided - individualSkillsSpent - skillPacketsBought*3;
*each SkillPacket
:min = 0; // min == 0 ==> not bought
:max = Min({current} + skillPacketsRemaining), MaxQtyUntilEntirelyUseless(skillPacket));
MaxQtyUntilEntirelyUseless(skillPacket) =>
// For static skillPackets (stupidly lenient)
Max(...*each skillPacket->skill: skillPacket->{current} + Ceil( (5 - currentPacketClampedSkillLevel(skill))/skillPacket->skill->qty ) )
// For static skillPackets (pennywise));
Same as above, but instead of using Max(), uses Min().
// For static skillPackets (pennywise and choosy));
Same as above, but instead of using Max(), uses Min(), and also replaces the Ceil(), with Floor() instead.
// For dynamic skillPackets (stupidly lenient)
AllTrue(...*each currentPacketAssignedSkillLevel(skill) < 5 ) ? skillPacket->{current} : skillPacket->{current} + 1;
// For dynamic skillPackets (pennywise)
IfGot1Case(...*each currentPacketAssignedSkillLevel(skill) + skillPacket->skill->qty - 5 > 1 ) ? skillPacket->{current} : skillPacket->{current} + 1;
// For dynamic skillPackets (pennywise and choosy)
IfGot1Case(...*each currentPacketAssignedSkillLevel(skill) + skillPacket->skill->qty > 5 ) ? skillPacket->{current} : skillPacket->{current} + 1;
Note: currentPacketClampedSkillLevel(skill) cannot go above 5.
It is a function that will clamp all skill levels assigned through skill packets to 5.
/* // is the below needed?
Alternatively, currentPacketClampedSkillLevel() should simply just be the regular skill level
combining (individuallyAssignedSkillLevel(skill) + curentPacketAssignedSkillLevel(skill)), but also clamped to 5.
If using the latter approach, then assigning individual skills earlier will also affect the buying of skill packets by limiting
how much a packet may affects it's relavant skills. Thus, this "hopefully" forces/encourages players to NOT buy skills individually
first but SHOULD buy it later after considering the packets. (Yes, it's a kinda sucky system as of now from UX standpoint...)
*each SkillPacket->skill
:earnable = currentPacketClampedSkillLevel(skill) < 5;
*each Skill
= currentSkillLevelsEarnedThroughPackets(skill) + individuallyAssignedSkillLevel(skill);
:min = currentSkillLevelsEarnedThroughPackets(skill);
:max = {current} + individualSkillsRemaining;
Valid(totalSkillPointsLeft) = totalSkillPointsLeft >= 0;
Warning(totalSkillPointsLeft) = totalSkillPointsLeft > 0 : {TRUE : totalSkillPointsLeft } : FALSE;
=> Social Class and Wealth
=> Money
=> WealthPoints
// For similar social class + wealth combo
// (current values for Social Class and Wealth is by index starting from zero)
SocialClass and Wealth
=> {categoryPCP - 1}
// For possible mismatched SocialClass and Wealth combo:
TotalPCPRequired = SocialClass != Wealth ? Ceil( ((SocialClass+1) + (Wealth+1))/2 ) + 2 : SocialClass+1;
Valid(TotalPCPRequired) => categoryPCP >= TotalPCPRequired
Warning(TotalPCPRequired) => categoryPCP > TotalPCPRequired
Solve for Maximum allowed SocialClass or Wealth indices, given categoryPCP..
let x = SocialClass+1; // (to solve given known `y` and `C`)
let y = Wealth+1; // (to solve given known `x` and `C`)
let C = categoryPCP;
Equation is:
Ceil((x+y)/2) + 2 <= C;
Workings and proof:
// Without Ceil(), if ((x + y)/2) is a whole number, assumably for any value of y which makes (x+y) cleanly divisible by 2.
(x+y)/2 <= C - 2;
x+y <= C*2 - 4;
x <= C*2 - 4 - y;
// Now, with Ceil() in effect, it's obvious (intuitively) based on common sense that
// the total PCP required will be increased by +1. But below is still a proof nevertheless.
// With Ceil(), if ((x+y)/2) is NOT a whole number, assumably for any value of y which makes (x+y) not cleanly divisible by 2.
// This will result in a "+0.5" remainder on LHS with Ceil(),
// to meet given cost on LHS.
(x+y)/2 + 0.5 + 2 <= C;
(x+y)/2 + 2.5 <= C;
(x+y)/2 <= C - 2.5;
x+y <= C*2 - 5;
x <= C*2 - 5 - y;
// (x+y) will have odd parity (with even+odd) combo, and even parity(with even+even or odd+odd) matching combo
// So, 2 ternary cases can be defined clearly as below with XOR operator to determine whether Ceil() occurs or not
x <= ((x&1)^(y&1)) != 0 ? C*2 - 5 - y : C*2 - 4 - y;
// as shown above, it's only a -1 maximum constant value adjustment, if Ceil() occurs.
So, another way to represent it is to conditionally subtract by 1 if necessary:
x <= C*2 - 4 - y - ((x&1)^(y&1));
- x and y is freely interchangable since they only exist within a (sum).
- to determine the ultimate solution for x, first determine test x initially as it is without the XOR operation.
- Substitute that x test result into the equation on RHS with the XOR operation to determine if the final result is lowered by 1.
moneyLeft = Money - TotalMoneyExpenditure();
remainingWealthPoints = WealthPoints - TotalWealthPointsExpenditure();
3 seperate makeshift WealthAssetList arrays for writing out:
Minor Assets (6gp liquidated value per asset)
Moderate Assets (12gp liquidated value per asset):
Major Assets(18gp liquidated value per asset):
:canBuyExtraSlot = moneyLeft - wealthAssetList->liquidateValue * 1.5;
:canUnbuyExtraSlot = wealthAssetList->boughtExtraSlots >= 1;
:min= wealthAssetList->boughtExtraSlots;
:max= Floor((remainingWealthPoints+wealthAssetList->slotWorth*{currentLength})/wealthAssetList->slotWorth) + wealthAssetList->boughtExtraSlots;
=> Inventory and Shopping
// TotalMoneyExpenditure includes any selected school's entry cost besides cost of inventory
// If Shopping
*each Item
:canBuy = moneyLeft - item.cost >=0; // buying of 1 qty
:min = 0;
:max(when Not bought at all yet) = {current} + Floor(moneyLeft/item.cost);
:max(when already have bought Qty) = {current} + Floor((moneyLeft+costOfItemXQty(item,qty))/item.cost);
// Validate money
Valid(moneyLeft) = moneyLeft >= 0;
Warning(moneyLeft) = FALSE; // ie. players are free to save as much money as they wish.
=> ProfeciencyPoints
profArcCost = isHuman ? 1 : 3;
// or
profArcCost = 3;
totalAvailProfSlots = SelectedSchool ? SelectedSchool->maxProfs : 0;
levelsExpenditure = GetSchoolLevelingCostFromZero(SelectedSchoolLevel); // function() returns 0 if no School selected yet
profsExpenditure = Max( profArcCost * TotalProfecienciesBoughtUnderSchool() - (#VERSION_2# and isHuman ? 2 : 0), 0); // function() returns 0 if no School selected yet
levelsProfsExpenditure = profsExpenditure + levelsExpenditure;
totalProfExpenditure = SelectedSchool ? SelectedSchool->arcCost + levelProfsExpenditure : 0;
profPointsLeft = ProfeciencyPoints - totalProfExpenditure;
*each School
:canSelect = ProfeciencyPoints - levelsProfsExpenditure >= school->arcCost
and school->CheckOtherRequirements(Character);
// typically Money.moneyLeft, or other aspects of Character
*each Profeciency
:canBuy = SelectedSchool and !AlreadySelected(profeciency) and
TotalProfecienciesBoughtUnderSchool() < totalAvailProfSlots
and profPointsLeft >= profArcCost;
:canUnbuy = TRUE; // unbuy() ==> min = 0
:min = 0; // min == 0 ==> not bought
:max = profeciency->maxLevels;
*the SelectedSchoolLevel
:min = 0;
:max = SelectedSchool ? GetSchoolMaxLevelsWith(ProfeciencyPoints - SelectedSchool->arcCost - profsExpenditure ) : 0;
// ie. players are free to save as much profeciency points if they wish at the start and defer buying of school/profiencies.
Valid(profPointsLeft) = profPointsLeft >= 0;
Warning(profPointsLeft) = FALSE;
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Glidias commented May 8, 2019

Formulas based off last beta which might differ from official 1.0 release.

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