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Last active August 24, 2017 06:49
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  • Save Grafikart/f1f1bccd50381ff4c2bba78c7c5b9041 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Grafikart/f1f1bccd50381ff4c2bba78c7c5b9041 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
" Use exclude option if you don't want the full Layer,
" e.g., Layer 'better-defaults', { 'exclude': 'itchyny/vim-cursorword' }
function! Layers()
" Default layers, recommended!
Layer 'fzf'
Layer 'unite'
Layer 'airline'
Layer 'better-defaults'
Layer 'syntax-checking'
Layer 'better-motion'
Layer 'auto-completion'
Layer 'ycmd'
Layer 'git'
Layer 'programming'
Layer 'text-align'
Layer 'elixir'
Layer 'go'
Layer 'html'
Layer 'javascript'
Layer 'typescript'
" Put your private plugins here.
function! UserInit()
" Space has been set as the default leader key,
" if you want to change it, uncomment and set it here.
" let g:spacevim_leader = "<\Space>"
" let g:spacevim_localleader = ','
" Install private plugins
" Plug 'extr0py/oni'
" Put your costom configurations here, e.g., change the colorscheme.
function! UserConfig()
let g:airline_powerline_fonts=1
" Ignore specific directory from fzf
let $FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND = 'ag --hidden --ignore .git --ignore node_modules --ignore vendor --ignore .vscode -g ""'
" Ouvre un fichier par rapport au dossier courant
nnoremap <Leader>o :Files<CR>
nnoremap <C-o> :Files<CR>
nnoremap <C-t> :Files<CR>
nnoremap <C-w> :bd
" Quickly open/reload vim
nnoremap <Leader>ev :split ~/.spacevim<CR>
nnoremap <Leader>sv :source $MYVIMRC<CR>
" Autocompletion
let g:ycm_auto_trigger = 1
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