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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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The One Ring Dice Monger for Roll20
The One Ring Dice Monger for Roll20
By Michael Heilemann (
This is an API script for, which checks rolls against the success
criteria of the The One Ring system, and is best used in conjunction with
the custom dice roll tables (
Basically it will try to output a valuable message about the roll's success,
and works best of supplied with a Target Number, like so:
/roll 1d12 + 3d6 > 14
Or as would be the case if TOR roll tables are set up properly:
/roll 1t[feat] + 3t[normal] > 14
Or for the enemy:
/roll 1t[lm-feat] + 3t[normal] > 14
It know about Gandalf's Rune, and the great lidless eye, wreathed in flame,
and counts them as success and failure respectively (based on whether you
use the feat or lm-feat tables to roll from).
on('chat:message', function(e) {
if (e.type === 'rollresult') {
var content = JSON.parse(e.content);
var rolls = content.rolls;
var tn = false;
var automatic = false;
var tengwars = 0;
var featResult;
log('dice rolled');
rolls.forEach(function(roll) {
// detect Target Number
if (roll.type === 'C') {
var text = roll.text.replace(/\s/g, ''); // remove whitespace
if (text.charAt(0) === '>') {
tn = parseInt(text.split('>')[1], 10);
// loop through dice results
if (roll.type === 'R') {
if (roll.sides === 12) {
featResult = roll.results[0].v;
automatic = (roll.table === 'lm-feat' && roll.results[0].tableidx === 10 ? true : automatic); // eye
automatic = (roll.table === 'feat' && roll.results[0].tableidx === 11 ? true : automatic); // gandalf
if (roll.sides === 6) {
// check for tengwars
roll.results.forEach(function(result) {
tengwars = (result.v === 6 ? tengwars + 1 : tengwars);
}, this);
}, this);
// gandalf rune for feat table, or eye for lm-feat table
if (automatic) {
if (tengwars === 0) {
sendChat("player|"+e.playerid, "/desc Automatic success!");
} else if (tengwars === 1) {
sendChat("player|"+e.playerid, "/desc Automatic great success!");
} else if (tengwars > 1) {
sendChat("player|"+e.playerid, "/desc Automatic extraordinary success!");
// a hit
} else if (tn !== false && >= tn) {
if (tengwars === 0) {
sendChat("player|"+e.playerid, "/desc A success!");
} else if (tengwars === 1) {
sendChat("player|"+e.playerid, "/desc A Great Success!");
} else if (tengwars > 1) {
sendChat("player|"+e.playerid, "/desc An Extraordinary Success!");
// a miss
} else if (tn !== false && < tn) {
sendChat("player|"+e.playerid, "/desc A miss.");
} else {
if (tengwars === 1) {
sendChat("player|"+e.playerid, "/desc One tengwar.");
} else if (tengwars === 2) {
sendChat("player|"+e.playerid, "/desc Two tengwars.");
} else if (tengwars > 2) {
sendChat("player|"+e.playerid, "/desc Whole lotta tengwars.");
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