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Hampton Lintorn-Catlin HamptonMakes

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HamptonMakes / gist:5527998bbbefd5faaf27320dec7e89d3
Last active December 15, 2023 16:50
Thriveworks Google Opt-Out Policy

Thriveworks Google Opt-Out Policy

If you believe that this listing is in error or you do not want to be listed, please immediately email with all of your information and why you believe the listed location should be removed.

HamptonMakes / tobi-fixed.txt
Created May 12, 2021 14:57
I Fixed Tobi's Email
Shopify, like any other for-profit company, is not a family. The very idea is preposterous. Family is about
support without motive, and as a business, we will always have a primary motive of ensuring the economic success
of the business. It should be massively obvious that Shopify is not a family but I see people, even leaders,
casually use terms like “Shopifam” which will cause the members of our teams (especially junior ones that have
never worked anywhere else) to get the wrong impression. The dangers of “family thinking” are that it becomes
incredibly hard to let poor performers go. Shopify is a team, not a family.

Players of "Unquilt", aka "Color Puzzle!" can rest assured that we aren't interested in your data. We may ask for phone number to allow for account retrieval, but we will never collect information about you for any puroses other than securing your account or allowing you to play the game.

Your display name will be made public as you play, but you should NOT use your real name or any similar information.

We don't want your PII, so don't give it to us!

Good evening Catlin Party,

We are reaching out to you concerning the issue you addressed online. Let me first apologize for the terrible inconvenience we caused you on last night. These situations sometimes are completely out of our control and is a circumstance we don’t look forward to. We would have loved for you all to stay and experience Nashville with us, however, we had to make accommodations for you all at another property due to us not having rooms available. The option we provided last night was to take care of you for 1 nights room and tax at another property and to take care of parking if needed as well. The front desk was told that the option was unacceptable and was instructed to cancel the reservation. We understand your frustrations and if there is any other information that we could provide for you, please do not hesitate to ask. Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience and we hope to have the chance to serve you in the future.

Good evening Catlin Party,
We are reaching out to you concerning the issue you addressed online. Let me first apologize for the terrible inconvenience we caused you on last night. These situations sometimes are completely out of our control and is a circumstance we don’t look forward to. We would have loved for you all to stay and experience Nashville with us, however, we had to make accommodations for you all at another property due to us not having rooms available. The option we provided last night was to take care of you for 1 nights room and tax at another property and to take care of parking if needed as well. The front desk was told that the option was unacceptable and was instructed to cancel the reservation. We understand your frustrations and if there is any other information that we could provide for you, please do not hesitate to ask. Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience and we hope to have the chance to serve you in the future.
Good evening Catlin Party,
We are reaching out to you concerning the issue you addressed online. Let me first apologize for the terrible inconvenience we caused you on last night. These situations sometimes are completely out of our control and is a circumstance we don’t look forward to. We would have loved for you all to stay and experience Nashville with us, however, we had to make accommodations for you all at another property due to us not having rooms available. The option we provided last night was to take care of you for 1 nights room and tax at another property and to take care of parking if needed as well. The front desk was told that the option was unacceptable and was instructed to cancel the reservation. We understand your frustrations and if there is any other information that we could provide for you, please do not hesitate to ask. Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience and we hope to have the chance to serve you in the future.
A few months ago, Google Reader added a friends list with a sharing feature.
I immediately became interested in using it. It was so much better than delicious.
I would read a cool article in my reader, then I would click one button, and my friends
would have that article added to their reading list. Its very simple, and very powerful.
I'd say that these days, most of the really interesting articles I read are because
someone I know shared it. However, the feature was missing a "big piece" of functionality:
The ability to add and remove friends. Google was using some kind of magic formula to pick
people with reader that you communicate and chat with often. This was a blessing and a curse.
First off, I never had to think about who I wanted to share with. They just kind of appeared.
It massively lowered the barrier to entry on the feature. One day, it just started working.
HamptonMakes /
Created November 9, 2015 21:40
A proposal for Sass Modules

Since I'm unable to find an issue that has a clear module proposal, I'll make a proposal here for a significant reworking of dependencies in the future for Sass+.


  • Allow the possiblity of concurrent builds
  • Create cleaner APIs for libraries
  • Allow for larger teams to work on the same codebase more reasonably
  • Allow for including testing as part of independent modules
  • Allow for "matrix testing" of components, mixed and matched! (CPAN-like)
[[[[[Hey! Thanks for helping out with us translation our app into different languages. First, there is the name of the app, and we'd like to localize it by changing the "by" section. For instance, in French, "Dictionary! by Wordset" becomes "Dictionary! par Wordset".]]]]
Dictionary! by Wordset
Dictionary! is an easy to use, no fluff English dictionary app for your iPhone, powered by the community at It helps you find words easily, even if you can't spell the word correctly. It is very good at guessing what English word you were looking for.
The entire dictionary is installed on your phone! If you are offline or out of cell service, your app has tens of thousands of definitions right on your phone, no delay, no connection issues. If you have a connection you can look it up online for a more detailed definition. Built the way a dictionary should be!
* Super fast searching
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int random() {
FILE *fp;
if ((fp = fopen("/dev/random", "r")) == NULL){
return 0;
return fgetc(fp);