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Created September 5, 2019 00:12
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react-select v2 flowtype definitions
/* @flow */
declare module 'react-select' {
import type {
Element as ReactElement,
} from "react";
declare type OptionType = {
[string]: any,
declare type OptionsType = Array<OptionType>;
declare type ValueType = OptionType | OptionsType | null | void;
declare type ActionTypes =
| 'select-option'
| 'deselect-option'
| 'remove-value'
| 'pop-value'
| 'set-value'
| 'clear'
| 'create-option';
declare export type ActionMeta = {
action: ActionTypes,
declare type InputActionTypes =
| 'set-value'
| 'input-change'
| 'input-blur'
| 'menu-close';
declare type InputActionMeta = {|
action: InputActionTypes,
declare type FormatOptionLabelContext = 'menu' | 'value';
declare type FormatOptionLabelMeta = {
context: FormatOptionLabelContext,
inputValue: string,
selectValue: ValueType,
declare type GroupType = {
options: OptionsType,
[string]: any,
declare type ClassNamesState = { [string]: boolean } | void;
declare type ThemeSpacing = {
baseUnit: number,
controlHeight: number,
menuGutter: number,
declare type Theme = {
borderRadius: number,
colors: { [key: string]: string },
spacing: ThemeSpacing,
declare type ThemeConfig = Theme | ((theme: Theme) => Theme);
declare type MenuPlacement = 'auto' | 'bottom' | 'top';
declare type MenuPosition = 'absolute' | 'fixed';
// ==============================
// - Components -
// ==============================
declare type CommonProps = {
clearValue: () => void,
className?: string,
cx: (?string | null, ClassNamesState | void, string | void) => string | void,
Get the styles of a particular part of the select. Pass in the name of the
property as the first argument, and the current props as the second argument.
See the `styles` object for the properties available.
getStyles: (string, any) => {},
theme: Theme,
getValue: () => ValueType,
hasValue: boolean,
isMulti: boolean,
options: OptionsType,
selectOption: OptionType => void,
selectProps: any,
setValue: (ValueType, ActionTypes) => void,
// ==============================
// Containers
// ==============================
/* Root Container */
declare type ContainerState = {
isDisabled: boolean,
/** Whether the text in the select is indented from right to left. */
isRtl: boolean,
declare export type ContainerProps =
& ContainerState
& {
children: Node,
/** Inner props to be passed down to the container. */
innerProps: { onKeyDown: KeyboardEventHandler },
declare type ContainerDefaultStyles = {
direction: ?'rtl',
pointerEvents: ?'none', // cancel mouse events when disabled
position: 'relative',
/* ValueContainer */
declare export type ValueContainerProps =
& {
isMulti: boolean,
hasValue: boolean,
children: Node,
declare type ValueContainerDefaultStyles = {
alignItems: 'center',
display: 'flex',
flex: 1,
flexWrap: 'wrap',
padding: string,
WebkitOverflowScrolling: 'touch',
position: 'relative',
overflow: 'hidden',
/* IndicatorsContainer */
declare type IndicatorsState = {
isRtl: boolean,
declare export type IndicatorContainerProps =
& IndicatorsState
& {
children: Node,
declare type IndicatorContainerDefaultStyles = {
alignItems: 'center',
alignSelf: 'stretch',
display: 'flex',
flexShrink: 0,
// ==============================
// Control
// ==============================
declare type ControlState = {
isDisabled: boolean,
isFocused: boolean,
declare export type ControlProps =
& ControlState
& {
/** Children to render. */
children: Node,
innerRef: ElementRef<*>,
/** The mouse down event and the innerRef to pass down to the controller element. */
innerProps: {
onMouseDown: (SyntheticMouseEvent<HTMLElement>) => void,
onTouchEnd: (event: SyntheticTouchEvent<HTMLElement>) => void,
declare type ControlDefaultStyles = {
alignItems: 'center',
backgroundColor: string,
borderColor: string,
borderRadius: number,
borderStyle: 'solid',
borderWidth: 1,
boxShadow: ?string,
cursor: 'default',
display: 'flex',
flexWrap: 'wrap',
justifyContent: 'space-between',
minHeight: number,
outline: '0 !important',
position: 'relative',
transition: 'all 100ms',
'&:hover': {
borderColor: string,
// ==============================
// Group
// ==============================
declare export type GroupProps =
& {
children: Node,
/** Component to wrap the label, recieves headingProps. */
Heading: ComponentType<any>,
/** Props to pass to Heading. */
headingProps: any,
/** Label to be displayed in the heading component. */
label: Node,
declare type GroupDefaultStyles = {
paddingBottom: number,
paddingTop: number,
declare export type GroupHeadingProps = {
getStyles: (string, any) => {},
theme: Theme,
declare type GroupHeadingDefaultStyles = {
color: '#999',
cursor: 'default',
display: 'block',
fontSize: '75%',
fontWeight: '500',
marginBottom: '0.25em',
paddingLeft: number,
paddingRight: number,
textTransform: 'uppercase',
// ==============================
// Indicators
// ==============================
/* Clear and Dropdown */
declare type IndicatorProps =
& {
/** The children to be rendered inside the indicator. */
children: Node,
/** Props that will be passed on to the children. */
innerProps: any,
/** Whether the text is right to left */
isRtl: boolean,
declare type IndicatorBaseDefaultStyles = {
color: string,
display: 'flex',
padding: number,
transition: 'color 150ms',
':hover': {
color: string,
/* Clear */
declare type IndicatorClearState = {
isFocused: boolean,
declare export type IndicatorClearProps =
& IndicatorClearState
declare type IndicatorClearDefaultStyles = IndicatorBaseDefaultStyles;
/* Dropdown */
declare type IndicatorDropdownState = {
isFocused: boolean,
isDisabled: boolean,
declare export type IndicatorDropdownProps =
& IndicatorDropdownState
declare type IndicatorDropdownDefaultStyles = IndicatorBaseDefaultStyles;
/* Separator */
declare type SeparatorState = {
isDisabled: boolean,
isFocused: boolean,
declare export type IndicatorSeparatorProps =
& SeparatorState
declare type IndicatorSeparatorDefaultStyles = {
alignSelf: 'stretch',
backgroundColor: string,
marginBottom: number,
marginTop: number,
width: 1,
/* Loading */
declare type LoadingIconState = {
isFocused: boolean,
isDisabled: boolean,
/** Set size of the container. */
size: number,
declare export type LoadingIconProps =
& LoadingIconState
& {
/** Props that will be passed on to the children. */
innerProps: any,
/** Whether the text is right to left */
isRtl: boolean,
declare type IndicatorLoadingDefaultStyles = {
color: string,
display: 'flex',
padding: number,
transition: 'color 150ms',
alignSelf: 'center',
fontSize: number,
lineHeight: 1,
marginRight: number,
textAlign: 'center',
verticalAlign: 'middle',
// ==============================
// Input
// ==============================
declare export type InputProps =
getStyles: (string, any) => {},
theme: Theme,
& {
cx: (?string | null, ?ClassNamesState, ?string) => string | void,
/** Reference to the internal element */
innerRef: (ElementRef<*>) => void,
/** Set whether the input should be visible. Does not affect input size. */
isHidden: boolean,
isDisabled?: boolean,
className?: string,
declare type InputDefaultStyles = {
margin: number,
paddingBottom: number,
paddingTop: number,
visibility: 'hidden' | 'visible',
color: string,
// ==============================
// Menu
// ==============================
declare type MenuState = {
placement: 'bottom' | 'top' | null,
maxHeight: number,
declare export type MenuProps =
& MenuState
& {
/** Callback to update the portal after possible flip. */
getPortalPlacement: MenuState => void,
/** Props to be passed to the menu wrapper. */
innerProps: Object,
/** Set the maximum height of the menu. */
maxMenuHeight: number,
/** Set whether the menu should be at the top, at the bottom. The auto options sets it to bottom. */
menuPlacement: MenuPlacement,
/* The CSS position value of the menu, when "fixed" extra layout management is required */
menuPosition: MenuPosition,
/** Set the minimum height of the menu. */
minMenuHeight: number,
/** Set whether the page should scroll to show the menu. */
menuShouldScrollIntoView: boolean,
& {
/** Reference to the internal element, consumed by the MenuPlacer component */
innerRef: ElementRef<*>,
children: ReactElement<*>,
declare type MenuDefaultStyles = {
top?: '100%',
bottom?: '100%',
backgroundColor: string,
borderRadius: number,
boxShadow: '0 0 0 1px hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.1), 0 4px 11px hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.1)',
marginBottom: number,
marginTop: number,
position: 'absolute',
width: '100%',
zIndex: 1,
// ==============================
// MenuList
// ==============================
declare type MenuListState = {
isMulti: boolean,
maxHeight: number,
declare export type MenuListComponentProps =
& MenuListState
& {
children: Node,
innerRef: Ref<*>,
declare type MenuListDefaultStyles = {
maxHeight: number,
overflowY: 'auto',
paddingBottom: number,
paddingTop: number,
position: 'relative', // required for offset[Height, Top] > keyboard scroll
WebkitOverflowScrolling: 'touch',
// ==============================
// MenuPortal
// ==============================
declare export type MenuPortalProps =
& {
appendTo: HTMLElement,
children: Node, // ideally Menu<MenuProps>
controlElement: HTMLElement,
menuPlacement: MenuPlacement,
menuPosition: MenuPosition,
declare type MenuPortalDefaultStyles = {
left: number,
position: MenuPosition,
top: number,
width: number,
zIndex: 1,
// ==============================
// MultiValue
// ==============================
declare export type MultiValueProps =
& {
children: Node,
components: any,
cropWithEllipsis: boolean,
data: any,
innerProps: any,
isFocused: boolean,
isDisabled: boolean,
removeProps: {
onTouchEnd: any => void,
onClick: any => void,
onMouseDown: any => void,
declare type MultiValueDefaultStyles = {
backgroundColor: string,
borderRadius: number,
display: 'flex',
margin: number,
minWidth: 0, // resolves flex/text-overflow bug
declare type MultiValueGenericProps = {
children: Node,
data: any,
innerProps: { className?: string },
selectProps: any,
/* MultiValueContainer */
declare export type MultiValueContainerProps = MultiValueGenericProps;
/* MultiValueLabel */
declare export type MultiValueLabelProps = MultiValueGenericProps;
declare type MultiValueLabelDefaultStyles = {
borderRadius: number,
color: string,
fontSize: '85%',
overflow: 'hidden',
padding: 3,
paddingLeft: 6,
textOverflow: ?'ellipsis',
whiteSpace: 'nowrap',
/* MultiValueRemove */
declare export type MultiValueRemoveProps =
& {
children: Node,
data: any,
innerProps: {
className: string,
onTouchEnd: any => void,
onClick: any => void,
onMouseDown: any => void,
selectProps: any,
declare type MultiValueRemoveDefaultStyles = {
alignItems: 'center',
borderRadius: number,
backgroundColor: ?string,
display: 'flex',
paddingLeft: number,
paddingRight: number,
':hover': {
backgroundColor: string,
color: string,
// ==============================
// Notice
// ==============================
declare export type NoticeProps =
& {
children: Node,
innerProps: { [string]: any },
declare type NoticeDefaultStyles = {
color: string,
padding: string,
textAlign: 'center',
// ==============================
// Option
// ==============================
declare type OptionState = {
isDisabled: boolean,
isFocused: boolean,
isSelected: boolean,
declare export type OptionProps =
& OptionState
& {
children: Node,
/** Inner ref to DOM Node */
innerRef: Ref<*>,
/** props passed to the wrapping element for the group. */
innerProps: {
id: string,
key: string,
onClick: MouseEventHandler,
onMouseOver: MouseEventHandler,
tabIndex: number,
/* Text to be displayed representing the option. */
label: string,
/* Type is used by the menu to determine whether this is an option or a group.
In the case of option this is always `option`. */
type: 'option',
/* The data of the selected option. */
data: any,
declare type OptionDefaultStyles = {
backgroundColor: string,
color: string,
cursor: 'default',
display: 'block',
fontSize: 'inherit',
padding: string,
width: '100%',
userSelect: 'none',
WebkitTapHighlightColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)',
// provide some affordance on touch devices
':active': {
backgroundColor: string,
// ==============================
// Placeholder
// ==============================
declare type PlaceholderState = {
isDisabled: boolean,
declare export type PlaceholderProps =
& PlaceholderState
& {
children: Node,
/** props passed to the wrapping element for the group. */
innerProps: { [string]: any },
declare type PlaceholderDefaultStyles = {
color: string,
marginLeft: number,
marginRight: number,
position: 'absolute',
top: '50%',
transform: 'translateY(-50%)',
// ==============================
// SingleValue
// ==============================
declare type SingleValueState = {
isDisabled: boolean,
declare export type SingleValueProps =
& SingleValueState
& {
children: Node,
/* The data of the selected option rendered in the Single Value componentn */
data: any,
declare type SingleValueDefaultStyles = {
color: string,
marginLeft: number,
marginRight: number,
maxWidth: string,
overflow: 'hidden',
position: 'absolute',
textOverflow: 'ellipsis',
whiteSpace: 'nowrap',
top: '50%',
transform: 'translateY(-50%)',
declare type SelectComponents = {
ClearIndicator: ComponentType<IndicatorClearProps> | null,
Control: ComponentType<ControlProps>,
DropdownIndicator: ComponentType<IndicatorDropdownProps> | null,
DownChevron: ComponentType<any>,
CrossIcon: ComponentType<any>,
Group: ComponentType<GroupProps>,
GroupHeading: ComponentType<GroupHeadingProps>,
IndicatorsContainer: ComponentType<IndicatorContainerProps>,
IndicatorSeparator: ComponentType<IndicatorSeparatorProps> | null,
Input: ComponentType<InputProps>,
LoadingIndicator: ComponentType<LoadingIconProps> | null,
Menu: ComponentType<MenuProps>,
MenuList: ComponentType<MenuListComponentProps>,
MenuPortal: ComponentType<MenuPortalProps>,
LoadingMessage: ComponentType<NoticeProps>,
NoOptionsMessage: ComponentType<NoticeProps>,
MultiValue: ComponentType<MultiValueProps>,
MultiValueContainer: ComponentType<MultiValueContainerProps>,
MultiValueLabel: ComponentType<MultiValueLabelProps>,
MultiValueRemove: ComponentType<MultiValueRemoveProps>,
Option: ComponentType<OptionProps>,
Placeholder: ComponentType<PlaceholderProps>,
SelectContainer: ComponentType<ContainerProps>,
SingleValue: ComponentType<SingleValueProps>,
ValueContainer: ComponentType<ValueContainerProps>,
declare export var components: SelectComponents;
declare type SelectComponentsConfig = $Shape<SelectComponents>;
declare type Styles = {
clearIndicator?: (IndicatorClearDefaultStyles, IndicatorClearProps) => {},
container?: (ContainerDefaultStyles, ContainerProps) => {},
control?: (ControlDefaultStyles, ControlProps) => {},
dropdownIndicator?: (IndicatorDropdownDefaultStyles, IndicatorDropdownProps) => {},
group?: (GroupDefaultStyles, GroupProps) => {},
groupHeading?: (GroupHeadingDefaultStyles, GroupHeadingProps) => {},
indicatorsContainer?: (IndicatorContainerDefaultStyles, IndicatorContainerProps) => {},
indicatorSeparator?: (IndicatorSeparatorDefaultStyles, IndicatorSeparatorProps) => {},
input?: (InputDefaultStyles, InputProps) => {},
loadingIndicator?: (IndicatorLoadingDefaultStyles, LoadingIconProps) => {},
loadingMessageCSS?: (NoticeDefaultStyles, NoticeProps) => {},
menu?: (MenuDefaultStyles, MenuProps) => {},
menuList?: (MenuListDefaultStyles, MenuListComponentProps) => {},
menuPortal?: (MenuPortalDefaultStyles, MenuPortalProps) => {},
multiValue?: (MultiValueDefaultStyles, MultiValueProps) => {},
multiValueLabel?: (MultiValueLabelDefaultStyles, MultiValueProps) => {},
multiValueRemove?: (MultiValueRemoveDefaultStyles, MultiValueRemoveProps) => {},
noOptionsMessageCSS?: (NoticeDefaultStyles, NoticeProps) => {},
option?: (OptionDefaultStyles, OptionProps) => {},
placeholder?: (PlaceholderDefaultStyles, PlaceholderProps) => {},
singleValue?: (SingleValueDefaultStyles, SingleValueProps) => {},
valueContainer?: (ValueContainerDefaultStyles, ValueContainerProps) => {},
declare export type StylesConfig = $Shape<Styles>;
declare export function mergeStyles(source: Styles, target: Styles): Styles;
declare export type SelectBaseProps = {
/* Aria label (for assistive tech) */
'aria-label'?: string,
/* HTML ID of an element that should be used as the label (for assistive tech) */
'aria-labelledby'?: string,
/* Focus the control when it is mounted */
autoFocus?: boolean,
/* Remove the currently focused option when the user presses backspace */
backspaceRemovesValue?: boolean,
/* Remove focus from the input when the user selects an option (handy for dismissing the keyboard on touch devices) */
blurInputOnSelect?: boolean,
/* When the user reaches the top/bottom of the menu, prevent scroll on the scroll-parent */
captureMenuScroll?: boolean,
/* Sets a className attribute on the outer component */
className?: string,
If provided, all inner components will be given a prefixed className attribute.
This is useful when styling via CSS classes instead of the Styles API approach.
classNamePrefix?: string | null,
/* Close the select menu when the user selects an option */
closeMenuOnSelect?: boolean,
If `true`, close the select menu when the user scrolls the document/body.
If a function, takes a standard javascript `ScrollEvent` you return a boolean:
`true` => The menu closes
`false` => The menu stays open
This is useful when you have a scrollable modal and want to portal the menu out,
but want to avoid graphical issues.
closeMenuOnScroll?: boolean | EventListener,
This complex object includes all the compositional components that are used
in `react-select`. If you wish to overwrite a component, pass in an object
with the appropriate namespace.
If you only wish to restyle a component, we recommend using the `styles` prop
instead. For a list of the components that can be passed in, and the shape
that will be passed to them, see [the components docs](/api#components)
components?: SelectComponentsConfig,
/* Whether the value of the select, e.g. SingleValue, should be displayed in the control. */
controlShouldRenderValue?: boolean,
/* Delimiter used to join multiple values into a single HTML Input value */
delimiter?: string,
/* Clear all values when the user presses escape AND the menu is closed */
escapeClearsValue?: boolean,
/* Custom method to filter whether an option should be displayed in the menu */
filterOption?: ((Object, string) => boolean) | null,
/* Formats group labels in the menu as React components */
formatGroupLabel?: (GroupType) => Node,
/* Formats option labels in the menu and control as React components */
formatOptionLabel?: (OptionType, FormatOptionLabelMeta) => Node,
/* Resolves option data to a string to be displayed as the label by components */
getOptionLabel?: (OptionType) => string,
/* Resolves option data to a string to compare options and specify value attributes */
getOptionValue?: (OptionType) => string,
/* Hide the selected option from the menu */
hideSelectedOptions?: boolean,
/* The id to set on the SelectContainer component. */
id?: string,
/* The value of the search input */
inputValue?: string,
/* The id of the search input */
inputId?: string,
/* Define an id prefix for the select components e.g. {your-id}-value */
instanceId?: number | string,
/* Is the select value clearable */
isClearable?: boolean,
/* Is the select disabled */
isDisabled?: boolean,
/* Is the select in a state of loading (async) */
isLoading?: boolean,
/* Override the built-in logic to detect whether an option is disabled */
isOptionDisabled?: (OptionType, OptionsType) => boolean | false,
/* Override the built-in logic to detect whether an option is selected */
isOptionSelected?: (OptionType, OptionsType) => boolean,
/* Support multiple selected options */
isMulti?: boolean,
/* Is the select direction right-to-left */
isRtl?: boolean,
/* Whether to enable search functionality */
isSearchable?: boolean,
/* Async: Text to display when loading options */
loadingMessage?: ({ inputValue: string }) => string | null,
/* Minimum height of the menu before flipping */
minMenuHeight?: number,
/* Maximum height of the menu before scrolling */
maxMenuHeight?: number,
/* Whether the menu is open */
menuIsOpen?: boolean,
/* Default placement of the menu in relation to the control. 'auto' will flip
when there isn't enough space below the control. */
menuPlacement?: MenuPlacement,
/* The CSS position value of the menu, when "fixed" extra layout management is required */
menuPosition?: MenuPosition,
/* Whether the menu should use a portal, and where it should attach */
menuPortalTarget?: HTMLElement,
/* Whether to block scroll events when the menu is open */
menuShouldBlockScroll?: boolean,
/* Whether the menu should be scrolled into view when it opens */
menuShouldScrollIntoView?: boolean,
/* Name of the HTML Input (optional - without this, no input will be rendered) */
name?: string,
/* Text to display when there are no options */
noOptionsMessage?: ({ inputValue: string }) => string | null,
/* Handle blur events on the control */
onBlur?: FocusEventHandler,
/* Handle change events on the select */
onChange: (ValueType, ActionMeta) => void,
/* Handle focus events on the control */
onFocus?: FocusEventHandler,
/* Handle change events on the input */
onInputChange?: (string, InputActionMeta) => void,
/* Handle key down events on the select */
onKeyDown?: KeyboardEventHandler,
/* Handle the menu opening */
onMenuOpen?: () => void,
/* Handle the menu closing */
onMenuClose?: () => void,
/* Fired when the user scrolls to the top of the menu */
onMenuScrollToTop?: (SyntheticEvent<HTMLElement>) => void,
/* Fired when the user scrolls to the bottom of the menu */
onMenuScrollToBottom?: (SyntheticEvent<HTMLElement>) => void,
/* Allows control of whether the menu is opened when the Select is focused */
openMenuOnFocus?: boolean,
/* Allows control of whether the menu is opened when the Select is clicked */
openMenuOnClick?: boolean,
/* Array of options that populate the select menu */
options?: OptionsType,
/* Number of options to jump in menu when page{up|down} keys are used */
pageSize?: number,
/* Placeholder text for the select value */
placeholder?: string,
/* Status to relay to screen readers */
screenReaderStatus?: ({ count: number }) => string,
/* Style modifier methods */
styles?: StylesConfig,
/* Theme modifier method */
theme?: ThemeConfig,
/* Sets the tabIndex attribute on the input */
tabIndex?: string,
/* Select the currently focused option when the user presses tab */
tabSelectsValue?: boolean,
/* The value of the select; reflected by the selected option */
value?: ValueType,
declare export type CreatableExtraProps = {
/* Allow options to be created while the `isLoading` prop is true. Useful to
prevent the "create new ..." option being displayed while async results are
still being loaded. */
allowCreateWhileLoading?: boolean,
/* Gets the label for the "create new ..." option in the menu. Is given the
current input value. */
formatCreateLabel?: string => Node,
/* Determines whether the "create new ..." option should be displayed based on
the current input value, select value and options array. */
isValidNewOption?: (string, ValueType, OptionsType) => boolean,
/* Returns the data for the new option when it is created. Used to display the
value, and is passed to `onChange`. */
getNewOptionData?: (string, Node) => OptionType,
/* If provided, this will be called with the input value when a new option is
created, and `onChange` will **not** be called. Use this when you need more
control over what happens when new options are created. */
onCreateOption?: string => void,
/* Sets the position of the createOption element in your options list. Defaults to 'last' */
createOptionPosition?: 'first' | 'last',
declare type AsyncExtraProps = {
/* The default set of options to show before the user starts searching. When
set to `true`, the results for loadOptions('') will be autoloaded. */
defaultOptions: OptionsType | boolean,
/* Function that returns a promise, which is the set of options to be used
once the promise resolves. */
loadOptions: (string, (OptionsType) => void) => Promise<*> | void,
/* If cacheOptions is truthy, then the loaded data will be cached. The cache
will remain until `cacheOptions` changes value. */
cacheOptions: any,
declare type StateManagerProps = {
defaultInputValue?: string,
defaultMenuIsOpen?: boolean,
defaultValue?: ValueType,
declare export type SelectProps = StateManagerProps & SelectBaseProps;
declare export type CreatableProps = StateManagerProps & SelectBaseProps & CreatableExtraProps;
declare export type AsyncProps = StateManagerProps & SelectBaseProps & AsyncExtraProps;
declare export type AsyncCreatableProps = StateManagerProps & SelectBaseProps & CreatableExtraProps & AsyncExtraProps;
declare export default class Select extends React$Component<SelectProps> {
focus: () => void,
blur: () => void,
declare export class Creatable extends React$Component<CreatableProps> {
focus: () => void,
blur: () => void,
declare export class Async extends React$Component<AsyncProps> {
focus: () => void,
blur: () => void,
declare export class AsyncCreatable extends React$Component<AsyncCreatableProps> {
focus: () => void,
blur: () => void,
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